Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1911, p. 3

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spectacles and kyjfi u1ah8kh in boilb gold aolo pillkd and niokkl framii w cut repair your tjpactacu at iiym g1mm w kmp in uook a lull hm of frame l and tampu and can d your work neatly and will prompta f give ub a cau geo hynjjs maiiii1aoi l1ckmb1ks laiuia rteal estate tmey t loan tit lowest rate of latareat large number of farnta fr ule cheap srwellltiflh nn4 utcr property in all parejrvrtb m we have every lartlfty tor trajuacttn our baainr to yonr eowplote satufaruon j a wiixouchiiy urorgrtowu thuhaday kkiihuahv a lull brief local itlms february second month the prolongs january thaw did not and the winter helton ivntactlvn awaorlullmi hau u5 tn amber unrolled ii i uoore lu nal i ln licenses at hi office or ruahluiirc the wk kiited with vnry toll blhiaardy wwllicr rtrr lh ml id u woodsy waa tlm chlneae now yaar iey this i- nleo llwlr leap i it la proposed lo transform tlm imperial hot jtiolph into three atom the weekly choral hncinly rehear aal be been withdrawn fur intxt mon day evening tbe training- f wimmi and bura lo town baa been reauttirtl with tin- im proved aleighlnfr the ice liwn hsvn imton huy with their harvest lately tho i i op i vrry good thla season governor elcflibhon rorta alk urn vafrrsnu in ii 1 1 ton jail with no- thlny for them to do theiunkr uonlrce uunlph i to be improved by the exhittdllure of 17000 alteration the mow fall uti mttftway saved the sleighing again mnd it u now quite pais us in ruoat plae the holme jl uerdou billiard room have bean reniovru tn llje nee- ood floor of wajlacaa tor mia duly is i raining oakvllln methodist hunday bchool for a concert to be given next monday evening the annual report ahow that tint reoelpu at oakvllle kalr last fall were cboo id advance of any previous year the big thaw ol laat wiwk aliimiel annihilated the sleighing after two ftill month of better winter road than usual mr charles of toronto will da- liver an address on ideal in kniix church thla evening iln will alno render aeveral kilos the apodal aervice in the mntho- dlst church are belnff continued from- nlght in night thla week they may cl however any nlgbt- the membera of wellington coun ty council have voted iiuuum1vin k per day for their eervlcea they have four aeealona of about alx ilaya each the congregation of the methodlat church will attend the luptlat ohuroh next sunday morning and tnjoy lh anniversary wroiun of iln vmf matthewe imnelpalhlewarl lanim 1h1 hotue from parry hounl on hat unlay he will reauma hladulina here next mon day mr howard lllaok haa proven a very aatlafaniory autwtitulv oobourg complalna of the large number of children wbu are allowed to run the atreeta at night and the town council baa been petitioned to puim a curfew by law hamn iter jur j h ieaeoak mllum haa been appointed oenaua taker fur the county of halt on for the dominion penaua there will lie immijjh altuut 30 eaumerators for the county tbe drat anntaal lutnnuel of nlaou and durllngtou agricultural hoclety will be held at the lintel 1 irani ihir- llngton to morrow evening the president exwarden hmlth will pre- aide tbe annual qouventlnn of the ontario braoch of the dominion alll- nnoewlll be held in kutkee iveahy terlan church toronto on tuewday wedneeday thuretlay ktruary u 1510 1111 tneainptltiii rmlfthn it wtrtoo ataoodventlon of temprrence work er of waterloo county lu ilerltl on monday it waa unaulntoualy decided to recomnieoil that every municipality in tbe county at proaetit under lioeuae and not deliarred by the threeyear prohibitory elauae inaugurate