Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1910, p. 2

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i i r 1 i host unjkf klllj l kitur jabum ji tuur imuo jul u alllla vfklvbw on wsnrisl januarf 11 in i maa iu iiamci lii anton f ula jnuihwj luuf nl uuj cuul la u faarfjrp mill u ul l i 11 bull dp uad h juulji 1 i ft anil lllalr ii la ituitlur hitllaiiiwrv rrajstijuluidl asian mvainnn vi an 1llr wl 1 ind jaauar u inlaw tvtt i 1ith atw war fcralabj o tlintwta omtl jai 5cljc rfoii jfwe rxss tiijkhiay januau j7 1010 kuitor1al notks havlnga d m lt in uauian imttlio at thn und ortli i jnar wnrw ahiioal iv hunlrad iilhbm- which is a record lsv i 1 li t 11 whmll in canadian unit wrh r jca oui qtm the b loans were jfcuwo uw o a circular has b o sent out lb muni clpal chrk by lh apuly itrfibilrar cjmicrat that iti folura e charo of 25 rents muni bo collerledlry he division rvkutmr for issuing burial permit sj such nkltlrat i will not he paid for by llm niunlcludlly hh berttoforo rii i uiiiioo 1iniywwn tmia in hh last issue tim liisoh nco uf lliy liquor iratlla u niellr for fmuit surprise wlllu 1- uitkllnl prolec uui twrvi the uw it is perpetually itvadlnapend breaking l lianda its if ligelher lo dltpuln tin mtuuim mid roimlllnlionallly rftvnalvn irgtalatlnii end shirk its shar f the i urdenu which fall t leflliiiiatu irafilc nu evjdeuce cm ooiivinn it kilrt f tha social nvlli nf which it ih the ivriiu ur ri llitiri to the cotupnlxiihtoii of wlml voclrty wiiuiti ih ir dm irn nluim out it in lllftlltfmt 0lt ocifity oiufuitm tikirr fn ni tlia liquor fi thm frntn bwj otw tyranny tint fuliira nf ortnmlu h imi fcclnrliiff cimniry i iimclirtl upon id in intemlliik limnllttr ly mr il k younr tiipurlntnndiint of tha dmiilu inn hnllwny latidh in m lrcnt tlo tnttntln wlloli h tllnitm tlm inul wur pnwi r knowti l 1k vlulil in r viu n roumlltuy uvnr dxm iorv miwrr tlilu liunicndon voliuii of piiwtr in dulrllmtrd folltiwit 17u7kuu qki- 1120 10r it unurln txcluftlv nf nufir kmu ilmokmk in llrlhi c inulu 1 000 000 in altrt 000 oik in llm nrtli wrl iwtttmui uhm utmlu4 00 000 in 8ktli ivh w 700 in ll ukoii 1io0o in nhw ilntnnwicl kh 1000 in novh fholu mr voiutk hupkirtu i hu theory ttiat on iiik to llirlr urtol walnrpawcr j0utro tit qiihlhd will in tlmo lw ooiiin tlm umnur irturiiir nintroii of nurth a diet lex tcrwbll wrrck last triday 41 daatl mid miny woundid li ulutatr hvar mnlrn tin die rirk and uatkil addbdtotiiic honiion a tnrrllilo kcomnnt took ar- alioul lpm i vrldmj on tlieloo ifinneli or tlm anadlan inchlo iuuivay when a prt uf xprmi train no 7 which loft montreal for mliinipou on thumday high xva lflrlll jwiillt crosilnr tlm inldgfi ovnr tlm hpnlali uwer the omcul lut r it klllod and m injured but u not yet comphstfi uoomaroaa badly hurt thnt uy will die ami uia death roll will undoubted ly iki tncrenbmi ttia wreck occurred win ilia train piroohln tbo iuvq brilga ironing tho ufwnuli ulyr through what ckumi ha not nd may never bo datermtnvd whether it wm k brok en truck or n broken mil la not yet ltnown tlioutaji luynuhlf the con ductor ignord htvrn injrletlold ellevlng the injured pnkangr tbo engine luiggagr expreaa mall and one second cku enr remmlncd on hfryin r fl clajka diner and tnrjffr left iho ralla plunging down the ouionnkineat the flrat clftmtoar unit diner going into the river while the elreper ifitil aeemd olmicr runialned on tho ground but the aeeond elawt cjr wm burned in the dining which wm aim o thoee to go into the rler fouvteei pereona were bavlng luncheon the fjret ctu cmch wlilub wa the other one to go down the omlwnkiiiunl wm occupied bjrilkiut twenty llvt pnrii gem innny of wliotn wuie diownttl