Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1909, p. 2

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ultullli adtut uokn a ilnn mi uciiimuv hilt hiiir it mm lli i run mhniim r mauuttii k untisiisallhiitli1eiiol ln ihiiiu mi mnuilay jiu hlli i v will in l a luuliam v nil nt wlih ilnloiif hi lumi r ul axililliall alo hamuli all of m tin ilui r tin h i4miiwuh1 lidilaa fatllar hiirm iliun un uaalay jim bill 17 j ii hpaiioar j vrm ruiil nl ill dllowwil jonli hi hit hall ilaiibhtv i huniua w iiu worthy north aiuim hi uimtoii misouat ilia iaraoiia- uoj itaal ml llufuin n v ill wailiiealav th juno n lluv ii 11 ilpar paalor orao kmlimllat riiurul v tans main twli of juliiiilnwii n v sliloal anil ol jmira alfllnlosli aotoii u maml uaiifihlar nl vv 11 ham 11 anion ifommav tux i savnm at ilia mbiiiixiul 1aranii ana kin ulu hlraal hamilton nn tlmra- llav j ho iihil liy llav ii j ftalmviill at it tad hy uv illnliant wlilthlb ii a ur 1 1 null murray only ion nl did lala llnuli mmray km 10 llraca lillian ni of us ii j tralaai only liaiiullur him it hoktov- vt llvailni on mnimat lull jiiim luiamitaiiiilitavof mr ami alri win horul mnd lourlaall hluiilha ilonauhai iacaalta llnaplui cliirau 111 ilaj uonaliliurailu laiiaral uoiilui mniishli amlaialai iahaall ou tiiuhila j una fioi t retort tct rus tiiwihday junk 17 mkjo kbltoiiial jotbb all liiuuiih wild linvo tho inoitil wol fnro of thi pretty nutl prngrosulvo town lit heart will approve of ttio action of the citizens committoo in walling upon llio council on monday evening lo rciiuost hint steps lio taken to eradicate the town of llio jirofunlty anil othor illegal practices on tho streets nml in tho parkajl will appreciate too llio piompli compliance ity tliu council with thu riipnibls of tlio deputation in tlm in at tor hourly co- opornllon on thu part of llio clllons gonorally with tlio council and police officers will effect n prompt abatement of homo of the uvlly which havo seriously tarnished acton fair iianio in recent months the schools roll op honor ltat of roramoat ntudsnta of anton i licit nml publio bohoole in tub mavbxamihationb thn following report of school um- amlnntlons will ho ot inturuut to pnrntn anil bcholnrn t hum hi imoi driaiitmm middik htiiiioi kntuaniu t nousiai m linol clnw ra hpiilrlit m hichmoiu i while m moffat cluii ii k hniltti h brown n willi a in r olasiilli 1 andaraon 11 iluwhaml a mcdonahl v mullln j ii utiuflltltln oiabi ik dluck ii illacu oiabb ii w arindull iv 71 a ourldii mohrlmi cnrvln clam iii a dllla a firmthroou a konnoy u jolinntuno ulglioit in iliynlonl hclonco wliltg in compobltlon i- ill rick i in history a hpoidlit j in french w nrlndall liiooomctrykhiiiltli urn iu hi unix id nil ii uum i it nuuon claim ii j macdouahl 1 fouti oiilh iii ij anderson 1 ilushand ii mnl i in i ohm i class 1m turnhiill o moltat k cole m matthew uia ii c moffat i iliowu m workiimn f wlllinmu olamltl ii cook hlkhoit in lltoratiiro h nu1nni and f wllllauibt in algohia m turnhiill i in composition k colo in geography k colo 11 ii stkwaht iriuclpnl mimh k m haiimond asulutnnt t priuic srnooi fi1it lihimhtuuvt 8r iv dorothy nelson lli victor colonial l ih jainea htird ihh iorry wuon 1kh hoy llauur ik uiaua itecd 174 margaret ijmwn 1ah nam kenney 130 total stt jr iv ibam andcrion 31 ktliol- rj while 2s7 kdlo kvans 1m1 paulino saltx 270 jack chapman 2 is krnlu llrown 2 total 100 mimh a l iiiuhov tencher micros imllalltmkvt sr illida young sjb nilllo andorflon u77 ijoatrlco graham 275 fred ilell sxl lottie bo cut 2w huol agne2 toultxio jr iiijttbslothompionlt allcln ollilen 238 cordon mclotol 2iti john huilth 211 mulford collior 210 mac hmltt 217 touitoo mimh m uisnictt tuacliur