Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1909, p. 4

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spjbotaoles eyeglasses ll tdk latuqt utvuhb wn ulvti upnolnl attention to tint liupnlrlnu of tipunuiolo nl w ttmmutu lhnunu ill am lit wnddlnu and ulrllulny proaanta geo hvnds jl wl i i 1 u umiuv alton marfllaqc licfnoiiu ibbubd stdre news spcdil lyr batuiujavcbtlieieltbmdbil pocket knives c knnes for joe knives tor 35c knivci for 25c knives for 15c knivcs foe rxtraspcciai 35c ond 15c knives toc mc iftc 10c 10c blli winlow on faau uuw r f johnstone iliuhsday hliimhiu it 1wm brilf local items na nl 11 rt mxt monday actouliill nip mil lhd h uoh vnln tht count i all fair nl milton to- i ay 11111i to morrow thu vutlhi of ml joint it watsons mvcuimiil lilucu house on main htieet no oomph lod turn wuou an liitiinutliik giinmuptttniiiil rt f union ulll im lit id in tho molltodlut hulllxll klolll ik xt ululnllliy ivkillllq ttoih inst mr jaiiuu ii iluld who nulnhiud so mm a rail in tho hlln ut mr it ilimt tolniunnh tin in u urnduiilly ucomlrir mi iiiltn cutm 1011 n putty now liuiihiilow oimiiiihtil u lining push id low aid completion ka arllstlo ulju 1 much admired two ilnuu r howlers went to kmotowti fin a pnno lust thursday iihnriioim ilia homo tcttni was vlclorlnui liy h11111 point owiiik to ill childrens hay ur- vko mxt hnnday nvonlng in knox ohnich tliu hnnilay heboid in thn iiftiiriioon will liu wlllidiiiwn j hull a r mm impuihil hotel juulph and joseph ingur of llio runt corners woio imch flnud 820 11 ml coats lint wiik fot ndnhc rail nil whlukoy ltoii w xatflnno ii a will pronch in tliu ihipllst church next holiday nt i oclock irnf rnrnior of mcmitstor unlvcislly will prnnch on october rd biuno of out atrnuta anil soniu vncunt lots nro still lllonnlly decorated with notions weeds and other rank grow hi hnmeono in neglecting nvory mnnlfistdiity that now linen orocud on willow hi root a few foot ftom n ifolghhnrs front door la tint winning for tho builder llio uikpinllllcd npprovnl and eatoont of cltlzoun mosoid donrdmoro a co recently purchased tlio ibirns fnrm adjoining thole othor property this is the farm mr a roll mclheraon bus hnil lonsod for bo tunny years plonso oknililno tlio lajwil on 1hm pitlthh if not ron 0 wad kindly give us your ordui fot luiimvul of your sub scription a prompt roapnnsu will lie greatly uppraclntud tlio t ran n for mat ion of tliu old molhodlst chimb into two vary 00 m for tn lilo iiliiikuu hna hooii nlinul com plot oil by oonti actor muokonulo for mr john wat in 11 aooniploto now not of wator iiiiicb w installed in llio btoniii liiillcii mod 11 tlm liqiitlnff pyatoni of tlio molltodut ohitroh lint wiivk hy hie klnr on- strnotloii go of toronto a norval corrapondent write that oladyn dmiplttnr of mi itnd mri j w uiimphiub full olf tlio flollvory wagon of w o hoiilon inst thuradiiy ovonhift itnd liroko her collar bono tim county ntono crutlior wni itinvad fiom im location on tho first lino to duncan mcdoiirhui fiirm on tho boooiid lluo on tiiosilny htono will ho crinhod thiro fot hie plnco of mnd graded inst ouimner 15 w grace imtclior w figuring oh cutting olf tho front of itu imllding buck to tho now ilrootllno nod imllii inga now lirlob nnd pinto glnii front the whnlo of tho flrat tloor will lhn bo utlllnod us a iiiihl th op tuo shoot mossing ollll awnll tho uttontlnn of tlm municipal ofllcor homo of tho jli n 1 0i1 h trout croailnga iiro nnvorcd with llirro or four luoliok of lino dnflt uhlult many puilobtrlnnb nro ohllgod to witdo