Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1909, p. 3

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spectacles ani eyeglasses all tub latkot otvlbb wm olun ojiofllol attention to tha riuimlrlnu of bpootnolaa nhw tlimpllib lbnbkb fhameu wadding and ulrtlultay praaante geo hvnds jlwill likv stout acton mahmiaou mcunhha 1usubd store news special on ph1nt mmbubmh clearing dui our lock lead iii color co a loi than cost o toronto u for lou jclubtu far jjc pltili or ijc lull iiinu fur 30a 170 loo r f johnstone lie retail jfm rcs5 tiiuiihuav ooionrcit n iw brief local items hiriiibii ri nun full wind dons join address luhnl say p lints big biiow today nml to morrow tlio mnrnhig snivleo cif thothctilo lllit cnnimciicob iip xt monday mr w ornco is mint lug his family finm tint farm on mm first lino hack to town mr jiimimciinialinn into munlol- ii nfllcur is moving to his farm in nubsngitweyu tho liu u ill rain imu nllnwod tlio milumit ful in go to uusiuuo unuuiliitly hpiiiillful lints the rabbit htinlcisittu having very good buccuhr in ilulr frhnnllng eupcril- tlmib these days tlio maple nml other hardwood loaves urn rnrnlng down rnphlly now tho trees will soon hu denuded monday october 21th will bo observed ihls jcni us tlio tlnlo of gimaduu national thanksgiving iuy itov lr antllir mhlrebbod tho young people nf the lpwnrth league along vory practical linen on tuesday evening lluv dr antllir pionchod n ury nlito anil oloipiunt dlsciuuo lasthumloy evening on tlio olomoiitu necessary to secure a biiccobtfnl clnircli itov mr duhhs of hock wood will preach in knov church next hun- ilny morning find iivunlng in ihu aliwnco orilov mr wlunn muku it nolo in ymir diary that tho fhst horry nf smw this full natnu an tuesday october mill it was ii wea one hnwaver and mion passed miss mary limburt guva n vory interesting nml suggestive paper on how to help iho minister nt knox church young peoples tincloty on tuesday ovi nlng tho soholuis nt tho public nml high school will nil onjny ths extra qiialcr hour nt noon to como into effect next montlny port in pa tho teachers will not ohjoot cither dr it k iloliuoa lina taken over dr horns pmctlco nml la rapidly rotting ncipiuhitod nnd winning tho cun fldouco of our altlxons dr nnd mrs horn arc removing this woek mr unhuit htoroy of fulrvlew atomic- showed iho imick fhkhh a small jar of ripoutrawiwrrlob on satur day which hu hud picked from his iliiiwheiry hiiu that day thron months onv of hdauoii mr frank hwaouliainnr young hlivat iimb m inn veil with iiib family to toronto whnm ho linu pnrcliabod n home on mnrklmm htreot itrf nd mr bwaakhantitr worn good oltlaurib and tholi romavul reft rot tod a hoid of half adnscn young oattlfl strayed frnm thu farm of arch moknalimn hit h ninth linn krln nhout tlin last of aiiauut nnd it la thought ranip into lmmnlng a re ward will ho pulil for tholr roaovery mr h ilonnolt l doing runli- hlg gonirnl ntnro liualncia now at mokonah hank ilia hoinn is nlno probporliig mr llonnott writos the inuw piiiwh thnt a hrlght little hind- oyed daughter nrt ivod on oatnliar lih an tntciobllng dohuta will tuko plaoautthn mooting of tho kpwortli league next tueiduy ovonlng the iihjot id lloiolvod that tho oharao- terletlaeof tho irlih an more bmctpt- ible of being ooploil than thoie of the son toll ahout j oclock on filday after noon last tho blmighlor home of mr win boott imtohor win totally de btroyod hy fire nlao iho aontonk a oaraaai of ivor six ling nnd a number of hliloa there win no insurance and mr boo it will ho canaldcrable out of pocket iuor herald 100 niward bjioo ttia ruulni di llils mwr will ha iilaaaaa te imrn itibt ihar la ai fatal ona draadtkl diaaaa wt mlaiim im tiaan abla to huh in all iu aum bbd thai catarrh italri caurfh our la tilt only notlllva aura now known to uia inaalfalraurulfr latartli bainf ioiitltij- i loo alrt vii ill raa voualltulleaai traal apt mall oaurrb oura u ufcan itturttbll m apt ill uung dli fi b