lit jvjrfjfrjt sttt tft volume xxxv no 1 icfjjiuwllloi cm in atlvi acton ontattio tiiuhsway mollning j uijy 22 10011 hinoiik corijss tiikkj5 cbn to lt ttdii j msfi s fifmii lovtsltr tiiuilbdat uoiinino at fill km imm hm l-vlallm- ob jill htlllclut acton oht tn of nulrluia ok dollar r yuur slrutly in ntlvaiwo all ub- wrljillnns diiilonthiiipd wiion it aim for which tliey liavu liaan isld liaa plrtol tli a tin l tn which vry aub- tcrlillon ik nld is daunted on lb w- jiroam label ru- for rirat inaeruuiijcunt pr hn or each aubaeuonl nsprtlon advartlaamntila without apaclflo di rections will it inserted mill forbid and charsad noeorollnaly transient sd- vartlaamanta must 1 paid in sdvanoa ailvertlaaineitta will ehanatd one eaoli month it desired vor chaum otenar than above innl ton ad li oum- poalllon must bl iald for at regular rates chanatim for contract advertisements muat ba in ilia onica by noon on tues days accounts payahl monthly knirllab odio itut fltraet 10 n v don m- c wliarw uoaars u and j lardy i co will recelv for ua news subscriptions nd advartlaemcnta and whan our readers can tram fit char- se our iaior wtton in icngland ii i woollm icdltor and proprietor ttuuinrnb sirtriortt irios gray m d c m- mcglll l 1lc i rniypvaon i h v b oiiauow usuaaa liurriui ubdioii association bto iftlearredmlok htraot adtoooat t d it a h 1iokl qrariuato of luwanlty ot toronto 010 at resilience on willow tllrel-ba- 1honano un llaiib and town hall lxoat a j mickinnon luaaiats holicrron cosvsramoun orviouuiu rlraat in hlovule uwk flaoipotowii llraueliueiu ulraat open wadhmhiay ami saturday j uonailu cili ou ooiivayauoar auit l y sua mrs am healuitstaaaani tuouey to loan ate orvick larryuiaiiallloal dll j u dell dub ldfl iivktiat aoton offloa al lluldanna ouruar uill and itiadarloa irooii ii otto a quduat or tokomto uhitbwitv tlia uuat anaailliotlo uaad ii daairad at hock wood fudtjaya visczllavmo as tgi hd iiaudy co allveutluiho contbactom and nuwi cobbkar4pbkti jo i trot slroct london b c england a ril ol llil 1 arr can bo aoan iraa of oliar by vialtora to lomlon to wliom advlo bfli will u ilronllraiiuliod p llranllraiiuliod ihanoiu ndnam uooklllnobsu wyoduaui ht- oualpli onlaik y lorar wl a lllora aaananl hooka ol all jflnda mau to ord lwlodlaala ol arary dmorlpllunobfallyuoniid raluramilranit nromntlydona m anniaob liofcnbkb il r woonh aatibb or iubruob uokhi pdwalaoffloa howllnaaaoaraqolrad laanad w u uemuthkkt llobhubu auotioniia war ilia ooaotlea ol wall i do ton and llalten orilaralattatlliavuna iabaa offloa anion or aimyrmidaiiaalnaolon wl u b iiromptly m- undadlo tarma itaaaooalila alao tupnay to loan on ilia moal fararabla umiand al ilia lowet ratal of inlaraal in anua ol immiauii upwarda w hull lichnuiu1 awctk onlara uh willi ilia v pabaa aaton will raoalvaliumiaiata attanllon r ih kkkt auctiohbilll vor tin counliaa or wolhnaten llalum and d wltli amfaoiloii and upon raaaonaula tarui ortlaair lallarf mfnir- a llliiioi i o lalaplinna to laiiniiua or lali at vaak ikuu oniovor willi w j llordou ilarnma uakar aaton will reoaio uuniailuta altanllon tfpmlal altaiillod to aalaa in eton and tloinlty fames mcddnalh iicunuitll atjctionkkh itor ilia ciniiiulea ol walllnaton llfltou waurloo waiitworlli anil lb a pity of aaton suitbaiuuud htook olitlali hb0q0ti0 thb wbll1noton mutual inhunancb oompanv balabllihad 1b40 lit at omtw ormimi ont inbuiunow on oaali and uuluat plan an luaurauoa raulrad will baprompmy atund- youdb hi aaton alan aianl lor tin union luauranea oo inland artists materials watun c0ious oiicorons and auwuius pvkoobapby bupplwb and outiltb matdrb btody 8uppi1ihs fob collugrb 80iioois ou studiints sentuor informvllon fr caulnoii no iarlisl ualorltu tnix nttur sillily blipplla olalntus no j roiiplly supplli waters bros tha ploturo store wniim 31 cuiarn the best watchmaker in gruelph is al your disposal at ttxkht watch htfaihimcl scos ohfaut wmtnh iiupmioh orarnd trunk railway guelph ont stephen oordiner painter papkhhanokr biomwriter decorator i haa mucb nlfljium in informlno ilia paopla of acton and rurroundlng vicinity ilul i luva for impaction ribb aaaorlmenl of hiohola8b wall papers i truil lv alrlcl al ten i ion to imineaaand moderate chraa to ikurt a alnrn of youf natronige any work antruited lomy care hall bo eecuied in a ablllul and