Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1909, p. 2

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day ti ttiliar i llli by hov littbttrl i iflla nt ilia i 1 urn jnalrlcii duuhlor ol us mil 11 ullllnlpb niihiliiritay onlob ilaoioet liuwnf- wijucji i hi thuhsdav ocioinjt 1u ww kd1tohial notes i im wustt in r i op iimviitiliil in lnii jircily will in full it wing an nvmagti of slit ihhhii iil i aru uf win at a day nro liuing niiit lliniiili winnipt ami oiu day hint wuitt lnpi cloiiu fotnlktl eight hundred mid tiii cars tho cx- csllent tpmlity of tin mill mny tm gathered fimn hm fuel hint on hint jay low lliiin nnr htnulrcd hub guided below no ii nortliti n 1liu pruvitn kl exocutlvu of the ftlm cltlnoin longuo huvo thcldedio mnku till abolition of i ncu tra k gnmh ling inul abolition of ihpmr traffic in hotols nnil rluhs an bisou at thu next provincial nml diiiniiiliii oiccuoiih t llila mid i in nignulntlnn will pro ceed to ascertain how ewiy miiuhur of nvery rliurrli hi tho province stands on tin so i wn ipn stlmui moiu than vjtkkhmlon urnt npunt in oil 1 1 ada in itt j oar for atinnu dilnk ilin iniri odin ktit tlm iimncy unit ought to imvo gonn to merchants nnd otlict iniulniuu nitii ami mm dilnuom nnd their faiiillicu had to go without lho goods they wuru n inly o supply tlm ibpini trnfllc does tint pay lvery good rltlfi ought to help to do nwiiy with it a pinolniiinlloii appears hi lust hut nrdilyu ofluliil luuttu mihutilng llio leu i hi a i in n of tho untniln i i i w- lilturo enlltloil an act to amoiid tin ontario llnllivuy act 11111 in uo far iih said etntutu purpoits to prohlhlt or regulnu within tho lugulutlvuuulhor- ity of tho said ivhiiilii woik busl- iiuws oi lalioi upon tin hut tiny uf tint week this cunfhmu tlm himduy law mill its gowifiuiciit of railway u in ontario it would nppunr hint llio puilnd of fond milieu which canada scnnin havo entered upon in to ho marked liy n largo incruioin immigration thu lilimhor of arrivals inst your fell off considerably imt thn title la suiting nun in as lu shown by lliu figures which havo j tut la on issued by thu jovorn moot at ottawa during august total arrivals amount id to li87 no coin- purul with 100ru for ho sumo mniith hint year n rain of fill pur cunt tho months iniiiiigutlnn from tho united htatofl totaled httll mi ineroaso of 71 percent tho can nil jan llaptlut in its taut untie said editorially in a uhnrt thno nt thu coming municipal ductlons ninny innnlclpalltiob will liu onjfnnod in local option conlouth uud inuch utrontioim work iiuiut hn do no before pillliiilay if miccouu ulinllar to that of hyjt year is tn ho onjoyuil thlu your tlicru niu vuiy fuw dnptlat iniluuil hi thu cum- munition mentioned in thu hut wo know of none wiioho votes will not ho in favor of local option hut other than thol r vote lu nooilod tlioie lu roipilred u conaliloiahle union nt of agltntlon jn onlor to pmrniadu aonui votura to caut tliulr lialloth in favor of thin iiionmiro of prohlhltlon tlioio- foro da wo apptal to our broth run to houtlr tliuiiibulvuu in uvuty higlllumto wny to thn mid that victory mny re sult from oirorta to rid thu muiiiclpnll- tlua in which they rot i tie from thu liquor trnfllc noon rcchss cxjcnded to uo mr- ifaxtfy r itidall moha1rmti iibmiitiim owinar u in- tndad ninovl hit llmudtif lihuathm hint in hi coimril chiimhui on mondity evcitlnw muiuihiw prcafiit t dr v- ii ault tlmlinmn hrnry irlmlull lluv j c wlluon ii a jun it akiiuw and j a mowat thu ninth nport of thu loiuailtliu on rinauru iicomiuoiideil payment of tlio following nrcoiinta i lameu huuiit mftf cti fordoaki ml i 71 hi i hi mhi i itt limtlousn thn now i i aw kiln in cnunui of ioii si ruction hy lliu toionto ijmu lh h hclnp pnuliod forward to cnmplutlon mr w oowdy manager of tho to ronto li mo co linn now n poifect wntorwork nyiitoni for hla prumlson a windmill