flura u uhai i lha btul i ularmbv lallhai iliaih kill to eur utna or llal of vmtmif j 0nhnbvc0tdljco anr dial tattlmanlal a we reoommend frr0vlm the invlfrorallng tonln to elderly pimple whou bti length in hfgi milng to wnnr and whiibiiftur tmiwntly from ntlanka nf biidilnit pkhailitlou uhllllnehb wonk hiturt atillnii elp kiirrovhn nontalim freh lean bevf oltrate of iron nnd puro old wpnliti blurry wine 1m per bottte at driiggut nnws op local import upaxilal irnian in know church ltiv j hllnn will pi null il miiiom of ui rintinw in knou linn h lit ginning nn hiinilny incniiig i jlih on tho m of inil in j f il llln text or ilii- hi l u i lilini vim lie ihn cirly life nml rooinloii of paul aaoldont cnuhii hy nil auto oiitiaiiihiy iifhinoiui nn ntitoiiiuhllu piiauliig lliruiigh town nnd going nut waul nut mluu louiiln liven or crln driving into town at tho rormr of young anil jiiuiii nimiiu noltlu r driver hud lccii the nlhor mid the auto coming an uuddi nly filghtinrd he young iniiiiinl mibh jlveu win driving ilejinupeilaldiiwiiyriinil thohugg vnu pnrtlnlly rupultd nnd wlm tu thrown out iho uorviv run nwny hlil una cmight mi mill htniet hy mi umiry arnold h wuu uliinuud hy thu full mid rccidvid painful iiiiiihoh hut no holim woia frnrtiiml thu indy nnd gonlloiniu in tho unto pro fincihd ut oiun to lor auulutmuit mid profi rn d any lulp duty cnulil glvi- hlic wnu ilikm tnilta homo of mr t htitthnin liurui hlirot nnd nfti r an hod roat wnu alilti to dilvo home thehugnyuinpid iiijiii a rratty ootobae wvddlnjr yiutenhiy nfttiiiitnij nt hint utlncu iwo uf our pnpiilui young people mihu lam a hon trice kydur daughter of mis j allien ltydor nnd mr unhurt klglo ticket ngent of tho 1 t it depot wmo joined in tho iioiiiim or holy wullnck tho ceremony wuh iwrforined hy hv j o wllunn ii a jhnhihhil couplo stood in tint pailiir homro n hunk of lloworu firnu mid uiulhix nnd wcrtt nuntteudeil tho wedding march wan phiyod by mibb wardull of hamilton cuiihiii of thu hrldu thu hrldu wnu uttiicil in her travelling suit of taupe with block picture hat the gtouinu piesunt lo tho hrlde wuh n inimuomu gold wnti h ami fob thu gumta wero coiillned lo tlio imiiiliiiatu relative of m con- trncling purlieu aftt i tin dainty wedding repast wuh dim vtd in the diiiliig room wiiilii wan decorated with pink nnd wlilto caruatlnim and roctlvlng longratuhitlonb mr nml mrs iiglu left hy tlm ovenlug train for liipeimt after which i hoy will nmiiil u wtjek in mr klglnu old homo at ih ucofluld upon tholr return they will reslilo with mm j am on ilydor lfalp th boyai to llka horn thu heat way to keep tho boy a at home ih in imtkii llitli objoet fur them not to go out lo um k iiitiuuomniith for thohit they will havn kvrry larni homo nnd every hiium in town ought lo he inndo a vury hnaven on earth to it u luiuatew iiiro each cbllda iinlure and lhii woik omn rhnrui to keip him in youi nlnh oualph disthat wlnuf bjahool the tluelph dlitrlot kpworth leogiie wlntei hliiooi will be hold hi the motliodlut church hockwood on oct jlth and 27tli tliore will lw three heaalnna each day morning nfti moon nnd evening tim pro gram mn rninmllleo urn doing tholr btht to in ii be the naaeiuhly an unnaiial onn fin lutureut profit nnd practical rtuidtn prau ma6tlai dlr bunftowar llin kniiana city mo times srtys i icinane imiy bo tho hunffnwer state hut tnil hreoid of kill bpriica av kansas city mo has a aiinflnwer in hu buck yard which ho thinks in just uboiitnb big us thny mnko em any where it grow tin re without any mollcitullon on his part and now it has rvuehrd its full heighli7 feu ii inrliru heat it if you can anya mr wrrntrt the fiwe8t tea the world produces thsy 0at in darknena owing to n very sliuplu hut unpri- vontnblonccldoiit at thu powei hou on bnndiiy evening during thu hour nf service in thu churches iho i icctrlo current wnu non i st a few minutes after the opening nf thu minus ser- vices tho llghta went out at tho methodist church tho oil lamps tho