Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1909, p. 2

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ujmgguw xiauilll h-vxrt- t hi j o jvclu mutual i ll lb lili ii a n vuli yumuoi luiiijliirif j oli vyu caliiitry lihiri fl is- vi ilia raal ion a i ii i rl i i an iii on i iii m lay t hi j i y m wmilli h t i l lailv if mini jaw hilufy alltstiuiijil r of wm i ewllo i v of iwramoaa mrlh-jonuatoh- t ualu fltnva tlia rail ilaiina of ilia i llah htm la mi wn loa uf jona iflli liy llav i ii taylor fcinml ii otllalioll aoliit win maar id i u may ii of i lln air of llalioll lllittrif 111 wnltmian u i luflvdi hoi 1 j v llutlori u ilt dl n uodouuall of oi iminmlloj i iuhinrat mill iuii lhuoiimirliihtwlllr uulilmj i jh infant u i i juliu ifaouuuall auu i iholltll uuinm li flan tl iim itl tluali tuaajey jul p hi i iuii i alurm li iraallaii ai 1 mr t in h an urli nlliiial lolupa ajol tworaai i mu moiilli ullulthpay him jl udltoitlal notuy addrisslnjt thn i pwuith imuw lupudny uvoiiiiik lh witt f patriotism hint counts principal hlownrt onlil in le n turn piitrint oiio nuist hclnynl to tho humcs of tho country an dominion liny din iinnr oncli trlu canadian should full un mmcd sonso of piitrlotlsn i ot they lio volo for tho iikitllrod hut room arc not and ennnot ho truly nntrlolfc ilb tlioy uphold that which dittruya the homo tat hb iwi patriotic in tho liljjh it house of tho word and votu down this torrllilo cum it la hrntlfylok to untlcu tint tho strong inlluonco of roman fulhiilic bishops and prloaty in iwiiik steadily exortatl against tho liquor truffle not only in canada lint lit tho ilrlllsh islands ivom an iilsh oxchnnne wn clip tho following dr i ian re tho hotiinn catholic iluhoji of ardiirh linn issutd a pitstornl cnnduimiiiik the tlte custom of supplying atranr drink nt wiuco and holdlnp aprons tho night liofora tho boys and rlrla rol hrato for america there li nn charity or friendship in hint fnrnwcll party tho jllshop assorts murdors liomloljun nnd ulnful abintiltb have baon purpclrntud nt thuso orglo lie also condemns i ho mu of utronn drink in commotion with harvesting foitmtlcs tim misery or it is ho rays that you souo upon a time whan gnd la lavishing upon you tho frill tb of thoiuuth to insult illin lunching tho young to lircak their pledge and l conio drunknrdb unllttlng tlm lnhnror for iiib work ami killing i ml us 1 1 y another utrong olfort lu liilng miulo to inaiigunito tho coiibtructlnii of a oft nn 1 from o corgi nn hay in tho ht lnwronco hlr rohort itrus rtpro sontlng oapltalluta oltorlng to build tho canal is now in this country attempt ing to uacuro tho nld of tho ouiindjun lovemnipiit for tho project ho snys tho capital lino alroady hoon buoiirod in ureat llrltafn for building tlm first auction of tho cannl from tho georgian liny to north liny nn luko nlppuuing a distance of eighty five niilun tho government ib asked to guarnntoo tho bonds at throo por cunt find hu ilc dnrh that if thin u do no tlio work will ho started noxt uptlng hh robort iwllovoo that tlio trnluo foi the canal will lio ciontod by it mid with out doreublng any othtu tnifllo will produce enough rovouuo to cover tho governmunty guarnntuo and in ad illllou to create a sinking fund which would extinguish tho band lu proh ably fifty ynnm or lotta 1 bo com puny would bo a cnnndlan one and tho govoininont would lmvo tho light to fix tlio ra equalization otassessmcnt hatton and pm1 lluvly to bnur pptnrh1p in houu or itofu am iia mills von county noads at the muotlng omho county conn oil inst wcok tho titsdibinontbof tho vnrloui iminlopnlltleb for county pur posaa wore flxod an follow the ncw mttiiodlst pastor oalt8 lobs im acton a