Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1911, p. 2

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riftl ad hodto t jpllb uallad i knox church anniversary a royal governorgenlral nut tiiimui- lila s7lh ui hnbimao at htm january hill william uomm of llradlonl opt ud m ywaia 1 oai villa fcrlaay hllaabvui uh luen uooln ffibe cioir 3frce rtss thuiwimy 1kiihuav 2 lull bditoillat notes uuslph la tt have rob a for th oiilf me waa unoa divided in tit tw camps on lbs uptltui of lh hat lint llm olty survived tin ugratltiff lullusiicu utah 1 chains toronto hontll mayor dlln- n ealiual made in oiidon iiif- untl u that lurititf 1110 canadian entarprlae eaknd fur ami nhtahiml about 170000000 by laind ami loaa- ihubi taltsn uy in kuglaiid tlili tiro twtil y a on of thn cause of tin aatlva buafneea that prevailed in jati- ada durlpg the psat twelve months according to a return ptannld to the oommun laat monday the coat of th dominion henate for thn hac year 1000 11 waa vllluua 00 tlm in demnity alnn laat ynar amounted u aoofuil l travelling iikimii- vi- mtti the coat of the heilat tuff w ovar t4u00 take notice eloquent and by haw us o umlaeaa m a of oualph ilaiiait cononkqationhattrhu he anniversary of knox chnmh hold uat litatoday waa in all twtpllrtm ftratlf ylng and auceaaaful the praaohav uf thu day wbjl huv xv tl vv1m1ii 14 a tf ht audraw a jliiirrlt utixlph and lilt anrmnne wnro milch apprvwaltul and enjoy thn mualcal pail of the aervhee liy lb choir umlrth leadership of mr a t maou ably uuulnd their vnpu- tallnu at tlm lituniing wrvlri the annum- kiluu waa uiiumnulod liy thn titimi- tmr- or llm llaplll oboroh aod lo thu evening ly ihoati of llm muuiodutl fjhurrh luv mr iiorrtll aaalalod at 4rvlrr tuttl u li aotllrf at il luv mr wiuon4 aaroion jn tha hitirnlim waa an iiln unri thnihtfol dkrourai atldroaond ttnmiully lit ohrullaiia and kshortitt all to u iiikii atundsi it curutiaii i if- and rhair- riolallv apioinlku tiiih mln vlra mr viu tltn ttiwn omiticll of colllniwood laat wittk ailotrl tlin following t-oaoln- tlon by a unanlnioua votn that itt tho opinion of llilalooiioll ihtt ijcnna- inapeotor apmiitrl ly tlm oovnro- ineiit la not dolntf lila dutyj a oil tltn law regarding iocal option and ita anforoamnnt la not rvcvlvlng from hint thti atuntlnn lila mvaltlnn demand- a copy of th rbmtlnlhxivfaa forward- ad to tl ulnuuir in charfra of tha umdn leprtmnchllla p t1i cocftlna olaitaa to the opium bill whlnh will b inlrhr in tb uoum of common by tlm lion william lyon uackanxla king la a dlraot raatill if tha investigation uiada by a llttln band of worker in montreal wbn uav fouod that tha aocalna anufllng bvll haa rtuuahml largo prop4irtlona tb city and timlry and la doing un- ulddamar to tha hoyw and glrh oatuda mr kln will uk for alrlot ladalatlon attlng an aliaduu ban on thttaalaof oocalna in tbn dominion of oat ad except for tnadlcal purpoaaa and providing heavy ptinlabinent for vlolmtora of the law spring is coming a hi tikn of oor vlvln r vim during lhe flrat nltta mnntha of 1010 th nuinbar entering canada waa 274001 divided a fnllowat from uraat llritaln u0uui from the united buuat opa0bt fttwi oonunenul uurope flloil for ibn entire year 1100000 la apparently a aafa nallmate while aotna eatlmate go a a high aa a third of a million it la alao etlntald that of thla number about 1hdi00 will attla in the three prairie irovlncmt avnd dhtuh onlumhla of theaaalmtitt bo00o ar from the united