Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1909, p. 3

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at geo hynds acion ont wntolms knlvoa forks spoons ciooub cnrvlnji hals jaualrv hor hllvwrwarn toym doll book out oibdd ulblon post oarde rnnoy clilnn childrens ulalah poll cab lilo itta uio no olhot- etora in town oart of far vou auoh inruti uulactlon store news ju61 mil mindmt aiiout blectrolbne our jimoin or 23 cdiiu or 20o in h al the whole firmly ulcllrhuj with drituh american oil cos -electr-olene- tha world ot lump oil gin 10ukcansi1ilidnow r f johnstone tiiunhday diuimiiiu si 1000 brilp local items a ilnppy nuw ycnr to nil tho schonlu ro oct noxt monday votu tin tliu bcit men next mon day hnwloffs nud wood nre cotnlnp in freely dto your tulteru 1110 after to morrow win lit la now quoted on llio imir kot heronts 01 flier o worn ninny i nippy homo anmlngu on uhrlstiiiiin knox huniliiy hotiool onteitaln- nmnton new yenis nlnlit snliinlny vonlng tho boys ami ffu hnvo liatl jolly fun cobtlor ilon n tlio agues btroot hill tlio prist weok cummonco the now your right liy voting to imuuh rhu imr rooms anil tlio tiontlug uyjtun yosterdny ynu tlio coldost iluy this winter tlio mercury stood lit eroht sovon oclock tlio junior llockoy tonm went to lirln on ohrixliiinu duy nnd dofoit- ed tlint towns ten in by tlio score of 02 ono of tlio most nltraotlvo christ mas numbers hint ham ronohoil llio fiiltlt piiihh tvns jasnod hy llio iten- frew mercury mr now ton of hum la tho cnptaln of tho toronto university champion rugliy team is n native of llmohouso on of mr john newton you nro invited to nttend the oltlxons cnmmltteoo lust mooting in favor of loonl opllun in tho town hull tonight it will bo a rousing mooting mr w ii do tiny bus sold far tho molain estate tho lots on main street to mi john it wntiion these lots wljoln tho present property of mr watson ac ton must hnvo n council of able j judicious hnrdhoailod man of com- mon sense mutt yenr 8oo thnt your ballot is marked for such mon next monday itlvo or six luohos of snow full on christmas duy hlolghlng is now exaollunt on both hlghwny and in the woods and tonnitng will ho lively after i tho now year holiday three ablannd thoiigbtrul sermons wore preached by tho jtov dr antllr in tho methodist oluirch touching the birth of christ mid olnlstmnmulo on christmas morning nnd huntlny morn ing and ovonlng poll your vote foi tho boy and the homo noxt monday irrespective of nil othor considerations there j ibo right and wrong of it io on the right ildo thq liost people of the town will vote- for local option qrconnok literary thiahity will hold a ilohnto this ovonlng subaat resolved hint oanndn does not need davy thodohatoni foi tho affirm- atlvo aro hunry loslli h it wnns- borough negative w i near and john allan a writ has bom ban ml on behalf of john ij tltobinnrh or milton agnlnst tliiinms ihirlchnail and bis wife hilea dniuhoud of the township of oalatlon olaiinliig jjooo dsmsgps for alleged inallolnus prosonutlon anil ilea linprlsonniunu fcmntn oihub wail n most welcome guest in nil hnines liuro on christmas hv tlio kindly sphlt of goodwill to men was evoiy where manifest and resulted in kindly visits of helpfulness whoie help was uoedod anil whore benefactions brought joy mr donald moqrogor will offer his lino span of honvy horses and hii bis waggons sleighs harness hud out- fit generally for sale by auction at hi barns on okuroh street on thursday noxt 00th lust at one oolnok poel- tlvoly nn reserve ns bols going out of the teaming business jaultfl mo- don vin auctioneer little kilwiuil who was fond if telling stories was ono day overheard by ills mother telling bis friends what bu received for christmas he said l received ten automobiles twelve book sovoti hu fid rod dollars three hundred pounds of nuts and canity etc kilwnrd i