Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1909, p. 4

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drubs i no a oliniutmah trbbj ffiljc rlor 3fxtt tyvtss tiiuithuay iieitniii isliiooo tiik suciiht or qanta olaud morrg u mi nit iloiil yiiu tell i must vliuu i tn jnn ily lil roiiilire ullppul nnd full you liiiit wniidnt ilo yon p houtlinud bopku mid toya nfnr hloluh tin iiiil tipililo dmvn t mut gii linck lo yiiu hrlpht star iliiuu my trailing town wliittaploulolminlnl chi i on i a u kvn ihlyln i wont thmo lit a iliunilful illn all thn ynuiitratera oryln ifnll hiuitn doesnt rnnie rnuiioliuulimtocklli oi forftotaii aiignr plum unit imloul wuru shock in i i iniut hi ii i on up up l into jlilniiinyn nrcii t in it t immluitm idoiiiiii nu sim uu ihil neednt luitt hkiii it i iiiotrlolly u hestp hubby now ynuro liilkln t tlilu low unln i defeat moat na hnd nn wnluin next yenr if trnvnlllns uood over city town nnd wood on n streak n llffhtnln automobile tilled with toys whon thn klilu nro nloopln t not n hebsod thing for boya btnyln up mill ponpln win n tlio klila nro nil a hod i will comn nllyln i timita olnua air la not dond dont bnllovo in dylii it you honr inn anym sn ijont bnllovo it never folka winy etinin nml folki iwoy pn bnntn wln forever cilribtmafl rtookinob tim cjlirlstmna trcfl is nil very wall lb is splendid in fact nml how iienutl- fill it looks with tho cnmllos lighted iiiul hrlffltt tnud imiib nnd boll and eggs nml hortiu iiml btftia shining nil ovor it hut it u nothing tn tho stock ing in tin ohlninoyplncu on christinas kvo have lliu troo by nil moans but ii yon wnnt to iiinko tho children linppy dunt omit tho stocking it in kngluh mid fnuliinnnlilo to linvo llio troo with nil the mints nml uncles nml cousins uakud nml glfta for everybody anil music iiitd dancing nnd games and cukob mid orniigch nml candles and laiiimindo nnd funny radiations and nil sorts of things hut oh tho block ings t whim iivorjono hns brought a pair of tho longest nml biggest nnd pupn linu tnkuu palim to hang them so thnt thoy nro oliim anil all la quite still in tlm uticut nml it lit hodhi what wonderful ideas couio into tho llttlu iiiiiku mid what pi on until memoriae tuto ihnso of tho grownups wimt mother would llko to mlaa the llttlq oxhlbltlnn of linpo anil fnltli the child wn trusts moat ardently in the henuvolont hnntn olnua will ho moat likely to put fnltli in heavens moroloe in lilu nfter llfot for santn olnuu nlwaya coipoa wlion lio la oxpoot od and whim motiui nnd fnthor hnng tho atocklngu up ho la suro to put aamo- thing in tliom howawirily tho lltllo foot lly iiv- tnlrswhon ninuiiim cnlla i hojtlmo inrllnga how llttlo frock nnd nprona slip from tlio protty ahnuldorai and vlio n thn prnyora nro said tho lioada nro rendy for tho white plllowa and evory llttlo oyo 1hilb up no once tlio alilldron nro going in sloop right off to tiring morning nonror 11 ut whon tlio lights nro out it not so easy buroly lint was tho tlnklo of lalghhulla huraly that la a sound in the clilmnoy supnctso poor snntn clnua almnld git fltnott tlinm soma nlglit nnd ho umnlhnrcd hoforo lis was gotten out ilosslo suggobts that dut dnluy any a i ho couldnt ilo isnt llko folks and i hey nro glnd to think it tqm with n tinuhhtd consolonoo lla illd nip thnt pluco nut of tho mlnooplo on tho pantry holfnnku vvilllo if ho bollovcb hint hnntn olnua oyer puts rods in had hoys stockings to whip thom with and willie roplloa with a thrill in his volco for ho fools thai tlm man la nn insult to his old saint i no of oon roo not ho is too nloo llu is llko urnndpn thon tom says thnt ho jms a mjnd to go dnwnutnlra nnd tnko a poop and how jolly it would ho tn boo santa olftiisa lag coming down i ho says tills evory christians kvni hub h ntvor does it nnd ho novor will tlnklol tlnklol tlnklo oortnlnly that is nn tlio roof homo ona is moving in tho dlnlngrnom tom covers his liond willi tho quilt and does not y whnt lio was going to ay b ho ut nuking hnntn otiny to tnko him not with him mmnt nlgjit n tho milkman did oim morning in his lelgh tiftn fools thnt this is ft solemn moment nnd thnt ho iiml bettor go to sloop and suddenly it in inoinlng