Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1909, p. 1

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ht jvjcijott n ft vofclmk xxxiv no 50 kvary auwrlmlui acton ontaitio tiiuiisday moltnino junk 10 1000 binulk coliks tiiiu5m cents a rualiaiisn kveltr rilujlfldjly uounino at run prw mfm ivladmjr osm ill irrnkkt acton ont ttim vl hubaerlylum oa dollar pur yoar slrlotly hi atlvano all amb- mrmtlnnu ill scout limed whan tit lint lor whlnli 1liy imvo bean data has ex pired ilia dnt to which avary sub tor union is jild in ilanotud on lb ad jraaa label a4vuinm ltes tr it ni mt 4vr- 1 tlaamanu 15 omit inr nonpareil lln lor nratinuortlon i oonu per lln for kelt ulqucnt insert i on jviwartlsenuiuis without mpeclmo di rections will ltd inserted till forbid tnil charged nooordlnvly trantalsnt 6 ruamntmuat be paid in advance advertlaaritants will be iianya ones rcli month if doalred vor ohaukem oris nar than hwovs mantlanad tha eom- ponldon muni bo paid or l rtgultr chantu for contract advertisements muat b in the offlc by noon on tuee- acoounta payable monthly kn oirioe 16 kuat hlreat lon- nn k- c where moiiri m and j hardy a co will rdclv for u nawm subscriptions and advertisements and whare our readers con iro at charge see our vvr whan id wnktfttio ir p uoouia kdltor and itaprlaior t tfustnrsb birrctori iiios gray m d c m mcgill mi or 1 1 1 ah fluaoow ubkbsnliarnaiiuaiiicil aaaouutfow isto dffleavradarfck hirt aolonoou fr a l ilouii irstluale of uitlarilly of toronto onlea at miiune ou willow htreel-ue- twasn mratienl llauu ami to wo hall ihaiia no 00 acton ont lxoal j maokinnon lliaalatxb bolioitoa c0mvhhcm orvioalllll htrael in hlovolf woes laoraatown llrannliueiu utraet oian wailnajutaya and haturilaya j mohadd clefs fourth duialon oourv conn ir of hal anfonvaaiiaarabautplraanduf0aaautane ileal ifeuta aeut money to loan lo oyrieslerryinen itlnck aotoh on dm j m dell vd b lou dshtiit atnohi omoe al kulilfiiao corner ullland frederick uouob aiuiuata ov tobohto uhivaajunr to uutl anahthallo uaad ii daalrad atlloobwood rotidaja milsckbbanmoas pi anm hardy co auviibtuinq cotbactobi and nuwi connnvromtibuti 30 llooi street london e c urthlnnd a pita of till faiiar can l aeon frna ol obaroa byvlallora to liouilou to whotn allo oraila wlllbt laolflaqulrad manoib nonan booummdvh f uuuviiihuu of ar w btor aaaoitbl hooka of all kind mad to ordav laiodloaiaoiatrydatorlillodearfnllylknda rhllcrdmiiprotnrtivdona m anniaols lioknbbb n 1 uoohh ani ow uaaauoh lioiwab irlvataofflaa no wltn rqnld imnad at raalduom in th avantug vraatram offleaaoyom w fu hhubtrbut ijioakiio adotiombmb ifor ih- coontlaa of wallinilan and imiab qrdaralallatthaprah lui offlm aotoa ov atraytmldaiiaalnaotoitwlll bo promptly at- tattdadto terma llauouaula alto maaay to inan on tba raoal favorabla uwitand vi lln lowaal valaa of inumtin wmiofwoaiilii wardi w hull llcbhuuu auctk urln ontario oraara ult with lh vnmn 1nnaa aotoo mill rawalva immadlala atlauiloi r j kbiui tjlihkai augtiotfhbit vortltu counllw ol wblllnflloii ilallon and u willi laluuotloii and upon ofcr t as do ivarvalavav aiton will walva laimotllal- mttnuon bpeul alloitloii to aalai in aolon and vlolnlty jam us mcdonald llcmmtklt auctionkbb for uia oinjllm ol avalllnbeon halion waurloo woiilworlli anil lha liy of lualpl halaa oanilnaud oil raaaonahla lanna and allafaelloii buaranlewr in awary vnr urnia ilataa nln apiily lo lloa qti umuinhutfmr molaiuv ml nd klora hmd 0 lmoil rxbona l ouajph would ton jliike railxoad time send your watch to ttxpibt watch ntwiibisci co ororand tiunk hallway gullph ont stephen cordiner painteu pape hanob biqnwnitkr dkoohatob i hava much pusiure in informlno ilia poopla of acton and aurroundins vlclnliy thai i liavo for inapocilon a mffnificotl bitot i mar i nf uiaiiolasb wall papers i iruil iv uriel ottenifon to liuinehnl moderate clurftea lotccur a alnro of your palronage any work enirualoil to my euro ahall bo oeculetl in a ibllful anil iraiteanian llbo manner ordaraloftal liouao on mill si or by dropping a card