Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1909, p. 2

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ii mary anil lluli inlor i ii in ji nt ilia 111 in iirmtr aiioi in nirmuv horn- nil r uitti iv mr niirkii f i amnio lulin 1 ll 1 1 dttntfmll riielllh m ilauuutar im i i a 11 m ii n vkiii rrai ll 11 linliifl ol till alitar nl it mm gniirml vv nimmr huiulo h ini1ay duflniiiliarujiiii k iwaxl lo ly noil if llinma llowily ka j ii ulu amanita litjl an stall jullil unit lleli ukyai ii tiiwiuy line 7tli on hiiuilay use lllloy luriiifiyii million- u mini xi hi lu ll minium 1uih llihi cloltmilai on tliiiialay itac lull lboneiur luliur ul ci yuan ami u mkixih in vi tximal on tliurailay hor ry hlnltli man lonalil ilaiialilar of mi lt h machinal i anal iiioullia ami thuiihday ijkcumiimi 1000 ecdllolilal motbb lluctmu nf altiinl dont lit- guilty of uullhm iur finnchlsn you nro too biiiki liiuuiih for hint vole hint out boys i uny not in tun id into 1inr room lodfom nuil onriiirla into drunk ard u wlvuu voln fur local option aitothoi uvulonco of cunnduu pro parity is round in tlio n mount of deposits in tliu cliiirlf io1 hanks ton ytarn nun limy aiiiniinti tl jo 210 ooftv mm and on oaobur llstnflqo thny lmil reached l lie uum of ijttlljlfhiofw or in iirly tbreo llnirn nronlcr limn win tlm liiri ion yonrs no aliurcpiflxliitntloii nml fnlwo ntato niontit nn nry largely iii stock it trnilii of the nihncalos of llio cnntln iiuiice of tli lim mums llw govern moot la evidently inking n imml in hcadfuu off llino published falsahooda llio iitttmtlnn of mr i humidors hiipoiliihiniluiil of llio lieu into dvpart- iiiont nt loronlo having beuudliected to btntoiniiiitu lulntlvo to owon hound which appeared in advertisements uaund hy llio nppnnnuts of incal option ho linn ubiidi tho statement that llinan nllitfalluus lira aliioluttily also it i pointed nut that 11m stntomont hint tho diihrut are telling is gratuitous insult to tho repulnblo men who conslltuto i hla class in otvoi hound nnd that tin claim thnb ru- npuctablit in on nro violating tho law nml pirjmng tliuinijvos hna its own nnaworln tlio quota ion of nispootnbll- y in tho iluatlou of councillor ilynds ohalrmn n of thocommlttcu on finance to tho position of itiove hy ncolnmn- tlnn acton hna ilono a wnrthy thing to an uhlo nnd honorahlo clluon no other intipnyir could liottifr 1111 tlio position huovonloct llynda will bring to the poultlnn nf olilof mngli trnto iniwlnoea cupnhlllty municlpiil dxpurlunco nnd n i con inhlglit into tho nccda nf tlio inunlclpiillty ho u ulnly nn novlco to tho poelllnn of public mrvant in acton for ho hna spout morn yours in olllolnlly inoklnp aflor our iiinnlcipnl and edunntlonnl ntoruatn thnn nny other citizen nt proaont rouiiloiit horc i or tho election by ncclnmntlon credit in duo dr gray for hla graceful retirement fropu hie contoat nml tn hoovo hwnck humor who declared that nn ho inul received all tlio honora within municipal gift culminating in hla election na wanton of tho county for 1000 ho wni now qulto ready to rotlio from municipal oniofl lb la very generally hoped that dr gray uui in tlio noar future again give his valued aervlcoa to tlio cor poration nnd occupy tho itoovoa chair tito atntomont hna boon aiblilloualy clreulatrd hero tho pnsl fow daya that wlion local option cornea into forco tho doll vory riganf tho luowerloa will ho ninklng their onlla nt private houaea instead of nt the hotel no at proaont under license tlila will lm n dlruot violation of tho i iw tho inoal togla- luturo nt villa taut aoawion with a view to prntootlng local option munlolpiil- iubb nmoniled section 60 1 of the act on that it now rends aa follows t ttfla kvery poraon whethorllaoiibod or unlicensed who hy lilnmolf hla orvant or ngont ennvussm foi or ro- colvoo or anllaltr ordera for ifriuor with in any