Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1909, p. 2

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uamuthlt unohm mt liiv- vklhiiniim- hldi by ilia kay jtnimu i luy of lorim llwl al ihi lunuliur ir w 1 mnhay lr irmiu m mini of lorniilo ion of ll lata john moure of velou i t u ilai1 llalu i til william i ulttoi july willi imi0mi n toronto frank ynumiml aelon au4ut year cimuhmts al ilia raalti ilay july luili haulmw ijimituutb unarm 1 1 allot county hi ilia mm yaar khoonatlotutfloii ii kaijuaalikf nn tin ilay july imii llohaii klinr liitaiil sou ulolianl n llrown ai 11 mo anil ii ilayi mm tiiuhhday juiy 22 hi usdltonial notkm tim rejuirt for 1wih nt tlio insputtor of pruonit nnd lnlill ohnrlthis ubmvu 1 1l coiiinilunhi to iliilton county jail tli roc of liipiii women nn incroaso nf lui ovr tho nimihni fir17i7 llio cunt of dally nitlnnw n i nummr wou htl contv thnt mciiiiih ice ci iii in find co o renin ottu on hiindny liven in a mstiuiniril 1h an lnrrhuihuiil of the lonls day act was ttu ilucluinn ilvun mnmlny iiioriilrir liy mnlstrnto hiiuujoru in thu chnro nirilnut thu hiulph jiilck innch cuininmy i in cm nml iimitls- uliluk linvo klvon ulmllnr dictulons nil over tho dominion i or ilrndtlc luittiiimhllu inwb rim idn can prnuiibly uke tin piilin thn ijj isltitiirn nccordlnu to thu now york tribune una iinbuul hills which knifing other ihliiru nrovlihi hint when nn niitoinnhllo driven nlonp it n public hlrhwny omuls nnothcr vehicle tho chnnifmir ahull atop hu mnclilnu nml if thorn nro wnineo or children in thu othor cnrrlnro liu must rot out nml lillp to riildo tho auliunla druwlnfr it whether thoy nro horses mnloa oi oxon unfuly by hla mnclilno most pooplo who tin not run aiitoninhilea ttlll think thn nhovu provlilonn very renaonahle good tlmoa nro evltlonlly on duck ngnln ilotiirna of tho rovcmia nnd cvpoiiditntn of tho dominion for tho unit quarter of tho current flacnl your april miiy juno linvo boon issued liy tho department of ilnnnco show ing na compared with the carroopoiid- ing portal of tho flacnl year 1007 h n iiinrkotl ifiowth in ruitimio which n mounted to j1uuh7u an incroaauof 9i75lllti tor tho inonth or juno 1000 tho incronao wna nearly n million dollars nltofrothor in onhnuend customs rcvimuo jxpcrloncod financier any tho indications nro that tho revenue foi tho current flscnl yonr will show an lncionuo of nt loaet tan nillliuna over thu fucul yonr 1007 h indlcatoa that good tluica have returned to oanndn unu of tho in net intoroatlng feature of a bliiii hook which haa rocontly been isbiied nt ottiiwn rolutlng to tho cnnnla of tho dominion nro thn dgureii which thow that tho bulk or tho fiolght trnfllo pnsalng through thoeu cauaillan enn a i h in of united htntos origin ihu llguroa for 1ihw showed thnt or tin total freight pruning through tin can nit 12 iwii1hi tnna woro from tin united htfitob whlhi tolu117 ton woro canadian gondti tho total nnmml trnnio through thu cnuala hftd rlaon from 5221021 tons in 1k00 to 17002 in lulf thnt tho united ntatoa govormonl la fully ullvu to tho iiurloua rivalry of tho cnnadlnn route to tho uoa ia uhnwn by ita onoigotlo proaocution of thu work of enlarging tho llo jnnnl which is oxpootod to coat over u hunihoil million dollars itradatruitu thi niooun uaub i hn actmi hno ilnll team agnln met dnfnt inst hnlurduy thla thnn nt tho handaof thoatroug ouulph tiuiiu hu aincr playing horn htut havit tilrnngthoninl thnlr tram noualdornhly espffcully in thn pluhoi hov our bnyapntup 11 vory oradltnhln game tho aenro imlng llud nt thu mid nf tho reglilntlnn nlun innings ncoaalhtlng thrnu extra innlnga tr roinplotn tho gninc whkli wna wnn uulnly through thn lot down in the pitchers ihk of thn aotou iuiiiii a ft u r tho hnaoa woro hied with no