Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1909, p. 3

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wallpapers news op local import win dow hii a ij5h and tl i mia win mtmil rirttlvtil lliw cujttain 1ojlkh now nnd iapura rum murder it hit geo jhwellik nrlo a wll hynds acton dlje jlrton jfrte ras thuiihdav mav s7 iiwu brief local items tllo frllit irolm ill ii hloiillllr- k vory body piijuyod victoria hay vuutiillciii lumowliif rapidly viow now for tliu ptutty spplu iiiobbuius wauht monday n nidi loiia day for holiday p ila nlcu vnu julte nuuiirous on victoria liny tlia spring gniliii urn up in tuuny places nnd look woll tim dully ioiiiiiib f hut street snilntclm will now jhi wulomnudnifnln tiipici is no holiday moro uiijuycd vi iuoro runviitlly fhaimtil minn victoria pay at llio exhibition tliniu at luorgoj town on victoria pay ai ion lust in cora of 5 to i work la to lm coiiimtliu d ii u flnu now otl station at lindnh tliu alto iwiiw jniiiko iuu tim cunrt of liiuiiil tluasluuu of thu 1timcu will hu held ul mlltou un tuoetlny hilt june iiiiilnpbaiiiiiulburualiliiftjnt ii lacks harness shop ho ima two in innkors employed now moro tlinn ihnteu tiros woro canted by llruwoilts nnd flrucriic iters in toronto mi monday flood morn inn i hnvo yon roiiaw- cd your run ivkhh uibacrlpton p jtilip coiiiia iwforo nnotliur issue tho students of aclon high school uceniiiinnkd by tliu teachers plc-nlck- cd un llio rocks ut itookwiml on mon day townalilp hiimlay hchoul conven tion nt glojiwlllfidii tomorrow kvory sunday school should bn re presented tim prions of alio mid hurnoss leathern imvo fono up cmuidcriibly and biioob niul harness limn also in creased in pi ice iltiv o w ilnrkoi piunclietl a hiring putilotlc turinon on tynudny uvenliiff ilio hymns of tlio service wore hiho piiiifotic aoton auitibuuiuiit uus wonder land was oponuil lust lriilay night nnd hu boon favored with bond iioubob vnoh evening slnco ill tlio match willi tho shamrocks tif ouolph on fcjuhirdtty utoinnon tlio aoton juniors won with n ucoro of 12 toll eddlti ryder wns umpire if tlio fliibbtblf ib out of order nt tho town hull it should lw put in shape too bud to let u ilny llko monday puss with no flag flying ovor tlio municipal buildings drover iioiiuob ahlppod n cur of lno cattle yesterday ono vory lino unlinal wub ii yunrliuo calf brought in by mr juntos urown main siroot ivlilah wolgliod ijjopoiinilk tim ho brlgudii intvo ikciiud lo and lliolr running liiiin to acton on dominion hay to couipulo in tliu sports to bo hu id thoro on ihnt dtiy attractive piuob urn being olfem milton olmniplnn mr ftod ii storey imd ids light imnd imbly cut nomas llm knuckles by coining in contact with a ploco of broken gliii sin tbo garngo lust t1iura day he vt- nil blitohna wururtmilrwl in iliouwlng iil wound tlio fliul tnr of criiohcd stonit ntllvod from llm nt muiya qutinlts this wioknnd liau boin diatrlbuttd on hpottlnn of mill uli cut a courier giiidn wus ordered and u hooii ninny think it would hutu jjlvtn lullor iibulta oniwflona oonnbna the 2tth pnaacil off n tlio ubiimi quint way in tills burg thu mnny f lands of mrs kdwanl kingsbury ulll bo pliutod to loarn that ibo is rrcovorlng from her recent lllneis miib multol k aloxuniler tin lighter of mr anil mr win j alexander of nnhagawoyn wni united in mnrrlaga in toronto on tuoaiuy mny 18tli lo mr feo flodilos byorloy nf kansas olty mo mlas alvxaudor was ono of our lilghoat estpemld young laihen vov so vera i yvars sbn lui reildod in tlia unltud btntos vhv if nny of nilr youtig peoplo linio mitdo the suo- oosa in the social nnd business world bus mlas aloxaniler for n number of years piio lias travelled for ho ding publlililug house nf denver