Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1909, p. 3

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spectacles news op local import eye glasses all tub latbbt btvlko wo olvo bpaalnl attention to tlm llupnlrlnu of upaotnolaa nhw thmpli1b lunbtlt i liamiis wwddlntf ul ultliclay proaante ceo hvnds jlwiilliiltv stow alton mahillaoh licknuks iuuubd store news walch for our cxlnplt at acton fall fair october 5th quel 61 li vo arc nililinji now line of daotln ig our jiunno nnil will iioloour entire illnpby lo llil now lino nnd in shoroln william paint ilo euro to citl nml impecl nnr ellllill r f johnstone jcijc tjoit jfrtc mss thursday hiitimiiiii mi 1ikhi brilf local items ohuviiiuh big fair to iltiy mid to morrow acton ihi ihii iiixttiiotdny nnil weduikihi the twenty jours ngo colihim con tinues to glow in interest a monster crnwil in indited fur at tlm ihii fair next wednesday ml henry grludull offers bin coni- fortnhlo homo on mill hlreet for sale knox chinch lidloa aid will hold uiuli iiiiiiintl thiuikiglvlng mpptr il usual pocornln join boidness plnron nnd homes tin tin- tllr next tuomhiy mid widuusduy the fair night conceit next wtd liotdny ivmlng piijnir to 10 one of the bunt over given bom mr j i humow pi cached in tlio muthodlst clmrcli mlinnsit on hunday tivonlug to a inrgo congregation hov p k oiyfcot m a of hlmcoe will prmich in tlio hnptut clmrcli in xt hmidiiy nfturnnnn nt h oclock inspector iitiirui of mlllnii wnu ii wry iiitliiitid iiiuinbtr of l bo tilldloucu ut the high hi boot concert on monday ovenlng messrs v c hiilbt it j mo- nubbiiiul w rijim hiiiit i ant week fishing on cmw iuvor nnd bud n veiy successful ind imjoyuhlu outing moists mllllken coxmi inn opening n new meat shop in tin atom opponilp tin- nomlnlon iiou1 they will ciuiiiiioico biialiu hm itiibiy iiven lug a huntlit tininii vxnt in hi hist evening by iho uuolpb city hand for thoiitd of oiiub withlngton who ro- coolly lost bli bund in n nmchlno lie wns wui king a mictlng of tbii o iii hon cnm- tnlttoo will bn hold in tho council chnmlwr in imu i uw u onlng at 8 ouluck all members nre requeatod to bo present mr a t drown nitnio appears in the prlxo lut for it apodal prize nt hoo tor bairtl of nortliorn spy apples tliu piuo u 9500 nnil not ii 00 u piloted hurvlco will bo liuld in tlio minion hull hpeyaldo on friday evening cmnhei 1st nt 7 10 mr arthurs will picuch nnd mus minnie holme- nf acton will render solos mus 1iinl of toronto who is v lulling bar friend mus ilnwtliorno sung very evuiily thp nolo hotel thou my hand in tlio molhndhu ohnrcli on uiimbiy ovenlng tliu onngrcgatlnnnl io inilmi of the methodist clmruli this evening proniuos to be nil evont nf most inter esting olmrnclor a largo nttenilnnco of tlio niomlmjih nf tho congrogntlon isantlolphtod gnolplis now wiitorwnrks sysloin which linn hoin cmuplotrd ut a cost nf 12i000 wus formally oponed by tlio honorfthlo j m llbson lieutenant uovonor of ontario last tlitirsilny with npproprlftlo cirnionlun tool in lino ho used t sny conio olonr or cloudy iliiyt wnvn his linitd an spill it sin i ic kerpln s tinny nil ih while i navnr lot no buglunra grim hit n wrnslleliolt on lilin knjv n mllln rain or hlilnr toll yon ho who feel hi flnii onanf the most oppoiltmo nnd viiluaulo ruins tbnt ontario has over experienced snld mr o o juntos m a deputy minister or agriculture eomiiiontlng upon last ttmrsdnyu rain- full it tnoniis nt this tltno thon- snndsof dolurs to ngrloultiiro in this provlnor wliun mr vlniii oh in hie gnrd- oner of oenrgetnwn win in town on pildny delivering vegotuhlos to tho green gmnira bore in left cevornl heads or his famous gohlon top oelory for hie 1tlkk fkw4h to sainplo it wan vuty fine d snpbiini to nny shown it toronto exhlhlthni a itovy of aelnusfuh innldedrovo to htnnlay iark kiln last stttnrtay ufternonn and plo nicked nt the pnrk there they wero nn independent bunch ton hired their own convey ance paid hi el r own expenses nnd run the whole show without nny gentle- mans