Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1909, p. 2

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m toronto on mtunlar n1 un llnnry 1 nr limrvalflf iaiiruluwii a tiihkalllllroak may uui in mr limiiarly ol ilia luunliur im ihwima limit h mi hiimuy may uiil win irwlti aaad yaai wiiflhiiihuwali wii on kililay may uui juliu wllion ill yuan jigxantfainawiiiarlialnil titaalar moinlntf at jitna hoi lila wtlulil wlfa nr llrailiia j ant on rnumlar ol ilia nawinailml kia in lior whii yaar wailrnit- toriiiijn ih haliinlay 001 li mi calttdliaal h luioiito tulm tuuithday 1unic l ll0f ttdltoillal notkd jlldltt lluhcdiiir to our oitltbtji iik i vidian totiniil ciiilninhii t tmctlvn out nl n flno limiting now liobfll cnlloil the wliicfiaatiir just nkiiicl lit llio tiuvn or wltiolieatur ont in wlilch n kocnl option ijy aw ib in 0wrntliiu along with luo punt- anni la tin- wliiltniieiit tlmt tlin liotol whloti riitiihily l u rnxllt to tlin town ciiitiifiu thirty oikui hmlrounib na pnrt of tlin iicaoui matin linn it pro viiich for i ho tiiiviillink public tliu ituflh not look na if prohibition wan ft hocjoija liitertnrmicu with l ifolol linaliutni tho ilomier tim jolly vncruuin poriuil ja nfnui nt limit in ncconliinco with the bplrlt or ilia miiianii jluay mtinamugnslnoror juno i a uplcimlirily lllimtrnliil outlnu nuitilwr it la inhiirul of lirlgliti breezy contrlbullonu on tliu llinnly aubjoot of a liolhlny tlio proper way to bponil a vacation will lie pariiacd with much interest anolhur ctovor ekotch lu on canadn tlio hnmimir plnygiounil of aniorien thorc nro oanndlai tu melon of murlt and inatruatlan by cilap enturtntnlng wrltor ilulf a tloon short aimppy torloa tint tlio ihibl uuluotlans from tlio loading pulilicittloiib of tlio world on homo and luiblnasa intorouta inako tlio juno edition of iluay mnnu n welcome aiimmergiitibt itufondnblo anil diverting from cover to cover tlio uflpartiuont of tlio interior nt ottawa lnu recently linicd a mnp of that part of canada lying weat of tlio great lake allowing tlio position of tit grain olovator and hour mills to gether with tahloa allowing tholr individual and colloctlvo capacity in tlio three provinces of manitoba alborta and hukatchowun thoio urn 000 grain olavatora with an nggrognto capacity of 42wwuw bouuli whlla in tilt other province tlio number of elovatoro la conaldorahly bolow this they iiavlng a capnolty of 1b0077k biiblielb thus tlio total elovntor cup acltjr of canada n mount to 7o0ddfll0 uutlioli manitoba lias fifty flour nnd oatmeal mllu with a dally capacity of 171mu barrols j sank at oho wan has iw mills with a poaulblo dally output of 01115 barrel wliilo alborta has sovon- toon mill with a poualblo output of lruo barrols in tlio caurio of ilia ro mar kit at tlio congregational church on hunilay morning itov i o l harris talil i hoard moro swearing on the street corner in georgetown in one iiqai inst night than i think i over honrd iwfora tlili from an outsider docs not spook well for our town and yet wo must admit tliat there- ib a considerable amount at vary bad lanmungo used our atreot at times which should not bo tlio fact of a turgor crowd than usual liolng in town previous to tlio holiday may account for noma of it hut not all llavo wo become bo usod to profanity that wo do not notice it until brought to our notice by stranger p tliora ib a proscription in tlio statutes for this malady nnd if our town aiitliorltloi dont start dealing out a uttlo of the mod loin a it will not bo long hofbra wo will bo classed along with acton georgetown herahl tlio lliiue plikhtl in itaatoadfastloynl ty for acton doo not llko tbo spirit of tlio referonoo in