Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1909, p. 4

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jliuhsfi v ot i u k ll imi mv dull i 111 lb ill j i mt lb ullll m iur- t i ii n r tn i in kin 1 mk iii i ihudiiii ili il iikiiiii nllllnui i in 1 in u ii 1 llly i ii iii i i ami llu lit ii hi- y in plih i i w in 1 ii vvlllll l i jin ii j dilt v iih l ik i hi t in udilllnui i imii ii i vthh ii ii minn h 11 nuillinl lltr iiuiii u lii th i i i i ili hit i 1 m inl i ii i ii mlllh ih 1 mil u 0it i v tut hm tliiix iii i li ii- u thill wit ijaiu oni v ami1uk 111 vhlv i fill ljllllllll llltwhllll in link hiau luil wl lll hi- fiillid u thu l ikt liu p hi ihlil- llllti vvniidi nltiiklini mi i hump unit wllllil rlulllll it ii i nqtlilntfliil tin huk i mill tint in i llm ri iilt hlttiwitl llir rirxiilnh i- tlo f lii u it lilt urn mil lnivti lit ii tiniplill lint i l tin ii iu alra hi ii nu ivi hii lhilimi fut thu hint iii nft mm fiiirtiiix hlui hi i istitift tliilid tin nut ulihof in- fal iiiii mi al llv i ii mine ml mh iiinliii h tin mi fill- win iihiviik vlul mid i pltl no nld mini tit thi hihikipk h would puna nutty in n tl i i i hut in iii hiiriuu it knt uoik tin in i in n heciine awnlhn mill liml liiuml n purplhdi ml h vmu iih pul i f in ilutkmillnlfchl nf in fun a lli hhi im 1 v 1 lmly ami nkim ir ui i nt tlun tin huii micuml in il u mil tilil t it in fhtkca knlniy h l i i iw nndaori ihu i intlilltil iiitttid mi my i iitirtil health nnd i h t nut vuiy iii i ruiikllint tt uip nt ii ih cnuao of tin hiltntlnn niul pithi mill my fncii uau in win li a ha llnft tin dlllon hint un tun inmillim i did nut itootil f hit liuiiiit i npplhd nuio dim width tun hiippnuiil to i i in tl for ukln din nana lint in vuln my doc tt r ulao united nie lint without ilfict iinlil mm dny im mild that tlm only llilnir hint hmild now ho likely t cunt nut u ii u on milk acthurnn itu ndviee i piinud u npply nnil found hi it oven llu liht fuwnppllcallnnu hud n m illilnu ihftu on tlio ntiuu i loft oir uviiytliiiir ilmt in fa vui of thu iniltii niul npplhd it illwnilly to iilttllud pntu in n ru- iiiitrkiihly ulu it tiun eotuddi ilntf tin nhulhiiito iintuiu nf my duenm m eftwtnuo of inipinveniout which in coiuntfuil nu lo hninuc ultli tin am link tuiitiinnt ziinlliikndiie ml tho ilititihimilion tlun tin liatd wolliiik in km in hlinw tmeeii of u iv in tlm uiiiuh mi mid it tu miiy mill lit nliont unite vuikt lliiiti intiyt of lliu aoroawno luulinjr nkely in cut n lonfr atoiy ulioit i nititlnird tlm 4i iluk trtiitnunt until my ficit way clunrid loinpituly of nil iranw of tlur truuhlniioiiuinud pilufnl lcluki miiuh wnu tlm mini h mi nf mm st do ii id mid uuwm nf ntliti- uulfuihlri colild toll of uiniiliii nxiioi hnctu zun link lu iitni i tt own lit dim liulng coinpohud of p it ti lie i hnl luiiiliihitmhiin cob mid fitu fioin nil uuli or hiiiiuhi nnlnml fut oi mlnciul p ilunii it lu u blirocnru for cutu lucmiulonu hiirnw ucumii ihikwniii p ilnnm d tt on nil fouturhikunuh liml hg mijl nil kuiii injuries iiiki dim nut w uu hnu unun n euro foi pllm di iikktu unit