thoy hsvo nil lioon sound aatoop how funny nil thoso hours nro gone i it eoqma suoh h waste of tlmo to wash and dicas nnd hnvn nulla hrushod hut it must ha do no thou dowu clatter tho llttlo foot mid thorn alt mamma and pnpii nnd tlivlr opinion is that the tnoklngs urn voiy full as indood they are tho old hnlnb lins had to put sonio of hlu gifts on tho tnantehpleoe or an olmlrs ahd ih tho dolls i ph the tfnaott oh tlinmirtt anil horses and stonniougiima i oh thai wonder ful bountiful gifts i how did hunt claim know limb i wanted my dull to luuu a pnrnsolp orleu nubslii and llmio is nothing hut jny in toms heart for lio linu n 1 1 lid iiliout- firaiililo outllt hniitii chills ho bhytf is the klnd ost norsou i ovnr hoard of oh lb la out of thn at nuking that the neat christmas fun oninee for obtldreii lab ua have thstn it i ways by our flrealdes whlln thnrit nro children in our homes t a chruliiiiis ireo ought lit liw sruot- od with ipirliil re fore nee lo the space it istooccupji oim of hioro with hranohes fliiti not loo brond and qulto tnll is i wis l tlio upper branches should be dicnrntod before thn troo is act lip iii citum they mo ton tall to ho reached by step ladder tills run ho managed by undoing thn stranda that con ann tho upper bruncliea of tho trees as prepared for market then tying upon the tips of thn boughs white collonhattlng snow balls short loops nf popped eon strings of crniiborrloa glittering orna ment etc elo the decoration of the tree mny ho mora or loss su borate na doelrcd to save expense yet at the aino limn to insure n brilliant effect it is a good plan to hang the gifts so hint bright contrasting colors may set off tho tree handles done up in brown paper nro tinvor pretty hut dolls bright- covered hooks gayly painted toys bright silk handkerchiefs nml whlto acarfs slods wagons etc should lie placod in prominent view whon tho gifts nro all nicely airang ed tnkn n liberal quantity of frost powdor and n dnxsn more or loss pack agna of gilt and silver fringe these nro sold at nun dollar per doaen hprond tint frlngu to mnainont na much space as possible and covei lightly ilia front and sides of the tree with it thau sprinkle the glittering frost powder upon thn tree branches undorabillllnnt light the tree becomes n veritable creation of fairyland haul a ns a dispenser of candy liags and lionbons is always welcomed by the llttlo ones if ho has a fund of christ mas rhymes stories and songs to mingle with his gifts he is all the moro welcome bronchitis th symptoms abm tightness across the chest sharp pains nnd a difficulty in breathing a secretion of thick dilegm at first white hut later of a greenish or yellowish color coming from the bronchial tubes when coufdilng especially tlio first thing in the morning ilronchltis is generally the result of a cold caused by exposure to wet and inclement went her and when neglected will become cljranlo chronic ilronchitia is otio of the most scnornl cnuaas of consumption cure the irst symptoms of dronchitls by the of dr woods norway iine tiyrup 4 i 4 i miss martha dour- 4- get little inbos quo writes lost spring i was ery poorly had a imd ootigh sick head ache could not sleep nnd was tired all the tlmo i con sulted two doctors and both told mo i had bronchitis nnd advised me to alvo up tenoning i tried almost everything but none ol tlio medicines gave me any relief ono of my friends advised me to try dr woods norway fine hymn i hnd scarcely taken tho first bottle wl begun to get belter and when t imd inken it holtla i felt as well nscicr my oough had loft me and i could sleep well the fourth boltlol fella oufih had loft mo and i dr woods is tho original pino by nip t is put f pine tree it is put up in a yellow wrapper thice pine tree tlm trade mark nnd tho price 25 cents there nro many imitations of dr wooda so be suro you rcccue the genuine when you ask for it manufactured only by tba t mtlburo co limited toronto out bvery one is superstitious enough to hollnve in tho dollar sign usb allens lung balsam at k warn fetitfcel by celi eau 1h her euagtrew kraatcual msi 2sc roc and fl00 ilottles sold everywliere davis it lawrkncit co uentrtal invest 35o