luteriupted ills mother well b replied thats tho way papa and di miller i ell stories the epeotiiolo of onuof oiiraltlaeti lying on his hnfllc in tho snow in the middle of the street op posite the post nfflail on oh r 1st ma day at noon so- drunk that bo could not gat rijt without it ssl stance wo ad one and on used nunioroiui electors who witnessed the scene to inwardly resolre they would do nil in their power to end hie business of the bar rooms whleh produce luoh tosiuts nkws op local import the mm maetlnu- tonlirit kvnry rudtni icjuolally lint wmk lug men shniili atlnnd tho big urns nietillng lit the town bull this evening the spvitkrtrm nre nblu men well hl iiialntid with tint sltuntlou a pin promotion mr joint milhniison ngeut of tin o t it at walk niton has bono pro iiiotod to tho iiiipnrtnut poiltlon of ngiiit at derlht mr mlllniinon spent snvorfl years of bis railway life in acton and wn ngeneial favolltv ho has niado good in evitry poiltlon be bns ocauplod and ban splendid imlll- tlons for tho largar sphere of bis new position at berlin the liquor lsw openly violated wonder which of tlio liconsul hotel violated tho inw on glirlstmni kvc by doing wbolosnlo llimor iiubiiilsu in selling two five gallon kegs of boor nn christmas ijvo to tho two icngllslunen who hauled them n shoit distance down main fllreot and tbon up mill htreet toward doardmnre crescent on n coaster bobsleigh p inspector purrab may investigate imprswlv ohrlttmiit servlo llin service in knox church rn hnnday were rspecinlly imprcsslvi in lie morning the unci mil out of hi lords tiupper was otmorvod in tbi availing itov mr wilson proncliod nn impressive christmas nor in on tho choir rondered special curls turns muslo a solo tho htnr of llothle- hem rendered by miss khun tlinmp our clutlstmastide visitors ham com i nor visitor hv boon numinui durlnsr th wook nnd numbtrs of our olusonsi pnt ohrlotmsvetldo out of town miss liu oiimth front toronto mr and mrs w d knrhva toron to son of htownrttown was much appreciated by the ovonlng congrega hon the bowllnir allny linn com a lowllng nlltty was nponul with two iwds in matthews hull inst weak permission was given through the passing of llio following resold t la last mooting of coiincll moved by alox hell seconded by j ii denny that n license feo of j bo nnd is tiero by fixed for n bowling alloy nnd hint 10 additional ha hie uo for imol nddtllonnl bowling bed such fco to w oolloctod in ndvanco by tint clerk there isovldently no restriction na to the nulnbor of bowling alloys that may lie opened in town rtnpld mali delivery what do you think or tblsp la it not a record p a lettor posted in lon don kngland at 2 p in on saturday docomlmr i lib was received at acton by tho flis t mnll on saturday decem ber lhth it was redirected and re ceived by mo nt ilarrlo at h p m the samo day the above lettor would likely bo despatched by tho mall train leaving london kn gland at it is p m it travelled to ilolyhnnd thence by express stoamcr to kingstown tbanoe by rail to qucnnstown south of ireland whom it arrivnd nbniit 10 a m sunday iroin lliero it travel led via now york iiiivk huhhii t- the sweeter atniosphsr it is refreshing to lirontho hie at- mosplioro untainted by tho pi oscnee of tho opoit bar and to nolo tho healthy prosperous condition of tho oltlions of owen bound tlio people and them selves in possession of suolm boon that tboy have no intention of over again earning into tho bondage and under the domination of the liquor t radio it is only n matter of time until tlio oltlxens will find hie inw ns well observed as any of tho ton command ments local option in owen hound has proved to bo a success mid not n failure clulstlo uros hardware merchants in last issue of georgetown hcrnld a llbetloue insjult tho provincial license department baa received n repoit from inspector beckett