Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1909, p. 3

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amttnf spectacles eyelaqses all tttylatkut utvlkh w olvo uboibi attention in t hoianm or boclnolo nliw thmluo uhnuttu f kamiis waddlna nml ulrtiiuy presents geo hynds jiwkuxuv 11 oki act on manillaqu licunaiib ibuuiid store news special lor aatuiidav tilth hkit umlt it ii shaving suplies razors 75c 110 115 125 on sale h 8c ale 89c gem safely 250 for 16 strops for uc 15c and 29c brushes 25c for 17c soap 10c cake for 7c hones 45c for j5c r k johnstone tiiuiihhav hiinmiiit in iuou briep local items tint open boiimiti fni rout fuhluif ended yisteidiiy the m iltckclliiu fmiiltiiin li jf gnolpli u liiln wound iii our fuwishcllicnunio culuhrntlntf their now veins iay to day actn full fiilrtiiihiiiy urn wednesday october lib nnd ihh many of lliu wells lit town nnd cmuitry have pjiinn ilry na it result of lint continued drouth acton la hilled fur n huso hall muttli tit kiln toilny in connection wltli hid h o h demonstration ilospolorlacngnfpjd in nn enthusias tic local option cnmpnlfrn with vury eiicnuraainlf prmtiectb of success theyll imvu peaches and croiim ut n sociable in tlin methodist church jioirutovvn to lumrow oven inn tuxpay ci a have been receiving lliih tax stntoiiifnls tliu weok tim mrut instnhiuint in duo on nuturday irof i o mutthoivs of mrmaster university will preach in thn huptlsl church limit hunilny afternoon nt ii oclock night men were flnrd nt iiircmoll from ton to twenty dollar each for nasitulllng license inspector aycarst nnil two dutocllvcs ttor ijc antmy nnd mr j h coloman itttondiul tliu financial district mooting of tlio methodist church nt juulph on tuesday tlio judgas court for llm hnvluloli r tlin vnlura list or tlio municipality of acton will he held on monday ilit qotnhor nt 10 10 oclock secretary tiaey wan jri town on monday nnil reports splendid progress hoinp mndo for tlio success of tlio full fair to iht hold hero on tlio fltli mid uh oo tolior mr inmca qimntlo quoon street hua lieon orfootlng ninny hit pro vain on ts to his million co during tlio summer ithrtb just been repainted nnd presents quite n tinniliamo npponrnnco thosn who ininrlnrd the cold mitmnii wont her hnd really nrrlvutl whon wo hnd tlio cool npelt in august woro nhtlgud to olinngo their minds whon tlio thermometer rond h3 in tha shndo nt nnon on tuesday it wna surely not tlio host policy to allow tlio steam roller to ittnvatown without mora rolling of tho now macadam on oliiucli anil main streets the broken atone la not nt nil consoli dated nnd will he unsatisfactory tlio locnl option oontoat will soon iw under way a sklrni lulling- movr inont wiih mil do on frldny nlglit whon tho loonl option workuru met nnd appointed cnnvossim for tlio petition that lino to ho pro ao nt oil to tlio council ilrnniptnn hnniiar itiilahin hugo the ipilck noting hnlr restorer is now for snlo in acton nt tlio drug store of a t llrnwn nnd u old with a i iglri rimrunteo nt fill cento u ihittlv ilirulun snee has im iiuuiiinso enli nitd horo nro lliu nuiuuna i it is info nnd linruilosb it euros dundruff in two wteks liy killing tlio dnndiulf germ it stops fnlll rig hnlr it promptly blona itching of the oalp t makes the hnlr aoft nnil luxiiilniit if gives tlfo nnil homily to tho hnlr it la not stloky or gronsy it is tlio rtnliimnst poifuuivd hnlr tonlo m nit f it la the hest tho most plensniit mid invlgorntlug hnlr tonlo mnilo fight shy of tlio druggist who oltors