tlllllll nitlahtukvt sr ii illrtlle pormr 4tht chun anderson 4v4 annlo alirnhani 4vs velum hurt 417 irene young jill luln taylor 421 total a7 jr ii wlnnlu ivamnn ui0 lornn kennedy 151 austin cutting lith margtieritu hyinon ilki oeoigo h pi cur 4t mahel ilurr ht2 total cm nihhquicunik ml intmlktcrtohlr rtlllltii hhiiutmicnt hr ih ii vera llarvoy w0 joan wilson hh myrtlo tiioiiiiin ithi mar- bjaret wluon la margmrh htuwail im5 ida hurekman lvi tntnluiiv jr i i iimhilo hath itlll annlo martin t2tl johnulo kumiody 1117 joo hyndi 2m john nlo mrflregor 211 ilnraon nelson 221 totiil juki mimh m u himmkh leaiher firm hiamiriiksr tir pt ikalhlocn kolty ll moyd mmmiis 2 iii olll mount 210 klslo htwartlk17 knllurcutl1iig2ti msuilo moffat 2ci tolnl un jr in iiroy malt hows liki oeorge koper ifut wllfthl hall laa clmrllo hyinon ln2 iiaiold workman 147 john nlo illuhlo 111 tolnl tt mimm k m nn kiis liiiohor alliharad lvdlceninli hhorlhlll of iiiulon who was ml for n rnuple of ntonths with typhoid fowl u now rapidly convalescing lie u bujoiirnlng at hla itiolltrrs home here the iiteellng of ihe woiiihiim inall lilt on hatnrday wns a very inlehut- ing hmmlon mu mcmurehle r harrlstnii m i hi haker nf the rurnion mrs drklray ir acloti vei instllule mill htf ii in monrr proshlent nf the aelftrt llraiieh vilsn gave lirlef mmr special constables needed ti buinii out rofuhlty hftd lotur- ntr on th mirmmtm kind owmbllnif mild haul co rut u at in the s vnfu artlnii was taken at tlm i mm ting of the council on monday evening which will mean much for tho moral tietlor- munt of acton in tho days to come a strong cniniiiuttio of lt ailing ciluuus waited upon llio council to solicit nclion fur urn npuriiaiiloii of the all too giiuiiial piofaiilly and holstei riiiiiliict on mm slietite unit the alleged gainhllng and oilier ohjnctlonahhi doings in the park tho council re celvid the deputation kindly and manifestly desirous of acpi racing in the roiicst tu uppolnt ujnoiul coir htahlni if noreisaiy to uradlcttu ttxi log evils council mtit at eight oclock mem- lieis pro bo nt i iteeve hwatkhamet mnl cnuncillors uyniullull anil liiutou accounts were presented and passed us follows i canadian qenoral lluctile co supplies i christie fi huiidnrson stone jnmim henderson work on streets 1 alum do a ton tanning co gate vatve i mcgregor work on streets munlrlpal world supplies dr hohortson itegiutrar f 1 20 1 iii 7 00 marke rep ltvsrpool whial fiilurss oiom hirh tr cucno uowrllva seck lalsat qoouttooi x afiinjny ii oiiiik jinn- 11 i iwrrdnlv ruiirrif ditaul nix liiuiu ii lnil llittkcciii nil n ul minvr lilriinn july wini diiidl i limer ry h lnwur uil outa 1r liiwi r winnips options nijihv ii wi nnniiir iiifli july lst luu oilnlxr 2hu lilt toronto orjln mnrkst nl full tiih i it in 9 fees p 11 t jninslone supplies fixi ii the new limp of acton prepared hy ijngluoor ilutcheoii of luelph was pruuoiltcd and accepted it contains all the suiveys and additions to thn town and will fill a gieat need whei assessments am lielng innde tho train fer of properly etc a letter from cuuuclllor denny ru ipiusted leave of ahsence for two months to allow him to inko a trip to ilrltlshcolumhln moved hy lonrge hynds seconded hy alen hit i that leavu nf ahsence ho granted councillor danny for two months ami that tho nont member on tho town hall committed art as chair man during his ahsence carried capt camilla applied for a grant for inlllt and butter for tho volunteers at camp a grant of 91ft 00 was mado a largo deputation of citlxons waited upon tho council to rtfjnist that stopa ih takon at onco to abato the unsooui ly and illegal practlcua which prevail of profanity on tho streets ami in ihe park