in u u milt i ii i i u ii ilili m i nr 1 1 kir an i mm w i limb l iiiniy n wu attorney a i i na ii lam ami malllaiil iilnui tm nto mi vtl ily i all hi mini ur ul wife i i 11 i mil o ilium iiiuhhdav ilcmviiihu 21 1k0 mbiinv oiii1ibtma tlilu u 1 1111 iuiiisou of hiu1 timer llio in in nf thiutimlnm ring out ii ni d mi viii tilt gnndj will towuihl noil i im world in slow to entoh tlm spirit of tin- mimic lut ii will by 11ml liy uio liuiiiiu nro nullt awaiting iho minion nt ichlii onou uio churches lire hoing he locked hy willing linmls iho spirit nf joy linn ovon reached tlio hnlls of lommono tlio crowded utrtutm tall of aomuthliig out nf llio ordinal y ptisans wliu woiilil heel- tnto nt cnrrylng piutoa nt other minna ore now laden down with hoxus toys dolls nuil 11 iimlllttiilu ur nick nncks dooming it it jny to do it all dili evidence of good clitor mul forgotful- 1104a of si if in significant nid iolnti imckwnrtl to tin ndvent of tlio chtlet- olilld whose mosangn to a troubled world was mid still is peace nnd good win in tlm initial of our soolal festivities nnd 0111 gift giving let us nut forget hint tlio renliin of the christianity lliat prompte this uouson of good cheer u unsulluh 1 horn nre those wlio have not tlio physical comforts hint so much holp in the n jolclitg let us emulate the exnmplo nf tlio shepherds of old utid hrlng gifts na a thank offering nnd thus unnlilo others to shnio in tlio rejoicing with oursolvoii thoao who hnvo mnpty conl ulna will find it hard to rejoice it will ho tllmonlt to ho rind with tlio lardur empty it in heart hrenkhig foi tlio mother with lior llttlo tots iihoiit iior who imvo inrgo expectations hko others to feci thut llity must ho donlod n visit from old santa thnt thoir llttlo stockings on ohiutmnu morning will ho unnilod iut ua gtvn to thnan who while thny ennnot heatow upon us nny vlslhln gift will rocoinpnnet tie with tho gift of n thankful heart which la currant gold ihtynnd the utnra wo wish nil u ploaint mul joy on i oliilatmna miiy it lio it tonaon whun tho uilstiikia of llfu mny ho righted nnd mny wo nil enter tho nw year under tlio sinllo of pence bdltcitlal notbo j ho flnniiohil statement of tho municipal council foi tho year up to december imh shows thnt thnoloctrlo lighting ujstoin lina hnd a vory suc cessful juar din receipt a nkgrcfinti 8ltos ttl nnd tlio oxpoiidltiirna h 011 t0 ivoin thlosurpliib if fkollol tho ultiklnn fund mid i nto rout on tho electric unlit plant debenture 011j will ho pnld and tluro will till ho loft a not hiirpliibof jllil ii thn trade flgiiron of tlio dominion fur tho month of november show iinnthur itirro jump hoili in importn and oxpoi te aa compared with novetn- iwr nf last year tho import incratulnp hy no itba thnn 91077000 or nomly 40 por cont over i nut ynr nnd tho ox porta incroniiod hy h71 1ir0 or nhont 10 por cent por tlio arab elht nioiitlin of th current daonl ynnr tho total ttndo jia boon 4 10030 ill an in- oronn of tituoi707j over tho corres ponding ulrht moiillib of 100b of this inaronbo vis2a00is wnn in import unit smd702tt in ovparta of domufltlo pro- duals tho onttmllo hooord anyat tho working man sooa now thnt t v powdorly tho rroat labor lonihr wai nob far wronr when ha said thnt tho liquor truffle wai responsible for nine- tontln ur tho inuory ninanp tlio work- inn elusion and tho nbolltlrln of thnt trafilo would bo tho greatest hloulng which oould oomo to thorn tho arch- hlahop of montreal oxhoita worklnjr- mou to oxorb their hilluonco over tholi follow workmen to korp nwny from tliq aatoon whoro they ruin their hanlth aipiniidor inrgo nil ma of monoy whloh thoy could do vote to much nobler purpnaoa nnd thoy only loarn to contract tho muab pnrnloloua hntiltn tlio dulton kntorprlsii hut wook nld in mi nrtlolo on doltnn no it in under local option tho