you a snlibtltiitp ho ib unworthy of your con fid mice no bettor tonlo could ho do vised thnn forrovlm which conblntu of fresh loan hoof oltrnle of iron nnd pnro old ttprinluli hlieriy wine just enough of tho latter to sllintihito tho dlgotllon and tmnblu it woakonwl toinnoh tonsblniilntotliohupf nntl iron tcy till invlgorntlug tonlo if you ni tlilnhlnmlml wvnk nnd geiiorulty inn- down 100 pni- hottlr thd pall pairs kaqusblnir t aoion on tutdy sstitl wwlnbklvt oot th nd oth toronto ouolitli liunuoii tlmlt htmtflud htrodtivlllo acton ahnrfoyln itookwnod nnmbwoyii urln news op local import want film lo aolon i im d i link win i wiih in ii h jii ii tttok ngo y hit pill t al who wus unit t hm mint iioiimi fin u uuk will an nl i in k of llm hornim wiih hriiutthl nut llilu iiiornlug hu hditid lit i wiiiltud to go to at toi mid win jlvtu ii llrkit for unit lnwii luhpli mer cury sipalnl mrmon mi knox c it u roll hv 1 t wilon ii a inrmh1 ifpmhuirmou lo the young piopk in kiiok cfiiiilli on hiuulny evunlug iiihbiiiijcl wiu wlmt tho llmiu du uiiiid of tin- oiing pioplr nnd itwitu n very mmt nnd lluirly duniim aiiur iiul nl toroiito siinjf nry awiflly ii iohi lead kindly unlit tiuni it4 ciimiifr mr jaiiiuu it aiidrmoii lnii pu iiantd iioiu me iuiity arnold hlu roal ami wood hiiklniitii anil takes i iiitdlain ikihsibuidii md aidars uuo lakes over tlio street sprinkler liiniinmil which mr arnold hut due ul tho past two loam- at tho end or ihtsuuiuj mr arnold expels return to waterloo ciuiuty th county rt- nit wmmu 1 1 n i tons ur fair hu nffyiiiventli ill be hi id in mlltnn on thursday nd friday 2ir mid jltlrmmt trie directors hope to inako i tin fair llk twist in the history of tho halw agrlculturnl hnriety llxltou is famous as one of tho lending homc- brjjcdlug counties of canada and ilaltou brnuders ninru limn hold their u at nil tho litg fair- all theli liest horses wilt he on exhibition an knurprl toimprov uoktlnir the waters of fairy lako uru irnvoi llinn they mo boon fur ytais the present would ho nil ixcidleut tiliin to iiinovn or cut olf ninny of the nltiuips which interrete with unfo nml cmnfiift- nblo boating in souie seetlous of the lake a movement might bo inaiigur- nted for this purposu by acton ac- mintlcciuh it would recehe generous support from niimbers of citluns and tho result would bo very gratlfyinu- all thtlr applm bold ouorgctown fi lilt growers com puny report that they have sold tliolr entile prick of apploa for this mason to n now york home good prices nro being received na follows kings and spies no i to0 no l 9j m pur bid i other winter apples 2 00 for no nnd wlornr no lit fall apples 210 rur no 1 nnd 91iu for no 2 thuso prices f o b nt luurgotowii station tho company will start pncklug nsxt mondny tsndsea lst pop iioubs or iiruiro ouminlsklonora hurley of llalton nd jaokeon of iiel motnt ilrniiipton mi tuesday mid uuarded iho tender for cnrpontei and brkkwoik of thu now nilditlnn to the ivelilnlton ilnuso of ueffiger to menem mixullnugh ti hill of ilrntnpton tlio pi ice wus 730 nnd tbo building la lo bo emu- pin toil by dec 1st or n punalty of t per day must bo pnkl by the contract- oru nflur that dato tinlll nunpleteil cliamplon flnuy dny in tli sundsiy bolioou next hunilay will bo rally day and quarterly rovlow in tho vailons hun- day schools in tho muthodut huu- day hchool thoro will he ppeclal and very interesting fentuieh hpltinl imisio will bo given by tho oicbettra n violin solo hy mr john urnnu io- rontot solus hy misses ileitlu