Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1910, p. 4

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f slje vrfoit rce flnrss tiiiittta kl iiuu u llml u iit- h 1la win 1 i aughlug h i 11 quil witjlnj fifo nut r what llmlciotrd mi a lows- a a wny atn4gtie j wa iling jso matter how lit wind while iiut lug and acnrring wo nnght t know that ulgblnr thing- below them am hilghtrr lliit 4 wl rm w hoaulo- quit wrrliig aylh mfaiikik lai- a lanu ubrelu til hrunsti youre got tli ieo y llronx aikui what il u it rot it carry n imitweltk llliu that f ierto hrrnaj vigilance i 1 atul how am the toniatooa comliii on kh ml- yoiinghusbend r bl llllwwifn well flr lirgan ii lady vnualy i m rather afraid liavo to buy them xdcr all mr yuudghuuband frowned nvi my dear maria ha espoatu- lated 1 dlallnrtly uoderalood from juu con pin of moulha or mi ago ihkl you had planted a whole vow 2tvatioull light dear eiptulnrd thall jftatu lint 1 vn jlmt rrllm i forgot lo upoti tbw haul i limed that uppin you r mldn i get any llfi immranceaald llm automobile tester i mend h ye li the lautr ir 1 1 at good rial its thn j mx pin along the road writ are ham ham qauelb to be thankrul canada hati a greal dal lo hank ful for in fact ww know f no eoshiley wltlolt haa tuore in be thankful for liar grain cropa last year wfi good and the prlcp obtained for them bet ter than fiir years he lumbar industry id awakening into real activity her mineral indualry la attracting the attention f uo wot id and ja booming liar dairy i nil unity rspaudii tho earnings of her railroad are increasing mm compared will other years tuo tnunlhly mttirna of ilia cliarier- od bank a and thtt wtky trntuma uf thn charln httuaoa indicate iradq i pan al aved emi an operation by hydlfferpinfchbins vegetable compound tt lit river jmi wuhowt i tha h itiklmi yrtw- cmiuimkiuul i would not ihi nlmt fr llr titoittlm i liul iwlnful and inttptinr jrlmla and innnmninlliin or ote ntanta i biiffen d hkti a rnnr- tyr and ihmirtit nttcii of dfcjlli i rnaiius two tlik- iarw whj utit i went u ipui and um heni duo tnrm mid i nut ubmit u 1er fttlodfltmiluwb i iwux f nt bark luttn tnurti l- nuutajtml one of my eounlni adflwd too tu tokfl yir ompouiuj m it had red br i did no and anon om- mcnclufwl bnltir nd my wwlit ramfi bwk witli iho nnt bntih i teel 1 now our fme7lyltlmervtnit of itralaev mnj kiui obatlcf vtuyflild urlloritpr another oimrntlon aoldod adilnii la r riiltithl lintoh ndm ry fioiji f niuln trouhlx ami n duntor aald au oia raurti ttaa uty only rlanm aiul i dn add it almcnl aa iniirh u dtalh iylu e llnkliam vutahl couinound noniulouiiyqunu- in without an oparathiuv lkwa v llknity ilf1xb tlilrty yram nf uniuiraltftfed aurrriui conurma uie tnnnr of i yills f j ink ltamri vimlnhui comjhuiwl to rurn fenwla dlheawm new andheslcostdns rkutacf opniidhorpbin nor rfincrol kotnamoqtic apcdcct remedy qrcoiup- liob sour 5toadlarrwcs nvcarraajcoovufcvions feveiish- nessondlossor slekr astoria pleabi bavi ouh lifb tha llf- of an duorwaavdthe olhnr lar w llvor dot la r in itli wck t a nrank hot at him and llu hall ktruok the dollar now hhouh we al aliot inform you nay up your auhacrlpllon and there la no dollar to alop th hall wajkhall always rtki you mlfthl livo aaved oor life thfi fiirniifii trailflnfljuh cquotft both i m porta and evporta la rrowing materially what naluro ha autiintuully endowed u willi it