tho closing iiiiob of tho horalda article novertholosa a tho herald admlu tho provnlonco of pro fanity on georgotownu atroela wo are obllgtd tn state that acton fair namo u balng badly tarnished by tho omah percent a go of tliougbtloaa or bralnlosa poriona who indulgo in tho crlnio of- profanity on tho at roots if tho authorltloa would niako an oxamplo of a fow of theia holnoua offondora tho rosult would bo moat anlutnry cost of hydroelec power how ohodulw ubmltud to olork haahlnnon by ohur nvlntap othman muniolpal clork maaklnnon haa just rciv0d from tho chief anglnoor of the ilyrtloklootrlo oommlsslon tho follow ing lottori toronto may illst 11kw the town clark aoton ont d it a ll silt i wo nro enclosing hero- with a rporb giving tho satlnmtod prlefli of powor to th four niunlclpall tlu nf aoton brampton fleorgolowh and milton tho two amnunla of power far oach municipality aro thono given a tho maxima and minima in tho resolution passed at tho mooting at georgetown may trd hmfh on tho iuinib or iv 110000 v lino from trafalgar to qoorgotown and a liljhi v unaa from tho ii k p oommls alnna htatlon at goorgatown to tho four inunlalpalltlob tho prices for tho two quantities of power would 1w ns follow i iiabum oodhim iwubil bihhih iowhh cisninr aaiunm uirhiht jkstolt wo imjio bmw 1it0 00 fljort ibw utsis illmwtmi 40d 4110 iwiul s1ua am najn anu bhwi ommtowa 4flu 49 no w si 00 tit uo ullten itso st trm ihis noo uvea sptj utu your truly p wuutiiuan k ohlof icngiiuoi ltva hwaoklmiiiti- reportod at lint oounall on monday n veiling lhat iihin tho hihivw hauti wlih n inaiiluiuui of 010 bp brampton clvlo ropreaenlit uvea calaulato tho town will makti un annual profit of olcfrw 5li cake of their fatrioni vuntol t toap if yo nwntlon tlui pui court op revision only two aitc in maid by oltlucna airaliiatt asimnt couiioll nint on monday ovmilng n oolock ns u court of nuvulmi members pruuout itttevo hwackhdiiioi nnd coiincllloib hyndu dminy mid khnioii tliirt wmi hut i wo iippfitl 1 n tnyloi nppfahd ngnliiht ithheasiuent for n dng wblrh he rlaluiid ho did not posufuh appeal iillowml hany ituuuidl nppfiilnd ugalnut nautbbinoiit of kmk on bis in ick hoimt lot ft block 17 abbiiiaiiktiitcoiilliiiind vrhit anuisunr hjiptiited to havti tho ilnviitor of hobcit nohht nt the o t it nshiihsod fur fthmh h having irmdvirtintly oinitlrd it thftiipptiil wn nllowcdf uud lliiipropiity addud to tho roll tho assessment loll whh thou ilnully cmillrmod mill tin- loiirl iidjmifnirt to moot nan roiintll iiip iouiilii ihefr mat for icguliir huuliinau riittconimltlif on 1lniuiro pn-nt- til ed thulr thivunlh n mrt and itcoin- iikinilid tho piymitilt of th iiiuounlu follow w 1 anderson woi it nt hull li h1 t hfriluhtoiisloiiit u 71 acton kiiickt iuicuh printing niidudititlulnu 7 ml iao worden woru on uireols i w riahur alf a iw t alger d 1 vttl m i liu rvpoit wnu ml opted mr kit ityder htlmtiuy of alton huso hull club wui if d upon tho council tn link hint turnm bo miulo fur thn use of thu pink foi tbw sensor iho pnik wns grnnted for 010 tint miiaoii in iiilvrtipi etilloiis bftve lit on piowentetl for pormanont pnvementu on agnes htiint fiom klgln to irodotlok btrect nn willow atreot from chinch to agnus htroct nnd on arthur sheet ftoiu young to wellington htraet ho inspector of tho holler insnr- unco co notified that thn annual inspection would bo uiudo on tuesday wlh jiuu in ordor to make tho inspection it will ho necossnry to cool tho hollar and thoro will there foro bn no light fiirnlihod on monday 7th juno councillor 1 as ton chairman of tho iik commlttoa submitted plan nnd bpuclllcatlan for n neat now hand- tand foi tlio park tlio council will