htaua 70000 from great urltaln and the bauaiuw from continental kurope am fa u capital in oaah and rffneta la oonoarnad the avaraga united btaua attlar baa aomawbat over sloooj the avarmga bhtlab aettler aliout slfio and the average continental european about 1u o at tl lixik aa haixxl of thu gopl or chrlat il la tlnrpowtir ut oml unto aulvallon to ovnry oim thai hullevoth i lo thu juw flrat and alao l4 thu- ci reek lloul ll 10 he aald there am aonie uaaagea of acrlptnre wbloh aould be ualiafurrod loaltnoat any part of llm ulhlo and yl not loau much of tbalr utranlng and hiwer j tlila paaaagu would mean great deal anywltaiv but it mjuih lnfjllly mure addraud aa it la to ophi living in tlm hooixn capital ilia llomana werx at the height nl llmlr hwer wild glorlod in thali alrvngtb and hlgneaa what tha dapll moat in tbn cbrlallaii tallglnti hm apinreot wettknoaa hut iv u i tallw tbwiu thla la no wvak thing it li a powr greatur than that of qaaaar itu the titwl while thelia i the powr of man we totiny almuld not im iialiaintd of the go ml if ulirlat for two niutini- flrat ihtcattaeof what it la in itelf and eecondly itecauaa of what it baa done for humanity in ancient tlmea tha jew a looked upon cod ae an all mwrful itelng but not aa a kalhnr to tm loved and revered the goapel of chrlat baa changed all thla it niakea poaplhle e hrotlierljood to which all claaaea may come irre- btctlve ot inana vlawa 1aul waa not aahwnad of the croaa of jfeail chrlat in tbeaa daya crlllca would have the croaa down until the average man can acaroely aae it we muit atand for a full croaa once you 1 1 initial tlm dttctrlitea of the atone- nant you take out of the croaa all that a worth living for it la the aatiie goapel tonight are yon aabamttd of itv do you live up to ita inachlngap i do not want to be miuharl labia but i am afraid that not ten per cmil of llm nongrrgallou to night bailee unongh to llvtt up lo it if you belli in thu gimivel nf chrlat that be dleil for you nil calvary it ehould lift you up in concluding mr wllwiu naked what the world would have ihwii with out the goapd we may iwcome peaalmulla and wonder t thu work of preadlng the gnmi baa imwii worth while but aa wit look hank w an the dlltorenre in rindlllona in chrlat a day and thlu tlrn ibn dlffereucti of condi lloiia on land and ana t avn thu change that ha oomo over the pagan world and w are cnmpellnd to wlmll thit lb baa immmi worth while the teaching of jeaua chrlat ta rbpnnlhl live crtwllt to the power of the croaa tha new tariff agreement waa pr- aented to tha lloua of commona laat thuraday by finance mlnuter field ing while the agreement baa natur ally not been glvrii an unanlmoualy favorable reception either n canada of the united htatea there la a atrong feeling in ita favor on both at ilea of tlin line and there aro atrongprolihluilfe that it will b adopliml by lol oountrlea to aome extent the agree- tnant la out of the range of ihtlttlca and many conaervatlvna glvtt it their approval while other who are mipport- ra of the bovernmnt generally ateak in opposition to aome fnalurea of llm aujieemeot tha eel big la pretty general that while in noma localltlw tha atueaided tariff tnay j oilod ilia advantageoua thncomttry ka a wholi will ifeneni by the adoption ul tho ahangea propoaed by the hgrnadiunt onrwboho corn krs th january tlmw put an end to tl b4hm1 alelghlug but tlm tnowftilt thlt week la lie ping it again mr ii oa of fitn atupk on tha