Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1909, p. 3

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for june news 01 local import j a painful aoclilan a flnn took or uolll pilvor vrmm- wlllh iishuii ig i ent fancy bllvttr iluiad wore dmhi at j unlit honors kntvma 1orke nnd ypooni mob cut clest fancy chi woddlnu nina wauldlnu pravant geo hvnds jiavrr 1 1 u acton maiiniaqi lic ibuubp scfjkf 7vtbt7tl hi iu1i kb anl 1as bnuahl nt rooi price sscorul innj liovasan i 1 jti i machinery repairs morris baxe acion acton hand laundry ha purchased from i cuiel the laundry ufllnoh nnil will ulve ft lil whole il nnd atunllon iir former proprietor will re mnln fur a month in fdve lull inn i ructions in iho linear erf lanndrying which has made hla work no aiitciory jtl vkotv miaramci i nlulaet iry our cmilliinc 1 airomn rcbjvtcidilly u iclio i 4 tkim ih aii i vsrt ipl- il- i tlui on vi ynr it hii xlll hi hinki iiimi slunk mi ii hi in i ivii hie in 1 1 inn shniillu a j iln unsh riihlij mi vintl stitches twt lullkltd nn in ul ntnl extended t tlifi foi i hi nil mill ilin ul i oiilil pi wni bndly hrulaid wedded at burri muh m mil mnu inmnlngfoi llnirl mr i milk mrlulo vea tarda y hi iflft jttiiiluy tniiioothirfllilm u irtiiiviibviiii a be attan jfin jjirsi lltlthda bkicr local items w in nt wi din i 1 1 inlog i in uli i it upiliikh i it ii w potting in full huh john ulli lili ii is opurud n grocery in tli hi conl illnik tin luilftli if tuly will ho a big day in arton tliu mr i irnuin iiihtltiitiilkciiialtin tu tliu o a t fiiulph next wulticsdny hie imy crop tli in iiiuhuii will lio a lionvy one llui umidowa mo looking viry linn tlio cclliii iiim t i ii i xiflvittiri for kir jtmnlnh hull u m w brick house onchu 1 1 smut 7 iii 1 hi i ill mx ivhph hill lllllll bora nro un nnd ii h ml ml along hint iiowb it 4 111 jl ii lllll fill us 7lniliiliiliibmssimni of li in viii ago lliu iii im si i lftt 7 liny hnvo it piiiiil iiliin of mil mill only jl dog- iia ill out lino llin hticits mill walks v iiiimltii u li ul tint glass niiiniil mi tin in uli ud hoiiiuvai mi o a illik it ctovuiln carload of 1 ii jl v d iiliuiy mi mon lit 1 hi in ik ul nut three i nrhmdfl hhhill h at ihoiiiinu iiui lingnf llm asuo elation of llii duipts of ohrlst nt liiiniilo hist witk uuv amos tin nil nfouoiph wiib iltclltl pi oulilunt tim tin llilifinlit ii laying iiluna fur n hg ill iiiniiiitiiitlnn on dominion iii iluiiiiploii lunih lown ar rlton milton inn purls lirlgmlce nm coming a imolliig nf all inuiulmirii of tlm till ui ni oouinillti on iocal option will liclium in urn council ulininliiir on krlilny uvuiliik nt tight otlock all mcnibora will ilianu nluml lilt liitvn ii ivlirs tiro inmy llioso in a mulcliob i cro pluyoil on i i iday with tlunrffiitnu n unci on mcmcuy with krin ino flikt inntclt wits won ly clooigutown mill acton drought limn u fioiii i i in a hit fit oikvlllim in w wiitor woikn syuti in prnoil hutin factory a alrtmni wnt llimnii over tlio roof nf mnrlntt ii ariimtrong h tannery tlio highest luillillnct in town tlio nnwly nrgnnlxud vohmtcoi flro lirlgndo in doing good woik in prnctlcn klnonnhno grace have a plan uiidorwfty ly which iho gioclricn will tie dollvorcd hy ono innti in place of tlio proiont nyuteiu of each atoro main talnlng a dollvury wngun dsllvciloy will ho mmlo at ntnlnd hours and tlio method a expect ul to iia inoro intla factory holh to inorolianta mid cuiloniore mr o ij 1 dinnnda nprotiontntlvo at tho oitinoron i loxlhln htcol lndder co la nt tlm acton ilonao donion atratlng tlio idinlrnhlo pmlltloit of tlio flnxlhto stool inddura nnd lr escapea nianiifacliirid nt p rlh hy thla com pany tho inddor l inadn of douotner