Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1910, p. 4

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tiniuihay juni mi luiu rumps to xcit lfy u h luhw ahradufacrowd a lde of marching iarlimi i proud and you kn iw of t i awwlioi iiift tilling aloud would u hit proud bead to in angulah w lowed it a pretty hmm1 tla lo forgot 11- try know i t a ili inton hidden away in a aha l and guarded and kept from th- day ckmlliuao faliuniilkv wliuw blutiu iimlay would rmiw f rl f and borrow aiul ll long ilniy ha mntty good plan tu forget i if you know f a thing that will dark tjy of m man or woman a girl or iwij that wilt wl nut smile or th- wt way annoy y a fajltf nuy- itlauuctflv rloy u peolty rood pun loforgrlll rxlianga nly i it in ao rohm tuiiikniii5kuuiil km rood el dinner to ulk about things that taiw youiwitf t ronlradlri your frttodu when uw sinking tu grutnlda about your honm end relations u outsiders to say smart things which ttinjf hurt imimikhia s feelings to dres shabbily lo lie lwinilk tfcmuh no one will mm to b rude to thowi who bcrva you either in shops or at hont to think first of yuur own pleasur when you are gumg a party to refuse ungraciously why mho body wishes ui do you a favor to hobavo in ten omniius or lirala sj if no ona eue had right to iw them to speak diseelfully u anyone older than yourself uoht losk vooh tinpur lioot low your lumper tim u meat you lose control of yourself j re at a disadvantage and you ere almost um tosay things that on calm rafhetlnn you would give tnneb in have left unsaid u is foully mf lo ty thing in iho heat of h moment hut very hard urierwanl tu do wy with tho iwd impraion lhy luivn loads if you do loaa oontsol of youiwlf and aay too much taka away as much of iho hog a you can by rull and gmiiiu milogy 1 navar h ashatnod lo aay jou am aorry half tho wimih and remotvj in ilka world cuimi front tho falao trtdw that caontil lurlug luolf to expream aorrow and rpntanor pain in heart i or two jcjrs i hal jmin in hi tieart l id ami lrfl ntl coulil not draw i deuii lrclli r he on left idc antljiiiy little cxe twin uuulil cause pilpila tion utukr idvicr i look ur milr 11 it urinrly 3i1i ntshir 1 l alkhit thirtee imtttlc am in hater hciltli than i ever uj atil hav ijunrl 14 jwiuiul mus ijilii 11iomas upper andi k oiiiu i or uinti ir or mile heart it 111 luen vcrv kliccc fnl in the trealitu n of heart troilllle he ill of tonic tffert upon ihr licirt ntri iiki inn rle- i v u in iecre ci 1 of loiij t iiuliii it jia frequently nrooiicl lifr for inauj jejr afu l lortori had 1 ken up ill liopt in provtu by thou untd of l lt 1 w it iv lo ci iveil from yx it fill peoph imt 11 do t your druoo ktnjld uptly ysti ir h not kid pu ts im w lrwrd ppkltl dr uiuhb meoical co toronto tlik oatlbc what do you iupmm alkomon thfl youo thing akkvd i lha teawon lh uoahn u aalty t i am aura i don t know drawled aly unla ll u lxonw i hare am bo many cod mi in it u hnitky kft panlttn inltr 1 truiitffrtn tn utrl i an r harrow w ii i ilium of liylmmly thai waotm to 1- ir pltol with y iniimiaway i llltrt k imx whyp mo- tli woihl w01ii r lv known how old nhn rlly wm plur wbl 1- tha dltrrfine ulwtmn urmlnr and a vrll- ily m rl ktl k tloiili mimi hairow and uh of olhar inploou anl for arioiil torn all you liuil ja a mi ii and n plreoorthr sm mctllu r johnny ou uald y tl to kblhohaaiuul johnny with a faraway lkt v motltfr mow dom it h in- u thai your hand wnll of hah p johnny i rarrlod houto thy sbtlli hrhihd wilrd an thn imlufdct lutjfi u at ahont