Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1909, p. 1

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j voumis xxxv no mt hllucllluil tltl in aiwal acton onxa1uo tlluithuay jmounjno july i jooi hut m iltitti roc mo pr annum sinom3 ooljjcs tun 1513 oicnth ollif jccton 2hit jrtba j rauiaiim kvlilhy til ults day uolttyino 4t th itim imm llmm ivlalta ob 4 ill htuuut acton oht trmi hhbnri ou dollar pr ynr airloily lit advance all auu- wylptlona illeconllmwtl wlmn lit tlm fur wltlnh thay hnv boon paid una aa- plvfd the aula to which avary nub- mriptlaix 1 tnl i denoted on ilia u- i- raa insert i oa j cunle ir im tanh ubeihluent inaarllon advert mniita without pollu motion will tie inaertixt iii forbid and chilrafed accord lim i y tranaunt ad- vartlaementa mviat lis in it in adyrne artverilaainenta will bo oltanind ono ph month if dealred yor ohurtca rinr than rbov mentioned ilia com ttoaltton muet li iald for t regular ghahrwa for contract advertisement mutt ba in tlia onto by noon on tur aooounlx pylil monthly knatllah oblce 10 mat afreet un- elan j g whore uaftara 10 and j hardy co will reeelv for ua new lamarita nd wusiitrsh dirttlovv- milos gray m 1 c m mcgill if it 01 kli i h v tktli uoow umudkklhtltlllllulllhdtl association kto 3filo pradoilaai h treat aeton out fk- al hoke urenualo cf uulvanlty ol toronto ottlaa at rtnliito on willow fllraat ha- lwn muroliani i luus ami town hall ilionono 1 altj ont lkoal a j uioeinnon iliuriatr homgitor convbviiiorr omokliill hlroal la ttlovele llloek loorsatawn iiraiiohuani hlraat opu wednaedaya ami halurdaya j monaild irfavourtliduuidti uoim ueiiuly ol hal uanvayauaaranaittvlibahil ufa amurauea aaiaut lonay to lon ovalea iairymali lllo ileal uiltu aiaul uonay to loan ale l vlt j m hell ddfl lub ilrhyist a 01 on odle at ilmltlaiia corntr mill and vtadariok itmen liomoh oludoltn ov toronto um1vimitt tba huak atiaaiaialla uaad if daalrad at lloowood futadaj vx3ckllanx0 us pi and haudv a co alvkti8ino cowtbacto and f niwicomitrowiht- jo rleet slrml uindon k c lintfland liwvultom to liiiion to whom adloa uratla wlllu tuan ii raquirurt jp iuahoi0 nunan uookuindbh wvndbam hi ouattib onuflt jlk tttlttr thodlaaiaotavarydmarlttlonbariillyboaiid ilurnaatlvahprouptlvilona m abitunh l10bnbbb r r uooim aaiip ov ilakauav uoxmhi trlvataotnaa nftwunammfaqolrad imutd at rmldudm in ilia anlu fraa praaa ofl4 aovoh yt nifhbtbbbt llommlmu aootionkkn for tba cubbiim ol walllagtou and ii1mb oaialafl at tba rum ibbm obo aatoo m mlnyraaidaiibalnaaton mill ba promptly laodadln tiiiui luaaonabla alao manuy to loal on iba utoal uvorabla hmitnnd ftt tl lol ralaa of inuvmtlq toujiot aooaiidui nia onlara lalt will ilia vrhu trua aouii will raoalvo i mined lata atiautlnii r j kttiiu i icitxikii autmoxkrd vovtbu cogullai ol walllaiton lullon and d ioudiloud wlili latlifamloil aod upon ffpaelal mlanllon lo hi anton and ibjolty tames mcdonald llcrwiki auctionkkm trtr tba oaumlaa ot wolllniton ijflton uatmloo woutwortli and tba hty ol unlpu rudbohidud tttook captul i0s0mw thb whllinoton mutual imhurancb oompanv baufallibwl 1840 qcftrt ooloa ouiilvh oht inhuitanobonclaaitand uutual plan any whilbhmvamnl voubbui aelan auoaianl for tli union imuran oo iiklaud artists materials water colohs oircoions and buppiiks pvhoabapny supplies and outfits matowb study buppojbb voti comkc1h8 schools ok bthditnts sand far iflformmlon fr i ciulnailfl nn ianuih mleruu ind nlur siuily suppllm citl n jpjr sipilll waters bros the ploturo slor wndhm si ouelpii would you like railroad time send jour witcli to ttx iti ri itip jixptrt watch bi co ntminincll x30c omolatl wtoh inmifout of aramii trunk hnlluny guelpii ont stephen oordiner paintku papsrhamobr bionwritku dkooratoh i liavo mucli pie jin ro in in form i na iho paoplaof acton rtid urrounlng vicinity llirt i liava far impaction n nmanificonl aiiortment of uioholabb wall papenb i iruit by blrlcl allehtlon lo huninemand nioxlarila ciurrt to ucnro r thtro nf your palronaflo any uroruanlruileil lo my care lull bo atmculsj in n aklliul mid trademn ilka manner qrera loft l houu on mill si or by dropplnu n card will rrcelvo prompt alien hon public notice this month only jour last chance to get a hat at less than cost powtkcly going out of hat business king hats reg 300 lor 100 moth bhrs nt a bi reduc tion furs repaired and remodel led at summer rates lafontaiiies pur establishment 