oain llm rdliwing fioiilllm hilt pml i orinut kiok wltlikfnoniiitoltni di aiitlllf ihu mtw puuliii uf tin methodist thiiirb will bo of niiiih interest in tin cougn gnllon in re ihu nrtlrlo will be nil the inoio nppri intid whfii it lu wtulrd lint llufdttoi of the itiipoitir in a nn iiiher of a dilynrulioiiiiininlon fioui di anllilf fnll i il fnmrwt in news topics tor tiil week liriportart cventa in few wordi for buav raadara a uuv worlr hnpttanlfim car- lolly cnmplud kmlputlnlo handy and allrachva shapa for iha flaad tri of our pa liar a solid hoiira tnfvnnnl wcontbuav hit in i m hat it ru ii mi u rh 1 trafnlbar khhiobiiik 111110111 ihwiii noluon jjiikw nkaanaawoyn 1 otui mllloi iujlt 1 oakvlllo h1iiwi floorgotowii icihj nsiun nurlliiruin mmn wjw5ih2 htopa arc lioliig lultlntod for ifalton to purolman ii half in teres i in ieol i hoiiio of lufugo whioh in thnt anso will iimtd enlarging aa thorn in lftllo room to upam in it now at the county ooiinoll a deputation from peel okplulnod that though n rnto of 2 por wook hud boon quoted for in nutos of tlin iioiibo of rofuqo from ilaltotii tlioro whb room for only four aathlilfl insufficient for ifalton and hk tool la willing to soil imk interest to ifalton it whb nrrnngod that pi it w itrnco hmltli inspootpr of hob plul nud aflylniiih ihnuld h nskoil to fix n dny within two wotka to moot doputntlona from ioel ami ilnlton oounolla at tho hoiuo of refiigo ilrampton nnd dlimiau tho nooosiinry enltrgonient h tho two couiioiih can ngran on torma it u likely unit tho rrangemontb will imi put through nnd hiiltdlng bogun na aoou nn poaulhle this limy mean tlio umio of debentures hy ilnlton hut it la laipoaulhln to sny now how iiiuoh money must bo raised liy this county tho matter of the unfuliuoas of tho good roads bylaw to thn olvlo inuulul- palltlau of tho counly wnw lengthily dlwuiaoil tho following lesohillon was finally pnsaod i that lha into bo llxod at l iiiib and that tho ooiinoll refund tho towns and villages in tho county n sum rqulv wlsnt to ono half mill on tho dollar on their eqnnllxod aiiesummit for linprov- mont of cnntlnuntloii of good imuls through lha towns mid lltnges oranto worn inado in tho coiitluun hpn hohoola aa folio w i anton 101 at hiirllnbnn n7l kj mlltnn fllutl hulton pupils nttohdhik lgh sohools putaldo tho county lust yonr cost tho county n followa i water- down 910ia7 wtreetvlllo 22dlto ouelph collegutu instltuln vl m lull will soon iobo llov di antlllf of tho methodist jliurrh who goes to ac too to which plnco nftor four yonra of prolltnblo servlct in this field h has ik on assigned hy tho stutloiilng coui mlltue it ib timely to any li thnt tho nivi rond gontleiunn holds tho respect of poophi of every dtnomlmi lion in 0 il scholarly couslderato of tho opinions of thoui not of his fold an oxiimplo to younger men in llje pulpit unostontiilloiia in currying out tho commands of ida muster dr antllcf la a most likeable man utah in natural nnd ncqultid gifts his work biro nud elu whoro has shown htm n ctoigyiimn of excellent judgment nnd unsniniil motlvea tho onlt mitlmd 1st church iinu of tho most important cant i os uf religious activity in woatt rn ontario has flourished under his pniitornto in n manner to plcuao nil its nn mhera llioutinoat inexur nblo lawa of his church luqulto his asulgniucnt to nnothot town what is lull a bus is ai tun u gain wo feel thnt tho llfo of tho ilnlton town will bo enriched hy his preaonco ns hns hctn units during tho pasloruto just drawing to n close tilankgodtiilsisadry camp bald llav a j dolt or milton chap lain of tha 2hh naalmant in lll ssrmon at nlajrar on bunilay lliuiik tjod for n diy camp said itov a j ihlt cbnplnln