color ado at an unusual anlitry of v1i000 during this time sha has visited every state in tlio iftilon meeting with grtat uooeu wherever she wont not only do miss alexanders rela- ii vol bub all of lior numoroui friends foal justly proud of lior nohleveuiouti mr and mrs dyerley will go on an extensive wedding tour visiting point of interest from the atlnntlo to the pdclflo in cnnntu and tbo united states and will lw at home after june 10th at tlio baltimore hotel kansas olty mo tlio grooma girt to the bride was m 90000 automobile w wlah tlio linppy ooilplo every suoaess nnd plohsure in their new sphere in llfn mr k molaughllu one of the dlrootors of hulton oil and oms co brought hero lust week a sample of the drillings taken from lha well now being drilled for oil near milton the well now down lilao feat and mr ieaft the expert who is drilling ex puota lt strike oil nt fioin do to 100 feet inor tho drillings tuken from die well show unmutukhbhi ulgns of eon- talnlngu strong stream of pfltrotniltn mr rulieitson nf nulson spent hi holidays ht mr john orewson s mr ohas tujlor of ioil william spent tlio holidays i mr geo grnbanis miss bortlui mtllf of toionto spent the 2ltb with bpr friend mist iexn j oainblk mf nnd mrs olius htowart nf uoffut spent hundny nt mr john dulf ml litrlllnt it ut v dm mluy of be lt tit b nf bti in mini jiiaeph buliifiir it itlqhmmid hill ibis la tlio third hrnthin mrf mumii iihb lol ilmth iii lffllt llllllllllb a oood foaltlen air it j kunmll noii of mr john ituaaidl iviltit ave hna been wpimilnud iliapeitoi fm llm ileuver itlmlier oninpaiiyi tbo larneat jiiimwr com pany in western camilla ila hr-nd- iniirtuia me nt winnleg dth ormu masrl blnelhlr tli ii reinalus nf mlsa mngglo hnclnlr nrrlvvd from lululltnn on monday after n short aarvlco itt kuok church tlio oortegn proueoded to fair view niuelcry wliora intcrmniit took pluce lluv j c avluon ii a conducted tbo servjee urartvld ltilmjrriton hov w 1 riudlny the paatoi of at knoclie iresby terlau cliurcb toronto delivered a highly interesting lacttiru on the llfo ofuavid livingston in knox gjntroh solool room on tuesday evening the lecture was uiular hie auspices of tlio young ieqplou society it lookai very muspleutuav oltlfcom aro wondering if it was just an innocent guiuo of rafds which kept the iit or 23 young men nt ijio drill shed latt saturday night on through to tbreo oclock on himlty innrnlng lnokw much llko a gambling bout upt flam bin will invosllgato the bowllhat areen opened the first bowling nf the season took place on victoria duy the trcons were in vory fair condition and the players enjoyed tho renewal of ibis opiilar gamo vory much the season promises to be a very interesting one neveral games have already iwen hooked by secretary hynds ualton teaehar institute ivinclpnl stewnrt and misses hud son ileiinolt hulnins nnd nlcuiln attended thu annual convention of ualton teachers inilitutoat hurling ton last week tim senlons weie crowded with suhjecta of practical interest on thursday evening ho v o o johnstone delivered hla address specimens of humanity a musical programme was alao rendered by local talent a dlawreve to noble game homo of the pluyeis who en mo lo i town on saturday with the shninrock i baseball club of luelpli worn positive dlsgraco to the good city from which they camo several of them arrived in town drunk mid became moro intoxicated si tlio dny advanced their foul langunge and profanity nt the park during the game was ox- acrable nnd most offensive so much so that the ladles who had gono to sea the match loft in n body constable smith reprimanded ihtun sevotely a few boors in the coils would have had a salutary effect aoton buao bait puiyora imvo