utouu evciywhuut unit it tit m ti liox tn iut fiuo frniii llio iii in link co lu lonto on lolilpt of prim vim mo wurnod iiiiiiil lliiiup mid h u infill llliltiitlnuu uuiiiutliiluu itpinuiinti il nn j nut uu ood lliuiu novci wtiu mid mm i ulll hit n unlvurunl piuuinu hi omt loimdy for nil ills to whh li llnuh in imli wlmt would intlovo oiiu ill in turn would nfcftiavntu tliuolliiiih wu hnvi how ovr in tjiiliilnii wiui- wlau oliliiiuitil in uuound iniadiiluinttd wtntt n rt in oily for ninny nm uruvuium ii i x hy itu hrndunl irtul jiidiclon nun i ho fniihut eystcmii nrt ud into roiivniiniino mid troiirth hy tho iiiiiiiuiilo uhlrh tjulii ino pkoila un natuuru uwn liutnratlv on it lulinvus tlionii to whom n rhron la alato nf niorhlil ileupondonoy unci inok of inturiiul hi llfu lu n duunui anil hy trninpiiluiiih tho mnvcj iliupnutiu to sound niul rofmmhliiinhip imp lrtn vlror lo tlm notion of hie hlood which lwloft ntiiiiiiliitid column through tin vein hiriinkllionlilit tint honlth mil- mnl funotlniin of tho njittiui thuioliy niakhlp iiotlvlty u nixtimiuy innult itrniikthonhik tho fimno niul iviiik ilfo to lliu illiinutlvo oriuiu which imliiriilly duiniinil iuurumitri hilliutdiicn runult impiovid iippotllt noithiop ac ly i mi n nf lorontu luix it kivihi to tlm puhllo thnlr hiipmloi jiilnlm hy tint opinion of wo hint lulu hut whin up pranoliuii m mi ut purfuutfmi of nny on tho lumkiit all ilnikrulh ui ii it lln hud nnvui liunn to uon hitloio bun yon kiiop nnythlnjf on uir itoiniiah f llm hhlpthutloi iikkml no nil hn mliiiiiid finhly ijolli hid hutsnv inmil proper attention to the huir nud scnlpis thu best juevcntivc of baldness an occasional njv plication of beui me hair pom ade jcceps the sculp in healthy condition it lmuiishts the imir folicleh and stippintilnta the iiatmal nil of the hcml pniine nut only pi events full- inp hair bnt htiinnlattii iilvv inutli 50 cts a jat at your duitfgisth dwtfpses a ilmil iir iuliuiu f i iimiiylluir lllnfl williinf m ii li ii i t ihi1 k h tiltf i vrillllh hill villi it ixlllirluot iii 011111101111 wiiii j iiuiii in mil 1 in 1 nllirnlr uamilliia null iiluiiiiuiiii lyl r uorm tiummiw dunw nriilae nlralna sprain tlwrllflafnr iturtl llllta ltil rli jiim 11 0 tliliia irr inn t in liiuileia a well fur ti ma tllul tny ui limim worth mountains 0f00ld ditrin ciiuiikc of life suys mrs clms barclay nilthtlit limim of i ifi niulhiirfi from ih rvoiimu hh iiiulotlii rnnnoyluu lyinptoinii mid i din truly buv unit i dlil 1 tfvtnhlo diu pniind 1 111 u pro v id miiiii inountnhiu of cold lo lite mi it rt t 01 id my liriilth niul xtn iifrth i 111 vi r fnri t toll ii my frh niln wlmt lydliil ilnkhinii iuik coiiiixiiiikl haw hni for mn luff i nhtnrntloi to hiiillli uicana mi 111 jtf ntr thin try hnl cumpli o hint for hi 11 iko of olhi r mifh r hitruonuii j nm ulllhirf tn mike my tmnhlti put li fin you imiv pulillnh ii iin h hi 1 mux h 11 ah ilallila it i l irunlh villi vt so utlu r iniilldim for vuuimiin illn ti 111 n ti ivt d nm h u iih njn ad unit 1111 pmlhlid nnlormunnit khollu rim d it ino v know of linn mull a pnl jf uren