hnittb and kiuiiia unit nnd fhu minute ad- drosses touching thu lemons on the quarter by ilov dr anllllf mr j 8 coleman and the hiipmlnlouiliiiil homo brokan by ceutl oiow on mondny nfturnotin au mori la colin son of mr l colin n uuuyinn jew living on church hlrent was plnyinp with rompnulona nftor school lie rnn into the yard of mrs frank hensner nil austrian tor n stick which ho alleged mrs neusnui a snn had taken from him the woman rnn out nnd grasped tho lad nnd burled him against n ireo with the result that hlu nn bo wns luokiui hy tho full a charge of assault against mrs honsiilr tuny ho laid pwawoll to pormir aoton boy the touchers nnd oolceiu of cbiutlo btreot ilaptlst clinroh and hunilny school toronto met ut the homo of tliolr pastor itev h ii nohlou on tues- day ovonlug 7th inst to tender u fai a well to mr fred m kuslwoiid who wna leaving for calgmy alueita aftor spuntllng v pluasniit tme togeth or tlio pnstor presented mr k istwniul with n flnu ault case nn a maik of osteon for services roudorod na organ ist of tlio church nnd tnmsiiror of iho sunday fclolionl nnd wluhlng lilui uvoiy succors in his undertakings saying what would ha their loss would ho so mo otio elses gain com a strang ooineldsnoa on monday two indies from michi gan both natives of acton hut who hnd not mot in twentytlvo years wert- spending tlio evening nt the homo uf u mutual friend one of tho indie in speaking of hor home town snid i uo you know mrs carmlchnol widow of hint mlnuter who went lusmie hist full nnd killed nmnn and then him wolf tins bought n lot from ua mid in building n very nco iioubo on it this summer l tho oilier lady mr car- mlotinol wnboiir pnutor nt llm time of tlmtrnglnilood he hnd ouciiloiuilly visited nt nnr homo nnd always seum- ed very pleasant nnd evontempeieil ssrloun aoaldvnt to mr ii nasit uisthiiturday mr j ii heed luta ut tho farm of his hrnthurlutaw mr kolwrt johnaton lot 1 con 2 krln insisting in tho coustriiatliui uf n silo he was nt tho top nnd in iho act of walking ncriico when the plunk whloh hn wna cinnslng broke mid ho wns precipitated to tho hard mmcrit llnor twenty six feet holow altliiiiigh very seriously skaken up no hopiou were frnturoil painful hi nines wore however sustained mill the wove hi slinking up may limn set ions eoiine- qiiunsiib it is slncoioly hoped hint mr heed will uoon roaovoi hu bus not ot hton i oinuvoi lo hla home acton wins the trophy clp social and personal bklp auulil and hli hupporura ohamplona tor llhttdwom nnilth trophy cnurrll llollim it law imhwii ilils inlloii el ilia iutrytliibiirvilunlsvsjirriuilms buumij in lis aug ihi tnhupt ll repl ii lit 111 hept 101h hept ill n hopt2h ai hept 1bi oaf n ii uotn oot 7 fl oot iu oot 14 1ft slid ilnill tti ut law imn was bioom1 id us inaiirsula vet biml msiiv loalnrs ronouiiewl ll s loo1 liass slid erwrnilliwl lfhsl ranisdlaa slid uv lonmsiiity lllir sura wltli loo tiasiinsnl iwuioiiiiomi it in ills hfllniioa im ikivii nsitrrli to lis m mlliit anal illisma anil tlisralnrs reiiuri sllluilniist uasimsni luhs oaufni our lilinufotiir4 by v j qlisasy a co tolstln utile is ilia onlr qooilliutluiisi ours on llm intrust il ii taksii lluarnally dcmtia iroin id lrnmi to usiimkinlul it anls illiaallr on ilia elnoa am i iiiuviiiia sutlsotm of ilia lyalain tliay utrar mia liuiirtrtnl ilnllsrs lor auv ii alls lo aura hsliil or eliaufara ami laalluitiiilals taka lktl rills or aonitleatloi thuaduy wus nn lileul day for llm tnuruauitlit on lh howling iretin horo in the couipollllon