stool and u ndnptnlilu for ute on chiirflhas chmilf hntols private homos hnrns mid oiittnilldliig cull and tako a look nt it the glncralasstmblv the illffheet court of the preaby- teflan churoh in beealon in hamilton oh lvlk klboted modedator llaiiillton jumi hih 11m thirty fifth anniml wuualim of lln clonirnl asimnhly of tho prouhytnlnn chinch cunvvilud in junlrnl hiirch llnnill ton hist ihiiibdny nnd in ullll in nobbioh ituv ii iu piiutin nf thu ohiitch vhor tho nuulinhly n in mbuhin ivni chnson modornlor unfortuiintely tlm pmcoedlnga opon ed tindor tlio alnulow nf ii hartmvo inontt which deprived tho atsninlily of iho aorvlcoa nf tho follilng mod orator rov dr uuval nf wlnnlpng in tlio atiddon dvntlt of dr duvala wlfo tlio whnhi oluirch symphlhlxoa ilia place at llin nponlng sorvlco was taken hy principal putilck of win til pog who dflllvod tho kornuiii pro pared liy or duvut iho prugrainmi nf llin aasomhly glvua oonaldornllnn nf qiiubllona of fiu- ronchlng nnd vital imporlanci pnr- a moil nt among tluiuc in llm now woll thresh rd out ipiubllon nf union tho joint ooniiiilttio who hnd tho inn l tor in hand will pnibinit a rixirt which it e oxpuolod will liiid tn uloni and doflnlto notion tiny oxprnsa eatla- faollon with tho lutein of union now mgrebd nlon mid wltl runnmniond lie adoptloih that tho issue hnforo the aatnmbly will im wholhor ilia imsls should ha slid mitt oil tn iho pionhytiir loeand ooiiflmgnllona in nny ovont lilafvlbtlmt this ypiu union dohate will lw a oruoliil oiic juno uth tlm jonrinl assomhly ndoptad thn repot t of thu oonmilttoo nn churoh union hy a voto of 100 to 1 piibb tito lailioi nf anton mid vlnlnlty are nro nordlully hivlhd in ntlnnd an illlistratvil llnillli im ik tn ho glvon iinilor the minplnm of the on nnd a vlavlon ud in 1iiu hull at it i in t on krldny jiinu ulh n v whon liny ivi rn jnliud in holy widlock mr c it mcintosh iiccnui pinhd mlus mnsoii mid wnn groomu mill i thn wulillng ii niul mic mrlntouh will uhiiio in llnvi rsvll llm n iillit mvigintiil itl iiih of tli i r mioimoiii a i ton fiknilu nro ikli nihil lo tin f p ip il ii young pi i ph a amaoolwtlon omoim at tin j lnt convnutiou i f tltn utility mid vrlsoi loivitihlji hundny hchnnl aumocluflonaluld nt i iwvllln mi w i 4 ilnuipahlnucolchltlork wim ilittitl prosltlnnt of tlm cnuiily ahmtuutluii nnd mr h mpiuli h of l iniphullvilli ihcnirrulniy iruienn r mi p ilurlhy mlltnu wnnilutnl pirauunl of thu nilson lwiihlp ai iclntion nnd mr i rod llmhottli kllhi do uocu tnry rrcnbiin r pourteentli annual hfxauialoa iho imnunl vciiralou of hnlton i nriuiiru instltuto to tlm ontnilo agrlcultuml collcgo fjuelph will tnko plnco on weduosdny juno ulth tint bpochil irnln will unvo port credit nt 7 10 n in cnlllng nt lonrgutown nt in in uumhoiibunt imw actn7kj10 mid itockwood nt 0 ii piim fi r mm i nnd trip ifloigotowo and i inn hniibo k3c acton dol itockwood mli chlldron under i- half prlci tick la good to lotuin on any trnln m i prof campbell laat sunday prof potrr h nmphnll m a nf momnbtor unlverulty lot onto pumli cd in llm hiptlst 01iunli limt hnniln nftirnoon nt thimi o llork nntl lu tin mnthodist uliuiih iilbiviii orluk ills ducoursi h wiro ihiiioiighly ivnn gtillbtli mid who tliillvoul with iniiplinblu nnd poui i llio ti xt of thn livening summit win pjuiiii m 0 cn nto in nm a ii nu hr it i o lod iloth biriuoiih wtro much iinjujiil hy tho ritflhcllto cougipgitliouu lleliilnir to boom uakvllle 1 vvn witku ii go wo utntid hint i p hnj iter wns hi coming ouo of our largo r it ii i lutnii ownora i itu ilinhp monlb bluikv ho will soon im a liugn iiiiuhii owiipi tlilu nuk uink unu coiiiiiioncul on an lio vi ii roomi 1 lihk homo jiut t nd or