suppliua thu heat of tprhiff wntor throiirhout ida rouldenci nnd n mm under tlio mill with n tank in lliu nttlo glvoa niiiplo forco nnd vnlnnio for for lawn gnrdon nnd other purponca mr andrew art hum returned last weak lo his studies nt knoit colli go ilia ohporlonooi nt clow qnndn during llin aiiinmnr guvt hi in n practical low of tlio hoinn nilfttloniirym lift and varied oxpiu luncwe tho improvements to mr iticlmrd mnrhh ruulduncu rondor it a very onmfortnlilu nnd nttrnctlvo homo filmpltonan nont nlmnut its onllru populnllnn in tho full knlr nt acton inst wook iiain alavohran klllntl by ntjsllfrnito hiilr inuut have nourishment or die if it doua nnthnvo piopur noiiruhmont it will losu its vitality irow woitu mid ticunuio an oaiy pruy to thu ravagou of tho vlolnus nnd tlohlruotlvo norma ol dondrult parisian hiiro h n hit it iioiiiiuhni- 1 it g tho round of hinniru slmly ami im- pel linont hy ouo nf llit win idu leading aolunlluta hnhmild h uund logulinly aa u hair tlrtauhifc by nvoiynmi with healthy hull bocanan it novel fnllu in pi event dandruff falling hair or miy wcatp i dlienao hut imlulnn hnge la not only it pro- vantlvn it la n ooihiln cure for dnnd- rupf i it stops tolling of the sculp in stantly t it makes hair grow ihlok nnd luxuriant it la ponjally in demand hy tho indliif au it makes hm imlr ixiiiiitiriil soft nml ihiffy a t llrown tlivdiugtllst sellw it hi ill or ti positive ffimrmitou to ilo all tlint ih olnliiiid for it or money lunik nt m cents a lingo bottle life ban y hmip la dollgblfnlly lo fr thing for llalh or toilet kur washing iindof chilling it la imcminllvd plonnsos nnd puilllos hurgehopei hrooiim ami oth- tn siippllea anthony hleplikiistin luilnucit of account h hire account for luooiua alton lrie iross printing lihpicia loiter hemls toronto knuriivlng co kngrav- ingofhlhool t miu kiln ropalw tl biiciho imiiiu i l w white ropfdr t hehool li mi smw 7i the lepoit ww adopted tho clmlriiinn mid olio tir two iiioiii- bcimsnfil they ijad beim intttrviowpil hy uvernl tearhorbnd paronth wlnmtntod that ulnre lliu wldnr growth of the town in recent yon is tho younger n holm a who res kind at thu unat end of young hi root on hoard mom crescent nnd nt thu south nnd of main hdoot found it almost impoaallilu tn got mmu for dlnnii and back to school again in un hour nnd n tpmrter mndlcnl men alhgfld that the hurry neceuanry was prejudlclnl to health moved hy j c wilson aerouded hy j a mownt and resolved that in view of tlm fact that an ninny of tlio rhildron have now ao far to come nnd aru an hm rlud nt tho dinner hour this hoard would extend tlio tlma of thn noun iiiteniilaalon from i lansntpiua tint to 1 h to tnko ctreal monday oct ihtli iimki carried l was reported hint them wna n uimi of hcnrlet fever in town i tho pat ient hilng a hoy who hm been attend ing georgetown gh hehool where nnveral enuru of fever lind heen rnii- 1 1 acted moved hy j v wilson seconded hy j a mownt nnd resolved that thti huurutniy of thu hoard he rcqiicsttil lo rominnnlcatn with lllo iocnl health iluuitl urging upon hint body lliu hn- pnrliuco of cnrofullv looklup into the tlunger of tlio fipiond of scarlet fovtirln thu town ami rciiionting hint tnery piotniitiou ho inkoti to guanl ngalnat the eiune carried mr lluuiy irindell prusenlcd ida i euignatlon as n member of tlia hoard stating that ho intended removing to tort whilnm in n few weeks moved hy j c wilson seconded by juo agncw nnd rosolvod mint tills hoard hua received with very aincoro regret tho roilgnntion of henry urln- dull li tho oldest mcinher of tho hoard wo nccept tho resignation s roipitibted by hla falthrnl nnd very efllcleut service mr urlndcll lind iimdo hlniiolf ono of the most useful and esteemed inemhero of tho jloiirtl ivcr on tho nlort to advance the licit interests of tho school and to onsuro the comfort nnd health of tlio pupils