tiiuithkav ii cimiiih j tooo only only kind iiiiiihtu rxiiii ilny milu tlu only ion hlounmu ntmt tho why only u kind 1nl udiimi i mli i word tropin il lolo mil in in i wlicmt ih pthu tun uthrtiil only o hum i lniiid in filmnhdili klvin ofhui bus turn il u wnmkror toivmd ilimvoil ofily thn ullttrin w i itll fi lends tno ur- r ik n il only hoft imlliuico win n lovo lina cimiiklii only llin waiting whim chimin urn iluru hiiuuhluu will follow yul your life limit only the imntliiu wlou hnpo seema uihi ltolu imcl tin alone of ruch umlluua morn only wo imvmlli liplilu n tiust lroalinll hi ntti ml dust unto dust tnlents oodulven wlikli in lui known must in kind imago rliiliu for ltd and then llio vulmi 1 1 ore lima riynlnd inllii mi our glanco from henvnnti aide that which on ulh in lovo ufa wftb riven hint nnd llmt only will lit you for hrnvwn uhnilo wuatrit wisu and othunwlsu a ilenf hut pious 1ub1uii indy vinlt- luff e biunll country town in scotland went to church nrmcd wltli an inr trumpet tim elders lind never neon odd nnd slewed it with suspicion nnd lincaatncuii after n short consultation ono of them wont up to tho lndy just before tliu nponlnu of tho service end wngfiliik hlu inner nt hoc warn luey wlilupen d one toot and yuro not hlio tin living on brown broad and wnttr to improve my complexion ho how long enn you keep it unp hlio indefinitely i kuobb ho tlifin lotn kt mm rlod hnpleluli im aw bunotly fund of aw folio whitf tho bounds donchor know aluactiyimino i infurud au much from wliat papa snld hnnlelfjli wonlly f and wlint did younh cr fawthnh any j mlsa ouyunno ob lio snhl you coined to be kolng to the iiuks arabella hiild old ulllyiiiib ai lin finished jiln dlnnur i urn bih to ask you to do nie a favor i wnnt you to diva your younk mnn mr mr wlniuliliinniiio ii nidbbitge f loni mo arabella bluuliod nnd looked down nt bor pinto toll lilm tlio bluff old millionaire wont on thnt i dont object to hla ntnylng hero and running up my gas bills but thnt i do object to ilia carry ing the mouiliifl pipur nwny with hln when bo loaves foundation prlnelple plrol when wo umlortnlta to fill your proscriptions wo rivo thoin our undivided attention and bent enro tlio pntionta welfare in our drat ran auloratton second w uaiftntcn nur drujra to ho of full strength no well nu pure nnd froah third i our customers nro niinpllod with just what thoynak fort substitut ing lo uovor nllowod painbo cicluuy compound if you nro n unffuvor from ktdnoy duoaao liver complaint hloofltrouhloa rhoumntlhin neuralgia- or norvoua prostration wo confidently recom mend tlio into of inlnou celery coin pound thin rollnhlo mid novev din- repainting mcxliolno lu n truo dlaeaao imnlalior and hyhtnn builder wo upply tho qonuluo pftlnow celery compound at drawn acton out alleaa lang balaam u wnn anted to euro tho most distressing cough there is uro la no polunnouu inuredlont in hollnwaya corn cure nnd t onn bo used without danger of injury children ory for fletchers castoria a medical need huppllod whoti n modlolne la found that not only nolo upon tho a to ma uli hut la ao composed thnt cortaln itigrodlenta of it pass un- ultored through tho atomach to find action in tho bowels tlion llioro la avallnhlo n purgntlvo nnd n olonnaor of groat clyootlvonoaii pnunolooa vtgo- tfthto pula nro of this oharneter nnd nro tho host of nil pills during tho yours that thoy hnvo been in mo thoy inivo oatnhllahod tliimiaclvoa nn no other pill hnu done caught cold by working in water a dutroatildtr tlokllrjbjr 8uhk- tloto in tho throat mr albert mnellimi clilpiipcto mlnrx n h wrltam in oct 1kh i caught mid by working in wnlcr nnd hnd a very hnd cough nnd that dint rowing tickling ciibitlnti in my t limit no j could not ulirp at night nnd my lung tcio no m ry horn i had to glva up work our dwor pie ma medicine hut it did mo nogirnd so i got n bottle of dr wood nnrwny iino hynip nnd by the time 1 hnd lined two bottle i wna entirely cured i nin nlwaya