iradeaman like manner orders lafl al lionia on mill si or by dropping a card will receive prompt alien lion acton pump and tile works o b- bbbaox proprietor wtili all lha tateil machinery an j appliance for manufacturing puwpt ad rump bappiltm tut mta sftn ftp ntttng toolm cud ripm suppliu orjera promptly filled main street acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills klour oatmeal bran shorts tho best at lowest prices harris tfc co llmltad the old and reliable granite and harble dealers triad ilnna iliola it liar i ilia an fir mat a in ia lat appljanum and only mabanlaatn lit dominion at pnantnatlo tool a properly ralaianeaa iram buddrada of our toronto and pillar plaaaa wharf olliarf b aland law aiilta in ordar to onllaat wi iii lartaat and beat itoeb of nranlt in tha dominion nr mora llian auy lhrdaalaraln haweat wear ua iii mat daalera and am ploy un aiabla and do not annoy or paatoua- omara by aandlhioul lanoranl aranlatoaallell ordara wa employ maenanlaa only and defy eompallllon itamilton sons dor norfolk and woolwleb bta ouubl ii everton us eden mills tha iut quality ot ivianitoba rannlly auid putry flour for sala at lowest prloos our own mmlfe chopping dons and ojiailolled evtry day peed for bale caati for wheal and oala henry hortop the real hot weather has just arrived so that refr1cerators freezers r and spreen coods arc the most treasonable of household rcquiremcntb let un liavc yoiir order our hoi alwmyw hlnbl the bond hardware go limited lutall phone 07 ouklpji l3 oiicflc fasanoi7iofir vppmt wyudhmm hi oateljii tut no hhttiili timb tn enier for a cour of builneta irifnlnu ilnn now titers aro no vacation- and day and evir ing aeiilom continue wliliout interruption throughout lha year our grndunna wherever lonnd are making nood in the mining dlaiilcia of ilm yukon and cobalt in the limine oflico at lha civic toarcl fn the man after chair and on ihu aloclt exchanne iheir capacity for aflalra i bilnging i hem 10 the iront an i ibeir alanal aucceaa la allracllng aitenilan llrlght young men and women have much to gain by inveitlgaiing theae facta and entering now ths aure path m honorable aucceat call nl ihe collegn oflice 137 upper wyndham street or addreaa malcolm mnccormlck b a principal dont neglect your childrens eyes if they are weak or in any way impaired the right bind ol ulaaaea may be jun ihe help they require you may not inland to lie neglect ful and yet you poailbly are take 110 ohancen let ui examine them and icon a d savage oplomelill nil opliclin rlion 571 11 wyndhm si guclph ont right downtodate proctor merritt have been doing mg boalnaaa since ihe firit of january in aupplylng farmera with lha laleit improved labornvlng itrm machinery and ihey are now riving alien lion to aupplylng farmera whea and iht public generally with hie laloal laboraavlng article for ihe kitchen tho chatham kitchen cabinet la a gem and aavea lime and worry and kitchen drudgery to every woman who uaea one a modern kitchen oablnet lajuat aa neceaiary to ilia aatlifactory working in the kltchan aa lha baal binder at any oilier machinery to lha farm the chatham piieleu cook btove la the lileat aclenllflc invention for mailing home life happier and providing belter cooked food at much leu coat of fuel and mention it aavea jjli of lha fuel 73 of lima and trouble and you can do all thla and beep cool whea the aummer daya are holiest kitchen cabinet and rireleu oookeri on exhibition al our warcrooma itluairatau circular and full information 10 all who call proctor merritt mill blraei acion oppsilla illlla scale public notice this month only your last chance to get a hat at less than cost positively going out of hat business king hats reg 300 lor stiee moth bngs at n big reduc tion furs repaired and remodel led at summer rates lafontaines pur establishment 9597 quebec st guelph ont porlry wlmn nhorruia jrovv un npplit trooa and ulltana wnr btco cap anil hoyn tlmir alatnra tiaver tfnatt ami imuir wnnr wmilnin vvrnna 1 wlm n nil thn iiiiratrv tlulla 11 ml tttyu llefcln in ilnm 41 mill piny tlmii utile fjlrlu and litlln linyn may lln in iihi nil it wtion donkkiya linnl lp aliir ntul iniirv wluit plus talk politic wlmn iimlun lan own in krmice when two nml two nmkn aiv when drnpa if rain nrn fool iwhiiw wlmn roal is clnr ami wlill tlimt little liova