unta a thange of pltchoia wna uiailo nml dloklu carroll put in tho ikiv iiu did flue for n start striking nut two moil in rnphl auccnalon but tho thlid limn ulngloil oltnnly bringing in two ruua which wiu morn tlinn enough to will us acton in the twelfth inniuga wna hold aufo liy thu luiph boys who pre vented any further acor- thn iimplru from iimlph wna away llton hladeclalnnanf bnlla nnd all ilu ciillodflgnlnst acton and wnen called upon to give n dec 1 1 lou na to whether a rnnacoreil on a dnublo alml i mid coiiutid or not in favor of acton tluluilii bo did not not m n it tim play in question wa n follows 1 ititnnnia on fliat mid tlilnl with two out attempt a dnublo atenl imihi iiioii reath imam infely in tholf nttompt but thu runner from first to arconil over slldou thu bug uml atti iiiplu to letmu and la touched nut uflnr tho run tins been acnrid juoallon did thu run count p it looked na though there waa going to hn tioublo in thn ninth innlnga jiiutph clnlntod tho run did not count and rufuuud to piny further but nftvi ndelny of nhout twenty minutes the guinocontimioit guelph playing under pro teat there wna quite n gathoilng of apeo- tntors present which u very oncour- aging to the management who imvn dono everything to ninkognnieauccesa this aenann the acore wna na oil own t 11 modonnld 0 f h 1 0 0 n carroll t b ft 1 0 1 0 taylor a a ft 1 i 1 h mcgunnlglo c hyder 2v wllllaui r f ft 0 i n ft 1 i 1 7 ft 1 u u ft ii 1 1ft 0 holmes 1 f ft 0 0 1 ii nawn p 1 0 0 0 4 ift i 8 u 2fi guolph v 11 ii if id ii 1 i 1 hnmlll c ft ii n ift ii umlth 1 b ft 1 1 0 1 hchrodor 1 f ft j 2 n u kelso c f ft 1 u j 0 king r f ft 1 n 1 1 1 k os tie 2b i 0 1 a 2 haimdera p a 0 1 0 tho ciinndlnn illlumen nro hnvlng pliouomennl success ut tho cumpotl- tlons at illsley hie year 11m record ho far la 1 won liy tho tenni thu mao- khinon oup tho kolnporo cui and tho jublloo cup won by indlvldimla prlnou of wnlos prize rurgt illnck- burn winnipeg wimbledon onp htuffhnrgt ilnyltia toronto illr- mlngliaiu m it m cup hurgt illiick hum winnipeg daily ginphlo cup hurgt nmlth ottawa a despatch from land 011 yesterdny says 1 thu ox- tranrdlimry success of thu caniullana in almost sweeping tho board at illaloy na onu paper puts ir la tho biihjoot of groat coiniuont here if n inpreaontatlvo of tho mnplo iuaf should win thu kings piuo thn pres ent will undoubtedly bu known tho caimdlaii yuar tho htaudard snjs that novoi hnj auch a poworful team visited dlutoy on the oowlino ordbn a frundly oainia with guorjrctourn on monday bvanlnsr two links of georgetown ilowlma onmo up on momlny ovnnlng to have a friendly game they worn defeated by ton points though mckays link defeated skip holmes tho booroa woro na follows 1 ilcoiuiktohn acrov h tfl moglhbnu a j mrtoklnuon it ii ilarhir 1 i gibbons j a willnughhy leo llynda w a mckay jna holmea aklp ih skip ii i mnoin w ii htiiwnrt w mennbh w j gould 12 skip vjujaoarff 0 adams dr wntaon wa 1raaur aklp 21 mi 40 mnjoilly for aotnii 11 aniithor very enjoyable gumu wna played on the gmun lime mi tuoadiiy evening with ii1100 links of tho jliniiipton ohih the scores wero as follows i hlltmiton 0 williams j jiiokanii it kllloit h fclhevo aklp utov a j manklnnmi a j lahninn joa llohuod 0 11 y his it skip ii 7 8 27 iy 1 milton defeated georgetown on ht- mday acoro 10 to fl tho race in tho dig 1 league la now a very keen una and from tlila on will bo watched cloioly by thnae intoreatod ami nlhorwlue ontanios autohotlllk law important piovllon which should b obmrvad by all motorlata there nro aomo automoullo drivers who drive through the country with very evident dislro conform with all regulatloni gunrdlng public safoty there are unrortun- nuly othora who appear to have no regard for other pooploa rlghta and