Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1910, p. 4

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ftljfr rjott 3frce jjrcss riluusdav ohcku hkfl hth lull a word or kimdnei ora word f there ml alntlnoaa jutt ntt rtini it u kuiwt t tint ihtore hall hnnltd riu oilrlltitfoii ami and on hearing ltmt mint j y ami comfort on hill klliliih lualilnr w till ym wu1 i i- iuv u vuluile or lit i bin i wtmii yi urk uid i f ilv and kjndneaa- lii a luhiulr y ii form l llm ih-ie- k eiall hwiuuik an i llri y elmlhtf y t and yon m n had x e of comfort whoa iwml lilllale nail in hald over inllee end ulue f water jtiot lv dtoriplntt a kind wnl hunt he hiupluyim m tiaohino childakk bate con- til oil utile mimru i rtiiu ii kill of unnaual lii1 hut lur iihk aliarp tuiiynii i khimiil her many trouhlea vhlp lb li aa her twluml hlrlhihjht tail lliy lell her no imr mu innlrnl at laal lk lunihwrwmk taen iii j nunui r wide -nerlenra- tain into horn tlia numi kindled merar and di found a point of vrttms main hwl woudarfnl luvu of ktmleii mini wm imtw u lwppr hu tohfii lutunlntf to the rerltal of one a ntury vie- pnudd lit marart eury nlfadit nt bodtlme orovlud aim had not riven way lo her temper diirlnk day and tli rule wa atrlolly adhered to at nl of rmirw- there wi re tunny nlghtenf no alorj lelllntf hut with the help of ih- wla nuree llliu mar- kret guarded her tongue null win more urtll after a few ninnlha him mmow mlaeed utory anal ra her- eelf proud of tits victory g l in tlaxper ilaaaar heart trouble cms dii wsaka ad smothri spall through nnn rillaa or another k latf tnmmity of tha litii hjn trtiul4ailmot nr with wma limn of haul ttuulil wbnvr ibce u kickly iopu with wwlic hrt utlbum lul ml ken 1mu will b found lo ba tba uuml eflocttve mltrin cm the teailet v u i- il vijt 114 tr ao tlrnirnl ont tilta it u with th laalaat nf ptaaitilr 1 witl vttn uunt th icfit i hata tcnvil y using uilhiirn hout miul nrv 1mb i ufla v i rrtally ftor hort itouljn which rua itiunem wknam kiwi hmolhar- ik pm ubi rrt ll nf dr tna lirin hut rkrivail to ixmeat a friend ulvusl tn t buy a liox of your ptlb which i ill i wl hfor i ha1 niititel on ax i loll niuh hler i m i iiiftl their im y laklnr two ui 1 highly tacouunand thnaa jnlht to uiy on mi torino from hoart miul norv uouua uilhurnm ifwt mui ker vi1u hm 60 rtuiu imk or 3 f w si u5 t ll w or tnalad di hy tha t ml- bum qn i ijmitod tonmto ont happy urn thny who bhitll hrii irtint thy ftxaiupln uol in dutali- hint tvfurtohl lm utinvftr- hoilimu mil bin cr siideavorn utiuhuitml lir j ilm on kheumallsni curbd by ii pills not nflan do you itenj- of j5c pr tmuwtlotl lmln mold willi m runrnlllt toeuk you an lntitlit iininiim gtim wuh vry hox ut 110 i1uh tbey will cure ithvumttlum lurkvolif iuddr trouhl vnmunl imtmlliik hurnlnff fnaallon lluful hillnlnh btuffglvh uvtr and nil hitiuinrli tniu hla if not your mom y tuink al all drugguta men who drlult to for t limit- nor- trowa furgvt that they am dimply ww ing dow nn children ory for fletchers o astoria womn dltfrfc rrtuu tuu in llml u can gntrwlly utao hvr lnmit wuhoul loalng bar had poverty and olmourlty nra only oviu lo hlni who can alt aravaly down ftiid inakaa raplnlng compatlaon twlwtwn hla own situation and that of otharw llurna thay oltmnaa whlla tby ouro ttta vgtaua sfitiipounda of whlcli wrmauvaa vagataua imiiu aro ctmi poaod mainly uaudalion and turn- drako clear tha atotuaoh and iutfllne nf dalaurloua matter and