antl ilttlo ftlrlw may alt up into at niulit 5lurt jfamtlu kcnbing thoythat tarry by tho stuff iv nitvnih 11 wrm wx f hont wjtnt tn lei f dmt i wnut tn lin in am li it crmvil of welldinil fnlkul lilian 1 1 u it linckoun nt tho tliui tint hci fittlior and iiintlier it d inr iihtnpr coiiiunn itluhn rninn on aiiu dmvib mgd tiikluk lf by ihu imrtd w nitiut h in nt nnri nr w will nut liu nlilo to gut it anut ttiti thriii if tlnnn fiitliur iiinlliii and daiigliturpuaheit into tho crowd tlntt flllml iiib ilii wty tito nh wa hotivy with thn nvrfuinu of nltti f lidlieyaiickh mid iimuiub which luiiilul tlm wulls nr hiinii in k binds nf pro- fualdn fnnii thu cvlling iillliin luid nnvat so on biicli u nvowd tf ptntplp tho hmut chnptl wua nlroudy hiihi tn nvotllnwliiff uiul htlll tlio poupti enmo pntklntf tho nllua utid hniiktnp thu at n ira hint ruau front thn broud arched door wit y 1111 olllicr aide and uuoh iftiwiia nnd liata i thn lumitty niid pk- tiftvngitnco of theiti nliiuiatdnstzlnd thu oyoauf llin pluln ltl from tint country nmklng iter fool nil the umro ulnno and out of plncp lots kit buck tilm implored nftnt- llioy had atund for aitnin llntj wvdud lit by llm croud ut thn tlooi nil wa will wait 1 niiiylm wi can find h atrnt mra ijkviu craned her nock und looked ovor tho sun nf huntls truly tho jtnmpflclb booiiicii hnpntobb tlio ovtirwotbrd ushers piubod liur- rlnlly tn nnd fro unalilu to aiat ono- hnlf tlio throng hint pfitirtd tlirnugh tlio dooro and atlll kept noiirlnp wo nmy an woll go buck mlllan doclnrod tim tlirto woio now kiocik mt ctoatly togolhur no ohito thoy onnld acnrcoly lirmitlie liimun longed for tlio awtot purn nlr nf their inoiintnln lianiu nho imd wmitiil in louiuln nilt thoro ftir aim hml bollned nil nlong it would i mi llkn title it wns only nftoi conllnncd iiruinifinii from hur ftilbnr und molliir i hut uhn wni induopd to coino huc llicil now that uliti imd followed tho dualui uf hur own will und stayed nt homo aa n ooiniuniiilso alto might have roninhud and waited in thn farm wngon down in tlio coal giovo at tlio edgo of tho ciiinpiiai ovan that would imvtt boon far hottor thnn lldf hut it la going to bo commence ment day llllltm iter mother tnld hor ohoater is golnff lo graduate from collfge the mother a dim old oyoa luid glowed proudly tlintigli with llttlu cfrnot upon tlio dlajih ited girl what if ho isf tho diiughloi- re- turned ho wouldnt know us if wo almuld uect him there with nil i bono ftiiu folku dnut think ho hnlf ap proohttps how wuvo wmkod und saved to ktifi him in the ip hi err thats onuiigli 1 her mnthor miid tnklng her by tho uhuiihl- ernnil blinking hur a ilttlo loughly knniy cheater will bo glnd to have us thero nnd will ho tlluuppnlntod if wo nro not 1 he hna snhl an tlmu nnd agrtln in iile lollera and so hern ihey were oruehod nnd jammed mid nnnotlued llltlun was firmly convinced that uhn had i tee 11 right aa thu people kept puiii liitf in to tho dooic hoy were butretod now tills wiiy now thnt nnd shovud ilttlo by ilttlo fin ihnr townrd tho ft ont and aotitro uf tint crowd li 1 1 inn ohaorvnl thntoertulu nnus of tbq fahlonably liousod folks nrnund nnd iwlilnd tiem hnd no difficulty in cutuhlng thu eyes mid securing the service of thu unborn till absolutely convinced hor that thoy wen nut uwutod -tlntt- ttiey weio out of plurn ily ttnd hy when till tltieo werjt nl- moul sllfled hy thu uiiibii mr duvu apoke fur the first tlinnblnco they on- lered ilecanliivod with great dlftl- culty tn rnlan an elbow nnd gut ms hngerti into lily jnckot noouot bring ing out a htully eiumplod slip of oartl- bonrtt ohoblofbttld wo should hand this tn tin tmhtti i en pec t it might help ua initio tho dungliter until nothing fur alto doubted whether oven with this ml- tnlulnn ticket lluiy would tocidvo ht- teptldn mra 14 vib wenuto joyfully hopeful htotico illoaa matoiti why didnt you think nf it befni 0 1 hold it up whnra thoy aan boo it voll at thflin if ymi imvo to a vory lull umn droaaod in con von- itnnnl black and hnldlng hi silk hat oa roful ly ubovo tho aruali looked down angrily wlmn tho old farmer raised tho yellow chock nlnft nnd signaled tlio usher tho uulier came toward them nt iinoo piialilng ida way tlirnugh thn pack took tlio tlokot from tho farmer hand und after quick glannr snld t thero ate tliren senta roaorved