Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1910, p. 3

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4 complete stack- of j hair drueha touth drulq cloth dnjmha fin cotntj dresalng combe jbauk artel bide comb hair pins in hhel and wire call im when yow rwartj of taa above ouf i ices are low geo hynds kcton j y fbsuud a woman wants the home paper news of incajimpqkt make- her happy by taking it thl vtar round be vrioti ttt press store news sold on jo days free trial those are lb larmi we give on every carbo- magnetic razor fu or vary raior li electrically temper no hollow ground in 6a pilar way and will ho years without hoeing t and will hold ha edge phicb goo fjohnstone be jfijir 3fr firess thursday fkiiltuauy 21 1u10 another ltur bv i rar luynoidf tvuhkoimaie club baa armtigei f fa leotnro by iw j i juym ida ofouetpu nnilm uy ah von r lb- it on friday flirting lib march l llm uelhudm hchoof iloom thli will be prpt luynotdi third locllii bete oa ubakeprean plays hie previous one tiavu won moat n llfylng and inslructlva am the litem in rs of iix uic cluh-ara- looking furuuiil lu the coming event with pliaauru t ha coeaj option haver- heady ur a j ijehnian if iha dominion hotel called at ilia fiikk iltkum 1l ntherday toettplaln that lb rarlnad of urlnlcablaatiis gotjn uat week not all intojdcaujrftljjbjiwj part or tin cargo ha a el was lool option jtef i pit i in i i have ready or the first of way wln icel option cornea nr force 1 1 intalna only twoadd a half pot d nl t f ale hoi tin continued and may bo mild legally and it taatax jnxtaagood ax tha olhor qulauy waddad at oordon hall 4tuw tipuio ojluiahrlr nt miss ii a cordon on wednuadey february sixteenth ihe mania go of anna alberta mcdonald and- brednrlck a williamson waa conducted by ilov j o wilson ii a unattended i ho bcbm and grtxmyjjiok their places in lha drawing room whllu mu margaret mcdonald alster or tlio hit hi played tba wedding march after tha wed ding breakfast mr and airs william inn nn the evening train for htratfnl and cjenro- they will reside in toronto mat marry laudar in chteajro tha chicago interocean says and mra harry lauder mat a good ity scotch fr leads socially during mlr slaty here and were entertained no end of luncheons one pretty girl from aoton province f ontario by namo mia helen i llsaboth ulali happened to mnet the cunindlan one evening and thu dialect iwtween them fler fast and in moat friendly nahloo hot hare so typically hootch that their friend who hs im ncd to lie there enjoyed it itnlto as much as tin y did mlsa l ulnnun bi a nunu in chlcagu- will ba nioh mlolnr properly a mealing o the shareliotdnrs of ihn ifowltt jowganda mining company waa held in lha town hyll isstwcdoos- day h her iff webster or milton oconpled the chair apd mr w h utilaholm waa hocrsbary vry nn eouraglng porta nf iho progress and prospvala or the mine wero nlwn hy maura arthur smith and uru who had just arrived from oowgancja for a brlaf visit the horolioldera wcr highly grallord with ihn renrt and with jio bright proaacta manlfoiled as tho dnwolopment progn sspw ad tltttl qrief local items hllll mam evcr day or so f r a cbaiigt waloh for tltr overhangrug icicles ibaao sunshiny days dogs in town ara bolng inuulad now aa required by law tha winter road liata srldom boan in won condition than tlmy are now a few tnohaa mora hio been added to lit depth nf snow tlio paat wte rtba next sitting or tho txwalop court here will bo held on thursday 10th march mr jamea math received lha sad lwwe of the death of hla mnthnr uat sunday at dundalk tha young iadlea at home at the town ball laat thursdny evening wa largo- attended i clear off your roofs thorn la an lf i weight of auow on some of jmhow pliohejd roofa bobutmik lite orattgrvllln desper ado liaa been sent to kingston intnt uta for two years fc t the aduaailnna anniversary will bm held ba tbo metlindut church next sunday rev or antllff will preach kr marllti murphy has sold brough w ii ixmyiy his property on arthur street to mrs ktlxabeth xyriton ll uaj tf l t will