ia our duty aa ganadlnna to develop with energy children oijr for fletchers c ast ojr i a cahhibd out oontrihitlor icenl you aomu aug ecatlotia telling yuu how to make your paper mora lnurlphvh you carried out any ofiny idoaap kdltor old yon nirnt uta ofllce boy with the wa to haaket aa you came upatalr p otmlrlbutor veil kdltor well he waa carrylna out you ideal v youndauoa pa4najnla klrat vhh we undortoke to ou yur nreachtiona we glvo tliotn our undivided atumlion and immil carw tnepaiinal d welfare la our and aideratiqn i second ve guoraitloo our druni to be of full atreneth tu woll aa pure and froah t third our cuatoniftral are bupplled with juat what theyaak for rolmtjtut lux 1 never allowed f ainkb icljcuy txttmnmi if you are a mityerrr from kidney ilumunslivtirooupulnt blootroubea rhnumaunm nouralgbv or inrvmui iwoatnulon we onfelently reoorn mend the turn of ivirtehl oeltfry oom awail bua ahahj 1 iiiwti appointing medicine la a true dlaeaae banuher ami ayatem iwdlder we aupply the settulnn vajnem celery compound at brown acton ont ua voh handicap t bfianllfuiyauucailha obarralng and a g manner wore than atoajaartor lack or regular foaautca aud sus attlndlfferent com pies ion if you are not witty you con be kind and thowe you meet will value eordui unaffected lutereat in what they are doing far beyond the ability toiuaa beiuianvphr e ryymarw not intallecuially girted you can lie loving nd helpful and the atlstoo moy of bralna admirable aa it la rank below the arlatocraoy of tuwtrta our handlcapa whatever thrynay be are in aineaaealiau in the thing a that really count all have au iual whauoe r t mens lung balsam la tli one sale and infective conch keiuedy for general family uc iaaa aeown there la a good deal ofdlffrrtjuce iwmu bollnvlng what we are told about the hath or in he von and ho luving what he teluua r an oiior all un tlie aalior thn aold far the twherman the lumharman the outdoor laborer and all who aro exrmiaed to injury and the element a ii1 llnl ir thomaa kclectrio oil a true and fallhrul friend to eaa pain relieve colda dreaa wonmla auh due lumbago and overcome rhruuia llam it haa no equal therefore it ahould have a place in all home rnpdl cine aud thowo taken on a journey many man thlukti he mual lie a good deal of a taint because he ntto ceeda in making many other pooplo munralilr headache burdock blood bihers the utsacnci tj headaclie neatly alwaya telia ua that hurra ia another diaea which althouxh we may not lx aware of it is aldl excttiiur ita iianeful influenoe and perhana awaiting an opportunity to aaaerc iuwu nulnly ilunloek illoml ihtlera haa for yean leen curing all kinda of headacliea and if yon wilt onty give it a trial we are aura it will do for you what it haa dona for thou sand of otlient mi john conofwa cured 4 m r troqljed with liead- ikying diffnmil i1xh w mdidna fnad to liy lluklock ulonl llltum ritnitt mm eontljatcly otuwl mtxtt havliuf ukn lhr initio i bears the signature in use for over thirty years gastoria nzm chartered by doajnlon noverproecl hatabtiud u the merchants bank or can hlao offick kion1ufau 4 llraachae lucnt bia i uokttu almn vic preldil iwthxioik wi4 vm twral uanaeer li v iuimm capital aid up tooeooooio lpiili cvj- snno3ooaoo surplus f ooooo total au4a ijfi yji7n oo the following comparative ogwramahnv the tfrowth of lhl baiiaj in lmpoxtanoa iuid publla fkvor inob umo o000 fitl