ranlore the demngml organa u liualthful action hence they are the beat mtnuly tor in dtgnatlon avallalilq timlay a trial of them will eauhluh the truth of iiiim aaaertlon and do more u convlueo llta atllng than anything that cm lm writ ten of these jillla mlal pljtoa was huhl ttu jnstor to appllo appllomit iwlltorof a nmvmwwr t lniter hlg tjirouutiuil tif ii r no a applicant the county h lnler 1lok out your harp rulta ran lono life kdwnrd uwrrett hale rorimilwtnd the following ket tt llulo for iong ufa i i itule imiiii utlnit and liody wllh an lr n hold vpn are maatar 2 for the hody riiongh good flvrp fiuimklbtoiml enough good nxelout 1 fur ihesiiludrignlwt work woik in hie linn of your ganlua and atop when uit are llrrl 1 after you ale forty you nnf it vuareniit fml ciuo ymir own rvlra your own inndtouu ami join own food llut you will find thut llm tunre you are in the open ad and tho mure ynu are with pihiplv the lteltrr you will mroceed vim will wlao und lluu them la nntlih g gained hy brood lug over allure i 8 a fi and always 1 1 h tmiltral igiatoment of life and liulnt in tbl matter ui he made blmaelf of no reptitallnn and took upon hbmelf thefprmofa eervatit wbeiefore oihi haa highly exalted liui h dropsy given up ky doctor i jiad dropsy and was lotd by my finiily pli itian tlial there w i uothihlt for inc my family il i me up mv lunb nul i mlj were wollcn one lnrl lirjer inn natural u ilcr mlloiud around m heart and i had lo he propped up in bed o vt ep from moihrripc i twu or mil ileirt ui medv until i u mirly cured 1 hit wi in ujtij ind i nm nov dlc to do a n j linil u ork on my firm my l curt i cerliiuly nnrvelou i 1uui 1 v cuitli wilnion ky or miu heart ucnitrly lat in en unikrlull urcc i fid in rele nt heart trouble kli tonic cftcct upon the hrirt nerve ami nut clc i i ireit f ictor in i i tinj nature to overcome heirt we iknc i prlca al 0o bt your drvotl ha ahuld upy vuu if tloaa pt aml pjha lo ua wo u ward bpth dm- milba mboical co tannta roumuuon rrtnelpaeat flmt wbnn wo undertake ui fill y wr prnrrliuonm w give uwnn otir undivldod atttntlon and beat oar tho patient 4 welfare la our first con wldu ration hooond wo guarentne our druga to lqiif full btrnugth a well aa pure and frti tlilrd our euiiuunern aro aupdled with juut what uiny ajilt f or auladitut log la novor allowtml aihich tkijtltv olta1inun if you ani a aufferrr from kidney iihww liver conidalntltlmdtrouhnnt 1 houmatlhiu mmrajgla or kiorniiu proauratloii we 04 nlhlently reoora orkd the nmi of pajnea oelory com snind tlilw rellaiile and never dta- ipoltithig modlclne la a true dueaae ihuiuhnr und ayatem builder w wunply tho genuine lina oelery miimiund a t llrown anton ont castor i a lor infknu and children tba km yon han junn baajkl uaars tin jgoatajr w en npvnr tmplaco a friend wlifu a iimii u fortunate enough to uvu iu vrwl lie hnda they are all dlf r t1ut no nun ilea a douue in friend whip srhllur roaqottiih b1u rkljlow 1 wo inwyi ra before a prdialn jnilgr itttotly k lulu h wrangle at i 111111 nf tlu dlbpulaiila loalng control ivitr bla emotloim exclaimed in li ppoui ut sir jon nr- i think the ldg hku i ivi 1 iihii the muroituim to eel 1 yia uwiti m ordtrl mdrf mid the jndg kiavnly von kmni to ftifget that i mlnlh im111 m all skin diseases can be directly traced to bad blood therefore to get hd nf tbaae akin dw enaoa it lt ahaolutaly neoeaaary that the hlikul alioulil he thoroughly claaaaed of the aceniiiulittotl