nnd teachers mr qrlndoll spent much tlmo nnd on orgy in this behalf during the nino yenrs lio lias iwon n msmlier of tho llonid in tho performance of his duties his nieclinnlcnl skill has lioun put into sorvlco without cost to tho hoard during ida occupancy or the very honurnhlo nml rosponsllilo position of olinirmnn for two years 1h nnd 1003 tho chair of tho presid ing oflluor waa filled with both gmco and ability in his rutlrouiont from tho hoard the community suffers a distinct loss an n hoard wo unlto in wishing mr jrlndull nhundunt suc cess in lila now homo carried the resolution wan cordially endor sed hy nil momhara present and mr grlndoll ropllod in fooling farms it had been a pleasure ho anld during tho years of ida membership 1n tlio hoard to give bis very best lorvlou tho honid tbnn ndjournod dribp sbbsioh of council the iiiml iigulnr seualoii of tho muni- clpil totinull was ctiiilhiitl lo hut pass ing of hu mid atcoiinl mumheiu pietunt i iteevu hwnck- hamti mid councillnru hynds knuton and ii if the twentieth lepiit of tlio com- mllteutm hnnncn tecommended pay- niont of thn following accounts i wilson biro of englno u w hunhomii ijiilup co lampu 1u w can leil klic siippllea 23 7h mrs w a htowart fur ntoun jk work adnm cook gravel a wmk ii arnold hauling water john hl ok lock wot k on streets p mnsatas work on streets w i anderson work hir ing waggon it cnrnnbnii work on streets hon hltohlo do j h coleman do w ii btoroy to bon babbit molnl i w i anderson milling lirlok the counoll tbnn ndjournrd hahciaoawbva loo ainos ti hon of moffat sold n hoi fm in carpenter nnd itiiss timing the canadian national inhibition nt toronto for elghteon hiuulred dollars wind was ucolveil haturdny morning hint she bud won tho foniulo grand ohamploiibhlp nt tho worlds fair henltle wuati thn prtibhcu ftfi hid full fltlr of hum novel were bright or hip entries never worn moro numerous tlm nfllotirs nnd directors never wore inoio ii hi ti sin hi l hut the unfavorable weather eaiiwed all i be wellbilil plans for riiuriibu tu gang lift ngloe it rnliiiitl mid it allowed nnd dm torn porn- turo dropped low nnd hiln dot erred man exhlhltora nnd visitors from ntlemllug it luiiat not bo bought imwnver hint lliu fair waa n failure thn hall clauses woro very well fuhnl in iiitou number of the sections nml wuro very o red i table tlio showing of utouk was of nniirao less than hint of tho splendid fair last year but i bore wnw ipilto a goodly number nf linn linrsus eattlo iitd shoep on nxtilbltbin thn showing of hogs nml poultry was antnll hu m horo waa lomn vry good striok omhlliltikl tlio wonlhor condi tions oxpoilnnooil hud rnlhsratlfprdss- ug flrvot upon tbs fair last oamsb op tub sjkasioh e i inks ciiiiin iluwii from juelpb last ihuikihiy tvtnihig nml trlttl tou- tbibliiuu with a similar number of arltiii pluyeu mi thu bowling green arton treated hiielph jnt o thu ulloi bat lami doing with alton on ihelr own green during thn at ason hiiii tle- feattd hum hi holh guinea tin acorns wtie us follows imthf mi airn ji ir rii hblis- nklpa tloiild m muklnnon a m hmith h ilrydou henderson 211 1rtinuut majuilly fm arton iii hiiiini hull hklpa- hklps- oniild s ihyilou a m hitiitli 17 holirts lleilihiuon s loothhlld 17 ol majiilly for arton hi it is the iiitiutimi or the atou chili to t ouiiiiem u nt ouru io put the gn en in good shape tor next aintmin 1 lie nieinliera nru nuxloua to buvu en ry- thing in pi into toiidltloii for tho l u- tral howling aaumhithms nniiual tournament to he held in at ton next july lojinb soiiooli i jit folhnving la ho trsiilt or the heptemher examhiatliina of ioiin hehool no li ihe mimes or the implla appear in older of merit ithclauuuronn maaales all wm ley minn lo s 177 margaret hnyder 111 orwell johnston 7j iteitle davidson nil- isalul miller jlwi lnilinn m miiinuii total nm 3rd clnsa- i vert mlllai hh