null through tho country regard iobb of dangers to themselves nnd other one u pan is of btroota anil highway tho following aro aomo of tho moat important provisions regulating tho driving of automobiles it will tut do- irablo to proiorvo tlieao for audi occasions ai may rcinlro reference to tham 1 1 motor vehicles must lie register- od 2 cim must display two uumliers or uiaiknru 1 one attached to tho front in a prominent poaltlon and tho other to the contro of tho back mnrkors must he kept free from dint no other number shall bo exp aod on nny part of the vehicle 1 ii very cm must carry a horn or gong ijimjis must lie lighted when ever enr la in motion hotwoon dusk and dawn hide lam pa must jienr thn penult number in black figures not loss than two inches high a light must be placed so as to lllumlnntu tho niarkei nt thn resi i hnarohllghta aro prohibited ft maximum speed in el tics towns nnd villages is ton inltoa an houri outside fifteen miles an hour ii tho owner of a mntor vehicle la hold roiponslbto for violations of the not 7 drivers nf cars muat observe reasimnhlo precaution to prevent frightening lioraoa ilorao vehicles must not bo approached within one bundled yards nt a greater speed than ton miles an hour if a horse appeura frightened tho inotorut muat rodnco tho speed nnd if signalled to do bo atop nnd 1 under nsslstnnco whon called on h in case of nooldoitt ha muat ru tin n to din aeons nf accident nnd up on request must glvo hit nnnio nnd aildresa with hint or tho ownnr itecant nmendiuonts proildo poniiltlosus followbt a fine or 110 00 fur first convloton t 100 00 for aramid cinvletlonuiid imprisonment for six mnnthn for tho thlid cniivlollon for tho following offences 1 a driving a oaf without display ing thu number or lleonan h driving in n iaoo or nn a bet or wagol e anyone driving undui thu ugu of seventeen d in tiibu of unalilnnt failure to atop and rot in n to the seonn uf nonulent cliaiiffeilia must bo licensed canada would reap dtneht i mil of tho opinion that the plac ing of iron me imulwr roal nnd pulp on thn fun list by the united htatns government would bo of groat benefit to canada aiild mr d d mann vice ivealdeut or the c n it in the ooiirso of an intnrvlnw with a globe representative nn thn tar in laaiin which lina becnuio audi n burning question in tho united htaleu hucli n move ho thought would work to mutual ad van in go and would help to build up thoao induatrlna in both conn tries as legnida tffii export duty recently placed on outgoing pulp- wood by the qui intr legislature hn thought tho uieiiaiiiu wnv rather dras tic and that other means could 1m adopted which would build up i bo pulp industry n nicker and more satis factor liy canada ho said bad an inuxhhiiat- blo tupply 6f pulpwoml thn piesent system of granting permits tohiiubei- men who ciuilil go into a forest and clean thn whole lilng up big i net and small wis in his opinion wrong iiu would have thu several i eg is latureu pass a measure allowing lumbermen to cut only such timber ni wna of n ceitaln giowth leaving tin email truis all ovt 1 ihu country there am at piosunt grent forest 1 qnilur onlnriu thu wi stern pro vinces keewntln nnd lllltlbh coluin bin had great storta ot aprucu in nil nf these there wire u rertoln uuiuhir of treta which had liecomo rlpo nnd wero inndy tn cut there worn nlao n great number of young trees which should bu allowed to stand f ihu lumbermen were forced by liw to leave these young trees until they had attained growth there would be n perpetual crop every flftten years 01 ao and a crop of groat mngnltmlu out of each province each year the supply of pulpwgod heio would novor bo exhausted so long na tho government protected thn foreata against fire and forced tho lumber people