joal ax th whau ah opxlatlbt kmall fa what la an 1 ptlout p la an o toy wn u a man who donsnt earn a rap what hw that it donuti t haptnu to him tonight if your iwrk achaa or you tin i atilchou or havfi auutrtlntt or frueut urination or any 14duvr troubv taiir a dmt or iid was and you tetll xtij una in lha limrnlntf if you don t your moony imtrk iac m box on flvu boxed fuijf ttraalnal all drug alorca 7 zz lj jlconomyos if your iiilomc were jrcilly opening ol a sivnif account in 1 cd to morrow it k jtic tionolilc wiil tiler jou wttuui tin muxyluttyrjioiitioniiuiioax i he procci1 11 simplr and tll h ihit toon hccotncit fixed ly it the end of the car uith- call today jt the utarct out the incentive to ive tint a branch of tile bank 01 iiamk bank iteouut ivlford i itn in other word jou mut lveii if you only dcpoiit onu frrti io wc ind this valu ibli doll ir to si irt with it is worth leon 1 bct learned iy the your while w- n mrkay agent kcxaot obrdikmoi a lady ataylnk hi an hotnl waa frlhtouk by m nolan like lhat of a mraon running a i tout in a room nvrr lh ruin ih oecuplml in how to 1m hmy though civil lha ho v k j hanly lella lha atory thtiolm went on at intrrvau for two nlht and than chaiiad aa if tho oocupant mi tint floor abtivo had kone mad ami u aklpiung about tho lady dw not ballovn in khoal but aha waa afraid of llttni no aha aukrd tha peoimrletor to inveatlgata tho myi ury it wmii a alck forelgnnr uhoyhik u10 linnarfoctly undvratood dlrttcliona of aw tinfduh medical man taka tha tuadlclae two night running ihtin kklp a night w the impossible has become poss ible tnlish chemists arc the discoverers to grow hair on uh fpou waa onca cooaldcreil hnmmlbli tltoy lava recently dlacovtrrl iho long looked for rrmady ijulloa netl naver wear rat tl udkm ot larhi havti almndonod all falaa hair fltlnra and ara using the new hair grower haivia hair can umi grown in a fnw waeka mm jakaon of nw york wulaa bullrtg thatalnca ualng haijvla liar lialr haw grown alx jnchaa in two oitha xlarvelhhm are lha reaulu obutntml frun thin uw praiiaratlon not only do- it produen a imalitirul flurfy hed of hair hut at nnca da atmya ihadaotlrurf gann ii j haa- aard guaranlcuahaiviato grow hair kill dandruff vd u kitaka llm hair aoftand flurfy salvia la not a dye dona not contalu ariytilli injurloua all or ita inurmllonu ara lmjo and harniikm a dalnllly mirfumetl hair ilreanhig usnd and tmdniraed by man and women of aocluty a largo grnor- oua itoltla nuly cohlatalo and ktimcm bar a money iwck pronwutlon if you want a noat wlfu ehout harnu a haturday nti matter how drop rooted tho corn or wart may b it muat yttild to llnllowaytf corn cure if uwd an dlrcclnl wan ka waa a warlha animal it waa u quintan h rrrltrli iitual nloeuf who aercral jenra u wrutx a paper to abow that tbw eolorlea dukl in which the red cormuclea 0 04 r blood float and which u called tba blood acrum la tba atn oukl aa that which constituted tba primeval or tua earliest fornui of r whfcb float ed in tba prlmaral seal were such tbil lha calhi and tlanuea of whlcti they wera cooatltuted wra alwaya bathed by thla priinaval fluid wben all lea bcua m cooatttuent of the aea u anlmau may bata coated tbenuatlte with alllcloua corartaca but many ol tbalr cclla wero atlll bathed liy tha fluid and aoina or tho in as they panned rrom tba aea to tha land may have closed up their alimentary cutis u ao that a distinction arose between iholr internal orgaiui and their outer super ficies but atlll for tha good of tblr cells they still bathed