Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1909, p. 3

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o for june a firm look or yollcl bllvnr praa- nntn rnnoy bllvar pintail wnro iluuora knlvan forks nml 8ioon hloi cut olnum rtfrtoy china waiidlntr lllnu waif ulna praaant geo hvnds juwllr 1 ii acton maiiniaqu mcunuuh 1sbubd agton hand laundry lorne b ettwin una purchased frum i cuvol iho laundry luibliiana nml will ulvd ll uu whale limn nnd niltnilon 1 lin farmer proprietor will re main for u month in kuo lull lnairuciloiis in ilm linn art n laimilryfnit which baa matte 111 work no satisfactory all wrlrk itifonfiiect udd iclury our continued ntrntlnib renprciiuhy solicited a rjdaij 111 am i asiv ululthday jink i mxxi brief local items 1 hit ciml nit hud in in tiiiu hut i4iliii mpkiiitt lookliik mdlly ii iu tiilno mo tin days lliu ittaca bloom tlusiv iim khiilniih hunjiun duy mill inllhtfiil iiiimiiliklil nlhtr a hoitlciillimil sinloty has liven foiimd at milton wltli 7m mom burs acton will il i tin lliit bliiimihiu giumi of tlin hciuim on hiiturduy with milton a roimldiiiiblu mini lit i of new books havu jin1 unhid foi tliu hit hcliool llbniiy tim iiir pi ultra ulid plautorcis nro busy inlulilnu up mr hnjtiu hniiuu on uiiuilii htnut thoiull bo imililciiic cm rent next monday ovmilnu j iio power homo hollor is to iio inwpoltid mi fohn ltussidl yoiiiik htnwt in tiiaklt h ousidiiuhlu iiuprnvouitntu tu i in hiick luslduiicu tlnro it u 111 n toil unit wutlillnu bulls will i inn joyously anil fiuquimlly in aaton nnil vicinity thlu month walk lutu buuu uiiiuititiciul on ii tnrifo nmv addition to tliu winlei ii 1 1 liiillillmtu tit liuilpli hy u iiiujoilty of hi the iij law to muo ijtjofloo fur it syhlmi of wnliu- works lit qiiivuiihtiist wns lrtnkil illm tt liu ijiviiii ilulliimfiul huv looitfo mllnn was ptsunuil with n iiiuuu mnl u loiiiplliiiontitry uddrcsa tim itniniul intuiirih of tliu hnllon iiriiiunt institute will ho held in tlio town hull milton on hut unlay juno oth at u p in a hunoflclimt nnliiio wpiinklud tliu atrnulu mid laid lint dust on tuesday u veiling tliu stiuot sprlnklor will imvn itu innlnjis yet hov 1 c wilson hold n prnyur mooting at the homo of mr jowph ailhius nutit lttiiehuiiiu on monday ovonlntf ttuuu wits it good attend hnc mnmhuia of knox chinch con- grogntlon kunuiaiihly subuulbad over 100 towards knox ooiioho handing fund during ituv dr jundiora visit inst woek it iv report id i hut tlnidoorgatawn moving pintmu show lino cloned itu doom mid tho innniigei hau luft tliu own kimann iick of irnfltulltt phlroiiitgl mr a i niuklin who ruccnlly purolnthcd tliu old lliiplibt oliiirclt liiilldlng from mrs alox hoooid huvlng it put into ulmpu for a rlovo wnrulioiihu after niiruing n ipruinod right hmiil for ovur u month mr henry hull in jmit iililn lo got it nut of tlio ullng nnil do ii little work it iiiib hunn u painful injury tlio hmuliiy hjiuul iluniui for juno contniiih no inturoutltig nrticlo on tlio hunday hohonl tumporanoo lohbou i how tn loach it hy mr i j mooro toronto the north utrumn on main niroot hnu iwon tllud finiii whurti it ciobioi thu hlrout in miiltliiniigh mi khlmgwi property tim ulroot u iniich im proved hy thin ilnn aoton will biiroly hloom llko n garden thli biiiiiiiuu mr w oaiiiiiio tlio grounlioiihit niitn from ooorgotown iina luouglit no loaa tlinn ton londi of plant a mid unworn to anion tlio past month ooinplrtlulh inn made hy oltlsnnh who mo trying to mnintnln tidy itniiluvnrdu mint cii tain porjnna nro in tliu hnlilt of tothuilng oultto mid iiorana nn thu utrnoth thin in n violation of thu hylaw ah thu ami nut hutmdiiy nvoulng tlio juwisli hiihhath the wookn colo- liriillon hy hohruwr till ovur tlio world uf tho old fouat of pnntuout ounio lo hii end dining tlio wouk iluhntwn in aoton ridlonuly obivud tlio occasion an effort to rtmtop afternoon