Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1909, p. 2

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uahuiilt tlh xi ih wiiiii 1v mk m iii iii ur illru ii fill iii h u f iii ill 1 f 1l mnl ll 1 l 111 t t hill 1 1 tl hi vr tuvkj 1 ii 1 inliiiml mill n i ii m n ii 1 nil lul 1- hi it 0 i 11 r hi ioktunp favorf tilt fair the local option campaign iiiiiihian l iomi it 7 11hhi iluiioiiiai motko iiif c iuikiiuii rtihiiiiiun riiin hnu iidnpld a iinohilhiii nuking mix inwiuiuuil to coin imir clllt phut tliu iuliiigo of imircml piiuu wan nrgmd no tin gumml lint il would ho ii lloiiii 11 pluu u llpll lll wmilil lll piitlnto tlio mi inlng ufa half tint in llbt h wlufl jlillt lllltt m llltultlll fill ilium inmmnlh if ii mint ivdiiiiiiiihitiailiiihiiiixiii 1 1 al oltawi coiillnuo in hhow nlmdy and oiicomiiglng gaitih upon tin llguieu hiul yimt 1 in ilgium augiml lmvu jiial l in malo puhli ami tho tn turnout cf total tulifo fin iho imuitli nlmwu nil inuiiiibi of otn mniti mid a half million dollmu wlim ituiipnuil with urn flinih if hint ai total iiupmtu fin tin innnlli itlinwiil it gain uf uvli own liilllliiii ihillaiu whiln tx irlil r lllhulhlll lllltll iff illlhll hy 1110711 anuth l i ituukuhln gain iff uliown forth in cimtnuui icturiiu wliltli totalled 1 lili7 an inittai iu hid minin month latt yiui of alumni twenty put cent a local i lion tninpnign jem i town anil the lit mid hn no hesitation in unjlng thai thu iuiu nh on hi ha ltui uu fit ciiimldiiialiuu from uveiy point uf vli w 1 nit in i iiioiv llm hoinlt ataln tut a untai and muujdciato appumcli to tlio uiih jci t n hi patt uf oii ijilipijit anil with thin ilunimw have no lmlla tiou in hclkvlug that tho outtnuio wliait vet it may hi will pinm lo la- in llio lnut jiiiuihu uf tin t immunity uhniai wilfnio tu all hunt lly tit hi to piomuto fould mi lhiiif hi limit hiioli if wo ixtipt iho um t f tin mini who nut mi lh ftim while- his wiro ua iiuibiiitl h a uhui hull- olilllii juckit thu attention jlon in lalioi day in rollghun jmunnu la a good nmun anyu thu inltcd iit uhjtoihiu ii run likiicii won lv uu to ni th li ii idkoilul or until hit tud mum tiiuou imth xpial lug in uy input tic tli anil iippt ntlng titrinu of tho ilfnilu making hy inhm nrgillllnthiiiu fin alleviation uf tho cnndilliinu iinth i which iiiiuiy tiiihtn aru yut cmnptjlid to uxihi llu ii up poaru to ik a hiw1uh nnnjtnlhon on thu paitof luhm orkinlathin ihut llu lhurelwu uml pasloiy urn lluli fihniu and co u m km u hi all law ful t itoi tu fm thu itnpinvt hunt f llu loiulltiniiy of lollfiunf nllkhulu ihfhihm tiian atioiim uf canada ntn in full aiinnl with thu stnk of the iihih diy alliiiuci and invito lhinllltiry uf tin ajllaucu to ailtlriui tin h iiuiiiinl nth- crliikh thulclikttniwhaj tliun tail incichaulu wlfti ualtttl mi hut iiiht hy thu ixttutlvn cuiiiiuitliu uf thu ynuiih iuuiilm hucktj in lizard tn iho chihinff of utoriu at ilii ocloik on hntuulny iiitihth llilu in n worthy movu in lh riht ditiltlun in a iiiifiihcr of canadian lonnw tho inur chiuitu lmvu already adoplid fur hut tirdny night iho plan or dixllnintr to deliver any intu oulund aftn itljjlit uvlnck and liohiiik tluli btoiih at nlim luck in ttvuy iiihtaiau llilu rciiuotiiihlii iiiihiiuhu inutliud ian won fa