Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1910, p. 3

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wedding presents gut ulabs 1ancvttllna solid bilvuii hllvkh plate mugerb knivht pukk3 anu bpoono wubuinq hingb ceo hyn ds kctom out mahriacib lichnbhs iu8uud she tton jttc rtss thuilmay sovimuill i lull beitr local itciws nu lor ualjltidlalibuullurn the w il for rhaukaglviuk luuii and thanksgiving iw waa na generally observed alrood many li-in- hv od hilling turnip tlila wfk ik or kcoll has purchased urn bakery biulnee t h crumly krhi next meeting or luquealng conn ell will i- held ix monday 21 l lil th brick work of count lllor i toll new residence on kmok avi mm i completed mr- ionad nhrlmld con ablerably improved her tlwi huttf on malnhtreal lately tiuelph milk doalci have luneaaed the price f milk lo seven ceule h bulk end eight rent iii liottlee toe hallo itowmens abaocutinn will hold their annual plowing match on it hush a farm u r milton t day ur it 1- urgry bilu- huuge low on church suml u una ring coin illation the appoaranie tit that rnr- tier u veally improved ab attrition wm preached in the methodlat huroh hod sunday by lie wm howlll u ju f iakcll ham wrm personal f i loud of ir anllilt the 1altereoii block laprognisbing well and it u expected tha cnil plasterers end palntri will have com plated their contracts by the t ml or the month mill hlreel mmiuim to have more than it share of leh phono end electric polea now that they are prrmenunt ly located they should lo painted end rendered mora presenlahla j vv f tumllni re uiodallvd residence pn willow htrsftt opmmttn llower ajvenue in about completed it la now a cnmmodloua bin htuoh improved in appearance mrs c leavens report that a jrlnur h winllv lluftml tltl jcc buaband urava wltb tlowant in 1 lr- tw oamaury baa inxn rttmoved sha hop it will im irtitumwl by thn iarty who tukda tha ntlatakn hjr john il ilairbar wa aiuldtmly ukan 111 at hu offloo in totronto laat tburaday ha cama bonm ibat avm ing and baa unca itoan conhned lo bit roooi aa wa ro to vwt ha u tanurt d to im much itnprovad and okpocbt lo ba out in a faw day lourtieln ilrmld a mtltlon whm irntfid by llm tajc llaforn ijku at laat tuttlnk of krin townablp ounll ylk that tha amemiuant act im atnnodml tbatinunlolpallllaa may ux impni tnani auca at a lownr rata ban html aluea it waa dec id ml that til iumiva and clark feign tba iatltloii olarkaon joyce of i wju efclng lit tandatoaanda claim for damari to to tha oounctl of i ha want in a buggy to brampton fair and aaya that thar waa a hols in a wld county road that bin bono miiimi at tha atona want over tha end of thn bridga ran away and damoluhed hia buggy ohamplon nabsaaawrva rw lvor waltarmiatuin hi i who wa junior paator on naaaagaweya otrcuu in ihh iiah lii appolntml acting principal of wwlryati tlicolog leal oollaga uonlroal pandlng lb aalactlon of a parnianant bead to uc cad ltav ir hhaw i mr and mi ii i moora of acton ada rawad a uw congrcgalloti in rbenaaar church on sunday at thd thankagwing aarvkw uudwr tha aua pica r ui mimioh oiku tha ad draaaaa ware tnuah appreciated a wi i alao tha boloa by mim onrrow or kden mill- l ra uava n ctmpala rtbair or atnbla la tba ituaat ol hu daughter ht tba hbancaer iaraonag tha threaharabavo a monlhj work ahoadof them yat ihu cropu in tlila townahlp wera unusually govd ibu n1ws of local import ktvlurnwl to sootlottil uv