stb ult waa well uttmdd mid good pride were raallkitd a joint atock cotuimiiy baa immui or ganised with a vnw of building w public weigh ucalwa buru at the laat moating of the acton town council a bill waa preaented hy thebnuho hallway hoard rctiuoallng that municipality ui pay a ahara of ui imhvantuu t the railway ut aiu ganiitrpiajj webonitaincatr very unfair lo acton for while we are alwaya very proud uf our pretty little auburb yet until it liecomea an- naxad thla municipality ahould pay ftir all ita publlo i in prove men ta we are plaaaed u learn that mr a u hoy wanabrough who baa bean undergoing treatment at ht joeepli ifoepltal uuelph for aome time la now improving m j gamble baa lieen confined to hla home for the paat waek thcougb lllneaa f i limbihoubb mrlievl havens of wawou saalc baa bean staying at uraabouae tha laat ix weekaj vlaltlng hla slater mr jainea u lane and mr kdward marshall ilia daughter acoompanlea him mr havenm intend returning boina ry soon onaofthe draw ttllna ja alreatly in oommlanon and lirnlng out lime of tha wellknown toronto lime on quality thar has been mora kiln wood brought in this winter than for several awaumos manager vtowdy has also got in a supply of log for lumber mrs hlolutrd marshall spenl friday with friend in acton ilia itoyul lllgh- auglit the only orla llm o brlnrf lidwarm llm lmrmakr i umliof ilia majraly king jeorg will in knitoilmr nat ih inv r- uor bnual of tuiihu in utu i hh lo kail imy onhh1 uitllb at ion to ihal nt bna bu roc w by tbn joiiirttmol tint diitti and ooflm wllh llmlr hxau will uke up tblr rrlhmr ml uldoaii hull in hi- 1 in in r xfuwblh boimi itnprov iu r- oonttimplaud ror uiltl ho wind on- liuprcaalvn building to nwi it loo ill krnlii wllb a roy rllm it haa ihu umtm tlntt owing in 1 1 m ltoyal lllghmma ifi- in inulnnd ua nuxl in rank to the king in ropl of onuui auu runolloi landing tlm minority of tin p in o walne h ould hardly apuiil i cmukiim ut prxhuiit any dlmimlih- in tbu tuapaut baun lwivvnui iiil ikih dmmi lii-unnomulill- md tit mluluul iblri nf king imwnl ll lh importance utid alalua nf cnml u tint tlrat daiiubtor of the kmphi atiuhl u aultably ruciignwid by th ppohttinitut of u fore in om l muniber ol iht iloyal family to rupreaent iii- crown lidtr will lw crrlit nol llotli bvnaiia of lila high pualtliin and imi catixi of liliiwu parunalliy and liu blomlahxd iociiki aa a uoldlur am aliiillalialnrlhiuktiiappolutmuul utioldully wvlroiued by llm onterii- matit aa it will in by tint luoplt of catuda aa a whole omiilal lntbu llliu to thla iffuul baa uu aant to hla majraty king cvorg u la uudf ratood that tlxri lu- unlhii nf ralmhluhlug u itoal couit iti canada un hlghmma will ilk hla ii- l brimmiallii oovernor and aavt foi tlm fant of hla hoyal lluuagu mid tbn addnd urlut mid illgnlty tbua glvmi lo tho iwwt of tlovernoigrnaral llmto will imi no change in the pmarnt happy rtilatlon- shlp of governor ami pwipli with tlm reprsaepiutlve uf the crown at tlm canadian capital tha dukes connection with canada la a lung and pleaaatit ontr forty yar ago wheu a young man of twentytb ilnko caiun in uiimila and served aa a soldier through tbn fonlan raid nllice then din duke haa ae vnral times relurnad to canada iitinh tlmn enhancing not only hla own but hla family popularity it will alao iki kemeinlerei that hla aon frlnne arthur won gnhlnu opinions in ads when hit lonmd tli dominion four years ago lhilri your nld liarium llinl ma linril lrmuli