voi or uiutonu i ilurku di ii vi ly miii and murumntu in many cltku ami towns niobt of tho utoioi doliiji tho hirtut liiulnoum clutu at i oclock on naturduy uvnhif lhey noin in llnd it a hotid policy to uu tlittir tin- ployeeiitliulrficulnm from lahoi on that uvunlntr ifoioiy anaiunii m reliant would clnsa hlu huuluuuu nt luant tin no hnui u liofnro midnight uvnry htitunhiy and miiku no dullvurluu aftut ulnht oclock it would moot with vury tfun ttrnl nppmmil ioids lay advoratu it would ha a hnuu to actnn mm- ohnnthnnd tlmli uatuiinuin mid ill llvmy hoys if mitch a uiiiimi utiu takim luu tlltmiil wanlliru on roth dyw tli volmrm llt com i tli j ai u ot i or a 0 to ii fmii fulpabuniunt j lha plit contest oitizunb oommittrk mad id liuockbpuloowcbilt at nlqht huhitant1al oaln thu hmti lint of apptalu in ion ntil inn ullli lhn vnln hutu uf i iiim liiuiih ipullly i i i p mild iu a 1iii1k ciiuit uf lluvuinu in anoii and lh inuktm iniiiiiik lirfuii hlu llunur jiiiln hiihain nt any cuuil in thu county ihii jun wuu in aid at tli ciiinrll ciini1 i in monday ono hiimhtd ami fmly tuin appiuu wt r lllfd and lhii lit at luu i phd thu mint iidiii hi ulu hi until aftt four in tlumiftt inotni a iiuiuhti uf thu appiuli uiix of luiiiuu oiitind hy hid pnlllltiil liiuluiu of uin two piihlim hul i hu hulk ir thuji vvint pifiitid liy mi a 1 lahnuin piiipiltoi of lli dominion hutfl fm thullipinr inlnt uml hy ihiwuuiiiucimmitliiniliitiil l thti riiont npinh uu rtiiik of t it i ttiui in nil- viincc tin- luluiutu or foiat option for adtun tim piopiii loin of thu llu n mul har in own uvldi ntly toimliloiid tlinl thiir i aft ivan in dnittfii innwunilli nu llnty uinmiiiifctliilnnl in go in tin kinuu of implojjtik mr lilim a 1 llavuiunu k the well known cnuuiiil who in in niihtnnt lh uiaiid thloiikhout thu piovliit i for dtfi ndluw llipior dtuliiii anil pinpihtoiu of llcuiiaud hni luniiiv whuii churn with vlulutiiiiiu of thu ihpioi iiiuh jliuy ulflo went to thu tiouhlo of mirvlok iipuclal uuhpooimu upon n iiunihir of nun lunlduut voter hi toituito ami cihuwiiltc hut iih i hoy ninlttt il lo tonikr thu mull in liuuiii y tn pay mlh iin liud wlhiumi ft- on hum votiiu niitiirally ufuuid to ohoy llu inu inniih in each of thihc mm thu appoal waa diiiiniud thu hut of appimhi inadu un hi kill of thu 1 1 lo in couimltti u nan vt i j ahly liamlkd hy mi it i mi nahh lh chairman of the vot iv llxt nu inlllcu whiihu judicial mind and tmijf nxporliiii ii hi mill t piui i iduiu ahly flttlil him fm thnwtnk mi mlnahh had hlu uvliknui wull in hnml and im a rimilt thu iiuiulai iv appliili alloivod wau highly gratifying uu nu imhlut id thioiighnut thu fitting or thacmnt hy nil tho tnpiiililih of hlu ooiumittiu an il liiiuilt of till pint ccdlngu of thu court thu mithiok foi ihu hiili ohh of thu citlnnh cnniniittlu hi tlm iin ni option campaign in vury coiiultkrahly iinhaiirial and a good niiinhii of now ly q n ii 11 lit d votimaio now ullgililt tn plaro tlmlr uiiinuu on tlm largnpitltlnii of uloctoru playing thu council to mih mil a local option ilylnw ihu poll- hon will h filed with ihu munh ipnl ohnk dining tho prmunt month with thu itiong oiganlatlon whkh hnn hoon tlfcctod hy ihu cltlonu uoni- inlttii thu caiiying of tho lly aw in well a mi red piovhhd