look into tho mat ter and docldo during tho week council adjourned at ton oclock cattle mankfts cablst busdy hm strang at buf falo and chlcafn i on i win ktay ai ijiui m ff iiilh mtuity itl uv lhi i tnxtillini irrrn ilntihdl mlulil nrrl- ruliir l fjj nntili il l us i 1 r i1vi itfuot may jl vtotn loiurm i iiion lllnln titra hi m llt iimih vxir in llit minium llc lit jiuu ii ii lii i l- lioh i mlti wnutlnr inul ci nl m r vliw toronto junction llva stock rcntonio rnnfmon may ai rittiplm of live hlnck nt tint unhm bb tit yards mm id nrlnridii run b t i iii nt mi cnttlx 11 idn i p mid 101 ilen dutcltora iiiuni iiu nr mitb in ni i from tneo id tiii irntiia ir itxm ivi in 17 mf ilium m li in i in imitiiikii ii l id t- ik row a im riimi tl lii fi i r ml inilla 11 in t ohaep and lamb von calvoa r riinuiil fr m ii in w0 r hoflb ro wiro ii lim mi mi ilv a llnrrln urn innlln 1u inurr mtlelh f i il m unit im fili iars montrsnl llvs slock monntl m mn si hirrlula fruhirn if llm hi fit hk pnptiii innln if almost sbnsationab thsrs i oanoral ourpr1 at oroat numbir or ptrsons in ontario who pralm booth kld- noy plllst its tint n shoit tlmo alnoo tho flrot box of booth kidney pllla camo to acton whut it work tills stranger has uccomplluhed doxons of resldonts bonolited nnd enredof lanio woak and ncjilng hack and kidnoy trouble it i romaokablo i tho ronson for it 1 booths kidnoy pill ara a now bland of vegatahlo ingredients having pooullar action on the kidnoy tissue that bi logs quick holp they aro sold at brown drug store acton mr goorgo morloy of milton ont aay i after having trlod many advertised uujney pill for an inflam mation of tho bladder that caused mo to miffor with severe pains in till region i commenced thouso of booth kidnoy pills thin remody was highly recommended for troubloo of tho kid- nay ami bladder and i havo found by using pearly two packages that it la all that it i represented to bo for i havo boon greatly benefitted by it uio it hab dona mo thu moat good of anything triad bo that i can with gratufiiluesb and pleasure recommend it to others hold by dealers pilco fto cents thu it t booth co ltd fort uric ont hole canadian agent nabbaoawbva hov j c wimantn a or acton proftcliod thn pre communion natsnon at cftinplmllvlllo last friday ovonlng his discourse was appropriate and much onjnyod hav h a laooy b a i at brant- ford till woolt nttondlpg thn annual bosslon of hamilton conference tho nnmml cnnvontlon nf nnssaga- weya sunday school aobnalatlon will iw held in naaangnwaya probbytorlnn uhuroh on monday afternoon nnd evening luh insu addrosbea will ho dollveiod by mr thomas yallowlao kxtonslon hecretary of tho ontario sunday hohool asioclatlon by itov fl lawrence of puallrich ii p monro acton and othors upon practical sun day school topic mr thomaa yollowlue will proaoh in nassngiiweya and oamphollvlllo praabytm ian ohurcho on sunday lutli insf absolute security genuine carters little liver pius muat bear signature of 5m pocditnll wroppai dtw marker reports llvnfpnnl nnd clicac i cwclmnka clotailliv sine th lsttit quntatlors kl inlny i irnl i xi m all hie luilliu urn t hi inuiiii s war instil in tiny wlnnlp option wlimi july tii bill txiiiliur md4 bl unlslmii i1r toronto drain market ulinil rill limn ii l wlirar rl inli 1 rti hiibitiii tniiiii o ai 0 m hurley 1 nalii n i j teronla dairy muuit jnller npiwrmw onlry la ll 1 liillrr rremnrry tniuil hum twin hi ll 11 llltlk irlri tawy all lttaktami carters ip rax hudxchc rah dizziness ran luooiuii ns tains uvn ros 6smstipat10m mir tauow skim res tnceomhiiiok rewabwwariatoaami ry tret ly in thn u rrrn ciiiiailluii nunkiim nn ntminit nr mm liluh iuikm nillnif in mm