the atuind rirnii ibntmln nlhotrimt tdltilng iiauengere t ok lrtt and w farmed hun e nf ii ntltimutu m i- lahod tit the turnerf ml luttv limuy tttmmited u nub yel known when tltn trtln lufl kuiuury nt 12 o clodt liium itjf tulid in thu nelgli 4 re ixrrhw thcjoinj of ihw ebclnt pi contd inptctum nf thn itlrriit nmf union diu treah and lionoi a mnit of ibu a iikura trflofiged to the vl amoiig tlio dmd nan iter h ohlldiiliohi of novth luy hnper lntandnto lrenh teilini mhlon in hutthorn ontnrij nnr nt ihu ft imot men nf ihn oilmen mr w ii ukhlcu i f lonnilo n furiuer rtaldfnt of acton in the imrlhrlng butdnct wuhlsoktllvd in the wiyji the road uere iwdly dtlftci on hundny ak n coiiwimnpf iho nt tendance nl the nlinrehes wfte very llm job friday iiflurunon iluv mr cubbjwjii ik indneirdtlho ibe iree byterlanchiiiuh eiid in hjii evening n tea uioellng wll be held kev joo t vnll win unit vry tjl sot eeeral weeka l alo o lr kboiitagmlu mr olrioi wehtui f ibe 7ili hue krill ha- aold hla fnrin ml ajr iunnie mr w1muh in piircliakml property iivtorviito iiiihji iov logntknem mr and mr w j sbortnt of metkuavhjufcd frlindvtr durhig uieweek r t act0ntdmavr c0vwd rink john a mow at chairman tonl okm to krtt a meaoobui tttruoiur vav awml rolw akmtumt at oncaj foifh to comhbhol ttie mcond 11 niotilbly meeting of hh lolohiucil wu held on monday ling at ejght i lock dthtnrlllora urofva u m and oprr ere all prevent tevi if yiida we in theehar the mliiulm i ui niual mating were read and ailktad j the plnbiiri cunntltlre prentd llwlr aeeond lepott and ecnnandbd iyiniil nf th 11 iwiogarcotinta kiu iloget cial wtl tlir aclmvttnulngtlo aupplnw hi it m aiatld oon ri h w idght 1uh i no w i andoraon lalar ii iu t atgr labr p i j anadun jenvral klacttle i btippllae 17 t trrnwvhtr team ingeartakr exnrree a 10 a lletmenwullpb j i w l tl irimkl wax td on riollorf ij um i trow m brofidml by onon ihill tub ltrixn elalnd that thn suobeai ituipco wr onvrlngbpnelahndoc uirnta on rootraola for 10110 lampe to be taken iin1 in lh year at preeent thnmu a largw numbrr f latnpa netmltk anl lie thought aa tly are a good lamp w bhould hae lltei tli i iwaat imaalbln price a loodiin waa taed aulhorlxing tbo lloevt to hlgn a coulract with the wald nimpaiy for lamp for the year a report on the condition of ibe miction homi uf the lire nnin- which waa recently aent lo h canada hub- wrco montreal tor itpaira elated tlial whlla the break could le rrpalrd limy would not guarantee eetufeol ton and recoumwndrd the purcliaae of e bew length awtginaar hunt explained to th couucil lhattba boaa waa in excellent condition with lb expliuauljim ime lirvak rnferred t he conadeted thai tli flanada ltuhher trying to bold np tha oounell tar a new length and advlaad that the hoae be returned at o lie w we that the neceaaary re pa ire am completed within a wifk or ao the ouncl inairticted i lie clerk to write f ir tho r turn of kor keeling that in caae of rmergeucy itmould be well to liavtf k aeeond hoe they will conftidnr lb matter of purcbaaeof a nejw one at a future meeting mr morrla haxe addreeaed the joud ell re the erection ofanrel claea metal clad covered fink to he uaed for lee kkaunglnthewjnlerandjrolierbketlriff in the auirimer lie ataled that he wae willing to either iiurcbam c for a term of yearn the vacant lot next the power iioiim- iw longing to the jorpuralioti auil wf mild xomuie work at oncrt the hicmtx r or the omnell wera ull of the linn opinion that acton uorcly noejy aekatlng rink npedally luce thn o air rink had lieen deutoluber during the week and voiced their wllllngneaa to do ajiy thing rcaeonable within theie power lo have a covered rink eivcled the