of tho jhli lortlo hides in his sermon to throe thousand soldiers on nliignra ciuuiiion on hundny morning ihiu lu but the forerunner of a movement which would spicad through inllltnry camps thu world over ho hollevud cluipluln llelt iipoku of some of tho ndvantagob of camp lift nud uxpruuued tho opinion thitt this was thu lust uvoi ht id nt nlagnrn a loronto nowu lepnrtir uukud ono of tho puutilutmt ofllcoru who had hi en nt camp ut nlngnin to hispcct ono of tho units on monday how is tho cnuip winking without tho cnntuup iho ollkei bpukiu to vjw uceimo nt i nrt i ono of those who in tho pint hud bon most lu favor of tho woll ouuroil cantolii hu niibwlt c imo in an in diuct way i lmvo just conui fioni ono of thn tnostonhily iimps i inue ovei been in nud thuy lmvo no ciutoon ho snld hoforo wont to niagara jump i had been iuspiuliig nt london and while there one of tho o filet rs in com- innnil uf u reglmont told mo that much as he hated to iidinlt it tho dl y camp ut london this yinr was tho most orderly ho hnd uvoi boon in thnt tho way 1vo found it work out h remarked cnptt hiuiblo who moved tho tho resolution to do away with thu canteen nt tho minimi meeting of thu omouru of hid km rigt luliunod boino on hiturday and being intel ro gated by tlio kiui 1hichk hh to he results of thn bnulshiiiout of tho can teen nt nlugiirii camp ew pressed him self detlghti d with the clinugo eifentod snld i in my thirtoon yearn at cnuip this yoaiu camp la tho moat oidotly nml lu nil respect tho host i lmvo ovti nttondod with tho open temptation of thn cantoon removed tho men spond jhulr ovnilnga lu tho y m c a tont or enjoying thorn solves in hinlthrul mentation he furthei said many worn dublni in tho results whioh would ho nought nbout by tho iilmllllnti of tho oautoen hut tho fhat night in oamp was unough to convince nil skoptlos thnt it was hound to bo a success homo of tho hntols in tho town hiwo ndddl to tiolr bar naijuniuiotlatlon hut they nro not doing any nmro busl- noas tlinu in nthoi years altogether it is tho most orderly nnd anon camp i hnvo nvof nttondod nnd is n goihl nnrnost of what wo may oxpoot lu aotnn w lineal optio la adopted important announobmbnt a t lit own doslros to nnnounoo to thn rondel s nf thn kilklf pihcmh thnt ho linn secured thn ngenoy for iirulan hugo tho marvelous damhuir cure nnd diillghirul hnfi dressing a t hiotvn is glad in statu that imluhm hugo is u tlgldly giiiiinnteed hair hsloiiu it cures diindiuiy in two wetks by killing llui dnndrurr uilorolms i it stops falling hnli lr runs nil sonlpdlseams or tuonoy bank it is a must pit luimt hnlr diosslng eepeolally for indies ns it makes tho hnlr snft nml lustrnus tho pi ion is only am in nts n inign bottln at a t llrnnu m by ixpieuu nil ibntges pmpnld fioiu jlioiix mfg co koit lule out if it wn iuilhtu of pilmithen nil things onubldoi ed hiilndn is the greatest tori valua for tho innitoy paid for oxporlsnooi hns provnn that hftlndn pnekod in nil tight loud pnokots lu ton okoollenoo i amino to lending n iii nf run lil ulttr i iri uln thursday the iintlln rti rmwt rnvinrea o irti d to imi in op n killd hteil worker tlin id n to co on mrike in imtlsburg nt tin rml of thm month a cohtomn olllrlnl is hi arrhlnif loco nintlvii at 91 riiimiih un hum r cmnliilnta of iirlirlin ihihu smuckld in tlio ctigino ciibn llu tuo painliiitia loii n from i aval tlnin rml quelu c wi ro rt turned by n primt the thief 1m cniiio iriirhli n ed mid ciivi tin m up llu riort of ihe coiirlhutinn i rl tint nutihbictnry to the f re i ph t him dl r nt oh i n hound nnd only nbout nln ty nl llu in nturnm to vork yr t nlay priaiddit tnll a ronjin 14 jihlirdny n onnunoi to p r fi nt tax on the