Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1909, p. 4

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he ttmt 3fwc ms thuithday tub till tcb old lauflts 1 li ilk olil bidy i i n nil im win ik d ii milk l arid lliloklnif i hi wtilld ivns old ihuif rud hit mill nil nv fuel i- in hi atio hi i- 1 pntnlit h wvimi up idiik llos i hit till wo i 111 lllltllll llttl ronull and siiro uu you ruhhud liur ynu imr it atinllioi old liuly u who ilvtul upon wynur thlnjf swtwt 1xolnlmnd whci she huiirdlof mvor i nut nha i liiutil ilvtt ly nil ihhbhi in mthlnu but likifn kliiiniflu urn tinny anfl niiil nt any nvni tliuli irjnihloa i novor i fortlm world in a nn fofuvor now child in toko your cliolnn of tlin fikmi yniu itaiirt h shnlt nnt thoro urn sourish thminhts mill lri slnnn tliiniklilh anil thoughts nil rood nnil mvtot ami wlintcvhi thii hflnrt ftudu on dour chllil mil trust ti urn lopnulstly what thin iiueor old wmld wliraeoin to ynu to b mnu mviimdoimii a tactful tlkplv arthur a hnuicrschlng n director of the oiiriictflu tochnlcnl holioo of llltnlnirf wm bponklfiff in llui uncia ally of net in dunlin ft successfully with moil them woio two no i kb- bora continued tlto diroclor and onch had n pot dlvoislou ohlckuns wore ho hobby of nno t thitt of tho nlhor towers jlucmiso nf tlm dovns- latlng instinct of tha iinroatrntncd fowla tlio flowers did not flouilili tlio firdunur howovnr vuluvd liju neighbors friendship mnru thnn lie did tha howoib nnd mndo nn re mo it- atrnnre tim pmilti y furinor one ovoiilnff visited his neighbor nnd by way nf introduction made n cam- nllnicntnry re murk nliout the pardon what a bono t if til lusd of flowers you havo here ho anld glowingly yes added tlio pardoner dejectedly hut it just keeps- mo ttiwealliir to keep it from becoming a fonther lwd in oom ph bh bn bl d l b look bare said thn ruobi thliihs around hero aro jtiat about ns rotten nn thoy mnko thorn when i wont tn lunch to day i found it hnlr in tho ico cream hair in tho hanoy anil imlr in tlio applo aauco well oxolntmcd tlio onliil pio- prletor tlio lmlr in lln icooroain omno from tlio shaving of tlio ice and i auppftsa tho hnlr in tlio honoy enmo off tho comb hut i dont undrrstnml about tlio hnlr in tho npplu snuco i botinjht thono apples niysolf nnd every ono was a ilahltvln corns nnd waita dluiippunr when treat td with holtowuyu corn jure without ion vl off n icar ufo lino no bt owning llko a prudent wood kurlpldog if tho trontdoboiio lonn offlco could ha cloned for a ilny tha world would ho bo happy it would nooni thnb heaven lind come do about as they lltcb ah com pin i nod tho visiting noble- man but you iiavo no privileged ctomofl in thin country wo havent ohf ropllod tho prom- i non t cltljmn you ought to w out aonit night whou n gang of collogo iwyiaroon tlio tenr thoro never wna niul novor will lx a imlvcmu imnncon in ono rmuody for all ilia to which lloh l holr wliat would rollovo ono ill in turn would nggravnta tho othoru wo havo liowovor in qulnlno wlno whan obtained in a bound uiiaduluit- ntod atato n rommly for many nnd grievous ilia vy itu gradual and juillcloiia ubo tho frailest pyatcniu nro led into convftlosoence nnd atrongth by tlio infliioiica whlali qulnlno oxoru on naturoh own rostorntlvod it ro- i lo von tliosa to whom n chronic utntc of morbid doapomlonoy nnd laok o intercut in 11 fo la n llaueitn and by trnnqulllzlng tho norvoa dlspoboo to aound and rofroiihlng ittoop