Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1909, p. 1

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wht jvjttim tu ft voijumm xxxiv no 2 kty htlwfli lluti tail iii alvam acton ontaujo tiiuiibday moknincj june il 10oi s twrlitluh prie f i m i singlk ooriks timick cents fichc ttojt jm taas rvmmi el mubaovlvtuh oij dollar r year trlctly in advance all aub- orllloih illaoontlnued whan th tin tar wliloh thoy liava imen paid liaa aa- olred in dtn to whlob avery aub- tnrjmlnn in iulj in du noted on tba ad- jrea label aalvavllalaaf trartalont adver tltnnta lo oanta par nonimrall hue fur oral inaortloti d tjantu iwr una for uati auuasduant inaartlnn adyerlleirteiita without auecmo dl raellona will l inserted till forbid and cliaraad accordingly tranalant ad- eftaner than above tnnntloned tha com- uualdon muflt bo da id for at ratftilar rtwt ghana- for oonlrnct advartlaemanta nual lia in tlio onto by lioon on turtf- dvh aceourjla payable monthly lurdy a co will reoalve for u riewa- tubaorlptlona arid advertleeirienland whra our readara can fraa ol charge e our paper whan it mturland it i uooim editor and j roi rlolor fiufllueflh mxtttotv ii10s ghav m d c m mcglll li 0 i en it an boh i ij 1 oiawjow uawabr ilkftuu ilmiucll ahooutiom ktc jblearaderlok htrl aelou ool t ru a i- uouu aratluala of unlvarilly of toronto otttem el reu lenoo on willow nlreal be tween uartilienia hank an 1 town hall ihonako w rtviw actum 0jt lmoal j mickinnon 1i1uiitbk homoitob oohvuvanolb orvicauiuhlmet id bloili llloob aorsaumn llratwli llem hlraat open 1 waluiiuyi ntdumfi r j monaud olaili pour lb duialoo court oouuiy ol hal on uoitvaiauaaraiiaatyiraindlhaamuranm uaal icauu aiaui tuouey to loan eta oirirlca 1 erryuieu a itloek aotqn ont dkktal nil j m dull uubldb fl drny1bt ao10m offlo at llaaldanoa coin mill aud predetleli etraete honor owddath or toaovto uwivaaaitv tlia lautl atiftmliiatla uaad ii dwlrad atllookwood fueedaja mscxllanbo vs ini an1 hardy co alvhtiblng conthactora aku nuwa coaauifonpbhti jo fuei slreotl london k 0 england a vila ol tlila i apar nan ita aaan iraa ol oliaria bvvlallora to loudou to aboni ailvioo wlllbi u rwjuuad cinakoib nunan nookdindbh wyu orar wi a blora aeeonnt hooka of all klnila uiatla to evoar kdodlaaliol ovary ilaurlnlloooarafullyboaud llcrnmia protnpilv dona m arniaqb lioenbeb u r uoohb aaima or uahbuok lioxuaia lalaoffle ko wltnaaaaaraqnlrad ihuad h raaldutiaa id tlio avanlnf praa praia olhea acn u ukatbtkuet llcbuibd aootiokbib w par ilia gonnllm of walllnaton and halion ordaialallallbaprnh 1bkm omsa aotoo or alrqyyaaldaiiealn anton l i ba prampllv tondadlo tarma itaaaooabu atao uonay to loan on lha moat roraj intulind al uia inwaal rata ol lnuratto mua of two and til w ramtvalmmadlal attonlli r j kbuu iiouharii uctionkkii vortbu couullaa of uelllnftlon hallon and p willi mllaraotliin and upon axuuwlji o fi uluoaa or oiii inaa or lafl at vmhm srim or wllti w j alordon l aaton tijfej7 jambs mcdonald llcrnrkd auctionrbr kortliaooonilaaol walllnilon jauoi watarloo waniwortn and tlia wilt ol lualpli alaa aonduelad on rmionatila larma and atbifaollou ruaranlaa1 in avary omj korurnii dalaa alo apply folio jw lloavaulllph ont taraplionalm onatph uvutmay b arramad al vrm 1 ku otnaa hudflolunhd htook oaptlali l030otca thb wollinoton mutual inburancb company vaubllbhad 1040 hartoffloa oublphoht imfltlltahqh on caab and mutual plan any aararioa raqulral will b promptiy at wild rft0 w fbmnv bnl vnunaul aalon alaoawnl fur tlta union inaurano oo vnilauf p artists materials watim colona on coiohb and 8lppiiis pyrooripby bupplic8 and outilts matorb btody 8uppubb pol comncns hciiool oh btiidknt8 6nil tor tnfofnmlon im c4laloaua no arlltlr mftlaruu and maluro sillily siipplloi cnlftlorlia no lbripliy suppllel waters bfiqs th riolura store i wyndhim si uueuii jstould you like railroad time send jour witcli to c tjauc tlxmkt watch nf pairing st go omolal watah lniotor dlomnil trunk railway guelpii ont stephen oordiner painter papbrhanqsil biqnwhiteit decorator i ham mucb ploiiuro in in form inn tlio poopla of aclon and iiirrounillnfl vicinity dial i havo for inijwllon tt rnabnilkenl aaiorlmeni of hxoholabs wall paper b i trual liy alricl altention lo bulnoai and modaraie clitrfloi lo aeciiro a alnro of your utronag any work anlruilad lo my cita ttiall bo occuted in a tllkul and iradoaman like mannar onlerataft al liouu on mill si or liy dropping a card will rccolvo prompt anon lion yoqr chopping will be done quickly and well on cither platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co limited w00dem6ravin6 photoengraving halftones 0rahvc jufffesffffic the excelsior bakery having recently installed some of the lutcbt im- c roved machinery for read making is now in a better position than over to supply our custo mers with bread cakes etc of firstclass quality wo albo carry a splendid btock of groceries and conlcctionery ice cream and al kinds of fruit in season 7 statham son main st acton w gimson mintbil papbr iianoun piotuhb pranien btc 1 bogs to inform the indies nf acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been nppomtcd agent for three of the largest vall paper houses in can adn 1500 u to choose from prices right also that ho is proparcd to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furor- turo repaired siioi mill struut acton oppwtl wiiiuru ijlvsry specials for june wedding prcslnts sllvetlwaiiu tauluwaiik oanveits cutlliiv canprt uwfilipuntf lamps upihit lamps iioimiurnisiiinos hufniouiiatoiiu oauutovliu tlnwanb oiianitbwani sciibkn ooodtl linoleum woodenwaitu ltc btl cverythlnj in hardware 0trn thobond hardware co llmlukl nauill ihono 07 oukllli aopsmac headagh k la ono olllio prn4iel tnaniiua of mini in i iiiw inny en dura day alter day ill nerva racklnr atrmili tpp nn pain wllliout itioujjlil nflonrluln thnemiio la novnr nulit by lliamrjniilyofaifjro h tliey nndura and wander islreilnfl pin would vailli vn eximlno yonf eyealior mialily aearchlnnly elmlfic ally and fit gliiies lo all ileintla and riiiranleo alll faction abioluib y wl grind ouk own insis a d savage optomelhm anil opllclin i liono 571 ji wjnlliim si cuclpll out evertoh ze eden mills th oat quality 01 manitoba family and pnatiy flour for bnlo at lowest prlcos our own maka chopping dono nnd 04t rolled every day reed for bala cnili far wheal and oali henry hortop paper makers ukollokto ii n oat hook niswh and ooixjltud papbiis jnobbanbku buggy bepairing lhok j our flungy ovar and soo wlm li nteda if ll wauia palnilnk re ulmiuink now wlicelanr llrea trlnu lr tiero and invo ll repaired by flral cuh workmen iliitiepa you inn nd null b new luuuy tlilauaiuin iltodani fall 1 6 glto mu u call 1 will lirva a very fina aiocb of my own malt and lha famoui mclinulilln una on hand vi o a full lino of market and umlur wanrona two aoat uurraya and light runalnul waaom mccormlck marveailnm maohlnory cocwiith rloury and wllklnaon ilowa singer bw nn machinal kllchen oablneli j m- omeilalas cffrrlrob works oaopaobbtolaxn ont khieptiiviho if hoyi uliuiim not dlsmnrnki d at inaaona nixl nt work and any 1ui re a nit uao trying i and nil imnl iiiuuh aliould alili u and lto mi hlilrltlnu ahliklnk 1 ill tint liny ih conies a innii i imiidii wljiil tlio wot id would on 10 curry out ia plan t llirconnid in tin oiillwl lvou iit itt lltht ill ft nt i if niicit itiiitil j ida roiirplit ifa uliiittnrml altin fill lli tinivo liifitl winn llm intltln iliritiim tlirmih thick nnd lliln hi ii not ul if in ila ron infrod hi- tlujliu ninl ikiiih ti win hi linyu dnii t i t dlliprtiteiiid ilicityian nt llrnt cin full if you hut ki op on trjlnt at luat ynli will pravnll iik adihliorit n fill list fulltin 1 r try nnd try nnulii 1 in li iyn who unpl on ti yln 1 1 vi h ndii f in world a in yl nion rlfct 3fantilu ttcrtmiirj love tomatoes and rinance tly talalla caylan 11 o bin 111111 ol tlio ton i of fllmiu lite nan inrnli blroiip i i rut lih urniiilfnllh r i mil fniimlid the town second lip hnd linn n jimtlco of the piiuo fnr minii jenra third ho li id rcctlwd iilnumt mtta ouoiiuli onco to end hlui lo i lie irulhlnhirc nnd inatly uv wnu north nhnilt faoooo mr rlionn fill bin bluiioaa ninl or nctid robprit nr urdhiuly do did ida bout in in ilic iiih hoii ilnrnco nnd bin diuiulitir mnudo fin i tliolr mipcrlorlly acr nil nllur hnmnii itching in nud n round ulroiiin lll lie tmccccdcd itilliilrnbl ullli tlir dnilutttcr hut tlio conduct of hlu nun ante hlui no llttlo uiixlcty onu uiornliib liu unld lo iho inttor llorncc i nin pnlncd nnd liumlllnt rd to tenrtt hint fur mniillta pnat yon hno bet n pnj luir nlttiitlon to tlio dfiuiililer of rjcrlhtur tlio enrpentor oii hno i ico n ildhib with lior nnd you h no fiorjiiciilly cnllcd nt tlio hoimc wltnt docs it men til mihh hirlhntr la n nice j nuns worn nil air una iho reply hho la nn woll oducnlid na our mnudo nnd lina n aaod ninmicm tut tut nltl mnl c i tin audi com pnrlaniib if jou foriqtnlio nnd wltnt i mil oit nuulil to bo nnhnmed of yoitntclf lulnu ilia mm of n mmi of position nud en lilt nllh moro zenith ninl aotlnl