train tim oiiflph morouiy uayut hegtird- ing tlio propound nftiirnoon train of tlio guolph iiml stiatfurd socllon uf thu oraiid tiniik going oiut mr w t ilpitrilmoru of acton has ooiiimiin- lotttttl with mayoi ilnntlngs to tlio offeot that ho hud iwon glvon to under- tlmt tho company lmvu docidod not to put on tlu nftiirnoon train thlu niiin- iitur mr hon nl in ore him ulnrtod n oiimpiilgn to lmvu tho oflinpuny put mi tlilv tialit tlu linn wiltuci lo mr olllon nnd trr tho connollflif revoml towiir and oltlou intvioitml it u a inattur which will prolmldy ho takfii up hy thu tiomicll mid which nffurdv tho nomd of trado hoiiio senpo fur action a marauiy will inli daitror hinoumtl kud muiiilly luraiia hi wliola titni wlian nurlntf ll lllouli tlia miieoua ruifaom butli arilolmi alioulil navar ita uaail oil nil praaadp ona rrftm rniubu lit fatal ana a ilia damasa law will 119 ln folil to iii otmil you aan iwallilyilailvrroni tliaui hall aualurtioura nianuraaturwl liyk j eionikv voo tola4o o aoutalua no inwioiir aiiil u laanii iniamiall bllim liraoilf iiitii inn hlimmi ami mummi aur- laaaaof hid aiviii hi luifliiu llalla calaimli cura liwkiim jitimuiilni nuiiuliif it la lakaii fiiiiiually aitft maila inlolnfi otilo by v i ultallav 0 tailllitnnula v hulil iir truhultir itlea iio iwr tiollln tata hall kainlly villa fk donitlnauou poof tua l pour onniioiuy mo haladii mnl ou will iipproclatu thu oxoolltmt qutilltkh of lilghgrnda ton makv 11 ditto foi tliu hlg gnrdun party in tint pink acton tlmrwlay july hilt iingnimiihi hy tho 2illh iteglmoiit hand of hurl in nun nf 04uadri vury hunt liandu news op local import th iaaioi nt gantmfnom itiw 1 w llmkir ulll ho at c011 fornncu noxt hitnilii mr j i hi ar row will iinch in thu morning mid in tlm cvunlng huv int damphill of mcmaator ihiivtixll torot u will ocnupy the pulpit womanm lnaitltuta maalltltf 1 lin r guhir moiilhly tucullng of thu woiucnm iiiblitntu will iwi held in thu council clinmlht on irldny uftur- nonn 1 11 1111 llh at 1 oulouk an intonating imotlug u uvpnettd all moinhoru mo ri iioitnl to atlund a hint to thai do iolonr hi william it merwln 11 wnallhy nnd ticduntrlo dijalrlnii of wlmlmn found guilt f atluiniillng lo poloon a vnlunhlo dog wnid hy william wnoil in tildny uuu uuntoiifid hy maglu- tialo loggutt tu liny a hun or mm nudcfiatu ololif rin nw bafna oblna v mr n im bun iina htiotit complutfid thu fmindittjonu fui tlio coniinndiniin hank hm 114 tor mitarf atux mcdonald of- tho hiumil ihu nppoultu iorn hchoill amlmrtlim v wntklnx of tlhtllibl hdl whuao hiiru wiih doutroy- od hy life lout uiiininur tliu mipoi atiiicturu of 1 nch will ho raisi d wilhhi a ruupln of wookf laaaonaj from dlrda anil plowara mi t 1 m0010 city hoik y jiiilph will itdilm urn 1pworth maguo noxt tnuiday uvuulng on tho nhnvn iqjdc mr mootu la pruuldont of tho tlnelph natnnillfltb club and u well iiunllfldd to apenk on tlio aubjoct an added internal in tliu fact hint ho una ivuwident of the ipworth iagui horo audio yuai a ago a muohnaadd oonvanlano tim plot oivnuri who nru undonvor- log to humitlfy hilit plota in iulrvhnv coinolory hy pin 11 mug jlownra etc nro much handicapped hy ho luck of watui a writ thore 01 u tank at tho bloiigh or hottor allll n wi 11 nnd wind mill would ho much nppriclnted mid would rouiilt in tlio cemetery imlnjf greatly beiintllled ths dajptlatohuroh i lev j loir tho pnnlor hua htou hi pom health thu past work or so nnd nimble to ink hla work thu pulpit wnaciccuphd inat nnnriny hy mr h i moore next hnnday nftuinnon huv pi of campbell of mcmuului unlveialty will pronrh it la ok purled that hov mr oott will ho iihlo to tako iiib woik tho following hundiiy on a trip to manitoba mia hdiert aguaiv nnd mrw jomgo llyndu mid master joe lift 011 tuna day on n two monilm trip in manitoba tlioy ulll vuit mr nnd mru john aguow nt lluimpy innklng their liondqilnrtcih tin