treating nystcm hna been nboluliod and our young men nro not anhjretod to tomp- tatlon in forim r dnya tho result ii ilolton hna n olnua of young in on nf whloh any vlltngo mny ho proud homoa that formoily atiffored ram tho ovllo nf tho trnfflo hnvo groutly tionofltted nnd nro being improved with comfort nf which thoy wero formally deprived wo bollove that tin unprejudiced pnrenn could btndy tho hlatnry nf loonl option in ilolton without holng convinced that lllo vil lage lino bo lied t ted hy it nnd that lb would bo a giont niutiike to go back to the lloeimo bybtoui mr olinilna k aklnn merchant tailor of mldlnnd wuu in town lat week nnd waa intoriogntiid by mem ber of the oltumii jummlttea with reference tit tho operation of loonl option in ida town ijo said tho town had much impiovvd since the bylaw went into forco it in a cleansi iwttor town in live in from a moral tandpnlnt ituuluuam laheltoi the men iiiivi now ninio iiuiitey to npoml with lh iiifichnntb and old uconiint aro imlnp pnld lip men have aonin and paid up old aroniinlu they nwtil mt wbleb uovir would linvoltoan paid up if loonl option had not onino into force llioy imvo titld tn mo thnt thoy triad hard lo pny up but when the bar rooms wore opmi they oould not real at tho tempt nil on of going in for a drink nnd when thoy did ho their wages were wasted if loonl option hah bpon a good thing for ut with penotnngiilshonq nnd its upon tiar- roomi three miles awny it certainly will ho good for aoloii whsr nny bare hat may ho irft njien after the campaign l over will he muob farther away they say liquor may lie liad in some places but i offered a man who bald that lo ma tho other day fi0 if ha would take nto whore i enuld piirottnee a bottle of ihptor in totyn i haw the 60 yet look out for the roorbacks it in hepofud that fhv mm hdy tor dutrlbutlon in th uinr- tloom lntptai dhituadvronthbmnrxtwkbu wo dnlri to ngnln warn nlcctors iikdnal thn probnblii springing of lulu rtpreuoiltatlon upon the nlnatoretr in local option conteu when it is too into for tlmao rooibacua to ho exposed tlicy will 11u0 net wlaely in care fully cxnmhilng uild oxpoalng tlm fallnolm involved in practically onry an ml led argument advuncvd by frlonda of the bar room tn fuvor of the nvll trafilo whloh thoy strive to prul 1 1 1 jim nf tho cimiinonest nf thosu irloks la tlm pointing out of aomn of tho evils resulting from llfpiur selling nnd oloveily nssumlng or insinuating that thoy nro thn leault of prohibition homsllmos there aro cited insuncos of crlmo or lce existing under pro hibition as evidence that prohibition is bad although tho anmo evils may exist to n still greater extant under license now everybody knows that nil thoao hnd habits grow out of in- dtil in drink and aro most prev- nlant whero drinking is most general it is true thnt there is aometlniss illegal liquor selling in places whoro loonl option pro vail a and this is pointed to as the rcault of local optjon well informed cltlxona know thnt as a rut there is vastly mors illicit llipior sailing whore licenses aro granted thnn in tho municipalities in which hornsea aro refused ueimlly this trickery is concealed under aomo plausible question euoli as why la it that there is so much drunkenness and so niuoh law-hresk- ing under local option f it la tho old scboohboy trick of asking why a live flab doos not add to tho weight of a vessel r water in which it may bo placed llio worst violators of the ontario llconse law aro tho license holders most victims of drug habits have been inebriates drat perjury and hypoc risy nre used to defend lawless liquor- selling under llonnse mon who have boon license holders aro generally tho mon who violate local option bylaws drinking and drunkenness aro lessened tinder local option uualnoaa im proves whoro local option is hi force llio