niiinlolniillty in whlali a hyluw eaflsod tiudnr hi ctlon 111 of tho liquor iidoiibo act lu lit force almll lie guilty of an offouco against this act arid lull incur tho nonnltlso provided for llio sftlo of liquor without tho llooiisn therefor hy law required inahmttho only anlo of liquor that can legally tnko plncn in a local option inunlclpnllty under thn proaont law nnd prnotlce is snlo hy drugglsto i nnd that anlo enn only tnko plnco upon h prescription duly signed by n irgnl- ly qiinllfled mod i nil pinotllloner in spool find iiuanlllhannd reglrtered in a hook ki pt for the purpitm except in onso of soilmii injuiy 01 fiilnllng of n poraon hi ought lulu the druggists promuofl 01 iidjoliilng prcinlies nnd thou only in ciihii of urgency and in n mull unco find quantity brtun mlainmonutlon or th aiob whloh hsawnta th lylnja itaporta nothing hut four of defeat explnlnu tlio campaign of the rvertttlve of the organ lied llquni truffle in municipal ities now getting ready for n local option vote tlio htoiaturo of tho opponents of loon piohihltlon hy its mil re prone millions of faot nnd ita in- oonsequouoo of argument la n con- foulon of fenr fot llio loatih any port in iloim uloms to he tliolr mottn not sntuflod with lepoatlng nllegn- uons iib to the altunllnn in muino that are inelovaut in ontario and flatly coiitiftdlotml in now hngland they puhluli gross pervoiblnus of faot a anil experiences of which llioy hope soma oloatnra inny tint havn nilequnto knowledge an iintanoo la supplluil by olroulara now befng dlstrlhiiuil throughout tho tmiulnlpiimlles where local option oontesla nro in progreso in ono of thesu tito llnha is quoted i icoroliiyndsrcevcnv accl tiiiibu iiahoto ante nsquinhd mnie thnn naiinl lntret wne uinnl- festtul lu thn iiitinlalpnl iiomlnntloiih on monday ah n result iionilunlloum for the ofllnus of itoeve coiilitlllorunuil hchool truutnea were more immniotis thnn they luivo been foi yenra jim names of twtuity throe clllums were put in nomination for tlio several pnsltloiib lu hie following ordei it i m k fluonui ilvnim proponed hy v ii denny seconded hy georgo ilavllt iu guty proposed by wj oor- diinnecoiulud hy joint hilssell ii h c klfvmklt proposed by a hell seconded hy h m lnshy uuncii ioiih aikx i wi- proposed by j h auderaon aecimded hy win gnohr mumivy mf dosaii proposed hy william cooper seconded by w 11 kumiey j ii u it nny proposed hy v c hpelght second wl hy w williams a t tiuuw v proiwsed hy j 11 kennedy seconded hy v c helglit w it klcn nicy proposed hy d m henderson sncomled hy j williams john wumvuii proposed hy w ii penny soonded hy ii p moore dm guvy proposed hy j a mownt uecondid hy it j moknhli j t kahton proosel hy win job ni tour seconded hy w i ander son d m iikvdiciihon proposed by win nityerv secoiulcd by john hnr- vey wn cm nh it proposed hy juliu harvey uocondod by georgo llyiuts joiim it kkvkiv proposed by john lnwaou socomlcd hy john lint vey hihhi tltlhtuch wu 1 1 m thomh proposed hy n v hurat seronded hy w ii hmlth ii m iiliniiiikhos proposed by john wllllnmu seconded hy william jnhnstono jons vnt i vsih proposed hy i m iletullisoii aecondod by win johnstone dit oh vy proposed by itov j 0 wilson ii a seconded by goorga hynda john a mow vt- proposed hy ii p monrv seconded hy ho j o wilson u a j d wiunm i a proposed hy j a mownt seconded hy ii p moore j cooikit antiivr d ii pro posed hy pr gray secunded by itov j c wilson d a j ii hicicij proposod hy w j gordon seconded by wni flayers nicw rov f 1 1 uiurr proposed hy george it agnnw seconded by georgo soper llio mooting in tho oronlng to allow members of council to review the work of tlio past year and nominees to state their toiler and intentions was moro largely attended than uitinl mr a k nlcklln waaclialrnian ilaavo bwackhamor wni first called upon ho sold ho had not thought of over