to cut only such trees na had attained their full market value in that way lio continued canada would bnva tho pulp manufactured in canada to a certain extent and tho consumer ncross tho lino would bo satisfied 0 a neville jaw mnoie j a henderson john icastnn n mocandhas w meniihb ii illannoka aklp it patteiuon j gnuldtng t thauhurn w j kenton aklp w j gould akl jus mnlnlnah jno wllllmua w h ohlaholm d m henderson kl skip m mnjoilty for uianipton nabbaoawibva thu annual gardnn party uf kben- exni chnroh will bo hold on thechureh inwn on tuesday uvonlng a7tli july a apiundhl progriiuiinu has been niiiiugediiud will inolixln the follnw- ing talent 1 aildroaioa by itov a illn1iil a ami hov a n ooohii h a pnuini 1 aoton mathmllat him day hnhnnl ofoheshai thu rookwimkl juiirtetloi llliiomsbmy hiring hand 1 george gordons plmnugrupl 1 miss oorllo hwankhamer and master joe uwnokh uinar aalon its military vhah ioiirteen out of llui llfteou bands ao far engaged for thu canadian national exhibition toronto nro mllttnry or ganizations this is in keeping with tho military natnro of tho special nttractlona and tho openly expressed intention of tho mnnagoment to make this military yonr nt tho fair tho hat of bauds engaged to data la na fol iowa 1 winnipeg citizens hand itoyal can iteglmont hand hnlifax iloyal can ilorao artilltry hand kingston quoona own iliiglu hand ihth hlghlnnilers pjo hand quoonsoivniundkxhlbitlon hauil i loyal orennillora ihlb illghlandora ilrnaa ii uml governor gonorale hody guard cadot itattallon hanib lath heghuent hamilton olat highlanders hamilton llflth hnttnllon hrnntford hlth nattallnn guelph uth heglnidiit hand iluirito what ib itch diitt it la thu old anglo hnxon name foi dandruff anil its a good one if you have dandruff you linvo tch dirt and tho llttlo microbes thnt nro part and parcel of dandruff nro working persis tently night nnd day and sooner or later will reaoli tho ory ilfo of your hah nnd destroy ita vitality thon you ii he bnld llald to stny for not even tho wouduiful rehivennt ing properties in parisian h ige can grow hair afler tho bulb 01 root is dead parisian hugo cures dandruff a t drown tho druggist sells it- recommends it nnd guarantees it only ftl cunta a largo bottle nnd your money back if it rails to cure dandruff falling hair and itching of tho hralp mnwmrv olbmbntb diad i waaahevlffor halt on county fop twnty8van var mr matthew clomenta sheriff of this county died nt his residence nt milton on monday nftornoon nftor an illness extending ovoi several weeks lionrt failure lining the immodhito oatisa of death tho into sheriff wna in his fttrd yonr and wna appointed by tho ontnrlo government in i88j011 tho resignation or tho into hon goo c mcklndsey prior to hla nppolntmont na bhorlff mi clements held ninny municipal unices and wna wnidon of tho county ho was a man of tho highest char- no tor and was hold in tho greatest esteem not only by tho legal profession but by nil classes in tho community ho wns for many yonrn nn nflllolnl nnd a very uaofiil nieinhor of tho methodist church two noil nnd 11 daughter survive his wlfw having dhd several years ago he enjoys his meals now for he keep utile difeater untidy mr olsaico of toronto wrote u on may yth lait 1 tint coxxuan miidicmu co 5 church bt toronto dear flirs i wlah ymi would send me nnnlher bo of your little dlgeatars all tho membars of my family havelieeu ualiig tham and have obtained the uiuataatia factory results i congratulate yon on onr success irletlevery thing that was reconiiucndetl notlililg gn tn me gave me relief until 1 p p tablet for the cure ol if aiwl wmmrahidedhirrymttledigebtora now i never suffer from indlgentum i enloy tuy uiesla and nut imv rlil to at wnr i know a utile dlgea ter aflereath