walls which wore reserved fur emergencies wnio lighted in knox church a fow ian ps wore promptly improvised at nt jnsephn church hev tutlier walsh uillued tho nltnr randies for lighting ihn iiiiilltorliuii and vestibules ami nt nt allianh thoro was a reuurrectlon of two or thron lamps from mime where thu rongregationu sat in semi dnrkiu u but the various mlniaturu prnrrofkil with tholr eermoiib very philosophic ally it ih even hinted that miu or two of tlio sermons prcachul weio more than usually ulniiinut as n icsult of nocosbarlly dlbcardlng nil nolo tlio big ongltin at tho powm honsn was put nut or cnmmlssimi thiough tho breaking of a slei1 pin in the mechanism of tho nxbauut valve under tlm cylluilar tho cluotrlcinn was much perturbed by tho nccldunt for which lio was in no way rospoiulhlo but ho promptly put matters to rights next morning and iho sorvlco was quite satisfactory monday night low bams wofhmina mousy doe while down town between bix and sawn oclock inst lilday ovoulng a viilta pitkhh reporter nntlcid three mon em merging from una of the lintels thoy croibod tho street aril nsthey weroiinsuhiglionveihoiudonoof them say theroe sixty ronts of my ohequo gone nlroail tiib was with in half an hour arid his cheque for a fortnights wink had linen enuhud the reporter mutually wiiudeiiid how much this hardwnikliig ihon would spend nut of his wngeu foi drink hi tlm next two wt oks linfoi i be would receive nnolbor cheqiin we do not know but we do know that ho would pond mora than tho nvernge working man onn well afford if ho la spending ninro than ho can afford who then l suffering p is not bis family r am not tho uinrobnnla of the town p are not thu anvlqgu hanku all aiosulfor ing hocniibo of tho money wasted ovur tho bar to bay nothing of thu barm done the physical and moral nature of tho man what uoundmludi d eh ctor of aalnii eon boo these name nundltlona going on dny uftii day in hiiuilrodn of r eases nnd not dechhi in uun his vote nnd inllunneo lo bring in local npllmi nml banish tho evil nnd expen sive inline ncea of thu bar room dsnojuttsd thetlnktoatd drlatads a very interesting unique- nnd en joyable gathering was held in the methodist school room on tuesday afternoon ft was iho putting into pracllonl euvct nf nn insrlinllnn whlnh oamn to tlm biipeilnlomleut of the cradle roll department mibh lottie k speight several wneku ago of having the mothers of ihn iiiomhers come together with tholr babies to spend art afternoon together thirty- one nf the little tote nnd ihelr inollior hmembled and mlaa hpolgbt and her liand of helpers entei tnined them right royally upkirltmlly was given tor booiri lutercourae nml gutting hotter acquainted a prog tain ma or uuiafo and of rending holpfnl to mothers was given nnd lluv dr antllir pa tor and h p mnoie fiiipeiluteudotit delivered in iff mid losses of welcome ntl congratulation all wore then invited to the banquet tables nml this featuro was also thoroughly enjojed the afternoons proceedings were it dollght and tho mothers gave ample evidence nf npprenlitllon of iho interest taken in tholr deni little oops tlir jraille hull depart intuit hnu enrolled llsfl nieiqberi dining iho tight jeam since its oigmilmtlliui a huge num ber of these have ginwn old rimngh foradnilssloii lo tho reguliit- noswloiiu nf thu school and aio voi y reguhit in their aitendunao no fakir att the county fair ltnnpirtlng million county iulr the cniiiidiiiii fiirui says t there was on aim ii i f nil fakirs tlio only stand were for refreshments fruit and cuiv dies except one or two hall guinea a merry go round was much enjoyed by tho young there wore no races or any special attractions thu direr tors believing in a pumlj ngilcultural fair notwithstanding ibn thoy wltl uhhi to pay nil prut nml expent mid have n surpliia or some tm to ium1 the parmars opportunity a aplundld opportunity in supple ment the regular revenue of iho farm is offered to thoso who can compote for the urge