hnpartn vigor to tho notion of tlio blood which being stlinulntod coursen througli thu volna utrengtboning tho healthy mil uial funotlona of tlio hyatom thoroby niaking activity a necewtnry result trongthonlng tho framo and giving llfo to thn dlgoatlvo organs which naturally donmnd incronaod buliutanoo result improved appctllo north rop st lyiunn of toronto hnvo given to tho public their superior qulnlnii oy tho opinion nf kolontlbfii tho wlno approaches nearest perfection of nny on tlio mnrkot ah drugylatw del i it maw parisian tarror wo nro fhrenlenedm least o nre threntonrd hi ixnideii for na hnvo it already in 1nrln lili n fenrsomo nov elty in barrel oronna anliiuciilnuado- aeondniit of mepbliiloihole baa in- cntod n plnno omnn which la hulll on the lliioa of nn nutomntlc niatcli mnchlnv its proprietor plncoa it out- iiid n iioiibo nnd uoes around tlio cor ner tim oriiaii ttealiiw to pin nnd on op of it appear u iiotlo i ut u penny in tlio ilottfitlttwninisll ulll mtop a penny bujs only three nilmitos nil once thousli una nnyltilna mnro dlntuillcnl jtt boon hirontodfondnii hi and a rd vopefeer lj chafed pwces blistedssf aro your foe6 hot sore and blistered ifsotryzambuk as soon as znmbuk is applied it cools and soothes j injured smartjng skin and tissue its rich refined herbal essences rienotrate tho skin ts antiseptic pro- r portiob prevent all dansenof festerinsc or inflammation from cuts or sores and lu halting t tuner a l build up nw healthy ufttile for ttlnvi tunltum cutt burnt bruited he jutl a affective motlmr flrtd it invaluable for babys aoroal au vtuwul oambuk foundation prlnolnlaa first i when wo iindmlnko t all ytuir pichlriptloiia wo glvo thorn our undivided attention nnd lieut caie tho patienta welfare la our first con aldurntlon second i wo guarantee om diuga to iwof full ntrength nu woll na pure nnd freali tblnl i our customers nro ulippliid with just what theynak for i uulmtlhit inn in never allowed lminicn ciliciiv cournunn if you nro n nuffurer fnun klduoy illsense livor complaint blood troubles rhoumntlnin neuralgia oi nervous piostrntlon wo confidently rooom mend tho nno nf pill lies celery com pound tlilu reliable nnd novor dla- appointing mullclno u n trim dlueaso hnnluhor nnd systimi builder wo anpply tlio r inlnoa celery compound at hi own auton out if till t iiiiia to utile iindil tlio nnflu rub pulvuiictl piimloo atono under thorn with nn orange stick and wash with warm water a 1m1i that lighting- llfoto tho mm who iu ti victim of indigestion the transaction of business becomes nn nddod misery ho cannot onncontrato ida mind upon bis tanks and loss nnd vexation attend him to uiioli a man piirmuluoti vogotablu tillu offer relief a course of trentniont nccqrdlng to directions will convluoo lilm of their grcnt excellence 1 hoy nro confidently rooummondoil because they will do all that iu claimed for thorn iit which la to bo kept ahonltl bo cut up small nnd boiled in n nnucopnn in n littlo water nnd novor put into tho oven tn molt oabtoitla butk ihi kind vou haw lwm batitfaf an oxcoltont piovunlivo against scnrlot fuvci nnd dlpbtheila in their scauou iu to glvo a child n small ploco of sulphur every morning very many persons die nnnunlly from cholera nnd kindred utiiiimoi complalntu w ho might hnvo boon aaved if proper renuidlaa imd buon used if attacked do not delay in getting n bottlo of dr j i icouoggs dyaontory coidlfuvluu uiudlllrui that novor fnllu to offeol n