liieslwlll digeat my mod i rscomiiienii u o nil my frlnuls who suffer from ludlgeattou end would further say that you may puhliah the hove if you wish i know them are ihniimmla of noopte anllerlng from iiidlbmtloii who will be glad lo know there is 4 anfe nml aure cure for them yours very truly siffttt it a otahsco illtlo plgmtera coat an cents nt your dnigulstaorby mall from colemsit usdtclue co toronto it preserves good and improves bad completions proterts and prmcrvca th auiii prevenu aimliiiru anil lcfpa lllc xklu fioni lodkiug ahluy it impitta tn it a pr- dint- nt dor of spring violets it i n soft mid fine that ita presence cm sot be detected price 35 oenta a t brown aoton ont georgetown floral co li glionoetown cut flower growers lunerol and wedding orders specially all orilci placid villi r h nixon drugdut aoton will roclv prompt blientlon cameron moores acton goderich tssras a lucky purchase tx7ii mean tlie bip purchase of waist umbrellas and summer parasols winch wc made about ten days ago and which arc now all in stock lucky for the people of acton in that it affords them an opportunity to buy highclass waists and parasols at prices which we aro certain have never before been offered in acton and seldom offered anywhere and lucky for ub in that it means a quick turnover at a moderate profit for wc did not buy these goods to fill up our shelves we bought them to sell and we arc fixing the prices at figures that arc bound to sell them and- sell them quickly friday morning will find these goods nil marked at prices to induce brisk selling shop early friday and saturday i possible sec small rills for particulars our wash suits reduced i actons new store s flrtti amirlinnnrnlo stock reduction sale tho time to eoonomizo is now and this sale offers the greatest opportunity unusual values in silks wc havent built up a great bilk business with off color statements not at all wc have won the fight for superiority on two points quality and lowest prices for tomorrow we oflcr n special lot of silks much under regular tub pall paina toronto clnfllnli london lull htratrortl htroolvillt acton ahorfuylfl hockwooi niuisniiimoya lln 8 so to hfipt is apt ii m 10 hopt 10 ih bcpt ii 2 hoot su sb hupt ai oct n 0 oct a oct 7 h oot ij oct ii 11 525 yds colored taffeta silk regular up to 100 for i tic tjoo yds colored jap silk regular 50c for lc oo jds plain silks regular 50c to 100 for islc 300 yds shot and fancy silks regular up to t 00 for 5 pieces black crepo silk regular 125 yd for 375 yds 27inch colored jap silk regular 50c for aoc tide klc amfx aszsa cor wyndham and macdonald streets ihpiiliiiiiimmiimmmwiittmm guelph ont alma college outdoor sporli city advantages ilny and bearding school for tjlrls thorough imttnution by strong blafr onawflllfhjulppedgrmind mlnm city ilislrac thin yet cuo leg 1 alma s purpoie is lo upbuild morals of student to fit anclt i for life a work individual influences and instruction under welltrained tutors uulng modern standard met ii oils cou of tuition nrloa with frno pruhprcliih osplnlns detail fiend fur it now ft alma coluxi st thomas om hamiltons grand old store of 66 years standing bids you to participate in the great july reduction clearing sales iiihr rreai family more of 66 jem honnal noil inn of reliable roods the store your mothers and family have dealt whh year in and year out bids you beany welcome la cuma nml secure many a rich brnln that fa toing in freshly reduced and specially purchaaad ion of needful goods of quality never wero variolic ao largo and appealing and jut now many dollars may be aaved by parilclpallnr in our annual reilucilon clearing sale ef domeitlc and imporlod goods it is really worth your while lo make a special trip lo do your slioppinr iheiedtysnt