will receive prompt alien tlon -the- seasons needs lawn mowcrs garden shears sprinkling cans screen doors window screens charcoal irons 90c ca charcoal by the bag c c speight mill street acton taylottforbes lawn mowers empress ball bearing woodyattliiyli wbccl star medium wheel daisy high grade low price no botter mowers made each mower it guaranteed to do its wolk you can buy these mowerh elsewhere but tlriu is our advertisement tho bond hardware co ltrolud 1uuii vhnot 07 ouklplt what fools these mortals be without any polony o puck wo apply hi epraailon directly lo llioee people win conaianlly nefllect thalr eyea who need glaiaea and who atlll do not uear llirm ifltili meinayou uo hope ll will cjtiae you to think let examine your byes a d savage opiomcirul nntl optician iltane 371 jt wjnrllnm bl cuclph out winter session olno jannary till in all depart niaiili ol llin tihnlll mi 1iuhi- hiohh lollkiju onfta and lerrard ntraat formili our jauloaiib eiplalni our irl otliy in luliinioni hiair alailiodi and iimuiii von are invited lo writ inr it ii niaraatwl in lha kind of to lino i woiu wtilili iitiodi liut ruooaia ddraiiw ii htiawlraaldant nosanfrawoya tumboi milln darn limber of any dimension cut li order lllll will iterl april lit cnn cm any bulldfnbj malerlau needed in hemlock or plnoon almrl noilce large block of shinies for ualo this year cut from firal iwlli cedar p sayers sons naiuftaweyn p o buubonillied tttook caltia 1wu thb wdulinoton mutual inbunanob companv bubluhd 1b40 itart omo oulh oh imflult anob on uaah and uulual plan any jonmi raqulrad ttilllw promptly ailw t aiat voiiutf aelon w it dbkhv aiiaiit ml for til union inanrane oo artists materials watlill coloitb ollc0i0kb and buiiillia pvroabapby 80ppmbb and outiltr nature study quppwbb ioll comhgbb schools oh btijuknts bml tar information lr clklnftilb no larluu mieruu m nlur 3luly 8lippll clklnatm no 3 lroflmplty shnpllm waters bros thipioture blore i wyiwlhim st cuklpii paper makers axon an town ovr hook nkws anb joiiki iapitlts tnonhatlmbll the excelsior bakery having recently installed some of the uncut im- c roved machinery for read making is now in a better position than ever to supply our custo- mcra with bread cnkca etc of firstclass quality wo also carry a splendid stock of groceries and confectionery ice cream and nil kinda of fruit in benson t stathatn son mala st acton everton us eden mills the uut quality of manitoba family nntl ptiy flour for salo at lowest prions our own malt chopping done and oaii tolled every day poeri for sale caili for wheal and oat henry hortop georgetown fboralx go limit georoetown lorlrif an aoaoiah hprina acrnaa boiiir mli rorrtl ijiko an uvilliii fulltf i hour the ttlfclir iiiiiih ulvo tlioh voapoi mil tliolliiklititrhiiirkliu flimt down tlio vnln ami lose their inolruly alunu tin truil pnrtli from llinum mill fm tluoro comoh hut tout of wter fulling na they fell f ynipj wlillo fur in yondt r iri a roetloaa mrarii mnkni nuilc to iho nlulit winds fcoiftlo drouiii acroaatho mitrulilhix dilfiu a allvvry urrp on of fng f tlm into moon nmlm ilur myallc miidoii ltinn tawopaklcku liill i flm odorous kprlnir and coot dork lartli imw iimivo tim heart to unu an out of memory iulnt iclinta tl anil niinlnt acndlan dy in aflats illahiiui iniajllb morait in jin mapfailuc fttt ynmilu itrnblng yte- a conspiracy or mmrlhm mcullthwuium ijstojtaiwa cut flower growers funeral and wcddlnr orders a specialty all ordtu plcl will r ii nixon drusgllt aotoli will tecelv promnl ntienllon mens hat sale all styles prices and makes clear ing entire lot cheap also largo rnngo of all kinds caps cheap vvo have n lot special ly low priced about 1 or less their regular value call early and get your pick as we are going of the hat bus ufonfaines fur establishment 9597 quebec si guelpii ont r inny couin nlonp if you wutit to hut f alioultl think youm lmlii to ln nlwnya tnffhlnk ilorht an id with n small in- anion t iiittftli ilurln wnan lion ntj nntl a hollo imiitln lutwlntor oltivrhy two jreore wnniiolthor