ifc deliver an addresa to the y a or l knox chureh next thursday evening lurqhflrd the apprnlsemojrttrof the loaatta on loo aoton house has not yet been saavtisfaotorily ndjuitnl by tha insar- uses companies interested llev uvorga clark vh d of georgetown proaahed oarerulljr p pared and impressive sermons in the mathodlit church laat sunday mayor lirncon has issued his pro- untauon re tuamuasjinge doga in aooordaiico wlih instruollons issued from ottawa lufurmer at the laat meeting of nasaaga weyatownaltlp council major deattle of 0tpbellvlher clerk adexlnye malion treaaurer mralex joe liaa urchasod the duneart kftftli farm on tba second una skjumlng and will add oil fine prdp- y to iii tarm adjoining on lha first line iu answer to at question at the dominion alliance convention at toronto laat week provincial iuspec tor ayearst rrpuctlta tbojhegatve to uiej allegation that there waa mora bottle drinking where loan option wm in foroc t mr jeramlab bull nasugawavi has aold itu farm and will sell fds sttak and linplenitmta- by auction ntlt thtrmayronalarek mr nentrt tabids corning lolalon and will realde tit bli flue ndw afaffltfpee bn ohurci atraat bnlu uatauromcr r l rmur grape arobblabon- mosvay formally opened tba new roman sflaththjo ohiiroli a brampton on sun- tlatqnttilng tlif oliuroli irbullt nf v rd brlok finished in natural ffpgt and prosentaa vry attraotlve qiuon hr vnlentfnea night mr t lsialrttoon llmabouae enlertaln cip id a number nf her rating rrlenda in i honor ft tltu day j a pjenannt time wapvnt fluppaf tvaanersftd at ttrej ioiwhlng buiir of uilttnlgllt afte jm whkh tba vmf pad a vllt to st i tvaifimoo well where tho oodoflova l jlmrtkiwed gilt on eaoh after- whlch- m j iiotnd delighted jicmld nmtorr made rwtobirwtirhbnrt n the present aharuholders have further investment daau or fiuf mann the news reached ills father and other frlouda here last wtdncadny of the serious illness- or peter mann at hla home in orlllia from ipuutuonla a later despatch told of ills death the remains were brought to aoton and the funeral took place on saturday a tier noon from bis falhet k homt kalrvlew avenue to falrvmw ceme tery ltev j c wluoti ii a udlslatlng icter maun was thu eon or itonard mann and spent his hoy hood and early manhood n aotnn about twenty five ynnr ago ho nettled in orillla wber lip was engaged a market gardener ho waa a member of the ilrethren and quite nollvo in chhslian ffort during ihn recent local option campaign in orillla ha waa one of the moat agresslve workers lis spent a i month with hu agod father before chrlstmaa und dlj every thing be could to put him into comfort able circumstances for tho winter mr mann wa unmarried loat ynelr dap ulua dauihur wednesday morning february idlb at the home nf her parents mr and mra itunatd johnson jio north ierry st jujinalown n y t occur red the death iff their little dauglitir kdlth ohlsholn aged two yearn and even months hho had imoo sick but a fow days with croup and notwithstanding all thatrli afd could do alio peacefully ptm away tibo waa one of iho sweetvst of children and loved hy all wh ww it this inrratauan was klpanalvs rsjprlhei home mt uathnrire wunn mutday- flrtil firiy ihillara- and ooau fir a i reaf h of ihn honor llcenae act a wk ago saturday a tmtarder ordorvd a tlofpn imitllaa of iterr arnl in room these air consumed af hours by a number of men only one of whom waa regular taerqra discharged employee informed tha pollro aad tho t barge followed thn alaglal rata buhl thjit tua laswaaxo r iit lha lllrgal sale tit consumption nmiior ntid that ha had no alterna tlyn hiit to impoae i he qna jireseitbed anntbarfaw praa for job ptt in nmrrmbfr tliti rrkk lnam in at lie i one of lbaflne molding jobber manufactured by the coidlng printing ivwut uanufacimrera itualun uan tills prnaa has proven so satisfactory and the demand upon us for fine job printing bavlog continued to grow rap idlywn decided to introduce another proxa of uiu famoux onus manufac ture anfl bafa therefore put in a j old ing ieayi v hlch4taa arrived