following rraolullon wee carried unanimously moved ly a t hroxvn uotrndrd by alex uu that the vacant louat lh jiower lioinw he jcaeed for teri yea re a g mr annum u morrle bexejojrhlw purpoae of erccllag a covenjn rink ihoroon and tb the clerk he in uruatttd to prepare an agreemqpt and by law reganlhtgraaifm- mr haxe thanked the council for tbdr internal la the matter ataled hla wlllingneaa to accept their tertna and aail that work would be eomtnenoed immediately toward the erection of first claea metal clad bolldlng council adjourned at 10 o clock to meet in a committee of the whole on thursday evening at 7 90 to consider the annual auditor iteporl niwfftne time to plan your trip to california moxlco klorldi or the tunny bouth oonnult neareet grand irunk agent regarding low tourut rates you ont be dibappointed if you get the genuine l il menthol iater for tlffnea baokacbe etc cbig aaelmlta lit for the original l l madny davie a liwieoco ci aquabantri a copy of the beautiful picture en tilled the houle awakening else id x 21 inches ready for flaming u eltlt guaranteed to all whorenev their aiilworlpllon or become vuhecrlbere to tlie family airraid and weekly htar of montreal foo iiiiic cannot ni laid of ihuanvuly picture it deserves all thet has iwen uhl of it and tnore loo a copy bhoull be in every home in cuiiitht unit llmmnwbo tall to tiak biunorac py now will regret it inter it s salt to ay that no onn who iimh k copy would eato to tell it tor twice wht he paid for tim family herald r r the yeer and tlm picture fi ur the year and tlm picture yno ilollwr itajea whole jwei rfsiiumm4ptlon to thut grntl weekly and the picture la pienantvd to rwch mihaorlher d ht t li m it purified his bl000 dru morsva indtaui henvt pills hwuki mr wiion sotm vlien the srwers of the body imwels kldttrys end nkln duct ct clogcel up the blond njiilclly hccoinea impure- and frcently sores laeuk out over tht body to heal tbfin m mr kkwd the way to heal theiri hi mr kkluii wiuun who lives neun lkulon oni found if mo purify tlio blood ijc writes tor some li 1 bad inyo fan iiny epietrvoniniu my niiprtlte irtl me and i soon lkrnn to muftcr roiu bull reailon quite iiumlicr of small sorea arurhlotchcriaioettiirnver luykklii 1 tried ntedkjar ibe blood and used ninny kinds of olulnitttls but wltfiout aitisfactory rojulib whit was wnntetl wm a ttiorouafpclcatwing ol the blood end i looked nhout in vaiu for some tnedi- clue that would nreompluh tills at inst i mixtcs indian root pius were hroutfni lo my notice awl thejraxe one of ttuf most wondafal medlcloea j have ever known my blood was purt- qsdlattayiihulmaaambmwua mjr bjuuuon v tltey alwaya imve a place in uiy home and are looked upon the family remedy dr morns lnnln hoot pilu ckaaw the system thorn jghly sold by all nre of the i h nl nf iwluna wl v as olook fort igtlall llfiiiuorlni j a mowt i m hmmivt-o- j bn willunt and wll liam ttioma mad their declarations of office and lnik their aat with r a lilt ami a k- mteklla tbo becretary ihcq rcqiiwlcd the membere to ml hrir chairman for the year mr j dm a umt was llm omnl mnna choice amt upon eoorpllog i ha onicagrachmaly ihmiknd llm inatnbars forjjielr klndnwyf and coull lance and nvprmuud the h pe ihat rarh com nilueewould give rareful alleullon to tlie dulua phtrl upott tliam during tha jer ttie htaiming cmnilttiva were stvuek aa folloars i kinikka kflcklln ohlrqan ik h henderson rwotkmxfcjan william- jialr nlan j no a muwat hirrruiw lr aull clhiman william thomav w tboinaa waa ehoo by lot lo complete tha term or henry uklndelf resigned on the hoard tlia cummltlra ti finance aal the following accounts i c ii khlwge steam piping hnd nt palra