hklthw wilu m a ii niltlii f inmily rv l i if si allmo- ohli jl rohlmixxi ll hhiii nit lmrn and rnturoid l il l wintry ul inoiitb i o tako ill w a rlxli jn t j h otlml mora haw pvehnant l uulcihim nf iiulli w down on lwdy mornlnirutaim lit- luvli f i c lll llw uliiuliupauti miilinih n rthilil- of mill slrr from muln to lk an nun 1 1 jmvmtii nt i oiilnttturu am now ul wur i ibu ctlon thankajflvlnc day wall obaarvwl lln wiatlur on moodiy v i i l f r an autinun day hiid 1 lnnktulv i nu wuikitiiitrijih ully vily ti nrh nu joy t 1 tltiacil ky o1mhiv thr day and lluit wm iii ulim t intli i fui 11 in or work iii lowu 1 lu lliunku giving nfilrll ajwiarkl lo im inaniftat aviirywhurc womanna imautut to morrow 111 woman iiixlttiiti will hold tliolr novnmlxr miolltik in llm odd ell uhaiob on i rlday at tlm o luck thn proraiiimii ih in i liuri f mm ii- jry and mr w j uitii tim mutter of a m tvw my i w alid otbur impirlaitt biulhi um will u io communion bapvloaa nkt huaiuy tlio rfgulaf niivuhimi ijuartt rly coiimmilon u rvia hii h it ii in tlui muthodut olairrh in vl homuy iv 1 1 tint will im nlurviml at hi h in and tin hue aim lit of lint ord hup 1 r will im milmliiuu led aftt i llm r mini in tlm vi nlng huv lr anllliy tha paatnr will pruurh imilii innrttlng and iiwnnliik kemovala krrom aaorirauiwn ttin nu tfoouially wt i vl r muni to lnam of thn rnotnvml from lowu of tbrvm of ji fiignlnwii nml highly iuiilclil fhindiiji v ithir to mr and mri it it harlu r mr mill mm 1 l1i hlinu who will rtldn in loronto and mr uml mru i m ho will go i liwhbtxllir jlimbhouam a revet nod gantlei of tha province who v i rrom tha to ml o pr in tthtokt aclun on sunday an vpei giving wllb irlenda there atupiied off tba train hare on saturday evening thinking be had reach rd ida daatlna tlon h pluoally bet out on ruot- whin ha aaw hie mutake and it u rv portad tha atrenuouu walk and tb bracing atmolphure up the gredit weio fullowed by eloquent a rionmi on day and a vlgoroua wppellle at thankeulog dinner mra wm hcolt whit baa be v iii for aome llmo in recovering atiil it lu hoped aha will aonn imi able to bo out again mv jnaeph huott of llauilltoii home forthankaglvliig mr karl manball who lout hu tlghl hand in a oor oitltf r a few wueku iig baa rrlurried trom tin hoapltal and making good progrenm towrl noov wyi 11a haa tteuu very plucky all through bla muti4uin muntinfl kxourbiomu vulrod trunk lullway hyatunl blngln tare for round trip ool llllh to 12th 1hviliishi temagatlll points lnitewawa to lort arthur and to h rilliulwr of polnta reached via thju northaiu navlgalloti oomnauy auo lo oerlatn pilula tn queliun nnw brunswick nova hcotu and malua date for the drer hunting territory will im mumuuiced later hetuni limit december loth except to tolnta reach by auamar nov l5th hm iartlcu lara feom grand lrunk agent h ur d draaa j t mod maid i ll a toron to aid the haw klrldare klatllnm- jonuld ralilc rrltloum inn ih n muiln of thee unuimly tlokh or the railing to the new malt htrmil hrldgi old hrautllng and rotigb poalh itelng ilhtm in falrnutih to llm omiiilltmt on htiotu and wulbu ll bhould h uiukiiitood that thin railing wu put lip ti mimirarlly an a prnvtuit rotfitloi and will be teplurml with uiiltnhl metal railing a oood aptolntmant ur ja lomtir i lather to the iklltor of the ntar ban lx u n hihih d miptrlntimldi lit of tho llrorkvllli awyluin loraomuytara punt im ha immui aailhunt