accordlno to ilio niuutryiildt ltndu wna oviin itiy ioo plo who wuro nil fur roaoa uiul dlmploa mid mmahlny amlleu buw no tioiiiity in llntliiu ollvncompluxlon hor aovoroly chiaalo piofllu rttitl llin aliui iriirt which thoy rullnd thin nhu did not uiullu much mul uhu iniirhfd no niroly hi ptihllo hint goaalp ald nlin did not know how maforo biio wau iilxtomi yho hud iuimi sat down prcdosllnnd pplnutcr it wa fiirothorwui with hoi in who way a tlnnmuk rosn uinhiulkd in iidm hlo lhh ninlhlouil ijiiihiiit twonty ono hod mnui hut u hoiiu iluituu conijuimtb could nut ha reckoned upon nil hor in both at hiat until llkiid lo imvo ilnilihn out with her flndlup in liordurk pullor a flno foil for iot own charms hut after nwlillu uho prow in n btninuo tin- nccmintiihle wny roaonlful of lliidu it oiiniod ft rcfluoliun on iho family hint ita oldor ihuiujhtor wau wo iiliu ly n booiiii ulphor at lunst hint win whnt uortii told horwolf koryhndy forln iho bovorolujn novd foi u good ixctmo to justify nn imkltid nciltui not f oi woilda would biio limo nd- mil tod lu huraolf hor fooling ronlly hnd ita origin in certain pmlara of llntln apoken by n man when uho horaclf hnd robolvod tn ninrry alaton wndo wim lliu limn uo won tlttt cntoh of iho conn try lln lived twenty iiiiidb nwny nntl hnd not known tho loo girls until nix months hoforn thou thoy hnd mot nt iho county fulr uud nftor hint thoy hnd not hoon utile to go niiywheru without finding hlui thoro not thitt thoy ohjeotod wudo wan tho kind of mim tn whnm no una could nhjoctnnt ovon n young wnninii prodoullnod to bpliibtorhotul linda dun cod hut rnrvly i thureforo ilorta hud wop nigh monopolliod al- atond nttonllon i in hnd iniida oppur tiinlllub ftir nil hint to talk with llndti mid hnd ovon hoon unwuo nnugh to tell llndati auiiir hint nho runted nm cheorod lihu nn might n froah nnd fra grant htf oko ilorta imd coood that linda wiib truly tho donrost old thing whou lliry wero homo iigiiln nnd for wtiok tlutroiftupbho did notapiirbtlioilonroat old thing ono posullilo ptu prick vim wont hotnnuboniv all tho old imildb in town arp burn to ho at iho aiialoya alio ran on no thuy steppod into tho carrlogf blm hail hoon oping linda would not go tn tho lawn party it wiib hie first of tho aonaou noltody hut ivggy anbtoy would havw risked buoii n thing hiub curly ovon though mny hnd oonin in auniuim warm it would hu htltor if youd put on a hlnok frock a short nm nnd a white apron flion you could hnlp borvn thing alio wont on linda biullufl gravely and you could havii worn my chip hat she re plied with u fnlnt twlnkh i know its iilmobt no lioooiiiliig tn you nu yon nro ti it uut im gutting to lie iolflsh ia i grow ntdor iltu hut iloobitt mnttutt if people boo mo they never think or whnt i have nn bnld uoi tn im not just pai t of tho bpoimry llko uomo ponplv linda flualidd and mntlo a motion to- wnnl tho onrrlngo door nlinost a if alio would leavult inn moment how- uvnr ho sank hack on ihoculihlon nylng ovtmly i welt nftor nil tho booitecy hnu ita iihob anywny im going to imvo tho hu4t tliuo i can ao you aity i shant ho lonoioino ivggy miya biiub nukid ovcryhody in town over nix months old yob i know itll hq tho in mo na n sunday hehnol plenlo i fully ox pea i to lea you uuirolilng admit looking llko the lioatl of an orphan asylum hertn oommontou biitufnlly linda only nillotl agnlu aflur a minute mhobiild vory slowly i at lonat ill oaanpe tag glng hint way and you iinibtut ta spiteful if for onoo i hnvo mora follow or lit on you hoon hiity ulhd through ilia ansloy gut oa lu uglt of grpon htwiif llowtn decked nntl unft uu velvet kuote of peitpli flvukihl the linf th womon bravti lu light imrlng gavuiantbi and even iho moil allowing hints of tlm annanns oullvrnlng lu thulr more coim1 nttlro llilliliou ran around picking tluwein iinhltidornd or hong thrui down to roll ecstatically on iho gmsu dm hi lost her tcowl nt the eight hti o a woman foi utlliorliard iiinhltlims linda hmgihl to guhmr the tod i tor a in her urnib and carry thorn off lo falry- uftil