thtougli mr clnrdun huyward iihh pnroliub- od fiom mm jiiinna ill nl brook lior liniim and lot on hnwor aitiuio willed htm boon hlu limtia foi jonra mi iliiywiudo filuudanro vory plunaml to 00 hint couio into pofltniuhloii of till 11 tidy propoily a omowlint pnluful nooldont lfel unrlo onrvln oloik in nikoiih dnir htorf on monday whonn pnrtloloof h oheinlohl ho was winking with in a mortar how into lilu o j o tliu oyo wni bllglitly burimhl but it u llkuly to iw ull right in a fotv dityu tharcliinaraatarrli 11 mil natillitii nl luoiirftliii toronoioiawl 11 i imii vflinwh anu ty wluiir ilum ii tes i willi i walirml moil prjiiwtibi holmicfl irnii uirb i- iliiljonal iiiwm i uirfor rip uidmi 11 inn i in lia a iilujihi vfiialiiimiiv mill ataiivji liiri maiiiilaniatti i iv i j hiatiay a to tnlaitn ohio ih ilia oillv bihtlllitllnal ant on iii uiaikar it l lakaii iiianally in aam uoiii 10 rtraim in a ibaatumalul il anla r1uoi oil ilia infui an i nmmiim aurlaaai nl inum tltcy dtttt nna uioiilrail llnllar fnr anv eui l talia lo am haml u iran aa ami uailnitmlal ataiai 1 v j tilluhhv cu yahl oi1i0 khluitiirvti hu nhws iii local import hi jonaph luatmy limiiovaniantn ht jnuiptiu in tny huu in nil 11 impiriil nud ibioiiiinl iiiioiihikiiii nuil u now tiy attnutlvo and 111 fm initio ritlmr wnlxh iippuililtu viryouich tho tiniihforninliou i ii haa bion iffirlitl lurgt jy through tho kind hi nitnil gmu malty of n fow in tornhtod pttnliioiii m daattli lluhl pcoin tho fnll aftoi llngtiing fnnn wtdniuday nioilllng laot wtiiii ho full 11 illatiutro nrroolfiooi the hmomiln idlo mr olirlu mlltoutb or abiifoyh piiaud avay on mnndnj morning without having 11 tf 11 im il linn i ioiihik ua nfitu tliu ai idi nt u in uuppit x 1 that death timilud fiom oik mnddir of tlio lunlit inn tlio ni vi u waking op kiiok churoh oomitiunlan bovvio llio juniutly pu piitutory mivlcoo of iwnux oliurtlimjiibolkldoiiiihrny oviuiiignlt u ltiilt 1 micron ulorgdown will punch t oufiimu loo will be ilolnlyeild on hun ui 1101 llillg wlloll itllv i ull0ul tho pidtoi will ptinih on hunday oioiilrtg ho iiiunnl lliluurunu joy uirvltp will ho in iii llio utilijlot for thin iitrvkc will ho what uo nro wo making of tluiluhh knox v v b boclftl llui young tooploa hocluly t knox cliittcli ixld a viry ioivnbla nodal on to onlay viuli 1 lluno wiro a inign ntinilili of iiuinhnu nnd tin ir filonilu ptiiiunt tliopiogianiinu lutnlof il loiidorciluulouduuttw and ipiailuttou luullngu nud ttltn inuliuinontalu nnd oicluutral ioiibii at tho liomo dainty ilfiluh nln in llio f 01 ni of ico iiciuii nud uiai lit w a ml ton it ml cako onmoril 1 ndy putrlnna nnd atttlataa n pi act leal otitcoiuoof nil ioui-ohi- injr pupir nnd ilucuunioit 011 athlulln foi women ut tliu hint niiutlng of on wonmnu iitutltuti n goodly iiuiiilior of lndliu might havuhconuoon ho pink ltiit thuradny tiftoinoon indulging in piilclrhuiluiii and otlur nthlollc foau homo iiiadn oiki lap of ho half mile coin so otlu r two and a nw of tlicm lliuo an onloiiuii hnju it wiib not the youngost of tlio ladlob who wnd ulilo t ninko thn thrcu hip trip atlilotlo nnd outdoor xirclun for woman urn to bo cnmmemlid nud ninny will llnil tlioiu conduclvo to im piovod bonltli nnd pbyalcnl lobuatnihi ifvt patlvt nt ht altinn llio lint vent ftutlvnl norvlcoa nt ht alhnnb church nm lxilng nutlclpntcd with much intercut by tho eoogregn tlon tlio wook night borvlco will ho hold thin evening nnd tho church u irllig beautifully docorntrd with fruit nud howera vegutabloa nud grain foi tlto occnulou vcn archdoncon