in a box or davis men thol halve and lie proparod for ulcers noiiratgln old tores etc you cant judge the speed of a loco motive by the way lb whittles a hiiro corrective of flatulency when tho undigested food lias in tho atomtioh lb throws off gases causing pnlns and oppression in the atouiaohlo region the itolohlng or eriiutntlnn of these gases is offensive and the only wy to prevent them is to realoro the stomach to piopor action ftirtnows vogotablo pills will do this simple directions go with each packet nnd e onu ran of thorn taken systematically la certain to effect a cure most cascb of balducflh nrc due solely to neglect thclinir often bccomch dry and dimdru flf forms because the hair glands do not supply enough nat ural oil nothing overcomes this deficiency so effectively as that delicately perfumed re freshing hair pomade beuiinc avoid baldness apply be urine to your hair occasionally all druggists 50 cts a jar davisw mmm msnllial smk vamllsflwooflba moil wijhrtmul hcslliiirarutsknnwn i ikyn rttunufr of in mia mmjiti try itavl mm mv4 ud vou will b nllma davin taxvrrhcu co uoulmil ohildren ory for rlctchers ca9toria ftotnotes1w4mllonclimifiil- wssandncjiconlnlm ndlhrr opaiaixorphino norhlncral notnamcotic apaft itemudy rorfmum- tlon t sour slofuchdlarahoca worms convubionsfcvensh- noi mvltoss orsiber rucsltml sitfnatum ef tmw york exact copy or vmappea gastoria for infanta and chlldron the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years nwvmtih charlsrad by dominion government bstabllihed 1b04 the merchants bank or canada iiiiad officii montimal 1 jo branches president bis ii mohtaou aiiaw vice president jonathan iioimkom uv general manageru v iibbusm capital paid up oooo 00 depotllsover 40003000 00 surplus 1440000000 total ainu 136303 73100 the following comparative figures nbow the growth of this bank tn importance and publlo favor iq03 t floooooo 8 700000 0 40000a 10400000 oi aoug boj all 100016 fivffioi total abskts i3 43s4i 3410b1h1 8avincb dank deposits ons dollar or upwards will open an account money withdrawable any time no delay farmers bale notes we have special facilities for collecting ihese we will ciul them at once if desired at ajow rate of interest joint accounts when requested we will open accounts in two names ao tint either one may draw tlio money husband or wife etc aotou branch w s chisholh manager drink todaooo and cured new system of treatment recently discovered itemedy that cures kspldly and permanently marvellous heiulls obtained llisl malts our remedy one ol the wonders of modern medicine pallemo cured secretly at their own homes against their own will and knowledge no suffering no injections no loss of lime or detention from business no bad after effects free freei we ssnd by mall free of charifo our 64 pace boot which fully explains our modern system ol treatment of how the drink i obacco end drug habits can be rapidly overcome and cured this book is sent tn a plain envelope sealed from observation so no one can tall what your letter contains all correspondence absolutely secret and confidential adjreas ie bityva institute 33 university st montreal all mijil ready yawilff rluam for fwfctii bism 4 santa father claus and mother pringle willi 1 everything guelph in the jewellery line it is easier to keep a seorot ihitii it u to keep a protnlso wise mothers who know tho vltluos of mnthur qravnu worm kxt or initi ator alwnya have it at hand beonuao it provoi ita value nearly ovary 0110 lninnlnfla lio la betting mora llinii his ahnro nf hnrd knooks had weak back would often xiielnbed fok- dnya sflsroejly able to torn herself mrs areh bolinnro ninou point nn writes for yoars i was trouhlml wltlt weak back oftentlmoa i hnvo lain in lioj for daya holnr aonreely ablo to turn myself nnd i hnva nlao linen n srent sirerer while trying to perform my household duties i hnd doctors nttend- injf me without nvnll and tried liniments nnd plasters hut nnthlnp seemed to do me any rooii i was nboitt to rivo up in dospnlr when my liusbnnd induced me to try downs icidnoy pills nml after using two hokes i am now well nnd nbln tn do my work i am positive lloans kidney phii nro nil