jkhmioji and for thu nurimme theie la uolhintf to euual lulr loclc luood lllttei ilua leiueily luui bocn do- tho market lor over thirty live yeara and when you iua u you are not expenmenuna with uome new and untned remedy mlu lulla lucliel ktaltuad fork nil write i have been bothered with salt itneum on my liaruu for three ear and it itebed u i didnt know what to do i tned everything but nothing uwnnl to imi any good i beard of uurdoclr luuod h litem and bought two itotuoa of it end now 1 am perfectly ciiired anil lutve tiii kolt jtheum on my unnda any more 1 ran not apeak too highly of iturdoek blood lhttenu manufactured mdy by the t wllbum co limited toronlo oat icpjxinsi atttfuujcprcparalmororan siiniuui uxllxxlaiulit vjult ud the skiw4s and dowcb of promoets vnjeshpnrti m dcss and rteslxonuins nritrirr ojhum morrduiic nor tcncjal notnauoutiv igastqria for infanta and children the kind you have always bought boars tlio sigriaturo of in use for over lxactconrop thirty years castoria bank of hamilton lo rvallm the inipotutiic of ujjnhiy u to tciuin the habit of iwvuig and ol iommullng your savings hi a hunk vuu need nul feu oinuarrmamciil 111 depositing ajfcmallaum as uw dolur in the uauknf itanilllon such hlep will mean or jon tho conmieuccniciit ol a now tia of tiie end content h weoktiklown-buancil- w n mckay manntfsr mamilion the student eryoys life at alma college lieeuuee he atutllra in the atmoiiiiliere of 11 trio u iu uhtire hor tulenta are dnveuipetl ultliout f ore inc uhrrn in r edurntlnn la rrnnui h irltual and liliibkut aeeonllnu to in r 1101 id tthu ii 1a the advanluue of imllvuiuul imttrucllon ly lili hlj cinniwtt nt etluculorn itliu ulu protntr cxniuii uiul 1111 tilnmil inr if jj1 twnl ll cooked mini ilt atrvitl hlie ium in luulnil u iliu hurniummmh life tmlulni ut mum in 1 a to lit her r r mil pur- mlilt in ufn tor luinin rouiw hall lltll u t itliiitum ultrmtht kx tonaun ruiniilu liilllm liu icoriu i hy t mirf tunil for i rmiim lua uuil t fir m mnni mmnih iitmin ull ihurahir 0nnli iniit vditrriut thu irimildnl itobort i wurmr i ij1j 111 ttiinu ontario t it u mny junallthw tim man who wihmmmm a imlllnof ir ihnmuu 1clrclrlo oh ta arniml uyuh it muny 111 u will onin a lough hrak 1 oh and preveul wire tbriml it will ro duee the ewelllng frmi nprrflu ruro llir mobl imiroutmit toim end will upreillly hi ui milu mild r uihnltiii ii i a niodltilueuh- lit im if miu cm it im gol tar a tpnttli 1 nf m dollur a man gm rally rhangtm hu mind about what be ran do ufter ho ataitu trying lo do it illu lieltrrby noblrt lmhlnimj to run the rlak of lielng aubjtct in half of llio eiu which we anticipate than to re main in cowardly llatleitauntui for fear of what may happen children ory for fletchers c asto r i a mi 11 are like m mla in thut yoll luivnr rewlla 1 tho worth that y in thi in till yon bury tin in win la arv dullkuininla i hat du apiu 11 win n inajid wllh uolluway a if you an hitviug a i it nf fun 11l it you muy l kt mninoil it la miuii thing of vilih iiikiu will itmlmhly illup pun i many inhvrlt wmk inngx and aa dlutiuiui u 11ml i y aualhi the wcaknut lmlullhehtim iannuurealwiiuukmiuhl lo attack of eold and pultiinnary dh lurlmiicew tho uneedy ute of iii ok hi anil coiihumptlvehyrup will lie found a prevenllveand a pmlbctlon triltli lining the organ no hint limy am not 10 llahlf to diiralignniniit fmiir tkpou urn oc abriuit aluuiaplu rlu oltaiiguu llhklv a hyrup i cheap ami good jrtj