Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1909, p. 2

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daiiuillor i kilwarl llsa u at hf jt ix clmroli hnou r ho i by liuv iinallio yoiiiiuml uiwj vvffl affl j tiiuitaav hkitimiikii m mxi till pali milmnhiiy a vlilt hy a i intc ijichh riprisunln- tlvu to tlu uhowrunuiu of miinur ilumlursoii a gil foil ml hi nillllnory uonuoii iilriiuly wii under ivny mid thuij- htiiff ikceeilliikly busy in nnlhl- pntluu uf tliu iiiii iuir nuxl wvvk ilioli vliy ldiiipruhiiiiiivu diupluy imi- lirncwu nil tlii hndlnp lenturcb in mill limry ittyku fur this bhkboii ami n lartiitifiil collodion uf imts for uury occasion was shown thfl prodnuil- lintinp funturo till cnnnli lu liirtfii sliupua will mill ii sides liltlimikli amnv vory smart vtttctu id tlio u null in r ttxpiu uliupus nni shown diichnuhniid inlnsloroiigh effucts run much bought uftur jim frequently lingo fenlhemnnd urul ft at ii oi miininiiiu nro i ho most popular trimmings for dnssy lint a largo wings nro judug usuil in all colors particularly on ruudytowcars mid unit hats mill souio pretty effects nru hoc 1 1 rod in lb cue- by tliu nun of bhiek win fa wltli heipiln a vnrloty of materials nro used in tho crowns of tho mndo but giving tbnt vory rich effect which la n fentiuu uf tlio millin ery thlu uoiiunu hut in nml titolro nro two of thci most popular of those with punno vulvut nnd sequin ami beaver is nlflo lu nod domntid in tlm innttor of oolurn a wldo rnngo la shown tlio uiuro staple similes of navy blown etc bolng noil represented hb well its tlio nowwr rolnrlngs of thin snunn which inchidu liuipo lime umutliyat and tlm wry bii iklug muck mid whlto combinations all black lirttb iccolvo spuclnl attention with thin firm mid mimtterof vory pretty and incoming stylos iuu shown tito first llirio day of this week woronf nsnoclal lutorust to tlio indies of acton and vicinity ns thoso days ushered in tlm fall mllllnory season nt cameron u monros miss hohafnr uf llatnwoll hns charge of this depart ment nsuluted by alios alnoncy of brussels and n ctnso inspection of their display la o 11 bom 1 education on the styles and fashions of the moment tlio picture hat li one of the provnlllng itylos and some vory tasty designs nro shown in distinctly now ideas au tlio marquuo or tin com hut designed from tho tlircooornorod hat worn in colanlul days tho russian dmpod tmban is another now stylo that promises to ho very popular this season moro bilk is ono of tho land ing iniitorlnls used this benson ami somo vory choice styles nro umdo or ilrnpod with llils material in trim mings tho two tunc color or double tone effect is much in evidence this sansan taking them all in all tho now stylos nru very modent and few vory laiga huts nrd shown 1arlulan ttago la the discovery nf a cnlobrutod scientist who spent tho host years of his ufa in perfecting ihu great hair tonic in giving his rcclpo to tlm amoilcmi people he said im ulan hugo is tho most delightful liulr dretmltig in tho world lint it lu more thnu n hair dress ing it cures dtuidruir by killing the germu that infout tho roots of the hnlr i it stops falling huh l ikglves vlgornnd strength to tlm hah routs a t jlrnwu buiim iniuinn hugo at 0j a large bottle and gnaranlous it to do all thmt u claimed fur it or yntir money is refunded if you do nut rosltle near i n druggist who tolls parisian huge sand ft tiouts to 0 ironic mfg jo lort i krlo ont nml u bottle will ho snnt you nil olmrgej prepaid dbautipul bouvbnin nuhpbn tho montreal b milliards hpfolnl numlwr has conio to hand and is a matt creditable production it hns n tnngntflaont oover in colors pitlnted by ono nf americas imibi known art luts tho nuinlur oontulns neatly 150 hair tone plates devoled to subjects of gen eral in tares