ami lalug lluiin u w j gnitdont acton tin iwyi l khll i ikici audquimy u liiamriiiith wj gordon acton children qry for fletchers o ast o r i a let u3 be your solicitor our prlntinil will help your trade lvery kind or commercial law nd social l in op to date slylm win in jvj jobitork call ut tthlt oflc be 2vtlohjre tytu nabsaqawklva ilia annual meeting of nasaaga- weya agricultural koclety waa held at llrookvllle on wlday jilt i inat the financial roport was very satisfactory showing a balance on hand from last year of over lift 0 nicer were alocled aa follows froaldnnt frank wboellhan flrat vlcn frnaldent alex molmiedoran i huctmd vlre irealdout win raid hectreaa jt w akin m j cart on rohlgnml the position of hentreaa aftnr giving font ynam of fulthful and very hallafactory service tbn dlrentora intend putting rmtb nieclal rfforla to still fortlipr popular- m thu fair hev a ulalr ii awllldullvur tin annual adlma at tfte iiitellng of aoion hlblnhrbty mi thursday uvtn- ui th luut dhuq biiai1u atfnlhlum national drug v ulipmloal co nf cinsdw 11 wr ccnl flrat pjcfuitinfle uharm of ci cunh atu now juoled on th 1nndnn nmrbet at u preimilm of 11 p n ibt preeul prion iklng ill 2j ill ok atii or nuv allahhalt aarwl indian mualonary foi many year at paury hound fairy hound jau 110 tbn hnv a llrin hull dlnd on hum ay night at tin mgi of itloitylhreu yuura ho win a fnllblnoded indian of the ojii- way tillu born at mlaalaaaliga in 1b1b hh was adopted und educated by lie v willuia caso father of methodist ifldlal lillortatlaml gradiialed from jnktorbhtfrrfflpmarsahnoiiiriiiisrl hit tinlitrad tint tnimatry of the kietho- dial chlirch lu ikoll and for ih yeata oonllnuud in active woik sorving in many mlualona hi ontario ami for a trni in tbn north west torrlfories hm waa tbn mlaalonvry fur many years at 1arry laland wluirn bn mettled when mupeianuualed in 1001 oatariih o an mot sb ourkod 0i irfmjai- aittiloationh aa lliav nanaot rwiti iba aai ul ilia rilaaaa ialult la a blood at aunbllludoaal rtuaaaa and lit onlar in 4t u you mut taba intanial raniadim hall a calsrrli our it takan lalanialll had acu dltmtly oo tlia blood and inuooua auiuaaa ilallaoalana jura la hot a ij hall a oalanti tjnre la hot a qfiaok niaillalnv iiaerlbedbyooaif tlia baa plivaloutia id bala eountrr m yaaiaaad la a rvflufi aeilplloo l la eontpoail ol iti u kuoao tkhabliiad hiui ilia aouaff dlraauv att iba nn pur ant eonibluailrm of tba wo ltiarsdl wbacproduaaaauali woa4tul raauliald autloa oatanb hd tor alltaaaiaja fraa v j till kn hi xrtprqbtutdlano o mold hv iniirilits prloatflo take llallarabiurlla roeonatlalloii ilwm wonderfully oomfortlng hing in se providence gatafter our nolgb it nn use signing to imi a sun if you re not burning tho little lamp you have shmtsgupe nadruco la 55e metropolitan bank paid up capital rust 1m0mm lo7h09t head office toronto ont every department op banking conduclml with pcllliy accuracy ami kiirliyi farmers dubinebb glvn panlcular allonllnu sale noteb dimaunlw or imuiivo or collaclion savings department 1 no will omii an acctiunl iiiwrn alio ill ol ilmll no delay in wiilulrawnl joint aooodnts may iw nnenixl ii llrc1 taunr may wlllidrw lundv ilial clllir nl luj hcton m brown brhnch manager mbmbmhhwmmwhstammmmmhhmmmm something new s b s s under the san 3 implements and machines for the fanner front any manufacturer in canada or the united states at the lowes possible price 5 jbcfj to iiimouiic that i amj prepared