recommending it to my friuiiu dr wood norway tlnn flynip eoin- hinra tlm potent healing virtue of tho noruny pmo tree with other alumrltenl oxprctomiil ami soothing iicdlclne of rwngnlied worth nnd is ahaohilcly linnn- ictts prompt nud aifo for tho cure of coughs colds urnnehltla croup hor tlirofit tain ortlghtnoaa in the cluvt and nil throat nnd iimgtroublca ilewnro of imllntioiut of dr wood norwny iinn hyrup aak for it nud liiulut en gi tting nhnt you nsk for it u put up in n yellow wrapper throe plno trees the trade mitrk and th price 2ft cent xfunufuclurcd only hy tho t ullburo co limited toronto out homo people would rather bo right thnn atiy thing else because it la human naturo to yearn after the unattainable- kfftotlvo economical pleuant what more can you nk davla men- thol hilvo fulfilla thaao apeolflontloni and la thn beat remedy for hi tea and slings akin diocnaoa pltea etc 2rtc per till il might ho liniah tu any thnt ti womans bra in la in invorao rnllo to her lint tub bbbd qp 1iad1t a good roudlnllon ahonhl ho the aoed offt good luiblt nud unless your ro- aulvo la thu inspiration of a habit it la useless thcmloa of nnnduct nro im portant only ns thoy result in notion hpnrndla solfdeulal or goneiosity tlnoa notmnue thn llfo beautiful nor valu able cryatnlltto your purposes in prnolloe not till your idnnla hooomo hablla do they mold yoiirahnriiotnnir dooldo your destiny invest 25 ccnta in a iwx of davis menthol salve the d l and be prepared for ahiiudrcaaumeiithi which inny not be dangerous but arc very annoying and painful like neu ralgia earache sprains burni bniihcr etc it is a household remedy always useful forkoinc trouble nnd should be kept in the family medicine clobet will mahb hain oftow bearine prepared frnui tho gronw of the cniindlim iknr delicately irfimiod is tttt studard ri4 kruvun all nlm tec vt un imvl awnttc c moutrul ohildren ory for fletchers cas r half of a now truth la bettor thnn thn wholo of an outgrown one if you cant carry honven into your business you may find you hnvo nn business in henvon infinite love jnlnod to inllnlto skill ahnll pilot tho way through ovory atrnlt nnd temptation allens lung balsam ior decpacatcd coughs colds croup lie ittlts ur m ult cfu ilm bald lr a 0rmua cm tx 11 bl icnibw how doiiio of the nowaboya in the large cltloa nro resourceful little fullowa a fow dnya ngo a hualnoaa man dropped n sllvormountod fountain pan through tho grating in- front of a large hualnoaa building thoy told him in tho atore thnt there waa no ncoesa to the hole from the inside there aaemetl to be ho way out or the difficulty two nowahoya mw him peering down into the grating and got interested ill git it out for you mister epoke up one of them if youll eland the expense itll take about a ntoklos worth of chewing gum the mnn said ho would finance tbo gum flchomo whatever it might lie aiftniito or two later the boy had dashed into tho atore and got a yard stick thnn he tan to tlio corner and bought five coute worth of allowing gum which ho wai chewing vlgoroua- ly on lil return aa anon aa title was properly softened by the prpoeei of mast lent ion ho placed it on the end of tho yard etlck stuck the stick through tlio grating until the gum met tho pen nnd brought it up with dlspntoh tho hoy waa properly rewardoil ami la to he given a chance to develop hla reitourcuful qunlltloe on a largor scale blood was bad trow impure blood cornea pimple ilolla ulcoru tumnni ahoeeiwea fooler- lug more uasliofl constipation head- aotioa ote dot pure blood nnd keep it pure by removing every trace of impure morbid matter from tho ayatom by using ddrdock blppp pitters mrs fred ijiggn kingston ont wkto i wna completely nin down my bloo wan out of order nnd i used to fot ho wnk i would ho compelled to nlny ii immi for weeks nt n time i could not eat won pale nnd thin every one thought i wnu going into consumption i tried evoryllung nnd different yloqlora until n mend advised mo to use fturdook