nvuy workoi faithfully puiforiiib thu work that has lioan oi will hu nuulgihil to lilin the schools roll of honok did a oiiaiimino woman yon novel uaw a huaiillful woman who didnt imwt hiiiiitiriil hair 1 hn chin niu of a hiiimtifiil woman llu in hoi hah many women do not tuiliu thu nttrartloiim thoy poiuauh hucauuu hmy llo not givn propel atluiillun in ihu cure of thu hair tlm wdiix n of ihu km niu faiiud for their lioaiit not hm aum tholi facial foal in on aio unpuilur to thoin of other woiui n hut likoauuu they know how tn koi pyniing hy supplying vlgtu inutre anil utiength tu thu hull ll to a fuw piim ago im ulan hagu doiihl hnidl hu ohtalnul in aiuiiha hut now hiu dullghiful hall nmtour dnn hu hnd in uvuiy town in aineilca a t llnwi hi llu it in acini foi 0 ouiitu a hnttlu mid he gnuniutiux it in grow huaiiiiriil inxiitimit halt lo tun dull lirhthh hah into hihtioiih hah i lo hlop fulling hah t to wtop itohingnmif hralp uiiduimlaiid a t iliuuii will giiu j mi join inunuy hark trit fallu naubaoawbya a company hnn hi on orgiiiilul in otalph with a iiplml or 811000 in corporatod ait hid huolph oil and lau company im unmu thnu pawl ihu govm iinieiit geulnglnt iiiih hoou i in oh 1 1- bntlng in hie vklnlty of muffat ihu pronpoolu llioio foi oil nod gau hiu report linu hiun a ery favoiahlu one tim mm puny iu fonnnd hugely of otiolpl nap i tn lulu wlioaiu going n to itilllln hin iluhlnt whiio ihu iihhi i- tlnim point in a llnd holng miido dvuiylhlng iu in loadiuohu fm the fall fair nt oiimplnhilllo uoxt 1upu- ilny mr m j vat tun l ho hi nretnn glvfifl iho iihiiiinilce thai hni pinupiolu wm lift vu r hullnr foi a lilg fall ii von noli a ilny nu wau unj ijed laut join thorvil ha n htimpci iiowdofholli ox- hlhitora run vhdtniu ilia lliinm iiiilgu i i ham will hold thovnton mat omul foi the town- lllp nt oiiniphrllvllle tu day tjioro uliouhl hu nililii to tho hut of poahil prlxcs nt the fall fair a prun of 10 hf lavi kmey fm nil lh hultor in crook aton liahuohl hniu litlily fm tiiualu iu tho holt of fm ihu idl i ill hu id thuiiiill uahmiyuu iiliiiiliif i i million xiu of alti ml a i no ami ihimulnl imiiltx ihu call on liituday ami yuutuidiiy tu hi nil ii p i in giiillfyiiig anil ihu liuliltu pul tliu nllkeiu and dhruluiu in hphmdld goud liuiniir on tin day tlm sun liny ami hlu iildiuwiiokpl tuiuy with ihu iiliiin ilniiit ol ntilh whhh rriijvdnijii all hu fun main niu until iw oclock hi tlio afti iiiotiu tin- illn rlmu placid tin i hhlhlth in iho hall louiirh ailvan- tugt hufl it uevir la foio piiuonlid u iiiuh attim tlvoduplay in umly all ih pni lil nth hi i iihiph who luokcowy nf piutiouu jiah li ilhwiug of fiuit giaiii mul vigetnhlch wau oncop tuinall good and thlu alun applluu o thuiluiiy ami iilimiry dcpiirlmnilu tho niiiiii roiih uptclau in hoth llime tliikhiu inhancid vi ry malirlally tint appuiiaiif u of hilfi section of ihu hull in ladit woik llu iu wau n veiy ii nu nil ay of lu hanilluaft of the lair nix hut nut ipiltu uo imgu pouulhly as thltt of i in i iui whli h wau dictated hy in in to hu i ipiul to in out of tho county faiiv la hint aitu howoyoi tin i nt th ii vi iu far ii niuaucu of tiny picvioiih yt aiauil ilia upncu required taxnl u vciy largo section of ono side of the hull with nn array