Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1909, p. 3

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7 pectaoles bye glasses all thu latbut btvlhu wo ulvit tipnolnl attention jp tlio liopnlrlnu of upuntaolos nl w tl mpllth lhnbhu i it a mix u wadding nnd diithtlny tvoaonta geo hvmds jl vi i i i ijv moiu altovl majiriagi lieinuiu i bill bo store news bccljl lor hatuildavsbtltqisitnmnail pocket knives 15c knuoi for oc knives for 350 knivc for 25c knives for i5c for extra special 3 and 15c knucr iloc jsc 5c lic 10c ioc si 1 window onhaiikou f johnstone jffiljc rtou yvtt iccss 1iiuu40 v hi 111 mill it ii hrt brilr local itcms alton i ill 1 nil ill mul itli oa high m h nl mi utii xt monday rili j i llio i mini i nil i tlrnl milton tu uy nml to iimrrmv llio wullu if mi julni h wiitaoua vcnuut block huimoou miln htl et l ti comph li il lust v ouk an lului imting ctingugtlhilinl l junlmi will be in lil in the mothmllul ihuiiihii nimii iuxl j hmudny i vim lug 1 mid luat mr junuulf 1u11 win nitnlnul ilmia 11 full hi llm hlto nt mr hihoil lolniuon h i n 111 in giiiduully iiemi ling mi inliti i inn tint m pully nuw liutif ituw o 1 m in sin 1 1 lit 1 ingpiisl li town id tmiiiplitlon iiu artistic i iffn u much udinlilii livn rinks of bowlers wont to iungutown fm ugiiuu last llmraday mt uruain hid lutiiii team wan victorious liy lliu o p ilnta owing 1 1 lint uhlldronu iy aor vlui in xt sun i iy evening in knox uhuroli tliu hnniluy heboid in tint iiftitinnnii will tin wlllidiawn j ilnlu of tho iiiipoiltl hutu jnoljili mill jim pli ingor of llio tlim corners weiotnih fined 0jo nud costs hint holu for ndiittorallng whlakoy hot i w imiioni ii a will pronch in thu ilnptlat olmrlh next hun day nt 11 oclock irof 1nrmor of mc must or 1 diversity will preach on ootolior lid binno of om ulroou and somu vacant lots am still lllogiilly decorated wltli n 6x dim woods unit uthor rank growth homcnne in neglecting a very manifest duty that now bam uroctul on willow htroot i fuvv foot fiom a neighbors front door u not winning for tho ltd i id or mm umpiallfkd npproval mid cstoom of ctluona moeiib dcarduioro jo recently purchased tlio hunm farm adjoining tliolr iillior prnporty llila 1b tlic farm mr arch mulliorson has had leased for bo many yonre pious o oxninlnu tho luliul im im i pitkhh if nut ro it owed kindly glvo ub your ordui fm mnounl of your uuh bcrlptlon a punupt rumpouio will in ifroatly itppronlilod tlt ti iiiib mm nt un of iho old mulhndlbt jlinnli ii to two very oomfortnhu iioiini u iutn liuon uhiiut oomplutud by i utti lotm maouonlo for mrjnlin wutaon acqinplotu now not of wuur luhon wut instnlled in tho btumn holloi luod in llio htutlluk uystoni nf tho motlioilut oliuroli liibt wouk hy llm icinr 6n btriiatlon oo of jnrontn a nurval corrnupondont wrltio that oltidyi iluiirlttor nf kir nnd mrs j w huinplirue foil off iho dollvory wngon of w o hnlo inst lliurnday ovonlnr nnd hroko iter collar bono tho county btono ormhor wno inqvadfioiii its location on tho flrflt lino to piinctu mcdoiirulla farm on tho bcoonil lino on tuomliiy hlnno will ho cruomd llnro foi ihr plooo of load bradnil litut biiiiiiiipi k w oracff hutolior k flritrlnp on milling otf tlin ft out of hu hulldliik huok to tlio now fctrootllno nnd hullil lug n now brlok nnd pinto bihbb front tlio wholn of ihn flrat hoor will tlin ho utiiuod an n incut ahnp tho atioot ciosylngb ntlll tiwnll tho uttonlloii of thu itiunlolpiil onicur ho mo of tint dluuclt htroot moirlnk urn oovofod with thrco or tour inohub of lino dimt uhluliliinny puduatrlnnn iiro obllod to wutlo thioiirh mr lordon luywiird hnbpurohaii ml fiom miu jutiioa hi nt brook liur lioitio nnd lnt on llnwnr aouun whloli ha