and tho gainhllng alleged tn ho practiced there tho deputation was introduced by ilov j c wilson 1 a who said that they had decided to wait upon the council to consider mora ipiea- tions peitalnlng to tho interosts of tho town it is currently reported ho said that thuro is a good dual of card playing mnl unopecteil gambling in tho park and piofanity is constantly heard on our streets it is almost halrialslng to hear tho foul oaths ono walks through town especially in tho ovenlngti and this is not c flood to men hut the hoys aro becom ing very free in the use of bad lan guage thoro may ho illffuruuces of opinions on tho question of card playing hut thoro are many good cltioub who think it is not tho proper thing to liavo card playing in tho park i havo it on rollahlo authority too that it is tho prnctlco nf tho oldur fol lows to get the hoya into tho gamu and stilp them nf what money thoy may have you are doing good work in improving thu nt roots nml other municipal wotk gentlemen hut wo appeal to you that it is also necessary to guard against this town becoming nn 1 in moral place hov g w ilaiker seconded every word spakon by mr wilson pro ceeding he said we coma to you mr hoove as ohlof magistrate nnd ask that you lakn such steps as aio neces sary to hinder our town from becoming a vllo and piofanp place wu belinva you are as anxious as any of us could bo to mako and keop acton clean and hoalthy in its moral tone wo nre all anxious that acton should lieai good name wo iwlievo that tho council is qiiuo capable of making tho improvement necessary and that the inomboia of this body should put thomselvos on reeord in tho matter of taking luimedlalo stops to make llio town morally as clean as possible mossrs j h coleman nnd jas ii hoed spoke in similar strain ihiiii tm pressing tho doulrabllliy of tho coun ells taking stiong meaanros lo nhata the vll capi lauihl leferiod to llio refer ence in tho fiutie piiuum a fow weeks ago lo thn company of young men who were in tho dilll shod until nn eaily hour hun day morning siippnsod to he gambling ho had investigated tho matter ami found thn guilty putties hud tiespasskd upon govern ment propei ly effecting an en ira tiro through i window lie fou nil it was a card game they hud been playing mid thai uno boy tho uuppmt of his mothei had been stripped of all tli money ho hud i um going to camp ut niagara tomortow and i shall lay the wholo matter hofora tho adjutant col galloway ami havo him take utopu in the matter lo punish tho guilty pintles committor una tun chit inn it n of the paik committee was surpiltfd at what he he a id fioui the deputation iio had been about the putk n good deal anil had never seen any card playing nor heard any vulgar language he had heard ugood deal nf boisterous talk on the streuts wo will instinct mir municipal officer in take charge of the mat lor ami have it stopped councillor hy mis said ho know nolhlug about the nnttl phi ing in the paik but ho eiiuld peak nut of his own vkpeilencoas to t f n fane languago lo ho heaid on the s tree is it is at limes simply ntvfnl why do lint inn pollen officers do their duly ills ma the place of pilvuto oltlxriib to linvo lo lay information for such offences why do our police onirers not dn it p if our officers can- tint do it i must employ mm who will am iluwn on this sweating hiiulmths and urn in fiiluyiiiutlhy wilh thodepiihtlnu in ihe effort to slump it nut a fow exainpua made of those who pr gutlly would have a good fleet i will do anything i emi to ton the evil knd in oompllanw with i ho mqieat of the dspotallon will reootitmeud n special mealing of tho council to consider the matter when can havo tho police officers hero to can