cure thoio who hnvo used it any it acta promptly nnd thoroughly flubduim tlio pain niul dlseano unottntatn charm there la a lot of oxoltomeiit in i mi ning an automobile remarked tliu cheerful citizen yea answered the man who aiuells of gnanlinr it gives life the dun in nf unoui tilnty yon novor know whet hoi you aro going to ho into for dinner or cmly at the emer ge nny hunpltal radium and vaccina an itnllan ptiyalclnn who exposed frcbli vncclno tlnid to tho omnnntlnns of rndluin for inrylnjr porloda nnd then mndo uuo of it in ncclitntlug children found tint thoro una no ef fect on ho action of llm vlrua pro duced by mm oxpnauro lo ilia raja but that tho pustules prod u red by tlio virus wore oullrolj froo rrom nny ep- lltf auppuratloii thero wis no in flammatory nren nud no feier ho fliidi tint this la nn ollkltmt nielbod of purlfytna nceluo ilrua but on nc count nf ho exiionse of rndluin not omr that can bo commonly followed ii m id in ico hw a war qe a paahlon 1 hj nlnbnsli pipe is one of the nfter reaiilla of llio hoiilh afrlcim wnr to aupply the domnnd to which popiilnv taila lina qiioii rise ipillo nn indiintry baa arown up in htnitli africa wliora be fnrinera nro reaulnrly plant or cnl nbaiti gpoclnlly for plpoa while plant- luff already being carried nut in the ottth ofitnhce nnd even in aiir trahittobaoco world castor i a tho kind yotl nam alwnyn douglit niul ulilrli liiw been in uao for out flo jfnrn liiu iiorno tho alifimtiiro of ltiii iiiim liroii ltiudtjutuleir iiih ior- nonnl niiiior islnii hiiico h lunnicy allow no ouo to doecivo you in tlilm all ooiintorroltd imkntloiim and ttiimliikwmhl uro but luliorlintintff hint trlflo with unil oiulimiror tlio liftnltli of iiiluntu mill clilllroii ylkmirleiicn iitfiiliihfc llxporlmoitu what is castoria cnwlorlrt iu a imrmlehm ilihtltuto for cantor 0l iiuo- irorlc roih niul hnolhlnur hyrupw it iti vlciuuuit it cnndiliim noltlior opium arorptilno nor oilier nunotio a milmtaiico itu ago im hit guaranton it lowtroytj worm and allayw ivorlsliiieh it curm dlnrriiua ami vliul oojio it rollovew tootliliiir troublnn rnrou cmiutlputlnii ami flatnloiioy st aaalmllatom tlio lod rogiilutcw tho htoiuueli mid jsowuim glvlno lioiiltliy and natural hlmiu tlio clilldronm iniiucoa tlio alotliora ivioimi genuine castoria always boars tha slgnaturo of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years chartered by dominion uoiernmani hsialilulied i6 the merchants baimk or canada nr ad on icu monrmsau ho luanclinn rroilileni sin ii imontacu ai i m vico ireildani jonathan monaiios ir general manncr i i iikiidi n cuplul t a iii up joooooooo ijopoll oior jj o03 ooo oo burphii bi ooo ooo oo total aiseli 3100000000 savings bank deposits one ujlhr or up trd will opon nrlncciunl money wllhdrawihlo any lime no lolly parmers sale notes wo luvo plc 111 facilities for col lec ling iheso wo willjcitilr tlicm at once if iloalrail it a low rato of inlereat joint accounlb when rcmiened uo will opun accounts in tw elilier one may dnw thomoney lmnband or wife etc iijmoi so ilmi acton branch w s ghisholm manager b come todaysure g b men cemo dlreu to m wjndham btrctl for your new hat fi g tin hhlrlunndbox 2 you ahaii ret thu bcut here and right prkeii nnd styles 1 r e nelson marohnnt tall of wvnilham b treat m mens furnlaher aublpii ont s tff pliable yet tough yoit might hckiti your acqtiniutnnce with sturcjm kootk by iii citing in a pair of these uorhthulc mittw thejrt