a htcai option campaign aa apeedlly aa poeih with a vaw to aubmlttlng the bylaw in january 1012 mr thomaa 111111- ard uauager iuilnon ufe aaaur- wloa co wafhrloo waa elected presi dent and rev j k lynn berlin w retarytreaaurer addreeaea were de luered at the aeealona hahl aflernmtn and evening by ihtv u ii upnnce general becretary of tie ikwulnlon alliance and iter w kntoewell the convention- eu largely attended and very enthutlastlc the generosity of mr j a wll- loughby in donating that lieautlful altu on mill street on which tn erect a r public library la a further evidence that ho baa a deep interest in tbe wel fare of the town in which he baa made hhhofae sfneenbe became a dtli bo baa pent thousand of dollara in building nd improving ba pro pert tea and besides being i natru mental lu helping eetabllah induatrtca baa waya taken a deep intereat in anything that would lend to thu imlldlng up oaorgetown it u to lie hoped that the public library ilnard may be able to cnake satisfactory arkeiigeinenta re garding the necessary capital required fortbo erection of a aultable bulkflng and that ere long our nltlaena inay 1 point wllh pilde to a iimmimi lllrary and a further mark of progress in the history of our town if a few tn of our clllaeos would follow je example and looann up it would hardly ho oeaeesary to call on andy for eseuunpe herald i news dp local import annual mwunl of dlble moouly thtt annual lunging ttf arton iifhm of lhalllhle hkii y will w hxll in th mllhmllt tlmiol on tiinuj tn ing uth in i 1uva itllr h a of nsbaagaweya will tmvt r lb uumi addrvha v ljvelv worh klanullna bakk itie influx of immlofk itark u uoni ultlly inrg at preuenl mnwu it ard more a co luul hm ram in iln l t it yatoa lui oj en roru il lllt of llio wetk jioyenkan uarliialt ud more tainunt wrk now tliao ewrr be foie hngavtiont rliviinulhlwu 7u atd htt men last lrily night they kut up thalr- btjrnw thr were viry ample natlm- una auul lawn on ii i u r winy nimiv bigtul ll liquor d of mihon did k big lmln4 with ertatn rlluenn whnrnmpld hm ih lry nthu ihu to tlm vlrtorla mutnn kkui it u only fair in nay lbat the bang r on rrrcrre1 tl ar kehlon if r in a illtlou to play borkny iiioiihii limy gniiraiy lak a kslo wlmu tlny ul lulu wbuky dupenlng territory itav up cuk to ilaure in jum llnllrrald aaya wi uthlrrblalld rromluv dr wlt that be lnltdy at tlii i loae of tbn rronl rooftrenru yr to mlirn front reguur riiruit work dr clark baa 1hu lh rrnnlar work for i y r without a brealu dr clrk u u tailor of ih xlrthmllht oluinh cwirgelown tin paat three ygarv oul cannon no lbib bhon the two large ranooit weni draw fnmt the old fort toronto to oi k villi- tfiemlay and imw iletorale tin- laki iwik and olnt oul into the ukr m if hoae irlnmliy mhtple 1mkoui frarlionw it alall ih ohll lo drive a ahell nr twn into their knldat and teach them lohehatr tlm gun weigh four toot ti and were built for uelgn pnrio lublead of llehl work oak v 111 hlar unlet pal ornoar llarvay ltenkel atareclal nnveung of tbe uunlcl- pal c4nutrll on monday evening all the inrotlmira lelng prrihint john har vey waa re engaged aa munlulpal oftl- for another year mr harvey haa jual romphited hla ural year and ida service have been eminently sallafat lory in rnrognlllun of tbe aplendld work of the pant year and hla careful keeping of the hooku and acxvunta pertaining to hla department hla ibary waw inrreaseil ll aji baual aantv auxuley ahnlveraary kervirea will ike held in the itaplut obutcti unit hunday itev ivof matthewa of mcmaater ifnlvrralty toronto will prcb at 11 a m and 7 p m sp clal mualo will i- given by tir choir on mon day evening mr tlioa