for wilh us the hkovii said ihu deputation had spoken strongly he was inry sorry it was ueuihsaiy coiiipluluts had been made lo him about had language nil the stieels crowds on the corners and swearing lis the pai u as ohlof magis trate i may say if any one is charged before mo with any of these offences i will deal out heavy inutilities tho council ub a body will do all in their power to slump out the evil even if special constables aro necessary mr wilson ckpreaued the ihanks nf the deputation for the council kind consideration of the mallei ami hoped actons good iiaino would be reutoied ira iilialwl otu hnrtry imaliel ok 0l tmilkl 0 t tbrenlo dairy msrkal rtiltlpr irriarmnr dairy lb 0 ib 1 illar atnre lolu 0 ii hollar crrnmory hi rolls 0 m lliitler creamer olkls 0 ij 0 l chs iii w u 0 ii d ii m ohu ouvi nsw york dairy marks niv vninc june ii lluili rillrmly rerrlrilb 111 tin rriuticry aporlnta aivin in ii fiifktnl itvjp rfclrna lo jflui tlilrla u rifal n lo zm luln ilnlry coriinion in flui l lie n 1 irr- if cmniiion lo spoi inl iko i i ilr wcal- rn fnilnry flral ihtr in lie wrilurn liiillnllim irrninry flril 2jt in 3c clmactumil uliliits km atnto lull- crrniii apidiila llu lo ll4 l miry i 10l- i lli lull in illnls r err i pin wfcjl inn am iienrly fmny ailidfii wiiuo lo mur o fair in chnlcb iiho ii r iimiwh ami ml oil tanry javic do r lo cliolri 3lwo o lio woatorn nlra il k- first llr sccomls to mmic itlicrii lhc lo 0c cattle markets oabus strong hort 10c to isc hlh- ar at ohlcsro london juno 11 inmlnn ml 1 r csllla lira stcuily ut 13o i uc pur hi for cutiuilhui sluors lrmitul wululit ro- rrlkaralor is iiuoloil at itll o to 10ia mr hi toronto junction llvt block toronto junction juno 14 itcceipta of live utock at tho union stock yiirdn wont 30 enrlonds con- siutliib of 723 cultle 71 sheep and 3 eulves rxportsrs no slilpnlnff caulo wtro soli tail last wcnus prices wotihl irnlinlili- linvo liacn pa lit dutchcr ctiokn luilclmrs unlrl nl km tn h pn rwl innds of nnnit s ih in fo moillum 13 it lo 33b rimininn ii 7s lo w ciiwi of nnrnl nuallly anlil frnm f i m lo flld msiiliim cowa ii 10 to l co erprs cows 13 to l mllksra and onrl ilrecipta of mllkrru nml ilprlnirrra wrrf tlithl tint prkou rrmalncil slciily nt to icli vsal cal ha fnl- rnnl prlcfi sheep and i tterolels unlit irlrru atrnil i lows lws ii m to it7 rnni ii tn 1 m hprinit ininlis up t l3 pr cwl hods if p lonnnly reports nclert fnl nml wnlnrsfl nl market nt 17 kl iiniltw fo b cars nl country pnlnts montreal llva slock montimatj juno it llrinl al tlio menlrenl uncle vunls utal bail maruol ihe rrci iplm of llveatncu fnr ths witnk ontlitm juim 1 irit jij entile w lieep nail inmhs liue lmua am idtki rnlves wlillo ttio orfcrliiin fnr local consumption litis mnrnliip wcro iooo csltli 1w sheep unit isralis 10nn ihiiih ami inn calves a fratilro llils niornliiu wjib ihr fact hint fully tl per crilt nf tlm tullln nfforea ure prnasera wlilli la tlio drat fair run ihfs class of slotu hits cenann nml ilderlnif ncrnuo nunllty nml condition wore lilult tlm nmrkot wns liy jus strona an 11 1ms been nf inli owltia lo tlio fnct mint thn supply wa innili lnraer ami hi l coupliil ullh hn in 1 1 bit i weallmr ti mltil tn chirk tho ite ms ml prime catilo millers frnm liverpool wcro strpnait ami tiolnl nn oilvnnca r 1 irr in he prr pound willi trndn firm in llirro wns llllle drimoiil front ricpnrlri hern on nrcoiint of nunlllv oril til all prlers bulrn clioirn steers snld nt or nti nice st lli to ltn imnil nl ha in fair at 6o tn 6hr moillum st 4uo to be and ttio rem men nl ic in vic per hi his irlcts wero nliout sternly uniler n fnlr ilo- mnnil and supplies woro nmpln qnntl trndo wns if uno nt hm per cwt for