imiwilnli mlml or tin london aaylum lie uauumi n hu nv dutlea thla nmntli it ruiiuol ho calil thatrtr rafnrtoro i ved bttilipotnt tlit menl through political ruauoi tnliat tbernfore have nouui an n ihwuini for paat aervlce am hu fltiium fur th oolre oakvllle hitcnrd ouelph mow haa nlaamm power niagara power haa roach oil jnhlrli though no oelohratliin gmelmt itw ur arrival the city plant u now owi r loaded and the aunuuoco of hydro klootho current will im of uiati rial value thtiurniit wiut turiud uti lu the nlty for the llrat limn on monday j in entrance into tint jnelph fetation waa iliarkid by the lighting of a row of uiiiall hgliu wiul thouo pruktnl whon it cxiiin iwmijo tbu wyrkniim wnr coniiuluulonatii h carter lnorft hlemnan manugi r lhg and a few uthoia mr carter aa ohahman onioltll d al a little ctmmiiiy which by turning a awltrli u tatted a hun dretl linrmtpnwnr motor running tim e of tlieae wnro in reatlliieau tn i hi tnnled and drltwl out and then the city can rely on i la own nugar powi r ttinre waa nut a hitch to th rtclvltig or llifl current here it ra along ateadlly until ohiit off kuon ohureh tbankaarlvlna conoert lhatoaend entnrtalument in rcnov church on tho evening of lliaitkaglv lug day wim a very aucneaaful evniit the dplighlful weather imd ll inllu aiica in inducing rge uttiuilanrei but the aplnmlid progiamion wan- alao an attraction after tho appetuing tea had been pal taken of lit rnlaya the audlcurn aaatinlilod hi tin andltorlilin and pminplly at the hour appointed the inatnlmira of ihu noi folk htrent methndlat choir or inelph undvr the the luailendilp of mr laauitinm ah bunihled lu the cliolr gallury anv ibtv j c wilaon ii a pautnr look tho chair lrom the very appropriate otenlng aiilhuni lliou crowneat thit yuwr to the niagullkeut i timing chiiriia m drill chnni tho chilli m numbera were mont aoerptahla and highly enjoyed ihu parta worn well lialanced the harmony dcllghltol and the volume worthy of thla apian did organisation 1 he auleollonu wure lutarly all of a aaorml nhaianter and thin lu luelf gave tone and appro pruteru mm to the prom ihllugw mohniu wllllkuiauiululitvuiihuii mng- llaula iwe in a duiitl with vt ry ill effect ihflr rluh tiarltom and haua voice hlondlug perfectly mlau mae hall who wim for novo ml yoal tool hnriliavnttletlttrrvtioiil high claau ahlllty au n hoioihl and u ml lug mipi alio lit tlumiliiili 1 1 t uiiiiiih t loioid hemnclfui waa imirli en joyul mrh mumin hie bailing ml i mtfllni huh itnutlilmteil a highly applet lull d nuiuluii lntl ihu on hoi licit will irlmd voli well hiiltid to thlu m tilug ami hhe did itiiutpu luutlci hi mr tjuliimlld turn paaa iitiuf uweitt hiununilnua toneu hh waa wm iiliijianhd by mi oiohr with violin ohllguto mi clone elan rendered a couple of violin ntiinhoralu an nkllful u inaniu r that the audit line dcunoiitcd trtouren mr j ii htevui boh bit tig willi kploudlil volte ihu nolo perta or that imprtahlve hlithem ciutio to my hit ii i i ird jmiiu mun isavl ciirtei un whlu and uv- aalile loiullunui uv- tl h iiki with aiivtrwl will hinhirod aihc uohh uev a hlalr ii a of nw hrlrstd union tiiankgivinci ikvicf ha mrnwn by ii ur anmtft nd the rymnia kmi eforlptur liaau- biwth thajiaue- klvtnar bdlrlt a very oboo attahdahtl hi nnli i tl atbglvliig uvl in iio i iiulrh l trlrvrn i rhirk on limley mi ruing well attended by memlaraof lb luptui melb audltfinbylvrlail emgn k i ilv j