nsiulanco and they nil enine home ha forrovlm i the plemdng nnmn of lh best prepirnlltin nf lluof lion rtiiil wine ever plnoed on the innrkot if you or nny of your ft lends nro hiiemln generally nm down pallid easily ex- hawhed tiy nno hutlln of korrovlm nnd you will h gratified by i ho result hihintilrukgujh mu j- j allan oyoslght epeclalui will be nt the dominion hotel acton nn wlday october htli pri siitt aflci a long piogi biiiow n trio and rimllngl npririf rpt wommi m iimllliila lomoi tow ii hnlai in ml my urn ling nf ih worn ii 111111 uill i in li in hi mum ii hamlt on 1ildny afti n on oi ut at 1 oclock tbuhuhjolh fin tin uftri iinnii ii hiilinlli i r i lbillowiriil mid how in loulllalo tbn limn all the ladlot nn in itttl tti ill 1 1 ml ihono wluhlug to hiitikoillh oi moiw siibarilpllon for tlio lliinio journal nm rcipioulml lo do ii at an rnily datr autumn uoolnl mt the uapllat ohuioli on tildny imptdng he ilipiut vnuog ivoph- tnlou in ii iholr niiiilial call mii blurb wns prettily ilinmitid ultli ulld viiuunml gnlib ii kid muu m thniiipsoii snug nsolo lnt iin much lnjoyd by 1 npplic c in viiriimr piiliillitr filinpou tvnrn the liifiinu by ivlticlrpnitlirrs wi id rbogcli for the fruit nfrohhiui iitn a cry plcnsfint ih nlng waa upon l i a pnlnriil kll unily nn hominy uioiilng nt mr joucph hall bfxton or the motlmdlst oliuicb wiu niljiistltig n llpo over tliu bollir pi lor tobultlng up strain for tin hcallnir nrtoin in- bud tho nib- foitune tosllpnnd full lo llio conieut flodr ihc fiot hiilnw lie wab snioioly slieikiu up hut foituimtilj im bntics wire broken and bo urn nlili to wnlk homn iimiiislutnl ho has buen con- lined to bu bud uliicu but hopes in n dny or two to hi n limit egaln death or itloliard maisitinieiit afloi only n little more than i wioks lllncnr from typhoid fnoi mr klclinrd mnrcliiiiout died inily on nat mdny morning ilo uiu a nnthfl or iiichvlllc where ho wns born rl years ngn hu came to acton ten or twelve years ago nnd has boon n rn apectid clllxmi he wtis n meinhoi of tb ilaptut clmrcli the family imvo genrrnl sympathy in their sudden bereavement tho funeral on monday win conducted by hot dr antlllt interiunut ns mniht at cliurclivllli another hmuhup nt osoif toun a collision butweun two freight trnlns ut oeorgetown friday morn ing tied up tho main line for btvernl hours nnd result ml in consldornhlo dnmngo to rolling utnrk nltbouglilu wns injured tho accident orcur red about five oclock nn the innln lino nt i ho west end of the yards where n wostliouud fielght was bhuntlng the ernsh crtino when n fr fight on the allnudulu hrnucti canio ilou n nnd nidi spiked the main linn freight ono car wns tin nud over and bimthhed nnd the content- considerably damaged while twoothera also miltirid more or hso tho blame lit attached to tho cmw of the alliindnlo train who it is said cum ii under the signal before stopping vlalud nirthtloe a tier 05 vtsrs moro than sixty five years ngo post- nmulu- mntlhews pnrtutu nud i heir fimlly mnved from plklugtnu toun ship in wetllngtnn onntj to the farm now owned by mr jas jlmwn main st nnd in nil timet- juirs mr matthoivs had uover rovlsited his birthplace until last tuesday when in klora this week attending the funer al of his sister mm huv job tlroley he mot the proaont owner of the old hoiuesleail mr tlinckur who nlnu was born there ilelng within llvu oi six miles nf his old home mr matthews decided to puy it it vull nnd on tues day he had his dinner hi the house in which ho wns born nearly ihioe- qunrtt rs of n century ngo of com so ovorythlng wns changod the locality ns ho remembered it in bin early boy hood days wns nil v irgin bush nhotindlug with lcnrs wdivcb deer nnd other wild nnlnmls while now it is nmnng the finest funning laud to he round in tho country the visit wns n most enjoynhlo one the jewish day or atonement with sundown friday night com menced tho most snored of jewish holy days tba day of atonement this day oidnlned hy minos wus celt brut ed not only by prayer and