0597 0 st guelpii ont your chomiin will be done quickly and ell on either rtlaus or stones if taken lo the rockwood chopping mills ilour oatincnl bran shorts the best nt lowest prices m harris 6 oo ulmlt d the excelsior bakery hnvlnu recently installed sonic of the latest im- e roved machinery for read making is nmv in a better position than over to supply our custo mers with dread cakes etc of firstclai6 quality we also carry n splendid stock ol groceries and cnnlcclionery ice cream and nil kinds of fruit in floason 7 stathamson main st adda specials for june wedding prdsiints bilvbiiwaith taultiwaiiii cahvehs cutliihv caitlht ttwiiliptillk lamps utllilt lamps iiouseiurnisiiinfis hkpniamiatoim oao otovi u tinwhh oiianltkwamb boiiucn aoodq linoleum wooden wamk itc stu everything in hardware r tho bond hahdwane go umitod ilault 1hon 07 v qtlrlili m gublph afaaohiommilr vfipor wymthmm hi noliiitllutimii ol builneaa irilnlnii tliir tlioro nro no vicatnni anil clay and i tnp mtilon contlnu wlihaut intornipilun throuahoin tba year our rrailuiiua wherever fonml are inablnk noml in llie mining iluliicia ol tbo yukon ontl cobalt in tlio bualnoti oflicir at tbo civic board in llie manager clulr and on lltu lock okcbajik their capacily for allalra u brlnrlns litem to die iront nn i ilialr ilrnal mccein u rltracllnn riiontlon lkilu jouna man and women liave mucli lo ftaln liy inveiiinallny llteao facii and enlerlnr now llie auro pilli to lionorabo auccoat call 11 ilia ooiibri ollice ij7 upper wyndlum street or mid ran malcolm maccormlck b a principal y0ur yourown of course they arc but arc you treating them your very bett friends as you should if ou abuse tliein now youll piy dearly for that abuse later on if jou are wise jou will let nn examine tlicrn should you then iun gltssen we will nay ho if you doni wo will be equally frank a d savage oi lomurmsr asm oiih iin 21 wyndham st guelpii acton flour and feed store ibis is the reason for turnip seed we sell canadian gem and best leading varieties all kinds of grain want ed and bring nlong your wool j highest cash prices p lid n p moore r noble miulngor prop reliable footwear wfilt tho wliolo nutkul bulnro 111 it la ricd aboea only ilmt wo cinisliler ucti na un on tborourlily recrinimend for alylovnd firstclwss shoes lncnnrnremqnt tflfilve lliem allll uronr prominence llile yonr luted nn ilia aliaolnin cerlrlnty nl good v4i110 wu w tnt ynit in mine nnd lot ibe new alyloa do tlmlr own irlmnu vv williams mill sucet acton foelrr clitm 11111i fi n berrying would you wlunr ti i llnuin nikl innrn hint uvrlliliiy youiik i tlinn wo wo wlio nltnout flitttjtl to tblnk in 0111 woiiryliik tbortt wrt no moia ittti iiilju lo di lik no iiioro pnlln to awiritf i w11 worn diiaty with ntir iiihiuh lliinn mtij id 11a un out riotif tlm lyrto bnifika wlinrn llio voiath row wihtu dm woilil uoiipilillulit mndo tit ninny a ronu jnatliia till tlm ind uf nlklit litely nil tiny ltinj vill tlm aiimunatiillpimitirliip nook llolilu tiirr iiiotin in ulory 1 ami llio liuiivona n tbo ootiu ami tbo rtn tlinutury i tlicrn tlm pun ct fill ourlli in swrot khiinr wiiy it llrni umlii niinriiiinliitod tent oiiiii tlroil ayoa sjrlrrl 3fnniilij lunbing the bachelor nnd the cat uv arvauru stonu llie llnltj biilnd luui i tjiil joiiiih intlj una hpoiiuiiu of tin tny nt llio ikllotllle opim ilotiuc it bi llie prillltht 1tl of hunllniinl llnriu ibi qitiihitihi pnlr of inmra ninl llioy nn tliruiiuli 111 a miitur pori cut lim nnd plrniuc bill it uorui out liidtillfiilly in llio olid tbvrotipoii tmuliful cniiliilt irnilt n1 the brnil of tbo inblt hiilffrd poll to tllunpprotal llio cliicrj jiuiiiu linnli clerk wbo nut noxt lo tlio linxil ojod at el told of ilia brut hulllitu ninimite lio wan remlbiil ii wnu tho lotcn of ijiiij rorlllu nnd cnplnlii ormit frounod nl llio lltln tiipii tbo jnunu niiin ten tied over mid inlkod in ion imina to tlio fltily bulled olrl llio ill it colored in dolt ciihih licnlldiiinrnt tik niiiiu iiinnii tnorry ojen miiurrtd mid ur oudim curt or wlnlod nt mm nrwmnii ap plolij ncrolm tlio tnlilo cnplnlii ornnt hjiiv tlio f i1n of hoiirta nnd uronlotl into bin plntc of liohlnii brnne after hint lit n fnl ut hhcit cloud of bnllo- tropo tbo llbic i111i3 oiilorcil fitio tnr hi tlio enrly tblrllou rnllior i ft ii ft lid ttilu ullb n wren tit of jjloany lil 11c u hnlr nnd blu urny co acnttor inn rmiipnlby tone lira