concrete root cellar costs less than wood and is much more durable cement it particularly adapted in tho con j strurdoit v1bp cellar floor and walls uxpcitcnco provci that for the farnier con cretti is superior to wood in every point of comparison concrete permit t of n desirable degree of coolness without free in j there is no question a to us durability concrete last not for years but for ages and need no t repair anyone who lyts scooped vegetables froih the old plinl floor will appreciate the fact that concrete often a smooth contlnuouj atirfaco with no projecting plank ctuli or naili to v the scoop ox ruffle the tetnper of th cooper 1 1 lie various nsci to which concrete jiay be profitably put on the farm arc plainly and mm pl in otir loo pau hook what the farmer can do with concrete ttliloli nluwa hew hi follnvlnm farm uiiiiihh an 1 uiiiiium nan ih nimblrooul of 1 rl nrna cularna dalrut dip pino tanka foundatlona rni peata faadlno fluor autlara hana naata hllchlna lou hor dlaclta ijouma pout shallar wall blabla glair btalls bkepa tanka trnuua walk end no forth band for it it a fraa 1 1 mkli it rruularly aolk t r ui writ in tlai 1 canada cement co limited m 60 national llenk lumlo mohtrea1v- bpahklkb lllnid h mi rt7l i fi ly mum ui will na wtnuiihlt ill hi wm wll in m i 11 in 1 li iw hjorlfwhoi i i u d lol ih yut4 1 k pi hy nil v ill r shi ii iii d 7t ilifllhllmii 111 1 hi r i km ua ii lnln in h uh 11 yfh- ii 11 llldwuil ill if i hiul uj lu f 1 in ih r iplld vtl i lltd ihll uh r 1 in u and u t on right miw vil i- il dllf r me holwiu lwl ol11 kiil lwhwih vtnr moiw whwlevui don l j m fcu ihal iwlro 1ii uinkna tw nty mil iwlct ilivrn liiitkii twmtj lwotof iilu lu willi hiaklllg wiihl u tho mnlur with you mr llniwu p 0n t your ipttk any loud ry ik hxiii iiilhiniluutlc 0mii your nionlh nnd throw y nmuir lnli it i ii 1 alitor ithdiiig linn thi glil wanlcir f thu ukhklug foe and nnilhmthid lur deadly wiapoii whal dm u lulnnl hllll n rv itt i lull t i ui imhm uiuui i think ii im nuu kin uliirk out hnr i ngu 1 nniiyi i- what i- an niulnottf l4i why rlt uahm lor g mhiiiiimh aake tommy don t you know anything alioul mythology al all r an pillion wa a fablrd animal half hor half cow luiil i- h rul from 11 wortla piliu ami nx ltdoaicnin a if lluae public udinoladnnt tntch illlhoii iniythli g tiuwadaym had severe pains in back felt as if it must break mr al ml i ati corrle ont wntm i or no nn yoam 1 mifttie from anvern paitm in my 1 ack and could liatdly work til nil und when i atoojtod down to pik tin niiythlng full a if my imicw- i nml im tk i una ndvlaed to try lw kllu 1mb mid a ur taking two inntnu wan untidily eurml and foal that i cannot ajwak loo highly iu their favor 1 itu wim n il lour car aao and i alill remain htl lor luclnrha uui iuck weak luuik t tin m i no romndy wpial to luoi u kidney 1ifjh tor taking oul ih tdtlehim twllcliiim nnil twinjm lliulwirlng up the atllf imink anil giving iierfeot comfort ooan a kiilimy ill urn oo cent wir bor or boxen fori i a t all dealer or inatlwl llrorl mi rernipt of price hy lie t hillium lo r hoited loronto out in ordering iliteal apeclfy donna iim i any fr a man to do thing if glvikikchaiiqe but the world npplauih thu man who makiiu hu own ohanou a pill or juuued valuo parum lou vlgeuhlii pill are tha rouult of run fill ktudy of the noortln of ror lain runt und lnrli and the tuition of uunh au nodative ami luxatlvou on the dlgeullvn hpparntuh llin hiicritnu