of highly uiilltahlti pindiictloiiulii h i iu in uu a mi lion uoitjiy uf apteral uotko wjim hie laign upncu uciiphd hy hjh cl- tnoiih nf ponmatmhlp hy tlm uchnol ihiltliiu ihom iu evldontly moru at ujillon la lug pild hy thu tiaclnna to thu i ly iiu pin taut hianoh of i lemon tiny liiktiucilon ihu dluplny hy imal uiuichiinlu mid luininiiltmi iu unii iiiuiuuiilly altiact- hi mihhiji lohiintoni a li uhowed ruiiiltiiii uml huiua fiiinluhlngu in pin- fiuli ii it p juhiittlonn had a llg ox- hllilt of oxfoid nlovi u mid rangi and hhtiwiu william- piiinl mid u a illiukhhowil n flue line of ntnvu and imigi h hni in si i loaiiiuipinatuip etc ilinu wuiu uiunlhi othihltu which aihhdthiii important ipiota and will hu icfi iitd to in next ihduo owing to mil going tn rouu oaillor than iiuiial hu icfti veiy hilofly to thu outkll i khlhil it wnu however of voi i icditahh chnrai tcr the ulimv- ing of hoiui ii wau up tn thu i ounty fail and altiactod nu umial a largo gathoi- lug nf wull known adinheia of horso- ikuh thu call iu hiili p mid plgu clauuuh wt ru well filled and thu poultry clauu wau hirgi i than iiuiial i hu uutem of judging thin i ar wnu miy ualinfactoi the woik lining por- foituiil in in miy all uultlnnu hy pi oft u lional lion mul ikpcitu tlilu will hu iippiiiinlitl wlion thu following hut lu glvlll i inn i iiiioihii h 11 ihuillei magma falk ill vv hiiiimihduhii ihockhank paiiu ru i hni i i imi iltm a qunr- tuttu of fomth yeni iiudurginduntea ft niu tliou a tiduolph im iiu irof w it jinhnm o a o luclph ddmi rii mini i viti him keevo la win naengawon iviu prof taylor o a v liulph om ii mill vmtfl minis prof hull cijixiv ouo 11 harp quolpli ilvntm ml fluttl i1hir wj hon it oigolowji tulinvu diruttin nt mru 1 lloiiihint ouelphnnilmrn it agnou acton iaihih wuitumluu i juokuon noimiljmru ii i mnoru mro alex hucurd mr n 1 lhiiluny nnd mm nciioitliuu il s i a ti rn muu htrnngi itocu- woud lliu uiiluitnluiniiit uhlu wan well attuudud to acton oltuonu hand played on tuttuilay ovuiilng and on widnuuihi thu puplu of tho schnolu uiuig chotiiuuu thutu wau thu merry- goioiuul and olhur dlvinulonu with uuch popular mul uxpuiluncuil entuitiiluuiu nu mm mnhul manluy- pilkiud miuu pi ail oncll mr j ii on nu ion mid muu m thompson h hot at all mupiuiug that tho fair night uiincoit lahl livening wau uuch u uplnndltl uilccuuu thu olllulnl liut of piliu will hu pilhlulilil in next luuiiii of thu pitui pill h dt albnna lfarvt soalnl ihu nngu gal ion of hi altianu chin i hlu id u veiy phamiut innveut t4oilil in tlm town hull lnut fiidny eunlng ltv 11 l kollu n ii a lectin puuldud iho piuginiiiiiiii lu undid mnulcal and llloraiy iniuihtiu mul a uerinu into whlnh tlm young fnlku iupi t hilly oiiuiid with eut bpwoitlt lsairua oanvontlon tin hm iph dutikt upworth longim ooiimutloii will hn liultl on oct ltlth mul 7lh at lint kunod thoio will he tliiin kekulonu iiiuh tiny morning ii tit i noon and owning thu pro giainiiin ronimlltoo u in lining ilitli iiluinut lo miiku till jeiun coin out ion a iiiiid iniiikei fm iuloiiiml puillt ajid piai hunt ikhiiiih a m experienced housewife know that sunlight raup tneaiiii o andarful mnvlntc of llmo and lihour in iiouho- tlcanlnk whether with hot or cold water mil hlu ff getm tho dirt off no