that you claim for them nnd t would advise all kidney sufferers to rive then a fair trial doanb kidn19y vimfl nre n purely vojetahle medlelno reallalna quleu per manent rellnf without uny alter iii erf eels a medicine that will nbsnfulely euro mnnk- aphe nnd all forma of kldnoy nnd luudtler diseajm 1 i fries 80 rfenls iter box or lltnr lib at all dealers or the t mllhttrn co urn- lied toronto ont its ordering speolfy dona a laiiitslldo a slgnlflonnt mnvomont in real estnto yon onnt correct n mutnko by tell- inp how hartl you tried fjoirrnlaliir fliiur would lie n great boon to a in nn of family who la unable to rnlao a barrel of h liliuaolf thoro novor wns and novor will bo n universal panacea in one ramody for all ills to which flesh is holr what would relievo ono iii in tin 11 would ngrrnvnto tho others wo i e how ever in qulnlno wine whon obtained lit u hound unadultoratoii sinle a remedy for many nnd rrlevons ills hy its gradual br judloloua use tho fralloat systems nre led into convales cence nntl strength by the influence wltloli quinine exerts on nntutvs own tostoiliitliot it tellovea those to whom n ohrnnlo stnlo of morbid iloapondonoy and ltuk of interott in ifo a duanse nnd by tramiuillxlng tho nerves disposes to sound nnd rofiesliliiraloep impnrta vigor to the oollnu or the blood whluli being sthnulhtod flonraoa through the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions nf tlio systeln thereby making activity h neeessnry result strengthtlnlng tho frame nntl giving lire tn the digestive organs whloh iihtminllydoniatiil inoreasrd substance ieau1r improved apatite north top i man or toronto have given to tho publlo their superior quinine lly tbo opinion of aountlsta the wine approaches nearest perfection of uuy on the market all druggists sell it tiite hunhi ohiiiu nlil frllow it dnihiit cm 21ycniiii slnnn i hint bty iiwnku tiisuliiriuid 1 oiling wnlllnk inid wnlrli lug for yi it tlonmrl m inn 11 pun tm of iirimtiiiy upv nn tlm nuinliitf nf thnt chi ut mill i ml ut hud into it troiihlnd mid iii fill urip nnd nuouo with n htiiri to llsisl diiw 11 iiiiiinuiinliik herarir how luliiblicd my lois ns i run lo ll 111 urn plum mid riuhhcd thnt tdnrlc lug vtm nlil follow ynu were knt r- lliut tiiniiilng i horn wern iiinrn niirpiucs mid inystoilis in thnt old stocking inhg nnd bhiok nnd durum thnil tlifiionio to dny in life in duntb inlbii hnwids nf thn tltrth nr tlm iwit- 11111 nf tin- son 1 tluru was nioio iiiushi in the jitwu hnrp hint i fnuiid wnippod up hi tho too than in the grnndnat stringed instrument nnd moknrt could not eniiipoin n symphony more har- tiioiilous than thn 1 11110 that my now tinging top sung nu it whirled nn tho hour a real doll with reully nyos that olnaril nnd opened n real volco that apokeiiponprenuiiro kuotlght llojivon drew quite nonr when the doll emtio frnni tlntt nnpnolous stocking wbun ilnllownym jiirn cum la ap plied to 11 coin or wmt it kills thn roots nnd lhn callosity romoa out with out injury to lhn fluah cunloiit la llko your oyos noao or nny nlhei fuaturo lo hnvo it you tnuat bu bom with it a dellcnto pnmado la tho beat form nf linlr dreslng baarlno is thnt nnd nioru 1 it iiinkoa hnlr giow iuo n jur a iiiuii mny think he knoiva muro than n diiolor lint hn la upt to listen when n hiwyur tolls him ho needs n ohnngo of ollmnte troubled with constipation for years any irtrgulnrlty of tho bowels u sl- wnys dunjicroits lo your health nnd should bo corrected nt onco for if this is not dono constipation nnd nil sorts of disease nro llnhlo to atlnok you mllhums iaxn1uor imla euro con stlpntloii nnd nil btomaoh llvor and bowel complnlnta mr henry poirco 41 stnndlsli avo owen bound ont wrltoa having been troubled for yonrn with constipation and trying various aonllod remedies which did mo no uood wlmtovor 1 wns porsuulod to try mllhums lwamvor pills i hne found thoin most bong flclftl they nro indood a splendid pill and lean heartily recommend thorn to nil thou who suite from ooiutlphon trice 2fl cents n viul or a for l 00 at all doiilora or sont direct on receipt of price by 1 ho t mllburn co limited toronto got thoro ib a good deal of inhumanity in human nature children