of owon sound eoncornlng a rocent advertisement by tho liquor interests alleging to sat furtli condi tions in the local option town tho inspector declares that conditions nro by no mearts such as described and chsrac turlxos tba atatomonts in the advertisement as an insult and n libel on the town globe of tuesday it is rqninred that copies of this false and libellous advertisement respecting local option in owon sound is to be freely circulated in acton to morrow in the interest of be barrooms our oltlxens will lie prepared to duly discount the elntoniriits which the governments llconio department de clare to be false nnd n libellous insult death of john nuddlek after three years nf painful llluose the spirit or john llnddlck look its flight on tuesday morning very peace fully pernicious anemia was ills all ment accompanied latcrly by othor troubles mr huddlok bail a fine constitution anil he fotignt the fight with an admhablo tonrago ho nnd his family came to acton front nassa- gaweya seventeen years ego in 1607 they removed to manitoba but re turned within tho your last year they moved to the farm where mrs ruddlok daughter of tho late don- jamln anderson was barn hero tboy weie married and hero ho dlod mr ruddtrk celebrated hisfttlt birth day and his lt2ntl woddlng anniversary on christmas day ho was a mem ber or knox church and a man who enjoyed generalhbteam mis hud dlok nnd iboli two sons john nnd harold and tbelr daughter mrs wm itltoble survive llio fun oral will take place this nfiernoon nt two oclock interment at palrvletv cem etery dont let nn unsc upuliih dealer fotce ou you ai imita tion of the d h wcnthol plaster look for the p l trndcmnikon the in it guarantees the genuine awl the most effective remedy for rheumatic aches and pains lumbago sciatica bitclcncuc etc 25c each yard rolls equaling scyen of the icgulni size 100 ferris thb bk8t tonio foe all alokty paoplf hikes new blood oltfee atrenthi ruteru vitality yea hw any lllnese h hwuali oft mootml mr charlie plank is homo from axe liko miss margaret dennett is home from kottloby miss pearl hometvllu la home from orlllla mr nelson hyder was hmno from milton miss nellie hynds was homo from toronto mr clnrciice lnlng was here from i toronto miss vlda kills ter is homo from dlindalk mi icdgnr abraham was homo from po wesson mrs charles jennar was homo fur ohilstmnv miss mabel chapman is homo fro mlddlomlss mr john cook was in toronto for tho holidays mr d i hwackhaiuer was home from toronto mus marlon mcintosh whs home from london misses mltlo and kttle dills were homo front toronto mr and mrs il j moore toronto wero at moorecroft miss mna pearson is homo from to ronto normal school mr and mrs tim- v shaw vultid hulrson at keauu- miss annie l hudson went to it m- iiooh fur the holidays miss maud orabaui of kiln lled friends here this wvek mr j ii dnyd of toronto was homo for the holidays mr chas j quanllo was homo from toronto for christina mr james abraham u home from uarrlo far llio holidays mrs p o maddook is hero from to ronto over the holidays mr p a mclean of tho merchants hank visited in dotrolt mesm jamos ami pieemaii cole man from hamlots man messrs william and arthur cihvi wero imme from toronto miss jennie smith is homo from the normal school hamilton miss unity clark is home from the no rum i school hamilton miss hva smith is home irom the normal school hamilton miss mamie masntea visited frlands in toronto over christmas mrs d mcmlirchy nnd miss lily spent n few dajs in ton mi to mrs dr diydm orguelpli vlltod rid nils in tho old home linmn mr john fi and mus lttllo a moore of toronto were home mr james mclsaac is homo from tho north west for the winter mr will law and miss hold visited at the home of mr q lawson mr and mr d moklnnon spent tho holiday with aoton friend mr and mrs william cook and master willie wero