boiui hlu homo fm junrs mi iluywiiiil m filundu urn vory plunsod to oo him oniuo lulu pnasi uklnu of thla lldy propoi ty a mnowhnt painful acoldpnt hofol isnrla lmrvln oleik in nlxonu drtiff htorr nn monday wlion n pnrtlalo nf n chomloul ho wan woiklnp with tn a mortnr fiw intn hltn ihopyn wnn slightly buruod bnl ii im likely to lio nil i itflit in u fnw dayit iimnr nurrh kinnry llin ll oilur iiimhdi ui iabbmi iiluiilui miihw mrw biii po nv n eoiniuytlji tl rummllm u4 liy tniiiuiiliy ltl gur with lwl ulmnit roiiniinort l rlfl haljiiina lian rvnii nturrh in i mil prmstlu i t lull oaurrli i m a uo toiihh iniiat mint nil mm v in flimttf irani 11 iltiillniul lrlini lull lurrli cure uibiiulkiihun l i v v j lliminv a in uli in jji llm only ftoatilinllnil v j mutiny a tiutkan h i uurni li nhni ol itip vrrh tlviiy ii irit iiiiiuim lor nv it iiu u fnv ajrnilutm mi uilliikinula toiihiii olitn tlllinn taniklly rniu to ft utnikintiful it bi itlrollr nil tin lllnmtklli i nrtar oiji lii kfcluwwfliii- nrws 11 local impokt ht javanh liletitnry liihinvniiin ht jimiphh tili iy iu inn ii pupiliil mill iliiihliil thu nh ml mid ib iiiiiv vi i y ntliinllvi nml i hi foilntiln latlni witmi uppii iiiih iry iiiiilii llm lifinwfirmiilloo i i li llii boon lcctill uu iy tlumili llm kind luiirtxil kinikiulty of u fow in linitsh d piilulilnni in dtli luftulloii ftoi llm vn afli i i1iik hig fi ni widm ml iy inoiiilolf luul ivlu ii im fill u iliutnuro of mfntt ii in iiporiihi nllo mr chrlu mlllmilh ifabifdyli p ibuuii uwiiy in mond ij oi nn i n n wilhi ut hu tup milnul l iihi muui n ufti r tint in ilil nt llhuiiip mil thitdialh rihiiltidfuini unit i 1 of tlio biiiln and tin hi m n linking up knox cliurol communion hoi via 1 im pmiluly piipiuitory iiiivkuu of kniixriiitrtliullmi hililoirl ililiy vfiilnu it 7 it it 1 tnntnn juni tum will pu irh milium mi will 1 1 iiiliiilnutmul on hun d iy nnniiliik vm ii ituv f t llnlin thttpiktm will piuilh on himdiiy itvrnlng thu niiiuul clilulionit dry t an ulll hulall llm mibjlct for thlu in rir will b whnt tnm mo wo tiinuliignf tho llihli knox v p a bqoimi i iho vouiik implob hodoty nf knim hiilicb lull ii wry tiiivahlo social on i in kil iy i inl j j htm n a i uiii oiimhui f iniinbiiii nml tlitlr fill nilu pi obi tit i ho pioriiiuuiu mimlulof will rnndoroduolou diiuttu il ijn iilcltiiw iuhiiiibh mnl ncllii im luuliuinontnlii nnd oicluulnil ml at thu clowt ilnlnty icfiih n lii llm foi in of kit uiuui ii ml i i trbi u mill t lii nnd mk wttuairu il l nity pdatilnna nntl atltloteh uu puicticiilniiumiiimif tin luti ilmi hik pnpuiiiitl libliiuuinn in alt lutiiu wiinu n nl thu lin1 iiilutlnk of alton woman a inatltutt n ii ndly nuiiililr of imlua inlffht liivvn i uoiisctn it tho pink in hi thurtibiy nftoruoim luilnlgln in pulmtlrl uilmu nml otln r nihil tic ft nt b hniiiii ii itlo oim i ip of half mlu couuo otln ra two nud n of tin in time an oulonku miyu it wna not lbs yoiingubt of hid lul leu who who nhlo tn mnku llm thuo lap tilp alhlollo nml ontdooi lxltciuo or woinon are to ho cmiiniindt il mul many wilt llnd tliom coiuiiilivo to im piovod health nml phyulcnlioliinitiiibb hfvmt fmuvbl at ut atunn llio lini vent fihtlval sorvkon nt ht ahmn a jlmrcli nro holng anticipated with much inti rent hy tint rniiiptgu lion iho wook night sor ice will bo bold this evening mid tho church la btlng licniitirully docorattd with fruit ami flowcia vogutnblob nnd grain f 1 1 tho occasion von archdencnn ouorge lornerot m a of llamlllon will pronoh tho norinon nnd tho choir will render apccltl iniialo appropriate to tho occasion an nddctl intnn at in arcluli neon i onion t a visit la tho furl tiirntiiincd in the i hi i im hh livuity vein a ago column two