b tosupplymachiiier ot every mnltc witliobt ex- j g ception and that i will not in thti future confine w smyscll to any particular manufacturnrv g believing an i clo that no single concern has m a monopoly of all the rood thiiiii i amoinj h g after the host in each let trie know your jj g preference and i will endeavor to uupply if i g b have made a direful examination and am pre- g b pared to rccorrltnund the kindd most suitable for g b this district s 8 8 me right house hamiltons ravohitk shopping place in addition to implementti marhtnes and vehicles i will give attention to roolinimater- ials wire fence machine and qoal oil alio tho celebrated white bronze moiumeitn american coal qil 18c per gallon g a black auctioneer mllfst acton two leaders mclottc separators daln may liiadcrf 3 first february furniture sale the annual bight house sale or bed and bedding lias also been opened tmal tlmainalml aaleauf jlil bavenprnmlatjba- ltl jnuiwour 1 ul 1abruary ulo of 1 unillure anloir annual into j lll an1 itnlillnr lu lutnr 11 1 a aaln with m wklnapreail irrptljllon for valim glvlik scores of acton homclovcrs always wait for the annual right house bed and bedding sale slut our lai1 ltolaiul llatllliistula l imi lllit hon iliffcl lloo ihaa we 0 on 11 11 mm sim lo iwlp joil imnuli u llirnlmro 1 iiuk lux iane1 what your lniiill iiomhal iluccd price j somo furniture prjcci idi m llclmim iultfl it if oo 15 rw j im 7 rwi llirvuiraal jl ui no id tin jl ki jumm oak hod t 41 so at quarlri oak 1uu ill oo 35 wi uahakiy 1 illvll luxu j im i u ualnr oal llulfnla 1 j t w 15 j5 w imnliik loomulle ji mi joo to 150 oo v k 1wiharclnlit 47 00 t 00 fs b m m vi 11 on furnlturo covorlng all nrdma uk lerovfiing laiihiui1 itwnlviul iluitth 1 et hilary uill mean a in c illscounl on be cm of th covetliik in you bods boddlng etc t oo lllkllibl llrtu s io on 1 lrai4 llotlu 1 3 05 4 3 05 45 00 ii lw 31 oil 4 05 mattrossea roduood kejiular im lfi mallea i o blotikots roduood lujjuur wool lllanlflu 1 75 as 4 37 3 tth r rod quilts etc ll li while qullla 3 jo lied bireain f wi foatliar illlowa ll 31 3 1j 5 no ilftu xbliitiigfiiunlfi n0tick v luil will i- t j litj wantkdi oiuuatoiix i ial a b lll wu wall llilla1 taelw duvflau tllvmco utau watch am tiik ii am lion iatkitli iolt mojili hktau5 of llllsli samiu 1beltlil hnuui haa inualud and jfjl in ur a lnuiio imi connected immnllately wltll any ona ol ilia jo and iiiam rfaparlmanl wilchlmiard lvouli which you can ketukn railroad parks refunded on a liberal plan i thomas c vatkins limited king and hughson sts hamilton ont boys suits on sale at less than cost jwyamili very upeclal offer made biikhiomi i111111 111 tha lioyv irhou 011 butunluy there ar ut ill u nutnlhir i of gool vsbini toll slid it will ny you n look them ovnr tlmy are not the ordinary choitp sale uu t butjood urunpr well made rultn roin our tcfiilur atokiiont pattern lu tweeds and rottlnln alo blue bergsu tustla in norfolk or plulu ihi or tlnubii hrraild ttylu a and 3 piece uuitu nlxefi 34 lu 34 tr 400 and 450 knits at j 05 s 5 00 and 6 no imlu ut jloo 650 and jnnsuitiint 4 ns 7011 uud 7 so buihtut s loiio unit tmano sullii ntjlls ladies coats half- price we are olfotlim for i4iln sua lol nf thin 1x1110111 coiih it hairlntu livery coat in tho lot ii a uunple of porfrtt bulonug and ut llio iuulur price i jood vuhia ufgulur io iui coatu for s reulur 111x1 coitlu for iiino kriilur is ou caali for 750 hculur 18 oli couu for 