fjlif cohlrollwl heradlf and wulk- pildocoronalynihoug tliuin only stnp- ping now iml tlion to pat n unfilled tirly liruil hha hud in a ronit pluk fiak with snuttliii of flntt hiro at ifnoat uiul wiinu humohow lu apllo of hviua taimta her aplrita intel ilanu until her mood matched hlir appournnco more tlmii nun person looked nftoi hor half iinrlloil nn elm pnabiid olori voting nn i for the moat part iiiiulv n hibii for l rtn and hung about hor ns alio inovodlmt m nro than imr drop ping out bkiii inwaidly lhiduunrur- ly as pretty 1jib nftoi noon all unconscious of looks nnd un- apoluii thought linda went oil to lh furthor btlgc where tho older pcnpli were ostnhllshod in garden din ira or npoil buttle thty wuro talking nnd iniiglilug among theiuaulvou there were iras than a doxuu of hioin all llfolong friends or eiietiilfie a lltllo apart from them aat a whim haired woman smiting nt tho sreno hupplly hut quite aloof lvldently uho was o stranger iiibtinotlvely linda sat down huslde hor saying with n umilo if yon would rather not tnlk ill ho ns still as a mouse uut i want to talk vnry much tlm wltlto linlred lady replied its hard enough to ho only a looker on when you know everybody nnd can son unit it iho surface i know nnhndy here t x copt hie man who drought me ihlug- log mo was a whim of hi and i never cross his whims uo knnwa mm aitsloy in fact alio is a sort of family connection and ho is i oiulng hack to me nftor awhile i think ho has boinuhiliignn his iiilud that do wants to got off how delightful i i feel its if i were sharing a conspiracy linda nun weroil with a soft smile the btrango lady leaned ncroas and putted her hninl saying impulsively it is a conspiracy und you shall know how it ends aftor it etidu uut now loll mo who is who and nil iihnnt o vol y body i dare ask that iwcuimu from your face i know you nover tell iho things ponplo would ralhoi were hft unsaid im a rank impoeiei its nil my pink frock linda suld protending in whlspui in reality im awfully grtinip and glim i m beginning lo uyiiiputhln with thu woman wli snid iho whb never entirely nt peace with lod and man except wlion alio fult en tirely well diefisod tin youc soul has on us pink frock too the strange lady said with a gllniiiiorlngsiulto llnilnimilded and 1 nm glad sho suld hrlolly i half ready to promuo uiyaolf ovii to weal hlnok nor to fool black again u buclinblmnie when llioioaruhiudowei and llttlo rliildrun and good fi lends t uinko living wortli while youll moke it wurtli while whei- ever you go tho white haired lady said with conviction now iilt titl ing angelic and turn gossip himium- bor i dont know anybody oriuiythlng ulmtit nnylimly linda began eagetly to loll the lalu of guosti now nnd again her hut oner nodded nt a name tapped her llugeia in hor palm mid suld in heison i used to know the father or i ran ueo tho favor of the mother evidently uho was snmnbody nowly returned to onoo familiar ground bllll linda bail no misplolon of hoi identity until she saw alston wndo coming quickly tnwuid them all at onco it hashed iipn bev that his mother bud been fifteen years away with n daughter who had mauled a foreigner nnd gone tn llvo nhiond alston hud fieri a beside him und hertn was moro vivaciously lieautlful than oxer yet loma bhudo fell over bur ralihnco an thby approached near enough to see who but tieuldu mrs wade an soon na alston bud presented hurta to his mother sho said impallont ly to linda t peggy anitoy is limiting high nnd low for you hun nwny to bur you know sho dopomla on you to help hnr with things wo will go up togetbor i nluo am going to help alston an id inking lindas band mother im snro miib hortha n hi bo very vory kind tn you nlllinugh dropping bis voloo blgnltl- cftntiy alio cant make up to you for losing linda hecanoo nolmdy can pns- ulldy do that have you mniinged to get the question off your mind my hoyf mrs wndo nuked with se tuning rrelovuncp hut n iiienuliig smile and her unit nnuworud with nn indent look nt llndu i you it in qullo off my mind hut theres another