income of cnrpnriilioni nnd thn mloptioii nf nn iinu iiilmi it to the constitution pro vidliid fir tho imposition of nn in coin tux dipt viiut of tho monlron iro bri fmli told llu comnilsiiion that bo in innimil hribn iiionny for 1ho pro mi timi nf men on tho hririido iii nn rum he fnt uo0 nnd nil hn had ii lot of hard uork in it ho kept hi uinii fnidav ch iwn is rnpldly ineronainir in bi vi b rshurtr lurcjo bike nl oil bus tipprnro 1 in thooulf n mixiro w i oroor ii colon d man drop p il dead nt chatham did rifjbt hrotlnm uero erven nn nt nt ion ymtirdny by tin ir towns- pi onto nt dnytnu ohio rim while star dominion i liter mi pant li hiiiltd ou her miudi n trip from i ivoriinol yosti rdny tun i otidi n si i iinu n nro hi ing pro- arriiled undi r the pure uioiih net for knpinif inieli nn midu for nab iiiniduy hull nni of tho obi huihl- infth connictiil willi victoria univor ally cnbmiri in to hi torn down a hreuiry wnijoii wiih previ ntu i from uillritik tondon camp urouiulu under the ni w probibititi ridiilntlonh qnccn i li na nf duly iiiih dorlim d to umr the crout hnth which in urh ndllinera uro sn kino to imposi on italian wnmiu of ushiun iourtei n tmndn d hnyn took part in the annual ritiiw of school caili tn ut mnniieu unit thirty tlinummil u o- plo utirbanl tho apoctiiclo batuddav ii l ilordon unllcti yesterday from qurbco for riinhind lord cliurlcu iurirtforl is coming to open tho toronto i xuhtion court chnmbirlurftliiuuir wna kill nd in n balloon nccldcnt ut st peters burg montrenl hnd a livi ly little snow storm yobterdny mid front wiih report od nt london nml kinimtnn an application in ennui the liquor ccimu nt i nrt i rio nice truck wiih nnidponod by judiro willu ut w 1 in land t pntornon noninr director of tho unnlc of montn nl died suddenly n fishing trip to tho reiitigotiohu river a mob nt iiljiihi n drovi thn cat ho lio iliuhnp o lincoln nnd two priostn from town tliroatonins tlum with vio lence tho nentenoo of death nun sod on snhm assoliy uhn killed his brnth- or lu n miarri i ut hiiwkoshur hna been commiilod to liu lmprinonmi nt monday the boo canal was rt opt nod on snt- urduy much needed rnlna lmvo fallen in thu wist lorint fires in new ilrunswiek hnvo stnrti d up uoiiin fnuned by n 10mllo fffllo i he must strloiih of tho northern outnrlo forest firm nro now under control mnrim rs are wuriird to look out for in obstruction neur colchi nti r hnhl in i uke i rio i udy ahoriltii n nnd a uiimhi r of th i d h kali s to tlio mm n b council vis till ituuilltnn on siiturduy fldiiiallkl b nilorn in 1 inland con thine to linnunco hid flovi rument for onniiiriininn ihu forthcoming- visit of the rnr to king i dwnrd john filmri who ltd his hiind of aduniiti s info thn ruuiidiuu wmt n yi ur ano wiih suit to prison for 2a jenr fur murder at kamuin citj mo tuesday i x major will in in oruir nf mount fir i i- dnd ifnn willlniii ruushij inspioloil tha hurhnr at qui hoc ii inilttou art school directors hnvo id fill il to cioho tho school v s wtq inrthqunkn oecurnd sun di v in the canary tula m la hun charles murphy wn enter- tiilm i hy tho cumuli un cluh nt win niix v d firiin mcglbbou of montrenl hu nfvoti llnuooo to build a auultarhni for consumptives ut hh agutho a mnlt clerk was killed in a head- on collision nonr mt carmel iii dun to nn error in rain orders prof o ii iostor ol ghlcnjm uni versity una voted out of tho chfnnso llnplisl miniatora conloroltco yostor dny no trnoo has boon found of leon ling tho chinnmnn who la boliovod to hnvo killed llslo blijol in now york john robinson is wanted hy tio ot tawa pollen on n aharoo of nunult- hir mrs murtln nnd iter dliughtor mrs martin is not expected to live tho