Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1909, p. 5

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spectacles eyeglasses alu thu latbttt utvlttu wu ulvtt tljinolol attwntluh to th riopnlrlna of upuutnaloa nl w timilliu lunbtm imamtb wntullntf nil dlrtlwlny prosonta ge0 hvmds l wl 1 i 1 hy blokp au10n maimiaol licunbiu itjuubd l store ne bpcclal lor batondavcolhbbitbjmdkii pocket knives t5c kiiuls for 10c oc knives lor jiic 35c kmtc or lite 25c knives tor ific 15c knives for 10c txtka special 35c ond 15c hnucs 10c bl l wtnilow onsaiiuow r f johnstone iffiljc xttnit 3fr ss iiuhhpvy hi illmillu itkki brilr local items unit 1 ill 1 lr ll nml till ou murt in xt mindny l inuii h i i i ho county i all i air nt mihou u lay nml to morrow ahowilutif mi julinlt wiitming w content hloik huusoon main nil if t 1 a ciunph u il lust wot k an luti iuallrt nmipikitliiiml il jill lu n ulll a in lil in llm mothiidul hulimil intii 111 xt i humility ivonliiit willi inst mr janiiu luutui who mulnlmd anions 11 fall hi tin silo nt all hihuit tuhnimi m linn i irindunlly iicmniiir mi john i nun urn 1 putty now litinu iow mi m tin str t lu 1 uinif push nl tnwiild roiiiph thin lit artistic uhibu la much ndmlrul two links r howluru wont to koitfutownni a iiiu last ihursdny ufloriiiiiin llm liiiino tonm w vlalorloin liy llm p tints owlnn to llm clillilninu diy nor vkii ntxt kniuhty ovoiiliijr in knnx uliuich tliu humbiy helmut in thu uftirnomi will lie wlihiltiiwn j i u of llio luipmltl hntul luulph i 1 ul jot 1 pit ingor nf hid viui corners woio each fined 820 ami coitb last week for nilulternllnif whlskoy ho v i w imiioni h a will pronch lu tho ilnptlsl ohurih next humbiy nt 11 o clock irof runner of mcmnstor lnl voi ally will pronch on ootohor iril sumo of our btroota nml bdiuo vncimt lota nro still morally decorated with noxious woods lind other rnnk growth ho in co no la uorlcvnhib n vory manlf cat duly that nnw bnruoroctid on willow nlroot h fuw foot fiom n no1phhnra front tloor in not winning for the hulldor llm unii nil himi npprovnl nml oitoom of cllizona messrs dcardinoro a co rocontly purchased tho tlurns fnrm adjoining tholr other property thin in the farm mr arch mcphnrsmi him hail lonsod for ao ninny years imonso oxnuiluo tho luhul on 1ituk piticnh if not roiidwud kindly nivo ua your oidoi oi riintihiil of your biib scrlptlnn a prompt lusponsu will it grontly nppronliitoil tho iran a for inatlun of u10 old methodist chun h irto two vory cnnifortnhlo hunm u hna boon about completed by omiti ictor maokonula fur mr john wutsnn a complete now sot of water lubes will installed in tho otoain holler unotl in tho hunting byutoni nf tho motliodlnt oluiroh lust wk by tho king van- btruatlon co of ioronto a niirval oorroapoiiilont writcn that glhilya danghlnr oi mr nml mr j w ilninphrkn full olf tho flollvory wngon of w o hniiloa liiit thiirmlny avonlnknnd hroko her collnr bono the county atnnn cruihor win movoil finin itn location on tho flm lino to nnncan mouonguiru farm on tho iooimillliioontnobiliiy hlnnp will ha crmlmd thiro for the plitco of rond graulod last smnmor 15 w griict hntohor in ngnrlng on cutting nil tho front of tiu hnlltllng hack to