of ftlimln tllu im iiiih 1 jdin 1 rinkhnin 11 vn tuhlo coin ound i or ninn ttiun ilohim it lian ik ii 1 urlnjt fi inulo loinpliiliitn mich 1111 iniliiniiiiilhni uluriiliou htnl umu in n t h lllui hi titiimrt lrnmilarlllih u rl idle pil un hut k i in hullut htlon mil ioroiin proittrimiin mill it ih 11111 iiialh tl 1 or 1 nrrj ik nn n unu ly thrniipji tin pi riod nf iliaiik n hfit it iohia lint llttlo o try i yilln l rinkhainh t iri liihh ntnjmnind niul im mm linn la h ijh it ih ttorthmouu t vlui of iruld a to biild rhitf uomon lluritnri ntl khwla of woim n ruropt i hit omt who doc 11 1 lircnmo onthiiiins lit- mirn hihj a piliror all hinuodb winu r liml uiiiiiiiiur in any latitude whether in tm rid one ok at tile tcinperntun pur 1111 lit a ttltnhti rilla cnn im dipuid id up m to do tluir work llio dya peptic will hnl ilium n fihilul nlwny mid uhnulil nrry thim with hhn uviry wlmro lluymo inndu tn wllhntand any i lliunto ami mo wnrrnnti d to keep tluh fituhmiuu nud ulrunijlh ihoy do not row utiih- n ipiallty tint ponu ithhlil in iiuuiy plllu now on tlm nuir- kit nn hunt i mim imnuiy than hut iinu that followu fin lliu hmviiu nloiic hluliiliiimu in tuiilly mutnkun fut miiictlfltrttion hy tint man who hna it allens lung balsam i ex conui no opium ta the one safe nod effective cnitjlt uiuietly for jcntrnl family uuo dav1h fc i witi nclt co lloutrcol vnn can t lull thu depth of a innua wiudoiu hy tin intntiblty of ida idlimce liuuh mid tin world innlm with ynii lunt ittiim wliui youre laugh lug nt join own j kiaf ohildten ory for fletchers c as t or i a you tin out lift nniilhuib hiuilmi hy tiuatinit it lljthtly win mu in chlhlrun if nut iittundud to riuuu conviilalona nnd ofloil llunlh mollii 1 juivih worm iwturuiinntnr will piotilt thu lhllduni from those ilktiohulnp iiuiiliiuiih j hit howiiiioih not nm d to look inieily you eiiiinol uxpeet umiity hirmonu 011 n dry hi ond uttlai y troubled with backache for years llncknrhn li iho firtt ulitn of kidney trout lo nnd hlinitlil no or iw nraloclod pooiior or inter tlm kidnrja will twcoms nffoctod nnd oiiw of mirforinjf follow mm w 0 nocrr 13 hri bt ionton ont w rltra it in w itli plona- tiro unit i lliiink jou for tho rood your daaiia kitlnoj 1 ill lme dnno m ila hron irniihlrd itli harknrhrt for ycnni mid milhlnic liflpcd nm until a iriim hroujhl 1110 n lov of unnna kid noj 1iiin i in mm to inko hem nnd took four lwion 1 nm rind to wiy hint rum rmtinl nircd mn do nil my own tvnrk nnd fonl ax rtwtl na i did imforo tnkrn nick i niiiiwiititho donna kidney vilu are nil jou clnlm llnim to iw nnd i uhlen nil khlnny hiiftomni lo rimi them fnlr trial ou mny uwj my nnme if you wish dnnrib kidney pilla are wl renla pr liti or 1 boxen for 1 21 nt nil denier or innllrd direr nn rwoliit nf prim hy the 1 milhurnto limited i ornnlo ont lion onlnrliih njicclfy doiuva an bquinnaboahapiian haio ih thu htory of nn cm 11 1 no pjdoh- rnplmr who wnu thu ciiubo of iiivloo lilu in ant or aomn dlatnnoo in trnvvllnp a donlliimmi in ilin imhlt or ildhift n ond doal found hint whnnnvor ho up pniaohnri 11 nor hi in riimy