i mctlregor gravel khjue suimlies 1 s41 ii lmnclpalhtewart rrtlmeated a rertt gcatn from tha hoard mm to hf term aa irlndpal of tho contlnuafiutl ihpart men moved by h m hrndareom aex i li ed by k d a oil that ibe hecret r be and hi hereby instructed to prepre a certificate for w it htewert liln elpal or the continuation lepartmrtlt oiling forth his time of service leach in abilit a the satisfactory raaulta attafbettln that department carried mr wilt lama thought the previous board had made a mistake in extend ing the noon hour to 1 30 if any schola hav too far to go home for dinner and back in ai 8unubht hour quarter they should take their dinner with thorn and remain at school the regular meet inge or the hoard will he held on the second monday of eoh nth at h o cloak esquesing fair 11000 ahead utoi beln-a- held for two vewra in jiiklas i ng mv lou have dyaepla your food will not pn verly digest and the nulrlllomn elomenu in the food wilt not lie extracted or abaorlied and impoverished watery blood will follow tills condition may not le apparent at first but it wilt coin jnat as mirwee ttwaun wui rise again any stomach all men t including all forms of luiugeatlou can ih- promptly cured by using mlona tablets a selrn lino treatment linuurimueil ft stops fermentall i tt t gas and taste of sour food almi at at the mltibty powr of ml ona lo in yjgorate and restore the atouisch to pirfrt ntmillllimi a k where mi ona cures by building op by banishing the cause for thin people it is a great flwli builder because it caiitoslhe stomach to glmore imt purer nutrition to the blood it cures ana and car sickness and vomiting of pregnancy almost immediately atv ilrown sella mlo na for 0 cents a large box knalgunratiteea it to euro or money back the annual meeting of the kuui ing agricultural hoclaly waa held li the counctotiavtbfr atoewrgetown last wednesday llhb inst when the rouowlug pfflcers were elected resident john cunningham 1st vicefree wit cleave sod icerfree thoa moitat ihrectorao a wrlggleewortli hoilgln harnea jamus harrison nell uilliea a c clarrldge u c clark j a fell h ii mcolhlmu hwackhatner honorary llreetom a devrreaux k mrcuh j a wlltoughby w a wfelaon j a flynn john illng- liam thoiuas cook willlsm thomp son john mcglhbou and n v und aay ijidy lurecloremre h u cturk mjramelanghtnmr a hevereaui mrs nell ollllea mrs wiiiunmjnwdy mrs n f undsay and mist darrtson audluk j llarber and j a devereaux the fall fair wlll1o held in oeorge tbwn on tuesday aid wednesday oct 4th and 5th 1010 tlio financial statement shows a lial anc in the bank of ttqu which with uncollected subset ipllnnn to bo paldin will reach the j 1000 mark tills is the usual good financial show ing arter the fall fair has had two year in aclon thu publlo is wonder ing whaflhe cash in hand will be when the fair returns to acton wo years hence j a trary wavroap pointed hecre- lary treasurer woivtiiy or aw u nation ttaeehl ohani sa i annual meetlog of the milton hortl cultural anil local improvement hoolsly waa held on friday evening last tlio officers for the coming year were elected as follows i president a hlgglnbolhimr ht vioefres jan dent t mod vice free j m ihutedo i director mewdamea htnicy w j dewar iu kills a illgglubothain mefsre geo s iiowck ie j hare k hyar v hartley 11 f wwna i secytree p waiixori audllore dr robertson 0 k holllnrake ttin ifolety la very much gratified wllh t he msitlte of its wnik so far atlhougl us et not a year old ttie inriuliers see a uploodld oimitiinlty and are en thnslastlo tor the year uiton which it has jimt euteled it is expected lliwt al ctthviis inlerestwt in he welfare of hie l f th xl ofllr pearatice end