fur you in tlio front row of thn italnnny imeiibti fnlluw me tint crowd pin led lis best it could milking 11 niftiow lane down which thoy hurried vainly trying hi keep up will lliu owlft foo led guide my hut iilnt this ginml i deoliir- od lite happy old moiher with u lung drawn ulgh of relief when they wero sted up thero they had nil unbroken view uf thn immense oncoiirae of people who filled both thn lower moor and the balcony nnd of thu hrnnd alngn on which rows of empty olmlre it 11 m- ranged nnd hack nf which rouna and potted lowrts wero banked and henp- id it was nil siklnvely an buniitlfiil that mllinn failed to regret for a tlmu that aim hn i ennui and was just a litlln glad a i r it 11 1 0 was hem u part oven though i small und unimportant pait f tbl duughtrul plctuie hhn told heraelf ilnltsliu wni glad for thn aiiko nf her in cither and father if naught else for slur noted with a thrill of plonnre the supreme happl uaas that glowed in tholr eyes na they drank in the beauty of the aenne in a ilttlo whlo tho orchostrn which was all but hidden by tho pjtlms mile and geraniums in front of thu stage hrgutitoplay notnn inttllmte tlasulotl selection such aii lillian had expootid but nn old fnmlllar nlr which lilted the great chapel with anttl atli ilng melody and burst finally into the a trains of a me ilea thn teople roiu to thu 1 1 feet and while they stood tho graduating class ltd by tho col lego piosldetit tho dean and tho piln- tipul mumlhiib of tho faculty nil weal ing black enpa and gowns fllud in nnd weio seated on tho ptatfurni in thn hushed silence that followed fnlllnn nageily scanned the rows of gtiidnatoa vainly trying to find her hroi her at flint gbiiile sho voiibl not dulhigiilsh iteuvieu the young men nnl the young women drtuinnl in thituu ndnts and hats of somhei iiiulu tbeiisieimid ilttlo tlllttienee hntueeo lie u bite faces hut where was dnmii 1- she naked herself he nnitld of riiiusr be seat ed on tho back row in just us tomoto nnd obscure a pliuo us iniild lie fnuml for him hut uowhoro bark theiu did she flu i it fate that iiiseiuhbd his noi was she my ntoieuucceuuful in the mid dle row tho old diuplilled de- pirubed feeling was coming again to her when the heard liei mother whlu- pei gladly i tluiro hu u i thats him down in fi it alttlng ity hint whileliulred linn lillian li d nnt looked mr him there awny iiohii in front on what she told herself wns dim iii lug hue hut when aim found him there sho recall ed her biotheiu indnmltahlo splilt his unflagging ambition to win to load to lu at tho front hhe hud noticed that thero were six chairs set itefnrn the main class ohnslor occupied ono of these just on the light of i ho white hall td president wlillu bhn looked thn grajlutlred man bent over nnd spoke to chester bho saw her brother lift tils eyes townrd tho hut cony nnd she was snr her gate mot his own for a smile cnine to hla face ho anld something in re turn to tho piesldeut nnd thou tho latter lifted hu eyes toward tho bal cony ami smiled could it bo that her brother nnd thu col lego piesident wora talking about ihomp about herself her mother mid father tha plulnust poorest pooplu in all that gient muttltiidop whatever liei conclusions tho glil na cnnsuoiis of a glowing thrill of happiness and slia was glad tnnro glad than over that sho was tlieie she whb borry now for tho things sho had sitld and would imvo mid her mother sn but tho president hud ruou tn speak lhiian reinemlwred her progiam for the first time it hnd bean hastily crumpled into her hand hy the usher ob they were hurtled to their aunts tiho turned in it now nnd her flist glunro binugbt it full nienamo of snr prise there in itold letters tho first thing her ej es ft ii upon was her hi nth- oiu mi mo his full iiamu chosler thnuipuon davis valedlunilun ilei heart leaped with mnldeii pildo her blood pulsed pilokly her broth er alvtllctoi ian i this wua tho hnppy stit prise ho had in stum for litem i this wua why ho had utged thorn lo oolite to bo piosent on ids oomnienruuieiit day college llfo was n vogue thing to her but lillian hml nnd enough and heard enough in know that to lie vain- dlclorliin menit tn bo ut thu head of thu ohtbs it niennt perulbtont unflag ging labor this wns i ho result of chosteis until ing real this was why ho hnd n place on thu