llihiiui mnrurt fur cjhh- rnltli iiml tlin hulk nf hnt they ara liiilnn hi ruroniii urn tfln ill hy riy of anmrhiiti orf hi rrti r lo nil itiolr frdpht riiontfrmrnlb rinariiioiilty tliorr iiii ilimaml fur nrrnn irxlhlit apnrn hero nt rent ilimlnnaa in ennao- niio pro u lull wllh i lvcnil rife ftcr- liiff lor jimn nt jta ail iinlia it z llnirow nt hs hint mumlimtor at lis 1 hut tlio 1m 1rtii uio n a that thorni rutia woaiht hn nil iii nnlrr in iln hiiilnoaa tlin rwrinrlu nr ml tin for llm pnat wtiru warn 3 nl hrml niiiuhiu kmul for tha month or h 171 na toiniiarrd ulh djll or mn lnt aar at tha mintrral htnik vnrl weal rml murkft tha rrlilu if lln bioiu for inat weok wcrp mm up wherp nml umlis llfld hers nml 1jo0 ciilvia whll th offurlnisb rir lonl iiiiiaiimiillnn oils liiomlna liiimlaliil nr 1w intlk uk mlirip n inmiia in n iiinii mill ijl inlri irlms u in rinallnr culika from ihrrjuiol nolnl riuthrr ileelliie nf i to ud per hi alms tills ilny wn k nil nc- riuint of hit ri uacil uiipiiliu nml hml thoro ciniillilnri hut tlofo wuu imno iln in bin hern tor cximrt noi k huh a of ex tra ik 1 1 hiiiiu wurs ininlo nl chj clmtio nt on to flir biiii nl 6m i fnlr hi be lo 51i mallum lt v fnt tow nl t i ftt bll tit lli- o 6ut nml nmmiit wittlo nt 31ii i t4a per hi v wenk foollnu irivulhil in lb marktt for lin nml prlirit nrtil tllno nf 0t to lie fir hfl lbs ineo mil ilay uiil jhiu u iliio in thn fin that tliirlnu i bo txilionutil hi ho i luiclfrn in aomu timta cuiitriu ti il country fir nmo liirua lulu nl prbca wlilili limn mrluil vllli pnat twn or llinit ihuxnnd lliim illllnn in llm 11 html ffiiul market to ilu bml rnrikmliiu oner hill hulm r bliilrtl i wen at i wilulnil off in i ami llm hi llli pllt r khti luuly i iiuirlmt onkcr nml jrvmljvhmifiilh u por in uio lumaiil a 1 of yitiirllnu u r l 111 hprlim lauili wutu i ro nml prlies ruin timl hi rh n id i tier ioiillmi n fulrlv uimmi rtuiimiil fin ulvra of hhli npplls urumil to fill nil lunulument at prices ruitklnu tom u l l l u to iiallty attachsd by dull tillsmiburs jut 1 on i rldny william iloiibhmr tl liihnin wifi nltacked by it yomip bull ho wiih ii ad incr to water nnd though ho delomloil hlmaoll with u pitchfork h wan o budly hurt h died sunday on thurbihij harvey mcknuiey nlso ol llnyhiuii wn attiicldd by n bull in tlio htablo yard and in not okpcetcd to llvo ontario child a tornado victim aloximilria juno i minn dnimldn bhoohan not quito nine tnrs of iign one of tho vlclluiu ot tho tnrmuhi i lnnndnn nd mm a riiiiimaiiiihtr nt hush ii mcdonald division tourt elorlt ol this town anil nh en nl it v p it mcdonald parish prh nl nl olcn novlu aiongiirry county ottawa flood flaesdlni ottawa june 1 the wat r in tlio ottawa river him now hi gnu lo m- ndo nnd pousibly at an mm date tho lnwi out ot unplnjifiunt throubh tho hooding ol ttnrlta mny bo ahlo tn resume tho dttellnrn ill llftv house at gatineuu point are htill liviiik li ter tho iishlon of venice a sulcld at 7 honolulu juno 1 starr hoyt n- ehol o new york committed ntir cldo lnsl nlsbt by tahliib chlowilorji in bin apart men s in tho itoyid h-t- wnllan hotel ho was 74 your ago nnd hud been trouhlod with in- omnia two mora diahonast olerki otlawn juno 1 it wna hnrni i yontonlny morninb on tho lient nut nyity that tho postofllco people lm di toe tod two more young men in tn not of robbing tlio mulls in tha local poslofllco killed by a board mlnden jno i duncim lrentloi aeed 11 wo it wed by a boaru thrown mm n elroular aw trlkuig him on tho haad pavbidd tho uunday nohnul wus ranrganluad on wudiioaday ovunlng nr lnt week hov j o wiunn it a nf aoton presiding the oftlcors and tonohor fur tlio yoar woi o olootod a follow t