for the linndanme trophy cup presented hy m nasi a aithurnnd alhiu hiutth thu links which outeioi tho contest ouch went into tho tniiiunnitiut with hu duiei- mlnallou to win tim entiles weio w j dnuld nnd a 1 miicklnuoii acton i t thiiubuin and j hires hiniiiplmu ii w kennedy and n a mcculhun leoigutowu j 1 hush and a russell krin nnd j ilurruwv hnmlltou a second rink from hnmlltou wan evpected but missed iho morning train thu green was in splendid condition arid iho players enjoyed the various guinea they participated in thoy were honored with it largo gnlhny of lull rented uprclntniv tbn trophy compellllou was played dowiim the fl nn i j at the doii ut tho nftonroiln aftei it very cloao nml keenly ooutnated guilin with f i hnli of i- hi in the semt flnnta w j loiild wpn out mid found himself up against the renowned nml experienced trophy rink tupptsj by t tlinuburn of draiiip n it was now six oclock mid raining nod ihoinnnngemont de cided to piny olt iho finals on tuesday iiftornunn- tuesday alio proved to im n bright warm day conducive to good bowling the two links went into the fray with u most goodnatured spirit bur both were ilntei mined to land iho trophy the bcoio below hhows hint it wna nip nnd link throughout at the eighth end l be icoro wns 5 hi 7 in llrnnipt mis favor on tho ninth end acton fm innately lauded n four und milking iho score lo 7 during the next six ends iliiiiuptnn only scored tbiee while ibe hoiiin team added nine to their tall ending up with a score of 10 to ih and winning the trophy by sonic of the very host bowling ever seen on acton green the successful players were j gould skip w mcnuhh vicuaklp w h chishohn second und jus mc intosh lend the ruinieruup were t tluiiihuiri skip 11 flllott vlro suiji dr ltwsoii nnd u voiing the cup la rv very hnndsome onn nnil of nrtlstlo design omhlumnllu of tho howling game u la mounted on nn ebony tmtr which in tiirn rests upon n pedestal of tlch low gamin silver ore tlio cup nnil hnso are valued nt w100ihi in tho e uisolallou ciiiilton the contest wns ripmlv nuieniiu foi the trophy it wus also u men saw until well up in the game on thd eleventh nd tho two links went llid with 12 to the credit of each on the lutli iliampton scored two and on tho ihth acton iniiilo u slmllur score tleing again on the fourteenth acton niadu three shot nnd on iho hit end ilrniiipton scored one leaving acton winners hy two points it was somewhat singular that in tho final games not ono of the four links got into the thirteen bote ioit thopiiy cup flilht illhtml hummus t thiiiibuin aitiiv a j mackbinon hi kitln d iliisbtoi 7 atnis w j oould 1si hamilton j ilurrows hi iiciminnmn n a mcoalhm i kiun j p nushi il jliimmctiiwn 11 v kennedy i it hiivsiiton j lllrsv n bye hut iimi hninli acrov w j oould ii hiiauitov j nirss ill hiiamitiin t thuuhiirn 17 ii milton 1 ilurrows hi iitix 1 p hushtn bye timtli itotimi ainin v j oould 13 kiun j v ihiuh 13 ilu imitos t tliauhurii n hyr fin a i4t atron w 3 oouldl ih hit vmitov t tlinuburn 10 hcnro in final tinmo t oould huhiniuulmi2lk tlmiihurnoioouiooitouio junhi1tin fliimt hut nil aiov a j mnoulnnnn hi ouiiuiiirrnwn h w kennedy ii nkuiiiiictoun n a mcoftllum in isiiln u hiirboii i hhamitiiv i iliras 31 h viiiton j hurrows 11 biiind hoiinii acthj a j mackinnon ill grcoiuiirrmvn n a mocalluni id kiiin j p ihnhn hyo finaij airov a j mnoklnnnu 17 hitamiton j ijlrss lo icuin j p hush defaulted hcnro in final gnmo i mneklnnnn3jtfciniinnnosio17 iiirsb ooaooooimaooiift at tho close