cash pilsos which will ho given at tho ontailo provincial winter fair lo ho held in qiielpli on docomlmir ihu to 10th 1000 about 91 1000 ml will lie offerod as prlxo money in the different department which include urn principal breeds of ilnraca dairy cattle ijoef cattle nheop flwlnn nnd poultry and nlso seeds tho pair comes at a conven- lunt benson when the fitting can ho douo during tho slack tlmo of fall nnd enrly wlntor while tho fow days spent in cuotpli with tho exhibits la n plenmint nnd prolltuhlo outing dur ing tho pftit siimmor nhout bv000 00 wus spent on nn addition to the pair llullilliig ileshles providing increased nnd improved accommodation for tho former departments of the iulr n largo judging nreim mid about one hundred and llfly imrse alalia have lieon placed in thu new part which give splendid facllllb a for a magnifi cent horso allow ppeclul sttonllnn bus been given to providing accom modation for tlio judging ot tho differ ent classes of stock and taaldes tho ring for hnrfloe nml href cattle there aro now separate judging rings fur uwino ami nheop each with adequntu sealing wo look to tlm farmers of ihts county to uphold tholr reputation as successful breeders and feeders nf good live stock tho financial induce ments offered are curtainly worthy of tholr host efforts and a largo bulk of tho prices should find their way to hnltnii cuuniy tha fair n lathi concert the iulr night concert la always n font tire of tho pull pair and r fitting oilman to tho numerous attract ions of tho fair the concert committee i to bo oongi ululated on this occasion for tho excellence of tho talent secured never has this popular concert night boon favored with a floor galaxy of ontortalners mrs muliel manley plckard earned her laurels hero yenrs ngo kuch succeeding appourunoo wins her mnro friends her numbers last wednesday evening wero all exceedingly good nnd tholr rendition bo plenncd tho largo audience that she was repeatedly recalled and to each she generously responded mlsa peail oneill elocutionist made her second appearance before an acton sudlouco tills occasion hhn ib h talented reader and liar selections were nil enjoyed and that moans that sho lino n special aptitude when able to ptoaso so fully such a mixed audience an nssomhlea at n pair night concert miss oneill will bo cord ally welcomed hero nt any future visit although mr j ii cameron haa boon giving his popular numbers nt entertainments in tlm towns nnd villages of ibis lolnlty for yearfl with much sntlsf ac tion this was his first npnoarancn on aotou platform ho is n born entertainer and bin nuintiora brought down tho hniisa every time ilia great versatility t bis faithful character im personations i his dialectic excellen cies woio all fonturoa which won for blm the popular npplauso of the audlonce ills droll songs nnd atorles bla original witticisms nnd quaint speoohes nil combine to form nn hre- blsllhle appeal to tin ilslble fa cull ion ills numbers are entirely free from i he siiggobtlnn of vulgarity dr harvey itobh of toronto wasthonccnmpanut of tho evening nnd ills work made up in no small measuif lo tho suceota of the entoitainers inuslciil numbers salada tea sold only in seitlad lead paokota at all froaora 3oo4oo 5ou and ooo per pound co wily or friends hut he enjoys his meals now por ha keeps utile digester handy mr olaisco oi toronto wrote tia on may i tlt last tint comwah mkmcikg co soo church st toronto pear hlrs i wish you would mml me another box of your utile dlgtbtm all the members of my family have been using them and have obtained the moat sails- factory results i congretubate you on your attcceaa in putting up a tablet for ths cure nf indigestion i suffered for years and triad evt rythlng that was rteoiiitiwnded to ute nothing gave relief until iwbspeniudedrotryiltlldlitebtera now i never buffer from itidlgeatlon i enjoy my meals and sin not afraid to est because i know a utile diges ter after each inaalwtlliugsbt