in toronto mr and mrs wm drown spent christmas with toronto friend mr and mr w 0 lawson and children were hore from toronto mr and mr it g brown and miss clara visited frlonds in uxbrldg miss alice keith of guelplt visit ed friends in tho vicinity of acton mr nnd mrs norman masalos nnd daughter of toronto were in town mr 0 ii moore of tlio pari ito- vlew paris was home for christmas bliss wilda mcorelgbt wa with frlonds in kincardine over the holiday measr william and murray somer vllle sjr home from the north west mr and mr w ii donny and mue leola were at norva for christmas mr won barnes and family were at her father home for tho holiday mr william wansborough is spend ing n few days with friend in toron to mr park dills of johnstown ny is spending the holiday at bis home here mr and mrs george havill and mr prank spent christmas with friends in gait mr ii j hall and ml hall of berlin were guost of mends hare mr and mr a o noedler and mis ma graham wero in toronto inst week mr w a grove of toronto was tl guest of mr j a mowat this weok mr j kerr drown is here from winnipeg and will remain for a foit- nlglit mr- and mrs hoy brown of toron to spent tho holiday with acton friend mr and mr krnest nvar of detroit mioli visited friends in m vicinity mr georgo hlldonbrand of johns town n y la spending the holiday at homo mr nnd mr oho krwln of hocb- ester n y pnt christmas with friends here mr k mooullough of vancouver b oi i spending few days with friends here mr and mr soholfukl and babe of toronto visited mr h tweedale and other friends mrs a mcdonald and mis kim lane of ltmehousr vlsted balllnfad friends this week mr a j maoklnnon municipal clerk i spending a few day with his frlendi at oaledon mr and mrs j b lake and children or- fowassen visited the parental home here mrt d henderson of the tram- continental hallway survey wa home for christian mr nell mcmillan or storey plain alberta i a guest at the home of her father ja scott bhoj mr alex obecls back at the g t ifl n night agent he bu been in ujtrlln the past month mr ahd mr percy brown and babe and mis jjerthn brown went to wlnghnin for the holiday mr and mr oharll htldenbrand and family of lindsay are spending the week with aoton friends mr and mr oha t molam of johmjtown n y were here for purist ma week they are now at muiamll mr nnd mrs john h worden and mr nnd mr h ii wmdaii ofgoorge town wenvguiislu nt tho old imme mr and mrs vnrnon wnodwuid of mr williams nre spoudliig hut boll day- nt tba homo of mrs a p smith mrs ii p keiiu of orlllln who bad lieen visiting mrs jsine moffat for several wieks returned home inst lliuradiiy miss myrtlti mtiltln wa is homo fiom merton sho intends going on the occasional itnft of llio toronto school after now years mrs jnnies moffat ami miss moffat went in west toronto inst week to spend n month with mrs ginrgo maim nnd other fi lends tbsro mr w it snmervllle of tho hoynl college of dontnl htirflflous toronto is honin for vncnllon mr snmervllle is editor in chief or ihn hjn yaks the collrgo jnnrnnl mr nud mrs james gllibons or vancouver ii o hnvo been visiting i acton friends it is twenty years slnco mr gibbons want west nnd ho has prnfpered hirre a wild cat near mil ion pur somo hum pnst chicken pens in tlio neighborhood of milton bavn i ten mysteriously colored and olilrl tins liavo hi en taken in largo uiiiiiu rs thu identity or tho ibkf has nt last im en itlicoi errd however mid tho il allng will csano forthwith on hut unlay air nnd mrs hush jr wero pn paring to go for n sleigh ride mr lliihh went to tho driving shed to got the cutter but found stretched nut mi tlio sent n full grown wild cat 1i in at n hasty retreat and srrm i ig llio soi t iliis of n mlghbor nud a gun returned tlmy siilcerded in killing tho animal tlio cnt mensiiird 110 jiiclirn fnnu tho nose to tliu lip of thu tall and nflghtd 