endeavored lo put down this sort of co nil not in thu past nnd i prefer to have nothing to do ulth i creatures of the oluas who visited town n saturday auelpha prmnommtm profitable guolphs tax rale will bo llj mills this year this low rata has boon rondared possible in part nt least by the profits obtained from public util ities on ued by cnrpoiatlona the city owns tho una of railway connecting guelph with tbo toronto godcrlch lino of tho o i 11 nnd this mndo a profit of 323000 during tho yenr water works yielded n profit of 10 000 i gns and electric light or git- 1 10 and tho munlclpnlltyownod street railway 1210 it is understood how ever that a part of tlio sinking fund set aside for doht reduction lias nlao been applied to meet ordinary running ii iid momk obsiaillvationai i auhlom have mm ii fmilr i with onmpoulloia or innifieiiilti feur ihey hntit ocnialim moimillmea to grumble at ohevrr for some r my 1mmi filenda ililuio my fhliohinphy la not above itiproheh hot hi lust weeks obaervatloiis i am iiihiik to any thai while the realilenl pualors are so full or flra nnd fljbl in the loral option biihluenm ihe mlldpat forces in tho rlmrolies ought to do llilnga militant fmw js what whs thought of and without doubt wililoii the trouble in the putt has bein nt- tenileil in n bifge degree by llm mlld- n on of amne of the force time and agnln it has lwen p roc u i mud that while tho traffic would dual roy i ho hurcti u it could the church could destroy tho trunioiritwnutd it is freely averted by ical option- iitst list this trouble lscolilhoii the trada entirely liecaiim of llmlr own coirse the hfto woiked to their own iindoliig in fuct llko jelliunin of old i hoy have wnxed fat nnd kick ed nnd with ibe luik of cuullon en- genilen d by long ciifitliiuance in wrong doing bavn awabeiild a fvilingwof rlghteoiiaiieas indlgiihtloii while thoroughly dnpprovlii of thu traffic in the host of renditions it ib doubtful ittbli isautt would have luun rnlaed iad ihfieiiot been aula alleged hardly the pi 1 1 time- nf kreping tle law itnloaa it suited them i one thing u evident the imi keepers are either remarkably reckleaa or ro- mai kably akllful i think i have in nrd that it la inilmitful l i ell ibiuoi lo a drunken man now llio skill mild como in herehow lnjmlgs tin miihii- cmn of liquor which will inulm u man drunk nnd then liiiniodlul6ly dp soil ing ierhnps cunulderalli n nf ibis aspect uf thu ciiee iircnunls fu lint evi dent amiueinniit of tlm nuitliiico at the cltixens meeting win n mr hpence in conlloinn tbo munial result s of ifccnioa in our cuiumunlty assumod that of course llio bolt i keepeis kept the luw aclicubii led 1 1 iubiiiii u few hours before voting i inn at thu lust contest nearly four yetns nan it is claimed evokod considerable sympathy for newlyfurnished enterpiuea limsnuicli as coiiililernbls pleading wus done for a fnlr trial regardless of editorial twnddlo or teniwrnuce talus howover pathetic it la claimed that making good is not the result and that the pnthello plen then made has lost its powor temperanco tales nie often palhello and during tho current four ears now clmlng there have hern mnny of them in real life 1 arfm and vicinity nnd it sooms to mo that it is editorial twaddle for any newspaper end there are now few that doto liy to main tuln hint nny good cmiira out or tho liquor business thin is my sentiments hut or coiirao i dont know everything oxpenaea uottmm hillbdt oni van bsoapbd herlousi aeeldent at the hula street o t n oroajalnst on tuesday on tueaday shortly lieforo noon as mr peter masnhts was driving up main street from town to his homo the ii is train onmo along one of tho horses n four yeut uhl oaiiio filglitened nt tho train nnd