hlnmnrftclimh lioiuu inviiilahly oppuiud hlu wluhea to inuu nt ihn paillmilm vpot tin lind linnn icouutiiiiuid tn nlwuyn oiiiluiivor- liiu to hud olf in fimithor pnrt of tlm kiilly whin ii no pauimtm wnu known to mint hy hlu tldii utmntvhir inma whllhii tho nimiiliicjtiinuiin would u im liimi i1i111 thu kin mid aonii found iihuhiir omi in uvii tlm toby y iii nt n unit im hud iinvur liiforo follow ed huh ho wo v or tlilnkhir tho foi- niirttiiyllm nenreut im wan cm una nuiiilh lo hiiw hnlh hminaumil whoil tm found hii iniima juilnmiil mir ml it ttim ho iiiiimht hy novo ml iniudiid mdu 1 i 1 hi hnaimi llmlifiit oliildren ory for fletchers c asxor i a castoria icastoria for infants nnd ohlldrbn atflctnbcprcpariliouroran- rilintmilartitkrooduiulltcmilji- llnrj i he blomodu niul uovcu of promote a imgcsl ion rirrhit iicssnmllfctcontflbisnellhcf opium mnrpliii v not n all iiiiiiijwrfiiitcnn icfirnk itmx h smj lu 144vm aiwtftct ricmcdy rorcomliiui lion sour sloniachdiflithtlcji uontwjconvuhioiw fovcrmli- luosonjlos ifflcsirwu sio at new vomc pff7ff cxact copy or whappcb fo infanta nnd ohlldrbn tho kind you have always bought boars the signature in use for over thirty years castoria bimilklilctt lliivn yim itny nlimil ikui iii liullllllllllnlllllll i 1111 mlllll ii i11i1i111i i in al ii win charlreilliy ijomlnloii tlovornmcm i slililuliol h the merchants bak of can 111 t ollicli mon1k1 al ijj mr vnclioi i reildenl sin ii mimra u ai 1 an icn i ronldoni j 1 finian ii x t nv i w general mrinnjcr 1 i hiiiiun cajillol paid up foaoooaono hcpoulln over ooojooooo sutphit 1 40000a at total aiacln jfjjjyjjoo tho following aompamtlvo lldurou allow tho growth of thi bank in importance nnd public favor i8j4 iqoj i0oo 9 ti fan nu3 h 700 00 1 io4o0 00o mm pit oil sljc lllll jh 101 f ii 40 044104 it hh tio aoil7aa savings dank deposits ono oolur or upwirda will open nn account money wllhjmw ltlo any ll rarmers sale notes we hive ipvclal fnclllilca fur coliocilnr iiilso wu will 011i1 them ai t nco il dt irud 11 a low rale of inlomal join account bwhor cltlior one may dnw ill aoton branch repiuutid wu will ojmiii nccc 1 monoy liuuliin 1 tir who etc 1 in o duliy 1 1h1t w s chisholm managor lo iiniku nrtlnuint uuow ullek hllh of cotton in riiio niul h10o dip in poivdi 1 ml mien or dlmnond dual could not us on his loft side hoart would stop hundred of people no ul out their dnjli work on tin irno of di till iunlnt do not kno it it in onh when lie ahork conn a that i hi uiinihclril weal umi nf tlio lieirt in iiiruiit 1 horo li only 0110 cure un i th it 1 1 uildurhs heart and nerve pius try thcnt and bo convinced mr pnul pnull cnmapcdln qm nrltrn ahout fio nrrt nu i pinn up h liopo nf neltmr 1 1 her of hnrt i mill it i would nnrl rhnt 0 an 1 then mv hirt would blop hcitiiif i rould 111 l linonnn left hide nnd 1 ivtuue in 111 roiin nnd m 1 ak i rould not u ork a frit ml tol 1 mo lo tr millurn a inirt nud niru ill nml hrfiira tho tirxt i o mui taken i wag nlninit will nnd tlm iiecoud ho eomilitel the mm 1 liio ndu el many nlhern to trj them nml lliev li no ii luxm