of lllnc hero mid tbero rtl luted tto blnck tlio hnnrtlnra humi up tlio now coinor boino tltb n tlnuo nf ony of tlio rplcnilld hbbilnn hnlr otboni wltli lutlrha cniijclnro na to u bother ho rainc from cupo cod or from knlconio lint cuptnln orrtnt looked covertly nt tbo buly nnd ululied ho iiinnlfiittly fiom tbo iionrt tlmt n lllllo rlpplo of niiiiinod woitdir wont mound tbo in- blra niiiulilua lldly llio cnptnln nrobo mid utruttcd inmlihtlj out tbo cnptnln hold utile pint in tho bntiblo of tlio inblo mil nou duy tit itpoko to mluo limln mnrubiill tlio now bonrder recnrdlnc iba piobnblllly of ruin tbo lllno indy sinlkd cbnrniliib- ly itdmltllnp llio nbroudnous of tlio forocrtkt roiii oun lnbniod coiifldonca in n dny tbu innii bo tind sniffed nt tlio prodhct of joints boiirthcoiifldltid ntlninnl to n nimilnjj coiiiiiiout of nn- ccdoto nnd oluorntlnn mlia luoln wnu jrnclotie no nflor bit nntklns tbo tnptnln mid tlio indy loop in dlbciiunion mm cnrtcr nnillod nt mm appleby nnd bo yoimp clerk hnd iiih brt lot oul clrl in lilnikolf ltli no ono to snort itccnuiio tbfjy tillued 111 tbo low enriiot tanoi of inter thing wont tlium bomitlfiillj until tbo com lull of zeiinbln zctiobln wnn pltnnp mid rlook mid rinidy nnd wblto trunked llko ri fndod llcrorn bi10 unit endowed wltb 11 cnornotn ynwtt nnd it hillhiff mimlcnl pur nnd rbo bnd tt uny of ciirlliiff up on llio pro claiia bklctn of women to d renin fitful liiliibfl-oulio-cbnriii-jrtlic-iiardrjrcfljicd- niou bo tbo rjlnntena of n cut wns no n pic turo of oold to mln inoln but tbo cnv tnln do tented nil or her kind wlion enobbi crept wnflty lo tbo dlttlno room nnd 101110 uimei inn linrlinrlmi topped on bor rbmrd mil so tlmt ho iqtinllcd in denjuilr it un n qiiertlon wliotbor tbo cnptnln did tint cbucblo trimly mlsa inoln i01 luu kotiobln dearly roulil not botp but bold it nanlntt liltn in bor lionrl iluntly zenobln alablnp for hympntby tbnlht iter pltinip tldoa nitnliibt tlio iroiihera bo of tho cnplnlii lea vine aoft jollow hit i re for roinonv tirnnco it n toe ted him llko tlio cltim- my con t net of n norpont wbnt do yon foe in tlint cntl do domnndod moro tbnn i iv in jnti mihr inoln 1 ft rod bnck tlint iotlleil it tbo cnptnln retired to blu den nnd trhtl tnluly to interort lilnirolf in tbrco tolumea of tbo 1i1b lory of tbo bndiin nnd mlu inoln potllntf nnd pniiipoiliiu tbo blnnlob zrnobln nlinont i imiini hint alio mlfilit dlo tor n uioiilb mm curt or nnd mri appleby bud only tho yoiinrj bunk clerk nnd the iiumoi ottl pjirl for wtnk- inri nnd iintmnn or hmtjio tlio itmt nlulit in llio month tlio cnp tnln inn lined dlxeiiiirolnlely in ila imouinc bow n dltblluii big llmo v- twoon n dbtauiiiitlnii on moroccnti iximlltr nnd tlio iwrteimiileh of womon in lllnc tbo moorluli tuiiiilm ih ttrurf nrlin nnd inurod lo linrtlublp rend thocnp tnln nnd nodded itnuuluif they tvero miles nnd tnlle nwny ki10 ih tbu only womnn i c bid over euro n elrmv for murmured tbo cniv- lain nlort nnd rluhltiff for mndnni or tbo tlbicr wna only ncrou tlio nnrrow imll a iull rod limy cnt purred in llio mrtldor douendikl tbo hteps mid fouled for cunipnnlotiblilp in tbo yard below tbo enptiiln hut bl mouth llulit 11 ml unni buck to lonrn of llio bmiillltt tlio dnlrlt windmill of n iloek cbluiod 11 tbo cry wnu ropenlod nenror tlrol ripl tlio viiplnhi bounded lo tlio tlonr nr- tltywl llko 11 riijnb for clniy mu luoln nlmout lekhippodblin wbero u hv rlu iioiiiiiuiiihi shio window tlbkiotiod 11 tie we blntio lull- nun tlie aoldeil ihito vfnro- iioiiui nihwrred llio cnptnln mid ihojr imlti dimtiidid liurrledly a croud bnd en hie red riioiimiiu c ibuliihuri jit not t nhirliip urnr iho buridnil wnrelnuihf win dont i boy put ii 011iv nhbntl cnptnln flrnnt imimbr whied thorn inrn in nnd inrrith of li udunloerod nnino one urx aimli li npprnnrlird mihm iikiir ytiur cnt zenobln jim i went tit thora jiluil i no 1 11 ninnnodi 1oor llltlo o- iioblal kbttll be blown lutoluo moonl cnitnln uniiit uliirlwl lo wiwnu nnd uieckld lil 111 ilf 1 bou coloring lo- bully be m ihiiitilod dont c 01 in hint wny mihh inoln im unlnu c nhiiio kuiioliln xi um inoln hi 11 red colurld on her own nccoipit nnd eitended bor limid wib ilnm alio culled blm for tbo llrut unto yon ntti umh hnd lirnto mid tnio tljo cnplnlii proudly rnlaid bin bend dlrded blr iiiwory blub colored pwn nboiit blm mid wnded into ttie vue ol ulliiimcrbik llubt iley tborul