mlood llltteni i illd hot have one battle used when my appetite began to hnpro e i tibod six bottle i gained ten pound i in two weeka when i lognn to take it i only weighed ninetythree pounds it just soetnnd to pull me from the grave aa i never expected to lie strong ngnln i will tell every sufferer of your wonderful medicine for sole hy all dealer manufactured only hy the t mllhurn co umlled toronto ont castoria 0t tho iii ml ynil hnvo aluaju houglit nni which limt been in uho for ovor u xmiih haa borno the alfrnainro of nntl iinn lan mimlo umlor hla pr- aonnlhiiporvlntoii alnco ita liifhney allow no ono to dorcivo yon in thlav all counterfoil imitations mill jtintnaffootl liub kxuorlnionta that trlflo vlth iiiiiloudnngortlio health dst xnfhnta and chlldron isxporlenco ngnliut isxperlmont what is castoria cnaforln in a iinrmloaai miltstltuto for cantor oil ptaro purlo iropa nnd ftoothlnur hyrupm it u imoruumt it contalna nolthor op i mis lorplilno nor other nurrotlor mibatniioo iu nge la ita ffiinratttao it lrntroyh wmh nml nllnyn fovorlahnomu it curfa dlnrrlinoa anil wind collo it rollovoe tooth i nor tronblea ourci oouatlimtloii nnd ilatiilonoy it aaalnillatoit tho itood rogulatoa tlio utoiiutch nnd wowola bi ip hrnlthy nnd nutural hioou tho culldreua pannooiv vho motliora trloinl genuine castoria always boars tho blgnuturo of the kind you hay6 always bought in use for over 30 years chartered by dominion government uilbullilied 1804 if thn wcnlhrr la riot what ypu llk tho less sold about ii the bailor no ono baa mei dlseovorcd nny gnln from giumhllng hfenuso the dny la loo lint or ton cool if you am not feeling well lha leas ttuhl about it tho butter your hondnohn will not bo rellovod be on u so ovory member of the family line hoard juab bow lung lb liua iiched and whom the pain te wont if your friends disappoint you tbo less said about it tho bettor calling attention to their shortcoming is not going to benefit you or them in short if y- thlng is dlangreeahlo at disappointing tho less said about it lb belter our innguos will have all they can do if wa talk of the things that are inspiring and helpful and beautiful the merchants bank of can head ocficu mont it ual i0 tranches pmldent sik h montaou am am vice president jonthah iiooasoh esq general manager f hsimih capital tald up 1000000000 denotlla over 4000300000 surplus v4 400000 oq toisl assets ijdjuj 73100 tho following comparative flguron show tbo tfrowth of this bank in importance and public favor ihijh i jo j 1000 9 h coo 000 h 700000 10400000 total detositb total assbts 30 hoj hoi au 100616 0bt 341ch 3h savings bank dkpobit8 one dollar or upwards will open an account money withdrawable any time no delay farmers sale notks we have special faclllilts for collecting these we will cssh them at once ii desired at a low rato of interest joint accounts when requested we will open accounts in two names so dial either one may draw lha money husband or wife etc acton branch w s chisholm manager mery rod and towel drier bund only on pandora when a knife is dull a pandora owner never wastes time linnting for atccl she jimk wftlka over toythc emery rod nttncjiiucnt to random givoa knife 1 six or eight paaefl over the highgrade emery which puts on the keenest kind of an cdke this combined emery roil and towel drier la a patent- m r d attachment jou ennnot ysjfeyi mwe secure on nny other rnnao sa just one of the mnny hn- prflvemeiita that go to rnnuo pandora the hnndleat rnngo you can buy 14 toil aatjlfl 1iy jo spe1gut msclarys it lias mnny qualltloa tito man who possesses a batllo of dr thomna roleotrlo oil is armod ngalnat mnny ills lb will euro n cough bronk a aohl pi event soro throat t it will red mo tho swelling from a erirnln euro tho most persistent soresmitl will speedily heal outs and contusions it is n medicine ohaat in itself nnd enn he gut fot n piai lei of n dollar db your nova chum tho futhur who is chummy with his boy gots down to thnt