re and from that point will vialt niimgioua riomla in tlio wont councillor ilynda wont to toronto with tho party to boo thuni a my n la it id on lliidr journoy a pack lad daauty worth bliowlrta ii j mcnahh hlvlilon court clerk is 0110 of the uinat lucqeaaful dlsclplea of unnu walton in town mut many 11 wary trout liaa vuecumhed to ida akllful angling lnat wcdnosduy ho landnd onu of tlm inost fish caught in recent yenrs in slronmi of this neigh borhood it measured 17 inches in longth nnd weighed two poumla it la unnecessary tn nay lloub was proud of his ralch mr p masalaa turn a fuilhei ixamhinllou of mi i musiiho horse which oicupod being killed hy tlio i t 11 xprona but week ahowd that tin jaw wns hroknn nnd anvtral tooth knorknd out hy tho ten ida hupnet the iinimiil in dolnji wall undo treatment and it u hoped wltl recover a subscription hut was circulated among our cltlxona nnd neighboring far mora and tliu energetic committee who hud iho matter in hand wuro nhlo tn prnsont mr muanlnu with thn amn nf 911i2 toward tho jitn- ohase n now imrao intaraatad in tha vounsr paopla flerinons in tlio intoreat of thu young people- woio pionoliod in both thu proshyterinn nnd thu methodist chlirthoo last fiunday evening hov mr wilaon spoke- very furvenllj along iho linn nf conduct and oliaraolor nnd impressed strongly the duty ofparuntu to their ohlldrot nml in thia notlonstln tlio duty of keeping immature girlu and lioya off tho street ant night huv mr darker apoku with ouiphnsla upon the desirability of yuiing pooplu choos ing good companions ho advised ymlng people novor to injure their llvna nml chnrnctera hy nssocluilng wltli poruona of impure liven or ovll onuvotantlnn kill tha burdooka now tho burdooka hint aio allow rd to flourish yoar a her year on uomo of thn btiootaand iii fiont or huok ymdu nf this town aro an eyesore to holh lesldenta und vis i torn it la porhnpa not gouerully known hint tin hm dock la very oailly orndlcnlcd tlio largo leaven nru lliu lungs nf itu system wlillo tlio long mots fouigo in tho ground for tho noiulslmieot iripiliod tn supply thu plant life tnkn tiny kind of 11 sharp tun a long knife a upadii or 11 spud and out tlio leaf pait off an inch bolow tho giounil if thia operation la properly performed thu result will ha doud imrdook it would only tako 11 fow iiiiiiiiipu now and again to ndmliiutur ihu iioituionl to nil the imrdocka and latgu uieda within your jurisdiction nnd uin lui- provemonl in nppnnranco nf tlio prnin- isea will lie itu flic lent tu glvu anyone perfect mil ufa ot ion for llievxpendlturo of tlmu nml vlfuil tiy it this spi log and smimiiei a spundld oama or dall au rxhlhltlmi gamo of lumu hall was played in tlio park hem on haturday afternoon nnd it wan a vary una game milton whh iho contesting nine holh toama played good hull ami nt tlio und of tliu ninth innlnga tliu gun 10 ivaa n tic vaoli having onu run tn ciedlt tliu tooth liming guvu milton n inn miitl aunt thu players lunuu in lino fultlo anionu now pitcher ttawn la u wnudui mid ho wlllhulp vory mater ially in uhllng acton tn ru tit 1 11 thu loagiiu oliiunplmislilp tlila woason tim uttandanoe waa not up tu what the aplffiidlil gamoiloaei vod hut after tliu dugraoeful eonduot of thn hhaiii rooka of juoili tho raliutlay hufiiro our oltlsiniibi espuolally i he hidlnu worn afrafd to vonturo thn dull i ready howovr to aiiiiiro tho puhllo tlint tlioro will iki nn fuitlipr use of bad innguagudui lug thn aonannu hall gniiithi hmiiil uniiblahliin have iilvii i iiiblritatoil to arrest all olfoiuleia social and plrsonal mr jmiieg mulfal visited filnuds in toronto inst week mr albert hhhoim of kiln imtcd friends hrre this week mr hymn ij ling i spending n few holidays at thn linmn here miss myrtlo hnpar visited friends nt nit nnd preston hist week mr ii p moore loft yimierday for ilrnnlfnrd to attend cunforrticn mrs