papulation of the throo prntrln provinces hna lnoroniiod nliout 100000 tn tlio last thron yonrs nbout half nf tho now aottlora boina from tho unit ed btnlos jiinias irfiwery tiled suddjnly in a polloo coll at cnlgnry ilyonvfl him- snlf up on n ohnrgo f nnd hooting n chlnnmnn nnd it in ays- imolod hut the diugraou drove him to fuiloliln itnlh thn cpu nnd its telogrnnh- rs lmvo aoonptod tho flnillng of thn immrd whloli enquired into dlmoullles nrlbliib ont of n dlspulo over tha dls- iiiusid of nn employe nonr toronto judge port in of montrenl wna flhiilr- man nl ho beard tover itrothers toronlo will aeuil you frro n enko f iliolr faniniis iluutol tollot ioap if you moutloii this paper silwlight do you know hi dlfffircmc bolwrt working d hsvliijr llio work don for you i minllglit koap actually rhakas th dirt drop out aavvri you tlm and morwy but lnjuru italth tiaiulsimr cloth i list is ut lha dlff vraiica btwmi sunllghl hmtp and ordinary jm pa i ollow dlrmlini mapkit kl ports llvarpool anil clfkajpi whnl fuhi clo hihar llv block lstfit 0ttlont wlnnlpro options tl it july l t n llr ix lllthjlly tfi id r li toronto grain marks u 1 nt fall 1 ml ins itiiaki o ij5 toronlo dairy marks naw york dairy msrkal ni w mhlk join 1 ii ill r ii full sprdnl 1 o lo i rul fumy uli loo i nml full lu uue ruiishtra ly rrcrlnu lorid stun iciiiihlvaila una murly fumy stint- nl wlillo au in me tin filr i i i litili i ihiii trt tiuc iruun mil inlxel fiury rauo to lo iio fulr in iluliu iil la 3vir western extra first iwu tu uw o t llrut roio to r si nutfiurn 17c tu utti oiion ljio i cattle markets oablas stroniai- hoga bttady to lowar at dulfalo and chlcro london juno iinmln mlls i r csttlo nro firm nt ll4o in kmo v r lb fir ciiimilluu ulcers ilrmaci wilsfit iu- frlflrmtor liccl is luotid nt 10 u u ifi for lb toronto junction llvs stock fononto junction juno jl illcoiptu ol livo stock ut tin union block yardh wiro nt carload c n aisling of llrt1 cuttle n hogs 7j hhotp nnd in m hs nnd 13 ealvi h exportora oel lwo ur lliroo lo nl or cmioiictb wirro ii ktcrrs si lil ut tu tn w v liulla 71 in 3 a pnr rwt about 0 lmls of enport rulito wiro licll over fur tu u buy a inurku dutchara p uno pukrt 1 tu tiutclrs sill lit li ts to tu li ula nf un it i- 30 to li no medium li tu uw enmmon 11 to tn v tows w u l io ciinnors f tu lo ij ti mllksra i or- a llinlleil nuinlicr or mllkora nml lrlniftrs soil nl tw to w euoi vaal s vow veal onlvm wrn on snip nml rrlcra wore firm at j to s 7s iur c 8hsp and a i horn alnw of anln at hunt ewrs anlt t ft tn ts per cut srrln lamlm wore tinn nt bliu lo oiio cr hi hona wrro only flvo i o on anln tiim limmlii by tlio u 11 manlti compnny nt id por cut foil uml wiitorou nl tliu imiruci montraal llv slock momthlau juno i hp i it al tlio montreal htnck yarls uum il mur kot tho retell m of iho stuck fir tlm wank oniunn juno 19 wore iin cuttlo it alioap and inmlis lax huus llu 1 000 diilvta tlio supply for li ml oiiauuipiliiii llilu mornlnu canilaloil of dm iitllu w ahcuu an i lunilui km lio nnd 110 cutveu iiioru wns no important clianuu in tlio cinnlltloii or tlm mnrkot fur loillu j rkm fir nil urnuos lielnn fnlrly malntnluli i n nctoimt nf a snioller run tlinu n ivcili ngi nml a kounnr lemiiiil fnuu twitli locs1 nnl ontslilo buyors a urije portcnlnoo f llui offorlnu rnualstril or uriisuors i ho bulk of tliom uhiu lu imioi idiiiiuiin nml lliu ncnernl iinprosilou lu thnt it woulil py tho f u nn or if lio kapt audi atick a llttlu inngor in tlio briisa ho urn mnrkotlnii tlin sttmuliiiilo of buytrs wns lurun in- eiuilluif several fr rn quobco who lioiiulit hi 3a or four ciirliudu nml inulo nn ttio wholo wna uinro ncllvo tlinu it una lioon i f