thu might 1iousu thomas c watklns cottonadcs qood hard wearing dint ahodilinff coltonsdes in new stripe tweed deiloni nnd serviceable smart color- infra for mens and boys trousers and overalls one line of id cent value sailing a lllc alio lite aac a 13c pillow cottons english double warp circular pll low cotton 43 and 46 inchea wlue worth 33c yard bailing now for iqc dress ginghams secured abroad al a brant sacrifice trelly niw waih dreia glnnhami in very a well sit ripe and neat plsld dealnna in all abides for dretwi and childrens wear you should came etrly they are great bargalna at i3g worth 30c at ajc worth 330 125 foulard silks 59c think of ll i a peat reduction clearing sale of lovely foulard bilks now to fashionable tor draaaeb and blouiei in neat convenllonbl ile- alffna ilndea ol retedn linmn hello black rrey old rose blue myrtle cliampajjno vlotel niou cliam nanne reduced from i oo fiio nnilli j to 55c sale of carpeu fiooil kngllih hard wearing urua seta carpets now on aale at reduced prlcen ual 1ibcatio there la only 1 null jilt ol any one pallern for from 0110 lo three roe ma it la your chnncalobuyenud kightliouhk qualities hi carpel a al abaolnlely reduced prices 3 h jiorderi to milch moil of ll hoc formerly 030 yard h7jc1 formerly ii 03 and f 1 13 die formerly rn also crikllsli axmlnster and wmon carpels 1 30 yard furmerly i and 1 ii 30 yard formally i i stockings reduced tute and cotton bloetlnjji all blies includintt out siiei in nil tho pfinnlar shades surplus nuantlllea aelllng at really reduced prices 130 reduced from 30c 35c reduced from 35c and 40c 33c reduced from 300 3 lor 30c formerly 330 pair 100 shirts 75c our own regular good ona dollar mens neflllgm percale and madras shirts alio a manufacturers clear ance all ilier laundored cnfta attached or del ache 1 neat stripe nnd check deilnns in pretty cnlorlnni light and dark ihadei hefjular good dollar value now on sale al 73a table linen irish unbleached loom damaik 04 inches wide atllglitly imperfect a alight imperfecllon every len yards or to olvea you n 730 trade of un bleached damiak for 47c bleached sheetings plain pleached blieellnga ai yds wide ihs famous llorrockaei make and worth 40c a yard for 13c wash dresses the iron or suit you aro looking for to com pie 1 0 your hot weather oulfi la her a chance hint will not camu 10 you attain for a inna lime to get seasonable up to ihe minute rarmsnlb al nutiaianilal re ducllona 111 price just a few prices lo ahow you whal in eipecl when youcomatotiik kight iiolhli july clearance bala the 9 1 on kind for j the i 700 bind tor 4 h lliefioooklndfortuhh i lie in 30 bind lor 1731 lie white cotton 8 l2c a fine even thread white cotton n inchea wide fur indies nnd chil tlrena wear ksslly worth irom no lo no hut we are aelllng hundreds of yards of hal jn pjr7vt nr wc search out only the best farm tools ot every sort and make it worth your while to come to us for whatever you want wc mean that this store shall be the best in every sense whatever stock you turn to a complete line of maple leaf harvest tools in stock ilay rakes sprayers machine oil fork handles paris green hay fork rope johnstone mill st hnrdjihrrb acton thomas c w atkins fly poison pads tanglefoot insect powder s 5c per or or 15c per 14 lb nixons the palace drug store acton oornifl klnci tfabt and huohion byi hamilton ont do you know 1 lift wu liv ll iiioii flkcollenl lock of jewellery watciius uhoociiub iiinos- in ucl alniol nnyltilriff you could want in iii jewellery line heller lnvellflale iri and do you know thel wu do ilne walcli repairing sal ibiactoriiv 4 trial will convince yon geo d pringele i tim juwuliuu gurciili onx itaniht wantkd imioikrtv for halj- a i m ir or firiiia and town iifoinrty fu al v t ly lt w