ltakvmiia o boihn h loofiifi tot at auni savings bank deposits b nrdei op rthi farmers sale notes we hxve tpeclal facultka for coltcthuj tbeie wa will f anh t t ooce ii desi a low male of interaal joint a cco u nts when reqneaid we will opaa accoaau in two nam ao ahhe one may draw the nooay boahand or wife etc acton branch w s chisholm manbger i onkotmamv oyer 1 here goea a man who haa acquired a reputation aa a promo i j uyer- 1 or ha pa i could get him handle my latent whak doai nrotuotef oycc ilia own interotilu chit liy bearine the atamunl hair pomade ia mailo from die greaue of the can a dian iloar which haa the heavteat coat of hair of any autuial 0n ajar a who walu for tliajikglving ilay to be thankful will not jie thankful whetf it contaa castor i a vor tnftntv and children- itotmyoilunahrinbnktt sears um kjgnatoro of mend it to all tor ule by altdeaterat manufnottired only hy tbo t uilhum cji l i uitod loronto a great many aalnta mow the gaa oul with their alghhig and then cone plain that ood haa forsaken them lldpululaaot i ivopcr uttcntioit to the hair and scalpis tliclx t preventive of halclucss an occiusional np- plicittion of be nne umr ioni- adc jcceps the calp in healthy condition it nourishes the hair foliclcs niul fupjlcracnt3 ihm oil pf mis lipad itcarinc not only prevents all- intf hair hut stimulates new gtowtli so cti a jar at your druggists naavtwnsb a almple ffttetlm reaaedv frtrbaaariltlla iii aa well a awns i ha ate ant cmwwmd uil0 amaaikhoidwllhavamllnctaue a onluaaytu9 wlltt jaiwarae urntaal and etartrttaaalaaaunnw aawatlaataa 1 just 11m ulu lor nunnenihualen m mllaaharltturarattitaia ha via a iawitnwut neetnwl purilie n the lilmid rnmw f ijnn detrcta l the actlnn of llm lvat they are revealed hy unaighlly motch v4in the akin they oiuil 1m tmaled inwardly and for tltla purfioan there tano more effective compound lo be il than lamieioea wgeuhlo ill la tliny act dlreclly on tlin liver andhy aetlng up healthy prooeaaea have a beneficial effect upon the blood ao that impurltlea are eliminated au uplifted oye to kitoji ituki clean heart make the ihol of your goml u in la aald the oouiiaav a man may know much and yol lie nothing lr lirker weylti l raaeaundp he- fool are utually aynuiiymoua j licit or n groat lumrt in a ft nil body than a fralljiemrtjn n great imhly kvery choice in uf im nn lmiaoltual delermloee the fhaf of charter yu alwaya can iifvqi alnam iff thlnga that provoke hlui in in err i utant thcre ta no vital power lu a religion you cu pigeonhole intu una day of thu wck cilitim on your hand will do mure fur tfia good of the world than crowna on your haad x revlbnt life reytnitt ttiat uw utagamotnoatrcwrrited at tba tlpis areth to tblclf wo ftwa nbit now troudtl makatnt what men think remark the owing woman cauaea fully one third nrall the trouble in thti worhi vea rejoluwl the mare man and wtia w y uau tln t lblrtla 4 if you have a cnugludo not neglect lit huy at once a buttle of allenu lung llahunii alake only your beat t hough ta into aethme the critic la the ut to dueover hla own crooked nca j there are about juuuou j- we in lalealltiaat preaent ih not talk of another nian4 tnean uo tll you hare ft clean record or yrnimwn r the man who facaa irolh waya novei aeea much any way llm falreat flower of joy iulng from llm aoll of aacrlflce ohildrenory for fletchers c astor i a to learn obeying la the