of the toiirnnmont and after congratulations hnd been ex tended ii p moore oxprosldont of acton inwil howling club wan re quested to inako tho presentation of thu trophy uup ho did so in felicitous terms congratulating vory honrlily tlin winnors nnd ro matking tho fact that upnn thq vory fow nccaslons when thituhurii of urnmpton huil been do- fen tod hu hnd invariably proven hint- self n rood loner mr mnura referred to tho fact hint the relations between ilrainpton nnil aetnn had always iwen must eoidinl on ho howling green mid in tliolr enillor days thoy wrro inuoli indebted to it ramp ton for llm uncnuinroinont lecelvvd from the ex- porlenoed players there tho generos ity of tho hnilth ilrothera in presunt- lug such n chnatenrllbtlo hnd vuluublo cup forcompotltlon wna also referred to and the satisfaction that would ho felt haio that aoton had iwon success lul in winning tlin trophy congrntulauniib wore nlso oxlomlrd to mklp maaktunnii upon his uncooss j iignlilht so strong tonin in winning tho nniinuiiillon pi lues ilia link com- prlaod a t mnoklnnnn bklpt georgu hynda vnoaklpi joseph hnlnms anil d m honilereon tho inunnra up in llm tmpliy onnuat weieuaeh presoutd with n haniitlful pnckiilknlfo with niollier nfpenrl bundle in n loiillmr onse nml tho win ners of tho consolation willi aolhl kllvor emhlemntlu ruff links cheoib wore hitii given for llm vlntfois thu hraiiiptnu ptajein thu hmlih ihollieru mid the king nml aoton- iht and vory mtlnhidlory howling louiiiiiimint was ended mr john mallheww of torouli visiting his aetmifi lends mr jiimea hendtusoii spent lust week with fiuuds in toronto mm lb h iveeiiitin of west foiui vhtlled arton h lends tills week mrs dnnfoid hwuckhniiier nf ht thomas is visiting acton fi lends miss fein hiown wijt sevrrnl days lust iveek with fi lends iu toronto mis w paik of hu i ii- is the guest of mis it m medouald main rtieel mis clara i huiulieistoiie of nw- tonluook is the guest of acton friends miss norn hmlih of toronto spent u week or so with her slsttr nt villnnore mr john inverty of munck visited atthohmnuofmrs a f hmlth this week mrs i h hiilliu of nt clulr mich spent sfevcrnldays during thq woeb nt moorei roft mi mid mrs w foulds nml daughter nf ouolph vultod arton friends last wqek tho mibsus llngoy of llreidnu b ivo bojri giiosta of their slslvr mrs ir here tha pnst week i mus lifjigrlll who has befii vilbtg friends in michigan for snvnral mom lis returned to acton inst week mi james mortonof port hmun la speullng it fow days nt tbo homo of bet brother mr a itnmshnw mus mury hcnlfleld of maine peiiu as the guest jast week of mr hun- diiland taylor and other fi lends mis juuiou henderson nnd her daughtei mrs alex crawford left inst week to visit filnul at anion mnn mr nud mia james hullh of to ledo ohio wurn guests of mrs c h hmlth nl fairvlow plan dining tho week mr fiauk arnold of johnstown n v nnd miss fdnn mny arnold visited nt the home of mis a f hmlth inst week mrs i j hhuppnrd nud mr t o anderson hucietiiined to tholrhoinow after upending vury pleasant holidays with their sistor mis goo campbell mr and mis william johustum and diuightotu returned from i hi it tiip to the pacific joust last pildny they all enjoyed the outing vory much nnd met many fi lends the mm i iugn or miss alleen ahhrna daughtei of mi and mrs hj aldous to mr wattoruon it ltothuckur is mimuinoed to tnku place at chicago on hnturdiiy october liud georgetown herald mra o v hill of muunm mich nnd her ditiiglitir kluel have been vlulllng