jen mann spent hmpho day with friends in acton itoformvr mra ih llloo letiiruod on wodnaa- dny after spending a week with fileuila nt king mr jnmnad mcdonald of the v n it it la home from hiulhiiry for n fow day a mr and mi juoign hniwood of ihlmlllon spout the holiday with acfon friends mr j 1 hmlllj who is vrry 11 la spidlngtwot rksntmr ic mclooda nnssngiiwju mr w knnni ir is smiidiug fow weekc holldaya on hla nnrluu rami in himioaliigr mis mcmillan of llin was tho gueqt foi a vvtilt 01 so of mc ii mc- dougiill and famllj miss lillian wimiriim has llueii spending the wui k at the homu of mr ii horlop ilo mill- mr 11 k httnvii i of himllton spent h hollibiyu bitt ieik nt mr- mcliloil jausiigaweya mrs john matthews mid mu- miigkln of toronto were gncuta of mr wllllnm ihown last wook mrs win hyo mid children who havo hunn in kulitnd thn past ai aiilvtd homo lb- h11 ut thu week mru t p maiun mis g a llaik aiidmrbk woid 111 uded tin hap list jouvuntiiiii ut ubtltenl on tuusdu mra it ilit liivlu and m mar- garut hi ru in u iph laui wook atlindlng iho fiiuml of the late william imin dr ciimormi w111 of toionto was a guest at the vim hegal garden party nt tho uslilenct of mr d d mann on hnlmduj ituv and mo llirkoi mid mi nnd mru ii p mm 10 were guests nt tin homo of mr dmlghia hnrhy lourock a couple of days last wook ituv o w harkor wont to htanl- ford to attend tho annual session of hamilton conference oil mumlnv mra duiker nnd murlal went lo visit friends nt paris nnd canning mr 0 sorgo douglas who whb in poor health during tho winter hnu almost fully recovered mid was uhln emtio tn town hist lliursday and spend tho day with hlu filenda bete inspector anil mra deacon mus i ii doncmi mid mi mid mi w h clements attend tl the ootibn wed ding of mr nnd mis h ilullui lugur- soll inst monday lliformei utiv a w mcintosh uf hulwoooi linn accepted a cnll to thu proshyturian church nt naukntnou which has hcen collrmed by presbytery ho will pienoh hla faro well sermon at dolwood tho last hunday in juno miss k m hammond intonda giving up her position as assistant in tho continuation hchoot nt eummor holi days blie ospcots to enter thu university nt tho fall term mlau hammond hns glvon splendid satisfac- lun in tho school bora and her resigna tion la much regretted poueuenth annual kmouralon tlio iiununl excursion of llaltmi farmers inatitutu to tho ontario agilcultural college ouelph will take place on wednesday juno lllth tlio special train will ltmvu port credit nt 710 a in calling nt georgetown at 0 n m ilmohouso nt u hi aoton ii1u nnd hnokwood ut dim vro for thu round lilp georgetown ami umo- li ointe mo at ton 3ao itockwood too ohlldiim midui 12 half price tiokuta good to rutin 11 on any train next day tlia lata wm btaphanaona fortuna application wau iniidn last woek for letters of udmlnisti atlun foi tho ut utu of tho late william htophenson tho invliitor of iliimllton who loft kjllt- 1120 tho docoiued died inteatnto onehalf of thn estate will go lo tho wife and tho balance will be divided among tho flvo sons tliu deconsed wns a brothel or mr anthony htephonson blacksmith ho wnu thu inv entnr ot tho btephenaou plow which ho manufactured in aoton ub manager of thu acton plow co in addition to tho ostatu above hugo roynltlos nro duo each ynui upon mr mlophoiibanu inventions impounding bpaady automobllaa impounding tho machtno lunddltlnn to u line is tho mothod proposed in a western statu to punlsli autoumhllo bptuderu who run mnre than eight miles nn hour while tho mnehlno is under nrieat which tuny he from ono tn twelvo tnoiitliu i lin nwm 1 will have to pay storage of 921 n month for each succeeding oltenoo tho penalty will ho doubled thlu la llkn depriving n niniglity tiny of his now toy hut it should turn out a vory cffuotunl way of pulling a slop to what bus become a public miluiinoo tho speoding nuto- mohlle