prchllso coining you must look lilnhtr rlr fnr hlu iter it nna into flint mian nilllo scrltt nor una hit ilinujlitrr of n enrpontor but na the nuorltv nf her aunt lllltln llnaeoinli n rkli old npliiatir tlio fjlrl hnd been hi nt lo it at tnlnnry nud n jojcd u plbtnnl rlunllha in oil but uenlih hhe ln pi er nf nny clrl in iho miitiu u n ninlti r of fint iho couplo uoro plilnuid but uiuplnu it n secret ilnrnco hnd hniea hut wliou tlio tlmo en mo to miuniineo the fnct to bla fulhor it unuld bo received nt lonat in n renaonnhh unj iml tlio convemn tlon or tlu uioiuinif thued him tlio hrcnuim nlund wlint mr hlrouu iniinit when lio ro- firnd lo inoro mnlth nnd aoclnl prca iiki niiiluu wiib the fnct thnt ho hnd urttinlkid the rllrmilailllo cn linery iinipinj i in niniieii biilldhib wan nlrtndy uudi r wii ii mhn n fortllo f iriulnu iiniiilry iiniuud tlio town but with tniir fmllltha for ohlppliir frulta nud tttiilnbhu and lit bud concchcd nnd cud rut on the ulen nf a tomnlo t miners lio had ih imitated unlll ho na ttrlnln unit i he p mil in nmiid to inrjjo ho put in nltiioht nil iho money nnd conlriilled thlnun nud u lint few oilier stinlhuldt rw llurv worodld not bolona lo slroima itlo aa prealdtut of li toninto ennncry jncob blrotib foil lilnmoir to bo n tnn lllblo object lio a rlfflit thoro nnd nil thoro in hlu potupoilly ho didnt propoao to lijiie nny pf ida nolaliborn feol hint mi rtnikholdnni hey need lint lmu too lunch inie of him of coiirao the lununnlcfi aon in rorinid tlio rnrttnitru dmiubti r of tlio rlliinllupi or uffulra niniff hornco nnw diterinluhl to dunbcy u fnther nt nny roatt but fortilnntoly aunt nil dn nrrhed on her nnininl lalb bho dhlut cxnctly in uc a hint nil pooplo hero equal but hho boned to nono if n cnrpeulir nud u blucknmltli wore lioneat nud rthputublo inon thoy oro luat na unnd in hi r ojob nrf liinonatta tlio bcrlhm rn nttoiuplid to leop tlio lecrct from lit r hul hiio lindn t boon in tlio house ii aj w lion she turned in lior alattr nud mildi mnry thoro h kninttliliia qoiiiu on hern nnd i nnut to kumv nil nhont it i dud nutllo innkluu plquod nud lorronful nnd alio hnan tinton ononah nt thrao menla to keep n bird nllie no ubo trjlnc to keep it from mo whntn tlio mnttvrl bho una told mul nhni alio hnd tlio ptirlltulnra nbo ml inr jaw nnd nod detl intr html utilih ttlmwcd hint alio hnd mmlo up her inlnd jmt wltnt it mir ahe dhlut wni thnt oontiij nor did hiiu till it next nioiiilna nhan alio put nn her maty old bonnet nnd anl lied out bho an id inertly flint alio hnd n bit uluoaa ninllnr in uttonil to mr mn aim to hirouu htitl n iniulneaa nllko in iho ion u nf niirtia aunt i i lid n inndo n ainilulit eourao for it nud pluuoed hernlf down in n c tniir in front of the srent limn to anyi mtutih filiuim ui iijeco nnd jour i hi j uro ntlrncterl tnuiml ouch olhor iml thoy luivo fnllnn hi loto mid nro uinmed i iiuitenifiind hint jnli op mih hie tnnl niphiftil imirrhiao with nil in willi nud if nil nro linrw to an uirj liliiu in fin or of it ou tuny na well antu our hronth 1 won lor hint jou hnd iho linpiidonee to nn- pour nt nil and ft lint nro oiir oiijociimirv rulelly nakerl aunt lllldn ni alio rut n ilronc hold of her temper tou linxo no rlulit to nukl lio limit td nl her hut i will toll ou nt lonat mp objection no mi of initio enn uinie with hip ilniinhtrr nf n common nrfminlnr ioi jocub btroitc how ipiib did icitr in i iet n hliiiii iuiiib off n nilhbly nr ihlilj ncreti nf around in mb hlu in nnd wlint ill i lie ninniint to im n iiiiidt how fnr bur it in it alnci iii inii rumiluc nn old nawmlll on 1 1 n mile n i if in tlio nnmo slnlet mr i rlbnt r in n cnrpeuler tint bh podl jn o is nn nnd na oura if 3 fin mre n rmn i il throw oit ml nf i he o hire i ahouled tnrob htmna flnt tcna i ii n wo nin n lit wnlk out na fual nn i can 1 luat called to el you km w jncoli tlmt 1 timo iir rhiul in liu i lenao uup n llttlo iruck of dm fii hit notit i wo w colli illlimtj iho fluiil mu tn i hotiil nuilllui nnd inakllua in in id n timid on nt iu a hnd null sn id hotliltiil i nlled up to ofil htrnii tod ly it una rluht thnt i altluild hut i hnxn t i polled niijlhtnu oho mo two neekt hid i ii hnu blin here btiruhiu jou in mnrry ida hoii voil lull ihu jiiunu utnii in rei nlu qulot fiml do nallihiu nmh lllldn llahcomb la ninnnuhia thin bffnlr whhh will lio one nf flurtneo from now on nud if alio million n full uro it wld lie for iho lint time now t tu uot lo jo buck downtown nnd mo a inwjer nnd tin ii iii linu aoiuo rid inn n round tho count rj lo do oh but mm