uoilu ago hint ho pronchul llm inn ii ut fintiviil aernion in hljituobcr ikht dining tho luoiiuibtncy of tlm into hi iuugo ii oookn iluv mr ktllnmau will piuuli hnrvest anrnioiib noxt hiimlny nid tlm choir will continue theli apt cial mimic a suoohalmi nallv davy bsrvloa tho uiilly day nnd lovlow sorvlco tn tho methodist hnndny htlmol 1 ibt hun day nttornoon was ory intcicatlng nnd grnllfyingly miccessf ul 1 ho tmmlo xv nu holpfnl nnd inspiring muh 1 mm a lluttii solo i lie wipe tlio lonr from kvery lye nnd mibb ilurllo hmlth a heaven la my hmm worn both exceedingly woll rendered tho violin solo tho molody of i nw hy mr john irnngo of tmonlo wna much npprtclatctl ajr lrnngo pi lyod with thu orcluibtra dining tin day arid bio skilful pluylng itdikd ninth to tho iniiiical seivki tor tlm sciip turo lesion of tho diy mr itlchurd hponcor roclled 1 cor i lilt chnptor with sploitdld tlftct addnibbtb ro biting to tlin liuuonu of llio tpiartcr waio glvon us follnwh t instancou of ht 1uii1h bravery no buii in iho ipntrtoi a liibuoou hy mi hakton urowti i kplitbiim thu city lnil h worklhok by mi tohn h l iloinnn mid wilchcr ift noii i iy mid deiuonl ncal posilttsinm hy itev ii antlllt llioso brought nut viry vividly n imy of tho biilhtiit katurub of i ho kauouu thtro wiiu n lurgo iitltiidiuto at tho service not only of tuniiilaia nf thu school but i f pare n to mid vultorw th butrvailbion nuptl a protty biptoinher wt tiding vnn ilrmnlxitl nt tho homo of mi itubirt htoroy i alrvlow avonuo aclon on hoptiinbei ltlh ituv atcb illnlr h a of nimangaweya oftlnlating whon mibb k nnlo hlotej fniii tti dnughtti of uolioit siorey been in u thu brldo of mr william tohn aiiiboii nassagawcya iromptly nt tho np point od hour to tho ntrnlna of iho wedding innroh okllftilly pin oil by mub lit ura aklnu tho bride who pro bontod a charming appearand sutured tho parloi loaning on tho arm of lior fnllio i nnd took her placo hoaldo tho waiting grtioiu mntli nn inch of ferns nnditstoib thu brldo wns ntthod in whlto point do esprit uvot whlto wtlu nml rnrilod n bouquet of croom rnsei her joungor slater alien noted nu brlilusnialtl nntl latikud lovely in whlto point do oaprlt ovin pink silk mul uu i led pink nut era 1 bo gi omul wiut biipporled by hu hinthoi mi j alll mi aftn iho curoinony mid binrty onngrntiilnlhuia thu gnoatu to tlio mini her of blhty ropnliiil u tlm dining room whoro u iiinptuous ilejeiiuoi wnu hoivtd lliti gioiimti prnatut to tho luldo wttao hiinilaoiiio tin iluul coat t to tho hildphiiiuld ii gold hum do llu liiooah sot in poarln and to tho grooms man ft poat i pin 1 ho lai go number of imndsoiuo nnd usofnl proflonu received amply to tlflod to tho high oatoom in whloli tho young cnnplo nro hold iloshlos tho iiionkhom ol tlio fiinilllos thu following invited guosin wtn prt a out i mi ami mrs a oamphell mr hiid mm hiiib uovtl mr nml mrs until n mi mid mr a dingo iriinby mi and mis wiogiavo aloiintuhnrg t mia dlins lininbeit ihittonvlllo i mr mid mis hi rl allison mr nnd mra ihou allknn mt nml mm inrktu alllaon moirnttt ml nml mm v k wood ilinlliiglon t miu mul mlaw htliiaon noiboii i ml ii liliiik miss llbick and mh took ouolph mt and mis aiiiboii left oh tho ovi ulng tniln lot toiinitn mid point mtst ihiiluldtitiiivolhdliii hiii of hikivn i willi hat in inaloh social and pirsonal mlaallniuiu matlbimva of 1 illn li vultlug aitnn ftluml- ititt i hi i viiiold nf tl milium spoilt ii tl iy oi uolixl wuu with anon fru nils mr hi id nf mimnaa wnu in town thla week vlaltlng hln sun mi jainoa ii ititid mra win hbnw nf inriinlo ipnut tint wt i k and at tlm hoiiin of mi hob 1 1 hhitw mra ouorio 1 loonier of loronto baa butii apnndlng tho pnat wtuk with n latlvi i