tilling hla preaont position ngaln ho believed ho had faithfully served tho public am long any previous itcnvo ho had had every honor attached to that office and had boon warden of tho county for tho post year iy faithfully performing tlio duties or lila various ofllcos tlio passing year had been a vory busy ono for him mr john cameron asked tho hoovo for an explanation of tho dopredstlons dono in tho cemetery grove last spring no satisfactory answer to similar previous questions hod boon given and tho jloevo did not improve mat- tore niuob ho said that they had worked under directions of resolu tion pauod in council and that nothing hail boon dono in a blind folded way ha wasnt aahamod of nnythlng ho had done throo of the plnoa wore in thn way of tho roadway i hoy inlendod building mr cameron told the itoeve that ho had mado no answor to tlio question there had been fifteen lienutlful pletos ruthloisly out down not scrubs aa had boon claimed for ono at least measured three foot through tho discussion ended for tlio time being by councillor ilynd chairman nf finance being called upon he reviewed in nn able manner tho work dono tlo past year coming under his charge showed that tho hookkeep ing for hie electric light plant had lieen placed in thn hands nf the munic ipal offlaor nml that the uliango had been moro satisfactory ho believed thoro waa still too much laxity how ever and thought that tho collector should bo responsible for collections as ho is with taxes and report to tho council uny delinquents tho deben ture debt of the corporation la iofl0 tills will full duo hi a few years and wo must ho prepared to meet it tho sinking fund has not been earning enough interest hut tide yems coim hna lutmdiiced ii plan to remedy thai d iflltii councils of the next four ni live yours follow the plan adopted this yoai ho bollovos they will imvo no difficulty in mooting all debentures when ihwy fait due iteferonco was mado in the faot that thoelootilo light plant was oveiloadod tlio hydro- klootrlo power will in nt probability pass through here before long and u t should tnko steps to secure a supply for acton mr ilynds said he had j not out down nny plnea at llio name- 1 tory i ha oven didnt know at the tlluo that ilia deniodallon wa going on dut hn salt we are also robbing the cemetery in another way in the lust ten yours flooo hna itemr reoelved from tho enmntery whllo only 1110 has been expended on it now that tho cemetery la freo from duht l dolmin lures being paid ho thought thu time had onmn whon tho total receipts should he expended nn the mainten ance and beautifying of this important property thviu had bean differences in tho ominoll but these had paver beau allowed to come against the interoala of tho town air hymls stated ills intentions of entering the contest for he ilaeveshlp because of tho pressure brought upon him by numerous leading oltlxeus lie hail boon for fourteen years on the school board and for six years in the council one of which he had spent in ilia deavoi tooirryou hmi work honestly nml i iiiioliiihiuiil and tu an i nonoiu- ieul and aalufhotoi iinuiin i eqioolul ly ifglvini n good council inhiek him mr cimerou thought tin lit uhoulil n diminution of cllliu hi net with the council in miiinlmy iilfnlni so nn in mis int miftly fiom future niltrngnu ml to cm if i i with thn ciiuiiell us to propiiaid inipiomiiimitp mr hyiidureplhd that i in- cminnll as not oppostd l it eoiniiiunliih but for thu flint that thn council would lm responsible to the people whereas the commission would not mr d hendcrboii m p heartily agreed with what mr ilynds had said he expresiied his views in regard to llio cemetery nnd was slnceriilyrfrleved and indignant when ho heard of the depredations committed intt winter he also touched upon llio debenture interest hydro olectilo power etc nml