00 our mens suit sale is an opportunity for you to save dollars wo propivy all axprttsa freight and poatugo nlnurffoa on all goods tratfartllam of biko orvnluq band rjaj your prdor by mail btunploa ohoorfully bubmitbad jon uo d e macdonald bros cor wyntlham and macdoncll streets guelpii ont thb lion jta victims 01 consu m oil i lilt ani two cillutuiln at mukkokaiwilj iiospttal are now uodor treatment hi too had lleea m ivmenta tra- tedyloi koi ii to heavy debt 00 imttltutlom ianjlliliu wn with tlmin aiwl tbautlte tttht lunrj waa alfmitad ret iw lwieilwimikl imuli wui a mory from the iuaknla rie hoapiul for ounatunuvaa i1u of a tootbac wuo wiu iter tmonhlldrni ia now under troat tneiitinlliatlnatlluunu thehuahaihlliad immmi a patiol ltut tlm ouowil an ad- vanooil mh wbou the naauaal anural and he luoi alnoe unl away thwfela lltua doubt but uwt tlia wifn was infeouwl as a imaullulnairlnif fmt iwr bualtand siki ik1w auialuuhabulokalliaiiiul liar little i1 himmii livo jwtia of arjn alul a ifiy of tan ate tth itiir ltli lioliic arllntoil witli tlila ibnatl dimikaao 1ihi wiinla nf um kwitlwr a pauiauo fik 1 ilia 1 i wautto a ibiul uot hilit tl nualnllu my luila to ace wlwtlter uhiinwauau imi mui tbal a htlhi rj lw lwip- i lm a bltia nrl auml tunjwianll alwl umi dim- mn tttat if i mhtltl ukn lut up wltl inn it would dnbnr nvr mi milch naal ut alw ta itob very klninjf i itav ihrue dkirn ehlldrun and one ol tlunci a imy ul ifui annnut alw ti lie afllmtlnl and t u ttdvimhle tbati iw hlmiukl euler umi unt- jlal tbeae uime arti uf lu i ft tliu wim ara keakleata in thla dnwrvtnif i null tall mi bik helna nerod fur wlllumt lnmy slid without lahon tlo aurry pait of it la uiat tins tiuateai are oerryinjf a debt nf mne thlnjthkeu0vocaid4urtwlur the at idit tons tlia t liave lieen luailo wltlilii the laut year and that lutve hmhii than doul4ol tbn aisnhiinumlatlimi of he liwlltu- tlon uajelber with tlm iwavy coat n main talnlng aa lama a uutaber of five atieiila lteadera wbo dealre to liolp uila peel nliarily may hcixl uwilrjoontiilimtliihaitii mr w j jin halrnutn kmll umi mltun k4 8iadlna avnm c u ilia hon- atarj tmaaulmr 347 kln atroat went tmtn no man lsmastfr or himself who nan not control the guest in ills heart titer never nan lie sunifllnnl publlo vlrtiiv in a life to iwlsnre private when a man rets arrulnr with bis qonacleitra yv y sure his sppnt- llruaro inisy 25 suit lengths of the finest imported scotch tweed suitingit and went of england woratedh the regular prices for these goods arc from 2i5 to 35 a suit your order taken today for any one suit made to your measure in the latest uptodate style finttclass in every way for is a suit r e jstelisblsr kiln wl wantki aiiulln 1 w llowhy ungh u 1 iiut uu4 l uwaa ciiokjk uijiljdlnfl x0to ioi1 bali ixmllwth- lulut loia iikaiinuoiim aoo iiousk and litri t oil uali1 ill vt 1 will with hi- i i uiilil luuntli vu putlaa miltkit ofondolenck 1mim nnllu 1 e lbu ut u hwiilmi- l i a mil lu ltlsl iual to aiuod alr a kiiiuy w m ana uw tikm iill il uiillf in l fl unoa in uw waa a mull lu our dilfauw aad nauilnr liu lm11 tajtbtal nor lta liiiiiu talufaclorv vnrvloa lu uia llrlmd lu tlia ucmi auitflw wliull llajt eutia lo tb faoaia o all lulu mill w ihi wnly ilia loaa of a wm- m v nollu vn huieod chw ii iuxm hhnui caki 0fj11ank8 rplli uixlfoluiixl ilali aa mllt of iwa- x ul v- aixllaium r luaatalulli ubunlial llitf liaty bmaalirtnt btditratby and aa liuilu1 hlnliu uul1 16 ua tba