oaubratad thalr ooldan waddlnjr mr and mrt tlimlina klilmge main htreot oulobrutod their flftluth wed ding iiunlvuiaiiry ut limit rcsldunco last wednesday utult may tholiini khhngo wnu thoaonnf tho into tlioiuaa leiibuge nnd mis kbluigo was tho daughter of thu into thomas ovui tun htnoksuilth hntll of acton tlioy worn married hy tho utu hov w h hlowuit in st gonigox chinch gmdph on may aitli ibm during tho half coiituiy nf their mm r led life mr am mra kbbage have lived in acton with tho exception nf two 11111i- n half yenra spent in ginvonhumt nhout ihhly jeaia ago they havo oxpeilunoed many vicissitude hut have hlwajb had n happy homu and havo enjoyed thu esteem of the com munity twelve chlldi on have blessed the liniiiu three of these have dlod of thu lumiiliilug nine live were piisenl at iho gulden wtddllig last week 1 lluiaoc nf toronto 1 mrs j o hlptoii of uloveravllht n y 1 mra walter itiplun of johhstown n y cbiuhb and clam nt home thn othmu iobiiiu ut distant pnlnu iiinl found it inipuhblhlu tn he present numerous lokuna of lovo wore ton- deivd be hi ido 11 ml groom nf long ago milling wfiloh u present of l60 in gnld finiii tho family the oouaulnn wan onu of genuine inteiest and plohmuf news topics i or till wckk ilmportnrt evontu in fsw word for buiv readora tha duty world happmlon oara fully oompllsd and put info hand and attrattlv shapa for tha ftaad- ra ol out pnpara solid hours enjovmant wednesday two german nlrahlpa mnnoeiivred with thn infantry in ilia presuncu ol the dm per or john oralmini of klrkhind n i auld lo 1m thn olduit iimn in canada dld a bed 100 hix itnliiina piinsnnu were killed ill an attack on tho tov11 hull nt hlno- poli in calnhrln illa ilmaruf that ciprinnn cnalro la iiearibir parinln dun to uvor irulul- jc urn in 1110 rph hie the canadian ndrlhern crop report biivs tho growth ib in ndvance of lint ol two ynnra nnn nt thin sotinon liner isnirt need ii ycura wna awrpt off n flooded brldtrn ovii drew- ery creek nt hull nud drowtn i w nicy ivniin of hellevllle nt i 14 hail no mo powder in n enn 011 vlo- tnrju day it ixfilndid gnli into tiia fnoe 111m yi sley nuiy hi thb ifbt of nn eye thup3day a riulnmhr un kilbd bj fulllpa nnn n idiult of the- mitlartliw mine ft cobalt john medmiald of tucul u dend rmi injurit s uiihtainod by n fall n wi i it nc a vlelnrhi di npntrhruinorb a white fltar dmuiiiinii piinflo m rvlco iti con- nutlou wilh the gt p pdor hanson n h iu thief aen- t nri il in h yunm 111 htony mountain man iienltnutlnrv linn 1 tapid iho think f montral lins piirobaa- rd 1111 ilnmiiiitony buibliiift 011 wall in 1 1 for itu nt w orlt brnnrli private mnlr vtlm shot r ti ilnyd t inndnn in said to havo made tun nlli mptti to t nciipo from hamilton ntvluit it in rxptmul that rreml r ii ukln of vnlrnlin li nding the nnitnl nppo nitinn will cbnllenco tliu gnverilinoill 10 ovirthrow it phi day tlio town nf dnltnn mkli ru- porli d dnitroid bj fnrcnt fins the mw pontoftlro nnd lire hull ut buhkaloon ut re struck by lijrhfninr mra julia word huue cihbrautl hr iki tb birthdnj at hi r homo in llouton yeati rda thu aiinlrnlinii government uim do- f atid yinlerdn on 11 vole in thu hoiiro nl ilepn sentntiven itvi vilr of niw york prntl- dent of the atnum kxjin nn co ban r hiunod v m hum it surci 1 dn him 1ire on the hii mm r cntpiltlnm off vancouver jnvn the ptimu iih rs and crew u lively fluht one imui iohi ida life ni ihoii ann j a prohpcrniih former nt llioknoha conn nt coiiilhnd no liurd that be burnt 11 blond v whi 1 no dji d in n few minute a nqmid of olplit suiurbbd cbina nn n rnptured 111 new york stntn near thn itnrder wi ru n fumd re- ndminnion tn cmindu by the imthnri- tii saturday mr nowell ilnle ono of the hading bnailiona men uf ottawa is ib ml tint ntnanmr glcnuinunt innt le n loaded with ntcol ruilu nt 8yd in y for fort william tho bookn of the united copn r co wnntitl