and la in running order ins a dainty lit tie pre with all lh la improvements ln eluding stem fixture paunlbltiir trr apd trakr counter etc and has a cspaclly ofovrr 2 000 impresalons par hour thekitkkpiikhbaanovtnnrnr the imul equipped printing office in th tba tardai dy vtlltavna a mnet ing under the auspices of aclon jruch r the i yrd a day allianto was hel 1 in the ttaptlst church last thursday evening itnv w 0 llanos i a oanralhcritary ror ontario dallvrrad a highly in rfsllngend i it for n all imlimldmami thn iordrftjhy act if iho iomlnlon iritllsmniit and li l- id alllanra nd lie umk m lllnn showed thai th ogh rbnrfforlx ftln alllanm tin unod f men and mm throughout ihn i mihlun who ihn ugh ihtgnxd i rgalu un ihe part of their rmplijrr welti turced to wolfs on sdndays aie mtw enjoying a mukly rest day wild hi i leasing ihe alllanno ror its tffottx in llirlr imhatf mr w j chapman iveald nt or the aclori llranch cciip d i ho chair another aoton boy clltnblna upward tho westfrn out mik or whtnlikg glwn dm follow lug inlvieallng turor- math n in its laat issue i thn ii ard f llrandon jollrge has appointed mr it j kounody or winnipeg bursar of tbat inslltutlon mr kennedy u no slrnng r in iho weal having been here for eleven yearu lie ta arj on tarlo man by birth born in acton of hcolllali parunlage after graduation at the juelph collegiate institute he entered biiklneta ii to n the city or iph t mm there he look charge or a httvtmas in flint mich and ftooi michlgoncuine to lmtli4- for the past six and a half jvhiw he ban b id fuh weight salada toa is wcigbjed by electric weighing j mftchincs the net weight is prmud on evoiy package ye absolute guarantee it to contain full weight without the lead covering have your grocer empty a package and weigh it for you jfiiifisir j 7 i r i i j jorfiw tiy b sister iulu much sympathy is foil ror the aorrowa trick en puronla and ilster tbenirterat rtniifolif on fll day atemonn jrov c w iwltvell itllolallng and uileriuant waa made in johnstownj cemetery four girl rrlenda of the ramify acted na ben rem ulasee marfan otmstrad i leanor jmter fraucna faherty and malvla sexton the llwal tributes were numerous and very beautiful i pillow our baby lho parents t wreath ourloved one iho fatally spray of carnallunv mrl and mrs 1rod uyder llrockvlllr crinadu t spray of carnations 1 j diuat apray ofcaroa linns misses mckachern jlirlllkleld max i spray or carnations mrs j o hlpton spray of carnations mrs lladcuck miv chelwyiid and bur dniigblerai spray of carnations musm anna and frwnuos faberlyi llllles mr nudlmra h ljnl wtml on ataudard tun ploy ecu or cuaaanluvd glove ou com i find them marvellous tbla la mra cfaaa lotaaa opinion ol lhl1a dldatera here is a shorf bntvery eonv hieing letter which we received roeoiitlyi tux oolxuam mkdicinr co i bavaiieeli naln i ittle ihgoiitora them marvelloua 1 ncnuimeml thein luearely mjus cah llltuokh low wrlaht co quo here isjoother letter dated nov otu 1000 almost equally brief and o tho polnlt oolruxh mnicinr oo i vllaul 1 say that the box of dlgetttnranax doac me a lot 1 1 good i think they are all right for any ntooiach trouble anthony vihiick trout creek v o pary bfl dlst ont jlitlora jlkv theae are the hvnf i slide proof that lutlo dlgeslom do ixaetly wltat wo claim relievo end ei indigestion dyspensla and all forma or fuomanh troubles we are eo suru tlmt little digesters will euro tlmt we offer to hand your money bank without iidhi tauon if tbej fall put up in dainty uttlo rod boxoaf 2oe at your drufffffstrtit by rnall from coleman modlclm qth toronto 37 staled salada packets guanuiteo fiilf weight msul unequalled for gotfdnc aeshncas and fine flavour r rrr- social and personal mlsa maigavt llarwy has ukaln position in tortnto mr and mr fred williamson io horns from toronto over sunday ra7unei btiwtifffotor spent lha weak with acton fr lands principal htewtt has lren laid i p ihla wnak with an nlaek r la grl e mr j p hcarnnliml family expect in n i urn to hull kngund next i v mte una hyward mj rllo uo- oit ight and