john lambert total 110 2nd clasuanuio huilei ui john wutklna jhs vera ciipps 222 totnl ih3 it- ii clftbbmnry masnlus 2kl it dunbar 27l inttlu jiilmalnn 273 laura mcdonald 27 llelu ciipps 211 kdna jobnston 22h ileihlu dion 203 totnl i7v it i clntmmulvju diinbm 210 isabid wntklnu 207 total 173 a class elinor johnston donald mcdougall inrdou miller dorothy hiirualilcb wilbur watkliis avorngo tiltondntico 22 mihh ii mi v mi dnvald teacli if youshtavfe- r thrtuimt wtlfc cm usv41 rry tiiud ubi mjhh clnrli supt grace hon- pltnl toronto writeu they imvo uued it wit tho beat remihti 0a snd si00 slolljas it a vi w it i u wvclt co jloniicnl notua or thb pall pa1h tlio hit of prlio winners will ho found on front page it is itlmntod that tho nttandance nt acton rail fair last wednesday wno over 1000 there were nine expert judges from tho staff and clnssrooins or tho on tario agricultural college a sot of eight lioreo shoes manufac tured by mr c ii taylor blacksmith who succeeded mr a stephenson waa greatly adinlicd messrs hilton jeans or juolpli h farrier or hcrlln nnd handinastur castelle of leorgotown nsululed acton cltuons hand on fair day tlio inhibition of hliggios cutteis wagons farm implements pumps etc was much larger than usual it wna contllhutod principally byo a hlaok proctor k morrill c i khbago nnd doll of oonrgotnwn among tho splendid samples of homomndo brend shown that of mrs alex joe liipieslng wnu very fnvor- ably eoniiniintod iimn tlio li licit plilchhcnii leslify but mrs joe la n flntrluus huker fin u smnplu loaf found its way to thu idltois tiihle thn uinglng of thu slikioi pupils was n feature which was much enjoyed two olaauos of anton hehool sung and una from ulomvllllnmu tho olen- wllllaiua hoya mid gliu hnd not tho volume of tlm arton pupils bub thoy proved theiliaolves to hn very awuat singers unit won llrst prim they won flt placuut be ctinnly fair ut mil ton lust ynnr tlio directors evidently ndmitled every fakir who presented him self thoy worn mosy of un innocent olinraater eseept for thu fact hint cigars wuro glvnn im ruwuids to boya uf londei yeais with impunity by boinoofhinopeintiiis men who will violate hie law by thus supplying of cigars to minora should he piomptly ox pel led from the fair gi ounds cure rick ffaulaf hp kid rcluvasll xhm iriwum at- teal a a bjllmii aula of ilia syfteni autli m iiimiimmui mwues lfonliio ilulrom afly iwlaltilnthitbfla lhlle leali uifwl tui auccum lu tn n sliown lu curlujf ache latmhsmafmhtanyllm lharhira is wlwii wamasanurartwtihhiuil uurulueumitwliuj mharsda nal unlicht soap auction halm flkoibtkil totaday nov 2ul- at inl jl nun m iiiiiliig the propirty of andicw dohme stoik hlipleiliiil e tel his i j months mule nt one ot lurk ii iijmii imii aiirlhmtr the da dmulolon tk n in rilses of genei il debility and loss of npp lite is mi u to give the bust of re sults it hbtonb health nml gives io- nowidvltiillty underwear iur lltalili durahlllly and ballalaciiun wmr stanfielps nova scotu iuke woo underwear wo ao carry a full rango of penmans pciianlc underwear tills spring needle underwear and the best riccccllncu underwear all sires and all wclglna and all prices gr j wallace oooh pair por fowl- second hand stoves ant farm machinery repairs for salo moitlllb baxe acton nookwood show a iiecoi1d one tho ideal weather inst friday con tributed very largely o tho marked success of ltockwood hbow tlio cruivtl was unusually largo and tho ex hibits were highly creditable tlio competition wna keen in nearly all the acton sent over uhoiit20vlbitoianiid thoy all seem to imvo enjoyed the day the 20th ltdgiiiiont hand ducouiuul n full piogiaiiunu of excellent music thero were no morn active men to kj seon than ivohiiioiii collu cu moron and heciutary j a wnlson- dining tlm two duya of the fair willi n team of such able and cvpotlencotl officials it la no wondor hint