them in the aallna fluid to do ao mora effectively they took tba aallna fluid niuioro wllh ibatn id the form of a blood serum and it la thla blood aeratu which wo carry about with ui todojr tho tnost erklont relic of the ae when we wera marina animals charioted by lomlnlun jovnrnciuai uilbblulici uic the merchants bank or canada hkao ol 1 iclt month a i- 141 llrancltoa irmuenl sia ii mc0ta u alijkm vice pmulont jonatuan iloiu wm 1t oeoeial uanager it v llkbiiah caiillal pahl up v uoo ooouo lepoalla over j ood 000 00 buiplna 1430000000 total aueta 166 htto 131 00 1 tho fbllowintf oompartivo flguroa show lha growth of thla bank la lmportano wad puhlla favoif- 3 idoo hoooooo h 700 000 lorii oiiiwrtii furoooji b 109 fiifi 4047ebo noiok savings bank deposits oaadolur or upward will open an account mimay wltharavrabla any limn no ilnlay farmers sale notes wa hivo apocul faclillu for colloctlnx iboui we will exuh lhm at uc ii doaltwl al a low rata of latarasl joint accounts whan nxmeaiad wa will on aecounu in two lumo o lliit alihcrona may draw lha money hutbmml or wlfa etc aoton branch thovhuin of prorlty la leinpnr- alie but lha vlrtllu of adrraty u rirlltudi and tho lavt la llm more miihllmn ultahiiurnt lucou w s chisholm yjanagor in italy ovor hlfmxml leoplo i living by raining allkworma kn a carman tllauafc in wucanaln it la two tierman women win ara speaking in tba presence of nn iruh woman tb tap o tb mortihi t ie alia rrettscbnelder tl glad 1 uin t hm lb likes av ye ikm ycr duiiculher oretchen gola v the iiiii lb morrowr kslth an she la vn me hvn 11 el it rich can get th hny hanrw nwny fmin th plowla s t ink ill co mealir he dad- this b not travealy it u a reior of tierraan dlnleet the maunur of mkeeh came nbout naturally enough wliru ilia orrmniiu nrrlcd bara hi full fnree tha country was already srttlrd in run ly by vankcas and irlati nnd the oer- imin had to buy his farm hira or ihere tims m uumlmr of ttiem found itum aetrem loealrd in the town of krln wlierr of counm lliryt lonrntnl tbo ian guns of tlie rnunlry ami i inimi it lo my ffllowcltlusiia lo wlikonaln whether a ocrmnn en u not mihiii ua rood ami rlc a hrogna as nny win of khn charles 1 hiewart in atlsiiltr mnl usa of iron aa a result of his interval inc in ret i allona dr nhlgeway eonchidca thai lib siiielllng of iron orlttlnalcd in central europe ami especially in tha region know taa noricum equivalent jo modern auatrln and itavarln in kgypt it can im traced bneb lo lbs jilnf h cenlnry it cv aud in ubyn a about 50 it c blrst ntenlloo of ita use in china goes bark to 400 il x while in uipinda if is aald to bar been in uas only some fire or ttu caolurlea the abora data for tba first use of iron in esypt refers to tbo melnl ob tained by bine ting tha use or na tire iron in tbo form of tueteorltra dataa bock lo reiuolo antiquity tba was porta made froln those were ob tained like flint implements by chip- plnff and it la interesting to ratnem br tjuit recent inreaugauona hara pbowd that jbe iron of pmny mataoc eort of natural atoei could not sleep in the dark dootox satdl haurt mn mrva wore rsjajpoaalbl thera is many a man and woman toas lox hlxht after night upon a sleepless bed their nyna do not close n the sweet and rafroahing ropoaa uuu comas to tboaa who lmnrt and nnrvos ara right soma cnnilltutlnnkl dwlurhanaa worry or disaua lua so delnlitatotl and irritated the nervoua ayalam that it cannot be qoietod ura calvin btark ltoaamora ont- writes altout two years ago 1 lega to ha troubled with a