t i ma ho old hirouu jump before i nm tbrnimh ullli hlml in plnnnliia for tho taniu ry mr fllrona hnd cnlled upon muni of tho fnr mora mid hnd in form wl them pom lioualy hint thereafter ho would buy hillr tomntocs nt tho innrki t prlco ho bad nm do no dolliilto nunicuiniit ith them iiowoier fnr bo hnd de lornihicd to pny n uilnhty low prlco mht u tho time cfiiuo mlna lllldn hnseomli mm liwyura nud hnd contrncla drnnn u u ith n hi tn ilrlio hcrhho emend moat of iho county iho veek nfttr tho inter low with tho iiinjunle cnutrncta nefe i ifliicd rich i nnd left nnd initio i una a nddetl for neeney nmona tlio aloiiern mcnnnhllo iho toiunto cniiiieiy nm fmrrled nloiiff nud tho uturea nr- rhrd to lio put ih place in i er nnlka nl nt tho town the hpluutcr mot mr fill nn aoern1 lime fnco lo face ktti tlmo ho rcoultd nnd ahe time klcd i hero hub nuxlelj nt he rtrlb- nera in lenru what wna nfoot but iho only cxpliiunllnu tluy could fit nan i nm fin py dolna n lltllo inaiiekr inn lo 1 1 1 cniild mid iho toninto ninruet nlonn when it u tlmo to ex pi odo tho ni n jou 11 nil henr tho rnckot bho hail been ii btrouuuiiio nlinout n mouth v hen tho racket wno henrd tlio cnmi ly nna ready fir iniiiueuii nntl tho for morn hnd bten not hind to ben in delivery on n cert nlu onto tho dnto emtio but there were no tomn toob a mcobcnaer nai dlapntcbed with n horaa nnd bunny ho hnd been bnck nbout hnlf nn hour when miho 11ns comb entered mr btronaa ofllco for tho recoml tlmo nud plumped heraclf down in tho inmo chnlr mr btrouff nm nt tho lelcphntie lio nna uslnff lcoroun innnunao nud danclna n round well nud how tlio tomnlo mnr hot nakod tlio cnllcr na lio tared nt bcr nnd rune off it la you you nho tinto douo thin llilna ho exclnlmcd to reenao jour aein oiil votif yoa j hno cornorott ocry tomato in tlio comity it wnan t for rootico but to olvo oupld n chnnco how much will jou tnlo for your factory cnuh downt it hnan t nuy podlflroo to aponk of but i think mr bcrlbner tlio car pouter enn alto it ono i won t sell to you i lour lomntocu cnu rot on jour linndul oh no thoy won t jncob i cliuikloi mhut lllldn i cnu aoll tho in nt a cry nlco iproflt hut jour factory enn alaud idle nhllo i build ono of my own i hot tor tnlk bimhiobh jncob birona hint non of youra la n nlco jounu mnti nud i think n heap of my nloco kan love inntcli nud it would ho n plly to son it bfokon off ian t thorn bo mo wnj 4 lint i enn fi tlioao tomato coiitrncti ovor to jou nnd let jour factory booh work thoro a inonoy in tho cn nu i no bualdobb nud i tlou t want to kill nn ludtiatry mr hlroiitr fouclit for nn hour nnd then nno in nnd ahonk liuiidu lly tho tlmo tlio contrncla wiro nasi cued to him ho wna binlllna lly tho tlmo tho uoninu in tho rusty old bonnot wna rondy to so ho wan ron tly to renin rk blnndly jt bo mlua nnacomb junt ao mr mul mrt bcrlbner nro moiit worthy pooplo nnd if ilnrnco la in imo with their dnuahtor i hmo no objoctlona to n mnrrlnac ho la old ononah to judco for blnibfilf mid it in not foi mo to in lorforo good tiny maam coml dny and thank you oce no much for cnll inn gift f tra nothing mora acceptable than a oray buetla poohct if jou hno n friend who la nbout tn alnrt on n lona journey jou could ijinko her no inoro nccoptnblo pnrtlnp alft than n anfoty pocket to bo worn untlir tho droaa in it can bo oxlrn inonoy nud jowoir without fenr or loan or mh bora such pocuoli enn bo mmlo of nimij mntorlnhi and in aovnrnl ilirforout htjlofl but tho follow imp ono will bo found aenernlly nccoptnblo a poeltct in inndo fiom tray nuedo or n pleco of chnmola eloeu inches loh nx inolioa wldo nt bottom nud five inchoa nt top iho liottoui in rounded nnd tho top la cut rqunro ncrosi r two plocea of leather nro cut nnd ho edcci bt itched tnootbor on tho inn china nbout hnlfwny up an inner pocket of htput oray cambric la rowmi on iho lualilo ot tho riiodn tho etluea nnlahed wllli nlckol rlma nud n stout clnap ono hldo of the jonthor lu then cut uhorler than tho oilier wliltli fold a down oi er im puruft lu n ii up thla in fa toned by annp clnap auoh na nro ubetl on alnvtin ono ih mwod on each shlo nf iho flap for extra accurltj on the uutlernldo of tho cnao nn extra phcn f tin lentliur or chnmola imhtltcbihl in fui in ii flat ptukct thla la ktllched up tho tenlir na well ah on ctlueh to form two narrow pockola or hill r jfiwahi a aim i low hnp lu ndd oil whh h nlho fnateim with i lie annp clnupa tilr flulhlied pocket in wl itched o two mrlpu of crny iml tin a ono nt enoh ede riieae in lurn nro ylltchrtl to a lielt hint