cxcelltut txninplch of liow totiffh niul pliable mitts imi j he mnde 1 our chrome protthh with the nddtd hitisfnclion of kifowiiir tliiy will re i become ttiff when ficoreliul ur hcnldtd dont forget to lni storeyi amt the 11 rt member on by wenriur longeht at all wtorta w h storey son limited acton ont m doctor advised operation cured by lydia e plnk- lianrsvcgctablecompouiid cniilftnn tut i had lwmn n groat kuftmei for live yoarw ono doctor tohl mo it nun ulcera of tho titer u ft nnd another told 1110 it was a llluulil tumor no nun knowa what i auf- forod i would nlwnyh ho u 01 hit ntfloruilu inn luils and itovitr uhh rcriilnr niul th bonrliigilo iv n pilhlhuerotniilbli 1 was very 111 in lied anil tliodoctm told inn i would have to hnvo 1111 operation and that 1 mlpht din during tho nporatloii i urnto to in ulster about it nud who ndylhiul mu to tukii iydlu i rinklmmh vcgttiihlo compound ihnmpli perwonal uxiw- rhmee i hnvo found it tlio beat mmll- clnn in tlio miirlil for female troubleii for it linn mired mo niul i did not hnvo to lirtvo the opornllon nfter all tlio compound also hnlpcd mu while pass lag tliroubh chntitto of ufa mm ifctitla itlaih rnnlfton ontario tydlak miikhntnh vegntnliln fom- iwiuiil inntlii from ronta nnd hoilib mu proved to hu tho mmit mirreunml ninimly fur oiirlng tho wnral fnnmi of fenmle ills imiludbip dlhplnimiienth jiijintmnniiuii flwiliflnmnm jririi inrillis orlodlo pnlim bnokneho ihnir- i iig down frollng flntiileiiiy ludlgoa ji011 atidimrvoiihiirohlrntloii it eosla but n trill o iry it anil thn reuult ban lkhiiiwortimlliloiutounoriiigwoiiioii oomblnoa the potont baallng virtues of tho norway pine troowlth oilier alumr- bant oxpootoraatand soothing mctlioinoa nf rooojnlkod worth and la absolutory lurmleaa prompt and safe for the oure of oouanbcolds bronchitis hoanseneaa ohoupsoiiv throat pain or tiqht- nbs3 in tiio ohbst and all throat anil lung rouhloa it la put up in a yellow wrapper ft pine troce the trado mark and tho prloo 2s conle a huh ouycouflll mr j 1 piirdy miltvate n s wrltou i hava itoou troubled with a hinl dry oough foralongtlmo oipeolab ly ab night bub after having unad tr wooda norway pine fiyrnp for a few weeks i find toy onugh iibn lofb me tn any person biifojrlug as i did i oati nuj that tlila roinudy isj well worth atrial i would not be without u in the bouae a simple syrup that hi good to serve nn hot wiimidsih mndo by hulling water imd siignr togotboi nnd uddlng olnnn- limn to taste ahutoplll for huffoilng women tho secluded llfo of women which per- iiiltaofllttlnhenllhrulevoorlanlanfrult- fill cause of drrnngoments of tho atom- nob nnd llvor nnd la noooiintnlilo fur tlio pains nnd insaltuilo that an ninny of thorn oxporlonoej inrmolooa vega- table ill la u 111 correct iriognhiiltlub of tho dlgnatlvonrgnnunnil roatoro healljr nnd vigor tlio moat dollonlo woman nan 1110 them with fmfcty boonuao their action wlilln elfwlte a mild nnd soothing thn iivoingo person places too muni oonfldenoo in nn npology castoria vm infant ul children the kind you am always bought boars the tttgnntnre of tho boat appreciation of gods boun ty is soon in olir liberality oil for toothache thoro is up pain no iiniiio and distressing an tnotlmnho vlien you have an iinwolonuin n visitor pply dr thpimib kaleotrln oil accord- big to directions nud ynu will hud burned into relief it touches thn nerva with soothing rlfeot nud tlio pain departs at once thnt it will