in connection with the trlul of auguutun hulnxo hnu disnp penrod a camden n j girl ho went to 11 ninglntrnto for a marrioiro lic nue vnn married without bur kiiowlndne or connent to a man who accompanied her thn internulionnl rinlicrli a com mistilon met nt anhinpton vniterdiiy to consider the ri auliitiniih for lull ing in tho boumbtrv with r lietwlen canada nnd thn huitid filnli s thn approlnry of the trillion tem- rierancn 1 affile eoniliimi tlie old toy celebrntioim 1 ml hhjh it taken some time for thu moral tone of iho rlty to bo restored niter audi cutlier- inga monday tho rt rt ipta from hie nah h of prince ltnport lolu nro uiiumated at fl17ft- 07ft thu lnnsshnri men on the great lakea will probably co on utrtku to day the u b rcnnto hns incronaed the di niiley t arl ff on iwi t iitm s nnd raw nvutorn dr w it merwln of windsor wn fined flofl for attempting to poliion 11 noiidilioru don mra robert tenl nf wis on com mitted uulcido by cutting hur throat with liimpglimn thu qm lien iesuliilurn him prom gtmd after ono nf tlio lonjient ami most oxciting hensinna in yearn thn mem- born indemnity win iopimuied to 11 600 thn 11 inlnnd revenue ofllw ra searching 11 detroit produce nier- nbanla utore for olonniargiirlnn wi rn mislaki n for burglars nml nnrrnuty eiicitpcd hi imr shot hy the police tuesday hon tbomns price thn labor premier of houtb auntrnlln is dead aubrey ward una sunt e need nt lon don yi mterdny to one year for bigamy thu cnmnlidulilu iflnvntnr co will build a new l7no00ubusht i ifuvntor ut port william mrs duval wife of ttie moderator of thu promhylt hun ounuriil assem bly tiled nt winntptff iifly teonmlers unplojed by iho elty of ottawa struck esterdny for in kent county nro suupeeted nf bnv- injr a privnlu whlaky still au engineer on thn nt w york cen tral wrecked his i ruin ut mcdinn ny to uiive the life of a ohild on thu truck hov j v wright nronminnen lint- whistle tbi present iorminitt nf tho 1tp coniruclion thu loneliest town in the west thn g t 1 irainnien nro unld i have implied or 11 board ot concilia tion nl i eel njt that eoniutionu in thn v st are vory onerous haiit blauoiitbn oauaad by naglliranoa hulr must havo nourishment ni dlo if it dona not have proper nourishment it will ioho itu vitality grow wenk nnd boonuio an oaay prey in iho ravages of tlio vlolomt nml doslrnollvo germs of dandruff paiulan hugo la a hulr tiourlshor t it u tliu roan it of alucoiu study and uk- parlnnuit hy one of tlio worlda leading so lent 1st c it ubnuld bo used regulai ly an a hair droning hy everyone with healthy hair became ll never fails to prevent undiutf fulling huh nr any uenlp disease hut pat lulitn hugo ia not only a pre ventive it i n certain cure fur tlaml rulvi it stops llohlug nf thu soalp innkoa hair grow thick and liixiulnnt it la especially in demand hy ladles became it makea iho lirtlr beautiful oft nud fluffy a t drawn thn drugglut aolls it under n positive gunrantoe tn rid nil hint la claimed for it or money hank fwlaeuu for 11 large hottltr ilonor to whom hqitor la dua hov d ii tayhir pntlor of thn mi ibodut church itockwood uiltea lefiiliig lo the missionary repnita at lite dulili t meeting nt itockwood inst wi 1 u he snya that whllo nnifulk ht guolph nud arton did lemurkahty well with their giving honk wood chinch excelled them thu ki mum- liers tif that church contributed 9101 rj or 42 lim per member in addition to this iil w wnaconti united through thu womuna missionary hocluly making nn avnrngo of ul hi per tueiii- her tlie above facta worn not nought out in the general loporl itorkwood cliuri h being included with thu other chnrrlina of the limit ib cot mini y a cudltahhi uhowing ha clot dlaordarly anil was afeaatatl a lesldont of acton managed to bring nn after holiday jug into thu city inst uniting with gnat dlfllcully tha difliuilllis ffkeemng cpntrol of the jag iuei