qoorgo iornorot m a of hamilton will pronclt tho aoriuon nnit tlio choir will rondor apodal unulo npproprlnto to tho ocoiibiou an added intercut in archdoncon vol norotu vlult in tlio fact uiontlinuil in tbo iki 1 pin hh twi nly ytittta ago column two wioka ago thm ho proncliod llio huiviut fiatlvnl bormoii in hiptoinbti lkhl during tbo incumlionoy of thu into ltov li otgo ii cooke llov mr killonntn will princh harvest borninna next hunday nud tho choir will coutlniio their spi clal muaic a kuooftawrul ilblly paw srvla tlio hally day nnd ioviow aorvlco in tho mothodkt hunday hchool lust hun dny nftcinnnn was tory intoicatlng nnd gratify ingly sncccbuful thu iiiiimio was bolpful nnd inspiring mub lminn iliiitn boio lo wlpoa tho tonr from iwnry iyo nnd mlaa hurtlo hmltba ijoavon la my home wore both exceedingly woll romlered tho violin boio tho melody of lovo by mr john ornngo of tmonto xvnn moll appreciated mr grange playul with tho orchoutrn dm lug the dily and bis skilful playing n tided much to tlio imialcnl biirvke tor tho acilp turo lomon of tbo day mr 111 chard hponcor rooltod 1 cor 1 ull chapter ith splondld tltuct addrusboa ro lallng to tlio iohuohb of tho iinnrter woio given na followa 1 inatnncea of ht imiln bmmry 119 blii in i ho iimrtoiu loauoita by mr itaulnu urownt kplioaiih thu oily paul a work tlioro by mi john h unlouinn and wltuicruft noii ir nnd demon onl pobbtaalouii by llov ji an i hit thoaa brought out very vividly 11 any of tho salient features of ibo iluboiib tliore wau a birgo nllimlnnin at llio borvlco not only of momlm of tho sclinnl but of paronta nnd vlyllora th btorvallajon niiptlnln a pretty hiptemlier w milling wau aolomiilxod nt tlio bomu of mi unlit rt htoroy rnlrviow avonuo acton 011 hiiptemlioi ittb hnv auh illnlr n a of nnsbngnwoyn ofllclutlng who it mlaa jennie hloioj fourth dnnghtet of hohoit m lorry bocniuo tho lirldo of mr william tohn auinnn nnaingowoyn promplly nt lm ap pointed hour lo tho blrnina of llio wedding innroh akllfully plnjod by mua lnurn aklua tho brldo who pro- bo n tod n charming apponranco ontorcil tho parlor lonnlng on tlto nrm of bor fnlboi nnd took bor place bualdo tho waiting groom ninth nu arch of forna andftbteia tlto brldii wna ntllicd in wblto point do oiprlt over whito ullk nnd onrrlod n homplct of crontit rosob lior younger itlutei allco ik tod na brlduamnld 11 ml innkod lovily in wbllu point do flsprlt nvci pink bilk hiiii car 1 lod pink nutura tho gi mini wad blipporled by hla biotbui mi j alll ann aft 01 ibo orcinouy mid hoaity onngrntiibitloiiu thu guuatu to tlm hunt- bor of sixty ropiiiud to tho dining room wheio a buinptiiouu dojouhoi win fcortcd tho biooutrf ptoumt to thw bildii who 11 haiidmtuio foi until omit to tbo bililoaniuhl 11 gold lloui do ha hroooh botlu ponrla nnd to tbo gromiii- innn iipoml pin tliu lingo tiinubor of jiiindaoiiin nnd useful proaonta received amply totinod tn tbo high outoom in which tho young couplo nro hold hobiiiob tbo mombora of tho families tho following invited gueki wtno pres ent 1 mi and mra a campbell mr mid mr chan uovol mr mid mm llonrn mr nnd mr dm kb gruuby mr nnd mia wlngrnvo mnuntubiirgi mm oliiia imiihuit ilnitonlluf ur anil mi b iwrt allison mr nd mrtl tltna ahunn mi ami mr4prktr alllaon molfiittl mr nnd j wood iliulliirlont mnkj htlimnn noiwm 1 mrl lllaok nud mlw tufljfj mid mra alllaon i triiln fur tdi tlm luldo trtl with bat tci social and personal mualloronrc mallhcwa of ibillo livlallliik anton flhuidx hot iillui ainnm of llniiillioo apont a il ly ii an lust