rushed nt top speed toward it mr musalne was unable to enntiol the tenm further than to turn them along the side of the trnok jiul as ihe train reached the cnisahig but not far enough away to euenpe tlio engine caught tho tongue of the wugnn noil truok the horue throwing hlni against the fence nt the oatllo guard and kill ing him instantly tho wagon tongue was smashed hut mr mnsahis and tho other horse aisohpod iinhmt it certainly was a narrow escnpe tho horse which was killed was a valuable one the horto was purchas ed last fall and was valued ut about 180 haltonpbbl lbaoub the behedule for the baswon whlah i opene june bth a uieotlng of the executive of the i haltonpeel ieagua was hold at georgetown last weok tho lovers of liase ball nf tlio two counties will bo glad to heal that the league will be the same as that of last yonr ii ramp- ton having coins in the following bchedulo of qhamplorihhlp panics was prepared and adopted i june 0 brampton at georgetown junefiactnn at milton juno 12 dram p ton at aoton june 12 milton at georgetown june 10 georgetown at acton june 10 milton at ilrampton june 20 georgetown at milton junouo aolou nt dramptqn julyumlltonataolon july ii georgetown at ilraiiipton july 10 aoton at georgetown july 10 hi amp ton nt milton july if georgetown at milton july 17 ijramplon at aatoii july 21 georgetown nt drhmptou july atmlltnn wt acton aug 7 aoton at georgetown ang 7 ilramptnn nt milton aug ii aoton at uiamplon aug 14 mlltou at georgetown aug 21 georgetown at aoton aug 81 ilramptnn at milton aug- hfl milton at acton ang 2b urnmplon nt georgetown this gives seven home games for eiieh team and should maintain n live local interest the vloloi la mlndonllutid of knox iohuroh will hold an nntertalnment on the eyonlng of monday may 21st in bare on iuo uuuuay the church adtnlsslou 25o and 16a tub annual district mbbtino intereetlna aalon of oueph dis trict at noekwood last week the annual meotlng of the minister and lay representatives of gurlph dis tilct of thu method 1st church was bold in itickwood on tuesday and wednes day of last week itov w j smith ii a guelph chairman proaldod i itov j liert kayo ii a of ortoii was eluoted district hflqrntnry ami itov geo is smith s 1 l krumoaa statistical secretary the reports for i ho yeai were en couraging and showed an increase both in ma m berth i p and tho oltuilngs for tulislons it was very gratifying to tho representatives from aoton to llnd that in the mattor of missions acton takes the highest place in thu district with 110 per momher tho next highest was norfolk slieot guelph with 1 00 per member thti lay representatives olecied to the annual conference to he hold in ilrun- ford cummonclng on june 2nd woro na follows i norfolk street guelph 11 itulph steele t o hogere john crowr ii occomore david sorogglo dublin street guelph j w oukes iv of iteynoldif o w kelly j a ramsay alternate wni kolieitson paisley momoilal qtiotphs oar- tor klora georgn wright fergus goo d ileattle jacob dlx aoton ii v mnoro itoekwood w j peal aborfoyls d s patterson ponsonby geo a wallace krainnsa s peart f doughty or ton leonard awrcy klnp s near a splendid spirit prevailed ihrough- out tho district mooting and a motion of appreciation was tendered ths chair man ol the district for his able ser vices and klndlyeplrlt during hie term of office lbttbh rrobf a rortvninbr here is a simple interesting and sin- core latter from a rugged pioneer of 40 who braved the dangers and hard ships of the overland trail to california it should appeal to all catarrh vlotlnis santa kosfl oal may 6 10or ilaothe hyamcl on buffalo n y dear sin i was hfllloted with oatanh and tried n number of reme dies hut received no relief i pur