-l- watl papers w1njiow sttaoics oujitain polios our 1i1xu will pi i our rlcew in wry i w iva u a ll wliru y u f1 il g0 hynds kqtois ont m ann i aol lichnfces issuud fjljc acton jtte rns twttay jtlnl uui ww bril1 local itlihs tim wool amp is in w im llltf liter kelnd tho 11oul tit lull alion i 11 ills next monday tim g truer nlnrnwshrrni ii f thifrimnty will im hold alwilti 11 on liiuidy iltl j una wtuo next ttniiutik f ihjuiuiiik council will lulu 11 im monday jmni 20lh juno ouoiph mmou to iihvi current from tbe hydro 1 in trio power liy august 1st v commence tho mum in j rmnplhu on noxious weed on vuiunt tots iiiii oil tlln highway i the ilalton 1 lephonn i t hi hornby has bei ii lunorpor ittd wllli a capital of 10 000 the brink work f urn i lu new heard inn re warehouse at tlm j 1 it station l about rnmph u 1 the 10 001 comity of 1 1 niton house of refuge i per cut di im nliin were sold last wnkfui visim now cltlaona i i 1 1 u make a iipichi effort ttil summer w ho ii imvcijtlio mutt attractive law 1 1 in town f mil ton buy ro orgaillsid the hoard or trade willi urn following onirru president mi it k aiiiii rutin hr retary ii v walii r nnd iimunnr john irving at the luptkl oil u nil next hun day a chlldien a service will i n hi id ut 11a in uuhjrot i i ittli ilrlcks in the evening the anhjtit will hu sill and its ueeults judge oorham held a court of lie vision bore on luusday to mushier ihoaw sesamoids of tho dominion mid htatlun hotels which wore appealed to him decision was resurvid mr a g olarridgu who mi 1 out itl milk bnsinese two ynre ugn baa resumed tho route and lu wo loom ltd by ida old cimtoim rs mr vauutti r linn been appointed trlgiuihter tor i hit wood mo n mr gonrgu 1 d wards iirh pur aliased tliu hamuita hushuus of mr i o a illack and bun oinnid id una if tlm sample foonu of thu aoulii iioum mr 1dwnrdn lu nn vxparldiireit harness maker thefauimishouthlandhnii telle will give one of thoir uphndlil concerts in the driclt church on haturday ovonlng this company of color d slngere gave an entertainment in acton n year ago and delighted everybody an oakvlllu tin yimrold lad named iteynoldh for pluylnk truant from hohool wh about to imi clinylkul by hla father whn tho imy wrlkglwl out of hu haiuu and fuliink on tliu door broke hi wrist unkvlllo itnconl i 1 linrmll ot tliu hwivo hon no u ramp ton wu lined sum and oouu foe having two boubut of whukny on hu premlaaii laat wiruk l inapeotora found tliu two butt but in a onee with a lot of tnnpty buultn undur tbe bar tlio georffatowii hnptut bnndny hohool room which boon nmhir- bolnr oxtonulvo rep lirit win ntopimd last sunday a bitnduniiiit nnw cull ingha lunii put on unit on tliu wnlu ome nppniprlalo moltotiri and plulurtu have been adod hmiumi rtmeraineutut dkourlon tho flftoenth aniiuul nxniindon to tbeo a o oufllph will held mt saturday juno jalh by ujioclul train leaving coornolown at 0 1 j tlmohouui 017 acton 0 20 hock wood i 10 1 hu fard from anton ih olio for iho rut urn trip ohllriruii imir nlc- hotiirnhi the train leaven hit iph nl 1 ik p in ttioaitminl tneidhm of hilton kurm ere i mill lute will i u hutd in ihn town hall milton on lildu 10th juut t beware of olntnientm roe ctirh thait contain mereury udihoiit wlllnurvly 1auuy ilia haliku ul all ud dompfataly liikliua ilia whula ayalaui milan atarinali tatoaati ilia hiuo ua ililhom lluoti rtialaa aboald nf lia uawl ital 1 1 ii tat- uoafronrimtuuitilail vloll a th lmfl ur will do l latt roll lu iu uoimi you ou bomlblr ltv flqi thiu tuii 0lnl0ua bttanufmlnrwi by v j otinay uo toiwin o mttlaluauo miury kimi la ubaii inuinally aounsjdlnolly