mctlllllruddy of tonml will deliver hla lecture on tlm centre or the world ltb irof mattltewaamlmr mojmicuddy ire ttoputar ami scoapialdf apeakerw the congregation la anked to con- trilhilna freewill ottering of imi to cover the luttauce due on tint erection or the ohurrh blieda cootnetltlom in hewlxur heniinar ate tlte regular monthly meeting of the womana inalltule will imi held in the council chamber on friday afternoon jlrd february tlie rahlldllon of nntrlea or prlsca in the competition n plain aewlng mending darning and tklng btitlou hnlea by jfnuug lady mnilre or daughter of tbe members of urn inallluln will lake place tlm prie offered have been on exhibition lu tha wlndowa or the vnuu putuni the pant wi ok cotnpetllura my enter in each of the clawae but only pruo will he awarded to any one competitor all eulrleu and uxhlhlla mut be at the hell by two oclook in the aftemoeo renutlna beouajht front laura bask tltomas miller for many ynara a resident of acton died at hla houm at tjiura mask on uuuday ajnd janu ary after a long lllueh fiom cauter in the atomach tlie remalua were brought to aulun arriving hero on tuaaday morning accompanlei by mr orvllle- millar aon and mrs w n kannudyt the daughter and her hue- imuh in conveying the retualna from iatira to haakatoon the terrible atorm laat week waa encountered and a de lay of aevetmidaya in getting through waa cauaod they mi hakkatoou aal friday and reachetl anton on the 10 li train on tuesday morning mr and mrs mllar tattled in acton atmutl twentyfive years ago mvu muur died at their home on ixke avenue fifteen yeare ago in 1wi7 mr millar ami hla children mrs kennedy now of winnipeg and alfml orvllfe and clarence all of whom uurvlv and re wide in saskatchewan went to tin west tlm lioy are all farming in haakalchewan near saskatoon mr millar will lie rememlierod by oun older cltlvena a lianl working tnau who bad a good word for tinrylnwly mr and mrs kennedy ami mr orvllle wieiit yesterday and tuesday wllh friend at georgetown and hornby ami leave on thrlr return trip homeward thla morning installation ot omnfaa o at the following officer were tmlalnd to their respective rhalrs by d d p 1 jf halnawortb of iter in saalutad by im- llro tfterlcker of llailin t paat lrealdenlw cole- prealdeut j it slouee viceprea aultley cbaplaltlucv it f kellemau hecreuiryh 1 juntou treasurer ltev it f kelloumn utlcom ti cook d cim c churchill ilrd com h jburrbllt jlh com w lanleut alh com ii watu nth com h k harnee ilialde otlsrdh taylor outside cuard t o monnkton audlloreh taylor a capon v cole- afur inaullatluu all the hrrhireit est down to a well laden table of cold vlandatwbtch was provided by he til ing president tldne and the imwly- elnctetl proaideiit j it htonea the toaat lie included the king by itev it f kelletuan tlie vlallors by h h kvana 1 1 p p j haloe- wortb respondnd s taylor toasted woodgreen ijdge itfti speeclu were made by mesara ilowdcn inpplu and sterlcker of iterlln and w colea ami it ii kvatia of acton lteclla- lloita and aonga were glvin by meaara w colea ii watt jt u htunee and v itnab d d p 1 ilh worth made anuie very appro pal ate remak aliout wnodgreeii ihlge ikti regard ing ta progreea and stated tlm l ti was one of tbe best in the uleulot ruminal or iuhiiik oamdlk llin funeral lal 1 luirlay unoi noon of herhrit klaoley tlmluble lh uvnliii year old mm of mr i inmiav camhle liiroh hire i who bilghl yooog life wax m undiholy terminal d auareanll of a roautlug am ideol the monday evening piovlou- wm ey largely altemletl ll a long tlinu klnoe any nvnui hna tlioniuglily lirrd up the ffrlimtm ami yiuuit lileri ir the oomumnll at