tho j ii mltchill lioiisn hy outiik tor oiliytin who hna tho coiitrnrt for putting down the imiicmoiiu fm foui such houinin pi is pucth nro thnt mi hnydci wilt inilld two nioro im wt ii innblng six tlilu im ivhllu hu pi his nro foi f air uoro in t yvor onkvlllo stnr dolngr to camp next tuesday iho jhh higliiiliit will go to camp nt nlngnra on juno 1 it li with jh ofllciri nnd til nun coiuuiualod 011 com and iao pilvntoi lolnl un7jnit half tlm btnngth of tho hgliurnt thn rvnaon foi reducing u to kip down xhiiso i compui acton will go to c imp with ouo c iptnlu tvto bcrgi nuts two cnrpnrn1siiibiguiil1ira nnd llftoon pilvntm ninnirkully it will bo tho strongest com finny in llin itoglmont thn company will pnrndu nt tho drill sliid onch oonlng until tlm th bank olerk played ilaeea and lost tlio races at toronto nro responsible for nt luast ono young nmns undoing it ioorris that a wcok ago inst 8a t utility evening tlio rarmera hunk luro kept out 91100 to ho dtillvorod to mr onlln way cnttlo buyer nnd young linker clerk in tho hank whs u lit runted to dollvor the monoy to him taking tlm money to mr galloway thnt gentle man found ho could do with 01 100 nnd liandod bnck vjoo to dnkor to return to the dank instead nf doing this however it hi nllogod thnt tio wont to toronto on tho following monday morning ictoria day and ptnyod tlio rucoa with tho monoy belonging to tlio dank and lost tho pile milton hn formor social and prrsonal mi nil- in ii no i win in huuiliy w i irnutoril mix mi a ii i till j i t p m nut iy in lowi mi ii mi of in olllll town un h itmil i ml 1 i moil orloioulo was at mooi i molt thl wnk mus ilinl hpiight hii rilniu in j in i jib ovi r hiiiul iy mib mnr mioalg of 1 iln illtul ailiui filiiuth lhn wuk mlm 1 i la diniiy u vpimlhig n f i w ilijuuilb fi ft ml- in loroiiln mi a miniiii of alton iiltid ut his f itliiu u iidiiii ovor htindit mm ilobirt mono is vkiilng hi i i nndd inglifir in irtlt ihu wm it fr ullliam i mi ill unit liilnnui ii lazily to vlll hldlvim mm io mi i v i mli i in im i fioiu mm if of hi oigitiwiilligh h boo mi rili ii hm of ilmitllon was tlio gmst ililu iv u it mrs aim hi cold miaul ihhhmltii iimiiu itttrdey fioiu a wuk a twi llli frli mla in lonni boiiool iho f i uhg la hi irllll if im may ixiuilhiii nu at iimo kihiml ii till ii i dippa un lolnl hl into our native blrda and flower a highly i nt u rating littmo nu om alnuvo jllrda and plnwun ui- givon hefoio tlm ipwoilli tjonguo on iiiib dny ivoulng by mr t joints muiio prubldout of liklphnkturallut club ml moore ehowod that aoton is one tlio voi y host localities in llm country foi studying tho aubji ot i hint thoio nio in thla vicinity iivoi j00 mitlvn hlrdi and oior 1000 wild llowure which hluiini mid uimty otlmi uou mown lug vmlolhia un had found 1 oilotiun of flinbiihmo mr mooin impnubid the young pi upln with llm gn at hi un ili i ivnd fi nm nntiiio utility and said that ii brought hum into utoun touch ith lodh hi miillful ot on t ions plret lennrue matoh ho aoton hnuo liall nliio wont down to defeat at milton nn haturday lit tho opening game nf tho llnltnu pool tongue hy the icoro of ii to i nawn pitched a good gnuto ati iking nut nine men hut the men liililml wire olf color and didnt piny limit iiuol annppy gnniu it wn an off day for thorn nnd tlm lough ntiovuu oondltlnn of iho mlltnu illaiuoud wna pailly 10 eponhlhln im thu mioia ulutlkid up behind hum whllu nt lull in the fifth innings kjdir tho milton catch or wnaalntok in ttiooyo hy a font tip re- oilvlugnn ugly ginli whinh rrqulted tho at rvlroh of n dnctni and sovuinl hlltohos hut ho pluoklly llbuhoil tho gun in going to right hold nnd wna io phiond ik hind thu lint hy rioiiilng