ndvislii hint no contractu bonmdr for power whilu the rights of the province to lake power from niagara palls is under litigation councillor iloll chairman of hlroots ami walks behoved they had taken tho most expenslvo way of building roads hy bringing tho county machin ery hero lo do the work ho though crushed stone could have boon hi ought in for less money however wo have a good road even if it was- forced upon us by tho county councillor danny chairman or town hall told of improvements effected in tho hall nnd ahnwed that they were mure thnn met hy tho receipts councillor huston clinlimnii pmk spoko of improvements to the handstand fence etc nnd thought that moro treos should ho planted ho believes thoro is still numerous im provements which should lie efrveted nnd if elected next year would d t hla best to soo hint they wero can u it m it- mr camoron also quobtlontd coun cillor kabtnn n rrgatd to the cemetery outrage hut no eatlsfnctoiy answer was forthcoming the question la un- answerable said mr ciuiicron nnd trees wero ruthlessly destroyed which sixty years growth would no replace mr ilynds was tho drat of tho nominees to ho called upon hut na he had already rxpmsacd his intentions ho had no moro to any or gray ex councillor said it wns almost pitiful tn hoar the explanations put forth in regard to the cotnclory dlpredatlons had ho remained in tho council ho would hnvo liked t havo seen r walk laid to tho ceine- tery nnd tho cemetery onlranco im proved and outllmd a plan which it would be well to curry out ha also spoke on the questions of hydro elec tric power nnd tho county good roads system tho dr bollovos it is thno for a provincial audit of all municipal books ho has always tried to servo any town that bo has been in but feels that the present demands upon his time would not give hlin llio oppor tunity to dovota tn municipal nffulrs which tho importance of present con ditions require and therefore declined to stand lleeve swaokhamer spoke of the county goad roods system ho thought that tho former speakers hnd not been altogether fair and showod what tho municipality was paying to tho county and what tho government wna paying back ho onld that he had decided not to contost tlio itoovoslilp having enjoyed all tho honors that could ho bostowod nnd ho bollovodtho town would have a faithful and effic ient man in mr ilynds as itoeve councillor boll said ho hnd docldod to stand for ieclootlon ho would endeavor to servo tho community to tlio best of his ability if reelected mr jnn williams said soma thought ha was a luck number ho wasnt expecting nomination bub hnd been nominated both for councillor nnd school trustee it is tho duty of avory good oltlion who has tlio time and ability to servo tho town hut ho bad servsd ills term and wished to soo others of ability como out wo must have a good council to support tho hoove ho intimated thnt bo la no hack number councillor kuitoi had hnd his say he would serve tho town to tho best of his ability if elected for another torm mr ii m henderson spoko of his interest in the town ita was always ready a do his part but at present did not fool freo lo enter tho contost for councillor ho might stnnd for school trustee however nnd if elected would do all in his power for tho educational interests of tho town councillor donny declined to stand next year nona of tho other nominee for the tho position of councillor put lu nn appearance mr j a mowat has served on die school hoard for three years iio gsvo a short revlow of thn work of the past year oapoolally emphasising tho uppolntmont of n cmetnker to give his whole time to tho hoard ho tulod that it was his intention of running for the coming torm anil if elected would glvo his best eeivloea to tho tovn itov dr autllir snld if tho oltlxone of tho town hollavo ho oun servo them well ho ii