tho fair excelled x xxji vv xxil lb cuelph house ont north way suits we are showing a big sample lot of these popular coats the styles are all this seasons col orsblack brown navy green and grey regular up to 1800 for eaoh 1000 our special hosiery yaiue ladies plain or ribbed black cahlimcrc uooe tbe best in canada for the price per pair fic uoyij and misses kibbed black caslimerc ilosc beavy and clastic all sizes per pair ladies finest enrlisli plain or ribbed black caslimerc hose pure wool makers samples regular up 1075c lor per pair illc fur specials on saturday wo will thow a special lot nf iur muffs and neck pieces for cacli ladies shoes 850 the best in canada per pair saoo v10 i jrmes rmmsey 8 go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go harris st oomrrpp rockjacood ont- s manufacturers of highgrade woollens especiallv blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co yld rockwood bank of hamilton total nhhoth of over oiiriy million lollnrh nro onlriihlod io tho custody of tho bnnk ot iliiiuilloii your smviiibh account solicited georgetown bllanch v n jfokny agent drink toriaooo nnd cured now system ol 1reitoient itecenily discovered kemoilv that cures itspidly and iermancnily marvellous kcsiills ohufned trial m alienor remedy one of lliu wonders ol modern medicine iitlenis cured secretly nl ihelr own liouia ncfnsl ilioir own will and knowledge no sullerlnff no injections no loss of lime or detention from business na had nfier eltacta frf3ei freei wo stnd by mall free of charge nur 6 jmeo book which fully eaplains our modern system of treatment ol haw ilia drink loliaccn and drug lishha can lw rapidly overcome and cured 1 ills bank is sent in plain envelope sealed from observation 10 no one can tell what your letter contains all correspondence absolutely tecrol and confidential address dh bilva institute 33 university 81 monu01l odak let your kodak tell the story kodaks sb00 to llboo llrowntu cmf si 00 to 1q00 k wr ihhtf lir ilia viiulour cunt wtunn n mv rnr luie hillw ftudmi ei r h nixon lhilhidlsr snd btationkk t11k paulic nitufl utoitl acton ontario onbwhoha oonnmna mi mid mis oh ns hnvhunn gnvn n fuiuuull piuly to mi nhd mi inlin diivlduon mi lildny night when u hiigti uumhiii of ibolr old filcnds and nitlgbbiti a wci a pi uncut mid wero loyally iiiiteitnbuml hy thtdi- genial bust uud htimteuc tlm miming was vciy bnpplly spent mi and mrs davidson luft nn mnuday for their liniuu at iluidoil bmdi wliuin mr ihiwthiou ih ugont fui thu 1 k it they will nhvnys tect itu u hourly web unino wheihivui they i ivllt tbe old homo mr ikiit wilton nf vmitixiivm h nnd mi alfiod wll- r nawh- giiwuyu spent holiday at mr wm dunuu mis leo ilmbei uf acton spent n fnwdnys dining lliu wieli with mr win hemilu muu mabfl williamson uf acton spent humbly nt mr win murrays mr a iilsbiiiuii uf atilnu vulted luu n tin humbly mr wiluun uud ml- wiunn of kiln vmlrd til mi w lmmii un wudiipsibiy mia o mcliiibiiiiii of anl fpnnt hmuluy nt mm m hiuuimv no ubitithto1 p ft it muiltluil pliiwlei i icoiuii iided by nvnrylmdy fin hlltfrniwc p1inily ao mutlu by invy ti luwiniliki un the best cooks will tell yoh 7that to roait or bkke prop erly you muit hftv an even ly heated oven tuch youll find in ihc- imperial oxford there are no dtiappointlng bake day with this ranie here cant be villi ihe near- oil gurneyoxford dealer and ab him to tell youaboulthe dividing flu a tht why the oven bakes so well ilrlii jlubrrliornirnlo stovio vm malic a ii i uiltnl t l ii r kliv ln iii ii r f i i4il iiiit irliciit kounil si ilia ii l lilank s fill i iiuhmoi vlv 10st it volon on ilr iur pi hi ll mdvli wantki srilonlaidteflitaiouliivbidii yoi irumil woili imallrmitll uih 11 i johnnroj salimian wtluti or l limn uural i i umiitfrcp urwsts willtl air- exiaiu ullal tlix w llowiusi a hun lf lll llldi jilt jioijsk and j0t i oftbal1 