lirshle cooq are attending tl f millinery openings in toronto mr kdwsrd couch avtd mra hamurl ittyson or brampton v ailed nkods in acton and vlolnhr fining the me m itt and mia m ftr1 i i men upending a n uple ol i tiinmtti rttuini j home mi crwltr ftr k hin of this oily as a buklurm man he ataiida very hlgli in lbe rallniauim of lha niercaulllo clrcloe with whtcti be been connected and the college la u be congratulated on ha v ing aecurnd lan an well qualified to handle all its tin rind a i interests mr kennedy holds a high place in the denomlna llnnat life on having been roost la nllal in the work of every church with which he baa been connected ffo has been superintendent of the broadway bapuat sunday school since irganlxallon and treasurer or lite t oh and baa licen one or the burden bearer tn n aklntf that church a power ing iho city churcbea lie begins itu work tn brandon next month h mr kennedy is axon or the 1te alex kennedy k q the fhub piuchh ex tends congratulations upon hu success if you ha wo indlgeallon your food fprlucntu in die atomaob and bowels it doe more it decays and the notrl tlous mailer which should go to make new blood decay with it and tbla is to an impoverished condition of tho hi tod lo iiervousoeae lilllouaneaa lltatlorr sick headache- bad breath eh rilsguat your friends ami nlber disagreeable and unpleasant con dlllons aiid all this trouble u oauxed by the food that doesnt digest but fertnenbs and oftlruos rote in ihe stomach and fomentation is caused by hie omaoh not being strong enough and oncrgi tic enough to bbroughly mix ttin tlmd j m i 0 n a is responslfde for tens of tbnt hnnda of euro tn fact il la audi a positive cure for indlgeallon and all stomach troubee that it la guarantee by a t urowu to cure ur money back the pi lee of a large box of ml o tin labials u cu oenb and ihey arc aiiie to promptly relieve the worst case or indigestion ur gastrltlv try them hy0me cures catarrh asthma braachltbv croup cengbs and cdkts e money back sold acd guaranteed by at bitov n drugglat acton booo vaotfl about canada iho publle will waiuily welcome ihe ukw 1u10 edition of tbat indispensable booklet 0000 facta about canada compiled by frankyelgb whose writ lijgs and lecture on canada aro wide ly known ihe popularity of tba publication la shown by tie aale or nemlycoooq copies not only in can ada but throughout the uinplra and indeed ifo world tba id16 edition contains a largo percentage of new lun j cents a copy by the canadian facta piihluhlng op 007 spadlna ah- ttoronte canada xldnvaleaoo rroitle keptllibm mra- j who ua months li tttaaday mr adilph luuer tif klkton mtch visited at the home of ii brother mr adam bauer dock htrre last week mrs deacon la in ingeraoll called tbr by th seilons illness of her alster mr sev m whu u not rxpnct i lo live mllloo itvf run r mr anlmra win flurnry itttgua air and mra b n id mui- oprl w and ltv mcnally tf cuilph wtre hero laat uvfk altuudlug thu funeral ofllolalamr uibtluiii- itov j c wllaon ii a kit dr j c antllftaiid mr ant lift ur j a coleman and mr and mra ii p moore attended ihe convention of ihe domlulon alliance at toronto laat week mltaea daisy and gwendolyn camp bell nr west toronto came 10 vpend aome holiday with ihvlr grand parent mr and mra coo campbell but were called bom very suddenly owing tn ihe death from m pendlcltla of their uncle ur miooll ml i ullyie- ervd from his recent attack of la btjpp be waa taken 111 ut the morn ngaevvlcaat kitox chinch last hun day and in consequence ite w m mackay dlsmlsseil no ongrrgallon we are happy jo say that though rather alarming dr u lurtaon 111 nose wax not really serious mllun champion poiit kl an unscrupulotis dealer foicc on you an n lit tioii of lbed i menthol mntcr look foi tbc i il l trade murk on the 1411 it kuurautics the genuine and the ipost tittttic remedy for rhcumntic acl x f 1 lumbajro sun tica backache etc 25c each yard rolls equaling seven of the rcgulai bizo 1 00 ferrovng thi atotbt tohio or all mloady paoptau aflakaa naatf blood i gliraa atracigtfi raaterea