acton fi lends during the week mia hill hut opei hilly enjoy ed meeliug llm fileudu of roiuiei duya and lsltlng places most familial to her whon acton una umuli youugei oniwaonb oonnicns vegetation u aulfniiug gieally fioin iho continued diouth- harveut aunfveisaiy seivlces were held in tlu methodist church heie and nt hllouni on nuiiday huv mr douglas pieniihed it very npprnprluto sermon hole nt ii n in and itov mr webb of the friends church hock- wood delivered nn excellent sermon nt i p m nlhllouiu appropilatu hymns mid boios by tho choir were sung for iho occasion the chinches weru also beautifully decorated this community wns greatly shock ed on monday when it became known that mi win ilei it had pitssed nway nftoi but u few hnit wrckv iii- liens a few week ito he aotfiitid from what iu believed wus n siiustiokn hut was able to ho about in a fuwduyu on tuusduy nf last week whlto thresh ing at his homo ho was again stricken down nud nlthniigh very iii nothing serious was expected in fact he seemed as well us could hu ox pec tod it abort time before his death hut short ly aftor taking n retnpio ho passed nway nt nhaut 10 n iu tho deceased wna hie eldest ami of tho into john honnelt mid wns horn in february 1h5ii nenv gainsborough lincolnshire kng at thu uge of 0 months hla parents brought him to canada nnd he has llvod hi this vicinity nil hlu life ho wus a good neighbor and wna esteemed by nil iu tills community hu wna married some twenty yenra ago to mnrgaiet orossln of nitsunguweyn nnd alio with one daughter mra clias lam bert siirvlvo hhn in polities mr nonnott wns a consorvntlvo nnil in tellglon n mothtidut ho is aim sur vived by hla aged mother ono brother john of thla place nnd two sis tors mra hubert hilton of kaquoslng nnd mra gen guoy or giulph to tho borrowing relatives tho sympathy of nil la extended tho fun era i look place on wednes day nftornooii nt u oclock to fulrvlrw comotory actnn mr nnd mr john murray intend leaving on fihlay to spend n few weeka with friends in mlulllgau mrs uhns h guuihhi returnod last week from her visit tn mends in flint midi they help your stomach out and save vou world of wretchedness a fctoinnrh that cannot dlgt a good tuesl li certainty n ore trial it has lieeu responalble for nttnout verylhlng iu lite uay of human misery up to suicide tlio trouble in most cases is that die slniuncli nnd other digestive nrgnus lnck lgor not enough of the infers nerciunry to digestion nrearcretci nor doc hie tottinch work up the fond propctiy the worst of it u thnt there not sufficient nourishment taken nut of lha food to restore the systems vigor and ilia trouble goes from had to worse the stomach needs help little digesters meet the nrrd exactly one little uleler after each meat will ensure perfect rilfteatlon provided of course lhat the food ii good and wholesome little digesters are guaranteed to cure indigestion md dyspepsia or j our money will be refunded 3e at your druggists or by mull from the coleman medicine co toronto kiurni in kit piikhh i hictli him your con ispnnduut hnd uo men wlmn hn wrote that itom re gard i iho moving plctuui nntortuln- liieut in connection with thu garden parly held here that ho wus exploding am h u booin shell nor wrni it hum nor is it now hla desire to personally duiioum n anyone through tlin public press if ml thu picture show been of the light tlmnirter it would have in- uelved pralstt instead of being too- demned by your humble sin want hut not only were they condemned by tho