eager in quiring rustless little soul and oxplnlns and enomiiagos does not need to out a birch gad in order to maintain dis cipline and thf mother who sym pathises cuddles nnd plnye with her children onn keep her slippers on her foot and her bullbrush on the dron ing table children noed lovo nml sympathy aa much nw unworn need nlr nml sunshlnp home people sooin to regard divorce as a sort of illustrated eupplement to innrrlnge if your hair la thin brittle or poorly nourished apply bearlno made from canadian boar grease it eaves hair noo a jnr sumo gallant gnntloinen are willing to glvo their ballot tn tho ladles if that will help any worms food upon the vitality of ohlldion and endanger their lives a simple and effuollvo cure la mother qruvot worm icxtormlnntor limy people are always loyal tn the letter of the sabbath law its hard raising fruit in tho heart that is filled with freight children ory for fletchers castoria rbl knight dont use ns much niack kntuhl as you have been using of other stove polishes von dont need ok much to bring a brilliant l sintering laallug polish to the ironwork a little of luiick knluht gnea a long way amlyoii et n bigger lmx of illnek iculghl than of any oilier elmo jwllsu thnt soils for 10c irfirseyr khlahr muu loo tat 11 en 11 1 ircllluek tlbrrdatuvcoumim hamilton oil makers ef lha famous 2 in i bho polliti 30 only a bov moru than half a century ngii a fallliful mluuter wenl to the pulpit with n grieved nud heavy henit id- elnainl hla dtsciiurse wllli dim nnd ii nn fill rye he wlsliri thnt lilu woik waa done fnmvnr nnd that be wum itl rttt uiiioug thn graves under the blooming trees in the klrkyeld lie lingered in tbo dear old klikiuil wflr lb 11 rest writ go iii- he wlulieil to ue alnn tim plneii wes nam d nud inexpressively dear to him it hud hen hla spiritual home from hla youth lief ore this altar ho bad prayed over the doad forma of a bygone generation and had welcomed tho children of a ntw generation and here yes heir he had been told at tho teat thnt hla wolk was no longer owned end bleasnd no one remained no nun only a imy the liny was unhurt moffat lin wntclud thn trembling old man ills soul waa hied with loving aympnlhy iiu wont to him nud laid his hand on hla black gown well unheitp enhl thn minister do you think if i were lo work hard for an education i could ever heroine a preacher a preacher r im haps a missionary there was n long pause tiar iiu d the eyoa of tho old minister at length be anld 1 tills heals tho ncho in my heart hubert i see tho divine baud now may god bleaa you my boy home years ago there returned to loudon from africa nn nged mission ary ills name waa spoken with rev erence when bo went into an assembly the people roao 1 when he spoke in ptibllo there waa a dorp sll once princes stood uncovered iwfore him 1 nobles invited hhu to their homes lie had added n province to the church of christ on oartli t had brought under gospel influence tho most anvago of african chiefs i bad given tho translated illhlo to strange tribes 1 had enriched with valunhla knowledge lha hoyal geographical hncloty and had houorod tho humble place of his hlrlb tho hcottub kirk the united kingdom nnd tho univer sal missionary cause it la hard to trust when no evldonco of fruit appears hut tbo harvest of right intentions la sure tbo old m in liter stoops licnoath tho trees in the humble place of ida labors but men remember his works because of what he has dono troubled with backache for v now com- i eat8 pietedy oared by the uo of doaks kidney pills mm w c doerr 13 imghton st london only writes it la with pleasure that i thank you for the good your iloans kidney piha hae done me have been troubled with backache for cr nothing helped me until a friend itaht mo a hou of your kidney illla i hegan to tako them and took four lioxrx and am ftlsd to nay that i am cured en tirely and can do all my own work and feel as good as i used to before taken nick i am positive doana