selected loin weluliel off the enrn cnbln nflvlcos from luerpnnl lindon ami llrls- inl an snlurdny nn ciinmllnn liacon noted a decline nf is in ss per cwt tiipplles nf small meals wcro fair fm wlilcli llio ifn- mnpd was net very iimrnl lrlea slienp rulert tower with an tea nl fo in da per hi iprlnr lambs unre slcmu ut frnm 13 tn l earli nml rnlios frnm t m tn t at tlin cansillnn 1nclfln live htnrk market re ceipts for the veeu cmllna juno 13 were ww rnllln fnr rnpni i ncrnunl nnd nnfl radio 111 aherp nml lnmlia isa iiors nnd itu cnlves rni incnl ronaiimplloii thn supplv oils mmnlnn rnnaliileil of w1 ml- lie cm sheep nml liimliw ar linn va calves k port a fnr llio vtttt were 3777 rnltle a mild mutiny oltiiwn juno r neither the 4and perth or nnth prohwull reftlments went into eumn yeslorduy mid thn milt itouimiut irihcntt ordered into rump on thn 22 ml will tint train this year this is ouina to thn reduction ill tho camp psluhliidinieiit and thu rejhinenlh ore tlcollnine lo po ut all as n protoat solilisra dis from thlnt piirlit juno 15 the mlnidtur ol thn colonleii hna reeeid ndviceii from morocco miyina unit twclva sol- tilers of a nativu rolunin havo perish ed from thirst and tho terrltla heal twenty others ore itiiusinrr and it ii thntight thoy also die o ihirut klllsd in ssattls bt thonina j uno in imwnrd sinllli formerly of glnnuorlh ont was killed nt 6 ttio wimli wlieli his nuloiiiohilo wim blown lo plows rmith i ecu mo a inillioniiiro in tho west h itiviiitimt an iron chink tued ill unlmnn fuctories woman it prsaldsnt iliiffalo ny june lrmud juno adams of hull house chlcunn is the lltsl wontnn nnsident of tho national conference p chnritiob and corroo- tlom the election was unanimous villas thrsatensd by firs monlreat june ift lire at ihe vih iheo of honlimiiik mix in i km from tho eify did saooo duinnce early yester day tho locitl ilepiiiliuuit rcsponilod to a requrst for aid wabash railway bonds now york juno 1ft wubnsli kail way bonds nro disappearing from tho mnrket various rumom ineludo th sloe tnlst and hill in tho negotlf uoni seotulnsly under way estimates below last years frlnolpaiauwairt raknarmarvd mu llhmmond nialatnad iiho rnom ootsjldb bouhoku ho iloai monday nvi bcbuloil ilng in i lever hrolhers tomnin will send yon free n cake nf lhcr famous planlol toilet toap if you mention tills paper make a data fnr llio big garden start y in the park acton tlnirsday uly fllh programme hy the 20th itoglmant rinhd of llrilln ono of cauiadaa very host tuuds igiihir inn all pi nhly local option in otllllia inuraauntr ulur from mr o millar- pormarly hmntucr tar klaaitlmor di co aolon nl dr thu uieuiheih were aull in the i hair tint cointulttoti tin linaiireprebenlul their llflh repoit and recoiuinemled tho payment of accounts as follows t it noble lawn grass 1 00 ltoht hturry securing trees 2 co it f johnstone lawn mowei eie 7 ii i mtgicgor luumiug 12 15 win uriggs addition to the llhiury 11 ml 01 00 tjli iejiol w is udopltd tjio outluiltlui if receipts lienditinus fni llio yi ar wonmubiiilued asrollows i i kiith iglblatlviciant lo public hehool iegulatlvetlrait to contin uation school county hunt to continua tion hrhool coiillmiallon hrhool fees ihnimlumrn h non-ltesl- dhitfeeu to jut rotund by assensmvut by the municipal cotiit- aud ex- 9107 00 m 01 iki 00 i2oo oo ikpininrtnrh halail im i ilnlhlini map liter hecond p1 loan hupplios contlugeii tig ami iceitalra hunks and appan st and durnuiit si 710 iio hhu 00 200 00 150 imi i 75 im 75 00 i 100 00 00 00 ho m i 11 nr 710 iio 1 v wilhon c d auir cuuimltlee moved hy gnu it aguew seconded hy ii iilndell thai the foregoing estimates of iccelpts and espendituros ho and aro hereby cn hi nieil