question a very much mora 1 m port tt ut one that linda niiibb eotllo for lito right nwny i told bar alio shoilil lionr tho end of be conspiracy mri wade snid laughing klar soil paused a second to buy over hla ahouldor sho cant mat cimtuntwlth almply bonrlng it hocauoo sho linrnulf in the end a aooo ah met bond i loiuumher- hint a good many years ago saye j l ilurlmur lu hirlstlaii union jlerald wlion i was n hoy my father who wan a uluiin mason did aoiiin work for a man nuiiifd john haws when tho unrk was complet ed mr ifawu said thiil ho would pay for ll on nroitalu day it was lain lu llin full when tho unik wns donr ojid when tlm day name on which mr ifnws had raid that he would pay for it a fearful storm of sleet and snow and vliid raged from morning iinlll night we llvrd nine inllea from the iiiwv lioiue und thorond wau- n vuiy had one ovon in good weather i rc- iiiffi uber that father said nt tho break- fast table t i guess will not vn john kawtj today it will not mako any dl for ce if ho does not come ns i am not in utgeutneid of tho money ho nwtu me it will nu uu nn dluvroiiln if it is not paid for a month hut at uooii mr haws nppeaitd ut our door almost finxpn am coveuil with shot and snow why john ilawui exclaimed my father when bo opened the door am who it was thai had knocked i had not the least idea you would tiy to lido away out hem in this fearful storm didnt i say hiat i would couinp askid mr haws oil yes i hut i did not regard it a t pro mine so binding hint you must fuhllitonnday llko this any promise hint i inuko is bind ing igurdliisb of wind or wonlhor i unld i would pay tho money today and i uui bore to keep toy word re- gaidluss of tho weather hut hion it is only u small sum and i did not really need it i need to keep my wort if hie sum had been hut ten conts and you weio a millionaire am i had unld i would pay it tn day i would bo burn to pay it if i had to rltlo fifty uiiiob do you wonder that it whs often uald of john llnwa hint ida word wns as good uu ills hundp uo was ns truthful as bo was honoit i ittmom- that a neighbor of ours stoppad at our house ono day on bis way homo from town uo had an almost iricnnublo story to tnlt about a ceitaln matter und father said i why it hardly seems possible that uuch n thing can do true john haws told muuboiit u oh thou it milut lie true you or john flaws never would have told it it lu a una thing to havu a reputa tion like that it is woilh moro than much worldly glory and honor wjien thoy are combined with tho distrust of hie people thiro uru men lu high positions with nil hint wealth cnn buy at hide command who are much pooler than john haws liecnuuo their woid is nf uo value nm thoy imvo none of hint high senco of honor that gloiilieulliohumhlollfe ahb who ihesltatusia lost oucent a dlnnor nt which dr knill llolob was present llio conversation turned on mnrilnge that wau a wise baying of tho old q rook philosopher said boiiio ono who thin you mairy hor or not you will regret ll you uiibworod or itolali it re minds nm of a aertnlu old innltl who on off unld something nlmost nn good an thai auntie said her little lileoa to liar what would you do if yon hnd your 11 fo tn live over again r tn whluh tho lonely spinster quickly replied i out nun i ltd my child before i had fjfiiisfl enough lu duuldu to bo an old uiald twhntv vbsahh aoo lust ii lilnj mousih allan and h torpy j va fined n young man 2 ml und cost amounting in nil to v 17 foi using insulting uud blasphemous language towards an lrlu farmer thfio lu sinrcoly a street lu town on whlrh squill improvement nro not obsoi vultlt in iho wny of now build- ingu xtvndliig n pairing painting fencing sodding or trie planting hnbolmll match on haturday ho- twenti w ii htonty honu ivnm nm a chili from junrgi lovvn ahliwed good ilay hut hut result ivne a 0011 vi oeorgtitown u tint ih st nsroclatlon uintt h of in crnusit this siiisiui wnm played bir ou hatuiday botwnen the crescents of acton nnd hie hoyids of htreijuvllle it npoiuil about a oclock nnd after mine thart idaylng