fiiatena a round tho wnlflt wllti n hnnioaa clnap llio lonathwtbo iitrnpa innj bo na imitf nn lafjoinoiiloiit iml flo m nix liieioa will iihtinlly bo inna eiionad in prevent th pot lie i m lorforllm with ihu coiset ii rvniit it ni k nn imi ily lor ik hyvinu r port 1 in r wilhln 1lurpic ih 1 liiii thron dnya 1 ift fbie fihe9 in ceft cvery mlitlrp ha lie part- ally attached 1olic fin 1 lln iiiuoiint if 12 luhmhkl nro uiuinlly uillict il in tli r nnnij in xplimi how 1 li jm lnrtfe nm in nccuinulitto i the munich hu in innih i iiirmit juuinil i iinincrnlea lb ml ii nu imora coinmitli in n hiiilfln day by u rrnjn tlalih trailea mini riihlintr hitii to 7f mil n wi k a imprlnftinm lit on rixlna in lln inorjilnu in opena lln window th ulmhw l vlnli lit- y b ivrit bat k ly lln wind bn iikinp ih ii in win h fulh inln ih ilnt i iflv iih lln hilu al iniihfiial be till i ill tho nit nanry f run t n p rt to the iil1 hint li luul munifid n itinid rvniit it wiik jin viiu ily lnr lint ci line on bin way lr ihihiihim lu runa nf lor n triimuiiy cur lor jumpinfr on to th ear wlnlu lu tnollnti fl ja linn hit ln nm in r fft ctively dla pi i i in liii nbop wind i w that jin i i utrin linti it ciiiutul by thn crowd in the htr- t two dollara and it ha i bin 11m winhw dnixir bad dlhplaved n tun nit lib i in mich a ihaiuu r t lint tin nu r haul a christian nnmo nn hie mtrnhmrd wim hi htm oim did inr ami u iiunrli r flue at noon n retnrna lionn bj rnll nny nnd lost n bla aennoi lltkit ono dollar mid u half fine hi in nuiiknnid front nu alii rlin mr nap by the government liinpto lor ol tin old njjo li iihioii and in hiiranei departnii nt to whun ho hua lo product the inmiranri carl of hit h rvniit ho hn alllxd all tho nd hottivi iitnmj h ci rn ci hut linti for colli n lo enncil tb in two ilollnm and a half line thin in rmlvi i a inil inun a cou nt nbh win infornu him that bin child win ierinnti t iiiijh nllt r the niiul mil n tm i iv ilollnra din y b k in 1 inlin f he in hlnpped i y it i inntiilili for bnviiia orfittin hiit eychc ird 7ft n nlu ho in ftnppid aritlu fnr rldinu loo lat 7ft eoiit a third countable hii pn hlui for ri linn ttironcli n htrei t not npi iih lo ijclmbt 7a n nlu a fourth nlopn hi in for not iiouiidinft hit bell propel ly 7n coiiih flflh jieeniini lu hnd nn brake 7ft c iit a hixtli for itnvlnr ronuim i bin tei i from tho pulnla 71 ci iiih iy n mneillli count thin lie ih btopp i for not holding the hnndh burn 78 ct ntn- ho ritiirnn home from illinium in hit lullinlit nn i ih npnrbd for bnv ina no littbt 7f cenln afur nupper bo nlajn iilqiu t with bin wife uninp rarcin which do not liear thn imperial duty nlunip hnvm doll ar nnd a half fine havlnc omitted tn nppi ar at the drill uc thn fin brlsmlt i j wl he n tired to iml tired nut mid force in to drnw tho blind of hlu boil room window ope week a imprisonment danger banian face the annual hunt fnr hie hair aenl off the grand unnkh nf newfoundland in on thin 1n nn industry which lawtn only two mnntbn but emplnjn nbout 21 titout btenmora and 4 000 nion whnno home in the rack ribbed count nf newfound hind theno nenl hunta hnvo been prom anted for liundredit of jenm it ylehhi n hnrvent of from iimm 000 to 750 0o0 nnnunlly nnd liko tho cod il sh ii the nnmo untirti the poal han difll nil nttemplb of exter mlnntlon the liuhihtry i ine where nion wnlk in dnily nnd hourly d unfit r of d nth within tho hint two yenrn flvo nhipa wcro lout the i eopnrd w nn driven nnlioro nnd 120 mm nnrrowly tnenped dentil tho greenland broke her abaft nnd w nn enrrh d hi aw an lier crew biinp rimcued in the lant t xtr inlty tho tlraiul i like wna rrunhed nnd wept down inr crew bt inn 111 bourn on the loo before reneuo ennut tin pan tin r nnd tho nlrim had a similnr experknee 1 vi ry nhip thnt returnid lint yenr wna morn or lean rlonnly wrecked nomo of them no bndly thnt tlioy could acnrcoly limn into tort 1 no iohh ol an many of tlio old nlyln imntu mmblor the ownern lo rv place thorn with iihiph of thn modern type nnd thin ytnr neon four of them in comnilmtlnn the lln nnvont tire tho lullavinture tho iloelbio nntl tho 1 loriel thn flrut three nrn tloaisnotl to norvo nn ordinary fn ishteru durinp the yonr tho 1 lor in i la n wt ill morn nmbllinua tlepnrturo idin in n ahlp of u00o hum with iiccominodttllonb for 100 nalnnn nnd nu many btetrnpo pna keiirt m and intmhd to be run na n touriiit cruft helwien 61 john h hall tax nnd now york w lit n not em pjnyttl in thn noitl flnberj bho ia iltti 1 with wirokud tihornpli i ppnrn- tllb holit with h1a own