chased an nut fit of ilynmel and before i lied used tho bottle i noted a marked relief i used it for a month or to und thought i wae cured and stopped using it for a year or so thought 1 wae getting cnlarih again und started using it egaln i uso f every morn ing and kerp myself clear of oalarih i consider it the liest oniurrh medlclnn that is used i have nfivn recom mended it tn my ft lends i ant hi years old i cnino to california in jftio and am nf emirsa not as vigor ous as i was w year ago my add reus is 811 4th street yours tnly w monk hyouiel pronounced hlghnnx lu guainnleed by a t ilrown nut only fur cutarib hut furgilp eonghx ouldf hiouehlllu and croup a onmplhi outfit including inhaler costs only 100 1 extra imttlea uf hyouiel if afterwards needed cost but 00 cents victoria oav visitors many chissns hav visitor and psmlly lis- unions wsr numsrous hoohka of citizhnsj go away the hint weather and low tullwi furea were both nloiiiuuts lu tlm free interchange of vlultlug to nnd from town for vlctoila duy aiutt agues doll wsa home from to ronto kir ghaa ii moore wnu hem frnm dundai mr james abraham wna home frnm clifford mr harold nlcklin wnu homo train iindnu muaaunlu l hiidunn vluiud ft lends in toronto mlaa dnlay nlcklin was home fioin hurl lug ton mlsa marlon mcbtosli mint homo from guelph mlaa mrih1 wllllamaon wns bou from toronto mr walluco frnnkuiu was bom from oibawa mr john s coloninn and victor were at norvnl misses tonaand lncluda ibiwei werji hfamo froiti toronto mlsa hewer or guulph vi ind her mend miss hint ham mis klin pearson of dm lp vultid it her itinthei a homo mrs or gray visited fiunris at ulyth during the week mus lottlo moore wns homo from toronto for ihe llollduy mrs john konney nud children visited frlluids in tminilii miss ndnulu ntunn spent i he holi day wllh friends in gmlph mrs adam stewart and mus ienrl vlaltwl friends at cm button mlascs alice and kva cook spent thu holiday with filenda in guelph mr clms decluto nnd clarence of toronto vulted acton friend mliis walker of toronto spent llio holidays with hop rather lieie musamyl doty or london was tho gutint of mrs a t ilrown mr adutn sewnrt nud muster harold visited friends at fergus mrs slownrt of klfrlda vlli d her father mr isnao soydor this wuek miss daisy nlcklin or ilurllngton spent the holidays at her homo here mr j c monlvon nnd wife of dor chester worn guests or mr t young dr und mrs lloro and buhe vulled at aire i lores fnlhnre linmo ot dreslnti miss gladys m ulack of miicdounld hall guclih visited at her tatheis home miss kute hammond of llruutford vulted bar sister miss ic mhrtui- innnd mr and mrs j m fern ley nnd children were guests of mr win ilrown i misses kubboii und mccullough or fergus wero guests of mrs hov j o wilson mr philip t holiuos uf tho ltccord oukvlllo spout victoria duy nt his homo here miss ktliel watson or guelph visit- ed lior friend mlsa huiol aguaw on victoria duy i mr thoa l pi ico nnd master hobble of weal toronto wore guests of acton friends mr and mrs w 1z gulloy of to ronto spent tlio holidays with mr hugh mcluughlln mr o it howard of mouoiji dunk st thomas was tbo guest of his sistci mrs harry stathnm mr and mrs john iirslbrook and family spent the u ut kciidaml victoria day at the fish ponds messrs w a storoy and a j mackinnon left on friday evening on a bublnass trip to chicago iii messrs frod and kdwln mad dock and noble stovena of toronto spent the hojlduys with acton friends mr und mrs j w uowe and miss doris of mlltou apent tho day with mr and mrs william heuutieot mr and mrs jerry soutor and mr and mid john hunter of zlon were guests nt tlio methodist parsonage mosars italstnn brown nnd jameu hondorsou aro homo from vlctoi in