kidney illla are all you claim them to be and i advise all kidney sufferers to give them a fair trial let dosne kidney pills do for you what they have done for thousands or others limy cure nil forma of kidney trouble and they cure to stay euted price fid eenta per bo or a boxes for 913a at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t milhum co limited toronto ont when ordering specify downs tlio heart of any reform ilea in tho reform of tho heart pills for nervous troubles the stomach s the centre of tho nervous system nnd when tlio stomach sus pends healthy action the result la manifest la disturbances of the nervua if allowed to persist nervous debility a dangerous alhnont may ensue tho first consideration la tn restore tbo stomach to proper action and thoro la no readier remedy for thla than pr- mvloofl vcgotable pills thousands can attoit the vlrtuo of those pills in curing norvoua disorders tho religion that goes farthest begins with those nearost castoria for infants and children till kind yea hin always bought basra the signature of mnny a man keeps hla hands whlto at tho expense of hla heart often what appear to he the most trivial occurences of life prove to lie the most momentous many are dis posed to regard a cold as a slight thing deserving of llttlo consideration and tills neglect often results in most seri ous aliments entailing years of suffer ing drive out colds nnd coughs with illckloa anil- consumptive syrup tho reoognlied remedy for all affoollons of tbo throat and lungs llulng obedient is almost a lost art lining practiced only hy some old fnsh- inned children and a few modern hus bands milburns laxaliver pills jtlntalnt the blnyslih liver clean tlm coated tongue uweoton the breath clear away all waato and pouon- otu material from tho system in natures easy nuuiitnr and prevent as well bh cure const mi on hlok lloadnohe hlllmmnrew ifeuthum catarrh of the htomaohi hour hlo nacli water llraah and all trouble arising from a disordered stale of the hloiiinoh liver or 1 low els mr j c wmlberg htvnulivorman write t 1 hmorod for years more fhnn tenet 10 enn toll from liver trouble x tried several kinds ol medicine but could get no relief until i got mllbuma ijtxauver pilu i cannot pmlaa them too highly forwhnl thoy hno done forme price 3a eenta n vial or ft for 1 00 at nil denier nr mailed direct on receipt of price hy lite t mllhurn co mmlled toronto out we icnmv of no other medicine winch has been so suc cessful m relieving lite miffenn of women or secured so many genuine testimonials as hts ljdii k iliillum vegetable compound in almost cveiy community jou will find women who have been restored to health by lyrlit h pinkhtnrs veg etable compound almost every woman ou meet has cither been benefited by it or u nous some one who has inthepinuham laboratory at ijiui mass are files con taining over one million one numbed thousand letters from women seeling health in which mnny openly state oer their own signatures that they havq regained their health by taking kjdia k pinkham s vegetable compound lydia k pinlchams vegetable compound has saved many women from surgical operations lydia e pinwiam vegetable compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs and is perfectly harmless the reason why it is bo successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism restoring it to healthy and norniil activity thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy ilillcrunr qiu without ljdlu i imnkhnmh vogi lnhl ooinpoiind i woiilil not bo 11ih0 ior lio montlin i luul iiuhiful nml irrtgiibir purluilm mid hilhinmmtlnii of tint ntnia i miii- foril lllo 11 imtrtyr nnd thought nftt u of dfnth i conmtlted two dootorh wlio roulil do nothing for inn i ucnt o n lionpllnl ai ml tho bimtdootorm nikhl i iimut unbuilt tn nn icriitlonh i hnd it ttiuior i nont biuk home 111111i1 dni onruud ono of my coiimiiih ml u01i mo to tnko our uiiiioiiiiii uh it hml cured lior i did ho nud mood