mid has two superb pano ramic vlowu of montreal suitable for frmning tho printing is llintubimj mid wo iindorstanil that many tluma- anils of tlio issue bavo been ueut to friend 8 abroad bunlioiit soap bhplovbrb alvon sboaooo worth at atodk anroubi trstmnt of work mn by livr bro llmlud lover ihothnrs limited mamifno- hirers uf huullght hoap bavo boon try ing to solve tho problem of satisfactory relations imtween employer nnd em ployee tho village nf poit hunllght was built nt nn oxpnnso to tho firm of lhttwfno sjnnimkh and lluomkk nml was simply fur tho purpose nf linptov lug tha nouditluus under which ltieli- oniployees live nnd is without nny limtuiial loluru in iver llrnlbeiu limited whatsoever thny have nlun ulnpted n system of ponslonlng their oinployeos when they nro no longer nio to wntk or when tlmy roach tlm mgo of 10 or fw hooently mr xv ii io vor sut asldo dauono or slook to fw given to tho nmpluyeos of lovor drothorm ltmltod tlm first dlitrllm- tlon of this stonk took plaoo nit july 2 woo tho slnek h given in eiiit ployeos noonrding lo hngtlt nf bbrvler nnd li their sin long as thny lolmilu wit tha company dividends will ik payable aniimilly including tho prebnnt year iovor itros oortslnly nrfl solving ihn prnbtem nf en pi u i nml inltorlnn innnnoi hut must win tlm dmlratlon of oveiyoup drowned in a swolien river an oditbahv thidutb bv 1mb mplovhn ititfvroiint was iiiadn xtveral wttks ngii to the unlln ity dentil by ilrown lug iirsr oaiihiguey cuba of mr lien nsllis son uf mrs william nuluu kntibhgawi a tbn lutlumtlon thvn rernlved gn vt ry uifiigro iiowsif tint ad event a hituimi letter has juut iktii received by the family hi which detail luoglvun it nteiub unit in the uiiforiiam of hiudulhmau foroiiinn of mr i rank it hull himltei mini of camnguuy cuba mr nell wan ohllgd to croiu n river on lnirwnlmcu lie took the usual ford ing placf hut hi liver win much swollen by rt rent raliih nnd lo ckibm lug tho horse nmj ilder went imdi r peclon d win wen lug n raincoat whlih wob unbiittiined ami wheufuuud the lalla of the cnat were cwlsti d about his head lu nil prohahllity the en tanglement of tho roftt about iiib heart and neck by i in forco of i be rapidly running wrtter was tho cause of his drowning he wns atone when tho m clilent occurred and it was uoum lliliti heforo the body was ircnvered the following tilliuteh paid the de ceased by bin mpltij itr who who greatly nthilhid to hliu in fuit ai- rnnginienls went being uuuu nt tho lime uf bin sad death to go into part nership with mr hal for whom ho had lieeu woiklng for two ami a half years tho following obituary is from the pun of mr frank it hall by whom the deceased was employed unmaguuy cuba fhpt hlli 1u0u hue led lo the iiioiunry of noble hen nullis who passed to his reward juut ono innnth ngo today ilnn nellla was a young man uf nil- ubiial ability a moat lovable disposi tion nf consistency of purposo anil de votion to every duty ills life was bo useful and so beautiful that ltluimlleri tho admiration of nil with whom ho cnino in contact ho was takon from his loved oius nnd at ml ring friends and earthly duties just when his star was beginning to burn most nightly those friends who go the rid with earful eyes to pay homage to this de parted one could not understand why dentils hnml should have been plncod upon this noble young man who had nine t been so true honest nnd good nnd whom wo had nil ivnrnrd to lova nnd honor for his many munly virtues ho always boomed to take upon his broad shoulders nnd heart the burdens of tlioss with whom ho associated nml liko tho master ha served ho nlwnys stenicd happiest when ho was doing something to lessen tho burdens of ills fellow men hen nellls lived to maka others happy nnd his lim is n toiy of kindly deeds ills