unlvorslly for tho suinnier acutlou mr alex oder g t it night operator linn been transferred tn georgetown mr proctei of forest eoccreds him itov nnd mrs w ii flndlny and ahlldien of st kunche church tor onto were guests ut knox oliuich manso this weok mr and mrs d ilondeison m p woro in torontimnhaturduy attending the wedding or tholr nlpco mlsa margaret christie messrs jiunos and allan smith loft on tuesday fur now luuoard thoy expect to illsposo of their property thorv mr guorgo hurst mus idu hurst and mibs freastouo of toronto were guests of mr newton hurst howar avenue mus lillian hennolt of georgetown has graduated as n nurse at the hospi tal for sick children toronto and received hrr diploma mr d henderson m p arrived home from oituwu on thursday llm mjhi f uin houia or coinmniu luiv- big hiked the day befoie mla drflaycamplmll and mus mar gate ignu of toronto upmit thu holiday with ibe forinois grandfrtilicr mr gen cnmpliell victoria villa jui 1 gray governor general unit party urilved in toronto from oluua i on ilhlay und aro being entertained i at siai horn cliff thu suniiiier rebhli ncu of mi d d miinu mlsa mmid mason who is bluntly lo eni town eutothilnrd un of her gill friends at thu family nnldeme church htrei i inst fi may uviulug a ih llglit- f ii 1 time was spent mrs itobert mill- hi w lw lhl some uik inonthu wilh her daugliler mrs a htowart went to fergus on hut unlay to realdo with mrs william flurno 1or a llmo mruvalten n itfplmi of glovers vllle hi d mi jc itlplon of johni 1 town i c ni ilvid home to attend i he golden widding of lllr purtmlv wlilch ihh culebrnid yesterday mr carlos williams who has bom malinger for muaura ilnssey drury aco meiitdeahiiii in theit eenlral aliop nl hault se marin hub secured the pohlrioii of manager fur lljirdiiu iron h id i u co tho gieat weutirn meat p ickeru nt their moose lew branch btomaoh comfont when lbs utomaeli llsbsls lleail- aeha intllstsstlon anil nervs pain follows mlona orlncrs nailer just ns soon us you are donu eating 10 heulthy stomach commences li churn tho food n round and mixes it ibnioiighly with tho juices of tli b to much if thu food is not churned it lays heavily on your stomach turns snnr ami causes nil kinds of dlstrohslng symptoms such ns headnrho ludlgifi lion stoninch pain nnd dyspepsia ml o na helps the slomach to properly mix tbo food jidiu s may or lanbella striel ikiluvllh out siib for out suven mnntha i was in aonutnnt agony with a cane or nervous dyspepsia anil llidlgcallon that medical skill could not relieve i wus wenk and had lua iiiucli weight through loss or appetite and buffering my uirnls wonlij lift me with gua and a feeling or npprui sloii acrouu my stomach nnd all up the left hide loft mo in a inhniruhtocnii ditlmi i was roalloua at night and un tired and uurefrethtd in the morning as on going to bed a choking sen sation in my throat was ulwnja constant wli n lying down nud my heart teemul to hotter nnd pound as though it were coining out through my bid i i wus beneflttid from the first two days use of ml o nn i began to feel llko mjuelf again my npputlte returned mid thu depiossko feeling lift me i can enjoy my iiiealu with out the least wony of nfter siiffuilug i imvofrululd in weight nud can slei p tho night through in comfoit go lo a t hi own llio druggist and gut a aoo box uf mi oua tablelf money back if mho un does not cure mavoo todi0lbv j mujorgiant hau received an invlta tlon from col hit i train of dundiis who lu n command of thu canadian team of riflomun to liuley this yonr l accompany the team and hu thu guest of ths commanding ofllcui during theli visit to tho old country wo under stand tho major intends accepting the kind invitation provided ho