isto thorn wns nlso mmio iliuiuiml from espnrlora owlnu to llm stronuor cb i uilvlcca fn ni liverpool w liltli no i oil mi ailvuueo in prlcn of ua to la par emnil as urn pa rod wltli n wouk uuo unit a slnll foil wtrcrs sohl hero nt buo tn io iiooil nt ckn tn la par hi tho i oat ornasers tirnualit 6hu to mo mo ilium uo to 6o and inwur grnih a from so lo 4uo por iu owliis i tho siimll supply f hngs ami iho krenor ilrmnml for tlin mama frum psi iters and iliuihrs a strnimor feollntr ilavolopol in thu mur- kot unit prices scnroil an ailvanto nf 23a tn lie per 100 ilia with an lis or srjpctuil inta nt 1875 tn u nor hu i lis vfoluhnil nff rnrs tlio roiulhlou of tho markot fur small lueols worn nnclmtiueil hup- files of nil linos worn i toil toil for w htoli ho ileum nil was fairly unnil anil suits of sheep worn mnrio ut 3ho lo 4o por lb iambs lirimuht from 3 lo it iiuh mil nilvns from ij tu do outh as to sso and lunllty at tho cunadlan patldn llvo lltnik mnrkot tlio receipt a rer tlio wuuk ciidlnif juno 10 woro 1t0j cuilln for export cd imt nnd 7u1 cuttlu fm ahoop nml lumtia hfli linas ami 1su1 cnlvea for local con- aumpthui tlio i ffi rlnus tlila inn r ohm uoro ca rntilu 171 ahui nnd hiniba jj linga mil iu calves had dohus unlawfully movsd llrnnlfnnl june 03 wfulnm i dunne wna yestrrdity found guilty f having iinlawdilly hnd iho hodhs of ii hoy and girl removed mm tlm rnrnluii cemetery plot adjoining onn hn hnd purchased thn noun id was in strulfihli ning out iho li n nilarlm iartu of thn ifirls body wi ro ound on threo other gmveh duuiin wan found guilty nnd hound over for ono your to keep tha poaoo dunno wnn ordered lo pny tho costs ol 0u within n week khud savanfoot snaka rhnltinm junn ihl whiln on bum holmes mid clinrlim h l ullit worn n olinlna on dm grim a short distance iroin itifiir joy rhib liouuo property nt mitohollu liny on hundny a iipntlod snuke over sovon fm t long wriggled silently into thnlr midst nnd hud do voureil u portion of their lunch hn torn thej untired it ilieulin wont for it with a canon puddle which broko nvir its bead heforo ho idlhil ii attampt lo dynnmltr oluircli ntownrk n 1 juno m willi tomn lo ouiih niim rtflil into bniulm hy means of ilyiiumite tilling with wire wrappings and tusi an attempt wns innilii tn blow un thn chnreh u bt ilnoon and tho adjoining reotory onn nt thn bomhs oxplndil w reeking tlm ontlro front nf tho roolory tha wkest in nu is ho who knows how hlo a foo bo oari lio without liy hf a the white house guelph ont b fltiu ailirrlinrinriilc ntoikim von haik m m m h w m h m m a h a a a a a a a a a a a a a a inr s third i i lliiij llu wi u vvt tinphiif fiur jlron hosiery values boys and girls ribbed hose 12 l2c hnyt iiil irl ik ivy hi if nll olton hos jci jl lo 10 sold wrvwlvr foi j fur ptitc siturdiy jicr mir ladies plain hose 12 l2c illicl or mi ill ii i ir jul i r up to 5 loy per p ur 15 t c lad e fine lile hong 23c u icli hid all olor not old mywherc for less than i pur situr i pirpurjilc ladiea black collon home wiih pure wo tote 43e lucrum hliclc cotton iios with pirn wool sole 35c juaht s iturdiy per p ur illc ladies lace hose 28c lino allovcr lact lisle iioic black wliito and all colors hcrmbdorf djc 50c ijuality saturday per pair ilc remnants of towelling 4e varp joo remnants of towcllinp in lengths of from 1 to 5 jards saturdny per nrd c table napkins 81 oo bleached naplcina hemmed tea size each 5 cents a a a m a a a a a s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a iiousics foit saik i i pnr h rul r ii v liv rr i 1 1 1 t ii i or fin tt ffna 1ii0 llrnxij ir lr ohitrr- ir i urn i r jilt llui atitr ioijia fi151lkk car filar u r uf ju t tr t rit wir t nt lr ciiaijf