ijnnmrl itiwdor c01110 bnck tnmil buud ibe nriectn turn hut cnplnlii grit lit hlrndo icrlmly 011 hiq luut wnrdm of tltn lltnc indy rnnft in ida enra von lire unod nnd brnto mid trim iio lirnul llio cut jowl friiutknlly mid bo elm rt d llko mi aarrlnn bout wihimii wllllnni wllllnml her tolec liopt enllluji lo blm tbo door wnu fnr luiiitl wllb n nthled ptidlock but i hi cnplnlii ennlly broko tbrouch tbo rot ton tljlntr llrnxo nud true lirmo nnd tr in bo lept repent i im jbo t rue turo una doomed but brrc i m wlllilu tbo door it wnu rntber tlitili nud itikk ullb rmoko iio initld 111 iuu nut llie bnrrola mid triad to nvotd tliein kilt j kiit klltl bo cnllod iio hhimbbil orr aomotltlim cnucbt nt n bnrio nnd pluinird into ha jnun ins p ii u nrnih riimiuod into n ofl lloecy cbnblua uioxu kiriiinbllna up ho ntcrtiirned two olbem nud rolled on tbo floor ilunlly bo rojiit 1 nod bin toot covered from bond to foot ullb ho puhorlsed clltmlnu aubalniico a cut bowled roniowliero nnd bo turned inwnrd llio door enomn eat upon bor imuiicbei twonl fort in front of llio uurohoiiro pltlliilj nud liowlhiff llko n feline do- 111011 tlm cii inlu mtophd out luln tho unht me una coteied plimtored burled fremonl tooled with lour tbo crowd otlrred in tbo dlalmico to m pkt 11 b plop lilor of the golden llulo bnd itrrhid tlieror no pow der bo ic1ulmitl ttmao linrretu nmtnlrf mnir coino onl tlio mob iiimo llko tt btirrlcnne 1 ink nt cnptnln ornnt tbey about id ibifiilly ftnnr nil over bl drobi- luii itiun nud 011 bl fnco and bnlrl inouu like n ubnati woll ill bo etornnlly jliiserttll fumed bo cnptnln iio lloued nt tbo neraiuilnit eimblii mid mbihlup ncnr- ij full upon bin bnck imrtklea of dim ndlinred in llio flour nhbiu blm n cbtrlnua cbeckerbonrd nppenrnnco iio turned nud run from bo ninddlnp trowd n nbllo unrueoiia apecter of llio nlulit aa lio mnkd ttie ticket fenco aomo 0110 cnllod to lilm luit bo pnlil no hoe io bounded down tbo llltlo inuo ulth lleraorker tlm nud furj tbo peraon wbo bnd culled run lliroujjb 11 unto nnd utood in bo rond lo cbctk blm tbo cnptnln lid clinjirlncd unsco- inn w n ed bin urma put on more hlonm nnd crow led deadly uieunce wllllnni wllllnml cnllod a sort hwcot voice the cnplnlii clieoltlnp lliippiil nt tba lour in bin cich ob you nro brnvo nud true but jdii do look llko n frffihtl mild mbin inoln mid alio broko down nud nott- bed iwforo the cuplnln tnltlua nlnrm ncntn could bound nwny there tboro dont cryl lie ndmon- lihml tbnt bpltflro zonnlilaa nil right nnd will vo to be ton ibnu- nnd thou bo took lier in lil nrma uutl alio becntno wblto ullb ibe dnxtlo of llio tour their fortunate eaoape thoy bnd unlkcd iinlfwny ibrousb tbo pnrk nt it amnrl pneo nud alio now annu on n blinded boiicli iio noalcd lilmaolf bealdo bor tboy tvero entirely nlnno snvo for nn old ninn nt 0110 end of their flont immoraed in n book their nrjltntcd coincrsnllon continued ob it la too drondfiill alio ahud- tlorcrtrcovcrltid bor fnco ullb tier hnnda na if to abut nut aomo uubonr nblo blrjlit tonrfuir bo nurootl dooplj movcil nnd moppjiik bo proftiho perwplrntlon from ida brow ilorrlblol hbo nddod i ennnot lionr to think of it tbo loaa of bopo hnpplnoiu iiorbnpa oven llfo llaoir iiuhiii bo lutorniptcd at u trlvo lo think of it no mnro or it mny brow lo prey upon our mliida portion mo anld tbo old mnn on llio end of tbo lioneb bla wntery oyea dlatonded in ih oty npprobnualnn una tboro been houio nwful tllunatert hnro on been forced to look upon aomo nw ful irnoed 7 tbo yoims coiipltfrcfnrdetl oncb oth er in annid conftptlnn hcbltntlnaly tba voulb nnauered no air von boo uo linro jitat b- emtio cinnniod nud no ero tnlklnp of wbnt n cnlmully it would lime been hnd vvo never mot bound abaorbari objooth ntul mntarlnla in nn nuttl- liiriuiii nbaotb anunil hi n wtrlkliik deof- ill hhtndunl of nertoot nbhiirplinn tnknn lu nn open window uiroupli wlilolt hound pnitmoh niul linen not return a inrijo uudlonoo nbaorbn ofl tor eonl ol tbo bounds n ftiraian rtitr 20 per eonl ol ho litoldont sound upbnluternil liirnfturn or ntl puhitliiru 1 per conti eiirtnlnfl 01 per eontf unoleuni nu tbo door 13 per eont plno 11 nor i iff 0 per eopt flnnh 113 tor cent 1 brlokwnrk or plnnlor qhfl pnr eont tliln oxnlnlnu wliy it in nooohnnry to unonk louder to it in rue linn to n nmnll aiutionooi ninn wliy n bnll with utiplenannt ooboob vvlioii rmpty mny booomo tuy to hponk