tho ireartuits scond the next was unii by huv uoynlu and the next three by tho cioulonts making the sroro i tn i in favor of llin home ten 111 thu death of mr dan mlicuciiiiio occurred in connection with tho raising of a ham on mr win iliimow farm lot ii con ft hi in on monday in raulug a girth tho pike polo nt one end slipping it struck with great force on the left shoulder nnd head und falling his head struck some fqiinrn lliuhor iniiimnlued unconscious until death occurred nt i p m uu was el yonra if ngc mr w d ilenrtlinmo wiltoa lu reference tn n report hint his firm had bought tho cordovan tannery nt hie foot of hlglii ht from mr wm hmlth jr with tho intention or 11hi- matoly innnufactiirlng harness leather- uu states hint ilunrdmora a co have not bought iho cordovan tauneiy nlllinugh uomo of tho miinhorb of the firm nro stockholders in a company now being incorporated lo run that huuliieus mi nmlli is to lw inuiinger of tho comjiaiiy nnd lias taken stock in it for his tunnory as to harness leathor ll is a matter of grent uncer tainty whether it wilt bo seriously considered although there has boon spinu incidental talk of us manufac ture itov j k howell m a was elect- ted president of thu otielpb confer- once mothimllst church hold nt ht marys last week m viut1111 at hpoknnu lalls wnuh- ington terr u s a ou june ilrd ueo p tolton of itounlhi furmeily of acton to miua llnttsny of spokane raits formvrly of inillunupollu courtesy a lesson to thb clki1k a clothing dealer in an interior town says the dry hoodu chronicle imd orcnulnu to visit the city to pin cliaso roods whllo hu wau gnno a young muu enteiud his atom lo buy a cont a salesman wallet upon tho gustomei nnd showed him a coat plainly marked 7 tlie customei tiled it on nnd said in a pleasant con idlng way 1 i want a good uthdu nnd can ultord to pay a little more iu salesman showed blm innuy eoatu and finally having romoved the ing again offered hlui thu 7 ooat which had lltlud him nt first and anld ileie u a coal a line article just your lit which i cnu sell you for 912 tho coat wns nguln tiled on tho young mnn seuiuod ploired paid hit money uud wont awny on tho merchants roliiiu the sates- man with a buillnval trlmupli nit over idii cotiptunniice rushed up to blm uud honsled nf wlmt ho had dono tlm murchunt looked gruvo hu only asked t do6b nnyouo know who tho customer whbp a lltllo boy lind lecngnlxed him nu a woikmnn in a nolghliotlng factory and hnd remembered hla name tho meiohnnt sont for tho young man told him of blu mnrlincatlon gnvo blpi hack 1 nnd iho privilege of rolurnlng thu ooat if bo chose nnd than said to tho snlusmnn 1 now sir i will pay you your weeks antnry nndi wluli you to go if you client my oiutoniirs yon imvo not piluolplo uiiough iml 10 client mo if i cant hnvo my people sell goods honestly i will go out of business qood day sir a notable testimony pon total abbttinbnob another testlnumy nildod tn tho ninny given in favor of tomporanco tiy iho woiidu etilolent men enmou from wilbur wtlghl iho nvlatnr who for bis wonderful hiiccobm lu notlal nnvlgn hon linn been called tho king of tho air the editor of lhlnllo illoiio an niitliilcohol paper published in paris recently nukud the great air navigator to state his nltltiitlo towards nlcobollo dilnku heoniisu n man bna need nf nil his selfcontrol nnd nf nil blu menial cteainnsb in tho management of biieh a uoniplloated tiinohlne iih an airship dm editor wns cm louu lo know what liddiiiuk tbn fidtowlng btnto- nient forwinxled in by mr wright sluiwb lilu tiuoomprntiilulog nttllndo townrd thu use of nlcohol t in niibwer to your loiter of the utli it la tiuo that i never mako nao of alaohn beennso i hellevo hint it can do ma no good nnd i iwlliivt hint most people would find theiuselvns hotter oir if 1 hoy did mt take it it u to lie noted unys tlm puilslan editor in repoi ling hits incident i but recording to aniotloun uange mr wright meuiib by- alcohol nil iilnolinlln ill inks dlsllllod llqnnrs wine und beiir he ipts many llmeu refusihl glfta of