iwlr ntn u s jkmes rkmsey pobtmabturabn at hilton milton june ih hon id dolpbo i oinluux postiunstcr lent ml wns in milton yesuidny his visll was in conui ctlon with tho inrnl mail du hvtry uirvico luatlluud through hint btctlon iio took n itiicf torn of iho distrht and made eiuiuiiles as to the woiklnirof ibouyatem whim act u nfti rward lion mi loin k 11 h snld i intu vluwid tho farmers nlonu tho load at milton nnd uurrotindlntr iiolrbborhood nnd they nssurud 1110 that tho seivico could not tio improved upon in thu mini districts i foil smo that within flvu yours the wholo provlneo wilt bu lovtrcd with mail boxes llih will nlford nn ixcel lent mail suivko to ihu residents of ural pnrts at a minimum cost it lu nndustood that no liuiu will bo lost hi fill diet extending the systi in to include nil lountry dlstilcts onswaonfii connsna woddlnit hills u7e ilinlnh in ibis vicinity this vwul jultoit nuiuliei took in the ilnlton ohcurulon to thu tl a u lust wid 111 sdny mr lnu lasnej fnrmitly of xussn gnwoya dilii in utiilph ou i ildaj and wns inn led nt lheut i r ou monday lisujtnnij liewuon of loioutu 1h bpliidiiir lit 1 viiliitlnii nt lit 1 homo lliif mrs john lylwi nml miss lleniletta of oaliduli visited lur cousins mru i ouavi or hilouni nnd mi las gamble of this plnci lust wink mrs w gray spent lust wn k in toronto onora lookio widll pi mu nil polntu in thu nest thtro onntlnuu to coino choorful reports repnidlnp crops hallway reports sny tho njinwth of wlioat hns uuide up for the dolny lu plnntlnp and thnt coudl tlons nro now nsiiood as tluy have hetu at thin dato lu previous yonrs when seed in was much earl in at points nionft thu c n it conditions nio snld to bo hotter than thoy hnvo over hoi n nt this ditto in tho past live years dltleps tulk hiippiuiss ivophit tlud of hoailuif of yout lviics whats tho mattei with llui steiplo alluihui ns u high ehnichiimn homo people mu so nlal nml lutm ty thnt thoy nro ugulai iiioviiih luullh resnrlo clroiinistaiheu are losponsiblo foi so many of our mlstnkos grunt conifm t olroiimstnncos after n ninn has boon man h d about six inonttih ho begins to milieu bow bis wife resembles her mothi r vo man in hl uumih lo iiiuoh nt a good workman is known tn ida rial wi iry boia duo himdud dollais and i osts wna a good many people stand nml fight tlioilui that wns pitd monday morn because they nro afraid to run luir by ioo i uirjp a local italian in 1 ut which is to iw kept should bo jiollro lourt upon belnit found utility cut up snmll and boiled in a saucepan of siiiiiuk liijuor without a llcenst lu a llttto wstor and novcr put into iuelph muionry thu ovon to molt fullness and bloating after eating little digesters cure or your money back ai all druilduui or direct from coleman medicine co toronto now spring stock of boots and shoes stovel tho shoe han is highly trail fiod with iho retutt o bit rccenl cloarlnfl aula ho supnliel hundreds of cuiiomer with genulno bargaina in i ooiwenr and ho moicd out aucti n olumo of ilooia and shoon lint room wis mado tor the conlenl handling of ida splendid new spring stock of hie latest nnd best in boots and shoes hy fldanlsiieoiii buying for cauli iho stock oilers unusual nuractiona for careful buyers 1 nil stock of spiu nt nunc cms repairing alwaya filven personal attention geobgb mill st stovel acton the cameron flexible steel ladders fire escape8 ilnllinlmiuai howalacuiluk lit ma bllli tain nf llm krslnlntlolhriil vtill tiuuksulo siicoim tuui iswa hown sick ltilie yrt tftrlms 1 ttlle i ivrr tilts us nj 11 ally vfll isl lo i m iintliimtlnneiir nuaihlpm vdiilluif i lis biiiiiivliiiironli intnl whl 1 uicvbim rwnli viliailt uisrv si wilis l it hiirnml nn