nao toothache is niiothet line uallly of thlu oil showing the many iiuoaltlmsj wlsb and otiilenwlhle i due i ion i- 1 he i hi if d lui d 1 be ln slitdi ill im ihuiiiiii 1 nnh r i pile of in mim yail llhil it mm ti it u bive bad ii ihu wilhii and by he h rhu binlti in iitm fitb 1 j 011 iniubl kiout and nlfl thit ill him a mluliiituy who bilioud in a imp hi lubimlbuliml u ui bis ii irk to blu own lli n of c lollilng h il i id lolbii vanity and gave in llm full eft of in 1 itllin suvnal jnidsof i loth win rewitb in iimlio 11 xklrt hbu was to njiptai in tlio guruleut at the next uiuulmi miellng him did so hut tho missionarys pleati d ixptt nncy wia luvutil to rniislet uallnn wlwil tin untutored savagu appcnivd witfi it wlnlikif lila hlft w lipid upon hu inml in the for r u toweling tm ban otpuowliat la the iibnlo blow ing about doktuhttli ho gutso many imlli ew fin bis fete in swallowing luiiali hes been blowing cvtr uiikc 4 i woiuhr why t up said tin man who tw mi d kt itu thinking nliuid why what tup purled ihiiilnud who had oviihimil ibat people who jiie so dlu lent fioiu tin sti in to bo aallsllid with ihemuiheir roiillnib d the iniliy thlnlur llm ilibohiy 111 ult r u mild ohm mind btauiii a pun 1111111 ivat lilpl gut uo homu i a few pennies knpirk lot oo homo hay old chap you mu playing in gnat hi vviij you tan slay 0111 all night any old time yon want tu had bachachb was unable to do house work for two years many women suffer untold agony from kidney trouble vary often thy llilnk it la from an nail fomatft diaesja thoro is leu foninla trouble than thay think women auffur from bukaclio aleenleaa neia nervniirnoss irritability niul a cfnta- hingdnwn foalinnin thnlnina noiln men snd tlioy do not h ivo female trouble why then lilmno nil your troublo to fmao dloiio t mmt of lid so tilled fflnnln dixirdrrn are no mom or less than kidney iluordnr and can lie cnnlly and nulukly cimd by ifciaiiekldnay illla mrs c llupiiis llnllevlnw villid h n wrllru i wab uiinblo to d my limim work fr two uiira on aoiioiiiit of iwck- sdlut loiiild nit 11 1 nptlinnuira daaiia kidiiny ills run i mo permanently after doctors fmlml tu iin relievo tlio pnlo i an liiuldy rorommnnd tliem to nil sunvrcri roni uiluey trmlil 1 imoo na eta uir b x or 1 box m for 91 ntnll dailcra ur 1 ailod 11 root nn recti it at prion by tlio doao kunoy 1fll co toronto oat alas i it is n poor hiipplnesb that consists only in the ignorance forget fulness of approaching dangt itkhnrd llixter oaotoxixa flitntba yyllia km j you llan alaaya rat a pretty nnd warm covet lot can bo mndu from thin and worn blankets covered with some of i be handsome flgumd cretimnua cure for dyspepsia a la well known this trnnblnomo com- pin hit nrlaen from over cdtiiiif tlio uia of too inncli rich no 1 neglected aonitipatlnn lank of uxor clue lutd air ole tlio f 1 id iliiuld ba llioroiiulily clmwnl and nnvor holtwl or swallowed in luito btiinulinta mutt 1m avoided and oiorilso taken if pnsiihle a remedy ivhloh liia rftroty fiiirdtoue prtinipt reliol and eltuot parmniidiit cures nvou in tlio most otuitiimto oasos la bldock blood brrers it nets by wgiiutlnp nnd toning tlio ill- fnitlvo orjianfl rcmovuifi riistlvoness nud norcaalnji llinnppfllllo and roatflhiuj lionllli and vigor to thn system mr amos bivwler hold ilivor n fl wrltobi was irontly tnniblol with dyspopila and sftor trying anvoi il dootora tonoeguet i onainioniol takinif iturdoou iii00i hitters nnd i