h diihny ll veutia hirtai to fajimkus hi irlmlala hullimi kins klwanl mill ualurlay jiilrullli arrlvliiu at llm llomliilun llollila1aat louolocka til ami laavlnu al mm uiriiih pior hoiikn for hale i twoioar tm tnilflllr 1 iwofar ol i anural iitr nan nllr 1 alulit yaar olil saiiaral nirn ulira 1 evii ysar oil linavy liiiiis i aflwl liuavr luaia in i al trinl ilm tliorol fl mahloils ona of tli la dootl fliler ilnatl ivaaiwialila hal iaeiul lian i 1ueouw an i im laittaiils ami ona fl lit ml o inn oil i aotidmio acrkh wintilt wliaal an i allaua iamla for aale ln ilia ju1lwi lanlllo uallwav irrlaa lion uloou in hiinuv noiitharn albarla tliala ian la araallustsl in ilia how kuer allty ami aro ha iflol farllla in ilia weal if you ara lootlna for atala an i aura liivaaliiiant in laml yon lioultl luob i ii jo um i oallillulaa ol ilia flow allay all inform lion anil tlsaarlutiva lmiihloia ipiiiiiu all alout lliaaa lanaa by bltlylntfloof wntlnu w wii1ti1 jicioii imiarar auant tar halloo wanted ijoh rilon ul vlinllv a nrai rlan man in 1 rapnaurit ilia liuulnlal itiauranoa lo lual ba a uurxl worbar and wall kuoau in ilia coin in uiiuy unlaraugsi wanim as auarila lialillaanilrliaraoiar wlilsli will ttinronatilr luvallaalat hilania npiwrluiiluo oltral lo ttio nirlit man no rlriar naatl apply via- viniiaatatlaiied uot but uot uaeaaaary ail krai all ronimiiiilnauniia in w ii ii liooril aar hnpl i iiilatillal imuranaa co cjh- laoruai iuara ualiib oiiukio notice focreditors in the matter ol tli kutt or wllluim albert utewart lata of the town hip of eaquealnp in thai county or llallon harms r deoeasied not1si3 to hcrch ulvan imriuant to the llavlao 1 htatutsa of ontario umi7 eluplar i m iliat all oroilkora ami oilier hlno elalmi aualuat tlio inlaid of um i william aluait hlawart who air 1 on or about um alovunlli day of uiv ium arnrpiinlral on or bsfora ilia ihiii ilayof auuml 1uuu loaantl by jio triall or tufur inlaruarut hiawarl olio of li kiaou lor ol tlio laat will anil raatamanl of ilia said william mlitirlhiowart ilacaasa1 tliatr elirui ian an i iitniainoa adjroiasa ami ilaanrliitlani tlm full partlcuuri of llislr rlalma ilia hau mant of ibalr aeonimi an 1 ilia natura of tutlr laourlllas if any lid i by llmin ami f miliar talis imilco mat slur auoli tut niantlona1 data ilia ileoiiloia will lirooaatl la rtlilrlbula ilia uioli of ilia itaeaata1 iinono ilia lisnlmaiilltlad tliaratn i avlno raaanl onh o ha claims of wlilrh ihoy dial tnati liaya nolle and thai ttta laid liaculor will hot be hauls for ilia id analt or any iiart llieraof to any iwron or iroiia or wlmaa pialma iinttee shall not bay hei racay by haul et the tluieef budii ilulrlluiioi v j ucmnkon holloilor for liar car ut stewart and u llllam ttiomiion itaoittora uatail tlilitwoiily hut day of july iwm ll at once i a goo4 zlollnblo loaal saleaman wanted to ropranent canadas oldost and groat- ost nurseries in aoton and adjoining country the demand for nursery stock is i nereis inn yearly and ii you become one of our salesmen you will realus there la good money in tho biiainaia lor you wriio ai onco or partioulars pay ucctdy tree outfit stone wellington i onlhlll nureorlos h50 acres toronto ont paper makers uhollokto wn ont hook nivh and roionii iaimuh thoit new teiephdne directory the bell telephone co of canuh is about to isbue a new telephone directory for the district of central ontario including acton orders for new connec tions and changes of firm hamcq changes of street addresses or or duplicato entries bhould be handed in nt once to a t brown iociil manager seasonable necessities at right prions baltkul churns washing machines wringers screen doors screen windows a1 c c speqhts mill street acton

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