can mak satisfactory business arrangements- gomgotown horahl prescriptions wu do not allow llit variety uul nmiiktciusi of our ilruppibts stiiulrici department in interfere with our prescription work facility euipintnt lxpcriencc and care in connection with a larfc ntock of ditin pharma ceuticals and thtiinicils arc hpuciilly inviting mduccnicnth lor everyone to hnn their prescriptions here to hu filled vou will find in our dru more everything that is needed in the drug or toilet line druukjit and stationer mill street acton 9s coat sxmd shirt extra fino quality just received u shipment nf all hits in llio newent rlrfpe und chrckr patterns with nluin or plonted fronts nttiillicl or dutalhed luffh ull hlxa nil cohtrs prloofl from 100 to 81 50 drop in anil iec the latent g 3 wallace i lie muia outfitter carpenters tools spring novelties the ncucst things in brkss tubing brhss rodinc fillinys ior pillow fancy screens etc 1 hi iioru riirdtnli locvciy loiihible hardware ucd and ic by any chance waliuvuiit ihe pilchiu urlnle yon want iu nlotk ii can ho got by urut eiprewi wo linvi aiillcipaled tlio rowing 1 denmud fur oarpentorv tooln t the right hnit and uith the coit of building miitcrlah humir tlian ut iui tlicru idiuiild lm lively activity tlim mprlng in the building line wo uru making a hpechdty of hand sawn particularly the hxcidlbioh which ua roll at i 75 nnd guarantee ouryonc of them cnmo ice for onrnclf r f johnstone mill snium hardware acton ont nnd ill shams farm and garden tooih mechanics tools men mibas si kessonalile prices c c speight mill st ac ion cure lik llmduhasikl rrluvoatl tho tronmm hut ii nl las liluona bliiio ft the alua ancti na milnit lilii la l iowmj e wlilln lla ir i itt isuiinuwociccum tins woaaliown lu ourluu the berlin steam granite and marbfe works cas ptfn draun proprietor petlfiiiors and uulldera ol slaluaa msun lrum monumsnta markers and head nnnea and all binds ol artistic cemetery work vvhiioii hcuiutrcct adnl aclon repairing jewelery we pay minute attention lo all the details of repairing jeweller one person given his whole time to it and we try to do it the way ou want it done geo the jiwiiliiir d pringle guelph ont specializing lined of mcna 1urnlililnga ai llio lowest naiillile prices for clean v up lo dnio jooj in correct ilyle that what wo are doing soo our now up to dale ncckwlak from jc up no v knlcbor- hoclter hats nil liitloa new 1 ancy colored blllklb now pi in and fancy box noueal colors and slylcii in glovlb all roods murucil in plain figurqi and nne prlco tn all r e nelson mtrohant tnllop msn pumuhtp itmii niilally van unit sick 1ws inrtlnii slomil head fomfniriltonliirifilinaliinuti k silmulaltths lutraml rmulalo tlia liomln vniuuiayuilr ittla llvrr rtlu inilnncm niinihtpnt inhuvflillnthrvslm i ii atlmiiuhxiia frhathaywimubastmnitprlrcbhlnuimawlui this jllltealiifcnmiilii nit imlfniiii ably lliolr pawinmailmaliijtriunii roaiui ism vrlio jiiwo f ay tbciii will flnti itima if f f liitl iu vnlii ahiliiiftnr un tliotllity miuilhawl uiiflouorilioatitoni hutrsllskkbttia ache ta lha una or an many im lhat hi u wtims fnitsiirblalliuasl onrpllueumltviiahi olncniiin tint ua uni llwr nil r tot null n utniimeraiiimr unl buhbott hilma g five feet i of ocean fonvhht jour iwtli tub into n inliiloturo oconn nny tlmo and take n dip in tho briny hyukotirour pure sea salt ro mvlfnr- lj iimik noy uumuiald the- b activity of tlio skin nnd lutvc n decided tonic oltcct on tlio wliulo hyutoiu try thom uu n remedy for ipring iniisitiklo pure sea salt 10c a box hen vulor imthu nlinff thoy j a t brown m flruuhiil anil bin i inner b mill st aclon 7x splendid stock op have a look at our inrre stock of splendid buggies in cluding the famous