ijulcl ly hiid without injury aa bu ll soap u it the sunllbht v follow the dlrchona tiiey help your stomach out anil snvo you n world of wretcliednoh a i tnmnrh hint cnniiot dlgeit a good iiind li ecrtalnly n wro trial il imi heen i mpmuiihlo for nlmot ewrylhing in iho ny of hiinmii miiiory up to iilclilc 1 ho irouhln hi iiiont eaten u that the lojitmli nml other dlgcflllvo orgauii lnrllor not ninnjh or hut jnlci n noiiiirnrj tiidlgcntlniinreaecrelrir nor doe i iho btnmich w up tho food property tliowond of it in hint hero l tint riimcifliit iiouruhiiieiit tnken out nf ho food lo rcitore the lyitedii vljior nml the iroiihlo goes from had lo unrui i he nloutnch need help ilttlo nlgcatera meet tbe nctil exactly que ijhlij i nftrr rnrli itirnl will enuro perfect llrctlril provided nf roiirsc i lint the food li gotul mul uholciioiiie utile wumton are giiarniilccd in cure indlgmhon nml nranepala or junr money will hs refumud ac nt your ilnimutfl or hy umll roiiillicileiiiaiim1lcliiecororoiiln list op tub suocbbspul onbs ihu scholaru of thu high mul puhlii hclioulo hiivo hoon huuy foi a iiuinlh now nlncu thu lung liiniiinui vacation following la a hut of thoso who atnod nt tho ho ml of huh chtuuou lu all the depart montu tin mllmiu bi hunt hkmillt i hh ci nun 1im moltatt a mncdoimld chun iii r miillln i antiunion iv hiulth it neuoii ii urnwii 1 johrmtono ii iliird i lolutur a konnoy 11 mullin n william- ci lltmhniul lumllll ivhm clauu 1iim tuiiihull 0 moirnt high on i hi algehrn m turnhiill lu cugluhctmipniltlonn williaiuui in i3ik- illutory ii hruivu tuu uui li hi iiool hi nkht i i a mm oluuulil hiowi maiuttliewum woik ma ii clin- ii ii conk x loh iiii f wllllimiu rumim 1 1 kh jlnna i y coluiiiiui i atkimon i kouon t llondoruon it llnuer m mnodonnld m ilmulernnn h utile p watunu hi knuney ii maim china 111 miphutioii m ihnwn a loll nan chnoiiiil held lughouthi arlthinotie l alkhiuuu t ilondomnn h lluuor p nonon 11 colo m ilonduruun lu uig com poulllon u nolsnn t in algohra l atkitiuou l nuluoii v toluinnii lu latin onuipnitlhun f wllllum w ii niu mil prlnolpal mlhm i hll ks lllltliiuiuh ahuutaut hli iv ijlhohid while ihhi ktuu lcvanu lfl1 lunhel andoinou liu i durii hurey 1w1 llojd clmk j7i i fiihlhiiilllr 371 total cm i huiitilueoiahiui ahi ida young jhllt lillluhuotl iiw ida ciiniihan 2tkl cliiilliimitllonlmj fiidlltill 251 total um mimh a l hiiinnv teiielioi hu iii mne hiulth li7th lliitun koniiim u7ut ahoia olliluu 27i onidnn mouuil llt john hinltli 2vi t vlnlot thouiiia 2m total iuki in lllllhillu portm llrtli hone young aw i alhol hinwnvi claia audi i son uia i c ii a iii own ai j i oordon ihuiui liit fotal uk mihh m a hijnmctt teaoher hit ii wliinie peiuuon u17i phyl- liu jlmke atti jifuule mi hiegui 2li t miuy hhhhlu lan hiiiulnhiiiitu tji i lot mi icuuuidy ju jit ii vein llmvey u7i t mmgnint wluon jiih i miuguui he hium ni t au i jnmi wlluoii 3ioi luoign anderuon sut ihithn llmi7i maiy lihinan an mihh lin hi m niiki in tmiohii hu pr ii lluln mauleri 2j1 jo aid lllggm at7i a ml mai i in ill noll lo miuleiw 172 joe u lunihi 157 wlllluhje ht jit pi ii kmlikii kelly jih lluiile mniril dcii llnd mnuiihi luny imwiudu kim icil mnsleru lll may ci ii lug im toliil27o mihhm it niiimic tiaohui hit plm jtihn