ory for fletchers p 1 a vow men hnva courngo enough to bo timid nnd admit it tho ioo of indlgosllonrindlgeetlon is a 00 ni mo 11 nil mo in and few aro frco from it it is a moat distressing com plaint nnd often tho suffirlng attend ing it is most severe tho very host remedy la pnnnoleoa vrgetablo pills takon according to dlrocotlnna thoy rectify tho irregular notion of tho atnmach nnd restore healthy notion for ninny years thoy hnva boon n standard remedy for dy anopsia and indigestion and nro highly esteemed for their qualities how loud tho door bungs whon some onoelio slams it i neglected colds puln in the cheat and all dleoiuos of tho lungs are cured by using allans lung hal- opportunity rnroly oomou in tho man who spends all hie tlmo wnltlng rnr it to discern nnd deal immodliiloly with cniiaob nnd ovoroomo thorn rather than to hattlo with effect a nftor tho dlaeaso has scoured a lodgement is the chief aim or tho median innn and dlokleii antl oonsutnptlvo hyiup is the reottlt or patient study along this particular line at tlm list nppoai- auooof naold tho syrup will fonml a most offlqlent remedy ntroatlng do- volnpment nnd speedily henllng tho affected pnrts ao that the nllmont dls- apponra aftot nwomiin succeeds in getting her husband afraid of her alio never can hope to got him lit lovo with hor castor i a vor infant end children ill kind you hi always bought etgnatore of tfflu when tho joke is on you it is nover very funny as long aa n wonmn oun ohnngo her mind she dneant sooni to mind could not sleep in the dark dootor said heurt mud nerve wor reepouiilble there is mnny a mnn nnd woman toss ing nlfilit nftor nluht upon n hleepless bed tfielr eyes do not rlosn in thn sweet nnd refreshing repose that eomra to thosa whoso hoart nml nerves nro right home oniutltutional dlatiirbnnco worry or dlueoao hns so dobllltnted nnd irritated thn nervous ayatem thnt it cannot be quieted mrs oalvln btark noaamnre ont writes about two yonrs nrn i bornn to bo troubled wth a smothering sensa tion nt night when i would ilo down i got so had i eoitlil not steep in the dark and would have to sit up and rub my lltnhs thoy would become so numb my doatnr stld my henrt nnd nertesmrro hmponilhlfl 1 saw mllliuruu heart nnd nerve pills advertised and rot a box to try them i took three boxes nnd cnn cow he down and sloop without the light urnlng and run rest well i enlt reenm- mend them hiulily to nil nervous ant run down women imoe no sent ier hn nr 1 for hjft at nil denlers or mailed ill reel on receipt of pries by the t mllburn co llniltod toronto oat make each animal worth 25 over its cost on fe of a cent a day 11jh- v iinv plumprifimnnd vltfiir ntw liuriur wlnanrthiullrv u row 1 11 a oil your own farm hi i ninwthlns to hlr irwir tmlcauti nil l1ioil itl 10 llkl won blv ihrn o th mt ul hota stock food but a conditioner if tlifhhi illiialticniuhhl 011 nn tin nutl riol mm awl iuhikdi at ihakcil urn rioval puhplh stock ill fcumlaln pi i til mllu from llirae in flva hu urn in nnrfjxniirihliicla urlf itk uhxifk im i vmiiculvri wlili ttoval tuhtlh ht svmwftttmmwwiwic nrl riis t l j til lnrl wlmur 1 ink i ur gnnl circuit ir ww una lliinry wtnlr 1 0i tin tltr 1l n wlnim winner of m too i irmllosii ifcil inlllm ilktalmrualiuvsiiavar lntrnjf ilitir fuj mini i iiininiihl ulod lluiral 1urnl umllla almut var ago snj 1 will sluaya liuva it inmyalubui p royal parple stock and poultry specifics onakaa haclmur hoval purplr stock spbcirlcullllnm nnaanlmul mymty rtothwmhiimm i f vimir ticii a- x it l i ilc rial j itvarv pjiuagi nj lhd itiroo i l liall nuiln n iiinjl a ii ml pill cnnlulnlnu lour lml will i vll ivi hoval l6bplk will lncrm lu vain innulilntilv iiilcl fulianar llmulallns lh nppallla arul lis ihhillry not t f hiiku ona ultunl pjcbas will tail luanlv hva i joim wmklt la tourllnwarnnm laylns muciln mil ol your hana wjw1iv1iwms18i the grand trink railway n p4ll coillriu ii uwlll lual iwanly flva i suaranliaili anllrlnll ilim ull nat ludualli i your mcrvlisnt orwrlut nna nlvwr anlmala and anyliafijttrsrslfwiirl stwihar compjrlna rnulta yii wfil nvroval purplkhns im bncwcnma vxrmnnv imiitt alb for nur vnluaiil- 91 rf ikwiblal nn callla