cteanllikss ulll j iln the society and esklst in ihrt good work bvery clllseo i plesied wllhresulu achieved lust jeer it myarorper- soual ras4ius to lib a member ur this society the fee u l 00 per ysw lti1 jear i bo society without ihe govurnnienk grant gave piises nggre gating p00 and abm gavo free lo every insmbor l t worth of tulip bulbs this year with 100 inemliera the society will receive a grant of 100 from the goverfiliient wh wtllinake ahlwrtilkdlsirmutsiraiuniigitfihe muiulierm for twaultrylng ihrir homes ijunatlng prlxef liud hi other way aeslstlng in beautify lug our town kvery oluxen may lieooine a ineintwr and sbhiild in the interesla of our homes and town aetou has room for jiutsucttm society a- thui fd ollueus should move toward orgnu hon btrodth and vitality are tiomtdii rd in h 1nxgprajjng conlar fro- vlm which consists of freslt loan iwef ottratppf ironjnd rs tw fipaulih rherry wine jsuthlngjiouh be more beneflcul for anemic women and ohllib reiu eldaply people whoea slrenglfr is fatting and all persona rundown and debilitated l 00 bottle looal qpjifh wahda cornwall otsun 2liu dm riiitinytdhnlli ts in oimnncllon with im ret not lord opllon vote in tie 1 mymhlr of jbil dlenlurg btd 1 wlunitiwn toty lirfira judaie j ltiitlly rciiuwiill ilinhyuw was sulalnl nltlmii the lbrnrtb m joilty waa khiiii 1 front u to 10 mioii hkd blood curts catarrhrabthma broaculhv groop cjaxfv and colds of cnooay back sold ami ptuiittssd by a t iiiuiwn druggist acton bojoudninq ik oaufohnia dw and mrs rremai h woom jn- joylnjr thamaelvssi in tnat southern curoa dr frank ii moore and mrahumiro accompanied mrs jennln kannawln to call fort is leaving hero between jurlatmas and nev yearn mr moore writes aa fullows reecthig hie trip end californias climate it hue been very floe hero since we came warm during tl e day hot ami enough foi a tight tup coat in thn evenings as soon aa thn sun goes down ii cool mut settles down whloh seems to take tlio plare of our twilight at home there have been some frosts i his winter all the roses in fact all flowers were froaen there are ho blooming of any recount at umjcgre lifeeeitya ult it wilt not take long however for everything to pick up when we get some warm weather ort this trip dowrtmrs monro ami i went lip to visit the claud canyon of arlaooa it is magnificent and beggar desciiillim they have a book bl one of the resorts there in which am vi oidrd the different ideas nmuv v lilt ore in their effort at de scribing the beauties arid at tractions of this wo piec of natures moat charming ltntiitiwork bomo are ridiculous some silly hut many arc ao sublime and effective that their peru- sara f 4 er witnessing the scenery play upon the tendereat emotions i will nol attempt to describe the wonders we wltnetaed we go to morrow on a plcnlc tllp down to ihe ocean and exiect irt en- joy thwmay on the shores of the old pacific i f ii mimtiiic roa angeles cal jan l7lh 1010- the 1azhite house attn bbrlisrnilrt5 iioiimnd mill cueuph ont big- sale of spring ood ottnii h dim tip iii pner kfottih lforr the tdiintt wr purtlnstd i bi lot of cotton good it lower price thin wc liid rcrli id them before vu y irv on stic ndw jy cnr cl i nvrr i mliroitlt ry for 15c v lor tnd ly iuut lurrow i diink nu ins rtion tti rnatch for fit y ori t cttvcr 1 orttino- md aiijv r 1 nihroidt ry rt guiar up to 2 op for pur ird jmk cotton 1 on lion l ici ir jjl ki jj 5 rciibr price j rench vil 1 ice i- i md 5c lt than li ilf thcir 4 viue sout it ik mr tul ill tolor and hlick iftc prr doz jdi joe vu ton 1 l for iol s tit oflint whitcwrar i jc v iiul iu white cotton for 10c per d lnih h cinli im ha putt rn 15c v due for lie