ujn a ilia i 1 mmi an i ml o mil faamollbebialaiu la i uyluit lulla iwuirli tlnrebaaure you iat ii uaiuilua nd in m a tu tolwtfi inutnally take hajib kinilly lyf j ijiat week there wore moio inulll prdikm brokuii thitn 1 liuvukunwn lir a long ilino of ooiirmii in jeat wo blame every thing to thu ooim t wi ii there may in oiimilhlik in it ah i know u that thu ninhiwprlnnu wore broven- himie of tlium lind boon in uee for tyuny yearn wo the owiuiru aald and boiiib only n yem or hvo malofprlnr an aa unoerlalit aa lift- the only thhik yon omi do in to ehooae tljo watahiiiuknr whom yon think will do it the hunt mid if it u nu be aura yon bl into tlm iluht nhop im every week dome ouo linu nmdu a m in take and left thur wutcli or clock slther above or below iim when limy handed to hwtvo it with m imuku quolph bpmyqidu tbo report of the alntidiiik of pnpllit in h 8 no lonluahkiiinlniillnii wiu aa follow i 8njvidarulnghlon 70 hrjli krr74 ja iv ilnryey ihedguvll mary- punn07 itnward miiriluui ltium sprawl box willie mill- 11 sh iimuru mumunuiny willi oose gordon uule clmbncu wlnlhhl sn i llorunnti hiiburthoii nurn wlnneld jno mamumni killth dillon jiu i arthur liullur john mu meoeuiy qiinrnle llutler a oliim welllitkton huxlnnr ida mcmonemy ivimy hoth r uniea mill nuinlter on roll il avemtfuiittiud aneelo ivoeeiit onjiy day hurtpy dredge nyra winfluld j it cam i imi i- tencjbur nlws 01 local import ireaky andtmty rlonlo lunette at tlm iliu of tlm wi imiii riihtlluie imi kildny ifltuiooi fiu 111 irk onuiiuala miiiiiu umu t ottawa yavo n vi ry lull r uit d u nimtratlnn on pie ill hinrhrr llij lll k klllfolly noltixii tc1 htutted rlblxiu datxlwii in aixl different khnlm or nalud oiplhlnluk and dmnonal ting hir uithiklnuu tlln w ik pron d ntiwwiau in hie phpnrllim or plr nlnluiii ilea ntr wni glvrn and ihiluhflneeiil appnilaled vrry mi ml- liuola pli mild uddrna athhillnar btoov tlimntwiory ityttanirifttrnrrat lb iuk oflhn 1 niom ii tlvim the pluno of hinior lu tlm i nrronl wnfka lim of ihn voillby coipu lop of riouton ma it in a btory or tliu reariiu of a iblpwriuknd rrew oi a big ooal arltouitar on dm pilnce iu ward luluiid cont near lliimliro pud ii mourn a nmoxlnii work hi reculvlng conalduiul h rerngnltloii he com mmind liu literary tarerr on the 1 hkic ill mill iimru thin a diritdit ago v conkauy off to c10 ii company juli itugt hiiltou iunu pnrndud from the pirk to lh g t it htftlloti on itigbday iiioriilng to entrulu at looclork for the annual ainp l niagara vd jumblo had thirty two nun roniri1l n d oltlc and innn in coiuniand the lion torn iiil inirru win i i lit john mrflirmii onl si rt lrlppu nor ucuiitu htowuit ohivtliind kill unil hlgual uigcunt ltwiiutiy ihu miuii lunktd vnry atlriutivi in tlmlr nmv naval pnlthm uiim and low ullvn oimmtml liadgm with hulton rrut llu otiijminy ikpiulu to r tnin hniim iu tlm ihih icaauralan tu nlkjfka pll acton 1 lie dilgiiil ban airaiipd for u in i ii u tor- iixrurhhin to nluguru 1 ullu liy upirlul train on ihn 0 1 h on lliurhiluy kith juni ihn fare will im only 1 ji for thu louml hip and hair pi ire for nhlldi i n llui xpoclul train will hiivu acton at 7 p in and will call at i inn limn ut 7 ih hnrg town at 7 h htnwarttowu m mwiim wito17 th and milton 7 til ihu fare from ijinchoiim oiorgetown and nti wnrttown lu 1 j and maiihnwnod and milton l 1 iti 1 ii ka hm goim to return mxt day xcurujoiimu will have ample tlntu to vllt thii 1 alia and also to go to niha cuiup to itnnsh tbn rovliiw tlieru the melhoutat glioireh laal sunday nttday wtnjiio confureme ilay at the moihodlut ohuruli hu dih gatihfrom tbn ronr- riiicu at