petard a ctrtnin aoullemau who wnn bouiouhnt oflleioiih wont onu day to mo n football mutch whilo lio was tin rn ida lynx liko eyeii caught bisht u nomn youth it plnjtna onrdu and bt ilia hlimoll of mi mil fenmbli us nu tun ha quietly inlnrmid n polloo mail of what ho hnd boon rlayina cnrdttp no four n piled tho on until bin i know them chap very well thoy nro quito ribpcct- abh hut pernintid hin informant i unw hu in ilolna no uuil wlun thoy luiw 1 wun lookiiia they hid tho enrda nntl 111 bit ii aovireian to u penny thnt that littln ohnp with the bowli r hut nn bna got thorn in bin pocket want to bet do yotip nniil tho eniibtablo with n twinkle in hlu ejo mul hint board over there unyn hut- tinu ntrietlj prohibiten bo i think 1 d b tit r in a it it mire of ono job to- thi and run you in for betting ami click went the euffo scientific experta in the kitchen ilut a ay a tho lady of tho liouan tn tho npplfeanl jou rtnlly nbouhl not nak auoh hlnh wngen from mo when ou ooniiidor ihn ronvonlonew with which my houttn iu eqiilnporj oleolrlo rooking ranoe elect rlo wuh- inp nnd ironina iniichinob vnouum nwitpera nnd tinnier nnotimatia enrrh ra from nnd in nil flnora nnfl rooiua phonon mul annunointora in eneb ronm nnnitury wnll mul floor lnlhln n lllored air flltt red wnlor nnllneptio rofrlporntnr e iimni intt rruptn thn npplk rant hut thn ukes of you ounht to know that n ncieiitlflo expert drnw it ni mum money thnn n kllehen mtolinnlo couldnt lilt it it wnn on board iho nnorlewi liner tliirrytnnln mul tlio ludy wna in an oflleerb panned nnd nuked thn oaiihe wwby ahe ntninmerml i im ueod that ovorylmdy on lionrd wnn tnkiilb nil unrln nf ibltiun lor nnuve- nlra mul 1 tliouaht i d like hint uico looklna nnohor nvi r tlurn itml whin nnlimly wna lonkhlir 1 alnnjiml down tn lift tt mul bioko nlxlnii tapen and tnat nerniloon bullniw anil liio hur rid thliib wouldnt eonm iml ami blin wipt itfnbb in wlio wallud ftwuy well grooved women for afler al nalura haaii i dona much per tham n i njjilmhwnmni wfltlna in thn ijuiiu dulurtb that alio coiialdtra na lure tery tmitli nrrnl1 in iho mat tir of inata i oi inalnuce an j a tlio indj h i jirfeilly eldat hint nature couald irn inn tdoul color for human hair lo bo hint a n potato buacl to lwf itiu cliurm of nubtiru cold or mhlulaht itxka nml ado anya in effect ioolii oho mo n aood duniblo shade iilc jwitnto brown t ho alio procctda to jjho it to na hlfnlaht hair tool vniy brtlr la nion 1m co in i nb to ninety qiiio cnaea out uf n buiitlrod yot i aiippoao not ono woman hi n tliouanml bna rtnl nnlurnl ly waiy linlr nnturo llkoa n bhlny uonu not otma boraelt would look welt with a ahlny tioao yot life a inlh wny would bo llhtnilnntert by count hua mlllloiia of thoin if wo it fl tho iiinller lo nature when it coiuob to our nltlltido or mrrlnce how inaily of ua would nut alooi if no woro aim ply nn turn 1 7 our nrlhireal nnccatora prohnbly kjoojied frlbhlfully our feet i thoorloa 10 tho contrary nolwllliatniidlnc i naairt thnt runnlnc nlwut without ahooa atolla tho beauty of ono a foot ihoiich unliody itihila lena uf n imnl wnlal thnn i do i naaort that if i hnd n nnlat of moro thnn twenty flo im hea 1 should look dowdy unlcaa it wna round tho lucky poaacaaor of nu nlsolutely round nnlut may hno ono of tweiitj flio inchen nnd atltl npponr in iiirnnuro only elabtcen sollilna enn bo moro benutirnl than nn nbaolulely loiely nnlurnl woman a woman with perfect akin nnd hair font urea nnd flijuro n woninn for whom nnturo hna done eicrjlblna nt her ery tient but how often lo jou hail bert once in n million hiuoa per haia aa for moat of ua no want our linlr een if nbundniit to bo conxed inlo brltllnnco nnd form wo nnut our pimulblj imturnl looth cnrofully pro uriid mid kept clean tho nnmo with mr al hi wo want to lie tnuoht to wnlk nud danco nntl bold oursolrca propirlj in wenr tho rlaht atnj tho rluht liooln tho rlaht clotboa wo wnnt our color liiatluct nud our sen crnl tnnlo irnlncd wo want to ha tnucht in jonth not to talk thrmch our noaca or out of our toot not to i fin bh too loud or in nn unfortunately acquired manner wo wnnt to bo in unlit to tnko caro of our nnlla tho nail loft to nnturo oca nnturo but bcnut juatlco in abort wo require chlllzntlou where cur nppenrnncea are concerned if wo nro to lo fit to look nt bea hi many ucnoti women find hint they cnu aleep holler lr they tnko n hrrtn bath jiibi before rotlrlnn htery lime you pick up aomelhliib from tho door let tho hondlna coma nhnnhitely from tho blpa nnd not iho kneea 1 ida e ere i