kind noblo acts so round ed his chnracter that hero perhaps wo find the reason for that final buiuninnb to conio up hlghtr to broader fields of uiofuhiebs ills work on earth was woll done while others loitered by the way nnd in n lifo thno bring not hntf so many golden sheaves no did ho in evidence of unselfish devotion to thono whom ho mot on lifes pathway ho wns tho soul of honorniid nlwnys stuck to truth nnd principle ho came to mo n fow dnys nfter arriving in culm to help me fur only it short tlmr nml thoro anon nioio such n mutual attachment between us i lint ho re mained with mo up to tho day of his donth making in nil nearly two nnd unehnlf years no man friend did i over hnva that loved uko i lovod hon nollls nnd no ono in ufa over proved thalr dovntlon tomans ho did only a fowweoks hofnra his sad ondlng ho said to mo i expect toatay with you ns long us i live ho wus true to hla word hut little did i think than that his stay would ha bo short i was away from homo whan lo wns drowned and just about tho somo data of tho very sod accident that closed ills oarthly mission i visited his dear mother near acton in canada ilulng at toronto on business i thought it uy duty to go nnd sue his inothiii nnd tell hot what n noble liny she hud raised wbllo there i mot also all of his hiolheis and sluleis and when tiding with ono or hs brothers i gath ered u fow leawb from reeu on thoohl fat m of hs childhood thinking it would plenro hen to receive them little did i think then that i hey went mementos of hue in ho plncod upon ills grave ho wns laid to rest in tha newly- opened cemetery at ibirtlr juhn nnd bin funornl wns attended by almost tha entire inhabitants of tho town ills memory will remain forover with nil uiose thnt knew hliu this is una of the limes i enn truly weep with those who mourn nnd real inn that tho noblest nnd best one of tm nil is gono nn before us to welcome our m i ivnl i have tiled to wilin ihasa hues ns a lust liibule lo lb nolile lioy fill siinio time but i bavo been tuouvurpoweiod by grlnl to do it and i now tender it to those who were nearest and dearest to hen nellls as issues of it stricken heart it is ilia most painful duty i over per formed cnhwaons connacna deep regret is felt in ihu vicinity over the death of mm h hiuhi coleman of itoukwood who was fur in my years a resident of this place mis eo jeddes ilyerhty of kansas city mo la ponillog n fw days at the home of her parent mr and mrs w j alexander miss louluu iteovii alexander who has lievn spending her vacation at her homii in this vicinity has returned to hoi studhim in moullnns college to ronto 1 muu ituevi- 1 alexander who has ixjeiivuitlnghei ulutfrmrw iotjeddfs hyertey lu kaunas city bus just return- td homo and left yesterday to resume her studies ut illuhup htraehans helmut toronto this is mis alov- nudurs third term and alio expects to graduate this year him will then go to diesdt u leniiiniy to study music mr w wallace alexander who has spent his vacation ut his homo leaves on irlduy for tho augusta military academy tort f defiance virginia mr alexander has bethi vory success ful din lug tho pitst year having re- coivlii certificates of distinction id nil his classes wo congratulate mr nnd mrs w j alexander ih tlm success nf thell talented fitnuy iall ploughing la being done under dlfllculty ns lln soil is in a very dry nnd parched state tlm synipnthy of this ooinmiiulty is extended to mr and mrs i kingsbury in the loss they have sustained by tho death of their infant bod ollboit hay which occurred nn prliluy after n short illness tho funeial au monday to fulrviiiw cemetury was largely altuid- ed itev j c wilson of acton con- ducted tho service a very pretty hrpteniber wuhling took place ut tho homo of mrm d mi kdwln cleave lot 1 con ii