ouulph were apendlng the dny in town at tlm morning i vine ilev ijr wll llamaon or hu nil hon prvunlmd a powerful and i iimiinit iniimon from id tii41 llioii uhalt riildo ni ci with lhyaouunel and afterward recnlvo mu to hory or williamson nontlouoi ida old time vim mid praohea with an enthimlaum bound to lupren his hear iii the ecinlug thu nongrogatlon win delighted lo find llmlr form nr pastor hev 0o w hark r of woodatockliitliepulplt mr lurkre u uurmoii w a inont earnent ainal for all to adopt ihe porninial lounh in chrlutlan work and mlowuhlp and wiih baae upmi 11 kings t 117 in hu iharaolerlllcally firm hut kindly inommr be exhorted all to get into ihirannal oontant with tho who mind ohrut or who require ty in pit thy or oomfort in thulr dally h or exporl encu mr clorge alkuy j 1 of wlarlon and mr warner niiwtou or wondntock also took liart in the hun hchool and olauu meeting uervlcua- llom aealn rrom the wait uiiv j o wiuoii a nvilvad homo laat trldny innmlng hfti r nearly even weeku upent lu alltoitii him kutrihowaii and llrltiih johinhli hn wah given a very cordial n cfp lion aa lie reauuidd bin uilnutmlloiiu at knox church hint finnday mr wlluou enjoy id hla trip veiy niuch hlu vihll in alhniln liu journey tlirough thu mitrvt linn unrklee hlu lay in vunoouvur were all orowdid with lntrout and plianun hut hu bus reuirnod quite natulled lhut foi torn forlabhi in mtia and home lift uconury and iiiirrtiiiiidluus th it aiu congi nul ontario holds tlm place in his alfr tlons lhnlng hu til h ultud for more or luss uxlondid pitloda nl innlufiill dkh kdmoulmi cdguiy llantr ukk okaimgun vitlhy vanroiiver mid oltur poluti niinn r iniu ft lends ume met ut vmlniis pohitf and fioiu beginning lo end thu trip wiiu most imjijuble mr wluon pn ached neatly ery hinid iy be wuu uy uml uhlh n alberta hjiiko strongly hi favor of iiral option polut lug out thu ikinnllts sure lo aoci un frfnii its udoptlon utomaoii aoonv tf atioluh thai cium iid mtaaty and ulauwai or indlyaauoii will vaintab uui hidlgustlnn imi imiolf huoduilu or thmihalidu nf pioptn who uilffer from ulililog of unu hlllnuunnus sotu btdlllltojl fullnobh iiuuulb ulloltlkhu uf liri hlh imd tahtu in nioiitb fnulhieath uurvoiihiii us and olhm distressing bjniptonis urn asking themselves that laiohtlon dally and if ihiisu uiiiue doubting dp p tlosuonld only rend the tlmuhaudu of hhicoru luttuih fioin puoptu who once miireiod as hailly as tin y ilo now but who have been ipilokly mini piinuiu- eiitly mind by thu use of ml o na the nilghly dyspopala niiudy i hut aiiivs by lamovlng thetausi lliwy would go lo a 1 llrowu this vuiy duy athl gut a iifo box of ml im tahli ik and utait tbuiuuelvei on be rtiid to inmtth at onne tin pileuof ml o iim tuhlets is only u cents und a t hrown gunrunleee ihoui uj cure hull gust ion oi money linek ihlimr lean or btirawny poophi will find in ml oiift a tunker of mesh and blood heeahse it tnttiiun the alnmacb to uxtrait more hutrltlnuu inatttr foni the food whhih qiitokly enrlqlms thi hi nod cures catarrh asthma braacallls roup cougbl u4 cbukv f money bck sou ud far a 1 iikumn druggist aotun social and plrsonal mtu a hiihruiiiwllld fihmuln oiulphlmmt weik mi i janus mmit oily onrk omilph pruthimday with bs molhr mrs clara i huinlraloiie id new tonbrook vmted acton frh iis tide wuuk mr ami mrs riinma akin- of llorlln vultml anton fthnds during the week mr ioroy hccord of huff in n y was hi town for a tonpln of ds laal wili mrs wui dlemiin or ijnieler spi nt a dny or wi with fi lends hero jjiluuckr mr loldwln hmith toronto hm hugoorthecrangilleil on tuesday olu isvlu ui stalhaln and