ixpresbiono of contrition foi slusroinmltted dining tho past year hut nlsn ns n vciy strict fust dn all wink tho juuiidi people of acton ium prepatlng for theovent chickens folio nn fmpoi- tnnt part in the rnlcuinllium foi the evening meal prim h the fit day nnil tho next evening when tin holy day- was over in olden diiju ihlu day uns enuiiueiuornted hy suorlflccw hut both custom nnd opportunity imvo donn awiiy with that inuthnd of exiresslng graltudo to flod tho law ordaining abstinence from food is most rlgnruiia from sundown nn friday night until the anmo poilod nn haturdny all lay hutnidny service was hehl in matthews hnll tlio entire 187 chap ters nf the talmud wore read an old jewish family bible which imu been in continuous use for sixtytwo years was used nt this torvlcn hy mr s cohen church titreet pwirsmmi for pair nlarht concert the concert committee nre provid ing nn unusually fine programme for pair night consort next wednesday evening ns tint following will prove t part i l iltnomolo uiitfct tliomon hon- tlishiutlsrliiahwsiilibsrti us j ii tuusmm lumiun 0 bmullna riibiuliinib- uisu 1bh onhu toronto j hftlo msillaib osniall uar uiliai uiklav licim toromo b an irlili biorv vinilsu irttn ms oiubltom a holo llr hjmpli mil yawns kombarr una utrst- iicstsii r nuiiina hsttnioit mils bhau iaiit ii 1 ruoo holo mlis tliomptoii s houu dtilhtpisltetb uaoiusaeh i itaedlnsr india of hlli on 4 hnnn rnuetoa una uasihv firkisii b uenoloflub a hoot oil normal lie aikmsom s luadlnil thoumsb ol a hoy miiionhii t koto otmdtifb toi6 mas llahlxv ilchjisp hobb hmnisrtbiiitlibi ii m oiusoflh oon htvn tiim kiso mrs mnnley 1loknrds splondtd at tainments m n vonntlst nro wolmtiinwn nnd appreciated here him nlways re colvee n conjisl reception mlssi onell u not utiown to nn anton aud ience hut she is one nf toronto hdwl elnoutlonlsts and iiiih engagement with the veiy host snoletjes mi j ii cameron hnn n nnlluunl lepulnlloii a hlgholasa onlertiilner he is sum to niako u lilt in acton in mlvu thompson tho committee hnvn seeiii- vd nil able noooiupriulst social and personal mrs jmnits matthews v ml f 1nu in hiuullton lt weik mi ivny lliikx of llr fnil i- vlultlng alton fileudi mi ami mrs wmhuyd r id i vlhihd rilmumieietablwmk mr it t isne of toronto vllliil fi lends in town dm log tho wi vu mm d x ji nud daughter or hiulths falls nro vultlng fi lends here mrs a i haddock of toronto visited frlundtt itern for n few days dur- the week misa kiln lane of eninsvllle vull- ed hi r unti r mr n v mooro dining the wnk mus ltiurn huby has leturnrd luuiir nfter n plimnatit two moith visit with mends in the nmlhwebt mrs h liilrd lu bpeuding n couplu of niouthu wltk her daughter mrs diminuton hodwontl fiiik minn mr nnd mrs albert mnrrhmeut of west toronto uein here attending tl funeral of mr hlclwud marchment mr nnd mrs jumis mntlhows nnd his aklnswnutto klora on monday to nttend the funeral or the fate mrs droley hi it d wnrren malinger or the canadian uiptut tonmto wns n wilt nine cnllor on the iiiik pinthh on haliiidiiy mrs waller hwnnstor or cluelph nnd lu i i tighter mm v iliiattle and master itubuvulled mrs thos ilam- haw during the past week his itin j c wilson rotiirnod home hiat evonlng after spending a couple of weeks with her sister mrs dr mcklnnnn nt iiobioo mass mrs iliotor johiibou left hi mon day for lici homo lu johstown n v nfter spending six weeks tit the home of hei father mr anthony htephen- snn j hebsrs kriiest and llowmd hlack wont to toronto on monday tho form er to outer mcmnster ctilverslty and the latter the hchool nt practical he i e nee mr nnd mrs j m ferilley nnd children nnd miss matthewe of to ronto came to town in tholr auto oi haliudny nnd remained until tuesday morning mr percy harrison of uonignlown who left yesterday to take a situation at fort ngo ln prairie man was in acton on tuesday saying goodbye to frlenda hero mrs j union homngtou arrived inst week from pittsburg lmn tn join hoi husband here mr mid mrs item log ton will probably make