bore mia chna 1 aklna mid dati upunt n vvei k oi no with fthmla in acton and vlclnllj mr mid mrs ilill hmlth and bahi apunt sevnrtil days during llm woik with rliuua in tlueih mr immibd medonnlilof hnilbury baa bemi vultng nt bin niotbf ih lininii biro tho pnit vvtek or so mra arch cinipbult who hn a hi en visiting in tho north wut tho pant yonr is now with friends bore mi nnd mi j a wnhtlumul fmu uy nnd mlas flvvvklna nntl mr ihilluy of ml i toil wort gnoatu nt 1 irnsclllto over humlny mrs arch monabb rntitrmil 1tiuc wouk from hmlth pulls wlinro alio spent several montlib with her dmigh tn mra i h toner mlnad 1 mcdonald who hits bum stenogriipbir for mr w j ohapmmi tho past yenr kft onhilurdny to tnko a nlliintlou in winnipeg mrs wllllum carroll lotuineil home last rhuijihiy nftor spending n couplu of nionttih with ubillvia in llovem villi nml luiuil mttuura arthui hiullh ami i hil aithura lift nn hiitinliy fm 1 iw i nidi mi aitlntri will ape ml thn wluttriit tho hi will inlnea in which bo lino an inli n mi jnuit a inwanii who hnu been in tlio id ico ding htoro 1 u piat jenr oi bo left i mt week tn inio n situation with bis fnrmei mnpl r mi k a itobi rlson hlralford mir jiiiiib mi tjini nitivul hero on lliumday nfter p mllng n couplo nf inonllin with in r a m nml ollin frlonds in olovoravlllr n y him left hero foi midland on monday morning mr nnd mrs thomas htewnrt and miss htownrt of muskegon mich vlultcd acton frlunds during thewcek mr nud mrs htownrt wore esteemed rculdenu of acton tlihly yenrs ago mi iihn hhiiw of koarnoy visited lila pnronta mr and mrs lima hlmwi last nttk mis lllnncho nml master itobnrt who bavo bean lieic for n couple of uimitba rt turned home with him on i riday tlm now bilik finnt of ibiwiia ut ug htnra u will iiinki wnj go and hear uivim a huilly nt tho high hcliool conceit in llio town imll next monday evening a btioug young mou a liberal club his bum organised in leorgt town with mr ii h lilt in no hicn tniy whit ahont that ptnposul nt w skating and cuilliig link for which some 81 000 stock wna suhacrlhed uuv t rnl n tintlis ngnl a customer at itouloan husk writes t ltillosod find monty order for 80 jt in pnymontof printing rccilv ed wo nro well pleased with tho work fbo ronioval of thu tulcphono polos on mill htroot to tho pew street lino baa vory much improved tho appeal nnco of tho etroot ila tip to tlio cor pnratii n now to move in ilia electric light polos oonsldornblo tlibbntufactinn iiiib lilon oxpreaurd hero that tho piuo lists for tho 1 all tnlr to ho hold here on tho 5lb and tllh ootobor hnvs boon so tardy in holng distributed tho orst uiphs arrived hero nn wodnoa dny mi w i awlor into of tho unllod htatos tanning corporation of iann nylvnnln arrlvot in town this month to tnko n foromnnshlp in messrs tloniduinra cou solo loalhor tnnuory llu will leuido in mi 1 hayors now house on uluirch htioot when it la coinplutod tho man who whupois down tlm well about tlio goods ho hns to sell will novur roup llm shining iloltma like ho who ollinba tho hill nml hnlhru tlin object of ttdvlrllalngullnblo goods la that when yon need anything in that lino you will automatically think of tlm ndvortlsod nrtlulos lnglnoor mclran of tho 1iibllc wmks ijopnrtmont of ontario omu mlsslohor wilson of llalton uoiul honda hystoni iteovo mchlbbon of icinoslng nntl wnrdon hwnoklimnmor mndo n tour of inspection of actons nt w stroot improvements hist thurt day it was the gonoinl opinion that tliastoam roller should avtibvenmotl niorr won thai ailvp cup at tho boris of scotland dolnnntlru- tlnn at krln hist thuuday tho acton ii iso hall team won tho silver cup in tho competition with grand valley it is a beauty nntl 1ms boon much