tho now mrootllno nml hnllit- lug a now hrlok nnd pinto glnst front tho wholo of tho fltit floor wilt thn hit utlluoil lis n in on t limp tho stioobciosalngt still itwnll tho nttunllnu of tliu nmnlolpal oniour homunf tho jhmoh slreot orodelngii iirnanvrad with thrco or four inchoi of lino ilnit which many pottoitrlnnii nroohllod in wuda thiougli mr j union hnyward huil pnrclii- ml fi cim mr jmmta khutljroiik hor homo nnd lot on ilnwor a 011110 which him homi hi homo foi jenra mr llaywiinli filoinln nro vory plunsml to 00 hint onmo into ipnuuii union of thli llily proporty a ninowhnt pnlnful ncoldont iwfol hntln onrvln oleik in nlxona drug htore on momliiy whan npnrtlolonfn ohomlonl ha win wmklng with in iliortnr hew into hlu ryo ihupyowflr lightly hnniixl hut it im llkoly to ho ult ilujlit in n fmv ilnyn tlint i innra currli iii llila hacitlnn nl ilia aoumrv uian all ollir il 1 iui iuitir thil until ilia lui fuw hnr iiipaml in ba uoiirall vot a qil irany var doauin h imml iraaimiiil v holfiuoa lim iiliivaii elaril 1 dliaaia aid t larafnm r in mall llalar v i lilf a ur wlltia i4 ii im tiroqail ji it lunvvriliiaftm andtpirwievlbati 1041 finiarilaa tni ituwmauirti r mitivrmiitriiyl j tiliiiiav ktfltli ulila vf min aiiv nintllliilloialeiiranii llin mmvlua anil in aura willi ftlila holfiic l till ouai fll lllhllnnal traati r i llm ilia ii li 1 laraynvo riiiiilf a jpn niiiy minuiiullaiia lliiiliiwriilly in droimlo a lawanful li jl ihraallr aiiff ttimiy tn atifh t y j klviuivi iinuemol tliainurrl thay illaa lor oa 1 tall to 11 taalhl taihiiloiiuu ftatuuvuilf tor otniatlpallaii nrws 01 iocai import h joailt llautniy imiirovaittoutw ht jmipliu iitiiy itiu h 11 m pipiuil noil itn u itul 1liiiiii1 mi and lu now ny iitliiii tlv mid 1 hi foilaliln latlui wiiikii iipin lihu m ry 111mil tho liflimfiiriiiatlon i u hnu hi pn irfichdliikily thioiichlhii kind htnrt 1 i in h liy of 11 fuw lu unntid piiiuhinmii dlli iuiihl kfotn tho vn afto linuulott fi in wtilmudiy iiuniilnil 1 mt win 11 l ml a illntaucii iir3iftfionilh op of hh ho mi thrlu mill till f vlxifoyli pitutd nwny no mnili 11 lining wlllu ut iiilviiik 1 n ilui i 1 n li luuihj afur tho a uili ut lluuiip hultlntih ui rimilticl fioin 10 11 iiihi 11 nf ihr tiiahl im 1 tliu fivi 11 liiklih up knov ctairali communion uofvlc llio iiiniluly iiipmntory unvlcou of ivmx hurrh will i o hi hi cm i ilday vmilntf h 7 hi 11 it 1 iiueioi jtnjfii will pttiuli t omiimn inn ulll h hliiirillhuiul on him il ty 1111 1 nine win n ituv j i r ilhiin tliu piutul will pijinh tin humlay uirnhik tho ntioiilil ciiiuiiuiih day mrct will bahihr llm uubjtct for tlila nrvlli will h what uiunio wu iimlhiu of tin lllhh knoi v p b booul 1 hn v oiiug optu b hocllty nf ivliox inn ch hi til a ury inoynblo hoc in 1 on liioiiluy i lidi ulioro n hugii mimhti of iiuiiiijuu unl tli lr tiu nilu pi n bi nt lliu piogruiniiio tdiiuluiiilof will rimdorodnuloudlu ttji ipuntittiu riniuiigu and itcltn in hiutiiiuiimulu mid oicluutrnl il at tin idhi ilnlnty icfuwli iduiiih in i ho f ii in if leu lu itn nml i dichi u and un nnd cnkit ni uvr d i ndy paiuatrlnuai and atlilota vunpiacticnl autcouuiof an luti uht lug pnpli nml duuiuuhm 1 11 athutuu fii women