hilwrlntondent john mcdonald floorelary alex idvlngatone troabiirer wm dnugla organist miss icthet hprnwl tnavheramr mcdonald mr ita lia mr alax mcdonald and miss ilagglo martin thorn ouflb 1iok mbadaohb ism was thirls eight prosoht nt the list iipi vloo last fliinday hotblman ookr to jail ijiniihw juiin int ja rlmiwnn ptopitulot nf unn nf llio hotel at kliimminl a uon opllon vlltnge wan i hla nft ei tux in aentonnod to four mimthe hi tho mmnly jnll at linrtl labor ror sailing intoxicating llqunm hlmpaon had iwon inoil provlouslr lionoo tho lucatoorfitlnn two iiiuii visited klniuount vicinity u ninnlh in nn ugn emplnyod on govetninont wuik inul paituuk nf tho pmtpiletoin hiupllallty iiutl paid for ihttlr wot good pnibulii ant falallonor mill st aclon mmhha1mhahwimhmaaahaama1h -the- seasons needs lawn mowers garden shears sprinkling cans screen doors window screens charcoal irons 90c en charcoal by the bag c c speight mill street acton buy the melotte and save the price in two years i weara longest turns cabiest and skims cleanest melottcs arc put on trial for two weeks seven different makes of buggies to select from sec our new stock of single harness whips at 13 off regular prices harness repairing is given careful attention by oxpert workmen c a black mill street acton shlrtcomfort goat shirt extra fine quality just raceived a shipment of shirts hi the newest stripe mid clitok pattern i with pluln or pleated front i attaohod or detained cuff hiikimjhi all colors prlooa fvom sloo to 81 50 drnp in and nee tho latent q j wallace thu manu outfitter mimj st acton cameron moores big skle op 7vtllliisrv oijk indent li itorc wih fortunito lattt vvcclc id purcliisiiij i lirjt lot of milhnrry iootln sliijuii iiiul i lowers at a i reduction i wy have m nt us on a portion and our ruitoiih r- will r ip tin hciufit ividay and saturday mr miij- window fur display of trimmed iuih riiilarfy worth up to v i jjofr miiw whllb wall oalyjjl garaa wiiint when you dm huy ll i 1i i4 for no lilt in mm mulf u ilnnil ibtiyhiyli for fully hl miller omn at is immh 1 jo at f nnllnit cluintot y wdlliud the vry lidnt ilian lldltil 1 uti h cluuii and novi itlr t nu uiml i atllci mid clilldrciis siininicr parnsoli a nrw hhlp tiicil ut tlm iihi iii mudnt ill prin hut very linuitittil in tr i mi latllfic imslerv 2 tar wc 1lilla vrty tinrnl vnlm m iaul i iur i aniln n d nliln in i liiml ti j fnt j itnuc liws we liiivi ii n ill nil r runt r hoy nil mad i ny s alius lltmill wllll hlll1 avcns txcclda llamlkcrclilcfs urkiihu iiii i- 3 or jji sulunlay 3 for isl n i actons new store i jfrl v harris st co rockwood ont 1 manufacturers of highgrade woollens especially blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co med rockmood ad i pood so do oooold drqq iij oin ilnlllu a birthday fund has been started by many parents to provide a start in life for their children when reaoh- ing twentyone e n excellent moans of providing o son or daughter with jia a good start on lifes journoy whon they come of ago is to open a birthday savings banu account in tho childs name each birthday deposit a sum to their credit equal to their years at five yoars 500 and at ten years 1000 these sums with interest will amount 111 twentyono years to quito a substantial sum especially if the child is encouraged to deposit its pocket money in the same fund at twentyono turn tho control of the account over to the son or daughter it will either provide a start in life or form an incentive for further steady accumulation that will make for success and a competence for old age tho growing hank account is a valuable object lesson and the child will goncrally make every effort to