no will mnke the wnlut anppln oiidcnnnot lmpn prctly baud if tho fiiibera nro broid nt tho hpa ircbatiia dnw n on hie enda of hip finger from iho flrat joint to the tip will if dono ninny tlmea n dnj reniedj thla defect anj exerclao th t nnrka milbcloa mid chorda nliout tin atom uli proniolca dlaoattoit nud for hila rinann b pec in i isla nt fornlan hntha utroucly ntoin mend that no urnon ahnll all immetll ntely nfter eiitluu tho mtilillo need flan re la to be fenr cd a on can nrnld it by diet nml exer clue which will keep jour llmba iinii nnd roiiii nnd which will do nnny with iho fatty rolla on hlpa nnd fltulo nion ill ery dny order from your orocer n pound nnd n half of round stonk chopped fine ilent thla without butter in n frjiua pan thla n mount will do for hireo men la blum butter potnloea cream bucnr mid fnta a llttlo enro nnd jou will bo blender nunlii three salad a dclliloiia anl nd boned nt n lunch oon ret tn tly cntne lu ou individual pin lea on on eh pin id thoro wna n white lolluco tonf nnd henped lu tho nitd tlio of it shredded celery droafled with ninyonnaue iuul aprlukled on iho top with broken rnallth wnlnut menta around tho nmiitid thoro woro atflpa of bpnulah rod peppora tor n hnaty fruit aalad whon froah fruit la not nt baud open n can of ponchcr tlrnln it nnd arranao tho linlroa of tho fruit ou ictluco lonira aprlnkla thorn wllli nhreddtd nlniond nnd a fow chorrloa if they nro at hand nnd dreaa them with mnjon nnlao if nula nml clicrrlea nro lint nt bnnd tho pt nehoa nro excellent nlono a woman wllli n lona anlntl rcpor tery boll i njillnli wnlnut monla with n hiico nf onion nnd n blndo of mnco for llfleon minutes then tlrnlna and chllta them mid eerroa on lcltuco onea with aectlnnn of hnrtl bolttd crhb nnd innjonnnlao ar n aarnlhh alio ubcr blrlpb of ollc to save tha qltppere tor tho xtrj fine rllpper whoao oft noua noeda hitler moro thnn tho old tlmo htufllnu nf crumpled tlsauo paper i here i n linniomndn aprendcr thnt wilt amo tho prlco nf n oboe i roe tnko n pair of lona coorod hloeln thnso hint emtio for honlntr wnut arnin cmrr llmm wllli puffed rib bon or allk and stick one end or eneb into n tlaht ball of cotton man corered with bhlrml ribbon or allk thla ball ahbiild ins ma enoimh tn till hip rnmp of tlio btlppor nnd nhmtld bo aectirelj bowed lo the nteel rinnllj it in to l plrtced in the nllppi r w tun nftor which tlia olhor end of the nteel u rpruiifl tnlo tho heel the kalnra marvallou 8hoolln count zeppelin folia nn nnniuinr lory of tho oimn with which thn flor in an emperor in lu thn linblt of brenk- ina rocorda on ono occasion lio wna oui rbootlns with thn knlnor at thn end of tlio dny it wna announced hint thn knlnor nml broken nil ro- nartln hi dncr woro lnld beforo him in n long lino iho photoffrnpbora itesnn to uot their onmerna rondy hi mnjohly lind ahol tho hnail coopor hnld nlxtyfour door tho kafsor mndn no publio conlrnillllnn but n he took tin liu pobllloti behind 111 doer for hlv iilmtobrnplm count xop ctilln heard blin murmur to thn hand neprir with n nmilo i sixty lour door olip thatll very odd indeed ita nlmnnl inexnllenbln i only fired you know thlrly oiirlrhlbon vacation tim limdbj til he dik ut choo wmi by i were nlf lo hit fh ida ifntl tho omjii aky hie bt lis of the brookw and tlio wood iiuilholu are rliilnr na nut to ihn vnlea nnd di ha in nieiidow wnju fair and hlttlopa cot flood by llttlo dnuk nl ui in ol i it lml koimj uiinu nnd tajk aik lu thn full by i wo vu other hnvn i to try j hut wn ahull tinui i you know and as uny to ennui u with oooti wt arg in yn v r h i inuh mid m ver n uiu by little dnbk unotl by i the darometer ll hung ohnng found it a dilution and a snare on day mum yiuin ngn ii iluna fhaliff un innldiic n journi y from rinilin to hhnnjini in n at ami r of bin chini mutual lb lllff of an inmilrina di non i i ion ho nakeil ninny quixl ns alxiut he mnrhliury anl ih fiiriiiihinifit ol iho ship what inhrthli i him moat waa iho bnrouutir uud apt linker explain id it with print can nvi i d crilxd the mlniitoht delnflit b veral month nib r wh u tupt itnl er arrivi i nt tlenuin ut lln end of a vnj b hi wan infi nned nt the 4 ntrainhhip offle that inr ii w unto i tn mi liim nt the vie roy n ynmi n the piiplain in lrlnir from thn ex pern 11 en of nth r men cxpt ct i to rtnivt n nwarl ir faithful it rvlen und dn iwlnp lilmni if with enn took n rlcknhnw for the residence if hit bronlodt mnn in china up n ht arrival b wnn ahow n inlo ilia re- eeptl n room nnd nn tly oon 1 1 linns rimno mndn bin nppt nrnnee