their hamejhero permanently miss allie di own who spent a couple of months with her inter nnd tber filendsln rfthih onlumlik rn- tui nert homo liit ttik mihh lliown had a very enj lyahlu bit dm log her trip she visited the gmat exposition at senttle wash mus oerlrudn htnlbain lift jester- day for chicago to enlir tho trnlnlng school for nurses in tho mlohael huese hobpltnl her ninny fi ends hero wish her success flt allionu choir regret her removal ns uho wns ono of its mout falthrul niomliers miss clara kbbngo left on sntuiduy for choversvllle n v hhe spent a eoiiplo of days enroula ulth ft lends in toronto tlio lemovnl of miss isbbige is much regretted epeehilly by tho young people of the methodist church whore she bus been a eiy tcllvu and uuefnl ineiiibet the finest leaves vrotn oeylon tea i lintatlona are contained in st aldans iiarvettt pkbtival tho nniiunl jlnrvest ivttuiil in con nection with st allmiirj chuich lie- gnn with the usuul evening service nn thursday night nnd thojnrga congre gation present taxed the capacity of the snored cdince the church bed been most henutlftib lyilotoratcd by tho indies of the con gregation with sheaves ft grain anil vegotnblos roots frulte nnd so on tho ehnncol wns practically a liower of llowers nslers prevailing the church wns never more prettily decor ated aftor the preliminary service con ducted hy hov it p kulleman the hector hov archdeacon fornerrt of hamilton delivered nn nble dlsoourso basing his inleiesllng reniurks upon 1 chron ai lit all things come of thee nnd ol thine own imvo wo given theo he rofcried tn davids praise to ood for his gondnohsaml impressed three lending thoughts as growing out of th text nnd appropriate to the occasion t i that all things come from ood tlio enrth is tlio lords and tlio fill n orb thereof 2 that part nf nil 0 oils gifts tn us should bo ro tiirnod to him when you nro olatod with prosperity coming from gods good gifts do not forget what you owe to illin ii if wo give ourselves ioul nud body to god all euo will follow and wo will return liberally to him of our substance tho true thanksgiv ing shows itself nnd proves itself by dodtlu tho harvest festival ici vices ware continued on sunday ilnd special soinioiib appioprlate in the character of tho festival wore preached hy ilev mr kelloinnn hpoolnl praise is duo tho choir fur tho spl on did music- they rendered they were protont in full strength at nil the services dare you eat heartily or la every oood meal followed tiy discomfort rn certain are vie tbnt illtte digesters will cure indigestion every time for every person ror you hint we will give you your money bnclc without a word if tboy ml von can enjoy avond hearty iiurnl nf wholesome food three times a dny if you take a tablet after esch meal read how little digesters cured mr thinly for two years i suffered with indi gestion ami obtained no relief from anything i took including several rrescrlptlonsfroiuprninlnantpliyslclaiis very meal was fnucwetl by scute pnlil until x fssretl to eat consequently ixcame run down for lack of uourlsli- nieill little digesters were recom mended to me by a friend and i tried them with remarkable results two lioxes completely curing me it is three months since i took nny and i lis- e not suffered a pain no matter how heartily x eat i would certainly recom mend hem to anybody suffering with indigestion vj it thodv 141 vorkvllle ave toronto june l long lulle digesters cut lie had front jour druggist or by mall from coleman lediclne co for oj cent a box i sauda tea it is packed in healed jcad packets to preserve its fine ilavor anu aroma 0c i0c kocfloc pound at all rocern bsquesino agricultural society w09 mjshmmmmmr xhmmmhmmmhmm the sulyfhlrd fall fair to bu held at rcton on tuesday and wednesday october sth and 6th the prizes arc unusually attractive the splendid fallowing in horses labt year will be maintained and a ow list of specials there will bo a cnrrtbpondtnr increase in prizes for cattle every department is bcinc well