add to the sum ns it watches it grow children thus start life with a good foundation laid lor success and prosperity the bank of hamilton specially invitob theso birthday fund savings accounts and provides every facility and convenience for thoir oponing and operation under the control of oithcr or both parents bank of hamilton geollgretown branch w n mckay agent ilclir tlfrltctnmitr iuoikiitv koit ha mo a rmi w ii s iiiuii house wantki ron rikimt mim mllumlii 1 mill lilln in vriliii liirl hri 11 unit he fr mi jima liilif uuil a iv tn iii vliullojll a tn j5 imuxcu of mxmtohti will ln hi 111 iln iii h hi to in aacti 1u1 pirn 1 1 n in nui il ii ni ly hmlatijo i rll itrfljitlxr ihuiiiihk i1m illilm h lnuni iiolloway f 1 j iipxi 1 1 ml i ii1si i ass iiupmtnl rilcmlau stmlion will main mfl 11 11 ot i i 1 fiiint ho r my liil i u will livi lili oii iltlln lrt j ill i in 1 li h ia uiuli ml irufnnltjm nioiilluiir a it ml m il rmaln uillloiiof rlurk tin ill it llm llnimlay ulli toil ii ijnutl llqu latiriii low 11 un 1 n main wr nlitl illuv mill 1 uvi t 1 in i il liuwlll iorvutl i iirll lr ru nataia 11 m1 i ml hi llsii l t n iii tal in lit iil luld forlluiil ktiwulta unmu lo tlio btnntl- nrcl tlrod trottur with hl action ooldkn jubilee iii llfl itl u 11 mill limku ii mm h f i 1111 fellow ii111u1 may id i xill latol ikwiiiulil uarry wi i ti li ti i i 1 i sir llolnl traali till f r 1 11 mr iii i 11 hotel uiittn for ilimuj ii nl f r r n f lor uluu art ii tt an 11 0i rloe tat llmriu llllltllir fir ti 11 ii1t1 tut nlrtit lrl uj liruhii f r 1 r luulaubnl i r flaturuy irlir ii 1 llrif 1 inn i it oii tthlo iintl 1 i i i u mrrnlni tim iijoo r ut 111 i 1 nth no f iliraimt klfhtfkl j xyuisalk staluon king edward will uituo tlio tcki 11 ol 1 1 m fjlloa ti 1mui r uulaanaltflatimtu naoidiit artltiiij alout uoo 4ut ml tllabala iktkulilc vat na hi ll a sl1l ullxll- rrapi scrkp tvtbtkl uhullub an i uvds boujhl it gc11i price second lunj stoieunj i arm mtchinary replr moeris 8 axe vcton not ovv ok rlmness inaiit btiiliidaa i it lira to luiortn tti tmulia that lain mil u diucii uitralik in ba bui dm avur i n 1 lit kiki uilura lot iwa wall kuov11 iltliaii ian wouk f luiwr hraun ilia ri nlatila munumonl tuaoufaislurar o liarllu lur whom i iln builin i am utlul all milat mm aiilall in lidth a la prtca ami tuallty nl muiniim 11 u iui illa1 i iliaiik mv itianr frlml for at faora i w i uiiaraiiluuaajufadtlaii willi all orjm wuu wliluh i am urotol u likustlllnt aotoo niagara navigation company buffalo niagara falls and now york time tadlk slfamsrs ioac rum fuoi o on street dally once pi sikkii uno toraiilu 7 j 1 m j uo p m arrive in toronto 1 1 s m s jo p fli ci1anci in umi on anil nficr situr lay miy 31i1 ten ice wlllbn at idiiomh lcnvo lornnio 7joairt inn jpm ntl 5 15 p rr arrive in toronio 10 jo n jii i 15 p m msp m nml h 3a p m cltytlcloi olllcei jiroiiml hour trailer ti hank dull j lnu a 1- webmor a king ml vongo stronti anil onrn hirwi wliurf ii00u tlcuoia nn nlo only at city ticket orice irotlflra hank iluiltllng buggy bepairing i nuk uur uiiiy over nml mo wliai h ntciu ii ll wnma pnlnilnu n lrlmmln now wlieela or llrea lirliir li lioro anil lima ll repaired liy firal duns uarltinan ioilinpa oii inkiiil iii m 1 nnw niljjfiy ihuaaaniin ilundnni lill in jjltn m call 1 will luvn n very lirm ntntk n my own mnku nml i ho immu mciiuhiiiiii line mi linml vlia a lull lino i market nil lnmlmr wijioiia 1 wu mm uurreya nil iiriii itiinalxilli wnumih mccnrmlck ilnrtriiliio maclilmry lurkilnit ileiiry mil wllmimnn ilnwn blnuir hwlnn maclihita kllchvn calilnuia j n 0ni11s crrrircb works qaonobtouin 6nf

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