followetl by n nervnnt rarrylnp n lianilnnmn mnnnte i nialmsnny lix he put it nn the table opened it nnd lonk nit n beniiiiful luinimi ler which tin 1 just arrive i from lnrla alter rant huuir hnd ndmired tho niech- nnlnni of the innlnum nt i nrl ii turn i in him nnd n ii 1 now i wnnt nti to nlmw nu bow on fnril ll evinlt with thla thhiff v n eahnot i in t 11 oeiita with n biiroinetir nald oapt llaker in btir prise tni old me jou enuld n lort t i tnrl ii f n v r did nnylhlno of iho kind exehimid tin nntnnihhed peamnn i loll you hint ly rompnrlns thn ehnnaen in the ti mpt rnturo nntl ill reotlon of the winl with tho move mints of thin instrument wo could nntieinate n atonn hut i did not ny nnjtlilntt tihntit fnnulliiib eenth be cutimii hint in impnimible the lcerny 1 tared nt tho anllor with 1 fttonishmi nt nntl rxclaimid you nro nn isimrnnt incompetent miow don t jou know that tho wentlur in the mnul uncertnln ihlnb in the wormp oth r evonlfl nro gov ermd by lawn nnd nrbitrary condi tinnn from which thn wentber in cn tlrelj free nnd nnjlmdy wlm can find out what tin weather la foins to ho oucht lo be nhln lo fnrotitl onllnnry 1 v ntn then with n eont mptunua motion he linnilhhi1 capt tinker from bin preneneo nnd m r npoko to him nsnin the b tree each place of fruit represent 8lnle flower tropical trcui and plnnln with their luxurioun growth nnd brilllnnt flower nro very intorcntinff in ha wnii thoro ia not tho honrdinb 01 nittbardlinonn of alow orenvtb naturt dm a nverythlnb with n inviali band buinll nnnunln in colder climen tl not roem nmntkahlo when they bnv their fall growth but lo perfect then flower nntl need but in tho lnrffei browth of tho irnplcn thin doea neeiu n romnrknbbi feature purina my atny on tho wlndwnrl hldo of thn inland of oahu i bnyi been btuilyina the bnnnnn tren lr prowth nntl finbit it in pxco dinnlj inhrimtlnii very trnlv tlo a it livi hut to produco itn fruit for thoiib- h idem iittninn n in ifiht of from 11 to ifl fi el nn noon na one hunch ol imitnnni rlpenn it in p walian pnrinnco aivbuvd in i up hull it la cut down nnd nnnlbtr tin ahnnt ntitrla from tho broi to p nun hu nnmo rnuroe i nch banana repn nt nin a nlnph flower nnd wo ent the fit nliv hpi d pod or onry aomt thinp nn in hu nnplo only thai thn bm l hnvo eoverlub an in hint fruit the inrri nluattr ot flowim la hielnnivl in leaf like covtrincn which roll bnck nut fnll off one by on ih a hand nt thn floviern in n ndy tn opui hy hnntl ono niennn two inwn of floweri trohib hnlf nrnuiid tin ti m i hnyl nfii n wonderel what wnn meant in the nrimtal ntnren hj a hand ol imiinnt now i undirntniil hy mob inn nt tho empty ti in fmm whifli wt hne junt llnhihd 1 alius tin tie lieloun fruit an noon en hie fruit flrut hoolnn l turn the idem l mil nnd hiinn up to ripen pannnnb linnn ins in tho porch to he m d nt will arn a or pond nulihtniih lor tin inilo nt ooldtr pllmna lint to return tn the flower tha first linnd of flow rn turna very noon into liny preen bnnnnnn nnd ilion hi next lenllilte lirnrt rnlla bncli nntl flilln off nml n hand i unworn eomen to hbih till on afti r onotlipr iiipiu handa hnvo male 11 inrtfi biinoli nf bnnannn in ihonn that i bnvn xnmlmxl the luat float r hnvo nol oonin to peritenon nn thero u of- tin hpph nanpinb n fnlthd bunch nl tho oxtremo 1 nd of thn eovorinp fled dtan frlcatiee tnko 11 pint of ml henna whiob hao been nnaked ovi rnfbbt nnd dralnrtl oover with plenty of frenh witltr bring hifin alnwly to bnillna polpt ibon let lln m 000k ponlly un til teniler put two tiiblepooiifuin of nilneed wblto onion in n rnuoo- pnn willi ono tiililibpnonlnl of but ter nnd cook unlil n nnln atrnw color then put in thn drained bean mid n level tnbleapnonlul nl flour onrt inhlenpoonful nt oboppeil purnley nml hnlf n pint of wnltr in which thn henna woro rooked simmer tor hnl nn hour thnn nthl n inbluapoonful of lemon jloo bentnn up with thn jolkn of two pbs slfr gonlly nnd nl got rlonminb hot nnd norvn wllli hlunod broon pi ppora bubtl advartlalng a ipinpornneo noololy lu thn mid din wpbt nniil n ttinpornnrh worker nnoo hnd n aplondlil lecturer 11 re formed drunkard thla lecturer ni ter ft yonr or in wn dlaehnraotl an nthniror rtntteil why lm hnd been rn lonaed nml tho hnolvtya proaitlonl anaworod 1 dont you remember how ho eon tlminlly referred to iho irrouhblo n duct ion of n nerlnln brnnd nl ljimr nltrlbutliik h ilownlull tn hp will it turn nut hint tho browor puhl hlui n qunvtnr for evory tlnw bn runu in iho beers nnmo

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