wo i in vo thn mniorlal lu town fur a fast man hall loam and with somo in- fluid re at ranging and modonntd bmk in dm gnmo at tho initial sink tho hoys may hn dopundul upiin to glvo a good iiloount of ihotiibolvi h in thu nnvt ganir lidooiii nlarln- mlstr rlyilitrowiltbinioiiiil lulr nrne ilia whula yauoi wbs lllhrmuli llian itiouldn srtlolm biiaum nsvar la uinl aioit ah irmnrlt ana from iiuubu ilivlalbiia ilia itniau tliay will an it un fnll to tlii unnil ypii ofn tmmllilyilmlvairnniuifm llsllalialbrrriuiire 4iibnilbrilurtlivy j tiliatibykun tolaln o aniblna no uiiieury ettit la lai mrs afili m 1 ivuliwiibhthiiiifiirlb nltoiidiog iho funtral of hor litlh nl ii mihh tuinlo i yro mi mulmru iln maaon md muili i if i rin wi ro gilt utn at ml and mis win m ihla wink mux i lizi hniimir of ml utiwo1i vultul her alator mra win muboii church htroot this wook mias iltrtgoiald teacher at dublin nihuol will lonvo at the summer hnll days to go to tho normal hchool ilov v a casuldy nnd family mi anlling for canada from japan to illl tbilr friends in fluctph and oltnwn prof oumphcll of mcmastrr 1ul vrruity wns the guest of mr nnd mrs ci a illnck during his etny in town mr nnd mrs mwronco hunter of loronto wi ro gnosis ihlu wtek of mr mid mrs w ii ricuny voting hlieet miss jinulo hmltli dauglilcr of miiulclpil onicir hmlih will tubo a niibnnt iiannln noimnl hchont nfti r lu hlldi mus m iln 1 will iiuaou loft inst iui k fin 1 sloihaxy hixkulrhfitvmi whiro slm will upi ml a uupli of uionlhs with hor brother mr w ulaikhinowbitlhdln van r mvn ii c nnd la cliarlnod with tlm i lly he says tlm hiibluubs outlook tin ro is vi ry good mr jamim wild- of llovi lavlllu n v mndo acton frluudn a luluf visit tliu wuk mn was en route for tlm n rlh wi bi on u vult to hla son t here mr it ii mxnu plini ii wont lo ilavnhlll miins ihlu uli to act na groonibiiiaii nt tho guiding of hlu brother mr liulntxm piim ipil of mldillotown cum llnl c lig formorly of acton had news wan recuvtd lino yoitlir da frnin mluu ida mv tbb nuiso chlcngo that slm wna in a critical condition nun result of nn npcrntlmi muibik william and neil mcnnbh loft on tho nftornoon train for chicago it is slnnnly hopul minb mcnabhwhl rucow i mi and mra ii hynu nnd mi noriiinii ityau accompanied by mrs moigan a slater of mr itynn left nn liiiliy fir a i nrnpean tour mr itynn m hi tltli la much liuprnvid nnd it u liiltndid to tnko nn txtmiulvo tilp nnd vult points of lutuout luolph mi i uny mnli a dntu for tho big gnnliui pirty in tlio pmk acton thuruda july hlii program mo by thn jmi iloglmout i iiki ot iluiliu ouo nf camillas very best bandu hi id m hnyiler 110 miimiba 1h7 o lohuaton ua w miaul i jlij i mcmillnn jtw ii divldaon 1ui i tul rmi hr jndi mllhir 101 i plank 2m f ifiinlmrt lolnl 100 jr lid a huyder jw v cilppu jw i wnlklns 17h lolnl it pt jm mnaaha jjl c johnxton iri k crlpita 11 f mcdonnld ii dron 177 u dimb is jr pi 1 johnston j m dun imr ill i watkliibllo totaj 71 a clnns- i mcdongill o millar p johnulon w rohustnn d ilurli bid a aturago nlli ml once for may jlut mlkh 1 mill v ml dos vi n uu lu 1 nld j07 lolnl mr john itlkhlo hna opui d a fresh stock of giounlus in llio huuird block botuii n iho i iinidry ami i j wallace u uliir on solicit d m on gn oanadak nwapapien aroordliibrtothttlwio d it loo of llm itiiiliiiii nwsmper din i lory juat out tin ad iuki newfoundund nn burnt f tli dally papoi iulttwekly in k ml u e kly jttl monthly or semi in mih mid ii publlahed les fro utl j liibi figures can lm rolled on as the fundi in ni wspiipi i dlrork ry lupub ul i y iho oldi st nnd imgiat mui r tlulug i tf ncy in tlm dominion a mc kim i liultid of montrnl and rot on to j lu la tho