enrol of tlm aanin troiihle i lin e filtered to ay font hox for nuylmwly the donnt cunt milhuma heart nnd nero pilla urn me or liox or t lioxra for ii 2ft nt nil drnlorx or tunilul dlnvt on receipt of prim hy the 1 milhum to limited toronto oat you cnut upond nny tluio hnlhih poopln if you wnnt lo o fin ward for bronollttfa and asthma liy alluna r iiiik llaluitm 1 tin hint ennui puueilptlon known 1 ho only invo hint in ttnuttd in ihnt which la paid out luturnnlly nnd kxti 1 unlly it in loud iho orduitlntr pinpuity of ui ihotnnn holucti lg oil lu ihnt it an lu lutd lutoriuilly foi ui 111 1 y rompliiuu na well nuexloiniilly pot mini llniiat oinii wluiopliib uouuli paluu in mm olmut oolin mid ninny khidiml nllim ntn it luianinallvi quulltluy that mn mi- imrpimscd a hnttln of it nnutu llltlu nnd h11 to lu 1111 louu hi ulwayn liavln it at im nil tlm miian of iho linpiuo hnait lu hull it tan nnly mm iho llihiu of llm nldlit whin a iiuiii in tnii 1111 1 iivuid kit lie luuuin lo tij topiibn it olf iih ron iieleiiei they hoot lie i valtid net via nuv oiiutiiritlionauiii nun illy nttrilmtahlo loddfietlvo ihiitalliiii uu tin iitomacli dniiihiati allium 1 u 1 nln u a conno of inrmileim vmtahli pilla will atlll iilldulurhuiieiaofthh elmaclu mid hy rihliuliift tlm ilnuiaeli to miiinal nclion itllum ihn mini fiout hiitn hon ihiin in no mdihiu likn tlmin mid in tho uorrnllou of li hkuiiii ulcu of tlmdifinutiw pioioiihiii no priparn- houhau donuao tlfeetlvn woik aw cnn hu ttulllkd to hy tlinukiindn himniuiin think hu y luxe poaeu of liimt liiemuo liny lnuo ithwilix in thnliiiiln poundailon prfnolplea ilirit wtmii wo iniduiuiko to iii yoin pkniilptionu nnglvo tlunn our undivided title iitlmi and hnut euro llm pnthmth uulfiiii lu out hut nn aldoiiitlou hueoiidi woiriimimtuiioiii dnih to ho of full ulnnitli uu woll ilb puro nnd froah ililril out eiiatoiiikiii imi mipplhul with jiimtwluittlioyiiiik fin utiliutitut- lli im uovni ullnwod lalhitll ckikuv nimiounil if yon aro n aiiffoiir from klduoy dluniiue liver ooinplnlut hlood tionlilur ilmuinatlfliii nuiiriilufii m imrvoita pioutrntlon wo ornfldently i-ouoni- niund tho uau or piilnou ooloiy coin- pound lltlu rolluhlo mnl novm dla appoliillnp midiolmi lu n tine dlnmiao hnululiiir mnl uyatoni liulldm wu atipply the iiimlnn ialnoa oulory oompouml a t urown aoton out i oniiihik tlmdiity or huppiuubn we dimiiivti tlm h ipplnnnunfihity iiiutli nuhiiut1iiu tliuoiuoa wmk id hy lltillownyaooin lam ii imu n powni of uu own not round in nthei pkpnnillonu miiikiiuuloou not liny inantory nt hie mint ot mnnlluiau ohildren dry for fletchers castoria u ulli li piy fi 1 0111 if umi ii im uuo ol j 1 t if 1 in h i tin kihil i mn iifti 1 wlmt i want 1 hit willioiinothi hind khl with nut uiikluif lint whole fiuiilly i don t know if nny 1111 it aliini hoek na tint maiiin mid hu iiuiii wo bnp jiiil hid nnllnniy kind tho kind hint will ivnki dm wlmh fimlly whliimit ilutiiiliiiuhmhlmiliil llm 1 11 twin li nihly iriiwihd let nmpin phunr dt 11 nidi d tin hulyih ut cmihihi hi id no ihimmltd hu 11 if 1 hlii i nth iiuiii prjy iuhh 1 011 