smothering anaaa- tion at night whan 1 would he down i got so lad 1 could not sleep in tho dark anl womld havo lo alt up and rub my in nl m thoy would imicome ao numb my ditalor aild my lunrt ami nerves wan ikmpoaaihto i aaw uiltntm a heart and narva idhl aikartlaad and gttt a tox lo try them 1 toot three haxm and can nn lu down an 1 aloep without the light hnming an 1 tnn rout well 1 can rooom- mn 1 1 tho n liislily to all nervous and tun jovii women n lnnn m ntiiu lor hot or 3 for si 2k al all doilon or mmloil direct on twrnpt of juice bv ttia r utlburn co limited toronto ool steal puuu warn flral lit ado in lllrm ingham ill ifwu lhrornaitanrix4iaml ludliutry ovary harrlar h uhi yield imatl thamara no giwat opimtrluullitih for ihothj who rrganl any na small if yoti nwiinot irunt your frlmuli you oammi l titmttl with frlaiidhhlp lhat 11hml hdhmuwlhhi article lha pintrautnvanted in kiguud in 1su whan tha fruits or aacrat alna ooinn to ihouurfacn iho hymcrllu luglna lo talk alxtllt the niyatnrloum ways or lrovldmce conscibntiousr plumbing and h is not tz wyth snilltth us to ilia contrary wa mkq ll tha matt important factor o you favor ua with your pjrooga you will enlliudasticaily endonwj u fred s7ith flxj7utbblra quebec st phone 3j7 guelpii tluira npver waa and never will bti n universal phtince in onn rauudy for all ilia tu which lleah in hair wlat would rullovo onu iii hi turn wo khtavhtn lha nthura wu have how ivnr in qiilnlno wlue vheu obtaluiml in a wound uiiadultoratnd htuto remedy tor many and grievous th hy its gradual ami judlnlous uae thti rralleatayatema are led into couvali cnion and atiangth by tho lufluauott which qnlidoh ttxerls on nalururi own tialorthllvaa h tlltivcalhniu whom a rhronla slalo ut uilrhld duapunduity and lank of lulirool in ufa u a dhntaws ami hy traoutillixlng- the narvea dlapokoa to mouiki ulid refrealilngahrp lnitarls vigor lo llm act inn of the blood which uhig mimulatod ooursas through lh valho strengthening the hoalthy nlmj unctions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tho cranio and giving lire io iho dlgesllvo organs which naturally iliuiisml increased auwlanee lesulr liuprved appetite norlli rrtt i lymau of turonto havo gwn to iho pabllo ttelr superior quinine dy thti opinion of soleatlsla the wine approaches be treat perfection f any oh the market all drugguu mil u tlie iinniokan wonl ne er does hnrui it uagautla mind that makes the gentleman thnldl that ed them all ill in are the moat portable and compact uf all medio hum and who 11 eaay- to take wm uta mot acceptable of pro para tlonu hut limy muat attt thalr power to he popular aa l vege labia hus are lha moat popular of all pllla thoy fully meat all rvtpilremeiils ao ourately compounded and ooniphtnd of ingreillents proven lo be effective lit regulating the digestive organs there la no surer medicine lo be had any where not ham ruiarr ohoiok lle wasexooaitlvuly fond of dancing alao ha wmm very clumsy hha unt was racesnlviily fond of danohig juut ahe was altt tha hjraoiilflcation of grace and now aim was suffering already ha had torn her ttaln with his ungovarnahhi foul and hor dainty allpjmra iwint lha marks or hlu tiwi at laat tthe could iftmiid it no longor ijit lis alt out the rout f llfls dance ahe suggested im mrtd ha was reluatanl i thought you sahl you coutd die duncliig 1 ha accused ho 1 nouhl shn roplltnl hut there ara ploaoantnr ways of dying than buhig ikampluj in dualh had weak back would oftsa ubs ifa bed ror davar sewroajw ablo ts txb