hortlonilk wlmi from hie proprletorn of livanobj vineyard ob squamk wo may name a hundred drawliuckst that it mnn must face in life we may say its all a battle and a never ending atrif then resolve lo meet it bravely hlaud the lust lo do nnd daro hut lha si cret of true victory lieu in just unit word bo square there iuaouietlilng lu tho twinkle of an bonuut fellows uvn that can never be mlstnknn atidwiovoi cnn lie passed try uo bis station high or lowly thems that dniititlass upright air that con vliu is all iwholderu tluit the mnn they boo is atpinr leaven gives such inon inllunikce ovrrtnouo ihey dally nienl if hieyst o a fallen brother they will help hlui in hla foot- mako tbn sneaks it bit uneasy make the false act kind nf fair or the greatest roguo nn record will respect hie mnn whos square holerted llttlo glils do you ovor think nbout thu meaning of words p this word now courtesy has bomothlng about it which girls and womon might to enro for vnry much indeed you know ttint hundreds of years ago in kuropc nnd in many honthon countries n women urn not much tmttor than slaves in clilnn for instance wh company comes to a house tho paronts present tho imjs very proudly hut thoy send tho giituout of sight as fast as poaslhlu thoy dont want anybody to know that they hnxo a llttlo daughter in their home gradually in tho middle ages woman came up from n stale of bar- barlsm atut iho olurgy and poets ttigulher holpod hor to win her proper place tho indy nf tm cnslltt kept the keys nnd presided nt tho feasts wore beautiful rubes of stuffs called snniltu und eamolot nod gave medlclno to tho sick film learned surgery too nnd when tho soldiers nnd knights enmo borne from buttle wounded nnd faint she know bow to sot tho broken bones and hind up tho brnluod pnrtu uo eveiyhody treated her pollloly nnd itio sort of manners which then came to ho pnputui in place of tho old rough- iiosa and rudeness took tbn gonoral nnma of courtesy tho ilible bids uu lo ho courteous do you want to know hid highest and loveliest stylo of courtesy which you can practice nt home nt school and in the street p it is nil wrnppotl up in ono golden phrase in honor prefer- ilngonunnothor huppouo you try to livo wllti hiosu worda for your motto sny foi a whole week in emtio does advntrrisina pay kvory ndvoitlalng solicitor for a locnl dnily or wookly bna heard those objections j it wont pay me yea it pays him but bid lino ts different finm iiiiiio if i ware on tho mnln fltroiit i should advorllbo theres nothing in advertising ltn nothing hutn fake etc now in nlnn limes nut nf ion theso men do not know whethor it would pay tliiim or not they have porlinps ndvertlsod and without a lesultnnt inoronso ih busi ness yet hint is mi proof hiat adver tising does not pay no it simply proven hint it did not pay hint man tbnt time nntl vory likely ihn reason for tho failure lay entirely with him- bolf uo did not know bow to ndvor- ifutr the writer iiicontty looked up the advertisements of vnilotib men who olulmod that advertising hnd nnt paid thorn the reason luiinodlntely hooniuo plain one changed hla nil uvery three monlhn or bo another devoted himself tn hot nr mid gen oral statements a third used vpaoo hint wiiunlihiiidly uuiail for his store with tho lesult tluit letinus wore in pin- mirlim a fimilli used 11 plan that made his uompetltois laugh and nmdii him successful oiuuidlun dm- feotliiner how brabtub pound liqht auoldiluikey jaiiilur in imnouton n j being naked bow bo bad voted replied 4 in tltd mabnlni biili i wnn inetlnod to do hepnhllonn onuae for tbny gave me threo didluba 1 but lu hioartmmtoii do demooratu gave to two dollalih hu nub i voted do uo moo rat lluket utiulghl because ttey waiti do teas em 1 up sali do lean eon up sub i oivb nimplva ciianob ili re itoy lot m hnvo a pnpor ilint why not i hoard you crying them loud enough to bo honrd at tho city hall vim hut that wan down t other block you know where i hollered whats the umlterp come now ili fooling im in n hairy couldnt sell yqn n paper nn ibis hero tdock