jhi h at the con mr method or mlniie ingber slater mis ihoi cburnhhtrti t mnuani janieu mimini oi lutunn shint 1 i iday fnnrnro ritnotpi mr and mrs 1 rati williamson q toronto made a weekend vlalt tu ibelr aatnn fi lends mr c h cainplm ii of cookstuwii attsmhtd the funeral of the late ceo caiuplxll last week mrs william lumaay of clovers vllle n y la vuitlog her iaronta mr and mrs hemstreet mrs arrb menabb wi nl to hmllhs palls u hi k to bmind the biimuur with lurdaughtir there mr itautnn lb own has urctarully pasmdhlu thlnl ynwr examlnathms in arts at victoila uulveralty mr hnbirt cumpuii f oalt wn in town aat wi k m ni ii d the funtl of tlm uloctorti hmpmi mlwjius ixllle h sjwluhl ami a lo and ihunih flng alu ml d the c n fori ncit at hu lph on monday mr ami mtu j m moon and daughter or cei rgutown wrn gilnats this week or mrs 1 1 m lore mis julius moure of krmo has b en visiting inrdaiighlits in acton and vicinity ihepast two wmki iliiv ir and mrs wlllium4n and miss williamson or hamilton were kiu sis nf mr and mrs a t drown imr hunday mr a h lorster of the oakvlhv htar left rur a trip to oblcagn inirl land orihon and ollur pari do coast points last week mr wesley k jodon r the ainnrlcau ilenuty htove 3o ime ls visited ills sister mrs john iawson during the week uev ouo w lurkecef wd was here over hlimlay renewing an hl hint nitres ills act on frlnnils nrn dulhted to nne him again mrs james lloly of mollue iii nnd mrs john llunlrr or msihtte mlalilgan vuild ut dm home of mr and mrs uoutt hbaw hut patl wtik messrs warner newton nf wood stock an1 george alkny j i or wlarlon who were delegate to con fereuce at cuelph wore guests at mnoreoroft over hunday mr am mrs w j and uhut flnatrlcn hann or west toronto formerly or aoton left for icngland on a ihren months holiday on account of ihn 111 hc of mr hann nabsaoa1veva w ii clements alanager ir ihe mlllon kcnoy of the metropolitan hank opened a sub agenny at camp bellvllle last week the office will lie managed from milton and open every luewlny and friday hoy a n cooper u a has been returned lo naaaagaweya circuit for another year 20 per cent off 20 per cent iff s clothing l mmmwmmhhmmmlatmiammhmmmhhhhhm on friday saturday monday june jo -juncjtr- juno u men sav epmon ey absolute security qenulee carters little liver puls must br blentura of carters m ntiutuai nimwui rnruununtt nijtlniuna ria cmtennaa muuiwui jftjfjisr glin i lltmen 1 wc wint you to i ccomc fnmihir will our line of ililirad clolhinc t order to do iar wc o o a v iy a indu nt of a d for three days only on ail ouc1oikiiik lo sitnjy youpelf that tbe lxduyve mcnv slore fs tin- only slorc to ri t jciiuinc oualily 111 and price jof cwhere then come and oc what i- havo to off r you green ticket values seasonable gbods for the month of june what oocs 20 per cent discount mlan tor instance a 2000 suit fn- sium a 15 00 suit for imoa a 10 00 suit for hm etc etc specials in turnisiiings 3 do soft felt hat rejj 200 for a doy hard felt iiit- reg ular 2 00 and 2 50 for wc 1 doz bib ovcralli 1 for he 5 d02xu vice president bracti 50c for tc 3 doz white outing sliirti rtvcrfiblu collar 85c for ttfc several dozen caihmcre sockn all colors kc for 20c silk tiei newest styles and patterns rtr 5h a 75c hta wach our windows q j wallace the home of good clothes mill strcet acton ont bailor dipe fctto j id ijh v in sxv jl georgetown ont oure iok hiadachk 2 days bargains 2 days on friday and saturday we are olforhitf bargain inducements list will rrewd the more trem mnileij to closlruf hour if yoti kre in doubt at nil of what money may lie uvnd bete k around twifora