my fowl i recommend them to oil my friend who surfer from indigestion and would further say that you may publish ths above u you wish i know there are thniiannda of people stiffs ring from itidlgeatlon who will be ribii to ltiow there ib a safe ami sura cure for them your very truly cvivurf n a oiurrco little i l getters colt a cstllsat your drugolatsjor bytnall from coleman medic luo co torttnto ti social and personal ir 1iaiik moore tt toronto was in town on lrldny mr it i- hitmatreot uf milton was in town on pair day mr a ii dovlttoftoronlo waa a wi irnme viuilor to the fair mr nnd mis hamiiul job i inn or tokinto weie hero for iho pub mrs- n it ijudsiiy ami ntt f to ron to vlsltrd friends here lat week mia leo huvil spent u f w daya dining the week with filumls in ikap in mr nml mrs time tuelplt ililtid acton week mrs i a clover of urmid n man was a guost or mr it i jialmm last week mr wllllo ciuliie nf iwonto npent a couplo of days lust week u ith acton f i lend mr and mi hydney oi urn and babe of toronto vluitul frlonds here last week hherlff and mrs whli wore among tho visitors to the pulr inst wednesday mm j w hill and mibb iihtl monroe mich were hero fiom ioron- tn on fall day mr kulstnu drown went otoiodlo last wook to renew his luctuut ut victoria uni voi wily mr anil mrs j m moore uf the herald georgetown wero in town nn wed need ay afternoon lust mis 1m couch and mrs humool hiiysoi ami lllllu mlaa ola ilartlelte llrnmpton spent pulr day with acton file ml a mlaa crnlg misblounry from japan was a guest of dr nml mrs anllilf wt tho methodist parson ngo for a couplo of days lust wnik mr nml mrs john davidson return ed his week to llulr homo at hordeu busk nfter a very pleasant months vult with relatives here county treasurer andrews of mil ton was in town on pulr day the splendid showing of horses wore a special id traction to him mus monleath who has boon vult- ing her sutoi mrs p mcnubh for tho p ist three month returned lo her is in montreal on tuesday us keiirns lieiid trlmimr in mm of tho loading whnlemileb in toronto is iisulstlng liming the rush in tho millinery department ut the olusgnw house mi alfred ililbroiigh who has had a position ns salesman nt cameron a moores tho past ihreo months left yewunluy to take u poblllon in a huge atoroln iiiidou mr nml mrs n 1ux of toronto out ihoguenl- f ihi filfiulh mr and mrs j imgui ouuiblu hint week mr pox la ii meinbor of portland ht fire hall toronto mr alex waldlo retumoil from tho north west about iho first of lha month ho uujoyed his tilp very much ami wuh pleased in muet so many of bin friends and find them all doing will tlmva couraat of their convletlona thu following professional and buul- noia men of loorgotown who com pose thu exucutlvo of tlio cltiions local option committee have their names appear v vory week in conned ion with articles li favor of local option for ouorgetown in the ha raid i it i creelmlin h p tawboii it d waireu jn oneill p i- 11 hino w p ilrudloy dr llenuett hubert ilesney p a iluiley h c iyfuii j w kennedy j a thompson j i williams jacnh kennedy dr walsaii p h harruon itov it p camel on itov job ontt ii w kennedy j o hurley dr hon hov dr clark itov a it mills thnue gentlemen evidently have tha mirage of lliulr convictions thoy do- ervo credit foi their lutii phllty 0gmln ilfiernhsnlection tho sovereign is tho only househoatlnc ap paratus that can show a clear and plain rea son why it should gvo more heat from less coal than any other make of furnaco th reason is in that larjjcrfirst section uadk nv taylorforbes c ottelph 5fcu ifwf for jbooklh itliloh tolu how io inimcuni tho living comfort of your homo and tho soil ing value of your house xnftulud by hlallntf kitftnoaia througloit canada kvfi people o arc untially lienlil v occtiiinnnlly require rnme nul of afoorl ionic fer- roiin that excellent combi- lmtipii of lieef iron nnd sjieny wine if tukeii uhcii the -js- tcm ii run down from ovci- ork or a slight