nl tho limt imuting of on wo inn 11 h inutlluti n it idly lunula r of iaiiilh uilght havo iiuuiincuii nl tho pink lait ihuriibiy iifuinonii indulftlng in prlcblrianliii mill othti nlhh ilr fi atu humo in uln onn 1 ip of mil hilf nilli com up nllu ru two nml a fuw of ham thiec an 011i00u11 anyu it wnu not tho youiigoat of ho i idles who wna nblo to timko tho thrto hip trip athlollc nml outtlooi ixircluo for womon nro to bo coimnomlid nnd ninny will 11 ml thorn conducive to im piovod hoallh nnd phyaltnl lohiutucim ifmpvoat fwtlvail nt ut albnnm ji10 hnrvout fthtlvnl norvkou nt hi allmnn church nro being nntlclpulod wllbinucli inttrchl by tho congrcgn tlon llm week night norvlco will hu hold thu evening nml tho cliiirob u lulng bonutirnlly decorated with fruit aiui llowers vrgutnhliia nnd grnln fi 1 tho occimlou v111 arcliilencnn qoorge 1 orncret m a of llninllton will pronch llio norinon nml tho choir will rander special liiimlc npproprlnto tn tho occublon an ndded inloruut in archdoncnii im itorot a vialt is tho fact niontloiipd in tho i m i pitt mm iwi nty veni a ago cohimu two witku ngo thtt bo pronchdl tho 1 uviut fmtivnl orinoii o hiptiuihur 1ksu during tho i no u mhi ncy of tho into ltov h m go ii cooke kuv mr utlliimmi ulll punch hnrvciit uonnnnu noxt hitnd iy mid tho choir will contlniih 1 licit apiclnl mimic a uoooasrul rally day haivlo ti10 hnlly day nnd lovluw iiurvlco in tho mot hod 1st hnmlny hliiooi lust hun dny nfteinnon wno cry intoicatlng nnd grntlfylngly nuccossful tho miulo wno helpful nml inspiring mihh i 111 inn uuitii solo ho wlpoi tho tnr from i vory lye nml mlus llorllo hmltho ilenvon u my home woro both exceedingly well romhrcil tho violin solo tho moloily of uow hy mr john orange of toionto was uiiioli npproclated mr qrnngophiytd with tho orchostra timing tho dny nnd bio skilful phiying nddiil much to tho inmlcnl aorvlct iur tho ncilp turo lesson of tho ilny mr hlchnrd hponcor rocltod 1 cor 1 1th chop tor with bptundld ilfuct addrossoh ro luting to tho ksunnu of tho qunrtoi wcio given na folhiwa 1 instancaa of ht paul a hrnvury na sum in tho pinrtot i loauonu by mi itnmoii llrnwnt lplioaiib thu olty 1iuu work thou hy mi folio h coluiiuui nml wllllariift noiury nnd douionl noul possisilouii hy lttv di antlilf tiiobo brnnght out vt ry vl idlj of thn anllunt fuaturos of lliu w tlliro wnu a largo nlti ml nun at tho norvlco not only of inomliuin of tho school hut ir pnrants nnd vlidtoru ths btoroyalluon kuptlala a pretty htptoinher wuldlng wait aolcmnicd nt tho homo of mi unhmt btiiroy lnlrvlow avnnuo aclon on boptimhot itlb itov aich illnlr ii a nf niihsngawoyn onlnintlng i when mlus lonnlo htoioj fourth dnughtct of itnbott mloroy bocnino 1 tho hrldo of mr wlllla11 tolin ahunn nnbsngnwoyn pruniptly nt tho np 1 pointed hour to tho ntralna of llio wadding inarch skilfully plnyotl hy mibb iaiirn akin a tho hrldo who pre svntutl n ohnrinlng nppenrnnoo ontorod tho pnrlnr lonnlng on tho nrm of hor fath 01 nml took hor plnco husldu tho waiting groom ninth an inch of fornu nml nstoib thu hrldn wno nttlrcd in whtto point do esprit over whltn ullk and rnrtlod a imuiiuct of orenin roses hor ynungor blulci allen untod nu hrldiibiitnld