liquor t raffle does not lighten tho ponptoe tax bunions it takes from tho citizens all that it pays ovor as publlo revenue and takes a great deal mare besides all these- statements are facts and yet a practical denial of most of them will bo found in every barroom plonoor dancmnou danonurr will make canada a baldheaded nation ir npt chaekad m pntteur the groat freneh phy sician of purls onco said 1 i believe wo shall ono day lid tho world of all diseases caused hy germs dundriiff is tho root of all hnlr ovlls if it wero not for tho llttlo destructive gonue working with a persistency worthy of a batter cause thoro would bo no baldnoss parisian hago will kill the dandruff germs and remove dandruff in two weeks or money bask a t brown guarantees it it will atop itching scalp falling hair and mnkoa tho hnlr grow thick and abun dant lb puis life and luatro into the hair and prevents it from turning gray it lathe halrdreaslngparaioauonce daintily perfumed and freo from grease slloklnoei it is tho favorite with womon of taste and cultut who know the social value of fascinating hair a largo bottle ceatb only 60 cents at leading dhtgajiata a very where and in aoton by jl t drown the ftlrl with the auburn hair li on avery paokage nab9aoawiva miss maltel mcdowell who has boon suffering severely for soma time as a remit of tubercular dleeim of tho bone in hor foot has had to have tba foot amputated the operation was par- formed at llio st joaopha hospital ouslph miss mabel is getting along nicely and was able to return to the home of her grandparents last week mr william alexander has return ed from hnakatohewan ii intends lo spend the winter at his horns here mr ohaa mophall and his bride have taken up their abode at their beautiful home the johnston farm thoro will bo a christmas tree for the presbyterian sabbath school hold this evening the camphellvlllo people have en gaged mr gnlllns as toaohor of a choral club and expected to commence rehearsals noxb week ilov a dlalr d a will speak at a big local option meeting in aotun un tho holh inst christmas stamps help canadas needy consumptives til it net proceeds from stamps sold will ho used for tho extension nf tho work of the muaknkiv kreo iloapllnl foi consumptives 1 bo nvnlt- nhht beds wero trebled as tho remit of last yonrs utmnp campaign i1uv tiibm uhr tiiicm hklpthtb 1o0d work alono tiiw riest invk6tm1cnt you kvkit madi3 onk 01cnt iflaoiii not n idiinln patient hna over been refused admission to thn musknka vw0 hospital for consumptives iwcaiise of his nr tier inability to pay ibvnrty stamp bold ifl a nuluct in run wariaiuo aoainht tunimoulosifl if not on ante in your town writ j h uonawraowi heatroaa national bnnllnrlum aaaaelatlmi oil kink bt w toronto all infnrmalloil furn ished and stamps majled promptly on receipt of order canadian ilitbratutlas canadian need nut go fin nllotd in n sesreli fm 11 good fiiuillj jnurnnl wille w hnvo snob a piibllnnllon n own home journal i kuuw lliat tlio ladles hume journal bns n whin irculallon in canada il is n fn prmliictlon lliough in mi llrimoma in its bulk and in iiniuy ol its fnattiree the home jonrnnl covers tpiltrt ns tunny toplrs in loss npnre it is kroner luss piosy nnd very well wilt- ten iho covui at nan iirllnlio i light nltd are eqiml tn those of the huturday icvenlng pout which is flue praise jean irabu in ibn tdllor u one of ilia innst women journalists in cn inula a man whoso willlngm have ixten uppreolatod in tbu new yoik piusa time and tlmu again nnd to whom thn new york hun bus mora than once referred lit it vory complluisntnry manner why then do we not pnt ronlxonur own wnrcap why hna it been said of toronto nnd you know how i lovu my own city thnt slut hna never yet appreciated tier own mnga- alnoa and publications f this i do not believe yet i imvo