hi ulien allefl perfacly natural it in recorded hint n eorliiln itlbor- tiiiin upon bolnc iirkod bow bin fiith or vtim uelllnif nlontf roplloil tlm pa ler be i uu n hlinemnkeri tb otild mon bt nl 111 eutjht nwny nt tb btnolt iv i i to prcpurlii lilu novvl fur hi nmrreh ttiroiitfb olornlly hut lb tlimnil iv tbnt hiiliut llfo wont iimbt tuiiu fur ttulo linvvnxtu towwiird nn nnd tmw an iwmliloa tb wound lie rnyomvnd iii th wnr niint bn linnled tlm iluobtionnr it in furtlinr roohrd od oil jiull hob nt tlm reply but tlm wit ot tt miidu 11 liinllnj tmprob- ion iimn blm tintu nil nations that died moat ot them wont to their doom fighting aa did noma mont eounlrinii wlilolt bnvn died liavn ifonn down flubllntr tbo- lio- mnn empire ihirlabrml llko tlint llio emplro of tlm went ihichiuh ho uenk nt init tbnl it rmibl imtke no atnud nimlnnt hi oneinlea homo wrh ncked by tho biirbiirinmt nnd even imillj ikooiiio not iho niltnl nl a vnt empire hut th rlty of the rwipen nvr vlirb tlm mtnliifn tolnned nn kbikh i liinll the elly unu tnkoil without 11 rout 11 plit by dm noldiern of tlm kliiu of italy tbo einpiro of the eimt bnd lit nnnt- tul nt rnindniitiiiodn ior eonliirlon it uiin tlio pronlont power in tlm world hut it in rnnie boneyeombed villi vice nnd 1 itnrviiod wtlh prido niul luxury ninn it trow old nnd wenk tlien mm turku mmln n tluerinlt mpfliik on onnntantinoplo nnd took it by plorm tho lnt of the ireek em- peroni died nuonl in band ami mia donreiidmiu nro llvinij in imilnnd to dny lu very humble ultnntlnnn icypl niifo 110 powerful nlid fnmoua limb r tbo phnnudii una conquered by itome mid wn nftnrunrd awnmp- ed by die monlonut tbo brent mnptila lined to re i on lu indtn in iho diiya of queen klfn- leb tbo mottul or emperor nl delhi nn bo wan nomotlmofi cnllod win bo pouerful hint he tliouulit it n vnnt rnilinreninn on lint port lo recelvn nn emhfiin from tbo mnhtrn queen lot nn tiino wont on tbo erent rnjnbrv or trllmlnry ktnftn rcbellod nrniimt tho motfuln indin wait rent nnundor by tlm wnrn iwluoen rivnl rnjnbn tliln onve tlio iluropenna n ehnnco frnnee nt flrwt held tbn upper hnnd nril n enrly ennquered the inml hut then imrhind rlrovn 1rnnon bnek nnd seliod tbo empire nf tho front mogul fnr borne tho heir ol the mngula ntlll oujoyn n pe union siven by ba ilrlllli onvernment iolanil uned in occupy n lilff plnco on tlio mnp of europe al one tima it unn tnurli inrper nnd drnnirnr thnn hunnin hut iolnnd por lulled thrnufjli bor own fault nnd folllea tbo mnaa of tbo common poopln were tdnvm in nil hut nnme ho nro llio nnblen nnd tbn ponnlo never ntood locjelber in time of dnnfjor or dhmiiter tnlnud wnu n hip cminlry but it wnu dlvded mm hint iihok nnd hun- nlft inutnlii mid auutrln eninhined woro more powt rful tbey nil tbroo joined bnnda nnd eneb took n inrtjo nh nro of poland in 1773 in 1701 tho trio of rnbliera mndo n neennd nu nop only hie ijlionl nf lolnnd wnn left another year nnw tba end of tbn trngoily tbn lnlrom- nnnbi of polnnd were owallnwcd up by ihisiin pnitmin and auatrin tbo fnuv of the reptibllo of venire in ono nf tho moat drnmnlio in all ilntory itn doson ranked na tlio equnln of tho proiident klntja itn nl- llnnco wnn coveted by tbo ffrentent nowera all renl power reatetf in tho iinndh of tho dreaded council of ton nnd tbn secret throe tbo latter wnn n trio of living myidertea nnd woro known by nnme to prnoticnlly no nns in venice 80 tbo government of vonieo wnn n terror to jta own pooplo and tbo out- aide world ttien nnpnloon eitma upon tbn aeeno mid tbo ilon nf bt mnrk linked tho thva saltled tho surgeon tlm iiurrjonn nf n mllitnry atntlon duritiff tbo civil wnr wiia noted for hia llowery innminbo which nevor wnileil oven under tbo mnnt trying elrcumntnneen ho wnn not populor nml tho ofllcorb treated blm nt timed witb aennt rourtouy on ono ocrn- hlon tbo colonel npprnprlnted thonttr- soonb tont for n monii table without in formality nl rtntins iiib lntontlona tbo nuroeon nent a oomplnlnt to tbo bdiernl in oommnnd in which bo anld i hnvo not bo much na ri fly to interpono between my hnnd nnd hit btnrdockod henvena nliovo mo tbia dnmtment went tbroush tlio tin- unl routine nnd wna ot inflt returned in tbo mirflofin with tlio followiiln in- domomont colonel ii will enunn n fly lo lntnrnoiio between the bend of tho onmplninnnt nnd the a tardocked honvona nbovfl him na booh na poa- iiible a faat of swerdimnnthlp