urgr 1b hit rowing parent anil hrolbt r and klteia were the retlpumtm of many t korea- none of itmhr ami wympalbetlo intereal ami klmlly lolenllonl acta ilm lloral hihulity win ihnqljtiioj sod uautifnl ajd we ootlilillnl a follow- j imet from at ton 1 1 lilgadel wrul rrom hi- mmd ja k wvuh omi- ima murllo i wlh r cooirad rrooi hi- ly liuow i pillow from ihw family 1 wiuatli iteanlnkore jl co wfralh from tbe lght iealhi r partlnelll acton nlog co wratli fiomtbe luuml- ing lhiiariiihnt ai loo 1 aiming co i wreath from bu fltow mnployeea at tbe hole lcalher tauunry t wreath m no i lleetdmnrif ciracnt i ealb froui kiiom hablhilh hclxmd il km a cullil upray from mr and mr ll m mcdonald j pray front mr a i uy w it kamiuy and lly l upray rrom mule ami willie nbh vprny front mr and mra joseph holoee t pray from mr and mra mplwll pray from mr isicy ham lorontot upray from 4 jaiile ma- lonnito npii from mr and mr- i coon ami riollj pia fmni mu- miry mr inii pray riooi mr ceo lalnplll and ir- collier pray from mi w vordtiimid ramllyi apray from mr nd mrv lhi itiia cuelphi kuay fntlu mi and mr- chaa c amble ray from mrw will millar and mra will van norman tlm fum ral waa h id t two ovhtck in the afternoon and waa vbry targe h attended 11m arton fire llrlgade or which tint deceamil had iteen a torch imiarerfm llvu y ulti acted aa a guard f lumor itmlei command of chlof mrtwl tlby worn their neat black nl forma with ttmtirulngluidgea thu uirvlce waa rondnctml by huv p uurrell ll a aaatated by luv dr antlirf mr uurrell dullvarl a very tender ami vyuipathella addretu nil referred to the aplendld character of tlie young man hla love for hla home hi regard for hla permit active connection with knox church and hunday krhoo and thu high ealeem lit wtllrh he waa held by averylxtdy he concluded with the following kre uiu could blight or mi now udr death came wllh ploaung care the opening llowi r to heaven rod- ami hade it hhmim there the pall imiareru were au of her hie j moat intimate frlenda joint mmtre john clark william and arthur knuuey arlof dllla and victor col man miimalanra ami ilcule coon ina may ajil myrtle allan and helen war re ii and dura harvey acted an flower glrlu and accompanied the beareru with tpraya of ftowerw frmi the realdencn to the heatao tlie re- ina were interred in the family jol at falrvinw cinintery the following frlenda from adulancn were in attendance mr maclkonald mlaa m tnmpklnx ulu p llallaotyne mr w w camhle and mr haiuiicl wordun cirgelowu mr wood- miaa janle manalua and mr and mm norman maiutlea toronto mr lrlo catvlo milton i mr and mrn chi itila mr ami mra w van norman and mia jumna taylor luflph mr and mr w lainblc uockwm tlm annual meeting of the ktuuowhig agrlnulltiral society waa held in the council chamber bere on saturday afternoon hint iiihi i tlm presldenl joint cunningham occuiad the chair tlie financial atatement preaenleil by the treasurer waa uutut watlafanlory during the year the hiiciety held the moat auccesa- ful spring fair lu its hlatory and tsld the phueu nut uf the ltalauce tltn fall fair waa held on tha worst dayu or the acawon ami aflei paying the largeat prlan llt ever glvun in full the balance waa ullghtly iiicreaaet the following ofllrers were elected pmldcnt william clneve lat vine prea- thomaa moffat und vice prva hndglu lureee dlreclorvwanl no 1 o at flah er wartl no 2 john cunulubaui i ward no i k 0 huffman ward no 4 john u moore wartl no 5 a q clarrldgei ward no u u 1 clark ce4irgntown s lit moolhlu audjaa a mcclure anton willi juhmuone awlilorar j lurlier and j a devereatik i honorary dlreolora fl a wilg gleaworth j a willoiighby w a wilenil