ml mind tn tho kitich 1iikhh window acton put up a good fin mo nml played all homo men wllerons tholrnppnnonts wore nn aggregation from four or flvo towns with only two men from grnnd vnlloy bnur1tt ilia hlor floorgr hinvil sin innrchanl la hiving a bill i in of uxlll hnllt ut the l il u ahnp nil mill ftlrtot hit vlll iitlllt tin niw pirt for u wi ikulmp mi i will mill hit old wink uhnp to ida wton giving it this mm h iiubid uulmgi nn tit mr htovnl a lot ptovinii uta finin llmo lo unlit an n gnnd ludi x in llm proapttilly vvhlih la coming hla wnj tub raixraina htrail i i htroot a vlllo anion almifoyln hook worn niwaagawoyh i hit hpl a hpt j get 5 ii got i got 7 h oct li oil ii in vou cinnot buy flour as fine white pure iind nutcitious na royil ilonsc- hold under nny other name there hno other hour in citnida t vjnch inlf ho much m icy in spent to injure pcfect purity jtut thinlc for a moment uhnfc til at meai i to the health of your hotiblhold he enjoys his meals now por ho kop little dleostor llindy mr ouiwo ol toronto wrote us nn mny uthlaitt lint iolkuah mitnicinit lo v9 church bt toronto ywuli you would mini me another lw of your llttlo nig a l0 members or iny ftmlly iwyo m them mid lv obulnnl the uloat wiu factory remits i coitgrstuuto yo on yot in rtiltlrig up tablet for the ctiiool indljeiloi jfojjt trletrovrrylhjilg that was f to me riothlng n w l iwbpeniisiledrorrylutlei kebters i ciilnv my tuents ami mil lint nfrnlit tnentwue i know a ilttle imgva tor after snch meal will ill gent my fond i recommend them lo nil my friemla who miffer from indigestion nud would further say that you ittny publish the nhnve if you wish i know there aro lliniunmu of peoplo biifferliig ftnm iiidlgetau who will lie glad to i now hero la n anfo mill sure cure for tlirm voiirs very truly vffuftl it ti dlahslo i ittlo ltlroalrrn etmt mcrnts nt your tli oitiilalh or by mull irorfrcoiinait metlli inu o loronto ij royal household flour is the lilst most wholesome most circfully milled flour to lie 1 ul in this country the ogilue nime nnd tnulenurk arc on every barrel and hack a guarantee from the maker to the consumer tell your grocer you limit hnve royal household l ootlvlc hour mills co uelled moilrul esquesind agricultural soc1etv 1909 hmmmmmhhhmmmmhmmhmmmbi the slxlytlilfd fall fair to br llilu at rcton on tuesday and wednesday october 5th and 6th the prlics arc unusually attractive the splendid hhowuig in horses ijht cnr will be maintained 1 here will be a corresponding increase in prirtb for caltle livery department is bcinij well looked the grounds will ho in good condition good music both daju uvcr school child in the township will be given a free ticket to the litr on the afternoon of october oth adulu admission 25 ctntt splmidid list of sptcml prices aftci grand gncert l here will be 1 urand couccrt at niht 111 tho loun hall iiitliilas talent will furiuah the programme 1 illtels 25c and 35c single tare on all railways mmmmmmtfmmmmmmmmmmmmmm j a dc aaorcatown ppeeldent j a tracy ksmiumlnir bmmury for chaps rougliun and irritation of the akin ao prevalent in the winter mouths savoderm soap should bo iiuul dnily it will prevent iho hninla from lucnuiliig dry and trucked ami he lis tlitin if hint piluful condlllon already exists i or 1 tiy a t brown mill st aclon plnai on or lh htrcma novaltu of tho smmd fall openings coiaulx thwt will nrotluaa him lontr ifrearul llnoa thttl ramltlon lmml our complete exhibit of autumns auihorailve pemittinc fashions an invitation is extended to ill to attend our iiupcrior achmvcmcfu 111 the display of iltshions i wot fancies bp n il opciuni dtyt monday tuesday and wcdncsday scpt 27tli 2rth anil 2411 and following days