mclaughlin canada car riage barrle branlford ml roresl and dominion lines horses taken in ex change if values are right g a black mill st acton the right house hamiltons iavoiiitb siioiping plack reduction sale of womens tailored suits home furnishings complete from thu hmnllout ilnmostlo uood tn the llunlouma nim mntldiffh nnd irruntor liouselmld wntita with ortrsnio euro and attention to do tail this department hnu fnritsiv to tho front n place in this section cmidiictnd dc hoj nnd all quohtlnn uf rllit tn firut wo hmvo not confined ourselves to nocensnrlon all the liltlo liolpu toward nmllnp the hninto n homo havo been taken cars of it is indeed a house furnlshlnp department complete tn lloor toverlnpi wo imvo glwu cspeclnl euro no limimuholil articles receive n much wonr nud tear anil thcreforo none need to be chosen moro carefully kvery invarlng in thin hip stock is n servniit tried nnd trus tho nrohnhlen wo hnvo loft for the other follow ws have rugw for overy purpuso for tho hatii llio corridor the dlninp room or wlieruver the need for ono is apparent our linoleums aro tlio htandiird wo u ore going to say never wear find temporary reslhif plnueo horo in goink over yotir summer needs dnnt forgot ninltlnjti tlio beat of ilium are here it vnrioty tho cukily crackod klndn do nut oven nothing gives a more cool summery nppuaraiico in lha linmu when tho problem ciinou of keoplnicnut tliouummnr sun wo enn wiue the fpicatiun in n twinkling it very toil nf cur tain every kind of window slinda inhere hunwlluko summer ciirtnlnu in nil llm mift ruiifill ttilnrlnun cuitulns which not only sorvo u praolltnl need lint which give a touch of bcnuly our w indow uhudus nro mailo frnm tho ueut canilulch and llm rollers aro nl exiellent caiml ruction wo utuud hohiml tint only itm bunt but llio clieapcut of lliom wo stnnd roudy tn worvu your every want iffil cor wyndham and macdonald streets 01elpii ont i one hundred ind suty nine smart new sale ibis week at absohilely reduced prices i neo nro uroken rannes lelt from our best as ing kind they are u really reduced for ilila week afford inff you llio opportunity ol aecurjnr n now suit for llio aitnimer wear at a ureal savlng sij oo bulls on sals ml h qj i17 00 auiii on lc nt 10 00 i 00 auiib on anlu at ij 00 v30 00 aulta on inlo at t jo 0 ulack nsy rreen rrey tsue drown cnnmparjrio and oihor ahades ilnln p manias vonetlnnaand brondcloilit isncy atrlpennd check woratod pannmaa serfje and hroadctoiha a wliolo boat of cor rect atylea all perfectly tailored to fit and litiig sncofiill all alias on sale all ida week a summer snlo of good olovos summir rlovna nt great price aavlnu ihli ummer n ovn aeaaon hilt week with r faihlonabln lulo allk and cation ftlnuea aale at btiylnfl ol one third 10 one hall jc real valuu 50c vieoi wo open ilia iimlur priced ia of 1 ojo piin will ha in the nc real lalua r on fihc real vnhie bi 35 100 real value ft i kol real value 9t j3 they aro hhek wlilln cream navy and ian shadeu in lori nnuwpililro or uliort slyea and in ah slaoi i ir women ynilnjf women liil mia included nru nuny whh doiihln ilppoil jlojjorn all on aile tills week cel the mmmor s supply at once real kid and gape gloves on sale tour special nurcliaiei in tons and short real mil and capo rioi will to en sale this week nl anlenuld savings included nro wome walking nnd dress glovei and hoys glovea 00b real vaiiib ii j 730 real value 1 00 0h0 rejl value it 311 ft 73 real vslua f j 13 one ibina and two darns wilil longlhs and longor aiyloi in naihrl ed ian ahldea buck while and colored 1 0u phn to cltooio nniang womens thomas c watkins oo ft n en kino st bait huohbqn hamilton ont

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