wiimui ii a hadehanre nf tin m rvlrr am rd au the upaulng innietn l il hit aa fi llowu tl lln u uitth lliefeilh and wat rlh lt tb graly i nrlrbrat il willi llnirr or uaf whirl u nil td wet r thou pipitrl tbem wn wb n th u lml provide lr it ii 1 lion wat rrkl the rulgaa lhareof oliiuilintly thuuwlllil b furrow thrtof tloii kiakt il aofl with fchnw ra i thotl hh aarlb th apriuglng hermr ii ihou cr fwoeal the year wllb tby goodlier and thy patio drop ratneaa 1j iliy drop upon the paalurew of tb wlldrurui and tha little bllla rrjdomtu rvory aide 11 111 phwtmr a clothed with mfmka lh valteya hwi are ruwered ovi r with ront uy j tout fov joy they auo ulng llymno wonli i p the king all glorli lit alxivr waa yolloered by a ferue raynr of thankaglwlug by the pahtt l r aoolhnr paalui of ibaukaglvlng waa rud and the tongr gallon united ry hahlly in hinging hymn ihh wa lbank ibee llten our ialhar wltb the very appropriate terrain all gihml gllta aionid ua are bent frun heaven almve iheu thank tb xm o thank the ljud f r all biu lo ltiv ur antliir itated blu thanba- glvlng addreaa on 1 v 11 tliou omwiirtt he yr with thy uuulnai lllo urkulil wejavetl5j-ih- n1 knowledge and thelll iatuieorwnr there aro beimona f kildwlelge in tertill d to inatrm t the mind and atrmona of powrt innknntnl with a view of relalug the rmollona to a higher devotion i em not hrr thla morning to glvo induction but to aimiak to you audi wotda aai tnjay intenalfy your feellnga of ihankiulnaea to cod for bla great nierclea of the year what doee it tummtt that throughout thla great tominlon to day there la a ipilatneea and a huah and a ceaaatlon from regular lalmvr it moan a that our government itaa waked the people of thla goodly land lu coma together aa chrlalian people to give lhaiika and lo acknowledge thai tita ua again nlle1 our i with plenty and to bltig the bong of barvrat hotnn our religion a tb only gral re ligion whlrh utvr calld ua luniple ui glue thanks to god for ilia bleating tatuttrniniy ijanrnnteof praub am thanksgiving in any heathen n hglon waing ailorlngj in thaukuguiiig to coil for nli blnaalnga anil hanelltii tlila morning we have abaamhted to ekpreaa our be lief that it la true aa the isalrqu aaya ihou riowneat the ynar with thy goimbu lite iirocfmi of nature are directly under llm control or cod who u a mriuiand bau a will and ban a coq aclouaunaa of bla will he la tha cod whom w adore nature i an effect whoae rauea la cod the world u jialaepulle writ inn tu man 11 acta llrrolly and mimeillalely in nature and all according tn bla innnlte rhm1 neuu we know of bla powor and hu aklll imii at thla tumit f the yean tinpeclally we ae hla great guodneaa cod baa kindled our pleaaure in all hu creatlona lu nature in color la form in lunauty nf coublructlon in graceful ciiruca and harmooloua contact we are in a great inualc hall a museum picture gallery with a great orcheatra where there la niualo on every aide for nur pleahure and delight llm barveat tha graceful bending heal and other grain ready for the alrkle and binder have crowned the yar 8urey if any people on arlh liave caiibo to thank god lor hl llcenl merclea the people of canada have there have juat tiren garaerwl tld red uiilllona or biibhela of wheat liealdea oilier gralna in the north weat whlrh a few your ago w fcoki of aa tin great lorn- lam ttiu la iiom canada a great granary wo arc railed upon to acknowledge the