think it is tlio boat inwllolno thoro is for that oninplniat vor sale at nil uii nn 1 djciturs tho win est man is ho who knows how big a fool he can ho without tir ing oawtotiia llm kind van ihvi kn douw utr bian tu blfnitar df ornxy people never think thoy nro ornay aro you crniy p many n man who is only sec nnwng thinks ho is sawing wood pcovlali pale 1 est less nnd sickly children owo theli condition towoims mothei graves worm kxtermlniitni will roll eve ibeiu nnd louloro henlth novor ho angry beoimso you ontmut mako iilhoibiis you wish them tube since you cannot make yourself as you wish to ho was weak and thin only weighed 73 pouh08 now weiqhs 113 pounds had heart troublo and shortneii of rreath for su yean milburn8 rcnr and nerve pills cured mm k l jlrlght jliirnloy out she wrltesi i ua greatly troiihlod for alx joara with my heart and shnrtnoaa of breath i could nnt walk ehjltty rode willi nut reathig four or five tlmoa in tlmt abort diiunoe 1 k weak and thin i only wolsliodaevoiity three pminda i luoldod at laal to tako some of mllbiirua heart and nervo rills nnd after taking eight uoxob i rained in strength end wnlght and now woljrii ono lninilro1 sod tlilrteen pounds tho moat i evor wolflltod n my life i feel wall am oaiiuork ns well as ever i did and raii linartfly hank mllburna heart and nervo nilafiir it all lurt et all dealers or mailed direet on jp p iv the t ullburn oo limited toronto oat little digesters positively euro dyspepsia promote dlileatlon money back if they fall lo cure ai all druirfisl er direct frow 25c a box coleman medicine co toronto i i t better hay prices riii itibkfinmlv oil haanl alin it all in oralii and ibo iirlou ui msy tuksnl loiiilorlt yuu owp champion side delivery rake iirawk champion hay i mlnw lllnslrsiiul you hsyn coill lnlln thsl will lo thif hsrln ididiiii kli a tuili wm aut ii n louvla llnroblnml iii itfth mr1yisvlni inspfilrm i wao iiih u iiur ffr timk taulw nam r imio from fmil til ohho slreel dailj rxcmi nnday i mu i iri inn jiuin no p m arriv ii iiv i rfnm i 1 1 p m h jq p m iiai in i mi n find uliir snur lay mny jjih sviice wlllbnssltllmh i rue li mu 7 1 1 a ui luri jpni anil j i p ir arrho in itirimio 10 jo i 15 p m iml i p m ulytlcur ofllccn kriunil lour iraileni hanu ltilllln a i wetnter kino rhil plik ircii biumpiiiklrt wlmrf hotu licuunn alo only si city ticul r jriin mink ihiudiiik frost wood co ltd smiths falls cam g a black agent mill st acton now spring stock of boots and shoes stovel tho shoe man hifthiy 8 earing ante ho tnpnllo with honulno bargains in rootuanr and bo i iilfied wlili ibe result clearing ante ifo aiipnliod hundreds out inch a volume of hoots nnd slices lint room wi mndo tar the convienl handling of ha splcndlil new spring stock of tlic latest and best in boots and shoes ily iutvanlageoiia buying for cauh tho hock offu unuaiial nliractiona for careful buyers i nil slock of simting ruddur3 repjirln always given personal attention geobge mill st stovel acton tho old and rellablo granlto and marble dealers wuarn 11 nil fac hirer snl ulrnet itiiimrlel of kii bliiilaolmoiiuiiiditulanillutilsinns wcirli wo mil illrcoito oureualfiniorislwliou i si n lrlcai hun sluu our cintqiimrs in iwr cent wo lisvo llio liast irllsiifis snl lis only moetisnloi in tlio dominion wlia os ofwr- sta iiiemnstlo tools iroprly we esn a vilnraicos from liunilrtuu d uur eiiitoinsis in orouto snl oilier iiaooi whom alitor liivs to islk li suits