fundamental art of governing carlyle it haver hurt a your grip on a doctrine to lay holuvof duty ypnuautfc dodga thtai ali jl qulto hi tea unburn brulare akin injutlra home of them will altaak you this aeaaon nrr ilvn tin of iava klrnthol kalvn on hand ecu la tlirtall round mliable eopi uro the kind to chonao for frlenda illckle autl otxiaumptlve hyrup la the result of expert rltemlcal ea peri loan ta uudurtaken to discover a preventive of inflammation of the hiuga and consumption by ilea troy log the germa that develop llteae dlaeaaea and fill ilia world wit ii nil able anhjeola hopnleaaly altleketi the mumr thla bjrnp will pwaaant i ha rtli aaa of neglected colda a trial which floeleonly 2scenlr will convince you that thla la correct i twulvaor thlilin uyn ajej rern rasing lu a largti uri i t j tllu u iwelhug huiv tun tiny n j it mi miul hrgan ihjiihigjmjyju nuij dhhu hnurn frtui iho llntj did thn rnwa iteur ttm ituklt than uwy eama from 11 u f a iter ml of lh flvld nod timlin rilh llair kadt over tlnmm ui lf ln f noft ifiih tly lulond l lht iolfl oil i he dijuirlurn of ill hw chwb 1 11 sr ihantaa looldon llu oilier lht tt 111 wnii wiumi tiey eotlhl g ui falthr thy aloal lootlut piteoiifltx n thni berime an viclied illftt llicy tail roulid and ouodjjje tleld eeklut w ul rinding nillri tltey intuitu il to ihry hud t hlghl icttretiafirnnnutalul th i- f c mg llmr am iicau nalirsilll wiftuov eavua h mtloth dl and iiiinddtd hi in hnulh africa rov i rod hi i khii i wliu aie l tliy an all u ten lm ut ejgthaitiea thn ground only tlie akiixirrtunliilng vihluc thll vl lh prt or the 1 vr- i hit ur rlinvrt oo t mrfn t an i roloihhia ll ul lint 1i ii rii mon irate ii and i uri 1 il i or llm uiihiiiw trihlt i- git on um lubldr willi ihe earetl ll f iho hhipt apeir ho utrt of lha uf lu pi r nteahln in i in light l lug htnr mitdi d hy ihnull l whhliluj urhd tu hrl of ih e lnlv durox i- a w f hidhite inli ll old iiaitit ltsld i uji llal man 1 1 t hau k- i aiilouiohllr jrwno- and ll waa ipilln ninublng to tea him the lit i week he hid il lied- how m greene why idow hla h id jle know p ry lime hi hed alt p nod hn vcllt uh y out big wmniwi many ih o c a uut wurdi no man can h ee urvalonh ire- iir ltl hellir i it was all ran down weighed 12sbi kcfw weigh m 185 unuu xllmu iwo jimotian w wrilea m wuli to ua yon vlwt mil burn a haah an1 nerne tilla uve done for mo thien ytmia ago i won mi run down i could not do my imn uoik 1 went to a doctor ami ha told ma 1 1 ad heart trouble and thai my nrrvoumnaall unstrung i took liia tiitclim aa i ler mw to do hu it did u n no itien atarteil tu taknmtllmvfiifi nerve lmla and 1 nil only lakctf oho ikix heforo i auite1 u fel 1 ttrr no continueil tlieir up untd i lad tak tovenl lmxna and i am now blrm e nnd wenamlahu lo domy imn k when 1 rorimfinrod taking your hla i wrlul ed now welgli itiltmd i nx li imnnla ami now given urth to a lovely young ilnjhtfr which waa a liappy llilrgr lu tin finuly when i eoniiiinucctl takltut mill uma ihwaa- and nana i ilia 1 cuuld not no upklura withhit renllng lietnre i not llm tnt i can now go up million t any tro lue llm m- of limriii tiooittmd korva emu la m nrntu mir lw or 1 i oxm for tf i 1 at all eanra or malted ilneet on meeint f lre hyl i t kllliuni o udtod toroniu out 1 uao laughter aa a tablo nautia i it ml the organ to dancing and ihlih ithtiulatea thn dlgrallvn ptocttiu4iw