hluhlc lllt juuuln itmihuw 111 wiu 11 hull llllt wlllltihmilli ill chna oiillllig 17 t cliailli h uu h5 chmlie aitiha ih tulal il hit plidnluy ilolmeu jh t ni ii lllihiii- ti moitlu lihuu 1jti li will lliiinllii iini l mo ihu jin lint htuiiil million iii tmnl lw miuh k kknnicpv tencliu tub latk mllh ttttoiicy iliulnul uniiu nf 11- limn lxpnuu inntiilnod ihu following timiinc t thu lati mm liuiiu iholuy ihudiiiaunof miu jan u lhih took pliii at ihu homo of hoi mm in law mi ihniiint unilfnj on nnliu day mniulug hip slh tuiy uuox p-tttdl- tlu tluriauetl it tin mil nn i m thiy uvuimigit ilth fioin a vuit to nlatuiu in loionlo hlio routinclid aullghlhioiiihlnliolil hut it wua not coiiulducd mihu hy luiuiir oi hur fih iiin ahout twooi lu k hatiiiday uioiiilug nhi talked with mm oiuiy who wau aluiulliig hn and jioilly aft i wiut to uhtp mid piomul pun o folly iimi ih mil hilng don to hi art falluiu mm hioloyrt iiialtli n name wnu miiliamntthiwk uhu wuu a ihiughlct uf thu into allium ami imiiiiu mat- thi iv to hi i fall il hiimii nt- tilhiullin rilling nf llu ill a tin on what i w ihuiituor limn and in i giumiralliii houwhi mullhowi hulll the llmt hoiiui in lima tliudcluaucd wau in hoi timl ai and wnu it nallvo or ihu towiiuhip of pllklngton her ralhuu homu at that tlmu in log neu poiiuonhy lulu louioving to aotou hho wnu niaiikil nt acton on june lllli ihii lo ihu hev jumeu ilnl y methudlutmlnllm hev mi hroley died aiiddenly hi pahnimtou on hipt ilul 1kim while ulahontd in irgu llu wau inn led in thulloracuiuuleiy in july i hiu mm iltoloy eatno to llora win re uhu had sin co reulihd hho lu mirvivod hy a family of two uonu ami two dmightorv u wiumr l iliolcy imslikt mmi- ngei of tho muinifaclunru llfo iiiuut nncnto lloiai clniilm i ilroh y manogii of hu mi reliant u hunk dilta mmlhuoinu clodfroy lima and mm hkhatd 1 nniilu of toron to ihulduu thoko ilinu hinthomiind unouulti aiu ullll luing john mat thew u tot onto i jnnieu mai the ww poulmnutci al acton i lilwmd mat thuwu hcilin and mru itohuit hluw of ln lining mlclilgan mm hroley wnu of a honevoknl ro- tlilng dupimltliin uvtr ready with kindly word or deed and wnu rospect- ml mul hetomil hy all who know her thli wnu nhundinlly tout i led to hy tho many llornl trlhuteu uent and hy thu nttiiidnnco at the fiuiurnl mirvlceu on monday afteinoon tho uurvlce wau conducted hy ihu iluv u w huidor miuluted hy thu hovu mullan mclutohh and wflllnmn or cloin nml loai uu of 1crguu thu ctpiich wau llltud with old trie ndu who tlmu iloulrcil to pay n lnut ti unite of icupnot to tho uieiiiuiy of one who wau juully hold in thu hlgheut estcuui an lmpoaslblo thing to find a phiulnr i quailed to lliu p a l men- lliol ami it lu holng imltatt d let thu genuine foi uhlu achiiu limkncheu dlteliou nothing iiualu it madu hy davlu a ltiwrunc iiiiali co x h j 3l3c xx x x jjj cuelph house ont a 8 8 8 8 8 ladies furlined coats txtic have mule arranemenls with ihc best mnnpfacturcr of ladieh iurlincd coiti to inaki- iur coats to orders we nhow you the samples and take your order at the same time guaranteeing to have you from 1000 to 15 00 on a coat or at these pricts a kalllncd coal western sable collar for a rahlncil coal natural sable collar for a rotlined coat wlllfarjfe mink collar