beard it sold nnd you mny dtpend mi it it was hotly contradicted kit in mnll nnd km pi re toronto saturday mgbt lias been enlarged to a thirtytwo page paper divided into two sections of sixteen pages each tho first sootlon will deal with manly things from a manly point of view while the second section of sixteen pages will he devoted to women embracing nil topics of interest tn womankind a lady of experience and ability hna boon engaged to take chnrgo of this section iho enlarging of the paper to thirty two pngoe will admit of many now departments not hitherto incorporated in toronto hat iirday night while thn old dipiit- inenta will in no wse bo chnngvd m altered a great btuidartbe d l emulsion is a great bqilder it glva weight adds healthy flash and alto gether overooinerany downward tn- dtnoy of health probably tho most romnrkublo sgrl cultural paper published in tills country made its appearance inst july in tho olty of toronto tho appear ance of the pnpor anil daring stylo of its make up wero anmowhat startling tho way in which tho paper has been circulated and the onorgy with whloh lb has been pushed aro ifyue out of tho ordinary bowoll has the work boon dona that tho cunndlnn kami has the appearance of a paper ave years old its advertising columns aro filled with tho very flnestcmilxuiullousatid every pago sparkles with special font urea any up to date farmer do siring to seo a copy of this excolhnt weekly paper may got a sumplo copy at this ofllce wo aro also abln to mako him an advantageous clubbing offer balmnarad a splendid entertainment will bo glvon in dalllnarad hall to night lrd inst hy school section no ii ktquoa- ing there will ho a programme of choruses drills dialogues nnd tab leaux the literary hoclely has ltoon im proving the hall tho waits and ceil ings havo been ropopercd now wln- dows have been put in and somo new furniture procured tho good sleighing has liean fine llio past week and it has given things generally a lively time itov mr somervlllri of toronto has occupied the pulpit of tho prcsbytei ian church tho past two sitbbnths very acceptably mr james ismond who was in quelph hospital with typhoid has so far recovered ns to bo oblo to return home this week makes solid flesh because it crvdnvj an appetite it builds up the jniled rundown system in a natural way 50c and 1 00 bottle at all drug gists be sure you get the genuine nvti a ijiwtoncc ctv montreal dltoiraki notb0 hon mr hanna provincial secre tary says numerous hotels in llconso districts will have tn bo run on proved principles or licenses will ho out off next may dont inlsundor- sund tho situation ns his stntomont rofers to hotels under llconse com plaints or the travelling publlo as to accommodation called forth tho woids from tho hon gentleman the presentation of tho builgot and tho nooumpanyfng speech of hon mr fielding finance minister was by far tho most interesting feature of tho weok in parliament tho rovonuo this year will roach tlio hundred million dollar mark being tho highest in the history of the dominion tho surplus is placed at 10 ww 1000 and may easily climb up to 910000000 be fore mat march 1010 the end of tho lion yoar this la tho fourteenth consecutive budget speech dellvured by mr fielding and was by far the moat satisfactory financial statement over presented to iho house hy any flnunoe minister since ounfudsratlon dm ing ida visit for inspection uf tho nillltl properly and stores her last thursday ltool j oa i in way dis trlot inspector toionto called upon the fhhh pliltaa during i he conver sation llio oolonol mentioned theonmp nt niagara inst juno nnd iho fuct nf llumolwiiiguooatileen iheio thlu ai i wuu very intiob pivjmlluid ugaluat llm liiunvetliiii mil nl this one oainp without it has fully cnnvlnoed me that matters were ho much lie her in