correspondent who has hten dubb- oil with lahoi lug under it atiinux il lusion hut if per cunt of llienuiheiilo were evidently inboilng under the biiino delusion nnd i mindly condemned tho objectionable part of tho pro gram mr the 10 per cent who did nlit object wru children or those in capable nf knowing light from wrouu lhe eoiilpiuneiit is nuo licensed of dong hie npuvnloi of iho moving plcluiei ii gieut wiong now that la to tuirrgrittcd hut what ulxiut the nudloolu who luld to witness the fuelnl coiilm hoiih shown of human lhilnga that were lower llinn hie dignity of i he tin he thesu pirluivs were not mily vulgar hut they weru vile when ladles and gunlleiueri turned their heads nnny in disgust what luiprtsslou would it hate on the rising generation who weio litem in goodly nuiiiliera we will lento it to the public to judgo who sulfercd tho greatest wrong i the nudlume or the operator true thero weio some pnsuubly good pictures shown mid bad the uhji ctlon nblo nnea never buen thrown on tho cnuvna notlilng but praise would have been nwnrded vour fiorroupomluut hua been nppronchod by n goodly numlier of ilu mrmliers of tho congregation sh o the loiter was published in tho flint iuihh who have usuured him in the strongest tei ins that hu wna only doing liu duly hy conduiunlug thu uhjectlon- uble pictures ti i u garden paitlesluhl heio hate always lueu of a high oidei und have boon repoiied im smli hut when the operator of n moving picture machine tlitdwu objectionable plctiues on the caiiviis thoy will he conduinucd hy youi huiublu sei vmil regardless of whom ho pleases or dluplouscw i b uu the honour to he hu your olhihnnt hurviiiil ciiithismciiinkimcuitiikhioniiicnr the lhite house i cuelph ont fall millinery opening wu urti holding our lofmil millinery opening thin wrclc we think that our siolu is mm finest we have ever ibid i cakterfsl some ilnos in whfyli you cin get bettor valuo attho whitejjouse than olsowhoro art sateunu new pitteci light and dirfc art muslins 30 inch mercerized satpcnn pbod quality all colors down killed sateen oimforlers 7 each good blue and whitc rheck- ginghams iixtra quality wide flannelette jiest plain black cashmere hose fof price in canada wide tafltta ribbons blalf and colors the i3est corset in canada at 100 klannelette gowns for 50c flannelette drawers fof special values in dress gondii at 50c 75c and 100 the hest ladle fine shoes at sio in canada new gainsborough welt pins each fltc ladicb pure linen hemstitched handkerchiefs ea tic northway suits are the ljest made iu canada colonial blouses are the hett for style and value in canada test any ofthese white house values jhwbs ramsey c t00 8c luc 5c 10c 50c miq illc go go go go go go go go go go go go go go a go go go gtctdcg3iatccdticdillott3gj cure ml rclli lovfj iimt mianaiilttujoialhjutl ivrhimyoiii head arihhrvnnmtmalmfulrlcrlalftthaaftwha hllir imtn ihlmfltatnmttiiqctiroiilqllitt ihilfnrm- nllrllivlranoilnehtalnuiillirmjiiu1luiia tin tmru try litem vlllniulltiruilluu lillla vilif 1la in nmnny rojs hiaiuuyiill poll wll- uaffluilovtliliautlficdi oulbflcrsllalckbcul ache la uishanonraamiiny llwa thai hum is wtu4 waiuakooiirsrmtliaul uarttlllscuraltulius ollura ila ixit ctiuii uh1 llror pills si vary email rn4 frrrraiylntnlcp onanrlwntilllslialioailnm the 1 are hrlclly hijri ami ii 1 nn bitaa at plt ut by temlr jjuutta sctloiriiuam all wb wm nibunn eo mnr wit sause ubw sautlmei good reading in fall ind winter plenty of reading mat ter is a necessity why not ciill and see