vitality lakaei after aay ttlwaaa deraia lswrsacaqx luminal hatws ltldlev palmer of xnby vllle wax lefore magistrate maaaon charged wild selling liquor in hint village which is in a local option township llo wax convicted and lined iao and oostx or mio all a builderaro you talng waltfht p the- 1 a i kmullon will alwaye help and build yoll up beatores proper digestion and brings back health tq calironilrf billlslicdumlla mexl co oreg n wautlllgloli etc vln grand tmnkuallwaxhyslvm march u to april 15th inclusive bll in formtttlonfromorand trunk agents or address j d mcdonald d p a g t ityturonln out l only a lln nrnds lo he luiutcrrd by a lie the lire of vice feed mi the soula or men cured of cohstiphtoh mr arrdrwwa praaa dr moraaa indtaui root pill ur george andrews of halifax n i writes mutter thobidk 1 k lpvclaumubf plkaixi die rlche and reaource of the domln jits climiacooiks inix ai roent never comes smloiwwka and nrgntia bn are in progreea rpr car purcbaar t ftk llck shop at jba comer of mi si rret and paafcavenu by a gentleni in who pnrpoaee convert log the pren laea into a butler faclooy honuluflltfi pabinrnlalntiiwn- are of the vivrr laottt order or aa a yonng u ly said ibe other day they are ii m t hug me tight walks b er have hieirt abovellcd a little wider mr officer a mortlng or the clllaena oin mitten wll l held in the town hall on friday evening at eight cbck ira portent business will lie brought bo for the committee kvery member ahould make an effort to be present s pr i no qglo ds f in gladsome arayii u new dress fabrlos dress trimmings wear things and millinery have filled this i store to the overflowing- ortin again thl sore jrmenujts grmhatlljfljltjnjt5l front all uuailcib ul lbc voill ilreim fabrics trt rn octim the ao trlmmtnga iroiutarla rntunory llnged with tlmlnthioole f hrauiv ami oarlliloga whkh roflell the new ruaalan effocta bverythlntf neceaxarwo cornn appareuns for kpilng and the coming summer are linre mli in beaut u spring time usoli dslghtly colored aollnn faerica vlelnglwllli ihof1oeper toned wix ilcnd and usnnraito i va imcir jtmt walling i i eiulmnt every onlooker v ul supi ly jour i ends from 1m4 va ancrtil age of the n issentu i and added la the charm of their beaul r and oilded in the charm of their beauty is a ile allunngneki that will win the jew stal3 paper department thp opening of lot new department wo glailly rreatpd rf l hoofs of our patrnna on every ildu have heardeapresalooi ef delight at ttu6mpietoria deal rabl lily and beauty of lha xloak ankcmblcfl the re dart meat is under the manage encof mr paanln in whnae excellent judgment tho cat in- 1 n 1 hi- olendld stock uaccredltal k ttiadefg located ofl the twiid floor a flooded with ample day 1 1 s hi to alljvtiasy and uilujailor ukhi to- plan the papsrjagof a rnini or entire heme without firm cnamtuina wall paper man aa lu iti an i pmimr color harmon woui ue to neglect ao opportunity lu avail yourself with mt a single peany eatra caaav can wu afford lo o 1 wall panel thlxsiej kjiowlcidgq wo give you cor wyudham and macariell streets gullpii ont i he koickrboeker amsterdam and nelsons special lo different shapes lead ing styles up to date in every way see our special hat at now shirts aro opened arrow collars all stjlci r e nelson s b h m s b rb amathhmmmhammmbtmbtbtmhhhbtmbtxixi com6i aaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaxiaaaa to the humping bumping geo stovelssho ji500 00 must be raised wlltiln the next 60 days here ureaome of the crejlargalnu we have 1 q palt a men n extra quality tell blutcher regular j 00 for wuti 11 palm men a full fox uat leguyar aj r k i 35 9 pair men hvelt falter regular si 3s for 1 1 os ao valra mills fell and leather ullppen tegular si 00 for bj s mlra aien a long felt pull off hoots tegular gj j for a 50 7 pair men t folt laced pull off lloolx regular s3 40 for a s regular sa eve atid juruathnt have kept ihvn ue ridden for some lime and rill people rundown and itelow par generally will and a course of treatment wltlf varroyim tljo invlgornllng tonic