ilttlo front low down on tlio hi ing line mrs davis was studying a piogram through slltomiiiimod apectaoles try ing to fathom thn moaning of il lillian indicated clioslms name airs davis then pointed it nut tn her hus band ho nil three understood and woru ghtd lillian lookod at hor pro gram again nnd noted the subject of chesters address hhe wnsdlsploasod with it lit first booiiilsn it conveyed to horjnn moaning i und sho know by i ho expression of her molheitt face thnt she too got ilttlo from it tho glil repealed it nvor nnd mei in hor mind t thoy thnt tuny by tho httilt itwiie at range vngue yot somehow f a miliar and while thu president talked in a quiet easy way sho caught but ilttlo nf what ho anld in her men tal attempt to urns p tho meaning nf or that peculiar title that mrs davis wns likewise occupied was evi dent by the atntlloiib though furaway look in her eyes nml tho fact hint in hu n i hist of tho presidents address alio bent uvur und with n cutlnuaed finger nn ihu mjateiltuinlltlp wlilapor- ed in lillian- o ir t first hamuol iw i 31 itflhino lo tho girl insliibtly hor brother hnd olioaon a portion nf a eon- tenia from thn lilblo fur hi siihjitot hho rooalled the wholo quotation i as ids pail is thnt goelh down in iwillle aosliiill ills pin the that tan letli by hie stnir iho glil bat its in it lit nam whilo tho oxerrlaea went on oration a her ain hon wits given uleisihiued with iniislo that teemed to onriy hor nway n un oeatasy uf uioludy kaoti ipoaker boomed innioehmpientand moremillah- d his oration moro finished and in- aplrlng than ihe ono before knob was bulled with great bouquets nf roans in all her ii nt tlm girl hnd nev er seen such n wealth of lluwers j und khe ascrlbod lha iwinnteous gifts to thu individual influence ninl popularity of thn spoakors hho fen led for her hrothoi plain simple coiiulry buy that iiu wus slow to imuoiiio ucipialnl id and as slow to makti ft lends ho sho was unprepared for tho rtcop llou hint gieetrd bin lief ore he dad risen from his chair tlio applaiiso he- gnu nnd it uiiiliouid for some mo ments wflor hn had come down lit front to speak triily bar brother was popular too hut the glrla hoatt pounded hhn atlll foo red for him feared that hu might fal hut tills fear loft hor oven before ho itegun to speak for hu stonl up there calmly perfectly self wtssessed en i truly un afraid atwtiltiuiijutet idled the great chnpit and when hit apokn not n word wits loat ou thn vast huong at llrst lillian believed it was family prejudice personal pride thnt tuudo her seo nvery shadoof dallcale coloring in lur hi others word painting nnd fuel the blood stir with bin eloquence hut when she glanced round her and noted thu hicnthhsb inteieut with wbkh llio audience was bold she know his speech was tinging true lint it was his ihimu that reached lillians heart aa she knew it was reaching tho heuits of thorn around her he was pleading for the intimitis the common sons of loll thn winkers in the lowly plncis hu uus giving doe piaun to the common people the plain people whom hu know ami loved his wiim not it eulogy to lhoi who do toiisph uouu s iv ho in distinguished places gient marly is groat pal i lots great statesmen r eat phllaulhinputs hut lo ihu common woikeis tn tho stokeis down in tho battleships hold lo humuigliifer in i ho locomotives cab tolhoniiiuu on tho held or battle to ihitsu ciippltd and unable who wink and stilve tn thu unrewarded soldiers ou giinlson duty to lha father nnd mollior slsteis and brolliurs who re- mnln nt homo to toll nml aavo whllu a son is aunt to college what a tribute her brotlior was paying his father nnd uinthei yea and his sister ns well i hho remember ed now that hor father had nnt bought a coat fur four yenrs that ha bad st niggled through tho seasons with- ut hired help that her motbeis hut had laon worn for oior ihroo years and hor own plain oldfashioned ono had been inailo nvot ami turned round tlmo and ngnln in order to conform wilh lha prevailing style hho had fret ltd and scolded because of this dining tho long yours for it was done bolt 1y hint chester might go to college hut now she was glad of tho bncrlflco infinitely glnd i for thnt was he hor bnitbci who blond up titer it moving this great throng tn laughter nnd to ictus carrying them and swaying them through every