dejnmlt ra arch hehnare luiclt point n tl writes for years 1 was troubled with wink hack oftenuinos 1 hava lain in lm1 for ilays ljnx saarooly aide to turn haw also li houashold duties lhad dootara attemf- ina ma wiuiout avail and tried liniments and plasters hut nothing seemed to do 1 no any good was abontito give up in doi vtlr whan my huahand induced mo to try deans kidney mils and aftfcr using two itoaes 1 am new well and alria to do my worku i am positive loans kidney rilu are all thab von elalni or litem and i would atlvtsa all kidney sufferers to give uiotv a fair tnal iwan a kionlv i1uj1 are a purely vojrilslila modiema raallslna quirk rr- mmnnnt roller without any alter ill eucela a mthlidnetliat will altsohilcly auto ltt k- aelia and all forms of kidney and fllii irr untoaso lmeo eepta per box or 1 for si at all dealers ortbet ullhitmc lim ited rocoulu 6nl n ordering specify doaoa litem is only one way to find oaso in your work and that in to put heart inlo it tho m urhl belougu to lliomt who doiun ltn1 lliny will 11 nd hope and strength as wo hwvu done imig fellow am a icrwicilo tliiro is no pn para tlotithat rminlu utithor jravoa worm 1 xttrinluator it baa saved tho live of counthiuh children tt la safer to hear and lako counsel than to give iniuhiioh mirth imra a thousand harnlu and huigthona life shakespeare troubled with constipation for years any irregularity of the howrl is ab ways thai i to your hoallli and should i mi corroctrd at oncn for tf tliu is tool dona coiuitinntlim aud all sorts of dtal ttm llnl to to altark jou miliuni 4 1 1- i ivur 1 ills cine o- su pat ton aud all tltoiuach uvor atd llownl runiijnmtu ur henry iwma 4 klaiulwh ave owon bomid out writes having been trouhled fur yens with conatlpeuon anil trying various socalled remedies which diil mo no good wlialover i was pnieuadod to try illlhums ixa ijvo imls i liave found tltom most ban fklal utny am iiuleed a sjiloimlld pill and x can lteartlly reootnmend uunn to all thoao who suffor from conaupation lnce jjj canu a vul or k for sl 00 at all alcalciu or luint dircet on recciut of pftco by 1 lie t uilhurp co limited toronto out torev tltu lire that is full of work given tho uoodn hiuall rtanco to slrl a metllcsl nimmi kiipplie1 wlied ft imdiclnn u found that not only sclu upon tho htomanh hut is uo coutposml thatcertln ifigrdhniu of it tauii im alio red through the atomueh to find notion in tho itowohi than tlture u avaltahhi a purgative and a rhtanuer of great rfeotlvemiui iaruiuloo w vego tahlo illlu aro of thla charaolor and are tholmwtnf alfplllu during tho years thub thoy havo ihou in oso thoy havo notahlluhod the n twelve as no other pill has done a eat itelonghtg lo a family tamed mikshaadiml nt himth hhlolda ktig land nt tho ago of iwonty eight yearn tlmo has lostod it iv ihnmav ichctrle oil has imuii on tho markit upwards of thirty years and hi that tluiw it liau ptovl u hlrsulng tu ihmi unitdi it is hi high favor throughotil 0 mud and its oxc llonco has carried its fame iteyoiul lltn unuu it lias ill tiliml in tho wholu lut of llitliiiimts if it w re tlonhhi tho prlco it would im u cheap liniment ve invite you to cxmirte t your dealers a pair of storcy8 cowboy gauntlets they aie 01i0 example pi the velvety aoftnesa coilinel with greatest pliuhihty und toulmca imparted to our gloves and milts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm oom- ortalile buy storeya and invest winelv insist on storey a at all titores guoves made at acton ont by canada oldest glovers 0 