willing to stand and glvo his iwst attention to llio duties of tho nmrd of leduoatlon tho dr stitod do you knew the difference between working and having tho work dne lor you aunllrht soap actually makes the dirt drop out save you tlmo and monoy but inlures neither hands nor clothes that is just the difference bo t w on n sunlight soap and ordinary soaps follow direction that ho wns nut wholly without ix peilenco in tduciilloniil nffulrv having born n ttnchrr of ihlldren in knghind nod hlucm coining to canada hnd taught young mon tor seven years iio hnd alio fu lllled a poultlon lu conollilini with tlio night schools nf moutienl ullh which lie wns honnied hy tho pio incl ii government if elected tn llio position of hchool truitleo ho would do nil in ills power to advance the educational alfalrs of hie tnun as lluieo were thn only ones of thu nine nomhiii u for truuteeu who put in an appearance the met ling clnsod with the national anthi m as dr giny and iteevehwncbhiiiuer retired at tho nouilnntlnn nieiitliig mr ilynds wns elected by acclamation hluco tlio meeting mobbih penny iconnuy williams dr giny hender son nnd kiiinedy retired nndmisirs iloll m donald ilrowu kiston nnd cooper am hi the hold fur coiiucllli in the heboid trustie elt rllon hut j 0 wilson pr giaj i ii 11 d nnd nowton i huist r tired nnd mtsiro thoinnf henderson williams mown nnd pi amurf nrolu the field thoro aro four to bo elected outbids nominations hoovo j mculbbon w lliouipsou j ninghnni peputyhoevo g wrlggleswurth ihos cook nh0 vvtuyv heave d hutoliuoii jas krwln councillors dr mctnggnrt john carton win lynj w j aklns and goo grummett guki11 mayor hpsllngs io eleclid by accla mation ovitvitlit mayor geo hhimur by acclama tion mlltov tor major w anderson nnd j b deacon hoovo i v karl acccl councillors- j h poacon j w blair m k parks c w mnrtin g a griffith a hlgglnholham j ii pa- cook a l hemstroot j irving j t hnnnant james weir t mcjnnnott t torn j w wight d s rnhort- son school trusloos east wnrd pr hohortsan ucol north wnrd i w greonloes nnd j i little mr llttlo retired south wardw t dlak acol if yon havo indigestion your food ferments in tho stomach and bowels it docs moro t it decays and tlio mitrlllous matter which should go to make new blood decays with it and this lends to nn impoverished condition of tho blood to nervousness bilious- noas constipation sick hoadache had breath which dlguits your friends nnd otlior disagreeable nnd unpleasant conditions anil all tills trouble is caused hy the food that doesnt digest but ferments and nfttlmos rats in tho stomach and formontnllnn la caused by tho slomnoh not hilng strong enough nnd enorgetla onough in tbnioughly mix thn food u ith the digestive juice mio na is re sponsible for tuns of thousands of cures in fuor it is such a positive cure for indlgostlon nnd nil stomach tmubhs that lb is guaran teed by a t brown to euro or monoy back llio prlco nf a largo box of mioua tablets la cd cents nml they aro stiro to promptly rellove tho worst case nf indigestion or gastritis try them giving support tqiho liquor traffics aaknpalgu und tlio thing bean lass braunly done it might have been i jteavea office and had tried to give ignored monday globe loading best service to th town in these editorial capacities if oleoted li would en- they help your stomach out and save you m world of wretched new a atotnacli that cannot digest i good tiiesl is certainly a aore trial it lias been responsible for almost avery thing in the way of human misery up to suicide the trouble in nlost cases is that the stomach and other digestive organs lack vigor not enough of the juices necessary to digestion are secreted nor doe the stotnsch work up the food propsrly the worst of it is tliot there is not sufficient nourishment taken out of the food to restore the systems vigor slid the trouble