emotion of the human heart and hla hionio wub it ti unite to thoso that tarty by tho hlllft when chaster bowed nnd turtud to his veal the great chaol shook with thundering applailiu hmiq tints of rosea mined down upon lilm nr worm hurled from tho crowd below woll- drosaod women waved tholr haudker- cblufw und fnahlanablyolnd men shout ed tholr approbation nnd prulao chester hnd not failed the three of them arose nnd looked down on tho platform down whero tho plain boy from tho country was acknowledging tlio ovation with n courtly bow then thoy sat down their hearts ii led with unrest rained happiness ills gui lauds hluliiuuipl itulougtd also to them iiistbefoiu tho exorcises ntoued iiu usher pi eused through thn crowd into the ludrmiy and handed lillian it note itwasfm her father hho paused it nvot ntid lie lead it with n glow of happiness on his nlrandy raid hint face mrs davis and lillian read it in turn it was fioui tho president inviting them lu bis homo that uf lei noon wheio a ucentloii wits to bo tonder6d the gi minutes they went though thoy nppinaohod tho hlg 1 10 ti 10 timidly nnd with fonr in their hearts fully aware of tholr old- fashioned nppenrunco hut tho presi dent and his wife mot them at tho ilnm nnd thoy felt immediately nt home i luivu been inurv than hiiihoub to moot you tho kind president anld cordially tn tho father nnd mother with a spin bio in his eyoa i nood not lull you hint i nm proud nf yuur boy proud nf tho wuy lio iimb stood hy tliosluftiiud proved faithful then ho tm nod tn lillian nud put ting his hand upon hor shoulder nnd spoko in tho aaino kindly tono i you aro chestnis slstorp hn has often spoken of you of ynur liolng out tliomon tho farm working an v ing oh woll i need any no more only thnt i know you nro nun uf those who ttirtlod hy thn stuff an important nbobption an old man who entered hie moto- nrnlnglonl oflloo tlio other day said t this ores whero you give nut weather prodlollnnv aint t p thocloik nodded woll onntlduod tho old man i thought us how i would oomn up and give ynu auiiiu tips yes anld tho clerk polltoly yob i ive thought it nut n ilttlo nn i and hint ye nlnt alnya right not wo bomollines uiiiko mistakes conrsu ye dn well nil do sumo time now i wns llilnbltl na how it lino that used tn hit on inn miction handbills down hi uur county might in irstiatn on your wont hor predic tions nn snvo ye n lot of explnlnlnv what wa hiollnop wind un weather pormlthn h wont off without waiting to say utoimyu twasntv vatailbj aoo work has boon commenced on tho brickwork of thn new uianan hnv o a took of illoomflold nj- ono of our old itoys preached in tho ilnptlst church last holiday morning und livening lust hnturduy two fjuelph sports iftinltut over a kiludrud flnp rout from thu flrnud itlvr nrnr oaprlugo mill hiruvl dust is again incoming lrimhlnagmit wouldnt it bo well oar- iauo fur a watering cart to sprluklu thn principal atresia r would not a nlcvty finished gatn present a morn nttracllvo appearnttco than thn pile nf rotten boards and rails hint bnrilcndu the entrauco to the beautiful avenue leading to the iubliu heboid y on tuesday morning al mr and mrs lyfo homer vide wero driving along mill htecrl at a llvolytmt bo fiout axle lieramo tletarhed from lh rest of tho buggy which dropped down nnd allowed lis occupants to drop gracefully out over tho dash board mr momervlllo sustained a slight cut on llio cheek thu hnrac now only drawing llio front axle and wheels continued trolling up street ns if nothing had happened until slop jted by one of our citixens iubt monday evening willie tha live year old son of mr j ii ionrsnn hardware merchant was standing on mi john matthews dray and aa ii topped pour hla fathers store wllllo attempted to jump off just as thn h 11110 again started nnd missing bis fooling fell between ihu wheels fnrliiimloly for him mr matthows promptly stopped tho i torso but just in lime nsono inch further and wllllus head would hnvo lioon crushed under tho huivy wheel of tho dray on monday evening ono of thu most interesting lie rosso mutchos of tho season took place tho tenuis wero murrud vs hingln untie of tho players having over played in n match before as most of tlio siugla men had lieou doing cotiuldarnblo practice they wero quite confident of success hut little did ihey think of