eyery way that i novor want to see a oantesn in a camp of instruction again it was my duty to look after the order of the camp and never jn my time was there so orderly a oamp at niagara as this year it was thought by many thnt there would b more drunkenness down town but after lbs brat night there was lusa drinking down town and at ten oclock the men were in their tents sober orderly and wired for the night mother may safely permu their sons lo attend camp tinder tba new conditions with out ftar of tbom being hfinptetl tn drink there xmas gifts -ow- men our 1909 xmas slock of mens furnishings la now complete mil on display and tr excel anything ever before shown in town ladies 1 if you have any difficulty in deciding n n suitable ciulsunaa gift for the men call at the mens store the curiitmaa stock and special chrlnmaa prices here will appoal to you sml easily decide lor you made fiom choicest tanrv atlua and saifns in y exclusive patients ntsac newest aiyloa doo i ico tf ln bo 60o and 70a ncck ml shades ami ilyles ty c ni price from oc3rts o o ncgllgcc all iho newest pit 1 1 lorna irlcea ollirts 111 oo to 3 3b choice xmaa stock braces 5 j lined and unllned gloves handkerchiefs linen silk inillalsd nd ftncy 3d0 and doo a specially selected stock of mcns jewelry of stylish overcoats etc larrc range rs suit watch our windows gjwallace clillilr nnd furnlhar 10 men who know mill st acton v2 jvl a o gifts tfj very quarter of the globe europe tho painstaking orient as well as all that is best in american art has rep resentation in our holiday stock toilet sets pnrinlan rionlrn brush sets french kboiiy manicure sets for ray ifldyn tlrusuor work baskets tor tlio industrlouu lady jewel caskets ormolu gold leather goods gemilna kiiqllhh m 9 dolls toy books james ic etc the white house cuelph ont all coats reduced we arc silling all ladies childrens and mioses coats it 1 1 off the reuhr prices j lie lndici and misses are all nortluviy make consequently when jou buy a coat at the re duced prices in the white iiouejc you get the very best made in canada mink furs 13 off any piece ol mink in the store at 13 off the regular price we have the very finest furs and our regular prices are lower than the prices usually asked bargains in christmas goods china metal goods handkerchiefs neckwear belts and fancy linens xmas olove bargain vox a special christmas glove bargain we will sell pcrrms adonis kid gloves lor 75c these gloves are sold in more stores for 135 than at any other price colors black tan brown mode green navy red and amethyst every pair guaranteed jhmbs rmmseyi grfrrrrfrrrttrrfr3r tgprjt3cgil a large assortment ol xmas and new years post cards and booklets a t brown druggist and stationer acton opt the o n wlllmott co agrlaulttki implement manuraoturaei in liquidation at toronto inat thursday ltenry iirber was nppnlnlod interim liquid a- dator of tho o it wlllii llmltod of milton tho icppi lout ion was inndo by v a nkenn of proud foot at co anllcllorr fur herbert illne conionteoiiti actor of kast to to nlo a croditor to tho nmaiint of about 91000 as 0111 read or u know mr wlllmott formed tho company for tho mnmifnc t uro of ngrluulturnl implements bought tho noaeasnry land nnd proceeded to orcct extonslvo brick buildings lack of funds prevented tlio completion of tlio work which conaad about n month ago nnd a number of uinchnnlcs lions wore registered ngnlnst tho property llio chilnis filed aggregate between 7000 nnd 0hooo tho property is valued ntnbout 2oo0u but it is not likely to bring nny stiali amount tinder a foi cod snlo kicoptlng mr illne the oieditnrs lire ohlelly milton men contractors or vendors of building mntorlala soma of tho contractors nre mora or loss otnbarnased hy iho failure of the com pany to settle- with thorn however thoy should eventually