goes from bad to worse the stotnseh needs help little digesters meet the need exactly ohe little digester after each meal will ensure perfect digestion provided of course that the food is good and wholesome little digester are guaranteed to cure indigestion and dyspepsia or your money will be refunded 330 at your druggtsts or by mall from the coleman medicine co toronto hy0me curbs catarrh asthma browfcltuv croup cougfts and ceut w money back sold tod guimatesd by a t himundrugglat acton ballinafao a very fhittei ing itddtesa accompan ied hy n present wero tendered miss florence cote organist of tho motho- dlst sunday bohool last week prior to her marriage tho nddross wns signed on behalf nf the teachers and officers of tho rabliath hchool by 1 8 noar btipt of sunday hohool and gvn t wnlte supt or circuit ktoctlon matters aro gill ing warm liora now mr cooks h lends would like to see him for idqueslngs deputy itoovoslilp ho is up against a very strong man in mr wrlgglosworth however tfitoal option will get a gnotl votn in its favor in tills pait of tho township diavmuhs cannot bib gufllbd by imsi sriestlnj t sy ssunol rmoli tits dlmsbia ihtleu of hi var tdsrs is only ens way to sura itsslumi sua llial is by oouiktu llanml ruiaf mtuss ll esuiaa by an in nsaisil iooijupo of tlis mueoiis llulnif n lbs ttmuehuu tubf wlisn lliis tubs is ronimsd you tasvs a rombllna sptind or imparfi ing and wkitu ll is snllrs nlossd u lbs ratult arjdbjmmlis laflsnmatlei the thite house guelph ont stocktaking sale on fridiy mornmf wc commence our hcmianuual clearing sale vvc have leas to clear than in any former scieon therefore we can afford to make prices lower than ever in fore lace curtains 150 o paira regular up to s oo friday a y 1 m per pair 11180 curtain ends wc looo flamplcs nottingham lace curtains friday 8 30 a in each 10c dress goods and blanket cloth soc all blanket cloths and a lot of 51 inch suitings regular up to 200 friday 830 a m per yard fioc ladles underwear 25c stuilo nml nilil liupii nf vtnl anil urauirit luijulur 501 nml 7t i rlilny cacti 3jc handkerchiefs 5c inoo countar uiilcd iinniluorlilclu anil ilil i ill tutu hiilii mill iiiiliroiiltriil i iwm rcculnr up tu in 33c trliliiy h 3n 11 in tuili t ladles shoes 160 solid leather name make mi nnr upeilul i in ddukoiii kid patent tlj gnud 3 so value krldny h jon m per pilr f i ladlos hats 76o bndks trimmod hali all new lilnioicil iurjioticty foi thin inlu 1riilny each 7sc northway suits 500 so luhcn suits northway rrpilur up t o o i nday fl 30 11 m per suit 95 00 blouses 100 colonial poptjti nml dulainc ltljiihir 3 3 pi iday 1 3 a in tatti 01 on underskirts 100 btrlpcd hcntlietblooiu and kiuuy mulrc kcgulur up to 83 5 i ridny tncli 1 pups all rurs i i off regular prktn couts all cialii 1 3 t rtgulnr prices hens shirts and drawers 60o pine woo hhirtii and drawcrrt hcgtilar 1 00 itiiijij h 30 a in racli joe jkmbs ftamsey go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go is3rrorrrcrrcricrrrrtrr3 ctccici good wheat thoroughly cleaned the vital essential no doubt when purcliaalng louryou have often wondered at this logond flaunted by all cheap tloura madojrom stlecitd wheat corlalnly the wheat was utltcftd else there would bo no hour at nil but what jar nnd condition of wheat it tollclli not maybo it doth not wlflh to carry talcs out of school relying on the average housewifes limited milling knowledge talcing full advan tage of her disadvantages wesre proud to label five roses bo that all may manitoba hard iwritf wearsadloun of llsrapulallon wa sra convinced there is no betlar era in under the nun hohi at good afler culling iho cream ol hie cion tuuntyoni yari pnac uet lias touch us how lolakocirool iho good stuff coming direct from tho farmers wagons even before it is admhlsd to the elevators tho grain ta rid of its e roamr