niol unit tho municipal counol be hijueiud to raise by taxation for llio expanses of the current ear thn sum of 91200 carried principal htuwart waited upon tin- hoard relatlvo to re ongngcinent for the next yoar moved by a f nlckliit seconded by ii gilntloll thafw h htcwart ho roongagod n principal of tho con tinuation and public helmuts at a salaiy of eight hundred and fifty dollars per annum cairled a letter from miss k myrtle ham mond assistant tcachor of ho contin uation hehool leslgnlng her position nt nildstimmer vncullon was lend moved by j c wilson seconded by g h agnew that the secrolaiy acknowledge thn couiiuiiulciitlou of miss hamiiioml that her resignation bo accepted and that ho bo lustiiictod to ml vei tint for ii biicruuboi carried tho hoaid then mijuurncd my lucky day mr thomas vylle box 384 cm says it was ihe luckiest day of my ulc when i struck psychinc for i truly he tlevel shouldnt be alive now but forlhai a najdettad cold was the beglrmln of my trouble and what iei mod to bo simple ailment soon developed into a serj ousand dangerous condition i gol so lo lhat itwss scarcely posslhlo for me fo aj around and i lost so much flesh thar looked like a skeleton i was lust eb ready fo hind in my checks ithoil only 20 years of bo tlio medicine doctor bvo me made me worse and disgusted then islruck psychi tsychinudlj miracles for me first bottle pave me now life and colli and in loss than no lima i began lo p heshrapljlyindifclliwasonihchlb to recovery my anpeilie returned ate like a burner the aaylnf my friends were surprised and knew rue in thrco months i wanil and well aa ever and returned la the mill i havo not had a days since nobody could wish for beitq than i enjoy and it is all owing 1 chine il should bo in evej hands for coinjhi colds leu of i throat luotf and stomach lake piychln drugalsls uo nn mr c j kpent fivnil iieclliiu with liiniuuli it puts in t phih thiy dlim lo fft tho following lettci mill of oilllhi uli jeuiu hi alton in touin meuuis iteardiuoio jl co will bo rind with interest a very tuse businesslib vlnclng foi hi thu expel leueu of oi illlil with local option orlllln oittailo juno th ifmhl kiiitoii fiiii phi hh acton ontaiii dlmliklli iseoby the im your iltiinis aio taking step acton into dun with iiiuhi of ij other progremlve municipalities vn are either enjoying or subiiiltiing i ril option inuiuiiroh wn have had or option lit orillla since may utoh so should iki able to give yi n little irstlumny us to itseilhloriy in iuo or tho depieeulou lhali xittlthi iiigh- out ontario us well in tlm wtt of the world for thu yaat tievl lis to this hprlng wu havo not beep a lulled by any of tlm diio calnjinltliliat wero predicted by thu ippuiiits n tho ineasmo when tb flult- was mi th grass has not grown the st reels farmers ami otheis not tptit coining to orillla to i buulueuu merchants luuo not ltjf ihelt dliois workmen have not ho i to seek cmplnyiiient jie ha been iiilued and comf imvo been so favorablu to tli though it only coum hy 01 when the votn was luuej juuuury iih1h tho general oplnlorfow is that ir tli vote woio takun in 75 would nut ho too great a liar c not en dorsing tho ho jlsatall tho groat inoji y of our mercliuu tu are heartily luhor of it now al- thoiigh quite iv riilad honest doubts us to the wlidoin pausing it tin fi it could not ho forced v an foittinatu in liuvjf a council in favor of tho ineauiiru i dso in having n pollcu mnglhtrnind a pollen foico who nro not nljd to do ihele duty tho liquor iluiut tiled to provo thut thu law was i workubhi hut they very quickly ll hn and taken out of tlioui nmlio now being good through cotillion if not by choice livery hotel m in town was fined onco and