looked after there will be special attractions the grounds will be in jood condition good music both days by acton citizens band every school pupil in tho township will be given a free ticket to the fair on the afternoon of october 6th adults admission 25 cents singing competition by school pupils splendid list of special v zri in which many departments are represented call at fbee piiuss office for copy of prize hht and entry forms graqd gncert there will be a crdnd conceit at niljht in the town hall highclass talent will furm il the programme as shown elsewhere in this issue tickets 25c and 40c single fare on all railways j a dctfercutix j a t racy oeoparetown preatdanl eequeetna seeratary for chaps roughneu suit irritation of the skin so prevalent in the whiter months savoderm soap should be used daily it will prevent the lunula from liccomiug dry nnd cracked ami heals tlicm if tbnt pilnfnl coiullllou already exists ior uue y a t brown mill si acton tub mail oonobht wsus again a hueoeee and provided our cltlxens- sin knjeyable evenlnar tlio nniiunl high hohool concert on monday ovenlng was six wooks earlier thnn iisunl but wns equally buoeossrul with those of previous years the town hnll was well filled with n most appreciative nndlenco hov j c wiinoii d a who is a incinher of the hoard of imucnllnn presided in his iiddicbs ho expressed tlm pleasure ho full in presiding over such a worthy function ilo commented vory favorably upon tbn patriotic olmraotor of tho glees sung by the high school students nnd thought tho schools were n good plnoo to inculcate a healthy spirit of pntilot- sin he wan glml to notice that the standard rot ulncatlmial mutters is gradually lining higher nnd hint tho qualifications required of teachers nre growing inoio comprehensive nnd scholarly the gloe club snng men of the north and flow gently bwot aftdn with very fine chorus effect the diplomas and cert ideates of tho successful candidates at the yearly examinations wer presented hy mr h p mont nsareury of the hoard of kdiicallnn mr moor took occa sion tn rerer to the excellencies of the school its iiiporlor teaching stuff and tho cartful nnil painstaking interest which u always being taken by the hoard the- chief attraction of lite evening waa mr owen a binlly the well- known elocutionist and character de lineator for mora than an hour and a half mr bmlly kept the rapt atten tion of the audience hie selections were most varied and versatile and partook of a highclass humor and a splendid presentation of dialectic numbers ami character im persona tions mr bmlly has rare ability at a cultured elootttlonlst a aklirnl musician and a very true interpreter nf any character he assume ills repertohe wns thoroughly enjoyed hy tlio aildlbiine por llisiitendldsiujoesb of tho con ceit urge mrmhltc or credit is due to principal ste wait nnd tlm iiieiulwis of the loschlogitntr a mueloal treat saturday afternoon major juhn w hay dlvlalonnl officer of iho ualvatlon army was in town on tin sdny nnd nnnugtd for a vuitof the hilvallon anny teirltnilal flliiir biiihi of toronto to vuit acton on hut unlay afternoon tho hand will leounrouto toheillnforauengbgo- mont thuro in tho ovenlng and will spend the tiuio between the twothirty and five soventeon trains in acton this baud comprises twentyfive skill ed iniislolaiib nnd they nro known aa a very lino musical arganlxntlun at ii p in 1kb worship iteovobwaokluuner and the clergy uiun or tho town will welcome iho baud nfter which a splen did pragrnmnio or music nnd singing will bo rendered on milt street h tho weather u tin favorable tho musical festival will lie given tn tho town hall a silver collection will ha mndo to do- finy expo usee carters if cure rltk ibsomlmsad tollevesll the ttiulrm- fuiil tea wiimm stsjs of tlie ar mw kyis hsofiwbhi jju imm mtttf 00a lliown la 01 llllt-wm- r trwurubl slcmaaliaebcoi sick ulyvwuvlodalfpbjif a curhstaiul wnunailiusnnavlegraiiilpuliiiuhtlaumalm einmrolimmrstpteblaawnmlphutaim m awl rwulste