10 poiiiidn mr hush has ik t n a heavy loser in ponlti y nnd la iiov as bu has nt last caught tho thief at albana hlnetrel bhow the minstrel show given in tlio town hull on tuesday evening mtlutlcally at lenst may bo en lied u grant riicecis the wholu oiitertalnment showed care ful preparation tilth espiclal nltentlon to detail tho solos worn uarefnllt rendered and the chmmou sung ultba tiiianlinliy ulilcli showed mnrbod nt- lenllon to illroctlon and mining tlio joke wara carefully miunclntod anil could bo distinctly heard it would bo haul to sny nhnt wne tho special foutures nr wbluh was the best nuiiihei ns the programme wan so varied lit its selection mr durstons old illaok joo nud old polks at homo wore very woll recolved en cores being demanded to both songs mr lltlleya u the man in tho moon wore a coon was also well received mr lltllayu voice has a peculiar mal low nud soft quality which is unusually attractive in u base mr barnes lu his georgia nnd walla mo around again wimiu showed to advantage his raro voice whleli combines tho quality and beauty or n woman w with the strength nnd vigor of n mans mr nutloya wont you bo my iluney whs received with ontbiiblnm ills volco showed to advantage in tho urge bnll mr nulloy also hns con siderable drninallo tnlont mr daniels massas in do cold cold ground nnd down ivlioro tho watermelons grow were wrll sung nnd ns noil re ceived mr stocks my gul ire no received an nintton it wns ono of those rollicking merry songs with a rousing chorus which simply brings down hid house guen such a song with mr stocku total and dramatic skill and anything will go will moot tno in hoso time hnslu was equally well sung mr ilnrwood in tho buss solo asleep in tba deep touched a deeper chord his volco is of deep pitch so that the loner notes wero true and full tho low p being olsar and rich mr holme sang hi im trying so hard to forget you with pathos and feeling giving llio last verso in the encoro a comical turn which wa truly funny mr masons accompaniment on the enrnnt and cello possessed nil the qualities of n perfect accompanist clear and rich while not too prominent altogether we fool there- aro great opportunities before ibo troupe and st allians can well he proud of her young mans gleo club tub last minut8 btatbmbnt olv ho credenee to the fate htate- menbs reepeetlnat owen bound to be circulated tomotrow electors nre ngu reminded that preparation are made for the circula tion of bar mom literature hearing false and tho provincial government says libellous statement with refer ence tq owon sound to circulate yarn tit tho lubt mo ment i praetroally a solfconfoislon of their falsoness if they wore truo and would stand the tight why not launch them forth earlier in tho campaign tho elector or acton cannot bo de luded by theso falno statements nor by any bar room sophist ly ut ibis late hhur he on tho lookout for them and give them tho wholosomo discount they deserve miltons town oiark in hooplul mr h coat cs town clerk uho underwent nn operation in tho lioxpl- tnl nt lot onto recently is doing nn well ns clrcumstance will permit nlthiuigh it will iw soma time before ho will bu able to lanvo tho hospital in tba meantime mr o a hciitstroet is acting as town clerk iteforuinr harrow ataoape of homt co mar thran nf aoton young men wero in the o p ii smashup which occurred a fow miles wast of ohspleati about oho oclock last friday morning messrs j kerr brown of wlmilieg and james and preemnn oolanislii or hbuiioia man a broken truok on a birflsgo car wa the cause nf die accident til roe colonist cnix mint down tho embankment but fortunate ly none of the passengers wero very seriously injured messrs jnnies coleman and kerr brown escaped in jury but freeman coleman wns not so fortunate in tho descant down tho luliankmenl lui went head first into n parcel met ills face