nntl inokud lowly in whltu point tin osprlt ovei pink silk nml cur tied pink nst ore lliu ginom wiui supported hy ida luolboi mi j alll on aftoi lb toriuinny ami luaity anngrntulntloua thu guoslu in tin nuni hor of sixty repnliod u thn dining room whoro a biiinptiiouii ttojouuor wnu boivtd tho gioiimn piouint to llio hi lilo wiisii hiiiltlmmin fm hmd omit 1 to th n bildounmlil u gold lloui do hu hrnmih sot in ponrls nml to tho grooms man n pom i pin tho huge number of hnniunmn nml usoful prosenturooolvotl hmply to tlflod tn llio high natoain lu which tho young coupjn nro hold hosliloa tho inombprb of tho fnmllhia tho following invltud guoslhwoioproa out 1 mi nml mm a cvmplioll mr hint mrs ohna hovol mr nml mrs ileum mr nnd mr ibugo iruuby mi nml mm wlnginvo mnimlbhiirg 1 miu clinfl liitilihuit lliu ton vlllo 1 mr nnd mm lit rb allison mr nnd mm hum almnn mi nml mm imko alllann mnltitti mihuiixiim o k wood hmlliigtnn 1 mm nil mibu htliisitn nolson 1 all 11 llhuk mlsu lllnok and mlm tunk oimlph mi nnd mm allison lufl on i ho ovoiilug train foi toionto nnd poind naat llm inldo hallod in it wult of lnomi with hut to iimlflh social and pirsonai iui 1 mitiimx 1 r 11 ii it visiting vitnii fl 1 1 itnv i kb i villi ii if ft 1111ii1 i spi nt 11 il iy 1 1 mi i imi uiik wllb a 1 in mimiu mi ituld jf mini m wm lu hwn tliu weiik vijitlnulil ou mi iimiu ii hold mrs wm hhnw of loruulo pint tho wtok nml nt llm ho mo of mi itujit 01 j hhnw mm tlooria lloomur of loroulo b ih hi mi upamllng tho past wtok with ulntlvoi boro mm ohnii 11 aklns mid dnughtor npont n weik 01 so with filuinln in acton nnd vlclull mr nml mrs 1hll hmlth nnd bnbi upuut bovornl days during ho wcuk wlli mondiilu tlunlpl mi tamoa0 mcdounhlof fudbuiy hau boon vlsllliig nt hlu motlipiu liiiino iiiini tho past week or so mra arch iniphull who baa in in visiting in tho nrth west tho pist yonr la now wllli friends liore mi nndmrsj a wnldio nml f 1111 lly nud mlaumiuvkhia nml mr ilnllny of milton wsrr guista nt i irnscllirn ivcl humlay mrs arch mcnuhh roturiud hist vi uk from hmlth lailla whom aho ipimt sovernl ninntha with hpf daugh in mrs o l j one muup i j mcdnnnhl who hna in mi btouogriiplii r fur mr w j olinpuiuu thn prist yenr left on haturtlny to lakn u slluatlon in winnipeg mm william carroll toluineil liniint listthumday after sponillng a conptu of mnnllih with iilnlivis lu llovrru villi n nnd ton 11 1 mumm artltdr hmllli ami 1 hu arthurs loft un hiluidiy foi low 1 mil 1 mr arthurs will spoiid thn ulntir at tho huivltt minou in whkh im hna mi lot 11 at mr jiiima iiwkon who hna bien in ji10 lnl ico uiug htoro llio pist j cur 01 an loft lust wook to tniu n situation with hla roruiei omp jir mi k a itohiitson htrntfi rd mm liiuus milim nulvld born on ihuiuilny nftur ip udlng n cnupla of months ultb her sun nnd nlhu frlonila incllovomvllh n v klin ioit hero foi midland 011 monday morning mi nml mrs thomas htewnrt nnd miss htownrt of muskegon mich visited acton frlunda during tho wook mr nnd mrs htownrt woro ostoomed ruulilouta of aclon ihlity yenrs ngo mi it hn hhnw of kunrnoy vlultod hla pnrontu mr nnd mrs hum hlinw inst uctk miss illanclio nnd mnator llohort who hno boon here for n couple