per jd s ik of oloni il w 11 t jkit tnd up jcviltn 111 the t elebnttd andcrbon scotch ginglnms for liir per yd stic of jnlor mjdi w11 t i 00 viluc for fitti special purchase of dress goods wc liuvc jut received a spccnl lot of drcis good a and suituii j i ik r ire ibout 2 different piftonii to clioosq from j her rtgul ir viluc of these ire 1 f25 and 1150 fordjpcrjd na99aoaw 10 v a a vny iiulihr l mri expoilcnced in the in me of mi i mk hayitrs haynre milla one day ual week dorothy tlur lltou ton to oil old daugliler was unlit ird with o ahscss in the bsck uunr tbo uiiiiil column f ir f mr or fi a i ml wednesday whon dreiwlog tlm woi hr hayere not iced aoiowlhlng peculiar in the sppesrance of the ithacesh ami upon examlnstl m ft mini n rustetl ibla polntud atvtl 0cul fti tli a aha true tud thn cenlfo mho nt 01 needle which was i an inrhr k n ibtllt suib needle was known to the house and how u iwcnmo emlwd dwl it tho lltllo ohs liimly in u mystery it lsuslduul llu m cdlu wtw the caueo of iho huvcnau a quiet wedding was cihhfrttid ut the homo of mr jumna miller kuiitrh bulb on wetlneimlay tlm 10th of jimu ary at 4 p m when his yoiiugist tuugliti rjkan llamiloitv wnn imlt in marriage to mr juigu ii ill t wallace tlio hi ido looke 1 hniiium in imr pretty dios of crunni color i young ooiipla being hlgltly iojppolil in lite community llu good vhdi their friends and acaunintinrtin follqw thrni the bride rrcolvidtuimo valuable and useful presniiu it v a lllalr ii a performed tu coin ql for pate dettcate people mmmiiuicn unit hriip strength brings tuirk tlic mil ly glow of health by crcnltlm n naliirnlbinkjlite for noiif lubiuii f hmi cetonlythel i tho original 50c mid jl 0 nt all dntigitii itavualwii eecouuiii ai sw- lur wruid junk highest oaoh friqofl tut sttxfe st naiagaavoya lumboi ajeiiih i sro stock of suinuini cm bam i 4 fool mspu wood fjr sale alio slabs p sayers sons masugavakiyn i oi seeb tiro spccialvalucs vc aro ofttrdig in blaaand black 8tri and vicuna clolh and fancy tromtringa a very special clotli in guaranteed to order at 25 a suit r e nelson mtrhin telllof t aifa lruentalle t your fingers madam are first totouch five roses l l wrrk i ho o clock lea a younj hoteis eiclalmed i a tt ili f i tt mutes ny fiatji so chant ami r alo lir cak nlono did yoj rvhr c ii i lir madjm why iho liet urkoa wear rubber plovc ulicn i3 lorinli g a crillcal opcrallori they nay 1m pou u 1otirma li iho hands dial ihoy will he obi sjtilyt f i m bnnju 1 arm infection uw many bunda oilnk ymi hivo handled he fkrar you are now li li j p c-uliie7j7wrjlr- unolnlm rl nnry puckti v room ii hows into tacks l f 7j rojfoawwj hiirn illmwivi putlty a paramount m 1 hm 1 ijjli grjo psckaeea ate filled lull wnlcl w lirasxf by oic m lc ijachli wy out 1 tu l f 1 1 krnwalil ii lib mia tn s llr wr n ako allot rwlk-bi- cr ni nh net willi lrl nf 1 ivl wo hit i an c ii h ni in i u i r i warn nbitt u tll v hjjmot vw ii on ii cl rm i t v ho fll itle i romlnll li y u a i lurrel owsy bltol rurll crl 1 i iv 1 p i mucin h i it jit oi 1 pil i 1 llun tl u la o hays ef joun f w 1 r il n ihu y i jfrep r alio ma u rial covlcca jkcilhiva lo t1vi uq 1 s ate etpluyrl li iliat na i a 1 1 w murlijji ii ir lllala lnjq xfnfr iff alt ulihlralll a dwlolni r e i hi mi tixt m a iy oil cr llou lor ii lo n i hi tivi wo l irtvrlhlt uki fi j lut nulla jrc es alt this f rfour follca prolactloii sml yours mlstrnjj uouaowllo thus ynur own whtls hail la ate thefni lo laulb t ivg uouliom ihe tln it was iii lueit in it 6 heakol the field rlpciiol manllola lm riles until lie llverwljlyotir htlchv you know ihls nruaawfv vhen you leal mvbrosls cm ho label llaoai e it a in absolute fti mnry