you coma bare and find out that a llw 11 way we can iihjk aiul be rmfoctly frank mens suit3 in kmart slylas farcamlul dieasern llrliuih orstiml ttntciulahit the mw weaves and coioiidk wblrb include olive fiirey brown and unole alnts blkjuln cnait wlih nng laprla and dip ronii aaencelldnl assortment lo aeuct from ilio j to 4 chou muuiia kegulat ih 00 suits or f 15 00 m 00 hulls fur u no 1c100 ij 01 in 30 81000 h5 oo 11 jo llooo itllmi tkooslcitn in ilsrk uinilo of uncy worsteds coxl welhl tifuimltiq nf elrt ijualliy slileand hlppackcl reguur is 30 and is73 onliarkaln i jj mens furnishings men a fancy colored nghsee blurts made from fine ahlrllnr cuffj atlaclinxl a urge uisortmenl tlics 14 to 17 infptlar 1 00 on bargain 1ilday and batunlay 30c oullnj ilihls in itiljied ckhntereilo in t splonilld variety of coors reverallilcllirs rcguar ii s3 and i 30 on bargain frlday and balurday i 00 men a cricket shuli roveralble roll art all slica on bargain 1 rlday ami biuntay for 7jc men a nlblilrdhea made from fine flannelatle attached yoke pocket and dnubte allchhl seams limy have eittrn full bodlearwlih rora in each side alma 13 ii 19 regular ti 00 and k 33 on banishi 1 iljay ind saturday j 73c mcd s underwear fine mailno and ilslbdrran lae j4 to 44 on bargain 1 rijay and balurday jc hoots and siiohs inloworliau all covra and sliapet an i l price lo ut tli purchaser an every day ahoe fur fi 50 we are ready for a big straw hal teaion our shipment is now romp cla incluillnit mains by some leading tiuropean and amarlcan menu fact urera tbn aatorlment ii very hupa wltli ajapge nl pilces to latlafy any choice prices upborn ft 00 hats anil oil s derby 1cdorasqr knock about id all minis up from 30c ticket to georgetown rpec i ry nm1uui or vooo wamh at oimmim will llv their llallwky rk refund samuel a robinson manager j f leviltsky prop eeadttowbae wash dresses for summer wear a limit of pretty conceptions in ikoko dnluly cotttumon for which funhlnnnblo women are hhowing iiicb n fondneua 1 1ib coi ouinos- 011 every onu nf whlrh funlilon liau put her nmrk nf upproval tblu muimui tii1c stylhs ell the hew ueni noble loutlie 11 in n wlikli the iiildcwi of n gewti depend buvu iweu eiubotlled in their designing 1 ho are drowie r to day not of yiatorduv till makingln finish and tailoring tlioy niu the tupta of dreuuih ut tmuli higher pru jul f tw wull pit together an the liest of workera can hw them conib and see them we are aure lo get warm wrnlher in few day now lu tho llmu 11 proiure for it raktare from w h up tovasjoo fancy parasol to harmonize with the summer costume a great number nf clmnnllig fancy iarajuils in materials odors uud pattern idnlilur or hi ii i tunny with your tnimtuor ault or drisa lriced low for nich excellent iiarnsols ft no hi 1 no special bargains jfor saturday lent it will payroll to be on hand voucnrt more than save your fntuhy ahnpplnn licie lu every depart now la uia time to qat wall ptae sit barfr4n prta d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macilonell streets culi ph ont twixatelatur6s5awiiitranatjfemis fthpisultlns in chanipacne and t use a a uuulo fine rft etitth qnile the rafie msr yard iflkckrilllblnknsuitiw in tan mso hue and nmetbya pes yil whithikjui 2ool vrryapecul per yard wiiith satin ijrltl wideudll z inldi per y aid hiacrcfkaniiujiin p per yaid illacfe india unkn puuu pet yid it lac k iaw fenw w tdewwttl i rrrrrrrr fancvui ack musi in at per y11 r nl to vakds ian v coi otthi ii 17 sun dimity todl lol uoiig cloth and k r f rwltcin ami cuuiingi per yaiil im vaftd fancy coi or1 d uui in faery ceided frm clutlt and pnilkulatly