wn k with ac ion frhindu mi itom of ml waa lit town ibu wcok vlaltloghla on mi jumna u hold mrs wm hluiw of lor ipont the wiik and nl tho hoinn of mi i tim et thimw mra georyo llooiuur of toronto haa liionupoiidiiig tbo iabt wink with nlatlvoi horo mi chita ii aklua and daughter npont a wrok m ao with filonda in acton nud virlnll mi and mra phil hinltb nud hnlhi upont miveral day a during thn wuuk wlthfrioiidalngiiolpli mr lamoacl mcdoiinldof hudlmry hna boon vlultlng nt ida timlbi iu boino hot n tho pnat wixk or bo mrr arch caniplu11 who liiia hi 01 vlultlng in thn north west tbo past yonr la now with frlonda bare mi nnd mm j a waldlu nnd fain lly and mlaa hawkins nnd mr ihilloy of mlltun wore gutita nl li iruat lllfu ovor hunday mrn arch mcnubb re in rued last wcuk from hmltb pulls wborn alio pent so vera i months with brr daiigb- totmr 1 i i0110 mlad i mcdonald who bus bieu atuogniph r for mr w j cliapinnit tho past year left on maturday to tako u situation in winnipeg mra williaui carroll iiilmncd homo tautlliumdny nftor spending a couplo of months with tilnllvta in olovcru- vllh n y nud loiniito mouarn arthur hoiiih mid i ho arthurs loft on hiluulty fm gow guild 1 mr aiibiir will spnnd tlm liltir nt the howllt liilnoa lit which he has an littiitsl mr janii a ijiiwiui who hna im 011 in thu palace ding htoro iiw past jonr 01 so loft lust wook tn tauo n sltiintlon with hln formrt ompl ir mi k a itolintaon htratfonl mm jmnos m iitn nulvid hern on ihuiwilay nftor p nding n couplo of months v ith ik r son nnd ollici frlonda in tllovorsvlllo n y hbn loft here foi midland 011 monday morning mt nnd mra thomas htawnrt nnd mua htownrt of muskegon mjcli visited acton frlunds during tbo wcok mr nud mrs hluwnrt wore osleomod rouldants or acton thirty yanra ago mi li im hhuw of tconrney vlulted bin paroitta mr nnd mrs ihos hhatv inst ucek mils illmicbo nnd master unhurt who have boon hcio for n couple of luoiilha returned i101110 with him on prldny tho now hihk f t t lliiwnu ding htoro la well iimlii waj go nnd hoar owen a hiully nt tliu illguhchool conceit ill llio town hall noxt monday evening a sliong young mou a llliiral club baa lecn orgmilxcd in george town with mr ii h ultlo an hccrt tary what about that pioposid mw skating and culling link for which soiuo 91000 stock wna biibacrlbrd sev eral months ngo a customer at hoiiloau hask writes kniloaod find money order for w m in payment of printing receiv ed wo nro well pleased with llio work tho removal of thu telephone poloa on mill htieet to llio new street lino hna very much improved tho appear ance of thy street its up to tbo cor poration now tn niovo hi tho electric light polos considerable dissatisfaction bus he on expressed biro hint tbo p1u0 iuta for tbo pull pair to bo bold bore 011 tho nth nnd hh october bnvo boon an tardy in being distributed tbo first coploa arrived horn on wodnea ihty rmi w lawlor into or tlto united ntatoa tanning corporation of ponn- ftylvftitln arrived in town this month to take 11 foroinninhlp 111 messrs llonidmoro cna sole louthoi tannery ho will teslile in mr p hnyora now house 011 church htieet when it la completed ibo innn who whupoiti down tbo woll about tbo gooda ho hna to soil will never reap tlio shining dolluio like ho who cllniba ilia hill nud tinlbrs llio object of nd ver lining 11 liable gooda la that when you need anything in that lluo you will nutomntlcnlly think of tho advertised nrtlules unglnoor molsnn of the public wnilu department of ontario com mlssloner wllion of hnlton good honda