jtitt the tiling to put thorn on their foot again l good sluipa fvrpivm f oonipoartlof frusb lun bcuf cllralo ok iron and pure old spanish bherry wine t 00 per boltlr i fhuradhy next march urd mlta j j 4u in eyr4lghtiwoiamt wl w t thu bob lulnn iiol el aclon hour 13 to 4 110 p li been a victim to flic many lltnesoe that const ipnllou brings in lis tram medicine after medicine i have taken in order io find relief bill oncurtu alt left me in the oanw hoocles condition it ecrtiett that nothing would expel from nib lite one ehuontllial rmraed to much irouble yclal laat i read about these indiunuoot hlb that wax iwlwl nllucky day for me for i was so impressed with the state ments made tlint i determined to ivethcm n fqlr trial they have ngulated ray stomach and bwl i am cured of constipation km 3ptri qiun a buckle oversboea i dalm tbey have no equal at a medi cine tor over half n century dr morses indian root plllabnyo been curing con hlpallon and ekigrfctf inuctlve kidney with ullllic nitmcnts which jeault from tbcnv thcyclranmi iho whole syatern wlurlfy tlii 25c a box and purify hie blood sold everywhere dongofa fleeced i sx00 for 1 10 pair veoroensi dongola fell ilul duo shoil regular st 75 for 1 t pair womens dqugola felt uat regular sil5 for 1 9 palm women a folt totigrew rcguur st 00 for s pair womaak fell then three cqouo regiibtf 1 00 for 1 pair women fancy sllppera regular noc for o spoolala la mens rabbani buckle front or hack logulor j 1 85 fo jbi 60 m pair mens hunkl owrahoe rubberav regular j 13 for 7pairnmoua 1 buckle otcrahoo rubbers regular si 00 for 10 pair men a 1mbictor fcnlibeia tegular si j for 41 pairs mans btorn rubbora regular 1 00 fr 81 tao pair mpn a hct onatily pluln rubber regular si for 30 palm men a plain kubbcm regular boa st bje fur t tali nigax and wnrnanaovor shoe rubber regular si 35 a 1 bi for 1 m auo lop pair men gwni hubbenrui 93 paint wamoiu lulaaca and thlld renit overalioc to go at cool so pair women storm rubbers 1 regular noc for fi 40 palm plain overs regular 7v jhd dominion life assurance co head oftice waterxoo ont annual report for 1909 llio aninul itttwut for ihe year prvcutul by thu hoard if dimlorh t h l minion i wo auraiii omjumy to lha hharvh ldi ut their annual hireling at iho head umtr water x ont n februaiy 4 111 join hau the dlntlnctlon of iming tba mi tl nhkclory mint prnwntrd during ilia twfiity ynt for which iho com any linrt tioen ndu tint ttn i mlnrrh itihowblhot nnpany to im in an ciirptlonally hn ng fiimminl w hltl u mid lo bavu mad 1 uiaikvd prugr oi alonii nviry linn during thu r jua omd the folt ving brii f wmnnj trj giwing ail an 1 ik uttn- tu t the sterling woilli i f thu uniun i nevr duiing hjo1 uieio wuie luucd an 1 revival ahjnr a met i th union nt 1 f tl lite largmt amount ever wiiltea in any one jeaf in lltn liiwt ry ef tlio commiiy csiceillng tho rutvid of lonh by 1 1 014 ot 2 assurance in torce tha aksiirauceu in force new sffaount i o 176 iai over i jts of loj oq lha inrgext gain ever recorded wuitf o premium and interest ingomlt the net cosh income from premiums arnaiinlod tosje r s 41 ilthnt from intn rrat rtnta and nrofiu on sale of aecunllna to i 1043 1 nft maklnv ihe total litcoruo eiijbi si and reveallug an incrcomi for the year of 003743 the interest recsipu alone wre aufliclent lo provide for tie a f the ye fl nvoet r t rii a assets and liabilities the tolal aixcbi of the comuny now eqnat h60 vs t having in crooked during the year by sxjs jqi ns tbcbe coaakt of iocuntmti of tho very hist oualltx including no atock ar apecnlatlve aecaritiex an 1 11 alh f loulitful value the hablllieh tl company amount lo si svi1jos0 contlallng almolt entirely rf imivoi held for iho protection of policyholders thao dwarves an coaaldeisldy in micnh of what the dominion inaurance act rulre tbm act muirf that on and after january icm all i ifa corona nle shall value iholr i labllitiea lo policy hddra umn a t per cent itanls and tho dominion life hoa ahtkimted ihla requirement by valuing all tta pollclea upon ihla ktrlngunt itaius