knooleon it la until ono ibiy mot nn old nnonrnied sold lor nnd nxkod htm whom ho lout iiib nrm hire nt auftlorlits and worn jou not doeorntedf no biro then hero la my own ernnn for vnu i mnko 5 nu obovitlter vour mnjosty makes urn chevalier bneniiao i hnvo lost one arm whnt would your ninjenty have done hnd i lost liotbf ob in that case i nhnuld hnvo mndo you oflloer n tbn itslon whoreupon tlm aoldier immedinlo- ly drow ilia nword nnd cut off ida otbnr nmi on the car will you hnvo my wntp bo in quired politely op tbn round tbnt i nin njred and dlnrrepltp no indeed nimlnm tbnt i nm youup nnd beautiful nnd poiiblbly not nvorae in n lllrtn- tlonl cettninly not hint ta ttien itu aimply beenuso you nro n fentlnmnii in tills reapeet dl fieri njr rnm tbn fnt portion on tbn left nnd the seruwny bpoflmon nt tbo rlsht i tun plnd to lenrn of your prinoiploa atr mit tbu lit where i net off what ei10 gould ha dot a slrnnbor in n western town lutkod hiu frleniib whom ho could find faro lnyout they told him tboro wni one in town nnd it wnn crooked in iho evening they missed him nnd niter 11 lonf sonrch throuph tbn moat likely plnoou they ihoiidbt to look in tlm nmet unlikely nf itll tho oroolc ed faro plnen and thorn hn waa lennlnp over htm nl bis piny thoy uhlwporod didnt we tell you thta pnuie wnn crooked f yob bo anld whlsieriiij huok but ynit any hi dm only ono jn town onlona and pniumonu hot onions nooordlnff to n froneh nbyaieinn nro ntd to tin n auro euro lor pnoiuuoiiln tbo remoily is na follows 1 tnkor nix or ten onlona no- onrdlnir to huo mid olmp fine put in n tnrflii pan over tho ire then ndd llio humii quntittly of ryu monl nnd vlnonnr eiinudh tn mnko n thick panto in tlio nikiiiittino titlr it hmroiibbly lotllnjr it slininor fnr itvo or ion niln- ulosi then put tu n potion bna htruo ehmiuh in ottver lb limtfs mid nppy to oltnst tin lint na ibe patient enti belir in nlmut ion mliiiilou npply nnnltior tiud thun noitlimm by rnboit- liitf tbo pftiiltleoh nnd in 11 low linura ilia phtletit will ih mil nf tlnnper till nlmpio romndy linn never fnlbid to euro ibln too often fnlnl ninlndy iruulilly tbroo or four application will l rulllolollt the whatdoyouthink wendarful animal that can ba made in the nuraary fnok nt tbo funii nnlmnl in tho pic lire cntt jou uuewa bow bo in ninn ufnetiired t ttie perforinor w bo hlmutd lime mark kid uloiea on platew nu bin bend n pnper enp worked up wllb be old of the nursery point box into n rntml aenilibinco of nn nnlmnl a bend tiiih mduu securely fn atoned on bo joea down on bla liniidm nnd lueoa mid ri stimiu fur rug in jitlvui otoclilm 11 ml secured round his iirrl when ho iiiilmnl la chmplele when nil la in ronilliidini tbo exlilb ilnr liejilua in proper uliowiiinn stjle fjidjei mid fentleini 11 i hnvo ho now tub bi atit in mahi plcnaiire of exhibition to jour imo tbo cilobrnttd wlinl dnjou think or ulnut uiiole enler you buvv nil proh nbly hoard or ibe nut eulir this ih mijoh will readily perceive n tiicium r of the anino family but moro anl un menbiiroa aeveti feet from tbo tip of his snout to tbo end of ida tnll elfjht feet back nttnln five feet nrouud tbo 11111 ll of bla unlst nud hns four ftet of bla own innlliic twentyfour lu nil in bit nnlurnl ntnto bo urea chlertj 011 blucbolllo nicji nud mixed pllkha but in cnpthlly it la found hint no rkli n diet baa n tendency to mnko him stout nud lie la now fed exclusively 011 old chnmnnjjnc corks nud bnck ninubcni of tbo dally paper ill volco which you mny perbnpa bnvo nn opportunity of lienrluff hero tbo wbnt do jou- think how- la dlamnlly la in tbo key of irflnt nnd la orently ndmlrcd pco- plo conic bore iieforo break f net to benr it nnd when they bare board it thoy nbsuro 11a hint tbey uover bennl nny thins hko it iieforo pbllndelpbln f dtter a cherokee legend indian story of tba laxy rabbit anil the tar wolf a mono tbo cherokee indiana bo fob lowlnjj alary of tlio rnbblt nnd lie tnr wolf lined often to bo told once thoro was bitch n ions season of dfy went her hint 110 moro vvnler ro mnhiod in lbs creeks nnd aprlnc nnd tlio nnlmnla held n council to aco wbnt could bo done thoy decided to dli 11 well niul nil nsreed jo holp except tlio rnbblt w bo wna n lnxy felovv nnd anld 1 dont need to dlo for wnlor tlio dew on tlio jrnna in cnonalt for me tbo other nnlmnla ucro not pleased wllb iho rnbblta rcmnrka hut tbej net to work to dlo hie woll