rmmi ueaa of god in thaulaglving foi hla groat bloaalnga purwioal and national our heart a ihoild all respond lu thanka to gad liecauao be baa linnl our him tie with bticb great pleuty nod good new while an offering waa twitng vcciiv for tho poor a duel hewlllmwaud harvual waa very aweatly rdrrad by mlaaea minnie and ada holme ilia bervlce cloeed wllb the doxo logyjn1 benediction i thanksgiving visitors ton mia jean uklll ml ltnl a wllb frlenda hutuo iruui tor t b uf lt null of m lb vlurd mb i unda here mu wllda a mel r0gulwa buwe from toronto 1 lain ilauer of itrhin vllted arlon frlenda wli mr ahgua mcdonald vlallr1 rrtemle at k leal week mr and mra geo huu bpeut lite inliday lu t mhiui mra j wunlmi of firav iliurat ulled frinnda hero mr iwcy hirka f llraulf id waa ere for the holiday ur a i hore of markbam w n utwn on u mr john i moore or tormil waa omeforllie holldaya mlaa nellie hyuda or torowlo waa here over the holiday and mrs bred iawn of toron to vlalled frinnda here mr and un k wwdn if krin intent the holiday berv mr harry iankum of krin waa iri town for th holiday v r clarence k ling saa wltb da here ou m udy r leuou itauar hl the holulay with bla perenla at hertiii mclkonbl of lirhlrr vwaa home for a iwrief vluit mua ijitue a m toi id tnrouto vlaltedather parenu home mr 1l mcllvrld ol wrluud wan here henewtng aciualntauoea ulae hnltu kmytli of tiroutu waa th gurt f ml l m moor mra ttoe w hbaw of lurri vlaitad rrlendw in the idd home mlaa myrtle ll maltbewe waa home from toronto over lha holldaya mra chaw h akin and daugbler xfl mulland vfaited acton frlenda ur k il hwackhamer or toronto apent the holiday at bla home here mr howard klack of toronto pent the holiday at bla home here mr chaa ii moore manager lion daa htar waa at the parental home mr and mra g if lllelhy of ht marye vlalted relallve here thla week ltev wm llowluu ik or leaker bain waa a gual of lr and mra ant urr mr and mra k moore and mua matkar1 vultl frlenda in kl wll llama mua kt inrrymau of t iaiting her aiatrr hi rt3567 it nelua mra ilulbard and mlaa viola of weet loronto vstiea thla week mr haber willumb or the mer chant hank herlln waa home uver the holiday maaur clayton ingle t iarkhlll waa a gueat at the home of mr john r coleman mr and mra nuruiltti mualc4 and ml audrey of ivrkdale vlaited friend h mr harold mcklln of tba mer chants hank tilbury waa homo for ttiaukaglvlag mr and mra ate ikohble and family were at william sootlu uikebouae for tbankaglvlng mr and mra jamee living tone and babe or hrmtnpuml were guealw uf mr george hoper mr and mra a t mann epenl the holiday wltli ltav and mra ii a mac pberaon in lirmlo mlaa may bwhorn nf huiulaa wall tlva gueat of mlaaea alice ulid hvelyn chtk for the holiday mr and mra johu w hew and mra win hewa of milton wr at mr wm hemaireeta mra k leetmun of hundaa wkm tbu goaal id her ooualtt mra k k cimtk bairvlew avenue mua maud miller and mlaa agnea jnhnanu of tironto apnnt bund ay with mlmagraoejolinaon r mr ami mra win itrowu acton attended the anniversary berlce at aehgrot metbolut church labt 8m day herabl mr- r i i mr in of ton rtio ri u ml ii llrowu m ml uta j kdgar an hie ami muttifdmabpent a day or ao will it urt campbell gall iwa margaret itemiett rliretue lloliueeaud ida i dater were hiune ou ttronto normal mlaa kilau hfawart of lumlllou aa a gurat at ioatmaaler matlhewe iv 1 daya during tlnlwrek ml llreateand mr