krin on wednesday nfternnon hept 22nd when their second daughter miss ada g rare was united in marriago to mr itaht watson son of mr leonard watson of nnsangnweyn promptly lit three oclock to tho strains or the bridal march played by miss pearl olonvo of georgetown cousin of tho bride tha bridal pair who wero unat tended took their positions in the parlor which had been beautifully dscornted for tho occasion the euro- many was performed by hie itev w ii douglas of hock wood tho bride looked charming gowned hi whlto bilk mull trimmed with insertion nnd inoo oho carried n hompiet of white carna tions pretty little miss klva dron nelco of the bride was flower gill and looked sweet gowned in cream crepe de cheno nnd carrying a basket of sweat peas after rocolvlng tho congratula tions of tliu gliosis which numlwred about forty of tho lu mediate relatival and friends of tho contracting parties nn adjournment wns made 16 tha din ing room where n sumptuous wadding dejeuner uwaltcd them tho bride wns tho roculplont of a largo number of hcnutlful presents which speak votumns for the high esteem in which sho is hold by lit r largo elrcto of f i iuuds tho grooms gift to tho brldo wns n gold locket nnd chain anil tothodowor girl a gold hrncolot tho imppy couple loft amidst bhowers of confetti on tho flao p in trnln for kincardine and other western points tho brides going away suit was blue vonetlnn cloth with lint to iiintoh on their return mr and mrs watson wilt rcsldo on mr wutsons farm in nassagnwuyn whenco they curry tho heat wishes of largo clrolo of friends for many yearn of happiness and success mr will graham who has boon laboring an tho mission holds in con nection with the proflhytoilan church near iteglna tho pint five months re turned homo on haturday mr graham wns very successful in hla work and has a vary fuvarnhto impres sion of thri western province htlll ho prefers old ontario mr gruhnui leaves hi u fow days to resume his studies in kfnnx college toronto mibb katie gray visited h lends in kiln last weak mm j ii cripps relumed lust week from u pleasant vuit to gait and preston friend mr jos orovvson of giiolph mi v crowsmi mid mi und mis gen damns uf milton peul hunday nt mrs m tlmwuuue mr ami mm win hnyder of klora and mrs win kilck uf toronto visit ed nt mr lloht gibbons last wook mr nnd mrs a cuirlo nnd mr and mrs chan taylor uf acton spent hunday ntmr goo grahams mibh delia cripps who hns lieen pending n month with friends in parry hound returned homo last week tlnrslt mors csurrli in tills wlfon of ttis eonniry tlisn all otiiar dltassai iui lonsllisr ntllllislmifsw yun wu iuiipomj te b slils kor pisst nisn v4ra doufnra ions iiimsm anil slid by crnisibdilr siirs wjtli iomi irsftiiuont eroiioii slil ticlsdm hsa rosn aslarrh iiront innal rsmils and by cansiadilv laloi i wuarlbsii jv ab a o nni ill ulona in my chnmlwr now and tho midnight hour is near tho crickets chirp nnd tha clocks dull tick aro tha only sounds i boar and over my soill in solitude peep feelings of badness glide and my beau and my oyas nro full when i think of our noblo hoy that dlod pedlcnted in tlio memory of dkn numih by his devoted friend kiiank it ilai-l- why thbbpboial bntfty fu kliitoit kllkk plikhhi dkauhiui as ufi exhibitor uf long standing and nnfl who proposes to ex hibit nt acton kail pair next noek i would liko to know why tlio radical change it inadu of a charge of aoo for entry fe in tho special for horses when all nthor entries nr free to member i understand tlio matter never was up fur consideration ut n meeting nf ilia director why do the officers propose to collect this extra iiinney whom lliaia is on oust to the m for the special pilxen offered yinirs truly onk intwiikmtkm i wo nro not in tha ennfhlonaoof tho oftleers- purhnps ho