paultlaaa in irepanllou jnllkii any other atninacli rxgulator lariu vegeuhlo pill am the nntt of long athdy of vegetable eouimundu calculatetnn btlmolato iho ktonlnfliln funcllona and lualntalu tin ti at the normal condition yearw of uto hnvw proved iholr fatilllutui rhaioclur nlid eataldluhed llitlr ttucrlleut r iilallou ami thla reputation they have main talned for eaa and will colli nun tu intalu tor theae pi i la nnut nlway aland at the hbad urijiii lt of ktainlard preparatlouu ou oft iii cord of love w would fall necjij niridl i three vfezicx the rcicraa en iny haadi wii so bj that i was unable to fed myself i id to be ted as oo feed bbr ixcaiue i could not hold tallr fork apoon ortup so uysmlx violet mosorley of 75 gorf street sault stc marie fn tcllmg h tw zam but jured her of ecrtma sfic addsr j arinxtjpta the elatowdwcfe eoverej vilh kttmj iheltchlnir 4od the torencj weretffh uiibcafratle as the dlseate developed the alcin nctuallypcelcdoff leaving raw ore the patmi f incers backi of my ban da and wrists were all fn thla ahochnf atar and i was forded to sit 1 lagonf all lht while 1 he raw iwfs waotaoxualtcixnuy wai do cure amputation waa aj one time thought necessary hu ch timely introdoctjcft ol zain but prevented ihlsfcaxful coding mfyarwtt recommended hy g friend and we bought a supply the flnt lew appllca ilmys fifave me a little ease but it was not until i had continued with it for lome time that i felt adecided-ioaprotcmeni- afte that my cure went on qaictly zinubuk did whateverythln else had failed o do now my hands and arm are quite freed from the terrible ccuina it u rilffar i a ir if iluk la hqw zam- i superkou- zji lluk la ailii lioueaefc toothrr inlina an i aa vunerlnr k i m taaltaaaratiw lonlha o i tal i ii r fl ii ik i uii a i ol ft i i h i mivm ocitiju i 1 rral 1 i tlr alululey will ill many aatveami i i i- i i in aot i l n mllukl at link la actually mn rt jly ai i- ho tlmi ow tah yut it tt jl iqiea i r umij an u tlj ul u 1 1 a w in il zambuks mahif uses zam it ik koala more milckly ll n i any l or an preparation w 3 m sil fa j i tt loltilntfatii cilia hrulara liurna inv n iitimhlbtjit lwmllibimlboikl mm nl etc ufceit aa au ami rml n it ouiea t aumatbuo arwirqdlxia or zam lluk toronlofnrprioa pot dm f r uv claaiidn iguu ambuk l howe needs it bus liki i ifivljijr 1 tcivrilully lb wall fcltil a cimrrll lu l r trjlu imiorcu hi mi n ml ti p til rblnlul allenliim un lu virry iiilr rim wnl ul i en mn 11 trvrll- y r john iniiliwjuts w01ej having dhotoeaioravin r tomes oh aftvclais or qgiflw-muvcniu- urwsbtai cvc juonesffipc 1 lint wc liiow how to mil ti hi it will jut with linnontlit mo tent r il xnunimtinn a i itiird ju tlity otliu iluhililj uiul iikhui ncntiitia ofmilcli il mil nil toiiml mrftctioii jon enn iwc 1 otu lf hj i un for stortj at j our luitlr i luit thij iill fututiir yoijr inoit wuiniue txiwit ilimi i i tour itrm lnlitf in t t on mori i t nil torv t w ii storey son limited acton ontario tail willi tho uil mlllhncithlnu if login faithful work in a lowly poalth will gain youh promotion to a higher one noohlwakould be allowed tu a utter an hoar from wornur when prompt relief nan begot in a ajmple hutalrong remedy uot her orayea worn ka- terminator thl main tmino now la the time to plan your trip lo california mexfco florid or the huunyontli oonaulnrareat orand trunk agent regarding low tourlat suffered