ensi il nfti i liu struck town at tho pi buy hotel the jiig gutbeyond hlu con 10i aui broke out in a noisy nmnnei he wnnltd i dilnk lit ho did not get it nllhoiikh the hahondei handed j1i111 out aumelhlng that ru tnlnly una not soft jor he ntuilid himtlng on- tho llnui hit wns still bunting when thncnuulautu an i veil ami ho was nt once rniuoviil to the pollen niirt llils inorntng he wu barged with disordeily conduit mnl nftei paying n dullui and routs ho vn bentliack to look after thu liny crop guiilph morciuy bummai barlaaor inatltuta maatlnif thn iitiitual summer meetings of tho womens institute will ho hold nt thu places nnd dates iimnur below iiicb meeting will bo nd ilrcssid by mua ii mcmurchle of hnrrlston hhurldun tuilipoinm 1 ball niumday juiiu hli nt 2u and h p in 1 trafalgar township hall monday june 7th nt uu mid h p m palermo teiupirmu o h ill tin sduj junumhat2 ut p in 1 nelson town hall wednesday juno f 1 1 1 1 atli hlmid h p id iliirlingtou library thins day juno huh at j p in george town town ball imdoy june ilth e h p in llitllhiafad mia hhurlillv huniu hutuidny june lllth ut p 111 moffatt urookvlllu town hall monday june llth at 2 it p m t kilbride mcungoiu hulf tuofihi tune llli at u mill h p 111 mis- mimuidiln is u miutlonnld instltulo gieilnatu hhu uniui stands doiuewtli tunioiiiy uu iippllod lo thu lountii home und is highly appreciated nn an inslltiilo worker ui10 animal dlstilct meeting will he held on 1ijdny junt ihih in thu council chmnhei acton mib john c micron la pitsldenl mrs di giny i elrcs nnd miu gi o hnvlll hlcielaiytrcasurer youll be pleased with the beauty the varlctyawcompletcncss of our selections of these bright summer ash goods its all because we bought early before the best pattcrnii the ciioilchi demriui and most modish weaves were hiiapped up mere are fabrics which for beauty and breadth and low prices arc not likely to be duplicated thia tcahoa the variety of charming coiillits is wcjl nili limitless tnd theres not a wash goods fabric unrepresented cool summer eloihs for the waist tkirt or diess or the boys suit joull hud them all here uright new iyog jjoodt at prices much less than ou look for on tiiicli quahiits ilercb an ida ol the values wliiludotltd nndllmtk swi n mumiiih mecial l- vd while mrillriced cliulk muniiiih at ajt 300 lit 1 while vihtingii 11i lit jm iiml 3i while pitiiil fim mnl liuavy cnribi mc sou and 3s- whitt nnd tolorrd ii itihlp i in wide ul x cvorrd dtm mtmlrtn ut 7c lot lt sih mid j5c 16 in tlihnrd mauuick isiulmgt j p ciul laji krtonld iiiihk ululiidio 75c white nml clorut liuliiin iiml sii llilcu snlliiiku nil hliaikn v intli iltntu spaiial iuiik 33 u1u1 irlnlii tuuully hnlil fur lot in tb 1 trlpid inw mi linen 1 lialc i 41ii showing of old hleaui wei t imiciiiilroot crmti k rttluli iririln u full r u ihif t in 301 ioc an ini and ist- mllil p tslra vilu il vd ml siulhig 3jc to sir on oju in itiut cor wyndhanvand macdonald streets vthai uvjl 0ullpii 0nt frost wood no 3 binder 1 has a strong back bone irnut a wikhlnru inliallnn cover canniln from atlanlla in puua hnnili u irthiiunob in now waalmlnalcr cilsirv immmlon luuioi llrnlnn wlnnliwb turimin i liulnii oh m i lllicrlrih lie mnnlru it luolnl hi john truro uuhliirlnillliwii vur i mil itasnt tun itaia en irilnl nut icviititu lit fur ynutlf lis ll nn r ll i n h irul hlnuoll iruii tt wihui mudilna or rat umrvul tliu l you may frost wood co lih smiths falls canada c a black agent mill st acton sour stomach and heartburn little digesters cure or your money back at all druasjlila or dlract from coleman medicine co toronto 25c a box a i aa now spring stock of boots and shoes st0vel the shoe han la hlidily grailliod wiih lint r of liia recent ctftarltir areln ho siippllcil ho nil red of emtnmera whh hniilne liarfliiinn in 1 ooiuear and lie mated oui audi a volume nf hools and slinas tint room