hyatom ituovo mcglhbon of fljipiaslng nnd warden hwncklmnimor mndo n tour of inspocllon of acton ntw streot 1 111 pro vr men is inst thurs day it was the gonotnl opinion tlmt tho steam roller should jvo boon mod more won th suvar cup l at the flons of hootlnnd doinonslra- hun nt krln hist tbuisdny the acton da so hall tonm won tbo sllvor cup in tbo competition with grand vulloy tt la 11 beauty and has boon much d mired in tho kmeic piiuhh window acton put up n good git mo nnd played nil homo men whores a tbolroppononts wmonn aggregation from four or flvo towns with only two men from qrnnd vnlloy he enjoys his meals now ior he keeps n iullo dl llindy mr ousico of toronto v role us on may imhloiti lint comiuan mttmcintc co loo church 81 toronto wear rlrs i wish you wuhl mild tnc niiotbrr lo of your ultlo dlgrr ah tho iiioinltera of my ftully have i wen usln llieiit nud liavs obumed til most sslu- fcloryriuiu 1 i t 1 i congfitotits ygf on yea bnufatlnsr mix slor gnorgc htovi i shoo merelintit la having mi addition of lixlll built at thn ioai or hla shop on mill htnot lln will 11iiii ik new putt for a wnikhhip and will mid lie old woik uliop tu hla ulore giving it this muoli 111 odod oiitai geiuoiit mr htovel m im- pioviiiiiiiilu from time lo limn me 11 good index in tbo pnnwuliy whhb 1 roinlngbla way tttm paix rainei hlratr il htreolavlllo anton aluiifoylo itoflkwood nussauhwoyn pilll hfpt w hopt jl oct o ll a oct r oot 7 out 1j nt 11 m indlsuou vou cannot 1ny flour as fine white pure and nutritious tin royal iiousc- holfl under any other name there ii no other flour in canada ron which half so mucli m icy iji upcnt to insure perfect purity just think for a moment what that mcai i to the health of your houglhold royal household flour in the best most wholesome most carefully milled flour to ho lul in thin country the ogilvic name nnd trademark aro on every barrel and sack a guarantee from the maker to the consumer tell your grocer you limit have royal household ib oollvle flour hills ce umlled mnrircil esqubsinq agricultural society 1909 mmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the sixtythird fall fair to bii hiiu at rcton on tuesday and wednesday october 5th and 6th the prizes arc unusually attractive the splendid hhowinp in lioraca last car will bo nmintaincd there will be a corresponding increase in pnzct for cattle every department is beuit well looked after the grounds will be in good condition good music both days every school child in the township will be given a free ticktt to the fair on the afternoon of ouober fith adulth admission 25 cents spluulul hsl of special prizes 1 licrc will be a i couccrt at mjht in tho toll 11 hall iiiliclass tilcnt will furniuli thu programme tickets 25c and 35c single tare on all railways mwmmmmmmmmmmblmmwmbihmial j a dcvcreolix jafracy aorastown prsaldsnt kaquesjiur bertiy li3siii mir for chaps roiightiem tud irritation of the sklu so prevalout in the winter iiioiitlts savoderm soap should ho iiaid daily it will prvcnt the hnudu fnnn incoming drj nnd cracked end hoiila tliiiu if hat piliifut condition already exist vor sau liy a t brown mill st acton hunting outfits bpquble bnrrol maw jat hut ptnx ona of thai ltm novatltlvai of th awaiimn fall openings corwt hint uih llroduoe thai lonsf lfraotal llnon thnl tavaihlort tlamnrntaf our complete exhibit of autumns authorative feminine fashions an invitation is extended to all to attend our uupcrior acliieveim nt 111 the display of fashions fairest fancies special opening day t monday