ilnla tlia ihuvois jivouliuijtfouly jtrhotllkywrflil 111t1 r f nun 1 1 1 jln head rwanlolinslirimtpiirolrmtntri inllilailliilirmliiiicniiiiilnliiitli lauily lliuir fivnlriiimilrm i ifmlnthamwhn iircniiii1nllilliiilfnrll lila iii a flop lo 1 lilqfllltlllllf ilil iiriaiili j0lljslilllsvsl mini ufliatliahlny will hut 1st w ultlitiiilllani uiilsttur all sick head ache wuumdi ciiru vnnmi m mm mt janipjl email sui mh lerwlilro glo it thclrheart oiidorrinlion it taken you from the top hturay lo tin yioiind it will hold till ttio icojilc who luii crowd ou at once 1 lie llliiht ration show a kiru men tout un 0111 7 ii i iro 1 n lilpo how uliout it ifu liromurtid on join mnf tod i and jou iuiw it ut tlio mart could mi iet up and put it out arc you inmirud 1 luvo nu tho ladder jour iiihiiruiilsj policy itipiiiii larncis sluowd mid curodit tmlorsc nur j 1lehihlu st oel judder tor barns nnd outbuilding mndu of muskoiliur steel sn nuhlructcd that it will not injure the ioof no diiinpuchh no iot nn in tlio case of wooden tmhlcrs ico nifil minw kill nol nil lleru to it fully covered in patents pgu t delay ordering humph n uiuy hp soon for n day or two lonpoi nl tlio alton ilic guipcroit flexible steel iraddei- lluni ontario the berlin steam granite and marble works cabpicii nitaun pioprletoi estiiuers nnd lliillilirs nl h initios maiiu nis motuimimls mnrkora and lleid is nnd all kinds if yvllkriii hmktrcct aijen i acton georgetown floral go l glioroetown cut rlower gr0wcrs funeral and wedding orders a specially all ordfli plhcml with r h nixon drutffjlit aoton will ttcth prompt attention 71 t i f v t 1 w- r 1 tr t ih i iii il j k rs t7 i r 1 vf af ion clioimixo mil i ltrhi i i ij r tf 11 r r wednesday i and saturdays only il i ultouv ivojinttnr acton ost right downtodate proctor merritt hue urn i rc iu bunet 4m t ihr- i ri of j jnuify in s ipp loj fjrr er will iho laict impr cl ul rtnuij hrm nucl incry n i iliey are niw riving alien lion lo supfihlrift firmrr im an the pul lie renerally wiih ih itiniuttor tavintr artlclei fr die kllchrn tlio ohiitliom kltohon cabinet ii a qem an i si at ho e tr i iorry and kitchen druliftty lo eier woman who uui one a m jem uchtn cimnei ii jujt e necenary to tha taiuuciory working in ilie uiclien ns die btii linjer or iny other miclilncry to tho dm tho chatham plroloii cook stove is ilie hicit icnnfic intcnii n fir rnakinu loiro life lupfier an pmijinu betier coouc 1 loo 1 ai mucli leu con of fuel and alicnilon it micii ol iho fuel j of lime an 1 trouble anl juenn th all tils an 1 lcp cj ilie ii mmer da are haticnr kltolion cabinets and fl relet cookorn in culiibuion at our uterooms ulmiratcd clrculir ani full information to allulto call proctor merritt mill hlrcei anon opp ilc 1ii1u scales a longlife roof is one coeru with urant- fonl spli ih roofing i pure won lilt roofiiipfuith n tlinrdiih splnlt sntur atioti wntlur tin ilui nnd illvili proof o more ilunhk roofing ti made to our ummlidki hut whatiir st 1c of brantford roofing jou relict ou arc certain of suiurior qinlin llrant- fonl knhlur is without iloulu tht last ruhhtr roofiiij nn tin market ami ilrniitfiinl ct stnl in a rtil no punt rouhnn not i tu lushift nrnnt- ford mi li iwl is i rood rnuluik too t ill or urltt for tmiiu pt ins nn tn ittrisliuj fit l rnolinf book rfjohnstone bolo agont aoton ont pure a m paris green por potnto bllfla h instant louse killer s mu i iiuk death s tins il iii koso i3uili- 3 ct laliliic cticliii- fi bors currant huhlicx b clc not only iciiih all h thu uormsiul iiislliii g hut nleo miprnvet llui uruutli of plains b a t brown b 5 iiniulcl au hlnllunir i mill st acton

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