terrible pains atrom pteir kldnajfa far mine month for ba lama or weak jlaek arcantivennmfineaxanumwtdutreaalmr aymtotna of kidney inaetionj tliere u nq lantady cpial to uoan a kulney illla for ultlng out the atltehea twiuahea anil iwlngea llmboring up the atlff back and giving pertw oomforc a inedlclna tliat alreruihena tle kid- noya ao that they are enabled to extract tlm polaonou urio aald rrom tneblood and praveot uu eliuf eauae of rheunuw turn mr iounhl a uoliaao ilrnad oove lunka wit writwi 4a trdubled with myi kliinaya for nlna jnotalha and ultannl with auch terrible palna acroaa the anudl of mv luvoti irtw i could hardli the amall of my bnok atheuiiao that i could hardly get around after taking tiro boxes ol 1 w a kidney 1siu 1 began feel heuervndhy iheuroe i luhludten three i waa oonplolely eured l- arlmx prloe 60 renta nor adl glamor t unct on mefpl priev b the t uluurn po umltad wba ordering specify doana ohteff letec uvea- now glvo ua a deacriptlon of your inlaalng cashier how tall waa he t hualne m dont kiww how tall he waa what worrlea ln that he waa 10100 ahortr- uj there never waa anil never will be a unlveraal panacea in one remedy for all un lu which hetj la hair what would relieve una iii in turn mid aggravate the timber we liavt how ever in quinine wine whan obtained in a eouiu unadulterated alalo a remedy for many and grievoua ilia hy ita gradual and judicious uae the frallaatayauiua are led into oonvalea- cence and atrength by the influence which quinine- rxerla onbltur-own- reatortatlve it lullevra thoae to whom a chronic atatr of moihld dcapotidoicy mltd lack of infrreet in life la dlleaar and by trauqulllxlng the oervae dlapoaea lu aound and refvealilngeleep rlmpaita vlglor ut the action or ilia blood which being alliuiilalftd couraejlfnugh the velna alrenglhenlng the hoththy anlmat tuucllons nr i he ayataoi thereby making- activity k tieceaaary result atrangtheulug the rrtinu and giving life to the digestive uignna which naturally demand hicreaaetl aulahanoe mill improved appeltl north ropfc ljmimi or turonto bavglvi tu the public their superior qnluliitt tly ihaoplnloii r ecuolltta tbe wine approaohei i perfection of any on the market aumftvta ll if ohildren ory for fletchers castoria aannera are llm happy wau of doing things tioruacunnotexlatwhnn llnllowa corn oure la applied to theu iwcntuo it goea to thw root aud kills thu growth content can soothe whirnor hy fortune placed e ran mar a gaiilen in the deaert waate ii k wlllli dr woods norway pine syrup u spacuuy calculated to curs all dls- aases of the throat and i u coughs colds rrenchltbjt b throat uosrsencsi croup llaln or tightness in uw chest aa4 all llronchlal troubles yield to th curative noer of uils prince of pectoral remedies it contain all tlm virtues of tho world famous noniay dna tree co uiiiumi withwimuierry unil sul thowwtlilng heatmg and expoctonint proitcrticm of other excellent tciw adharks 4-m- mrs ji4w ivlrh t wliidftor thitnimi nasly r hacking cough t ttumlldlul lard irouhlotkltliaiiu- ty hnclltg rouidi lor tlm pnat ai dkl tne no gootl a friend ti mcdicybnuiiov at last 1 waa atlvlwil w a friend to try dr wood a nnrwny isne kynip ami willi tlm first few tlnm i found fenmt relief ami to day my hack ing oough haa enlliely illnapi mimhi nnd 1 am never without lr wootla kontay line byrup in tlm house the price of dc wootla norway vine hyrup