ihuu making ita poailion exceptionally klrong for ovary sioo 00 of liability ti policyholder the company hold m nf over stst00 ami altoih lurcuilty to tho extant 1 f aijo jo o surplus j the burplua o tlioykohlem notullhvbaudlug thu ufil 1 mount irnnafarrd to tuerva account haa iavrsuuad during i ho jv car from 3h joo 57 to sls o 17 tkvaurnl ix earning or the year ifu tuntetl i voo 00h kfl und alnr ultitig addo the amount required atrengvn tho rcborvcn and tifur ayirig out subataullal dlvldond ta pdhtyholdon the uaual dividarxl i oiarab 1 lera and providing for aurjilua arretionhit cijliclcv there waft left a balance of 46 331 60 to be canloil forward tha nrupuny toiti n u tlmn heen to lx uniluchlhmahly kttong thu hurplun rcturtitl mm la by iho cnmpuliy to tot xil icy hah lent an olievcdlunexctllol by any other canadian ljtmnany 6 payments to policyholders flio pay ma ubt to pohuylkd urt during the year loo- amounted to bbs 31h 83 tho nuniltcr ofculm by doath was loniarkably kiuall the actual labmtf for the year bolnnj only so par cent of tho umouul epectol t1tlacontlnucl low mortality mu rvllccbi groat cicdit ujkin iiiomi icmmi mhla for thr kelection j rlhks jjml mtullx fa uultstantlal kurplutt relurnu lo pohcyholdora 7 kajrning power lullowiiir what iwhovll to lo a wmnil luvevtmul willty tin 1 dominion llio aim wbtlo oxerdwing the groat ost cam in tho ih iilo of it investment lo accuro ot its pollcynoldara satisfactory in to rent luurntt tho earning lhxar of th cmpab u high tba average mto of intercut darned upon itn fund bavins inert ad during iooo ironv 7 os pr cant lo 7 ai per cut 1 he advantage of thl high earning power lo tba comitanysi policy holder cannot ite overestimated thos h1u1abd prunrnd manatflnil dlrclor lor 71 paint muscx storm tnd plain rnbbctn regulaf 05c jsc lot 00 italrs child a rubber ahstac regular 60c for p t j ceo srokel thbshqbwhn hotciricjint the righthouse hamiltons favorite shopping placq materials for jyaking spring dresses utlhe that spring it aliooaf bare ki do 1 wrailngaptarel for 1 attar and im iikla li plai ned all such thou and plans ought i 11 gut jlouhh wtm a larse iry of oprlog bllka a tif off and ihe eaw its ihoojihl of and dude a irip 10 till auisruvaie laady and await jour chootlng depend on u for ihd very no tat woaves lhabaal valuoserd lhalugosuutaaalawilhlayaurroacb heraakafowlier -i- naturailelhantunjklmnseebllkal these partly silks are la riml demand nor only are ihny eapao lally fashlonsble but mrr durat u and practical they vaarulemlidly and wash llkoltna we obr some aalrakaod vlueabj knulae chinese foaireea a ioiiojms o incho wide apeclal 39c jtj lac wme special oq nw dreaaoocliat7sea yaveat among lb countlea new liaes ut veilings and dress malarial anriof we leature a pretty wool tafleia with silk stripe 44 inches lylith sbsdrs ol lab old ro carapaaaer wwthria linhl rrey and navy at 73c par yard other special values include at oa regiiur fr 15 chiffon veneibiq clatb alt wool vrmnoi aolah tbaroaably shrunk and non spoiling in a full range pi ihe popu lir shade at ft 50 chlffnmlroadcl h n lacbex wide a desirable uualliy lhat gives sailslactory sevlce thort la a gcoj variety of colon- kvoulavirda will d avsuthlofmabla for arxlng alul aummer dreue lheae datotv jilt- are shown la a multitude id itjauilfol dealcns and all ibe wsnlwl iio ing two rroups can be in i ijn small convent ona pi i tor na overlaid effecls broken checks an 1 nt ika dots apeclal value it 30c and 00 a yard hsm of us d glove sharp redactions on lha warmer kin is of chfjea and mitts for woman lrto varteti of kinds maihj of kid caps sueuwaol rooclia in black ttritwnaad aaa 1 lined with wool or fur incla ling the very choicest gauntlet 1 here are all alias in the whole siojtk but not all alio in each line hota thai all these totxu are our regular lines ol superior quality and ported riling at 03c were tl 00 mil iy aero si j3 llisrwerasi 30 j 00 ah350 ji rr th0ma8 c watkims umited kf iat vnf if uatbanm atav amiltoh pnsaho 1

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