e pattern prr yaid- tvlinf ukt kki71 i vi uno iurangot uuall iwlta uml tlripou iimkiiiii f r lull r d wauja aiiecial ier yaril s isc specials from dress goods department finhwooitailhtacf oih uiail w checkh lilailt jwrryaiil j shuhhrds 1iaid uuli uud whitr widvttli of pkhi rpiuhiy will ltn uuirli iiil per yaid ill a k voil1 fiae or fru birili pr jful 3oc xe and 731 skirls and waisls whit liodkslciitts wtl mule nnd lieautlfully lllmru nach si st l 73 and j 50 linkn skik1 neatly tnmiinl vciy uicful eih j voi lb and 1anallasmkt hjack ad odornd vry ueally made anil tilk trim mwl the nnw r titfott kni ilendlil lolti ear h j 00 to i our tiiuwlat of wiuti waist both from imilut of vain 1 and variety of uylm lu libliaw ihe lnurt iuvitidg we have tver mu 1 all prices all mam bulunal fiunt or luck wry xwl ktyla ii 1 ha r treated coitsll covilt si1 liautuada ot hue lahty anp ojiwi walk nnibroid ry wilh rmbronleryuiovhlrr itiai 1 lnk each gloves hosiery ctc 1ikavv iukk siik ci ov1 i duul 1 tiitwl nnrfliu btaula r wlnl ell mmh pfr iair sw pini ml kcini iii ousf htci ovi bjackirwhlle per pair 15 finkiisii ci ovi s allsiai- bwkur wlnto ierpair as f ink il aim cim k iiok dlk linklil in black tan wlul- vky pink or giey pr pair ale i ink quality lacl iios1 iu black tall or whlln pnr flair sjc la 4c suililfu wi ichtcolcl t made of fine iwrcaln iiawehl iliii per ialr oc watch the green tickets for the whole month of june they invariably indicate special values in desirable goods henderson co- mill street acton ont ioc3ooxxraroooooo wfc right house hamilton s ravomte siioffinu place our annual june sale of household linens thousands of dollars worth of table cloths napkins sheeting pillow cotton towels etc have arrived to strengthen the annual june while sales well refund your railroad fare thomas c wai kins limited of hamilton bcr leave to notify you that thq annual june sale of household cincns ha opened 1 lie rrcitcst block ol i able cloths napkins sheetings pillow cotions towels and towelling that we have ever been able to buy in the producing ccntcra of ireland scotland england germany austria etc is on hand buy your household linen or needs in tjnder- muslins embroideries etc now and have your railroad fare refunded hundreds of the women in the vicinity of acton have already taken advantage of the remarkable underpneed olfert in tbe lcorc af imcjjnvolvcd in llic june white sale especially the household linen offers score more have looked up or written for our wonderful liberal schedule tor thu refunding of the return trip railroad fares ot all our out of town patrons t here arc only two buch household linen sales in a year one in janu iry and one in june it will pay you and pay you well to buy now in our immaculate linen section even if you do not use your purchase until call we refund railroad fares on purchases as low as 800 al depending on the distance i 1 thomas c watkins limited j king anrfhugiison sts- o hamilton ont strbtrrbrrrrrrdforjirra tin bull stun graalts and mumi works cabpun bhaum kvocmhtlw ietluera and tlnilda ol tualive ataua loeuma uonementauarkfrfs atal hoaj rones and all kinds ol artistic ceatttry work wuiiaui h auki acloa yorktohsask a leading rialn growing and stock raising centre in wealeiu caiuda coltnlale lnalllule under construction coning f 70 ouo tlie mltclal lulucallonal uulrlbuling an i land ollico centre nf kattsrn saskatchewan 4 chtrleretl 1 tanks 7 churches 13 mar canllle houses uarll hospital it newspapers txccucnt opportunity tor the investor or intending purchaser fur full inlurmaiton adilreas t if itradbrook sec iloaid of trails a