and note wore bruised and he u as sn severely shnkon up that bo bus been confined to his iwd slnco his iitltal hnmn on chilslnias morning nt tilno oclock tim train wns a et y heavy ono of twelve conches mid each car was crowded with passr gel as lite holiday lilih this yeai n m much greater than usual keep the mouth closed wlion nut nf doors or when going from one room in a room of coldui loiuperatui brrslh ing through tlio nose nov comes real overcoat time when icy winds como whjzzhng around corners its then you need that overcoat one that buttons clear to the neck makers of mens overcoats hit upon a happy model when they d hijnd the collcgo ulster it buttons close to the neck and innltci 1 stjlih autm coat uuitablo for driving or walking tho overcoats wo sell aro designed with plenty of snap and go in every lino fashioned of splendid worthy materials and hand tailored but youll never know how good our overcoat values aro until jou como and seo them in this store wouldnt tomorrow be a good day to come prices begin ns low as h00 and riio gradually tq 3ihoo for our finct quality wo aro showing some extra nice coats at l00lliliso and 1100 remember our stock is entirely new not an overcoat carried from last soason w m 7v jmib cor wyndham and macdoncll streets uulipuont if your baking goes wrong investigate find the cause look to your rtovc your yeast your baking methods ifyou succeed in pinning the trouble down to the flour then tajce up the flour question in dead eirneat consider that flour to be successful from it baking standpoint must bejfos to produce light bread or pastryvr to riinke that bread or pastry wholesome nnd rich n nutriment to make it nourishing ogilvies royal household lias these three qualities in the greatest degree ogilvies royal household is milled by the most modern methods and made only from manitoba hard wheat which contains the highest percentage of nutriment royal household flour never disappoints 20 oflllvlf flour kills co untiled montreal heap on moro wood the wind is chill but let it wiiihtlc ns it will well keep our christmas merry still sir walter scott vvc extend to our many friends the good old gfyristrrjas qreetirg and the sincere hope that tho now year will be in evory way a happy and prosperous one r f johnstone mill st acton ont a range lo be proud of so dependable cook roasts bakes to perfection its so very modern too you can buy an imperialoxford range with an one damper controls the fire cuts the c bill in half the new reve grat guarantees a cl fire ask the nearest gumcy- oxford dealer to m tell you why breakfast ready js 1m imperial oxford range r f johnstone mill street acton onlnno must nave the room for new goods coining in and although business is brisk i still havo n largo stock of stoves harness and buggies to cloar at rock bottom prices this is your opportunity if you move lively some implements too nt moneysaving prices new cutters in nil tlio newest styles nt close prices f have secured tho exclusive sale in this district for royal purple stock specific and melborne stock food q a black mill street acton ont new years gifts ncclt ticu in nil tho ulindcu from ajt to 8a jo nick inrfi now duhlgiih from 90c to 5 00 umhrotlns tlcjjant iiiukiilh 1 m to 86 00 drnttw nil 1 tylon nuntly boxutl 50c 7scnm1 ijlf 00 cmc link 0l nuutly inrvad rx to 1 o dutlinuro sox 3 pnlr in n box oi on drum hcts nnn iiaikih and rut torn 7jt- to 1 initialed btlk ilumlkcrclilofu 3jc 35 joe nnd 9i no ijnon 1 1 a ml kerchieft sjl 3c 50c nnd 01 no ijimcii ilnntlklrilikfi initialed i doi iitiitly boxod i q nnd 3 on colonid slilrln wr roct dtylct from of on to 03 jo wool tothics anil bwoutur coiiih andbuoatom for mon nnd llnn tllovcn iorlnu und slorcy 11 bout qithlitlch in lined nixl iiiilinod mon u umlorwonr in nil tliu best inluofl 11 ml ninkou r e nelson tli ml iwiings in llm