guilaluue me onald of wenttmu ware guttata oimmc g jla mhoald uilall of log im 11 waa a lug ariualutaiia lt the home of bla hoyhood daya mum1 lore andiron mi ll of ilolll and miaa kate buetth of walnrloo vlallnl rileuda boir mr aod mra j m rcrnly ail rbiulretvand mua mauhawb ioiwi to weitatmr wllllaiu lbowna mlaa jrnnu hyuu an i mr and mra i- wll of tonuito hmut the holiday at tlm bourn or lee ilyide ml j luawiit malklmifalliml annie henderson of llaailllon nor mal s mot were hi urn ivr lb boll day mra g t ampbell u at lutltnafad with hnr aon goorgt wltu had the muforllloe to break bla legoo tue day miara mary and mggu iukr of guelpb bannt a few daya with their aular mra w mrlnald male fureet mlaaealkauyaml gweunle campbell mr and mra w hi into of toronto b the holldaya at mr- geo camp udl a victoria villa mlaa joy ami mlaa annie joy alao mr itarnee and matter hoy all of to ronlo vlaited ibelr frlenda mr and mr- c w joy for u thaukbgivlng holiday mr and mra j a weldu an 1 chll drell of milton ml mr mnd and mr mcklblxin of tirouto were gueolm over the holiday or mr ami mra wm while mra i llkhih thurlrll one ol the rarlltol and m ut highly evlueiunil lrbl bmlu rrlbiatiil the advent or br right it tb yoarniituwad eodlahrl nl the day by walking out to mra a h llrowna ou lle thlld llm mra thiol ii ealie to aclou in the- rally forllrd ami ban men many hang a in the limy yer and inori how to btand in a car a ibo- klyn man who pro ably bpeal rrom long t xu rmncv trileu to hbop nilea tluullily lo give advice upon how in maintain iiullllulutii when com ihi to aland in a rar m ny p im lo aayb way hacku ud and lor ward aa well aa from aide to title thuotttii lb row then into awkwaid position eaeclally l rarrhi- ia vlllcll l blrapltangl ig iioprarlkahle lo nkoono the dltllciilty one abould place the u el buvcti or eight inchee apart and one a utile ladilm dm other bay about three inches with the toes pointing not i have been busiuoaa mm leading uawauimra and ktaltdlug lu thla way when tiding to ami from wuik with little more incon veuieuce than if auudiug on uolld griiind no hospital for mr lawler he took gin pills if ou ever hear aiione aa that uhvtiuuitutu can i imi cured aak tbcui if llicy have ever trie1 in 1 ii hh or ask ihcut to write ua for proof that 1h ihj have cured hundred ami hundreds of caura of ubcumatluti icuilica i utilltako paul in ihelurk an 1 oilier trmil ba caiife1 its wcal buhicyt or ktladdcr klusuiuallbiu rati lie cured- u imiilg cuml every lav h gin 1 1113 here ta llm licet kin 1 of ittuj cheat dollar line forfridy g 3tturuy sale of ladies suiting cloths no if rick all hound mt ofj a yard sulling uiihi pallarna in atria tlwcta atul i ui iin cloih cllha out wa will isalilu j taka your uhole ll u worth mln lo oualjjt lu ll atul canadian kfxxla fieah an mill be ri to ttava in a iu 1 or uultfliir and hi uaojjog ibljua tl it lln dressmaking why takc a chance our twlloa4n dtirunni whar w mak our lllhciu ulla lor i dlm has the rcpuuuon of bain abeiojujtaly thonuh n every evl unce of hnr capacity la whan you leave your bull order with ua you know that wa will oar rorlt in a pmbhloo nrltel wlui the baat thla munlr altoru wa hear uile wnunually having cwukuiauy iotimm i ou alalf of la lua hit are aliu lu clfar you cuni barvica 11ee your tull mtlars u weak and vvl wll i cuauan1 ht to givit voij 11 i ivkhy in tcn jav of tourwi we would prsur allltu lootr