impurities cocktt forwttanc round suds sand mud and tirih balls pucts 0 string nails and jfoodntst knows wfiat if this ever jot inlo the flour theae impurities if ntored with the wheat or even a slum tlmo will contaminate die grain just as one bad boy caa vitiate a sohoot room the cleaning and icpifatlon must be done at iho elavslors madam no amount of subsequent cleaning or docloring will tntinty ellml nsla hie influenca of its earl as soclatea you undmland that ol course m thua is the childhood of fivc roses immaculate and irreproach able tim pure manitoba bsrrlea are cuan at tht ouistt end ktpt titan and when they reach the keewaltn ml i la a further process is relied on to polish off an posalble bad manners which might smuggle in on tlio way homo there is never a speak nor stain nor smell to vox iho soul of the fas tidious housewife m a a wa wu net bolleve madam that you are wholly indifferent to ihe welfare of your family folks lo itckltss punty in your baking we know you will always una rive roses unr or nt woods miliwo colibuoniiiai neglect ruins 100 watches where use wear out one keep your watch clsan and h is n nsliiral for ii lo ao si for your tienn to beat prihglo has eipailenca and ability to repair and properly adjust watches poi sibly as great as any person in canada v- gfc d prinqlb tlic jeweller guclph bank of hamilton loasof taafom aatihit tiv nabmb ihsl hl aetbaomjultiy kail iciunb curs hand tor olroulais fraf 9 joiibjjhvaodtoladoo teulfsvlsfvilyniliforeiinstlpatlom mi john l oi lpis of not lb van couver ii 0 has sent ills renewal subiarlpllon and licit wishes to his many montis here for n happy new yr guelph is to get tho new central prison it will ho located in tho south outskirts of tho city between the o t it and o i it tracks anamlo wbtnon nnd children who frequently feel chilly lire pate and exhausted will derive groat bono- fit from tlio use of perrovtm tho in vigorating tonlo which consists of iron in n form they oun assimilate fresh lean beef and pure sherry wine nothing could iw better than this abntbltirtlntt of itrcnghglvltig agents in mail aaiqi 100 pir bottle for pale dqttcate people mmmumn lliiihls up st re tie hi s brings luck tho ruddy glow of honlllt hy creating a natural appotllo fnr imurlililug foml oct only t lo i i theorlglnau soc and 91 00 nt nil druggists itnvls h iiurigiktlnftfniilrcftl dbatii follows drunken row william llllun died sit the dhok- ynrd hsw milton a llesult of a plarht wfllluni illlson who kipt a beard ing liouse nt the idmokllns about two mlleu fioui milton died last widnei day as tho result it is claimed nf a fight which took place in his homo on bunday it is alleged that the tronlilo started nvoi a gamo of caida among soino of the boat dors who were iiniltr tho inn non co of liquor that illlson in terfeicd and in the fraens which foi lowed was thrown against a wall with inch violence that ho was badly out about the bond nnd lost a largo qunn tlty or blond it is alleged that his death was hastened by diabetes in ml advanced atago no nrrostu havo yet boon mnclo an important witness wan tod by tho pollen ih missing pr ii a mcoall of milton the coronoi opened no inquest hut ad jaurnod it for a week in order that the caiibo of death may bo nscoitnlncd by a pobtmortcm and that further ovl douce fin in oyo witnesses of tho nlyah may bo secured ann vou aoiuo south on west this w1ntbi17 now is the tlmo to plan your trip lu california mexico 1 lorlda or tho sunny south consult nearest giaud trunk agont regarding low tourist ratos see that you get the real thlnp unscrupulous makers aro putting up n counterfeit nf tho d ft it menthol plaster tho genuine la made hy oavlu a rawrouco co for the paat- uweet remembpanae for the present- fall a reeling fop the future bright itonoa with the best of good wishes for n happy new year to nil our