anil fwinltrf dl conlalnlns nlon tuv tivociiics if you cannot sat lloyal purpla flpatlnca from mirctianta nr adanla w will tupply- you dlract aapraia prpll on racalpl of ii kin pall for ahharlviultry or bin kllpaclllc maba monay allndaa nur agtnt tn vourillitrlcl wrlla inr larma poraaloliy all unlodala marltianla wijfldklbsmig co london can hoval purple atook sind poultry bdeeinea sind rr booklets kept lit ajtoek by q a blaok aeton inimu9 a newness to our plumbing tiut arpkaus to critical puollb old anllijualetl meiliod flnj no lojuamnt in our mind luis talk tub mattuii ovku pre5d s7ith flj7utbbr quebec st phone 337 guelpii l52fg warm and strong if you want a pnir of gloves or mitts in horsehide caff or buckekin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other woy will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the woo knit wrint nnd lined rind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all atoros every mitt is togged storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited acton ontario kwvvpjl hctqn 1 x jf jiijtl x bus lin the umlerilftned respectfully solicits the nalronafje of tho pub lic anil informs ihem that wall a coniforublo hue meets nil trains between 10 00 a m and 6 id p m careful attention riven lo every order the wants of com mercial travellers fully met john inziilmtufs pnormisttom wcodekcraving photoen6ravin4 halftones oh ahv cuiso or u4uumkoumpmmll c liuo0utshamiulvc j l jo ties in pc wanted now for actoh nml surrounding dlslilel f3r fall snil winter months an enarrello r liable scent to tnltn orders for nursery stock rooii iay wbukiv outllt prbp lixoliislvk tkrritoi1y inn ncresnnilurciitilvstlon we bus ran- ire to deliver atocb in rnnd condition and up m contract rrade we can show you that i ere lood money in represanilno a well known reliable arm at this time hslnhllshril over 30 yonrs write for par llculnrs pdliiam nursery co toiionto ont ths berlin steam granite and marble works oaspbn nrtaun proprietor designers and builders ol statues maus bleums monuments markers and head stones and all klnda of wllhaut hcutstrcct agent acton paper makers asoxoxro ifw oilt nook news and ooixlnkd paphiis tnohllaluwilt acton pump tile works 0 b kb 13 a ob prophstor our premlsts are now fuly equipped with all the latest maehlnr nnd scpllsaoea for manufseturlnh juisw kmd jamn bvpputm tu0 tar wtl eutmrnm eturerm niiu put rating tooim una supping orders promptly fllud maiy street acton paisbnohn thainb no 5 nu nejo all iralua uii at aelnu furs uptodalc buy direct from us and ftct tlio best value in tho city orders promptly attended to wc have every facility no need roin to toronto and pay more and very often get taken in with inferior furs we arc here to serve you to the best at reasonable prices wc remodel furs and buy raw material gctourpriccb price list free lafontaines fur establishment 9597 quebec st guelph ont milligan coxon all kinds of fresh and sail meats sausage o logna and poultry wc arc prepared to pay highest cash prices for all kinds of fowl dressed or alive also for farm produce cash paid for hides skins and tallow youit ratkonaoe solicited milligan coxon butchers agncws block acton artists materials water colors oil colors and supplies pyroqrapby supplies and outfits hatuius 8tddy 8upplh1b for colleges schools or students sand for informtllon freo clktaauo no i arluu matoilil and nalur study suppll ctilosua no 3 rrogrpliy supplus waters bros the picture store windham st guelph w gimson faintsn papnn hanokr pioturb rrahbr etc begs to inform tho ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that ho has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall papor houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices kight also that ho is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired shop mill street acton onnoilie willlntni livery so vmm xpirllunok yrabc manns dktmntv oowrlllaht 4a wl4lt m4 mwlpilm mm ilaa i mud mtuh f aiith l poauavijpeldt tstdbj tsxsmtfi patents iphdmptly seduheoi 100 niihiia ill mr 1 tmt tit ihrriffiiji nanltuarliiaais f marion marion lmt kkmr4 4nd balteaj i

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