mister cause it blongo in llmpy lies just nt tho fordest end now youll meet blm and who is llmpy p and why does ho hnothlu hlnok r cob uu oilier kids agreed to let blm linvo itt vo sto its a good run count of hie ofllcns nil along and tbn poor chnp lu hint lame be ennt git nround lively like the rest of us so wo agreed hint tho fli st one caught nellln on hla beat should he thrnshod hoo i voo i uee you have n sort of brothei hood among yourselves well were going to look out for n covo thats lame anyhow 1 hero comes llmpy now lies foi tannic boy to hnvn such frlonds the gentleman bought two papers of him nnd went on bis way down town wondering imw many 111011 in business would rcfuso tn soil thalr units in aider to give a weak balling brnthor a chunco in tho hold tb watchman a lonely owbllino placb north of hcotland thoro la a llttla island called hilda whore thoro ore only six fuinilleu composed of sovonty- tlirtu persona thoy have eoirmnn- lonllun with the mainland only onca m yuai wlion thu ngent of tho owner vlhlls the tslnnd to collect rents and cm 1 ins with him a package of totters and newspapers thu fnmlllos pro visions consist of barley broad eggs nnd stuhlidn fuh abound lu tho waters but thu islanders do not like tliuni an food nnd catcb tlioiu only to soil when the ngent comos ovor to pay thulr rent thoy woavo rough olotlilng nnd blankets to sdt in tbn suimuur thoy ciilllvnlo gardens collnot birds and eggs for winter stores ami fish fur trade uut thoso poor people whllo lighting a hnrd bnttlo forllfear cimtonted with their lot crime and intunmoiancu mo unknnwn among thonii and courts are never bald all the adults nro moulders of tba church of hcotland and know a largo part of tho ilible by ileal t a mlnistor rosldoa among thorn and holds regular norvlaos during hiu week thin utile world in in sliango contrast to tba busy ufa of tho twentieth century youths companion iiombmadb pookbt lamp a simple and safe pocket lamp that will lust for about six months without oxtra expanse can lie mado nt homo far a few cunts hnvo your druggist tnko n strong vial of clear glues or a pill bottlo with scrow or cork top nnd pltt into it a pleco of phnsphoruu about tho slzo of a pen and fill tho ikittle onathlrd full of pure nllvo oil hint tins been heated for ii nilniitob hut not boiled cork tightly nnd the result will bo n lumin ous light in iho upper portion of the bottle if hid light heoinea dim un cork and recork again the lump will rotnln ita brilliancy for about nix months this uinken a pqrfootly aafo lump tn carry these lumps uro used by wntohmon of powder magnxlnes cure should lie exorcised in handling thu phosphorous as it is very poison- oiis vbs quito bnouoh tho nowly mnrtlod con plo bail just moved into their new homo ou the morning nftor their urrlvnl n tinker cftllod to bollclt their undo uo found tho young wife in tho kltahon aflor explulnlng tbnt bis wngou delivered onco n day tho linker asked and may wn hnvo your trade madam p yob slut said timidly wo will give you a tilat and how much bread will you want enoli day well i dont know iixaotly you nun hiero nro only two of uu then doubtfully woutd flvo loaves a fitly huonnugli do you think p outdoon qpont and xamhuk kvery athlete uvery hallplnyer every nwlmuior every ennoolst every mnn or woman who loves outdoor llfo nod exeiolur bboiild keep n box of ziinihuk handy amuuk iu u piiiuly lieibnl prepar ation which na soon an applied to ontn lirul now huiiib nprnlnn bllstors etc bets up highly tmnenclal operatlone first its nntluoptla proportion render tbn wound free from all danger from blond poisoning next itn soothing proportion lelinve and ease tho pain then lln tleh huihtil halms punntraln hie tissue and set up hut wonderful process nf healing hurbeil wire bomlolidu insect stings ukln tlluousou such as etuemn beat rnahcii ring- wm oi liablou bent sin us elinfed pluees sore feel all eumo wlllilti am hnku powor it also eases and cures piles all ill ugglsts and slows

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