slxlb u t inn nf thnlr dliu toi j which flllu a very tint nrud in cm id i aoddiibduha pi iro on the ihuk of nvory hualiiosb itiau wholher im la an advertiser or not in addition to listing and dribcrlung i hindi tn inilmllciiluf tho directory iiipllos u oompreliunslve guollnar giving ihr populntlon thn chief indus li ii lluii illwny tilgraph banking fililllleh jiodi thoi intertatlngf aturoa of nvfiiy in wbpnpor rlty town and vlllngn lu c uiudn tho hoi k contnlijti over i k pages u is aplondldly hoiindwiiid la certainly n cndltnllko loltio piibllslu rs nnd tu iiindiun in wspiipersgi nnrull 1 hi pi in txpiohu in post ign pild ih jlhl youll be pleased wltli ihc beauty the variety and completeness of our selections of these bright summer wash goods is your stomach wrong little digesters will put it right quickly and aurr money bac ix hey do not cure at all drujulsis r dlrecl fresa tuc coleman medicine co tohohto hammocks we g t the beet goods ol cvir sort tint the market altord and sill them or little enough to un p bumncfls bribk jubi it present hammocks h a lending interest mid we liae reason in be proud of the range we are fallowing piiccb from 125 to 25 rts all because we bought early before the best pittcrns the choicest designs and moat modish weaves were snapped up here arc fabrics which for beauty and breadth nnd low prices arc not likely to be duplicated this season ihc variety of charming conceits is woll nigh limitless ind thcrcs not a wah goods fabric unrepresented coo summery cloths for the waist bkirt or dress or the boys suit youll hnd them all hero bright new kjoq goods at prices much lean than you look for on such qualities heros an idea ol the values while lotted and check swh urtllnv atccifll 10c yd white itterccnxed lick muslins at 2v joe me 40l wh te vchtjngu ut v it 30c and 3st white plmuti fine nnd lisuyy eord ijc anc and 35c white niul colored dntihte 4 in wide ol sc celornl drrhh mtmllnh ut 7c 10c mi 30c ned asc jfi in lolnred muiiclieslcrsinlltiiri ipeclil i3lc icrceriicd 1cllist ullibidun aje while and colored in ii 111 hom huitiugi 36 in 30c i ineii biiltinga all slnldea aoc ajc jocund jjjc v inch prints speuul vuhif tai yd 33 inch prlalr usually told for mc histiul sc yd lally e vna 1 of old w- ic haciul leu evtr wnkt nnd jo hioh strliied i nwna linen hhndeu evtra value mc yd juluhnivlew kiliien7r cnim it kuriibii priuu 35c te 9 t u full ruiiyje now in rtotk cor wyndliani and macdonald streets guclpil ont the cameron flexible steel ladders and fire escapes r r johnstone mill sihuli hardware acton ont come t bollpaea of sun and moon during the year there will bo four ooliphoa two of the sun nnd two of tho moon a totnl ocllpso of tho moon nccurtod hint night and was pirtly visible hero 1 n total ocllpso of tho sun on juno 17tlt vlsiblu lioro n a pnrtlnl ocllpso at annsob 1 a total ocllpso of tin jiloon nov j7th vlslblo bore and 11 pnt tlal oollpao of tho aim in december but not vlslblo in cnnadn niruttoailulanndi llovsslllbo linnblastnel il llm hi m suilo of tin bibl 11 nucli liailnon j nm nrai oliw puirmd 1 1 r ralklnlnlit 1piu0 whllolliln 1 niuiuknblut iccibluibulaliownlncurli sick itmflmhd ni cnricrb i ltd ilv is1u are lly d intilol 11 1 ilficilnn n r no mlnnc vuilt nt lain 1 y cmiil lu uli lliyklm irrwt hill pn ill ol mnl silnmlntiillui head arhnhyuailtts1mmtitlckpilnlhasiti ut rli mtllaillnircl k com infill ttuil fort 1 mulyil u rumhliiwailikaimui unuiulllinm m nr iry uioinwlllfliiilll rulllilotltltvalii liioiiifiny tinia lbsltuv will w thnufl ii ache u llm hiiui nf an miiny va that hara la wht wnitauviiriiroatuoul ourulllscuraltuliua ilhcra iln in t larlnrli lltlls tlwr thu sr wrv amsll rr4 