ucelvo nil that is duo them or n goodly percent ago of it moat of tho shnrohnlilors aro milton or u nl ton mnn tlmy stand a poor ohanoo of getting nny tiling tbero is a great deal of soronoss nmnng them they say thoy wore led to invent by a belief that mr wlllmott was a large cash investor in stool whereas his solo capital was his optimism they allege that tho promoting nnd travelling ex pense havo boon ton high efforts will ho made to induce somo industry to come to milton and occupy tho buildings and property anil it is rumored that tho o p it mny buy both and estnhtlah workshops here luting short of room at woat toronto ohniuplnn only buoooufal romedlea aro over imitated it is evident that d sc l montbol plasters successful re lieves rheumatic pnlns baokaoho pleurisy ac the 1 a l have boon so wldoly imitated avoid ills- uppoliitment get tho genuine mado only hy tho davta to lawrence on attempt at baundbn atouklpli aualph man bhoota at relative and baya he cannot nemembei it a mnn called william jamos strode was arreatod toulglit on a charge of shooting at a relative mrs harris with intent tn kill about 0 oclock ho called at wonderund a ivocont moving picture show nnd asked to see mre harris who plays tlio plana he was apparently under tho influence of haunt nnd brgnn tn talk with mrs hnrru at the entrmioe ovor aomo domestic dispute she told him tn get nut of tho building and hu pulled a revolver she jumped buck and pulled the door shut just as he fired tho bullet lodging in llio door strode professoa to have no memory of tin nconrronoo bank of hamilton the opening and mnlnlalnlnd of a savings bank account la a duly that everyone owea both o thomsnlveu nnd io those dependent on them vour saving account solicited georgetown branch w n mokay agent five roses appeals to you madam as finaljudge do you know mislreu housewife ihey say that you dont know good btuh from poor that pnet la your only guide that you wouldnt know good lour if you saw it and wouldnt take it except it were cheap i in short that anything labelled plour is good enough foryou we deny thla libel on yourdlicrlml nation and appeal to you madam lo nail the impeachment nothing short of the iwry btst la good enough for you and we know if you have been galling miserably bail hour itwaan i vourfault but utt tucam you aidn i know about flvd roses when baking accidents vex your soul and hubby mutters about bread and projectiles concrete rolls thevllenessofsomebaklng don i acold the oook maybe she dldn t know about pive roscs either just think mistress housewife it hss taksn all of tunnlycnt ytars to perfect rivc roses to attain our majority in qualify mllllrg you surely admit we mutt know how to make food flour don t you and we make it as good as we know how rive roses madam la the flour you should try and all other house wives who wsnt their money a worth you get it when you buy five roses and kttp oh fitting it decsuseltla standard value the same today aa yesterday uut all this is over now we re going to tell you about rood y p w wong flour so that you may have jf- rhanc0 baaed on actual knouit- avoiding oheap brands whom iolt claim en exist ence is mere cheapness married 10 the average ho me maker a ignorance of hum values isnt thut bo madam eshucsv madam who say you don t appre ciate good flour have your grocer today show you a neat cotton bag of five roses tell him send it up for the sake of a mrr table madam nue know you will do it tut or mi woom imiwo cotiomoti alma college opens january 5th will your daughter attend this term mpefflal oxford range tho nlckol lifts oil clean it with the allver isnt thnt a itrent convenience when preserving or on wnsh dnys just lift off the nickel parts twill always bo like new just a light rub keeps it bril liant thats but one of the many splendid features