iihiiniiniiiilhiu wtilkiihti1iioii hittill a koodth nlih kihm ufhn foi ninth n 1 f emly huhlt potttll i know il whin i waa 11 lahy my unitht 1 mud 11 wommi to win 1 1 111 uhoiiltiud ihnvi liiiiiih id 01 nun 1 y 1 vil nluei i xny ihiuil inn a hliui unlnk willmimidiuilhiat i wdjl mhl hit penhhuul hpt uhiil i ddiiiulliililoiut wlunhiiie mi noli illy nlirei nnfll1 all nhfpn wlft uitfiily it miiiii llktt a h nud 1 ul jutrh hlueo o who mat 1 ifd i m niily iiiidhet win in ami iln 11 hi iii it nut hindi uid puiplintlt ill i nm ii tt iu ul tidluik r pnly nnd tluio tti 10 tlilifit 11 ut ihn inhu constipation conilli ilinn m canned hy the entlnu of 111 hi il illn foot lrreiilir liihl1 tint 1111 of ntimuluita apirna nnti tut true nt fon i and iilronu drintlo pur iiiimi which tlttlmy tlio loim of ih atn inrli mil tlm cnntniclile of the ioir hovil therefore when tlm livir in i aiim nnd fiiliui to termln i lie in biifliiietil imnliu rniihtmnlion in nun 1 folhn nntl nflir roiihlipilion ron 1 pili 1 one of the mont nunnyiur trouhli 1 unu cut hive milbuims laxauver pill8 riire nil trout im nrliini from ihn her mini mary lliirrone huikvletr n it unit 1 i lima uwil mill urn i nvn liver pilla fnr rnnati itlnn nnd hnvn fn in 1 tl rm tolwt nn evct unit niiicd ft t hu rnni i iftil mini annie miiup onilow j h wril i friend mlvued me lo mn mil uirii 1 i ti 1 iver 1 ilu for roiihtii 1 tion i iirt 1 ihntt mil a hiirviilmuid tin eo mill 1 run d prm 1 h il- 1 r id or t for 91 oil at nil thilnri or in id 1 ihrort on reeolpl of 111 o hv iho milium co limited lurotito ont tilt frultu or nnerillce lecoino hu lonta of lovi invobtaoo hi a linx of dnvlu men hull halve ami hu pn pated for ulcura ueiirn1ta old uotin otc whnuvei hnu a mind to wmk will linvn a work to mind castoria for infants and children the kind you havo always bought dears the kunnturo of 0 lud lies n does not need the roho of ujaudliicbh boariao f cdu tlio thy nnd tinlunl thy acnlp miftona nud uliu vho to llm hair uk 11 j it a in an can ho temlur liemted with out huliiji putty htaiud was taken very iii with diarrhoea was weak and discouraged dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry cured him mr tw ilolicrlmin tlm vnllev mnn writes i wna tnkon vory 111 with dlnrr- hoet nnd tried evorytliiiik i lind 1 ver heird of nn iwlnn rood for ii hut wilh- out aucccua until i was flnnlly nilvinrd lo tr dr lnwlora ixtmrt of vild htmw- lierry i wna so wenk nnd dinrournred that i ilidn t expect to ilcrho much heno lit front it hut i nm linppy to na thnt nfter 1 lind tnkon two liuuw 1 wna rrently relloved nnd n few more entirely cured tne i all nil nlwnvn lo plenaed to rocom- iiicud your modiclno lo nil niifferera nml i consider mynelf fnrtunnln lo il fucii a marvel oua relief nftoroxmolliiiiodi wo wlali to warn tho puhllo nrninnt lieina luimuukl on hy iinhcruiuhum di nh nt who suhallluto the uocnlleil hi mu hurry conipouniu for dr i ow- lora if you wnnt to lio on die unfn ultle nak for or powlera i tmct of wild htruw- injrry nud inalut on rottlitk what you nuk for tlm oriiilnnl in tnnnufnotureil onty hy