rjoued that tho next off on so iiiouipu without tho option of a flno nii oon as thoy ronlued that the police and ninglslrato inennt biislmss liny thu hied to be good add foi ihu pnt leu nr eleven months iheie has not been an muih ilijllor old in cihiiu a ihoio was sold illeg al io any week of the jeais pi tit lous mulr ih eiisc tills i i know only a miioihiii uhhh would lu denied hy opoiieiils of loral opthio hut our pi i in e u nd siimial nlhers who aro in a piuillon h know iiiiikn the statement iime strongly ban i have put it the fiiils hint can bo proven um that laxeh have not buun raised uter- i is a iiinjoitlly of them nro in favot of llin mcusiiie itiaotifaclnier nil without any exirptlnn m ftwir- uhle on im count or thu benellls to the woilmeu ami the improved moral liino to the town homo uiantifar- turrra opposed the ineasiiio when it was submitted a number of mer- i liaiilu did the salt e hut ovory limn- tifartiiie and agrtat niiinher of tio merchlints iiayu aeun the itciiifu anil iqe unthiibhisllcally ruvnruhlo wluio they were passively lo opposition bo- foie if any douhlers as to ihu bene- fiiiiil losiilts of the meamirn wain to oinn h ro ind go into several homes i could take hum to and were lo ipiesllon ihu men nod uur espuqlaliy iheh wiics they would in- as earnestly ijt stippoi t of thn inenniiiu as you ouhlwuti tho only i iv i ihih lueu foi good and if you have any honest doubters down lliete sand llietn up hero and to mhlhind and wo w 111 gunranteotosond them back with tholr inimls tmtdu up to do nil they ran to htlng to acton thu blessings lhat wo enjoy hotel iitodatlon of the clean and legit imate kind ijeviir was hotter in tlm history of tho town i wish you ovory surcesb in the fight hlncniely yams jiiiin c mil mil hswnro or olntmsntsi for catarrh that contain maroury aa iiiaraiiry will inraly tolrny tla asms ol small ami ccniiilstaly ildrsnoo ilia wltolo avalam whan milerhia h lliroucli tlia muooiis suifaom liuoli ariirliia ihauld ntivar lis moloiopt on irmnrlp i oiii frnm roiiitalila iidvilolaus as ills ilamaflo llioir will ilo la tan fold lo ilia uoo1 you ean i- i lnlnlvafromllnnl flails caiarrhcure niaiiulsutiirail liy j j ulianay co tolsdo o oontaiiia un tuoroiiry and la tasen luurually solliiil dlraolly upon the lilooil ami mucous sur laoaspf ilia aviuiii in luyhm llall s calarili ouro lialiiruyouuoltha genuine ii ii islian lularosjiy ami mads in vol ad a ohio liy f j clistiny co taallmoolals fma molil hv druiiglita irlnp 7vi iior liolllo taha ifalltandy 1iiu for canllptlon tho hunt iipprcclatloit of oods houii ly is seen in our liberality j flfitr abbrrliariitfiita puopkiity for haib tiiiusejionsiss iliuri jood iin- n 1 iijfljk oil 1 v jmj i sloofl ttim at larh on- fully wlilla h naajmaaawkya a uieellng of tho womans institute was huh in the tmyn ball iliooktlllo on monday nftrrnnon the address hy mlsmcmnrchieof harrlslon was much enjoyed mis havll of arton jyorotnry for thn district also address- ell tho inciting tho annual convention of the town ship holiday hehool association was hrld in tho presbyterian church on monday afternoon and evening addresses wore delivered hy mr tliomiib yollowlees kxteiiblon hecre- tary toronto h p moore acton w j l hampshire president of tho county association nnd ha v a illalr ii a many thoughts of practical interest to hunday hehool workers wero brought out the report of m isb flora c mephoe hecrotary was very en couraging mr john marshall was elected pieshlunt and miss mcphre secretary tho ladles provided a very appetizing repast for thodolrgates froi a distance imitwesu the afternoon and evening sessions tho now school room of thu fresh- terlnu church was used for the first time