tbey noticed hint llio rnhblt kept sleek nud iholy nltboubb it una still dry weather mid the wntor una luxomlnp low lu tlio well tlio other nulmnls auspocled tlint tbo tricky rnbblt wna slcnlliia tbo w fl ier nl nljjbt nnd tbey hindu a wolf of pine llim nnd tnr nnd plnceil it by hie well lo frlchten tbo thief tbnt nlabt tbo rnbblt came na lio bnd been com- ins evory liltfht to drink ennimli to iflbt him pit hie next dny when lie raw tho queer btnek llilnn by tlio woll lie innulrcil wiiob tbero 7 nul there wna no reply i bo rnb blt enmo nearer but the uolf didnt more ao lio brow braver mid snld oot out of my uny or ill kick j 011 still tbero una no reply then the rabbit kicked with bla bind foot ho hard hint it wna cnusbt in hie until nud lio could not move nud there bo stuck unlit tbo nnlmnla enmo for wner in tbo momliih- when tboj discov ered iho thief they bad sreiit snort over blm for nwbllo nnd then prepared to kill htm nut na soon na the rnbblt wna rclcnaod from tbo tnr wolf ha mnnnjjod to escape stopping train an old locomotho enolueer was ouct naked within what dutntwo it wna poshlblo lo rtop n train tbnt una run- ulna nt n speed of sluly miles nn hour un nnswored tbnt wtlh nlr brnke lit he wind nud dry rails tt could bo stopped within n quarter nf n mile hut tbo dlbtnneo would be urenter if hie rnlla were wet mid n rtrons wind wna jdnwiiib from tbo rear willi dry rnlla and n atropb wind hlowlua from tlio front tbo ntop could ho mndo within less than a qunrtcr nf n tilllo much would dopend ho snld nu tbo uny the nlr brakes wero npplled if tbey nro put on too suddenly tbey will pick tlio wboeli up nud tbo latter will lido nlonff tbo trnck hid anino nlmost na if tbey mora runnliib- tlio brnkoa miibt bo npplletl crndtinlly nnd tenta tively ao to apenk to get ibe liest r- rulla from hielr ncllon an interrupted stery balj mra moon in ehsplera two a fairy tnle ill toll chspter tlio ii rat- 1 roie 1ml nltitil anil ahono oer hill atnl riall i woke tho plxleb in the wwmib and all the aluoplnn elves ahil liada them arnmper to the lolua nnd there enjoy theinaelves away they a pad en tripping foot with hasria na llaht ns air a banquet apreail hy fairy hnnita wna waltlns for thtm there oh ilnar tlicy had a lovely lime tli plxlea ehea nndj fayil tbay danced nml aanv rlffht merrily be- ntotli my stiver rays and nnw ha time for chapter two thar is so much to any- th moon aeea many thlnve you know wliloh tin one aeee hv day ales alack her enm the clouds to hid my tmuteotie hffht lo i muat mo to bed at oneel hood nlsht my drt ood night t at the oams charley denr anld you 11 b mra torkltih i nm irunilnu n lot about hnxebnll i can dck out tbo umpire ovcry llmo ob you eonl yen iloa tbo centlomnn with tlio tmircollo vvnvcr on ida cheat wo ah- itmtnn btnr a buiplolon what tto your conitlluonti do with nil tbo irnrdcu eda jou send thorn v t dont know nnnwored tbn mem ber of coiibrerh i hnvo n auiplclon tbnl they put milk nud aitanr on them nnd use thorn for brcnkfnst food ilonslon poit hi duslneia tbo dentir vontib tt will not do for jou to stick lu an nlllw you miiut pot out of dnnrumusl hnvo nlr liy hip uny whnt tu your lucuptiilmiy piti lent 1 urn mi nerimniit new york llfo wlnhlbbfl tklatanapil all hntlorud niul imnnd nud slutlttund nnd iiirliiuid llio mollship crnvvla c into port and tho bolted tiro nml tbovolted who pre tho toys of tho vvhlrlvvliidu smllt and tbn ifrny aena tcol h in tho deptlin bo 11 on hi wbern tlio oiled kiouu sorpeutu piny are cruuiblliih iinwlthik iiiuinhltiiu liiunchltik nt tbn niblo lmiftba hlvvuy u 1 jlut now thoy mny howl tbfl aloinif nnd urowl nl tho woik nf tlm liuu- iiiau a bntulf hut nno lb their pi ida with hut honut nf tbo tidb that bit ut the ikep u a alrnnd ior tteontoiico billlu lliioiiuh ihu buu tinned blllu hint buu nillbor vobo nor form no rneka of the n twlit of llio tlmnu- iiito hint invlhiu thil iiirlh wllb ida storm 1 itlthd unit hi idled mid ahiukhd und klrdlod nibl imiiiid with 11 hnuhuu rhitlii llio brute pow em tower nl tliokoimiko power hint dwolu hi human hmhi 1 mil li hue atobiu tin wln of the dejith- leua tblous hint tntiro whom the lplilt la loill ho i loiikued nuow uftli the hlhuao throutrb llio stiuudu of stiunilbsh cord holoctod the qu r thay are kindly and cruet at on enti the bam time no ono enn bo long nsnmlulid with hussions without reaching a liinilllbui of utter nmnxemout nt