our lino of hooks nnd magazines we also handle a good line ot english papers and the latest fashion bookc tf we keep a full line of the inc t stationery your patronage will he appreciated r h nixon duijggisi and btationlik tim lmaci uuug stoi1i acton ontario your attention investor business man homeseeker jnili liis nf iiil world 1410 lo du on prince rupert hnllsli coluiiihiu mil tin jreit ilc1upliik rc t imvu ed by 1 lie hand tumi iiliih unlwav n tiiiiuil n uil jjritirt nulroul projett on iho north aniirkni iiiniiiiliil tin- iiut trutim out innit il i ulw i tinti an unikilop umutry n nili in iiitiuil iu oimt a uvci liy ready for the toiuli of imhlmrv iml tlloit il willopu up ibo ivku hivir loiiiiii uvko tho ze of lliu inland empiri of okoii id ib mid wu luiijliul tlu mlilht hfl i uf 11 1tt1it1111l liuid on huh lantiiicnt it will tnj the jreiit whonl proviiillh of miiulolii sisuattlilwui and allmtu it will divtlnp the rnli mineral territory and the i nunc conhlm ol imiki ihu tern unlili clumlii it will mile pmsibtc ilu hlttkniunt nf tlu vin1 mi tire and luiifc tlic uuihl rapid ik m lapminl ilu otld iiim vr v iiikhncii prince rupert tin uimiuii isthcpoit inl vthlth all tluhtisi triillu inut llow and li itiilntd tn lirlomo ouoof tin rilitlht limiiiurcii nud iiuhistiiil of population in tlilrt tonlhunt the npportuiuty foi thu injiurtnuru of vvtihh in tliu new tuonti no man ilonhls tlioumindh will ira j tlin ojijiirlunlty tn lav hit f nindilinii fur a fuitiuit will oii write lo day for loiujiltlo pro-pttlu- dunt dtliy lnctiutc the prince rupert real estate investment co ltd 410 loo dulljin vncouvr b c princ ruprl d c m- harris 5c co 1 rockjlizood ont manufacturers of highgrade woollens especially blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co uoiited lar- rockmood jgjxtxiixx oxxlioi xxxj star portland cement for lff per 111 depend upon lt whruwer tries to sell you n subulllulc lndnlnrbu fur tlio pisilt und not fur your rimd 1 ti 1 mfulhnl imtihteisfor sliirnphu ete htivuimiuy liulliilois ilewnni of ihe silhtllule flel tho gtmnlne iiimtn hy davis a l4wieneti oo cuts to a uniform depth halaa n tinrrnw that works avanly in rouoil miulbgilrtratiunpy uruuiul itdousni i u nilf of uitio illur down snrioif out of f ipa ill ix down onnna and aiuhuiiipiuiron ilia ouier i lio whiunr we have just unloaded n fresh enr of cement nnd while it lists wo nre going to kll it nt the uhnve price wo would strongly advise anyone who has any cement work to do in the next year or so to do it now nn we predict that prices will te much higher next year cement is being mnnulactured at a loss now on account of competition but nine of tho inrgent millu have recently com bined into one company nnd wo nro cortnin- that prices will bo advanced next yenr buy your cement now from r fjohnstone rlkrulenj ij lenutlidi tuosuuu stand hanllfiioi l and j it to a uniform ilrhlht 10 full 1 iiii tlio windsor disc harrow tho front ai wood oo hnvu hoim ihe leailorn for onin in uiilllvatlnffniid hooilluit hhchlnerjt and have sonio now iiltnictlvo linen for i ono- in it will pity you in noo tlitiu melotte mriotte yes melotte bbparrvtohb luarnnlccd for ttn yearn other makeu taken in oxohniiffo at from 5 in 10 encli buooibbhoul nmkdn nt reduced 111 icus harnbbs dearlmout busy ienva nur order iu ihiia for your hhovv llurnc111 holiiu set mid hiiitd nun iii not nml biirrlui fnr salu clichp mill sr hhrdmhrb acton miiisircci g 7x- blkck aclon onl

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