for leave jour order as soon is possible sj500 5200 s5000 northway coats wo are tnalmjh a big special of northway coat at 1000 ulack and all color- many of these coals are good 1500 value white house 250 shoes kinc shoos made ol fine leathers on the latest lasts for ladies only ijtjfto per pair wool blankets 230 full sic fo8o one of the best make very special at per pair ill millinery our millinery iicvlt was a3 good and never so reasonably priced james rhmsey s g g go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go mwwp harris st co5 rocksaiood nt manufacturers of higfhgrade woollens especially blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co limited l- rockwood ta if your baking- goes wrong investigate find the cause look to your stove your yeast your baking methods if you succeed in pinnitig the trouble down to the flour then tnkc up the flour question in dent cirncst consider that flour to he successful from a baking standpoint must zfit to produce light bread or pastry pure to make that brend or pastry wholesome nnd rich in nutriment to ninkc it nourishing ogilvies royal household lias these three ijuulitich in the greatest degree ogilvica rnynl hnufichnltl it milled hy the most modern methods nnd made only from manitoba hard wheat which contains the highest percentage of nutriment royal household flour never disappoints oflllvlc flour mill co untiled montreal for chaps roiighncni mid irritation of tlio ukiu bo prevalent in the winter nitmlkn savoderm soap rhnilhl ho uu d did it miu picvmt tlic liauiu from latoiulnj dr nnd crickul nnd lie il- hit 111 if tint p linful tmulitii u already ckiuir i or mia iy a t brown mill st ac ion c maknllu inln nivur lo tluoiv out mi thing uiiluwu ipnled and he mud nothing iiiiu it ohninio lo upoll for pale delicate people mimnaimcn hnlliu up htrvnulh hrlugu iwrk tho nidity glow nf hiallh hycrenliug rt iiiiturnl nppotito for uourluhiiig food let only thu 1 u i thti orlglunl wtc mill tl ut al n dniggintu ihivia h i airrcorn tin klniitioal onuwaonb conntsna thu haiveuthig of the root flinp u ihoordoi of iho day itoolu niu a fall nergo crop tlio iiuunl lingo niimher or rll ihuum will inko in tho aolnn nml hnokwood vnl ftiliuoii wodnoaday and imday mi and ml p muri ay an i veil homo on mnturdny after ppeiidlng a lew weiikfl veiy ploamintly with michi gan filondu mr mul mrk uolanuy of lh in uponl kiimlayat mr w v clayu tltod hi it mmulplon y w laken with miiht huiullelal iiiuiillu hy lluian wlinitio inn down oi uuirer- ing from nrtoi eiroolu of in ki ippc sovereign w boilers you cannot judge the keat ing capacity of a hot water boiler by looking in the fire pot fire pots ore all much the same of varying pro portionate width and depth witli corrugated sloping walls and a standard design of grate tlic feature of construction that saves coal promotes rapid circulation and free radiation is the larger first section an improvement exclusive with the sovereign hot water boiler write for our booklet on heating taylorforbes c cuelph installed by mealing engineers throughout canada ilrlp abwilifiiitnfj i0itma lk natksman waniki hoisk am 101 i ok bali illat ttrr jl i i mllio 11 l 1 hir 1 1 1 1 i 1 r h iio ilwi tin r l t lr tl l i 11 1 111 n fmi iht 1 1 nutick