millinery styles y that breathe of paris o our showing represents tlil mou idvtnud t ashion iiiourih in worn ills llulvvt tr for the 0cnni a son 1 iictl is m iinuiensc divorsit of liipes in the new ths see lliem while tlje nre exclusive tailored suits of superb style onll wt the hlylu ui i luemuit f 1 i rtpreiicnteil in mibuv suith in hi nui l mn itc i waist clnna flgiin iiioh huok iip tn i full juij tb hkovt vnu will hid n uu pun nig lo ui tihto una llmroinjlily mlnpk 1 i y or lij tin suits 10 to 15 complete tall display of dress goods hilt ill l nllfultlvu hi tea rilhuuilf nr iin in tliio vlumts womens iloves in t b imiixlit in ihi i uilnir votif frlantla with you cameron si moote ac ion uuancii upoolalai in rvai y dopl foi ojiotilnir that new fall suit your liiinmar wonlrol o iwln 1 1 luolt a lillto i nl 1 1 pucu llu t iliy dieim t h an i unio the w tfco or uear muulilcs yon nro utowinjr raibor lire i of it wo have mlta hero tu bull every fancy an i whim smart swarrjor snappy mills for llio yuuu man ijiiuijca suits or llio i iiilncu man pilel oiiucivaiivu i uliu f ir tin elderly mm sliorl pflcon conn i into our i n null ul vie and pulliy of coutbj ire cp cic 1 at its oo vso offer nn lineiinllii i valuo in mnn a nml juihik man u mil a sen iliiuj liiii in i in- mfc lulinull htnu window afjcnt fur llirlty u i niuii llm i nml 1 ownou liinlluh glovcn mtmwmittt i i uln n vhvvvivj rnuiiva cor wyndham and mnciloucll streets guelpiiont hunting outfits stevens single barrel guns nt 700 double barrel guns at g io 12 sheila at loest prices come in nnd look through the mock wo have llio catalogue of lilngs we can very quickly get guns rented for 25c per day harris st co rockwood 0nt manufacturers of highgrade woollens csplcially i blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co limited iv rocksmood profits extraor p security unquestionable seourity i r f johnstone mil u si uuu r aeidn oni nv1cst in prinoe rupert tlirmmh our uuil f t tie ill irea filing ut pur ii no i r ciiiu ah h purl nf nur plan for ban ill lug our rapidly growing hithimiuuml in inuio ituliipniltv vvi olttr tn a ii mitt d number the opportunity tn uhuru eipiullv with uu in tlio litrjjp profit i tortalu to m11 no 1 ho inoiiov lonivnl by llm company turotifjli tbeualonf hh ttlutrvh lit luvohteil in liioilo prince rupert loillj nmur tin dinit hiihrviuon ol thu lioard of dlrecton lliu opportunity la extraordinary lioltuino of tlm profit hhnring plim by wlilih you may bliaro in all the profltu of tho cotupimy nnd llu rupldly incrtaulng btniuciii prlnoe rupert business property will muke forliniou for lliosc wlin invi nl in it uow undid imtland su title spokane and viuilihivci real chttilo fur those who inveited in ihotie cltieb ten yoar ago today prlnoe rupert is the cynosure of all eyes no other tlty on tliln continent la making mich rapid advancement in population emmnurco and building prinoe ruperts promiut anil futnro ginwth hihiiro hivuklnru in nur hlntroa a tnmhiuatlnn n hufnty lilnli return nud inorenalng value which a not offurd in an cinti ill greo hy any other form of invcktiiimit opiii to itio public lo day inveiu your nurpltia ftuuu with thlu cuinpnuy and aliaro in thin groat progremt and proiiurli ifvm imillv for great profltu then uibm riltu fm winio of uiihl hbiireh worsfer hy peimlitulmi to the hank nf nna huitlu n wiuoor wire ji iir order for hihiicb in da unn t ikln the prince rupert real estate investment co ltd 1 410 loo bui mint vimoflvivfr b o prlnes ruptrl b c i tliln groat progremi and prmpuvuv i bavoflo 9inoor vl nan which jou vvnidd luvcht wluro it will provide a largo income villh ibe nppijr r

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