tuesday pud yvcdnlsdav scpt 27tli 28th and 29lli and following days t3 millinery styles that breathe of paris our showing represents thu most a fun need iaslnon thoughf in worntns llcidwi ir lor the opcnuig stison i licro is 111 juiiuliisc diversity of shnpus in the new btjles see them while tliey are exclusive tailored suits of superb style you ii find the tylu tented in huso suit milt f l 1 ih relicnlel in lliiuc suilh in hit nm iiikatil want llnne lguro huoh nnoj 1 oil full itliitli hilcvc ton will hlnl 11 mil pkuiok to voiir tm to mitif tlinnniglily niliipttd in your ii j uii suits 10 to 15 complete tall display of dress goods i lie mot nttructivo slmwing ami tin mm l l i icit ilcllillilion of iiiliuiinal tvkn in 1 itlmi loouh in ihtuvklnltj womens filoves j j 111 a not he hniiglil in uil 1 nimik n it our prini delnsr youi- rhsnda with vou cameron 5c moore ac ion urancii upoolnlai in icva iv dopl for upontnir dnya that new fall suit your liiiotncr wardrobe luln lo look a iii liu out t place in o ilt i uocmii i it ami onto llio w hmi for wear lluulilo yuit nro nrouiii railior ilrc i of li wo live suits lioro lo uiu ovory lancy ai i ulilin hnisri awssker snsppy sulia for llio youiijt man taidlnuu sulu fur ilia limine man ipilel c elderly mm short prkoft coniliiilo our ionic mill jtyla ond nualliy of coursj iro avp cicil al i13 00 no offer an uncipiillu i vabio in mm u and youiik mon u nillu inu iluui nli in our m window arcni for clirlniy u 1 ngllult limit and 1 ownuu i njjuh cloven allvasullsfir llio cor wyndham and macdoncll streets cuclpiiont hkrris co i rock5mood ont manufacturers of highgrade woollens especially blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co limited rockwood profits extraord profits security unquestionable security jss- fwbft invicst in prince rupefet lliroimh our kuil lv tato nil uw hliiir al pur 0i 00 per hiuiiu ah 11 patt of nttrplnti for imiullliik our rapidly ernwiiut bnulnuiit und to huume uh iiipiulty wo nlttr tn n liiulud number the npiwrlunlty in ttlmro utiuullv with mt hi tlm lurjie pmniulorlitlii lo ntnuo i ho money iociivki by tlio tompuny tliroilali thowtlo of its slutreu in invented lu tunwu prince rupert aaltv mubr hit lincl nupcr vision 01 tlio imurd of luroctom llio vippnrtiililty u eat ran nil nary hcuiuuu of tho prodt ulnulnir plan hy which you may share- in nil tho pmnls or hid go in pan y nud lu rapidly imronslntt husiiicha prince rupert business property will muuo fortiuiou for thrmo vyho invent in it now nu did rortlaiid sl itllu hpnknile mid vuiuouvol real ctliito for tttimto wlio inveitad in thohc cities leu yenra flrotl today phnoo rupert is the cynosure of ell eyes no other city on this continent la mnkhik micli rapid advancement in pnpulittlmi commercu nnd bullillni prince ruperts prusont nnd futuru nrowth insures invuntnn in our nliaros a cnnihhmtlnn of safnty hluli reltirnt nnd luorenshit value which in not olyord in nu kjuiii di rico hy mty otlior form nf invculniunt onuu to tlio ptibllo to day invest your surphinf inula with tlilu compnny find hhnre in thin yrtjut projroih and timupurltv if you have jo tnoor sfnnn which sou would invent uliere it will provide ft lnrro income with llio oinigr- jllldty mr beot profttu then suhiicrllto for nui or tin wo uliarci iff rfer by permhwlniii to llio llnnk of novn hcolta itiicmivor 1 write or wire itir order fur hlmrcs in dnv ltmi f del n f prince rupert real estate investment co ltd 110 b snluuli vhiouxr 0 frl rul b- c

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