ml oilkdjluiih h th mmttoi n tlm kutntaof wlllim honntitt into or tin tow n nil i p or icilnln lha countf or wltlviton far too 1 idail nkv iji i an la liori n i ii fia l 11 a tlu 1 ukiiiii eioi 1 1 o 1 wlllult im nil ttlill itiirr l in tlo llrltrll tnlrl irimiirlrloiih da if ii t r 1 tt t r i 1 1 1 1 rrii i 1 ilvlr- li v i ilm i ii no f oil clklum 1 i t 1 i ii lll t nu i rn ib 11 i ii mil 1 all i iialui mlltiult lb firliil 1 r any 1 art 11 am f 10 jlkil r i r uai jutol tl l hm cnoh fuld for foml sectrn linn 1 btoibmiti 1 i arm machinery cpalrafr e monnib 3axe ciun xasinfznuca lumber mills hani ilmliyr nf ny itmcnlun eul lo order mill still lurt rill iw cm cm any hulldliik materials i cuud in hemlock v plno on oil on noilcn lirio mock i i ttilnlc i r ola llil car cm from funt rowili cctlar p sayeri sons sjn4lmoyl i o tho old and roiiablo granlto and marble dealers wl ftrj in hi 11 fmt u re n an 1 ilirrot imi or to 1 uf all km latilmfiiiuiumialatiililaaulnna work wo mil lr 1 1 in onruualauiarial ttiolt alo iirlrn tlm liu tir ciukjihh at iw only niaclianl in 1 1 o lu 111 lu i on who nan oar- atn ina urn hlio 1 ol 1 rojiorly wo can bt ritorcdi frotn lu u ire la uf iur cmtoiutu q toronto ami uttiur incim uliuro oitiur- liava to atand law anliu in oirtor 10 cnlloct wa at tlio urauii an 1 i nit holii of iran lie in tta do 111 1 11 im nr iiinro ill an any ihreo ilpalora in tlio waal wouru 1 ultlnino tlaalor aiul ni oniari i y m 111ii111 nt lutmratil auoila 10 itilloll nrlpn uo cm j in y lunl anka only ail ilofy oauii nllllim hamilton 4j sons cor norfolk ant uulwl i hi- iui 1111 let youn kodak tell the story ivopaks 8000 to 11bq0 ilrounlo camera q 100 to 12 00 ulan iliiii it ihn nutcnr r h nixon dltl tllmwiiil stallonl k till lal c1 phijc blolil acton ontario kdbpi in touoli with old frltmdalilpa au mtieuicd tmotito kiilmcilhoi of ihu 11111 in mh who piyn hlu kiih uciiptloii ihn j i in o lu ml vanio wiole law i mul in the following iipputln tiveutinlui not hating iitei lived lu acton my mtjiialntaiiothhlp wnu emi linn to llie hcliolmu of acton iuhllo nchool whkli latteiiikd foi n unuplu nf yeniu and they niu now no mow hat ikpiiucd hit pill i tin hh tuiu kept nlho that blight and utnin ucent intoi- nut of thiit tight unru ago uo that many thing appealing in he incal cntiiiiiiiu ii it uu uiniluu nf many minion mul fan i u of ihu enillui dale whoao fikiulhhip wau vt ly tiiuoh on too i nod iliu hubt fm tm u uf junr put u t hn ih nn v liolehouio and on tin tiiiuiug i cadliig niatliii w hit h kiu up ihu pupil hnth in lltiuny and luunl t iliiiiiui i lime theiofoio milch plimsuro in niu luhig ihn dohmu lot auolliot lei in an ultl etiiru ulialmi may he hung mnr hu blnk and uuod tu untili ten nnd mffoo giouiidu if ii limn llu 1 fault tith hi ilium i mid hlu tvlfn doiunt lt t augi it a ign ihejiu dlulug aua rimu hnu anomlo womon nml iiutttvu who riiiiiiill fiul thlllt ate ptlo n- d khniiuhd will ih lite gn wno iii ft ihn turn of vufiovtlui he in vlgnnillug lunlfwhhh o nuulol hnt lu a fn in iho i iu ntlmilatu u loan in of uml pmo hlu m t wim nothing i ould hu hnlloi than ihlarom hhmljon if mioiiglh giving ugoiilu in mmh ciiieu 0iini poi holth iwxfiiiiiwiififlfiwiiwi

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