tho concentration of mentnl nnd imumilnr powers thero would be an the putt of those whoso hotter halves would from tho atand be hold their actions with pride or dis gust hoon after sovon oclock tho contending teams faced and thou began tho strugglr aflor 17 mlniitob of hard play john agnow scored for tho married tho second game lasted 15 minutes ut llio end of which tlmo geo havlll hindu tlio bitot which gavo tho married men another goal and left them victors hy 2 to 0 wo strongly recommend the acquis itlon hy tho town as a public park tho picturesque property owned hy mr w u hiullli on which ib sltuatod hid ex hibition building and containing about 11 acre we understand mr binltli tins nffoiod to accept titxlo for it in cluding it vlllngo lot on which tho grand stand la located as thn revenue last your was omi vlai it can bo seen that with wlso management it would bo a good investment wo bopo tho petition now lielng cltcnlated will iiu largely signed an exciting lacrosse match between tho crescents of acton nnd i ho olympics of milton in the park dure on haturduy played aa the third for tlio cbnmplonshlp of llio contra dis trict roaultcd in favor of acton lsads composed of lawyers hankers county ofllclals editors sports and alao a re spec table number of miltons fair tax ltognn to arrive itltout noon quite con fident of lctnry for milton hut rio- portod lighter in pocket but sadder nnd it is to lie hoped wiser men k lawsnn scored tho hi at goal in 10 mlnnlou i i- copoland llio second in h minutes i hlalham the ilrd fn 12 minutes j nil fur acton t tho fourth was hotly contested for 22 minutes whon h llamtnnt nmdo miltons only snoiet tho nth nnd last was acorod in i minutes hy j ii matthows for acton dosplto tho itcst olforto of the visitors mr will klibage or tho george town hornld nmdo us n pleasant call tho other dny mru jus warren nf kincardine mr jita warron or hamilton nnd mr nnd mrs w t htone of toronto imvo boon visiting at cedar crook farm mr alfred wuiren of lincoln nob is spending vncntlon with ft londe hero mr oliver lushy line been visiting nt fergus nnd klorn foreovernt weeks misses annie mann nnd katie iaw- son uro visiting nt ht rat ford mitchell nud ht marys tli nro novot was nnd novor will ho n universal pannoeoj in ono remedy for all tils tn which flesh is heir what would relievo ono iii in turn would aggravnto tlio others we have how ever in qiilnluo wine when obtaluod in n anund unndiilteratod state a rem edy for pialiy and grovlous ills ily hi gradual nnd jtiillolous mo tho frailest systems nro let into convaloacoiico mid atrenglli hy the influence which quilt inn exerts on nattiroa own robtorat iv es it iellovos thoso to whom n chroii lo st a to of moibld dobpondonoy end lack of interest in ufa is it disease and hy trnnipilllxlng tho norvos disposes to bound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to hie notion or the htood wliloh being sllmnlatod courses through the volns strengthening tha healthy nnl- mhl functions of the system thoroby mnklng activity a noceunry result btrengthanliiff the trunin and giving llfo tn tho digestive organs which naturally demand luoroaied auliatflnoe result improved appetite northrop jk lyninn of toronto lutvo given to thn public tholr anpni lot quinine hy tlio nplnlnn of solunllstb tho wltm ttp- pmnflhea nenteat porfeollnn nf nny on tho nun kut all druggists sell it ho who bid loves nollilug until ho understands it fully must have n limi ted range of knowledge a womans room a womans room its dulntlnnsa proclaims it hers kaeh iiialnt tecess fragrant with flowers i each cosy seat hiihlle with invitations mint a mans requirements morn or less it soothe one llkn n faint caress a lovers sympathy confess you liuvn not over seen so sweet a womans room her hooks and pictures all express her varied moods ah how i bless the day that brought her ilttlo foot t more near since to lm quite complete it needs the rustle of her dress a womans room i dohas houukkklrlino ono niorlilug horns mother was go ing way to thn next town hhe wns going to in ing grnudma for n visit tho carriage wa waiting befora she was qulto ready now i shall not hnvo tlmo to finish my work sho said i will let you sweep tho sittlngroom dom you did it very nlcply last week and i know ynu want to help me dora wits hinting because