president enn explain- kiiitomj ijluiojis illsssii vnd vhfrirov wjuiri i m hid itinv oonslituiloiisl hsl ij i uksnliitsnisnif lujlotw trocn 10 ilitullaiisl nisiiuualiii olilo trmlnisai iirwl liy uto only aaaslituilniisl iubv ostirrii ourr oo tdlstio blood smi iiiuaous putl ronaiiundrtdtlohi hbiiii nmlrftr iran v j olllll lu iimtts in illrsflllr a trails ta uasiiooalul ii sots d blood ami uiupous butlaass of lbs undrtddoutraf il for slnaiura 1 1 olillnuv i a vsniliv rlils for oooi tips lltm lsltsla ndrsii dallsra or any nut li nr bijmui ura tnh usllninnlai- ihnttv co talsdn olilo a man never hns too much interest in the church until ho hussnnin principle thei e most cases of baldness are due solely to neglect the hair often bccomch dry mid drtiidnift forum because the linir glands do not supply cuouph nat- u ml oil nothing overcomes thin deficiency bo cffccttvely as that delicately perfumed re freshing liair pomade j tenrinc avoid baldness apply henri nc to your liair occahtoually all drtikkjsts 50 cth a jar hmsbfr a tli i tit silbf tlve nlnlmtnl mottilnsd wllh safflar tha wort r lllvrsllv mrsiis ix wsll i nr jit wxi hmiii ttv tlsvls msmlisaj i suva and ymi will u rallavcd all daltvt iavih si tawltkhck co siohiks sunlight soap do you know tho different hejwssii working and having hid work done for you sunlight soap actually raakst tlio dirt drop out aavoa you tlm and irionoy but injures nsjthar hands nor clothe that lo fuat the dlffarenctj bo twbdh sunlight soap nd ordinary soapa follow directions pilufloiiili anniversary nnd haricst ihinio ser vices were held at tho church here on hunday itnd monday on hunday afternoon llov iv 1 hiicov of toi onto preached a very khla annnon from iv i 11 t lu whloli ho spoke t f tho custom of ob serving itniveut homo thanksgiving fiom ihn time of moso to the present go uml reminded those present of their duty of thanksgiving to tliu lordi ot tho harvest there una a tafgo congregation tho church wns decor ated for tho occasion wllh fruit nud mowers tho usual harvest home tta on monday ovonlng wns equally success- full there was a largo turnout tho ussemhly fully npprcclntod the splen did supper provided by the ladles an enjoyable nnd wellrendered pro- gramma con i is led nf solos by itev mr h ii cox toronto miss kmiua hurt alton t nnd master 1 iu kbnuier acton i an address by itev w ii douglas hock wood i und numerous selections by tlm mothodlst huniloy ejchool orchostru acton tho peoplo hare aro well pleased with tho success of this anulversnty the white house i ilrlu blifrllormriilc koil ha mo 1 r the vvhite house 250 shoes our ladies shoes it 2o are made bnccially for us of the finest leathers by tfie lies wprltmcn and on the latest lasts lioes of this quality are usually sold at a much higher price ilavo a hair save a dollar and ou will be a regular customer for the white house 250 shoes for indies only white house oobsets out special 50c 7c and 100 corotu aro 25c to 50c better value than elsewhere perbins adoeis gloves much better gloves than are usually sold for 100 and for sale only at the white house in guclph northway garments nortliway garments can be had only at the while house in guclph they aro the best ladies suits and coats made in canada and no higher in price llun less satisfactory lines jh7vxes rrmsey go go go go go go go 81 go go go go go go go go go go go go trrrrcirrccri3rrrrcricgti titicgjtji you would booh get rid of a servant who did only hnlf the work in double the time ofn cnpnble one then why continue using a flour thnt givci linlf the nourishmflnt and double the work to digest royal household flour is made from delected spring wheat a wheat thnt is rich in nutriment it is the whitest and finest flour made it mnkes fully onctliird more bread to the pound than