youll snd jn the imperial oxford ranje call on tho nooroat curnoy- oxford dealer he can certain ly alvo you convincing evidence about a practical rango tho kind you want and must hare r f johnstone mill street acton ontario jltlu abuirlibimtnls wantki mum i liwiill lot ti1r sill i nilawi 11 u ulll n al wi k ly w nit i hii mtinii uiiih imui w fuiijulk nkw lirufa liauhi t well ll in m iv lallirimim iinmtt bllnhen end chopping miijij in acton iluva uibl my rlinpilia u 111 lo tayl lllablkitillli hlinti vnlnii anrl will l 1 athl it sml tit htlur lay in nil all 0 tits joiih gjuwpoiin aut0jkiiuu5 haitoain ah ordhuoiilfl wlili lamp in nrx inn an m mi aiiidhlnn will tsll tor fll caali tor null ala a1 to four foot wood and hi 1 1 nil wooil ron oalb rplllfi slinva istslli at leaaiinal la dib 1 unltri lairs alii v lllck a si will r ihrompi siianlloii h hllltth lion acuinl i new twostory brick house for hale that vairy rtaalrsma naw twoilorr vanaarad brlek imua alalit fooins wlili pantry eloaata al uodarn ilaalgn snl lay out hi varanda illaalad ou cbunh hlrael in nna of ilia uaal ral laiiaa aaallntia nl aaloa onnvan taut lo lullnri eliurcli ami limiotst pail ol ilia town for pailtaiilvn apply in jjluyiiti iibm hu aauin i o oat debentures for sale d umi ol uli 10 years liaatlnu in teres i al tbe -erfoii- iuillfaii ila dm it il li ii onuiio four ii ler oant liturssl ami pr lnl pa l biy yearly lo atual aiitiqit atiiounla al uia ilotuiilfaii tandara lor ilia above will be reneued mi ii january sib iqio by u c buitir liuilliigutn onlailo notice t0 creditors in the matter of the estate or jsmm moffat lata of the villa or aoton in the county or halton a en tie- man deceased 110 thirailtereiltloiri alol ilia aaiata ol ilia iu jama uomatt io ulad on or aboul ilia twaiily bflu day of no- 5 a id bar luu ana required on or baloit ilia lotli ayof jaiihaiy 1bi0 lo saud by no i repaid or deliver to j uatklnnon ol uia vnlaae el avian ao lienor ilia aiwutori nl ilia isai will and ustatusnt ol ilia daaaaaad ihalr elulal ian an i surnamai adjraiaas and daaerlpllana ilia lull midaulateof ibslr elalma lb a late nt eat ol utelr asefluula aud uia nature of tbelr aefiurllla if any lialil liy thain and lurtnar ulia noifee thai slur saali last nianiloned dale ilia aaaeulora will prooaad lo duumtita tba eata at tlia daaaaaad aroani iba parlies entitled lliereln t aioa vacaid ealv lo tba elalrni of wlileli tuay ihall llan liana he ilea and tbai tlia uld aeuiora will not b uabla forlbaaaid aiaauor any pari ttiaraof to any inrapnor pariona of wliota slalma nolle aliall nnl liana uaaii raoawaii liy itiam alibeunie of auatidliuibblion k j u icktnkom hollotlor far alary l slortat and areblbald nil alirlat aimiilnra iv t dated dili thirteen ill day of daeambir 1009 christmas and new years excursions detwean all stations in canada also to detroit port huron mich buffalo black hack niagara falls and buspen- hlon urldgo n y al slsgle tare good going dec 34th nnd 35th 1009 returning until dec 37th 1909 also goad going dec 31st tyyj nnd jan ist into returning until jan 3rd 1910 al far aa oas tklrj good going dec 3iat to dec 3sth in elusive returning until jan jth into also good going doc 38th 1000 to jan lit igio returning until jan tli iom becurp tickets and further information from h s holmes depot agent acton ont first things first wrririrrr for xmas good flour ensures good bread and guod pastry we make it a spec ialty acton flour and feed store r- noble prop nassagaweya liimbor mills large itoek of siting on hand fool mji w00j hr 10 slbi p savers sons naaasgaweya 1 o melborne stock food ask g a black acton or rh nixon guorortown highest market prices paid for all kinds of kawfxirs try mo onoe with your purs ami i am sure you will he ttullafled powl and junk also wanted morris shxb main btruiet actom