she eiull not go in the can lago with hei mother hho thought it was very rruet hint sho must slay al hoiiiu when she wnnted to go bo much ho sho did not answer hut sat hy tha window pouting till thu carriage was gnnv thou she unld to herself t i dont reel like sweeping and dont cure how 1 do it i think its too bad that i cunt go to rldo hn she swept the sittingroom in u vory heedless manner hho did not got the dustpan nud lakoiip tho litter i sho only brushed it together it ml loft it under the hearthrug when her mother ramu hiima she praised her for making tho room so nent irnuduia pralsul her too hho said i ilka to bco children dn tholr work well then i feel sure they will dn ibeh work well when thoy are grown up 1 ilm glad if our llllbt glil is going lo lot a gnul hotiut keeper 0 huw dora felt hhn was so iishani- 1 of what she hnd dune hho felt woun hecuuso they pi a i nod bet hho kept thinking of tho litter under thn hearthrug hhe was afraid sumo ono would move the rug and seo it hho was unhappy all tho rest of tho day whon sho wont to sleep at night sho dreamed sho could not find tha dust pan sho woke vory early tho next morn ing and went down stairs nlono hhe found the dustpan nud hiiiahed up tho litter na carefully ns biio could it seamed easy enough to do it now hhe wished hint alio bad do no it ut first t than sho would hnvo deserved prnuo trom bar mother nnd grand mother dora remomberod this for a long tlmo 1 uin not sure thnt sho ovor for got it t nnd it t might her a good lesson hho found hint wrong doing mndo her very unhappy when sho gruw uldir alio learned to hu a neat hunsekoeper turniho a blot into a otaii a very pretty story comes to us about thn kuiperor of germany while examining llio design of n cross of a great cnllieilrnl which had been submitted to him for approval in making somo trivial change with a lion ho let full from the point n hlg drop of ink on the paper for a moment it seemed no if tlio drawing iro spoiled hy tho great blot of black on tho design i thou with tho greatest care tho kmporor chnngod tho dark spot into tho form or n star then no sent tho design buck to tho architect with hla approval tha cross wns made after thli pattern with tho star shining on it nod thero it la todny high ovor llio beautiful uiihedml turning tho blot into a alar i cannot you nnd i do hint with some things which oomo into our lives the biota do come sometimes it may bo wo nro nut always nt fault for thorn accidents enmo just as tho drop of ink fall from tho paint of thn km per ms pen lidgar i vincent loaino timb by having it it ia easier to ho on tlmo than lo bo into it seems cnslor to bo late nnd an wo full into ihu snuio old trap hora that thn devil uses ovoij where that of substituting seeming fur fuel many n man or n wmnnn goes on through life without over dlscovoilng that ohronlo tardiness means chronic and uiinncsssury trouble whon chronic promptness would hu easier and avcit nil trouble wo think wo nro going to snvo ourselves n row mln- utos for something else by putting tilt tho doing of n promised plroo of work until hie last brenkneck moment but wo and thnt thu lastminnto inothnd costs ua more than tho fow min utes wa thought to gain it does cost an effort or tho will to tuko up work or tn get nut of bod in tlio morning in ampin tlmo to inauro no tardiness hut that u nil it coats i willpower i and tllrtt cost la always gain where- ab the costliness or being behind tlmo is a dead loss mi staked op authors tha author or don qulxntn makes tho party ab tho crosonb tnvnrn out two suppers in thn evening hoott hi nno chapter nf ivanhoo gives tho chi ibllmi unnin of mnlvolsln ns klohnrd aulwoqiionlly altering it to philip pope mabob a wouboi eat our n klngi- ley makes john ilminhloamnlto rend tho prayer tor all sorts nud condit ions of men though in thn tlmo or kl isabel h tho prayer hook did not con tain it hi r arolilbnld allison sponka of sir perogtlno imokle when ho monna hlr peregrine maltland and the linns author translated droit do timb re as tlmbor duty a howler wliloh a only equaled hy victor hugos trnu- alutlnn of firth nf forth proinlor do qunrte london anndomy not oubt0mahy nell ib married after nil nud sho declared sho wouldnt marry lint best umn living of course she couldnt thn bride novor does marry tho boat umn