innmlng miiy oimiu froni loo liunvy boiboliillio me mm sniumi up lit nlflhu inllvss nifmff mnt biiorally iuii ibrnmc tah ti10 d i kniubloi it will imio uiyimr wlnilhhytoni uml uml 11 fool lluu uurswlf niiln to now tbd good and profor it i tho avorot of abldliqlimiplnot dojw htalley a uun may tblnk ha know toora thanuiloolor but lia i apt ty llsloii whan a inwyor loll him ha itoad a cbaogo of ollmat the right house hamiltons favorite shopping place if its anything in coats waists skirts or suits our tc rjrjjnnuslion bss boon comnloteri wo bsvo iwunr inlu our ulrlilu wllli ronowoj vigor i or wi years i tils slnro bus boon llio favorllo liopplnit plapofor llio women nnd llio mon of itsnilllun siul uclnlly tlio ronton in noi 11 secret promjihims courieiy sly lev tlmts ilia snswor as we il nl h10 lop of oils snnonncemcni if lis snyihlnri you want in fjar merits ol sny kind como 10 lis wben in hamilton wo can niiuio you lint on will find our plsxo ilia ssmo beloved boms nf slorlinr lionesiy anil rooii j1uo hist it always bqs been aatrakhun coat bpaolala a si rnth an cost insdo of full furred wliolo skins nicely lined llirouqli- oui wllb unod ipislliy inrnmrs ssiln lsnnilih ah sntl 30 inches trices jo no ij jo lis 00 sntl f jo oq ladlaa purllnsd coat lnilas fur lined cosls msde of fine all woo broidcloiln in blscv mvy brown anil preen i inlngn ol musk rsi squirrel snd bompsior oollsrs ol nsinril cansdun mink alaska bablo or uesiorn snlite iricss w5 00 6j 00 6j 3 si 30 and 33 0o is ohivlot ooalsj ibbo laities all wool cliovloi cotls 3 inches lonff mllllnry collars corns nude of broad wlisls chovloi suml- fllilnk in siylo anil trimmed with billions these would lie rood value at i15 they cbpie in wlsierls rrey aroen navy snd black nnd llm special price is tia 30 kllankat ooau sxjw up uhlldrvn ulnnkst coils in red and blue nnd in all slies from ii lo 14 years hpeolal prices t6 6o i7 00 ind i7 30 bo oeata tor ib lidlss com in black blue isupe snd rreen snd made ol fine finality heaver clnili cot has mililsry col ir well unod and hivlns braid and buttons to trim itsflulur price luoofor lij 500 brasw aklft very special lint of dress skirls in popular sbkdes of jreen unvy llordesuk and buck panama 1 hoi e have a panel front snd uick wllb leils sal in tlio slda iteiiulsr value 500 itooiiced 10 j us bpoolal oraaa jklh swoo new dreu skirl in chovrons anil clildon lnnmtis in ilia loa tf navy black uruon ami brown ihoia nro mado wllti cloiu inilnu oltucl lo ilia knea with lull plantinn nrountl he hononi inverted plosi hi the back kpeclal ffi on french veils sklrta sjll00 ma jo of hard crlip trench volte in new cose filllnft ft hoc t ta knee depth wilh full ploatlnjt below jot bullona snd taffeta strappings rivo 1i10 skirls a decldsdtv smart linlsli special price n jo lateat dreaa bklrtamark hi sin nro the lalnti novelties in dress skirls in ctievrnno panamas new slrlpo nnd twratl ejtociu in hades ol brown navy nrn inupe lclorh snd blscu wljose skirts hnvo panel roni wllb pleats sat in trom 1i10 knee inverted peai at the hack apodal nt ih31 drlvlncr dkhawla bbo up heavy urlvlna hhawls in plaid efiecia of orey and brown niuiiiro ileal scolcli makes allotted slxas prices li 30 j 00 ij 30 nnd up lo ollifrs in heavy black sorrfo double shnwls ai 9j 30 tx 30 nnd lo 30 dbfto ooatumsa for netio ltdlcs coaiumes in navy black liroen wliterit rrey black und while st dp com 40 1043 indies ftllk and snlin tiled in llhlnff lteffiilar jo 00 and i31 30 rirnienls for 50 b7b0 coatumea fcwboo it idles coaiumes in navy black rose wlsierls rreen brown mid rrey hroadolollis cheviot and venetian cloths rem i lltllnjf in siyle ctiau 10 to 13 inches lona hufito pleaitd iteslilnr lid 00 mill i 30 special price ti qo thomas c watkins limited klnsr unit lluchmn ata rlahiilton ontario

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