rouimonroil tn fiel imttor and myaiipr- tlto cituio imrk with tho lirwt bottle vim i fwl 110 nnln nml nm ouroil your rcmcily l dohorvhig of prauo mrs 111111111 jhutol vnllojllelil ifrlbrlvcr juilnc women who are suffcting from those distressing ills peculiar to their sek shwiild not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability oprlydia k pinlchamb vegetable compound to restore their health i the irani trunk railway warmest kind for cold weather tougher horaehide will never be found because the beat ia used or storeys gloves nnd gauntlets and yet the okin becnuae carefully tanned by the chrome process 10 made pliable insunng extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and tho beat working gloves on the sold at ail stores insist on storeya fireproof market w gimson palntbn papbn hanoun piotunm pnamon kto begs to inform tlio ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that ho has heen appointed agent for three of tho largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices right also that ho is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired shop mill street acton oppoallo willlnm luery wanted now for acton nnd surround inn district for all anil winter moniha an energetic reliable sgont to mba orders for nursery stock toodlav wlkly outrittrpp ukolusivl tlirritony doo seres undurcullivallun we jisrsn ico loilellver stock in rood condition end up lo contract grade we can show you llist llitro is seed money in representing a well known tollable firm ai ihls lime uilslillilied over 30 yein write for par llcuuri pcuum nursery co toronto ont reliable footwear with the wholo ntariiel belore us it is rood shoes only hist we consider such aa un can ihoroiirlily reoommend for stylo and nuilily and sen ice llio success of our trade in pirstclhss shoes ii encournftament enough lo give hem still larger prominence hla year based on the absolute certainly ol good value wo warn you lo come nnd let 1110 new styles do ihelr own talking w williams mill street acton woodeamrwincl photoengraving halftones or anvciau or cngrawwormwfjltisima purpisjcataloruqazint atc j l jones en 6v everton ms eden mills the deet quaillty ol manitoba family aind pusttry flour for sale- at lowest prloos our own make chopping done nnd oats rollod every day peed or sale csstilar whent end oats henry hortop rx x pahhenobil tiia1nh ti flliwlufcu iti lima at l irli l rahiirlll auki it ihi kiht nnihti uat nft 11 id ft ii fu 1 ft uo ij h all tilii nt l aclnn o t nn u n u c c speight i or hi t rnik of guns rlflos cartridges ammunition at sport mtns inccs mt furs firnous pandora ranges mill sired acton paper makers ukoiigeto i v 0x7 1iooic mus an colokltd iaii iis jxoitiiatiiien hcton jul it ex x bus lin the undersigned rctpecitully solicits llio patronage ol the ptb lie ant inform htm ilut well equipped nnd stylish nin can always lie secured ai hi stables a comfortable bus meet all irjltii between loooira ant 6 19 p m careful attention gucu to every order the wants of corn- marcultraellen fully met john iniiuxk7uts pnoprikton acton pump ami tile works o b ebbaqe proprietor our prcmisis are naw fully ulped with ell the latest machinery anil aripllinces for manufacturing- pupm ttd puuip supputu tilt tor wejjx ciwfras oulvcrtm wto 5faui pipe fitting tool and ftp sapplimm orders promptly filled main btrkrt acton at once a good reliablo local balooman wnntod to rap roao nt canadas oldest and great est nurseries in aoton and adjolnlpfj rnuntr 1 ho demand for nursery stotk ia inlicns inu yearly nnd if you become ono of our aalesmsn you lll re ill 11 ilicro u tjond money in the builneta fur ou write ol once for nimuiihnt iay weekly i rco onlfit stone a wellington font lilll nurseries njoacre toronto ont epvbabb patents dceionst cownahtajb samtttnmnm mfajy h xt h patents iphdmptly secured a u it rruhlr iwtsnii fmm ihwiiftli ktsilnn uay tlmirmhtrullmitlwiuctirlh 85iiatsr marion marion i lainl ktativuaiiliiiatv