lime hul ran ami will ii teceary compula your tull order wlililn ian day i fcelelllon of k mala g b ryan co quclph ontario wo prepay all kxprosa prolflht and poaufla tutoa on ail ftrotli iebjrdlosa of their bibo or vjuo wiaru ion what you want laqshrtrtirs 1 136e right house 1 or n ni i have imeu troiihleil willi ltlwu nulluti w im1 that i could not work a doctor tenth d ne and ltd 1 tne to go to the hoapltal ihii all to lk good mlil a frun1 told me to try gin i ills i did m ami after tauiig a iwliwd i ainptrfectlj well p j lxuij tl gin nijls on tur jwialltvc gukiaiilec that they will cure jou or inncy refuuleil oc a ho 6 for fj jo onur from ua if your dealer raiinot tutiply tliem sample box fe if vmi wrab ua national drug ami uwmtcatco dcpl tortmto so i willi wild bflalllng hi i geoil filial aoter gaweya gave a thaukbgivlng tli hlnta for building up and rendering uwuful aarvlni tit tlm ohllich hev or atluilt aaalalrd in the devotional aervlouu at the oiohu rnc llouvo william cliabmloi or tint managing hoard of the uhurch in fellultoua leriiiu moved a luaily vote or tlmnka to the hulr fothulr g nui una uml viiy aiiptwhle mivlcra vrliloh motion vtu becumlad hy mi o c hondoraon htroata villa motalnwn in troubta on the aftarnium nf lliankbgvhig hay the hotel a htre junction kept iy rwrrell wiutitla wllb out liceitbe waa raided i by the lloenae tnapectoror the county and lx kega of lieer been red 1 armll la ap old offwud eragalnat the bw he haa iwell lluad biiviral llmeu and haa bn nt aouin time 111 jaall hectmim ur hla mrutvnt web lupior cookbvllle 1wh u held on monday and it waa lwlievd that the lnaukitor would lie alaamf ami tbal thla waa a ghal opportunity in have the htt deliver ihe goialu wireuuloadhl in lerille itaru and taken miaaemltm of at nare by lupvct or orr i almnat a dleaalrou- mn iibt tliiirwlay a little u waa in tbu blur of nclaiiti av co mill ktrrrt whan be inadvertently etepird tk ngalnat a wml oil healer tlie heater waa overturned and ll oil escaping hniuudlataly blaei up lu voiiuum mil ling llm to lace curl aloe and other gmwla mlaa neuon wlut otmimatid ihhi prtiaeiiro or mind miuih1 the cm tenia of wwgor llotii upon the burn big oil on llm hour mr j 1c kan nndy then arriving on ibe m ua from the cellar wearing a ialr of leather gluvee carrlral the aluve and bnlulng giwkunututhebheet yttb the aid ir nabceraby and u rw ivalla or watrv tbu lire whliih loukwl eatieimdy ugly fii u uilntite ov two waa subdued i he toaa waa udjuald dy the inaiirahne iumialibh itteiuatad al 11- imi i mm si hamilton a ravokitc shopping plact the complete new store is at your service ti you visited tint rioni iloubii durmu our optninj i lat week there i no need to tell you of tlic thousand l oluucnvomm and litrln fnlkiiidchjtojrurjrpm acton who delighted in the many new features o the enlarged more and who secured hundred of severely under- priced offer in the iixty and more department if you accepted our invitation ab printed m last weeks fimi piti bs jou know of all this during the coming holidays i hu right housi trusts you will feel perfectly free to make use of the many convenience already installed in the en larged store and of those now being installed on the new mezzanine or balcony you will find a manicures restful lounging chain readme tables magazines writing deik telephones lavatories etc throughout the store you will be greeted with a cheerful