friends nnd customers a t brown drunlst e stationer acton ontario naskftawoya lumber mills ltrue slock of slilnfilflb on hand 4 foot msple wood of sale atio slabs p savert sons nassapjaweya i o highest market prices imlil fin nil klnilwnf try inofinco with yout purs mid i nut hiiro you wll be miluflod 1owl tuul junk aikr wntiloil morrjs skxe5 main btrmin acton lltiv ablirillrrniriiln wvnlko 1illl i liiivmili tliiliaiillniiramlia j aim u oalli a mllla innrunliiwii al ply tl ifll f mll lov1 llllih if uoruiloi out for hale n t wll iiuiiimi rfirtin n uiniyr sllnlali alll 1 1 in rwllv littalad illy loll j ucnaiiil cluiiiixti mill lliviiiiiml nir rlmihim mill lo tsylaia nin ii in 1 1 li h mi keiou and am iiafnd i iflll all irlmi rnlioi i luc joiih oltlwvolid aut0mdihu5 hauoain ah omjhmoiiii i i ii ejlln lr one aaat wllli laiiim i lire an alt 111 oooa a iirllilnn will sail lor st1 ciah fur qulek oat i y i a tiiuiumjn il if una ii aeien out iouil foot wood ami 1 ineli wood ron aalrt notiok to iteditons in tlio mattel ol tho hataui orjsmis mottit late or the villa ft or aetoti in the county of ildlton qantla- tnnn deooanod allomiti ulinl ilia mini 1 ititf o 11b all jaiinuuolftr as vouilor lun i itavif joiiunry u10 lo unuj liy iil irll doflvtr ki j xuaiimoi- nf ilia vll of olou aollclinr lur booutara nt ilia lait ivlll an 1 im anion i r uia ilaaaaawl tlitr ohrul ian anl turnmum alliaaa alii daiocliuoiii tliulull arll uut n llinlrnlalui tli aiau mam nr uifiir acomtiiu an 1 tlm iiaiura of ilitlr aonuilttix it any hi i i hy llmni ami riirilmr lauuiintloa dial allar auoti tail nionllnnwl lale iho riiaulora will rocanl in llilrlliiitb ilia axel uf ilia ilaeaaiail anions ilia patiiiib iilllli il iliaraii i avlnu rqr1 only lo ilia otalmti 1 1 which ilmy aliall liien liava bo tier anl lint tin aal i aacnulori mill lint lie uabla fnrlhmum awli nr any larl llitraof lo any trann nr rriia nl mlioaa elalina linltaa alialliint hava i own recowolby tlioul tt italllue ol audi tltlrlliiillnii j l itkinhov hjlkliorforlury x mi hal ami arambld nil elirln saoiilor uk ditod iliu thlrtuoutli jay of uaenilbtr 1000 q j wallace tub micnm qutfittbn thanks you very cordially for wggcst christmas bulness in his experience iinul id feel nraiolul lo our many riraulsr and catutl cuslo nicrs for the splendid patronage they ac con led tlila atoro durlnfl ulirlitmaitljo never in our bud non malory have i experienced such if co and early and ifenrrom buy inff fee pie aro beginning lo reatixn llie ntlvnnlnfio of buying tally and 1 1 autre you lids thought fnlneia was much appreciated wo enter upon tlio new year with now ondotvori lo maus our bminoaa fit into iho needs of the men of the community to their entire nailifactlon riio pail month s trade liaa convinced us ery conclusively that wo have the experience litl ability to select juit llio roods tint our customers nro looklnr for tills careful salec lion will bo c n l in nod throughout l lie joir wo i nut that llio now ermay bo a happy and lvonperous one lo you and yours and that you en joyed christmas to ilia limit gjwallace mill btlinin acton first twpgs first for all year good flour ensures good bread and good pastry we make it a spec ialty acton flour and feed store r noble prop the berlin steam granite and marble works cabfun itrtaun proprietor dotlpnera and unlldors ol utatues maus olrunts muniimtntr markers and head amnus and all 1 inils ol artistic ctmatery work whiofl hcuistrcct afiflnt aclon grand trunk str flowers fruit and sunshine now is tho lima to msit california mexico kloitda nnd tlio sunny south round trip tickets on snlo lo all prin cipal winter resorts new years consult grand trunk agont for low rates pertaining to above ior tickets and otlior infer- nintioi call on h s holmes depot agent acion ont

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