of months u turned hiinio with blm on prldny llm now in lik fiont of ih iwna diug htoro la iv til 11111u1 wiij gq nml honr owon a hiully nt tho high hchool conceit lu llio town hull noxt monday evening a strong oung men m horn i club baa boon organized in tloorgc town wllb mr ii h lltllu na hucu tiny whnt nhoiit that proposed nt w uknllng and cuiling link for wliloh some 91 kk stnok wna biibacrlhcd sov ornl 11 ontlib ngo a customer nt hoiiliimi husk writcn i i nulosod find money order fur vl m in payment of printing reoolv ed wo nro writ pleased with tho work fho romovnl nf tbutolophonopoloa on mill htroot to llio now street lino hna vory much improved tho npponr nnco nf tho street ila up to tho cor porntltm now to mnvo in tho electric light polos con sldorn lilo dissatisfaction lino been expressed hero that tho imxu usta for tho i nl inlr to la hold hero on tho rib nnd dili october havo boon ho tardy in helng distributed tho first cnplos nrrlvotl boro on wodnop dny ml w nwlor into of tho united htnlos tunning corporation of ionit aylvanhi urrlvod in town tlila month to tnko n foroni unship in mosbra ilonidmoro cou solo loiilhot tnnnory hu will lesldo in ml 1 hnyom now liniiso 011 church httoot when it ta uiinplutml i bo man who whupum down tho woll nbout tho goodu bo hnu to mil will novor reap tlm shining dollars like ho who climbs tho hill nnd linlltrh tho objult of iiilvortulngiillnhlo gooitu la hint whon you nootl anything in thnt lino you will nutomntlonlly think of tho ndvorluod nrtlolos liuglnoor mclean of thu 1ubllc wmka iiimartinont of ontario cum mlsslonor wllinn of llnltou oood ilondb hystem hoovo moolhhon of knpioslng nml wnrdon bwnokliniiimor mndo n tour of inspection of aotonu now street improve 111 nntl inst tlmm day it wna tho gonoinl opinion thnt tho atonm ml lor should havo hern used more linn at krln inst tluuidny tho aoton bubo ilnll lofim won tho silver oup in tho conipolltlon with ornnd vulloy it la a hciiuty nnd ha liecn much ad mlrod in tho fmcu pkkum window acton put up a good gmno nntl plityed nil honiomon whoroaa tholr oppononu woro an nggregntlon from four or flvo tnwna with only two men from grnml vnlloy lemliffulnn- iii- htor- inoiif htmtl il 1 no miirchnnl huliig 111 mhlhl of ijxill biilll tin 11 11 nf hu klmp on mill hint ii ulll tilth h w ptrt for w illi p 11 1 williubl ih old wm ilup tuhustort giving ii thu miir 11 1 did tiilugi im ill mi htnvouli pi vi lf 1 hi hl good inhx plhi pinaiwiliy whhb umiliig hu wnj tllst ffal1l raina btmuusliir itt aotan fin tuajday antd wtkliiobdkv oot kth and fllh htralh 1 1 htpl 2h ju htrofltuvllln hpl m anton oct 0 l alhiifoylo oat ft hookwihhl oct 7 h nnnangawoyn out u lli oct 11 1ft he enjoys his meals now por he keeps uttlo ulrontor handy mr oibisco o toronto wrote us on mny lath last 1 tint comtun mnnicinit co 500 church 8t toronto dear film i wiih ou would band nte mintllrr ikix of your lltllo digest rs all llio mouthers of uiy family bnve heeu imln them nml havo obulnatl tho most aatli factory remits x cnugrstulslo you on you sncceiw in pulling up a tablet for the cure of indigestion i aurlered for years ami trlcdeveryllijug tlut wna recomiuibiideil to me notldiig guvs mo