iho 1 milhum co limited loroutq out 1rloo j5o say shes easy on the horses ihli is tho oiliilnn uf proinlncu ilnlton urmuro lio tcsiml the willmnlt illmlci to ce ono moans ovo nt firt hlrlit i ho willmott hinder cnn hi tncl lotikn jntu for it cuiulu up to the ntnndnrd net hy tho c h vvillmott cn 1 united fur all th ir innth it enntnins bctlir uoikln niul ucarinu qualities than nny hinder on the market nnd n number of iilw ft iturcii iilsuics wo unuld iile tn tnllt to you about our hinder if you nro thinljnu of tjeltlnt oin- hlruili if jou buy before nov i oy wo cnu rive you a splendid advantage see our special offer given below crwillmott free until nov i oo free scud this coupon tn our milton office ami o will rivo you a call we ufur j ou a special cash prlto nn follows free 6ft willmott binder 110 7rrv willmott binder 116 we rivo ench cash purclincr the choice of a sheaf carrier or truck free i till fiuani tllim railway ooks on top pi the stove bakes in hhrtcl oven at same time on r in nit tiv i r t vt r pot in it- intl li ili in im i i i j v i n it inn tune mil li t p rf 1 1 rt milt- j li it i 1 li in i t km li ifl i iil hii in ilnft 1 im in i mhtriii 1 hi it lu il 1 tlinllv nnki nit huh mil iroimtl ii mm he fun ism ii j ti tliiinini n u isletl lu u mslliil fm i 1 t ihiumrrtuly s iviiil i nut r i uuur hfth hnu nn iiiiim y 1 it il 1 y ii i 1 iii t t i t i i mil r i ujicrl i li nialtif ii 11 mil i ron saiji iiv v v 4iukiht nowhere in canada lin ou find a watchmaker who is in a better position to dovour watch repairing 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from iiim j ro mh cl hr p sayeb sons njosi iwti i o w gxmson painticn papirn iianaun piotuhie iltamitn ictc lic to inrorin the ladies of acton ind surroundinij ictn- uj that iil li is im cn appointed ajui fo three if the larljest wtm papli liouscs in can add i 500 s unplls to choobc from prices kiiht also that he is prepared to repair all irinitc aluminum and hnamelcd are knives and sussort ironnd furni ture kepntretl shop mm siuiii acion oipot1 e l nn very expenienoe tniric marhpi dcbian oopvniahta ae antntiliortln lklrlmni1rfoirlplliittbtt lulolilf hmwuiit iir 1 lul n froo wl mlwr bu lei llf illnil bum u flrxmutfj ulai it hhiulularuolu scicikihiticricatt kn imunaly 111 1 jtol wot uly ithdii mr- 1u1i n nljinr mlu ililn j in rt iuriii lor vuu waliluuioic miiu ua n raublt ktklt t r mojel l ymir 11 yiillin ortiin rt von nit ninl vtewllluiiyril iranir flilnl nnitivl ll rr ll t r tallyj imlfiilalu ittlcciitliippllcatlqnaliiivaatuii biail iirrcliniy ii wnili i ty n vd otmticl filly riilitrl iii r4 in klnillr parents ipromptly 5ebuhedi itivaiiw awlndud aiilmaklliiili iyiltiilc1i w nh nml 01 kttly ki iioailni iiioiiivoiiiimi 11 lull fi r ilhr 1 -tml- linn rctve pclln 511 tin minion fpmlahyiimliil i imiiiaiiif knul irt marion pti mtkia limninimil- j v- fffn ull marinn h mfrl ulll mil whartafn ll itril ullt llltllf j iarlblsar marion j nt enriartn inil qolloltora f nw vnrti ltf tllitir natitrmlf j ainnlcrillbjwadllnblnnjcj

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