the rtimpnundrrn liavo met with ntluhtn llm value or thnlr work 1 lit n pill imvt iwi n rernguiicid for tunny y ui nn thu lufct ohanuiru of tint my n to in that can im got 1 hi lr rxc llftiou wu iihittgnlakl from tho tlral nml lhy giow morn populrtf dully doom t it uonnd funny win i im in irnf a milkman holng on tin wnt waggon v sfrifohs gum pntimy 1thijha oar iu hl ka ihnml al laaga uo vata home peophi are an extravagant tba they hotini to tnil uiernly fur thu put pou of wauling wmdh 1 im good may din young hut imv you tn in uokrnd how long a worlhh u nihn nmnagi h to hang on r llimuthiidu of mnthnianiui inullfy t the virtue or mother oravo worm jk terminator iminaumt thoy kno from tixcrlenou how uuoful it lu iow inuti know their own inhidu- and tliowe win do wlh limy didnt ohildreii ory for fletchers o asito r ia it ih nowardlco to wlnh to got ild of everything which wo in not llk hloknim end un r rw only cxlut to fur lhir inuuu ndiirnliou in thin world i thuy will not ht mudud hi llm ruluiii novolol caught a cold which ended in a severeattack of pneumonia too muth i trt m numot 1 n 1 1 1 on the fuot th it wlmii ii porwin rulolnn toll it iiuiml ho iiiiiiium1 to iimieilliitely or aarioiia innltw urn llithlo to follow llroiichllu pnniiinmu u l i kiniip il in urn till rhiimu1 hy i liv hug to ttjre tlohlimlmll mm i w ihvuniii piltullo out write tlirefl ir uj i i iui n rohl which enlul in n worn nttml if dielliuoiiu hiho hint time til 1hn hejthiiilng of iul wluloil tpeiu touidh cild qrv i mil i h imi lnhin mi lunrwt lwim iliililflliliiiik luiiil ciiuuuh hi hu heard in mmi tho room unit wlnltr however irinliil tidul me to iry or womla norway iliio huip njlng it imi holpol he i houitht h imllle uml hohro it wn htilf uhi 1 i wtnt romplhrly i lire i lal hud il t l i uilnuhr liioehll hen ulioi llwv hive i ililu ttownifl of lhi mnnv liiilliillinim i f lr woolhnoimiy llidhyniii auk fo ih wood mil i li on getting wlitit ytu ul fir it input up in a aofk w wrnpper three plue tree iiiq trade murk tho ilii 21 oenl muiiirrlnrel only l i ii i imiiliuni l ljniltnl htniit on it healed my 50res when all else had failed this is what mr edward ihngham of u 8 brant avo brantford eays or zambuk after aa attack of typhoid fovur ulcers broko out on hffl right foot und unklo tho foot and leg wero torrlbly inflamed 1 j naya and tho the cirani trunk railwav pain was vory aoutu i could not woof boot or ahoo and could not raovo about at all i i uboci ajl kinua of lotlona nalvoaund ointments yot nothtns soomod ubio to heal tho ulcers until zam buk was triod vory flrbt application of zambuk rollovtid tho intouao pnin and as i kept on uslng zambuk tho ulcort buan tolook healthier und were leea jjaiuful by use of thin healinr balm the disoharulnif vyau roduoud and healirjpr oommonood aftor a fow wocicb treatment tho iiwelhnp and inflammation wore tanishod and the noreg wore entirely healed x am bo firatoful foi my euro through zambuk that connlder it tny duty to lot others know of tho morltii orthis roat balm what zantbak should bo used for fnrll nuane katm fraat i lk lt rlfiw rn fill h i- i ij i tio hhl h 1 1 mlfh4hi 1 i punl ui 1 or i i o a u 1 lh ljirima idl nt rally ah li jgimn an i at 14 ball at tin i- x t jrwruiuih llik i xiilo u i tf u w1 a iimt urn hi iiilltlii a i uutllut kwi tl o 1 llti itul 1 oitn ml iluk mi n nry pa ka alhiiure 1 lynk free l im i neyy fall hats m m s s jj 1 cants newest uptodate g njw voiik styijis