cold mil pre el t a more btriona illness icrro nn i es sli eujtlttocon- vnlesccnts nutl nil tluntlootlcl people 1 0 a liottlc curfji avary aa of muafular rl aucb ia hcuiica uiluhaa crjcka 1 ir twkhina ol lha muuu 1 urolnao and ilaailacha don t ilirnw away motuy forwnilhtaaslmuailnni by un- crupulouamakara cat ihasanulna kadi pltlt lie in an air 1m tin loi i ant mllll 0 unllnl upjin rccdpl v tc or aaiuiile tot te w ouahantkk dial itirv 111 tcllcv pain iiulckcr llian any i llicr i laaltr damltsi i aulncin mfililrrnt the seasons neysr fur grand display of tho now goods at mnodonalds op courts yoi uperbly a ihamdapo pirco nf i il i wlihmfy hhnu rnonia ijlnyn ririliucllv awrylmpl nillf in iro on ra in niwd of n nnw iincliml to pruviilft u rwtndatila i ura in coma and inspect llm tmw gooda tub nuvv nkokplacoriu muffs coatu ute mom daprmlalile i lira llian lliran you will il find onyuli ro olmi a ii ill luuir i m n i ii i ureal i no n wrll oa iniinicilvo en in mainline nu woll an tirnlit mr i lm i ur nml i in 1 lm i ml and aro imam kill i acli ninnrnl ha a ileciilod indlvldnalliy which sh u ililinu jiullilea are i0i noicli and vthni too arn roiimruihly lilflli i ir prlcni int n i ml nril a fuil linki coats h ami 5 incliaa lour in illncu navv nnd grren uiili auilii from i50 oo to oo oo iltttstan iwiiicoaih r aln lining i mlid liuln ov llcmihujn mink stolid iiihowsaniismau til h from i i o j up in ftijo o i mink mjfl ph phln pilin and fncy irniii 0ioo a down lo tjo oo alaiika saiilhsiolhs anii kiji i b i anlyialu ktiis for miu bom i i in itnl tirf tt 1ur from fn lo ijj ihahcma pox shts loandlfii iuilblan iamli outi ami i nm ims tniultla fur bulla ijs n i at up lu f mins coom cov1 s cmri valiiaiai flj j im t- aab toieo ilia 1n hi vu i in id coa i s i iijoi in iho clnililnk ilrpj tu i tit cdllur nml mmiurm llnln 1 uay arc ex in pccul ai iit iirlcn an i ui in i li l v ml cor wyudliflin and macdoncll streets guilimi ont hpakklich hi ugglal whats iho nialli r with joiip you seem excited cloik nn wonder mrs lilgguby wanted nn ounco of hiuaelc acid and i gave her an ounce of strjehnino by mistake niuggut well of all tho cureless idiots yuii head tho list i hay haven t ynu any idea of iho vulun of strjeh- nliii rdhcr whnt do you wlwh mo to ho when 1 grow upp tho sumo as i am my son n lawyer then insti id of wasting any more time on arithmetic geography and such tiikk id hot tor bo getting at tho hypothetical question hadnt ip profits extraordinary profits security unquestionable security i nvkvl hi prince rupert tliroiiulioirlttil ill our plan for handling our rnpldl growiou lnisitnmtiim tlio opportunity to ttlmru oimnlly hi in in tlm lurgt ju lompuiiy through tlio tialo of ill hlmrtih invented in u nf the iwiiiril of rllrtctun i in oppmtuinty u uhiih oit nny ninro in all tin hii inn selling at p ir mm pir him to liruiuo lutupititj tooir ti llltrt tltt llll to ullilk illu ilklllls imko fhinci rupert r dlj trunrilin n litt uim ut tin profit will u for llxi iluf rhn x 1ioiti h fr tin mud in hid prolith of tlio c miipnuy mil uh riipnll lmr i hmj 1 prlnco ruport buslnoss proporty ho invht in it now a did im tlm i s uik spnlu citki ttn ji irnu id vn di today prinoo ruport is tho oynosuro of nil oyos no otlilr liu on linn continent in unking auch rapid ndvuncliuuit in n m iluu l mnun prince rupert5 pruuuil nnd future growth liniunx invchtom in our iliu- a lomlilnatliiii rotnruh ntnl iucrenhlni vnliid uhkh la not offered in an upml digne ly any nih i fioiol iminti puhlic to day iiivlhi your mirphii fundi with thin lonipnny and hii ire in tliln ii it prngris and pn htj if nil have io ioo or l noo whkh on would lnvti1 whtio it will proi ido a i irji inmnit tli uk ii i tmiity for great profits then siihiicrlhi for miiiio of tlke tdiartn wis refer hy permiiibliin to the hank of nova buittii vmicmulr wrilo or wire jour order fur nharc to da don t i1l1u the prince rupert real estate investment co ltd 410 loo building vancouver b