tas bowels 1 rtiiaif isity head lolhafcumemmmr w lhlhni if hm vlwk a grand stove display that will interest you at the fair tjtterk minlity proud to announce ilia jodd news about our stove display at tliu coming acion tall fair were rjoinj to show tlio best stoves that are made- qusu ml qa inv toy erubisl bul oars bill irk t6e gurncyoxford line when jou buy a stove for cooking or liialftig toti dnnt jtiht buy it because it looks good no blritsgotto work good v when you buy your stove from us you get what you want a goodlooking practical stove that sound logic and we know youll appreciate what wc say call and sec us at the fair and well show jou good evidence why jou ought to buy a gurneyoxford stove for our purses sake ns well a your healths sake ask to see the imperial oxford cast iron rangt and tell the man you want to know why it bakes so perfectly then there b the art laurel baseburner the perfect heating stove and a great variety of oak stoves globe heaters etc soli slilino aqknt r f johnstone mill str69t kcton ont gbbat sale of housefurnishings for ten days at macdonllds fell and winter loom up with many waiitu fur the hoiirtkipir what ilo it n of nccdi imvt 1clii rcvtukd nnil lion tun uiu pomtibly iiupjily tlictn nil 1 wu provide n tcmly niihiver in this oulat 1 ln dav sam ol iioimi uhnisiiins all your iiiidi in alt llni- arc l4rvd for at tlilx uilo uliltlmr or imt theyll nicntiuiil in hie item list yl pinto liclow you ul find thiw feuluiv at tiiih btorls jiiht figure out what you want and how miitli of cverj thing ym cm iihc ami loiiio ilmn la re iiml vvc ii mipply it to v on ut a mirprimiglv low prko carpets hugs draper a a laon gurtalnn ouoiotha ltnoloum dianhoti boddlnd oto are all ctnbruicil in tho liichulvu hcnjit ot illin timely iuk mid i lie pritl mo niarkiil aiuailnjly lnw ftoturo jou get lioro mi mo timo diiiiiitltlilriutli mid tho loonor jou come thu btltcr it uill lit for von fitocku aro entirety cnmplutu now tlnru are miny nlliiruijj imijjuiiih cor wyndham and macdancll streets ouelpii ont harris sd co rockjlhood 0nt manufacturers of highgrade woollens ospcciallv blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co limited rocklltfood profits extraordinary profits security unquestionable seourity i nvicst in prince rupert thronuh nnr kent latu ulinrih nelllng nt pur ulio no por ttlinro ah n part of our plan for hnudllng our rnpldly dmwhig biimiucuriimd to luutmneilmnpnilty vvwoltor to n limited number the opportunity to slinro onunlly with us in tlm large profit certain lo ntcniu the mnnoy reculved by the company through the sale ol its sharon lit iiivcmioii in ciidilu prince rupert rmlty timlui the ulrolt iiporvlhinii of the lioard of illroctors tile opportunity n vxtrndrdinnry bocaiu11 of tliu profit ulinrlng plan by which von may share in nil tho pnltn nf the ompaiiy and u rapidly hilreiihing ihihiiiohh prlnoe rupert business property will miiko fiirtiinos fr those who invest lu it now ns did portland houtilc spoknuo ami vnihoiivcr uul chtntu forthohe who invcilod in hioko cities ton years ngo today prlnoe rupert is the cynosure of all eyes no other city nn this continent is mulling hiicii rapid nlvaiiceiueiit lu population umunuro iiiul biiililiug prince ruperts preduiit nud rtituro grow iii insure n invmlorh lu our huiirei a vonibinatlmi of hufnly tilgli returns nnd hioreuulng value which is not ofturml in nn tipuil digieo by uny otli4r form of invehliiuuit onen to tliu public to day invest your mirplih ftinilu with this liuupnny ami uhare in thiu grnt progrehu nnd prdbporlty if von liuveisn sine or 9ionn which jou would invent wlioio it will provliljn largo iikoiho willi the oppur- timlty for great profllrt then suhucrlbe for miiuo nf hieuu uluueu we refer by purmlwtlnii tn iho hank of nova suilin vnucnuvor wrllo or wire your order for slimes to ilaj llonl thluv the prince rupert real estate investment co ltd 410 leo bulljus vraoouvsr h 0 prince kupsrl b c v

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