wm made lor iho convient liandlln of ida splendid new spring stock of the l and best in boots and shoes fly advantageous buying for cash ilia slock offura iinuaiiiil attractions for careful buyers i nil slock of siftlnc rtuuduhs itapairiii at way a fivon personil nttention geoege mill st stovbl acton enjoy hot weather in a hammock to insure summer comfort be aurc to get a hammock that is rightly constructed of good materials vve iiave them i hey may coat a little more than some other kinds but if you have ever experienced the discomforts of a cheap hammock you will be willing to pay a reasonable price to get one that is right we havo hammocks from 30 up but we especially recommend those costing ttk0 or more you will get full value in comfort for every cent of cost r h nixon phmja dturgist and stationer mill street acton the sherwih- wluishs a new knamkl rmibh ron iniidk wailb andoeitlnoa and woodwork bnsmelold la varnlah paint for iniiilt walla ind calllnn mil woodwork where a high glow finish d m red it la very easily applied doe tint null nr tire you when anrcad- ing covert exceptionally well wears long it la aailly rleaned mnmli plenty of loan anil water very ecnnninlral iciiiinelnld ib made in elslilein brant i fill ahatlca alan black and while put up in convenient liied iina ready for uiej always lull measure for sit oil d inlili nn walu callinii lut munwwwiuuub rmr r f johnstone mill street acton ont h ammoeks we get the lest goods o every sort that the market affords and sell them lor little enough lo keep business brisk jusi it present hammocks arc a leading interest and we have reason to be proud of the range we arc showing prices from 125 to 125 r f johnstone mi tx stiiii r hardware acton ont repairing jewelery we pay minute attention to all the details of repairing jewellery one person gives his whole time to it and wo try to do it the way you want it done geo d prinqle the jiiwetxtttt guelpii ont hamiltons iavoriti sholiing 1lacii reduction sale of womens tailored suits ono hundred and uly nl mart now lallorod stiltt ru mil on til this wook at absolutely reduced nrlias those- are broken ranges kli from onrbeil wlllnn vinos they are a really mducod for thia wilt aflordlnix you ilia opporiunlly of socurinr n now snt for iho siininier wear otn jtom aavlng ls 00 siilia on aslo it h 111 17 00 anils on aalo l 810 on ijj oq auiia on aalo at lis au bio 00 suits on uilu at fjjtoo ulack navy ktocii fjroy lmin brown chain nan no nud mtior shailea ilalo namns voneihnsanil bronilcloilii lanty slilpo nnd chuck worstoil pnrwnus aornos and hruatlcli ilia a wliola lion ul cor reel biylaa all erfaqtly niloreil in til and hang qraamilly all slus on lao all hla week a summer sale of good gloves bummer dcv is nl ureal price am inn this ucak wo open iho iknniar kova anftion ihlb week wllh a rroit undur priced ailo of fatlilnnable llslo silk and cutlon loves 1 ojq pairs wilt ho in ilia sale at a lavlnfl ol ono third lo una half c real vtluu una toe real value f 1 an 40c real value 75c ohc rani value ft j5 1 03 real value ft 15 kii real value ti js 1 hey aro illicit whllo croani nivy nnd tin sbailos in innif raoimjiililru or short siyts and in all alia fur women yoniiu vmhiiou nmt niiiaa included nro many wllh double lipped linburs all on silo thia week oat iho aiimmur n supply it once real kid and gape gloves on sale 1 our special purclineoa in lona nnd short real kid ami cipa ulow 1 will no vii site 1i1u week nl siilomlld savlri inchtdml aro women u wilklnn and drtss ulovoa and boys thovos trj3 real value ii jj 73a roil viluo ft 00 ohc rell value i jo ft 75 real value j vi onu dome and iwo dome wilit letinlh and lnnnr stylos in nvinrl- o ian shades black white and colured iio pairs in oliouao ninani i thomas c opnnkfi kino st east huohidn irtaticins hamilton ont

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