relief until iwbsneriiuiledtntryiutloulrenlerh now i never suffer from indlgeition i enjoy tuy meals ami am not nfrnld toenl wobitio 1 know n ilttle pjges- tor after each meal will dlgeit ntv food i recommend them to nil luy frleltila who surfer from indigestion nml would further sny that you may publlili tho nhnve if you wish x know there nro thnuanmla of people buffering from imllgeitloti who will he glad in i now there is ssfit and sure cure for them voiira very truly tiff k h ilaihlt utthltlgeiirrn rost sscrntant your dnuiitiula nrhymnll from colvmau metlltliiolo ioronto ij vou cannot buy flour as fine white pure and nutritious no royal house hold under any other nnmc there 11 no other flour in canada 1 otv which half fo much in icy in rpent to in fill re pc feet purityjnst think for a moment whnt that mctrs to the health of your kuuttthold royal household flour i the heht most wholcromc most cirefully milled flour to lie 1 ml in thin country the ogiuie nnmc and trademnrk are on every barrel nnd sack o guarantee from the maker to the consumer tell your grocer you must havo royal household l ogllvle hear mills co umllel moatral esquesinq aoricuitural society 1909 blmmnmsmmmmmmmmmmmmsmm the sixtythird fall fair to br hum ar acton on tuesday and wednesday october 5th and 6th the prizes arc unusually attractive the splendid showing in horses last rar will be maintained iberc will be a corresponding increase in prizes for cattle every department is bcint well looked aftei 1 he grounds will be in good condition good music both da ever school child in the township will be givlii a free ticket to the fair on the afternoon of october oth adullu admission 25 cents spkiuhd list of tipeail prizes grand gncert i here will be a grand couccrt at night ill the town ilnll highclass talent will furnish the programme tickets 25c and 35c single fare on all railways ammmmmmmmmmmmmkummmmm j a dcvcrcnux aaitown president j a tracy ataquaelhat baeratary for chaps roughness and irritation of tho akin so prevalent lu the winter months savoderm soap blioiihl he used daily it will prevent tho hnndu from incoming ttr ami cracked anil hcnlu tin- m il thnt pihiful condition already exists i or sat liy a t brown mui st aclon hunting outfits stevens single darrcl guns at 700 double barrel guns nt 9 10 12 shells at lowest prices come in and look through the slock wo havo tho catalogue of things we can vory quickly get iuns denied for 25c per day r f johnstone mlll slllkhi acton ont kaw jtt hut pin on of th aiktram novsiltlaai of thffm fall openings cornet ttmt will urotluoa tit lonaf uraactal llnoa thnt rlilon tuntnitilm our complete exhibit of autumns authoraiive feminine fashions an invitation is extended to ill to attend our superior lclucvcmcnt in the display of kashions kurcst fancies special opliunj dtyt monday tuesday and wednlsday sept 27tli 28th and 2vii and tollovjlnjr days millinery styles h that breathe of paris j 1 our showing represents tliu mtist advanced kishion 1 ii6uiht in womans heulwi ir or tho opening ii ion l here is hi immense diversity oi sltipus in the new stjles see hem while tht tire cxcltjive tailored suits of superb style you ii luil tho htylu