i aclmj by a respenslbla company wsoss air repoladorihrst slrtmfutlj tnouzh lo utl on tollliifwlvatyou aiv or r that a five roses f till vvooos utlllm co wqnitul proctor cfe merritt i arm machinery and implement agtqls awii-i- jtiibar nii nqron qht see uie connor ball hearing washing machine 1 hu mo t ntisfirtorj washers on the market freo trial m i g i uuy i iimlen i oiiinu- hay forks and sling bart lulli jurintccd md crj jiopular our sales of these since the ht ginning otitiv omprihe cven outfits get w- willi ie rest buy loudcnj prices right prpcttula merritt aoton ont oiojiii nil wium icaius we are here to o your printing v we 12 nve a litres assortment of tvpb- ready to serve you we print 4 what ybu want the way you want it and when you want it wanthl we miaaanei iautnkit wanted vtrlbr taulitii o h miiim of tbd imla inll- llk in 1hh moaitisisjacui an m tum invvlnaaat a pmauiu w alllyoor i wniiiin ba1u t uirilian i iluntm ali-jio- 7o u udihjm of llklku md i wl all sajae atu la aroaajalr viu huhi aouw w boa in li automobil iiak0ain am oj uhmoiill k is4ar hhi loj umiw pit or ad 11 id boa hmkdlilimi wiu ll lor ens lr qawi tilubatoji y asadibi nir oauiv of thanks rimtk lmtrt ibabk- of iba nauaiaad u m bnlif iwlml u iba awl hlsoea and nalsbboni ahu awie an kind ad blpfal sed inllwu dualiia lb ujtns paaimaom j any daar hntiimi tat j avawat aaf aui to uta llooa of unaland aapvaun i iandar oif uuh ruahk huitii card m tiiankh on to aa 1b uia lii uv iorouir 4 ainpalny and al blob la a ttula dueo aa oar hwv uf anuuil i ktiajmai wlllqw a oiukdino andsiialtlkn- inu aools mbnuiha uubiiblik8 etc 1mik nulanlffnad u aa apaalaaead trlndw ol dsa tnooi aalaaoaa aw sod baa tita uvaal owm crobbpl twcntyfivo aero farm con baie on nhnt aai kjtn iian a a an m 5 one kruroo mtry sad kali calls t sad a biro mis alrb alooa f qllut- fl i wblah la a i notick notiob u haabr sivan 1ha apalicailoe will l tanada by cba torooie vubarbaa hall a jompaay lo lha iaialauira ai tbarnnlooa f obuktto at ita aaat aaaalop tnfuui aatbov iaa uia company 1 a toasmwilulneof rsilwsy rram elrotal a u fciaaanl aulaoalaad llna la oir aaar m town of ilrsmi itrwt saw 3-tts-ifc- tea county of towaafaipa of uhbaaaawnuv la tea county of laal and tha towwailtai of iteaaaaia naaaa svaya aad ba tinm of waoraataaa aad mea in uia ooumy of lulion sad las toas pb yo rtinui ud ooaftroi uw boaa wo sad laaraaaa tha aapltal stesof hie casajaay and to otbar burpoaa lasr to lfeu jaanary bovrwa batworuaor feed corn wildlit clfalkhl or cltounl gui al to u1x with otiiitk gitain makis it vlw out acton flour and feed store r nobler iprop railway system grand trunks rich strikes of gold and silver ate continually being made in porcupine and cosreanda diitricls tbs rooie to ihwcuplaeisiacvaadlituikadt ft n o kallway lo sftstbeaon ibepoa vu suish kosd the route lo gowtanda js 4 grand trunk t n o railway sml tewlakamlnfl and oowgamh transport co throuith itckeis ustiod mrbmg chock ed thoousavlu lallerpatnl cadifpria mexico 7 1 end florida ituund trip f ouilal tlcbels on sjit becuta licaeta and forlhof lalormstloti from h s holmes depot agent acton ont milligan coxon dealers lir fkshaiiii i sail meats poultry butter erjs ctc qall pn ct aoqcl your ordjar to the acton free press wo with to hi ins oar man easterners or i heir pa palrona and btf- to slstn itiallbam la nu truth in iho rumor thai wo inland doting ihls slore we are berw ta- llayrio supply iol q goods e lowest pualblo pricei ypwib londvlm farmers ihsl we pay hlslwt prices fof hlltea lost llulier hfgs etc j atitlal hi icitkd la -j- hilligak coxon iiutcilillts agnows block acton

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