c prlnca rupsrl b c xvhat every cook nhnuld know ih which wheat makes the hest flour and why winter wheat is put into the ground in the tall but does not ripen until the following july- it matures slowly is soft nnd very btarchy spring wheat is sown in april or may nnd ripens in august its a flinty translucent wheat rich in gluten nnd contains nearly twice aa much nutriment as winter wheat royal household flour is made entirely from the hard nutri tious spring wheat carefully selected from all the wheat of this kind grovjn in canada royal household is fine light nnd pure milled hy the most improved methods in n mill as clean as your own kitchen ask your grocer for ogilvics royal household just enough to try you wont mind the slight advance in cont when you see the results in your bread and pastry si ogllvle hoar hills co limited honlmil for chaps roughness sod irritation of the skin so prevalent in the whiter months savoderm soap should be until dully it will prcirnt iho imndit from iwcontinjf dry nnd cracked and liciilu tht in if unit painful comlltlnn already cxutn 1 or aala 1v a t brown mill st acton the vrppt a wood oo huvtt been the leaders lor year m cultivating nnd heeding machinery and mve uonts new attractive lines for iqoqio it will pay you to mo litem mblottki mblottbt ybb mblottb bkparatorb quaranleed for ten jour other makes taken in exchange at front fs to fm ineh buooiefl lit makes nt reduced prices barnbbb dopnrlmeiil bimy konvo jour order iff lime for your show ilnrucbs home holoud build mm lilnva nml hugrlus for tfule i lump mill street g k blkck acton on ne suiti my btoclc is most complete special values in blue nul black tint month nl r e nelson iibahii hhhhahhihailhiiihammhmahhlilillhhm snthn you an7cist plumbing and heating in any part of jour homo store oi factory and want it dnno in firstclass style sbnd for us fred smith juebec st phone 3j7 guiiuh fall garments and goods newest exclusive designs hi til i pm cin1i piirclimcu in evory ilcpulmont like jill lilt ii i iiol bl price ndnnlaou ilini am onco nmto ilraiuu pil di i know qinlitv wlio ronounuo kxchmhu tnln who wmt lodrctiim in vol not wnslo nionoy not only cm wt point to fomilno 1 xrtuiim iris uf dalitn in our unalunios sulrta nnd bciiorilo cents hut lxuuuoin n i i ir it hamilton is concurnnd in n blu- linonn nc 1 ho ik rolimollltiitiioubl of an i n nt n un tmirtd oii ii you liidn i our own moke skirts vesr nhnr flir iho donitnd for uni nralo 8urr msdo in our onn woil room has lucre lsuil iimililiia tear wn ahov miroof ihomi high i ii0us1 makool hmrtb llmu iiltuipuriud reidy madu lliini iho pilcoh of rigii1 h0us1i blilrtb am from i7 up ward oilicrs as low n i5 o a very special costume ai f 17 ji woitokii nviny morysper lal line of veneilnn lloih toihimuh in cnnllnal ihnili ccn mil nmy iiioro would he nod vilue ni tj or ovtm lu nml nro uell uorili n vkll 10 inspect our prlcn ii i oilier cohliutiiib i tit ijj v to ami upiosjo a flrcn oiiedollnr day wolivl iiptrlil oat iiillu 1 r canity u iliudirihh uooilii demrlim nn lnit thin uicm 11 dill mil 111 rflklimn ill ai ilii4 ppnlir orl sum in jnuiililoiil 311 i1nl1 wli wt rirry ill inr ji kioih mil h lun lihitcli pure linen tnblc cloths tiro 1 lorn tallin t loilit in cry itrui irish nml srooh uruim11 nniiy now pitlorna now uliown for tlm lira 1 lino lalila cloth 7 iikiium xpi iru frnm ij 00 each iipwinl jhqi incltnt it ijio and uptvinl napl inn 10 iniich irom bi v pr il nupwinl ako immtlllil i ilini ili1liii li iho yard j inch wldih ai oi 11 iml ii 31 per jnrtl hardwood flooring a specialty tiih hioiit iiousi cnriuu nepartmtnl makes a iperlnlty of nmimcm imbiiiuiii inlil i llirdwnod pioorlnu over iwanly 1m in rlinoae irani tlio celnhralud isripielry laid plonrlnu iw4illlliil fnlnlil ihmliiii m ilropannl 10 iiik hioiit motlsic carpel drpiltiibnl ii you wlh in know ninro n limit bin bfj nil fill iliiorlnu rssss thomas c watkins

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