liui neini nl rf i i ih rtprhcnteil in tlitmj silith in un in l m itt i uuht tlomo figure unuh niiug hip unit full knj hi hilovc sou will un i u ml pluming lu j m lihto unit thoroughly nihipt i i ymr limt suits 10 to 15 complete tall display of press good tho innt altru ictt iliiul ill n in uiih viunlt womens gloves jj m t ho hmiitht ui tin 1 nnllii ii at i i w ii an 1 tin mohl lii iiiuullletin drliiod rjhnff vain rrlenda wllli you cameron moore acion branch u pools la in itvory dopl rot upontntr days that new fall suit your in in me r watdrol o tielnj i j look a llllla onl i placa ih so tl iy 1 icsii i li an i jo mo llm w irio for wear haul lea you nro urowlnji rnllmr lira i of it wo have suits hero to knit vory lancy an 1 whim bmift swagger insppy sulia for tho young iiiauhiiitlnau suits tor tho hmlncaii nun ipilat ciiiborvxllvo tnltu r ihu ttlilerly min shan prlconcnnstltiile our lnn suit utylo and pialliy of coursj are op clod at lis oo wo offer nn line j nllol valuo in mon u an 1 oiinii man a tulls sco i lie it 3 iiili in i ur m cionncll hucu window a rent far chrlniy uln tlloli hat i and 1 owno u lu gloei twmtimvmymtmiviriivffiffilhfiviihrii ir cor wyndham and macdoncll streets guclph ont harris st co rockwood otnt manufacturers of highgrade woollens cspcciaulv blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co limited t rockjflzood profits extraordinary profitj security unquestionable security i nvltilt in prince rupert llimuuh onr utul i t ito hh itcu null lug nt pur 9in no por muut ah p nf our plan for liandllna our rapidly crowing buulnumuiul in iuirtuiio itn tnpitity w nitur to n limlutl unuil c th opportunily tn hhiiro wpiullv with n n in llio lurno pinfilh lortnlu to olliaiu llio money icluivid hy llio u invented in liioilu pbincc rupert ruttl muur tin ilii i ho opportunity u extraordinary hotiuiho of tho protlt i liurlnic pi in hy wlikli you may tthara in all the profits of tho company nml ih rapidly incroanlnu iuihiiicmi company lhroiijh he snlo of lis hlinruu in luventeii in uioilu prince rupert anlli suiwrvision of tlio board of luroctiirn prince rupert business property will muko fnrtunou for tbouo who invmt lu ii uow undid port i ami stntllu hiiilnino mid vnucinnci rcnl chttito for lliouo win invobted lu tliowi cltlen ten yonrs ko if today prince rupert is the cynosure of all oyes no other illy on thht cnnllnoiit in mnkliir such rnpid ntlvniiconiaut lu nnnulhtinn ciuuniurco anil building prince ruperts prosontnml futuro kiowlh inuiirou luvostiiru 1n our sharon n tomblmuloii nf uufnty hliiti returns nml liicrenhinu vuluo which in not orford in nn equal dt kico b nny ntlior fnrm of invohtmeut opun tn the publlu tn dny invent your surphw funds with thin innipnjiy mid luiro in thin uront prorjrc uud prukporily ifvnu havo rsn lnnor fl oon whtili nu would invtht whoro it will provldnn inrfio bicoiuo wllh tho npnnr lunit tor ront profltn then subhcrlho fm mhuo of ukho lomr i wu refer hy poimltwlon in tho llnnk of nm a hmtla niipnuvor wrlloni wir nir tirilor for shun to dnj limit dol i the prince rupert real estate investment co ltd i 410 loo bulul vnm b 0 vl ruorl b c

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