in onlar to eollnau uo lisv ilia israaal sml lisat slook nf nrsniu in tin dnnilnlon or ukiri tliuli slty llirnn ilaalnrt in ihauoil woaro ipuitlnibla ilaalsra atit am lloy no auanli an lo not snnoy or iiaat em omars lir aomllnu onl lunoiant auonta in anltolt orlaii wo oiiiioy mucliaiilea only snl doty oomvotlilon hamilton sons cor norfolk anil woolololi ilta quiiiii paper makers okojmiktu ii a on r hook niwh and ioioiun papinih tno itllaltluclt buggy bepairing mens hat sale look jonr ilupsy oe and see what ll nceda if it wants painting re irimmlnjj new wheels or urea brlnff it here and invo it repaired by first clnas workmen rerhapa ou intend eotiini n now lbiguy lhinomon lfaodon1 full lo ruo me u call i will hae a very flno stock of my own make and hie famous melaiililin line on linnd mso a full linn of market and lumber woruone two seat surrey a and mfllil itiinnlwnit wafiona mccarmick hnrveitlnr machinery cockttuit 1 loury and wilkinson flows slnijrr 9iwiuh machines kitchen qnblnois j n onsills cxnillkcb uiorks gqorcbtosjirn ont the oram trunk railwav tabuknoiiii timing nia6ar navigation company bufinlo niagara falls and now york i 15 p ni woodgaiciravinc dhoto engraving r tones on afiy class or nmmsihg cadvcrtii k punfoytatalocues ma0a2wcs cv c georgetown fltorab co lni gkohoutown cut tlowcr growers runcral anil wctldin orders a specialty all ora p llll ll h nixon drugglnt aolon will receive proini aliciillun acton pump and tile works o b ebdaqir proprietor with all i ho htosl machinery and appllancaa for manulaciurlnu 1ulvpw a ad pump suppltr tiio for woll cistern aulverw mto steam pipq fitting tool matt pjp stlppum orders promptly filled main slkiill acton all stj lei prices and mi u os clear ing entire lot cheap albo iaric raiiro of all kinds capb cheap we have a lot spvcinl- y low priced dbout 3 or lehs thtir regular v 1 1 tie call early and ejet your pick ns we aro roihr of the hat hufii- negh lafontaines pur establishment oss ouiiikk sr ouelpii t- nt nassinrawoja ijiimhui jlllls llirn ilmbor of nny dimensions cm order mill wl i atari april ist cnn cm nny holldliik initlaruls needed in hemlock or pino on mtiort noiica i arfto alnck of bhinfiloa for siln ililu oir cut from first firowth codar p sayers sons nasiauawoyn i o everton m eden mills tha daat qunltty oi manitoba paiinllv nnd paatry flour for salo ot lowost prloos ouf own msks clmpplnn mono nnd dais hollul oirry ilny ifled feir nnlp cnslifor wheiil and oats henry hortop the excelsior bakery ilauiif recently installed home of the latest im proved machinery for bread making is now in a better position thart ever to hiipplj our ciihto- mers with bread cakes ue of lirstclas quality e iku carrj a splendid htoik ol brocerica and conic liiont ry ice cream nud all kinds of fruit in st ivon t swtham 6c son main st i acton ssssa nsibfedmvlla auuvmblule islfenpwrk barents ipbdmptly wlndltovi rouiih ikdtli i r itjoui vojir 111 ra nnr oiliim na in tirtli r i lhlit jmlcniahlo bipclrj appllcalhnaliavstiiu iwan aurirtalnlly in icnlcil by ma oniiljict fully tun i ii net nka lit montiel aoltvnlhiiilrii tbliilnu uatoptoiupi ryillaimliti hiiuniiiliiiirulyiieiirhaiuib mtuimiui llinluvciiltii lltcliat rtfarvttoi illroulirl rtcnt irocu tlirrtmlt marian a lb rlmi rcth pre la i ejalirs will mil clmrttci vxzcr x2i iijniiiii kfiit imikiii liiliia a mamifatb marion marion plnj exert ind balloltow

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