pjir tint by ibctrsanua action tiuiiwfa uisovuhmsomirmf tmfl ubctt imprk canadian 122 homeseekers excursions to hanltoba bukitchewan albcrti beu tnlsilmm twmu 1 00 p n m pbilim mav41l june 1 11 h julv1iit u01sh hpt 7 si saajtlktahfrmoula wunu ta hmmj1 low roundtrip rates wuulmejrlbia tljfloi rjauwua iwlhbn i0 b iimmllm tkluit tourist bleeping cars si w clitfu lwlu luofmiliwi wldi bjjui ia im imbmii bi mmimiu rh baulk leitl rnrly epplleallnn mutt ba msda auk rott homckkkttha iampiilkt ajylamfcmn ablhie itlwhiwhi hal iui av rnrwub- ohiv 01 ufia mo chimor or cai wnj ut for your now lint noi1 up to date menu l get tliu bem here mnl our prlccn nnd htylen arc r e nelson b b s e let us furnish your spor g wo carry n 1 trja lino of spalding sportlutf goods hew goods of latsst daiillfti aiul conhtruction no matter whnt you need in sporting equipment wo think our tilodk contnlim it nnd you can depend upon kettiug it nt tho moid renson able price jrtc unit ffnnrtc illllt bt very price troin sc to 1 so boino nice uohv unil uuuus iim fnr litllo folks imm c 10 aoc full line of mltth mnukh ilatu etc iiilliuliii the famous aiilnvlllo bluggcr main tpnnjc l f uackelm oallu etc and comploto onuipiueiilu with ccrtv ttiflrin a tlm new bafts nnd other improved items of tackle an riiiiiig hitsklu woll ns nil lie remaining nrtlclc of n fiulieriiian b kit cotno in nnd nrt up lieforo trying your luck watoh our win down for thooo line for tho noxt fow woeltb r h nixon phrab- druggist nnd stitioner ill street acton the right house iiamiituns favor1ti shopping pi alu slightly imperfect tabjings imperfection lunliclit linrdly nntlcohbte 175 yards bllklitly imper foctly woven puro alllfneu cream snlltt double damask and heavy loam tnbllngb ton beautiful new designs in open borders very newest patternh ffond wide wkhiib imperfections are bo slight an to le hardly noticeable and most run several yards wllliout even an uhoveu threnil specially secured nt great price rodiictlous for thin kale 300 for regular joo quality 40c for regular 630 quality itc for regular 00 quality 75c for regular qjg quality 400 special lawn blouses 1 probably in nil canada the most marvelloim dollar offering will be tlilu week a sale of 400 fresh dainty new white lawn mouses of extra quality thoroughly and nicely mads wli dainty nl lover embrehlery fronts pretty yokes of alternate rows of bwlsw insertion and german vnl lace with flvo r in tucks below nnd nicely fino tucked hnokb ir 100 all slies and 400 only dress and tailored hats 12 price the great nnmial june reduction anlo of millinery sets in thla week with selling of the season h latest most fnhhlonablo and becoming trimmed i ni iiii ui i iif i- o joe lovely new right house 03 0 formerly s 00 drcaa and tailored lints at hair price ilatu to select from v 00 formorly 9100 s3 no formerly fo 00 94 00 formerly 08 00 8650 formorly 11 jo s1 so formerly 9l 00 mo formerly 1075 7 gj formorly is 00 mens underwear llnllirlggnn merinos and cation mesh in penman itugllsh ilrlt- tnnnln mm zimmerman makes for detail of finish and hard wearing qualitleb out 50a lluou uf summer underwear for men are unequalled lisle sox 25c tfee hi out in our mens window tliej are superior quality closely woven yarna in hnrd to wear out makes pull range of new shades and black very special thlu week bbo thomas c w atkins oornun kino 8t eabt huqhon hamilton ont firemen i erywlierc glo it lliclrheiirlj cmlerwtlu n it i ikcn you from the inp fliirb i 11 thu kroiuid it will lmld all the 1 conk lit can lrori on at once llioilliimnilliiliiur in men butting 0111 7 u 1 lie 1k y yotirflouje ilou uboul it if a i on 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