illat tuiv ifiilrall li i hiiijui vrldil liner i isbvlll taj m i mil id liner i am mfiiua llouae iiiiiib ami in tlrel claaa repair ooilwnir esatllaiil uanlaii foi vrlcjila lii itrnliy uulhutllh ktjtav cattle lilu sir j stiiwii trm lot f sbdtit tho laetor i tvais nll inoulay i yoailllltf hr fl tmri i tnlleu 1 i wutitionia jtaar hum foltiallnr uiolr liy mreon ttlvlog itiluiiutlloii ilt will laad lo ilioir roey will notick i0wikit0r8 in the mttl or the eaiut or will iam smith lut or th vlllajr or acton in thai county or hal ton osntlaman dasaisitl vjotici 1 irr ir glan unuaul to rii l llevltou htatutai i onlailo iwji eltap il llitl all era inure an i nlliara lialns claim aiialnil ilia ailala nl willi i hnillli hrf dlxl nn or el ntit ilia io ita of heemlnr m7 are rriuliel tin tx i oluru ilia 3l lar ol novambar i in aati i 1 1 ot irowm or ilallvar lo j math i ii nun l ilia aal i 111 c of atoiiln die luimv of halitiu rk lienor lor ilia aelal ilielr miruiun an euriiamaa simraeaa ami i tticlr saeufllue lvny tiaki by ukiii ami fuitlier aha nntlra that after anali man tlonail dale hid aaal ot ilia daaaaea1 trill la rtli 111 mad atikim lia iarllaa an 111 lad lliara lo tiatini rauar i mdr lit alalnis of wlileli nolktliall ll 1 laiu laan ranalaarf a j ilekljnoh in i holioltor for ilia 1iuu nloilllihu i of oolobr 1uuu notick tilclteditoits in the mtur ol th kauu orwillum dannatt lt or tlio township of krln tn tlia county of walllncton parttisr ilscaaswol noti is lierabr cn ruriualit lo tlia llltleail slatulaaofuntarlo ixt cluiuer i j llial all era lltora autl other hating claims attaint ilia caials of llio aall william lie 11 nail wit died on or anoul ilia tlilrlaanlli uaj or harv leiuber iju aiaraurail on or lielora itiauuui ilaroroitolur luw to as ml by tioal lriwtit or lalrr lo v j uachlnnon ol ilia vlfaa of vnioii milcilor for msmaral llannatt tlia aj niltillutrls of ilia ilaoaasail itialr clirial ian and aurnsiua aljraeaaa and leaorlnliou iliofutl laitlculara ol ilioir claims ilia lata maul of itialr aecounia ami ilia natiiraof llialr aariitlllee if hit iiuui by iliani and fuittiar lauaiiotfca dial altar euclt laal inviiudiie1 data tba adiitlnliiralils will frocaail lodliulliula tlio aiota of ilia daoaaiad atnous lbs ranlea aulltlad lliaraln i atlou rtoard only to ilia cliliiia of which urny aiiall man iiavs no lio an i thl tlio said ailmlnlitraliu bill uol ba liabla for llio sal 1 sasata or any part iliaraof to any itnou or uraoua ot vlioaa claims notloa o burnt racelrexlby lliai of sucti a elrtbul v j sallcllur lor uai aaaad ay nf ucloliar low 1 auction sale faiim stock imple ments etc tlia uiidarilgnal lias baan liimruoled by mr an i raw pobblo to salt by iigbllu aueilou on lot ji ilimlliuti kijiiailiiff in tijesoav 2nd novbmdhr at ooo unlock iliari lle ollowlnu hon9ebhar mara i yaars old bay malr s tears old a ray mafr ngml lilacs mar tua heavy colt u yaara olil sorral colt tliluu u yea re cattletltdf cow auphma4 io ba in calf 1 jtney cou duo vprll ml erey lialfar luo april ivili rod cow ilua way let wblia belter due may juih ooa ilua april lsl far- siaar rlilnp u old atltno i hi aid in old ifct brooi sow ttli piobllraodn ilflsauooi fuwlt01ii llocasc lilnoha pair eel i la is ilia ilo harntesfut doullo harikm sal tlnala baruau itla iijouiili liaruaia j oimn lirldl i oollarand liaiiur pair awaal tail now pair bona blank imrly now uullalo rutin o it rry oiiiitbt anl lriilii implrmenthi llarrla blndar tl foul e rrmt x uihii liiutfrr liww munf itanu iu i dull ami uu lualur com blued 13 boa aal hieeoy llarrla iltin liarrnw ueerliiq lumerse 11 foi wldr aixlim wolb cilllltalor al imitlitir bianry ilouiili nn hi henry loubla fuiriiw l mi eli aooi top 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ilienl wlili n h nixon drugglt aoton will colv iranil hnilnn

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