una ol imi tl kuiuw lu llio attddau uaul ol oaf iuili5lliiu in ui ti lilflli atb la watsh ear iiuiihhi iid vy luu oil in twito i b tt kmn mil tnliullu riloh oaublk till n iota ai aatoo n0tick n olitaf in kl lu nail aaulofl liy tha t amnio huliuf lu lullway jhiiiiy turao aot aatbar- laliuiacimiwiit il ua una trom aoola tmlnt on iu ll ot unllu ijiw1 tntwriffjl t i xltit hi nr liair ilia town ul aillioa iba luutuyif haunn aaali uinkili o aar 1m tuwiiililu t tumiui rralabnar oa kaqaaa- inif thai ic ixkctliaf ly li a point at or tba villa til anton in ilia bald county ol halloa ilula iilllia liuuy t wauiloo asd tu llanll- u111 in ilia luuoty ul wantanhtb bavlax uiiumili uf lieajr tlm tnaiiaiilpa ol uoalpti watailihi dinarua rualioeli lunailary iruaa o vuhaalliacflullumk antbor laullialaauaof imiiuuim lmialiala aaa aaralt ilia coin i any tallaay to l niuliimul una wauiwaya and lilliway- and aiuo tbo unw inr ilia duniuiaiioatiiant aud ooaatalaa of ui iall at tnioiiu itila ao lay nf jnuajry 1011 ihlvdli iiumiikuhvn tiulan llanw llulldlnl tornnto lelluln for tixoot1 huliuilatt railway ua cxshl pkid pob fowl raw rurs junk i u 1 i all linda of uknltluw- juc sx3 3pcgtow hortherm grown trees aiu imf iiuiii umy taavati llalm luu uilf llv iraoaabanlaa luilt illafklxii uwbnlaa mat tlaaaa ouaukalltau if all hind nnvwav mhiuuw luaimi fluamlatf hlivulra cumb- tiawwkwahimmiilty btl for my cao- alihu ll tafia tl wlitua atory man ttm una tf wismers nursery lout kbuin ontau10 wellington mutual fire insurance company tlin uitunil amutul mooting of tltn wcllinjrtnn mil hi ul iiro inwiirutitc cnm- pulty will imi hold in ho cumjuuiytt plllt0 ciielnli 011 wednesday klli day of february at g p m to rccdkn thu rchit of tlm dlrectnni with kiiiiuuinl stntnniont for the year the olcuum of uitoltorh for tho cimulriif yciir tint ntlivi hiiniiiomi mlevnat to the lu co u 11 1 john davidson secretary and lands in the west the merchants bank op cknhdh choosing your bank yitlle coiutnrvativc maiiifcmcnt and utrong liiianciul condition of thin bank arc very oiifulitial features which should inllucnco you 11 hulcctiiif a dcoository for your navingi ill is binlc wishes to serve a larc number of depositors with whom it can have close personal relations call and allow lis to explain our new system of treating joint accounts iotal assists tittetihn acton branch p a maclcun manager armors or olhnra ihliialnft- of tabltig in larnl landavr iniyllu latitu fur itivehimeut sin invlled 10 rail ami fcui inn i am impaioj in hiniklirflllihulnltirtuallfiiiasloilo ilrnlil1 locations intuit prlcosolc specially conducted excursions- with rfprtimjiililhaa hi charge will im run ilurlim ilia apiltin and early kiiimnor wlinn all heedful in fo tin ui inn ami altl in aecurlnif iiniiwiiy wilt tm nlven ll tint rintenlatil to call lll-ra- litre anil oihor infnriusiliui will imi pnniiiiily lorwarhtl liy iljrtln a e nldktln winter x -to- mexico colorado califoroi ancl paciric coast points the druud trunk kullwny system i thu thitnilul routu from all olula east throiiko lnitiuui via chkuiro pcatures j lhniblo truck 1uat sorvlto kin eat komllmil mnt1jru ktpilptnsnt uxrxcel ut niiilnu cusoiykf all elements of sufuty umi cnuifoit to the sunny south l no uuitu irhlralitt roil to than via tlriniil ti 1111k utnl innuculluo llima very low rates 1 111 oilnriimlitin titlutii tie from hsholmes agent acion ontahio wllliiswtos

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