last hunday it is a very coin- iiiodlnii and cheorful room ilatikwax -anf- ritrxcid okmeumhe will to at ihlmhl hill iil j km llliarrliilh ism ami thurctari hla7fla ol 0 halmih irooiii for liast rnsulla drpad to the ulanu- ard urod trottor with hl aollor coldkn jubilee iiuijmti likujj jjti t u k thooi illilumt lalm j j yllbss canadian hone bbow i 003 first winner in class of clnn will mtkouiu vl iimjioiio llolal niraaia n lluui uijiuii 000 oaorttaiokii for 0jh oaprlnua for r soon mon tat hot ii inglawooil f r j lirsinploa iila ilng monday morn i da i oiitlauad llirouuh 1 wratliar parnilllmr w u 7 no iroprlslora darrywaar m ill fur umhi mj ii hulijeauj ululil ibersds ii 111 i i friday i ih ca i unlay r wiiaubla uno tlia at ollhahtuii for lwllirai scrhp 7wcbtytl huhuuks and nags bought si jocd prices second llini sovsnj 1irm machinery repairs morris baxactcn fltjttp titrtttrnt ttixriitti j m m m 7he 1sthite house guelph ont lwwmaatstwtawmabmmaatammbtmwalmiaastaatmalfi higistrkiu c1vdksiulk stallion king edward i ti ll bo si hit sr niil uilmih dial bio nd 1100 tlond ll a slocum umllod spillnf toronlo lor i trial fmee i birimwiiiateaiiiaroii m wo havo lust mado a big purchase of ladies cloth urcss sicirts all new this seasons styles and colors we paid just half price lor them and will sell them at just half our regular selling prices as follows 35 skirts lor jmift skirts for 00 450 skirts for 895 500 skirts for 0 55 skirts for rs and up to 1000 for ff00 the millinery sale we are still selling anything in our millinery depart ment at half price trimmed hats untrimmed hats 1 lowers tcathers and trimmings white cotton specials vve have five special bargains in white cotton for saturday 8c 8c and three qualities at 10c these are 2jc to c per yard better than regular value flannelette special 31 inch heavy soft white flannelette have ever offered for the price per yard 10c ladies umbrellas 69c ladies black umbrellas full size of good mercerized i materials the same a saturday 8 a m each flflc the best we twill materials the same as we have bccnselling for 100 mccall patterns free mccall patterns free with materials for making up m at st st at m at at s at at at at at at a m at at m at a at at at at at at at at at at the berlin steam granite and marble works cabpbii dnaun proprietor lieiigters nd dnildera ol hlstuci maui- oleums monuments markers and ifasd- mnes sml all binds of artistic cemetery work willluo hciustrcet agent aclon acton flour and feed store i lu th tho season for jm7vyes rmmsey turnip seed we sell canadian ocm and best leading varieties all kinds of grain want- ed and bring along your wool highest cash prices paid xiii n t moore r noble manager prop niimhmllllliammmlill mhmmhhhhhmmhmhvlf m m w b pur paris for potai instant lw dusted 01 cs cabb bers cu etc not the worn but atsrj growth ush- icum- lushos fills all fnsecls a tho harris st comsg rocksltfood ont 1 g mill sj blhsimslbli manufacturers of highgrade woollens especially blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co luted rockxtfood no mnl r limv jmi want lo finltli your hoori painted vsr- nliltnl or woscd fmlili y mi will jet heat rcaulli nt lotveil roat if oil u tilt sliciiwinwluiaub ilomah utluod ftqoa ftnibmb var wind yistmb tui iv hatiwt for tjailrutly cranks la old vlssra tm i w cue mp haw v have nn dcalre tn inflm yoti as to how on shall finlitt j your loon we sre no more i inltrtilrd in floor paint than in floor vnrnuh iisla nr um our rnnly inlcrrd is u giving llis beat i goods 10 produce the finhli you want in he style you chooae call for colur cards ami fuiihtr inforinslloii r r johnstone mill st aotom

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