s s ik flats g s sec my special hat at 00 s s r e nelson f 3maia1a1bihbaibbtliimatbtbtharmmiihblma1hmblaialbhaiaim warmest kind for cold weather tougher liorsehlde will never be found becauar tltc beqt la uktsll or sloryd giovco and gauntlets and yet the nkin hccautif cnrefullv tanned by the chrome procctn ia made plmhlc insuring extraordmnry wear reuiulance waterproof nnd j5sv hrcproof tlie beat working gloves on the vwsslsy murker sold at nl mtoren in ust i stoveyo aotosont wl paper makers j10kosjoii v hv t hook nkwh ami cofouko ialklts ino imtaitnint the excelsior bakery llrsl quality llrcad caus wedding cokes he meat of wlic t pickannu iancike a v lour maple sytup anil hoiiuy holbrooke fiixoruo punch stuc iluiius picltln 5 vir- u tic ojsttr ami llsll ui 1 lint oy opiiltmir orj t stwhanison main st acton georgetown fltorah go gl outlfilown currtowot gftowtrs luncral and wcddln orders a specialty agents wanted iii alary townaul tumtiullii in oulatla luiahaoruialur northern crown nursery stock 1 av u 1 1 all urn i uillu t 1 miulvloirtt iv w tmktlldlly ttrettium k i halt uuvrl in lliita rwuhllllou it iwya la isll ur uluuf ntiu 1 auiiilt u ht wtlta tar iiaruauuiw port bloin nunstlllv raiitrraih ostauio woodemciravinct photoengraving r tones any claks of dkitmnamjaivcbiaiift jucvwbaiihcs c jutwstndl temperance hotel fouuhki bum uv mb ium rocftwood tontark iabhknukn trains i ii hi i 1 id 0 1 l iu r iai i up mi slushy weather coming plttrtty soon 1 lie mmkoii j to yiahtinft uei feat an i tuiamninu dial if you n i ixo vllrtwlili u nhy wnihnr footr he wiw at i ui llin a i1r 1 imr wateu and wejfther- ihoor shoes 1 u 1 11 i ik an1 clim llnl you hsio ihii itiml itj mlnj fc thoy are hiul warm an i ntotlljltl an yet are wmarl rn tli in ofnsranco lo vear in any lit duoailor at witjlias mill strtct acton your chopping will be done quickly and vicl on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockvvood chopping mills 1 lour oatmeal bran shorts i lie heit at lowest price harris l co limited the berlin steam granite and marble works castun niiaon roprietoa owa ff ami iliilliwuo lllatuaa maiia- itrfoimi xlonunnnli marlers sail head vit ni an i all id ml ol artistic cemetery work wm hemstreet ag i nt acton everton mo eden mltls l he best quality of manitoba itmily and pastry flour i or s lie it lowest price our own maud choppiiift done ind onts rolled daily 1 eed for sale ctsii for heat and oats henry hortop eo uuur patents tltadc mamw dcoh oopvmoht 4o ktvillf aaoartaln eur tallinn laeroeablr m w m wl h and scientific junericaii aftudmejaly ulitiinu umaew i jasa watson mnvlnif iiecuiml i e a holal will cmdut1 li i ait a hut cm up- to ilate hoial at miojeralti talea 1 ikecoejiorl and arcommodailon of ihe iravelllnr iiihlli mil he ghesn lie mo careful ktlenuon goorj uvmry tn coxuatacuon patents iphomptxyaecdrepi l wilia for oer lwiggmin twwka l m j ho 1 wlaeiafn reniia roefh iktuii t r amdl of mrlel tendon riii tevrii l 1 wf wlnyilltftej tnraainr ilul nul 1 vlillir ultpiefaaem ixuntat u hcwcttd apelpbaeq euit iuci ill i i i- t nfltrr meattaj iaelwahumloni lw lincutemtmam ty llimhii w ikanl biuartiromlhvtilt 1 llticelrthnm- linil- rf i ln maitoa ca mll lion rccah a pclal nolle will tnix flwiaifc ll evr ico uawpoj ai uui lhuto4 larevimai a u11 iu minion f u b bpauattyi mtont tulnetl j utwtm larara and itnnl ivrla marion marion f pnt eph m bllollm7 j

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