bj3o omuvpoabolue it w ut up in a yellow wrapiter thm ttlim trwtt the trade tnark a lo eufo oiiil ncreiit none of the many sntuilllulc ut tho original norway lino yhru aunufutuml only ly the t uilhum co limihjd toroutojonl nsglbct ruins 100 watches uae wear out one henn your walch iiilurul for ll to go loau and it hj jii i lor your hot lo pfingln haa ok patience and ability to 1ilr al properly adjust walche po mraon in canada gr d pringije the jeweller guclph 4 acton pump tile works 0 b bujuaajb troprlotor our ditmtstu aa 1iw fu cl with all ilia laloat itiaclihtary and u luucca for mattuhtcturltiif iumpsautf jutap iujijja w til fa mlljf eliftifitim auivaw ta utmuta jtn riittae to aad i ija mjjlier orders promnlly filled malultntim kljah the berlin steam granite aud marble works cablbtl iiiiaun froprletof ieslauarm an 1 hull 1rs olhuui mmih huiiia mono moo i markl ami hoal i oi wit snuu klnliol aidstlc cemetery work wlillniii jcitistrcct aenu aclnn artists mate i wa llu lqi qtth anij sui i i ii sbk ijrr i rvnoarapuy quppuks i amivounn natuitk btody suppiiilsb 1 oh lo i 1 ks it iiooi ou tuilnl end for irifoninllun cumltikunho i artku mslqrlts and nolutoiudy bupphes onaltlguo no a 1jrogfaphy happllcs waters bros tha plclura btot wyidlm sc ujjelill ivl stock food g a black acton or khtntx03 goqltown the excelsior bakeqy ilavinp recently installed somo of the latest im- provxd madunexy fot- hrcad making 11 now in i batcr position than r ever to supply our cutq- men with lircad cakcs etc of hrstclass quality wq also carry a splendid btock of groceries and cnntectioncry ice cream and ill jiitids of fruit injicasorl t stathamson ma fn st acton 1 the old and reliable granite and hatblehealers wb an mat ululunn aad dlraat laapottas ot all alndl almmaealalaadlleamarnea waaall llrml ktour tuilommtl wbala bale prloca uiua aawna wlt bbaaaaalaala it u ale iihunitlo inula mprlr wa w it rataraiwaa tt tut buuliula t our iiulaaai la tareoui aail lllur laav mhanl jftban ba la aland uw anlta in uoar ui onirxit wa naa lha luput ail iwl aloak aeanlu in tba itemlnliia nr loon lhaa any ihru ilnlia in uwwmi vtaara lesillntata daajara and a ploy tao acanla an i in not an par a m ana- oaian by fcodlnaoohsoorant asnla m iellalt ordan m amplur liiaebanlaa only aad sari aonnaiilba hampton sons oor hait ik and wool w to h ttu umslpil paper makebs il ko bom to ll jtf on j oorlhltl iaiiciih t txoitkattueit st aimson falntkii apkb iianoub piorunid riiamicn tirrc licjjs to inform thx ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that he hts beep appointed agent tor three of the largest wall taper houses in can- tda 1500 maniples to choose fium trici rlrrir aljbo th hq is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knivcj and scissors ground furni ture repaired snoi mill sniiiit acton 0 livery stkhhncufflcricait a lmmht uhuuvuit iwily fil w rwtrwt5rflw wrila for our i icivmina i sagajjbiar venlkm or improvanxnl ami wewtllutl araaour oplpinoajlo wbclhrr it lapnbal ealaatsm rlcm apelkthashaaxl bam urcilully urtheuled by aa v oondact fi liy ctiuli ivl nfflrn la atoatn and wauilnl6ni isuqualilwaaslopreaai ly tllapalcb wk ju ikltly aenrauv a broad ai the liivantlun ulba1rtnno nnukal rw ihtmisa uarloo a itloairfp 11 led tbroaa awaotaaty twpi tahfaattdrunaliiro marion marion pwlent eaaerti jnd selloltora 1 jr

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