eourtcous desire to how you any thing and everything in tub right ilousr biock i hib will he true whether or not you wibh to buy at the time why not buy xmas things nowp it is not too early to begin to imprcbs upon you the value of early xmab shopping tiik right iiousn and its stocks are completely ready if you will bear in mind our charge account sybtcm our willingness to hold xmab pur chases for later delivery etc we think you will agree with us that you arc ready too railroad pares refunded on a liberal plan thomas c watkins king and fclughson sis limited hamilton ont auction sutllftdkllbalatatr t na 10th farm block and implement hoiibebohl furniture belonging to tba relate or tbu late jaliiee qutuitlc ou the tartu at acton kale at one oclock jvutth ml dom aiis anotlonaer m wk ottm faorooffa appiicwiea 11 ztun bukat tught will bring t by morning zoimbum mimpa thm l mnwrting juala thm crack arj tnyakma thm kanjm amoofa tptoormlaa itallu 1 at iraaj aluerg oatv wrilea- aa troebu1 with ekappdl uade aad ara and toothing fc v tb u ihoroeakly ualh t llu j haa cured ikm ly falaar haa aba w rzral bkln ireava aa1 injarl- mal tbiuk there la oetklu ilkejuu ituk h melkara bboeld that u ohiljreu uea za luk lally ure u nothing like prevention a lillla xaaa k lightly aarl nvar tha hvauatal v rla ur wadu will pravaat o1mp ao1 j i em l ub u aha a ear im ahla dirt lata iun ul nainlaa ettm ud to eu riujbw ka b arfaaial aranlla w truat xaai hav cw taraata tar pho tutaae i f cxajataabelhwl bad ambuk gyery home nee05 it i you will notice that we aro continually ulklng mimiui our 1 ability lo rejutlr watchea and clool well that i becur l we have the qoiilldeuce that we nan dn it and do it iwlter than mihit watchmaker- firstly heoaube we wervel our full term or apprentice hip ami arterward worknl under the uhi watcbtuakeie in toronto and ty yealv experience glvea ua mitch a great advantage over uiuat o ihe re that we coma to you in full confidence that it will lie done carefully and ipilckly lmngh- the jeweler luepb drags i spectacles stationery i the best and a full line ol catli eyesttejit eurtkliir- 1 ry canonys chocolate e j hassard druggist acton hu eounasuon nrlnatplaw flrat i when we undertake ui your prescriptions we give them our undivided attention and lieat care ttiiaalont a welfare hi our first doi alderattlou heoundl wa guarantee r drtjgajwl lniorriillatrength and fiwdi tjilrd t our duatomata au- aunpl wlthjueiwhaitheyaakrort auutltut ing la uovor allowed ralnavn tjkuthy oohvouhu if you are a aufforer from kidney dlaeaae hver complaint blood troubles rheumatism neuralgia or nervous prostration we ocnfwently reoom uiand tha use of iajnee oelary ooui pound tula reliable and never dl appointing utedlchia la a true disease bahuher and syataui builder we btippty the genuine ialne a cwlary cornpouud a t brown ajolon out the merchants bank of cknkdk lslabllshed a d 1841 lrwliitmr u mntttuiii lluti c v vi irellalyl hixlipta lu teu1 unhlkk k ubduii vaid up cipital heiowckuhd and undivided profit 0000000 110215 1 qui deposits iov lo kjoj 10 17150 1 1 otal assets 61800151 t17 uruui hwi uml auiituni lb fluoh0 outunu uuuitolui hiuikituhuwun ahmitiu uml llrltuli coumihu a general banking business transacted special attention liven jo collections savings bank department at all branches 1 acton branch f a maclean manager

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