b ebbaak propria tor our tciiiluii ara 1 jw fully uiipj jlh alt ills lllotl act rrryuiilfplum it manucmrin suppti or lets h pin lly fill i ma1w stkllt actom georgetown floralt co n gl ohol town w h storey son artists materials wal 1it co ohl oil coi oua and suili ips pyroollapny 8uppi1ikb and outfits attack ur cholera iuu dysoiihry come tpilckly thrro wldoiti im lug any wariiillgof tuoviiiu- uointtllaj ocllou tituul ihi takuti juat aa ipilrkly if tho patient la to imi bparod gnat hiifforlng and minim mint injury to tint lining motiibmuna of tho itowou ihe read i eul pivparatluu ror the iiiiuun is dr jl kellogg a dyiu ntary uonllal it can 1h got tt small rust ut any drug store or general dialor und it will afford relief iteforo a doulor oan im oalltv tlathbin nurncrknt tho inluprlutlng of a alnghi loiter oceasloitally hinds n niiwnitor into an alarming stateuinnt wit mm tho account of a puhllo uioothii mtdrenimtil hy dluraull whon aocomllng t a im doi jmiinal iho rrowd tx tho ail with thilr snouts first when we undortakn to fill your pn aorlptloiim weglvu them our until vuhal mtu ittlou and inmil mm thupttlunl woirn im our llrwt eon uldarntlou heooml 1 wn guaranteo our drugs to lie or full atrongth tui well au ptiru mid fresln third i our customerm aru supplied wltli junlwhat thoy ojik foe atilsitltut lug la novor allowod ainktl in khy eouiounn if you nee a sufferer troui kidney disease llviu ooiuphdnt liloo troubloa rbouniullhiii itourmtgu or nervoua rtstratlon we enfliloiiuy rooom mend tha usu of inihuvs jidnry oom nhind tills rallalda nnd tin vet dls npnluung ntodlatne la a true disease tianlither nnd system imlldnr wo supply tho tioiiiilno lahou out ury oomikximl at urown autwtroit llovt s vt nt flriit worn hi koglnnd jn tho reign of 1 dwartl ii its slow huiiiueui carrying a crook yardstick 011 tho nlralght road a good life la the inadlust way to aoeure a good tm mo whloheou icviry man is worth juat aa mush as the thing ale worth eltont which ho u conform d msroua aurelluu it la mlrnlmted that there am itkht- mmman ninnii mill child r tt playing illahohi in initio 11 ttud lb nulmrlw bronchitis tub svacptoms auk liklitttteid ttcrtwa tlio client hharp puiim ami a dtlhculty in llrojthlng a heerclluii itf i hick vhlegm at hint white hut litter uf a greomiih or yollowuh color oomlttg from tho bronchial tuhee when eoiihinj eapocutlly lite unit thing lu tlta morning uroitehitu la generally tlie rwult of a rohl eiiuaeil by ex pontile lo wet mill inrliniiitt wcutlier and when neglected will ikieonto eh ton lo liroiile imithilu is one of tho most 1 tiuirul ouiuos ol t onnuiittllon cum tli llil mympttmiia of uronolluia hy tl j uwa of dr woods norway rme fmp tt4 i 4 1 uu xlmtlia lhiur- 4 got little ialo -4- llroochltls hk quewiitea ijii 4- cutad 4- spring i was cry -4- -4- thmuly had u hud j v cough mt head aehe eould not sleep and was tired all the time 1 con suited two dimftrm and both told tun i had bronchitis and advised mo to give up teaching i tiled ulntosl ovcrj thing i ut nona of lha modiriuos ga me nny h lirf one of my frloittu ndvlaed me to tij dr wooils norway isne hyruit 1 had sea reel y taken the first hotllu uliui i legitn tu get ivettor and wliou i lind tntru uta fourth hottla i fell an tt ell sheer by eough had left kne and i could tlee w 1 ii dr wood h is the original lmbni it la put up n a yellow wrapcr thife pine trees tlie inula mark ami tho wire iii oonbt liioreaie many iiultutions of dr wood s so le sure yott recle tli grnulne wheuyou ank ur it