tlio cxtrnor- dlnnry inconslbtoncy of tholr montnl mnkuup tbo khullomt of mi 11 mom to rccclvo placidly tlio mont blood curdllnb doctrines tboy oufoico tbo crudest of laws in tho jiuiitleat uitj 01 vlco versn an odd tnlo llluutrulliiii their queer bleat of dlsclpliiio la told by a rovolutlanlst wbo bna just como lo bla country ily thouo wbo oiijjbt lo know it la laid to ho tjplenl of a alnouhir almpllclly nf mlud ubkb in also anld to ho peculiar to tbo hub alnna a follower of tolstoy wnn tit i led 011 for mllitnry son ko iio prnuunlcd himself tn tho nrmy olluors ua roqulr oil nud explained tbnt ho could mil aorve beenuso of bla liollofa alt mild tho ndlcer in ctmrco po litely but you understand hint this menus prison of course yon will bo soiit continued the of ficer to tho cnticnuti nnmlnu n prison of drendful repute tbo uunrd will hnvo to stnrt nt ouco with jou uo turned lo aovnrnl other otllccra nud dluciibued tbo matter of tho cunrd for a fow minutes then bo bud n bnppy thoiinht why nend n aunrd nt nil he anld you tiirnhib to tbo joiitiff mnn yon can find jour way there nlono ennt yout yes well then hint nnvon n lot of trou ble exclaimed iho nllkera dcllubled bo tbey wrote blm n enrofut letter of introduction to tbo aorcrnnr of tbo prison osptnlulnu that tbo henror wna to he locked up nu noon na lu nrihtd in n most unpleasant cell j hnla all rluht thoy snld in uroat antlsfiietlon wo hope jour journey wont bo too tiresome and tboy part ed with crcnt cordlnillj the jouue mnn did ns bo wim told nnd ta nnw in prlwon tbo rbnneea nro probably oven hint be nnd th cov entor will become nlmtro frleudn or tbnl nn order to put him to denth will nrrlto nnd iw ex ecu tod lu tbo snmo liupitrounl onilneiihy iiiihhiuii miiuuer now york times comprssaeil havnraaok flatlona a tonnunnda in firm recenlty completed n anmplo order of afluo packnaea of compressed baternack rn lions for iho ubo of iho united 8 m lea army tbo rntlona nro packed in n wntor tljjht itox ljt lin tu h inuu l ineboa wldo nnd lvfa ln in ttilck tbo nr th leu contnlncd nro hilt 11 ounce pepper 03 ounce auuar 2 i ounce 11 nud coltee 112 ounces aulllclout for ono roldlor for n dny tbo coffco la comprohsed under twoho totia prca sure nnd la reduced ono third in bulk tlio tnlt 1 prepared under ivo tons pressure nnd tbo fieipor la placed in n cnpsulo inserted lu n wooden bolder kncli nrtlclo la wrnpped in waterproof paper now york iribuuo how henry knew it wnn wtllli ii ii itoiiori the hlnudnid oh innjinnto was worklnu nt his llrut job dolh orli a tho hlnuu nowspncr tlmt bl inborn enpnefty liecnmo m blent lie hrouuht in tho iinmo of n now subscriber luiilah west kir aulhnu iho publisher wrtile down tbo iinmo then ho turn ed in tho boy how do jou spoil isnlah uenrj yl he fluked i a n l nh said uonry youll do anld mr anthony ullb a chucmo iio tnld tho lory to n akeptte noluhhnr hut how did jou know how to spell it henry v asked iho noluhhnr 1 nnw blm wrlto it down anld ileiiry arso- mint her flroenliorri frtotber 1 una gohib to patchosuo anld n wotnnn nt tho waldorf vvbon 1 saw kitting near by n llltlo ulrl with her mother tliq tnothor ovldontly n for- elstior iho child born hi ibis country both surrounded ullb bundles in iho furitun way the child wna six tbo conductor emtio nlouu and tbo child bold out tbo tlelioth 1 want jou 10 put ua off nt pat- ehodiie 11i10 mild nmllbib nt htm mid help ua w itb our bundles ploatjo my mothers n sreonborn bi10 tuiomrt know nujihbib about trhioihiff i w iiuhed her until tbo two ar rived nt their destination nnd i think i hnvo uiwer noon n moro iott utile ib i or n more nnaniliirly dutiful ihiujihhr ii una quite evldont lo my mlud hint she meant uo dlsrcmoct in in r mother by ciillnir her by whnt unuld nee in tn ua to ho nil opprobrloun opllhol mho bnd merely adopted ono of our hlnuu uorda ns tbo very heat of kniillsh new york press ham t1iu iu tlio pari of duaart wbo ban i nut in on mndo 11 baron of tbn itiiiiol ciiifidiim known to bin iutlmalon lim nieknnimo ruhiii fnun tlm fuel lint tun nf hia christian iimuou nio ilmiilltmi mul abiiioiiiiomiiiiiii imd doanrt t woll known nn 11 traveler orleketer nnd shot nnd tn not nt nit tho snrl i linn wlio tulidit ho lookint for in ono wbo linn 11 led tbo poult ion of solicitor to tbn tronuury dliooloi of publin pronooutloiih nud kings brqqtqr-

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