nny soft wheat lour nnd is more dependable in every rcipcct 19 oflllvlc flour mills co untiled ihilretl k0dhk everything in kodaks cameras and supplies alwnjs in slock fresh practical instructions ore given to all learners with out charge greo d printtle tho front a wood co have been tho lenders lor earn in cultivating nnd hccilitiij mncliluery nud lutvc soms new attractive linen for ijw 10 it will pay you to sea them mklottei melottb1 yes melotte separators giinrnntaod fur ten jenrn other makes tnkon in oxclmngo nt from 95 to 9io inch buqoies hoht nuikoh nt rcductd prices harnhsb department hny leave your order lu tinio for jour show llnrnthh somo hccand hnml inutilities nud lings un for salt tlunp mill street g k blhck acton on new suitings b m m m g my stock is most complete s i special values in blue and black gorges g 3 this month at 8 msrohnnt tnllor m mans furn1sihar r e nelson till jliwkllun gublih ont wh9n vou whnt plumbno and heatmq in any part of your home storo or lactory and want it done in firstclass style send por us fred s7uuth pluwbbr quebec st phono 337 guelpii hunting outfits stevens single barrel guns at 700 doublo barrel guns at 9 10 13 shells nt lowest prices come in and look through the slock we h ivu ilia catalogue of things wo can very julckly get gum rented for 25c per dsy f johnstone mill stmibt acton ont fall garments and goods newest exclusive designs vcli snol cash purchnios in every donarlniant oho tiik hfciht iioihk price mivnntsjjes iat are anco more inwins people who snow quality wlio reodfjiilio kxchishe ileslfln uho want loiircus sniarl j vet not wosie money not only can wo paint lo jenuino kxcluilveness of fblftn in our oostumes stlrls sntl separate genu but kxdiiilveneii as far ns llnmillon is concerned in many world famous weaves of auiumn uroia goods tillus linens eio the tusi hut is made is issurtd you if you t ratio it iho old relshle right iiousf our own make skirls year nfter joir iho d mnml for up aftto slirrs made in our own woru rooms hs incrcnsod unlllllila tear we stiov mure of liiess kigut 110usk make ol btdns ilian ol imported ready made llnij the prices of kigiit 1iouhu shirt are from i7 up ward others as law ns jj o a very special costume fti ii7 si woaroslirtwlnnaverysnec lalllno of vend inn clcnh cosiumou in cardinal ulsck green ami nnvy these wo 11 it bn gnoil value at ia nr even lai ami mowell world n vlilt 10 inspect our price 11730 oilier cosiumea at 915 in 30 jo and up lo jo a great onedollar day we had a speclil one dollar day recently nl 1i10 dress roods tlepartmenl no lesa than eleven diiterent linos ware slnwn all at tills popular price some in mannlfkent 30 inch widths we carry the largest aiocti and heit values in tills pan ol i tie country ask to tee some of those treat one dollar values when in the city pure linen tabic cloths tine linen table ciohib in ery heat irish and scolrli weaves many new pnllema now shown for i he first lime table clolha 71 inches square from 00 each upward 71x00 inches at a 30 and upward napkins to match from it 30 per iloien upward also heaulllnl 11 nen toblinfts by the yard 71 inch wldili it i113 nnd it 33 per yard hardwood flooring a specialty tih right iiousi5 cnnwi teparlmnl makes n specially of con true is for hoaiilluil inlal i llirtlwood ilnqriiitf over iwinly hesulldil inlaid dmlun lochooso irom lliecelebralud ianiiieiry uld iloorlna i nils ill kioiit housit carpel rifpartment ymi wish 10 bttnw mire nlwm tills bejiitlful ilnorhir rsthbllailieit no vnraj siato thomas c watkins missing ii isil slinw rl orlnlisr oil imc iio lolully rtslli wantidi jailiiihiotloplslnaixl llull nwluu smioun j wlola or if iiiiik e0l rsv wnrfa lit liy dialaiiep rliarffe sil nallil mil 1 or lull pxllnillari nation l mam paotuiiimo co ion r uuntral