uanufactured unty by tho 1 milburn co umlted toronto out nature study buppxiieb lou coi 1 vers sciioois olt stijul nib bend lr information free ctulnguo kn iarlkta maleilala and nature study buppllcs catalogue no a i rojrahy bule waters bros tho fioturo store wyndiiatu bl cui liu tho old and rollablo granito and marblo dealois wu j h aiiurmtutvra sail illt lcrtinl at airklnda uf urmisuiaolalaa i llaiim mink wa tall dlrol lo ourouuuiaal i oli hala ua klua rlo tor ouaiauims ia thtr owit w 1 va ilia lt ai pllauoaa aiwl it out ntuhmtaliia ut ilia ikmilulou wl a cu awr- ala lilwulwktia iaaim xrly vt can u tslmviroaa tidin huwliwla of uor oatm lu tunwitauliuir uojsibaalhalva la ataul lw ulia in unlr to qaiioai wa ll u latuaat aitd oaat aumik of tlwu- iii it r itonihiluu w nan ibali sttlf ii ul li u wit waara lagltiinala ilaalata anl oat 1 lo u aumit l i outaia by ao luttt out li ooullatluiwi hamilton sons cor norfolk aul woolwlau tla quuf 1 11 iolleli moliaulc only atul ilaly photoengraving r tones mjikajorjwtfmn purposetauwirmukiwes c oslataltmjtlhij jz jljimcsfroi the excelsior bakery i i w o having cccoiitly installed 01110 of the latest im roved machinery xj ircacl making 11 now in 1 hotter position thtin ever to tnpply our cuto- mcrb with hrcatl cakes ttt of firstclass quality wo albo carry a splendid stock ol groceries titid confectionery ice cream and all kinds of fruit in season t statham son main st acton 1 paler makers iniitginii xoxt hook nk s vni i ol uhi 1 1vimim ikoltllaltltwh ollejie wakouellfoel vptufr uffbam tiaetnlt oat 11110111 ounc holll ufaintlllot dimriiy an 1 chirntiwr uhi lule iiiircsurk f iiainhu uviutol il nrli uirtl iitmri tinaa lll ot v 111 cdllvtr auc a in onurl allrrl n i wimml 1 1rom cltui lniu m i ink iottnton are twliu mlerl iralneilyoortrt men anl wntneii fit tlie 1 iinot llues olll a lait nntlwhitln inaichaiiduhtt iurimo hdiikuiu ml lii rnllway auj oilier toncorim now 111 1111 limh lo color for llioieiifih couiae in iutr umaua ayilbn uf bcluatliuilnaaajralnlng incltidlnti nr canille and oorpomllort book kasplnu comaenjaj law alnorsihy lyp mlllluf sic com 11 mituctto the college qfrice 137 upper wyndhsiu bireal or sildreai malcolm mocormlok b a cut ilowck gkowcrs tincral and wcddlnjf order specially aiiorjeiiilactduiihe j has3aed drugut aoton v ill iocu proinfil alicniico s wonderland 8 moving picture show opm 1 et niclil 1 1 10 o clock best films procurable cliaiied ni 1 jlronliel by i lie leajinj clilttni admiion 5ft i acton amusement co w gimson 1ainttcii pa pfitn hanqkttt mctunic kltaurii ktc dlps to inform the ladies of acton nnd surrounding vicin- it thit he ins been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses m can ada 1500 sample 1 to choose from prices right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scisors ground furni ture repaired snoi mili sn n 1 acton eo vbaro kxphrienoh parents pb0mptcy secured i1iivh jjfcn a will ar ll tt lavsat- r malp ai 1 hi ou ara awlsated mluxiwihtu h r aaadal f vetir la sallon o 1 1 t in lwwlin ivoa rasoir hliiml wlrll f if l piol1y lvelalu m utlnl arellibllaaaliavanflaa c tvrlltv ll mr i 1 y wa can lkt muv e i ill i 1 i rtl la mnnlraal a h k o tl j- allllsa dm ay- ly tllamuii lb a 1 1 il bw wiuta launu mlkdi tll mlui htiatm ruitluhr i imlalita rn- u mallnii ik ma ll rvaawaatatuie mi mill ml cbaffalq ovrr lu hi-wi- alauvlt it- 1 tbl ubivmi lb iv hill ll j aacullvl lalil t in rillinliil marion hfardn j inf f uanufso tt jardn

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