qur iiousk and lot forbalu r erv luilrslila liniisn ami jol on mill 1 hlroel voiuii uoar iark viins llousa lotilalii ssvaii minn aiil la in nl class ralr liwt wiur iaiuai usnlaii vo isrileulara ll j iikm1v ouihoslu nkw itutchkjt shop milllklina coxdn aid iriiiiiii a udh imlclinr lni iii tliotrltl b ill 11 iiiiiii tlm ilijtilllilon lloh1 aolnu llio lnii mii iiq ninn on kdilay iivulii i taka orilmi an i 111 halunlay wo will hate a full kink itfruali iuotli v huiih iiisiiv oiiiluinbra wlulo ilolna ijuii nasi lit tit nni lotiriintomd last wlnr ainl will noa li ilratc i to have a raiiuwa of llitir t vhjjauk ok acton court op p1lvi8ion noticv la liumliy u tlial a court will la lialil imiauant 10 ilia vnlnra iul acl lv ills honor iho jiiiiho nr ihc county courl t tliacflumy ol tin ion attlio lawn hall aolon mondny 4lh ootobor iooo atldi0 111 lo imaranililplerldliin tlissavaral noniiilnliitaor srruii and oniliiloni in ilia votats iul of hid muiimiallty vt ctoii tar 1umi p l allmul al iis aalcl lliuo ilao ll mill 1j i tho old and rollnblo granlto and marble dealers wis are iiisimfeiiirn ml dlrset imiwruil of aft kinrlsoral rtiiaumlilaaaalntie worb iv sail dlrni iu our ouslomats al wliola sale tirlcui thus sat dm our eiiiiaiiiara to nt liavti tit lisi aiilsiiflas and ilia ilisiilci jrjii piutiimm iiliu can onar- malic tjliu irtiily wm can a rafareiiqaa from iiuikiiuiis i r our oustolusia in toronlo anil oilier iilsoas wliata otliars liaa to only nisi laiil law aullu lis onlir lo enllaat iia larncat aul 1mi stock ot oranit lanilnloit nr mora i isn any lliraa ill wa in ilia owast n saonta aiul do notanuoy or iwst ol liy asrxuua out ignorkut aflitiitilo aolloll orilars we aiulloy inooliaulca ciily anil itafy caniaililoti hamilton sons cor nortolk and uoolwloli lit uukliii ddak let voub js j j jl vlva tell the stoy kodaks 8500 to 11560 ilrownlc cnmom slooto 12 00 lioryllilnn or iii mnlcur r h nixon uuuogisi nnd staiionlk till iaiaci drug stobl acton ontario tub lath dbhajaii lbblits tlin tlininoufnrd htnr rniysi tlio dunlli uconrrvd nn tlm khh lust of deniijiih tunlli nn old nnd highly tstoonicil roshliiit nf ninth ok ford ho was in his usual lionlth on tha lhlh nnd nttaiidud ohuroh on that tiny on mondny ho wnu tntion iii with nn oh- stiuollon of iho hotls on wcdnoa- ihiy ho wus mlu u to loudon liospltnl whoro nn upcrntluu tunk pluco ho suuiuetl in hnvu hoen rollovod hut on tliursdny thoro wns n ohniiro for tho wiirbo nnd hu pnbbod nivuy nt noon in ills 71th yenr hu wns horn in itrin tmvnuhlp uonr ivoton nnd roninvud to tho form now ooliiplod hy hu sun tlimniis j fifty- nno jtmra upo ho una innrrlod lu alias jonniu nuidy nn iho itiili apill 1rw who biii vivos hliu tlmy cola hrntcd tliolr gnldun woddlng inst april nino ohlhlrcu writ lioin to tlioin tliroo hnvo died nnd tlio fol- imvlnp anrvlvo i juhn d of thornton i thomas j on tho homostcad gonrfto fnorlh ok ford i w ii uf thninoa- forili mis t iirlf of lliiuiiiri nnd mis a ciipulhdc of north porclmslir dtooiibod mi ii qultt man n nod nilbhhmiilwiis ready to lend n help ing linnd 1 it was 11 1 1 list co nf hit homier mollindlst ohnroli tho funornl tvua nun of ihn largest over liuhl in tho vicinity itov a thlhndonii oniclutuil ill id prenoliod mi liiiprosblvu nuiiiion fiom iho frxt wnlcb and ptny mokbih uiorflo und juil lohllo am hnilinih and mis hulil jnluuuu it lutei they uiro nil ptcbvnt at ihn fun oral tub rall falnb ksaueelntt t aoton on tussdnv nd wattneedsivt oo ilth nd oth on i fi h tint n out 7 h oil ill ni ii m anton ahiufoyhi hirkwniiil ivniiftwya lhiu seo tli at you got tlio ronl tblnrt- 1ilboiupulnuh iiinknrii iuu puftluk up it cnuiitm fwlt nf tho i ev i montlinl imhbiui tho komilno is iiiniln hy uiivls ft hiiwtoncq co

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