jjjor jraltt null gillies john ulnghaus william thouiiuhtu it o mccullotigu and tltomaa cook ocorgelown llerahi in tea must be u- tincti v pleasing and unvarying to morlt continuous use tho flavor of rod rosa tea is oil its own i and it never fails to win and hold ap proval because it never falls in quality try it redrose klteaiwesr your grocer will the institute meetings the rareitra and the wmdwi i atttute rmanuninm last tteueeday no hospital for mr lawler he took gin pills if you eer bear anyone say that uhetiuuuuiu cant 1m curvd uk tlntn if they lm ever tricl cu ml us or ik ihcutbiswrlle lia for proof that on 1iuh liae cured huiiilrrihi and hiuidreds of cn of kheuiiistnmi w latjrn futnluius ll lu the ltark uml olhrr trouble imiimsi bj wrak klilncya or llladder uhctliiiatum rail lie rmvd- in ulng rme1 every iu by gin lhut kite i- the licit kind of pmof 0oiikn n h 4 have been trouble i with uhru liinlliun ko lunl that i coiilil not mkl a tloctor tcmlnl t4o mid told metu go to the lmapilat hot all to no goo until n frlcul old me to try clhr lhut i dldhnnnd after taking a lew loae i ampcfrcctlywcll j ivuut tnke gin iii4 on- m piiluc guarantee tmt thoy will rure you or money refunded vc a lo fr 1 o ordrf finm ua if jiur iloakr cannot imply ihont kamtilo box fire u tui write im nntlintal drug and lltciukul co dopt a toronto no weutbrr t ondul ii atld ot bet nlalm ion tlm attention of i ho community thatuttemeoli hltflfered wllll a large alleiuuuce at the mitinga of the imiru and woman inlliute lu hilt town ball laat lbillmlay how ever there waa a fairly good att ml alien at imiui tbe ladlee and llt ineia ineetlngn mra 1 m watla of clinton met the ladlea in hie council chaml r and gave a tin wit llllplealv apd kllggotlve aillrtaoit what mothers and daiigh- li a should know and ltetuimlmr many hlnla were flvrn in the iuhuii if home lift home training and liu piraaioua the rare of children pro- lahilia to ln bisdn for rmergnnclee to net pmlhlarcldanleor tlhteaa and iitmeroita other thmighta well worthy f emulation mrs a t drown gave a much ap- raclateil reading at tlm meeting mrs j a dlack vlee prealdnnt pre ided at tlm iiieiia nuetlog mr c ibir- iboitr of croahhllt who la a practical mil aiirreufnl ktocu ralber gave a idrmlll addreaa on her cattle fiiruublng infortnallon and vxpert rnre or vain a to all in the cattle bual- nee mr it m mrcurdy of vienna xplalned ami do mnuit rated the value of fa rui d ral nag e ho emphasized tlm added value to the average farm tritiirtd by proper drainage explained umlhialu of laying ill and ave thow present uumeroua blnlu of prarllral ibw itvmiliig kiaklon wan a very in te routing ouv ami wrni more largely aiteoibl than iiiomi of tin- afiermvon kirawliurry culture waa the nub jwtof mr mrcurdy a addrena and he bhowtsl very clearly bow tlm raiding of ihu lubcloua fro 1 1 cm bntmade imth pleaiiil ami pritllhbw tbe differeul varltliih of planlu hod lieal melliihln of luaiillng and rating for ibem were fully explained mrw watta evening addraa waa on llupplnotm lu tlm llmm and con- tuiutd many ptartlcal lilnla on how lo piomnlwll one or the reamiuu that mi iminy i hi id re ii uie on the ni u at night who ufllrmf la iwicsumi tbnlr tanuila do itolblng to nnlwrlalu thrm in the homr tle hh lit alao lie umni cbeerfittnemi ami rperlally uioltltl till- spirit prevail aa we leave the home lor our work bxcaumi wn have no guaranlee i bat we aball ever voter it again her addrean through out waa iitiwt helpful inblaaddremion hed ciuln mr itartminr mdntel nut very dillollely the milvantagia to lie derlvisl from iowlng aeeil which waa thoroughly clean ami or tlm one tailciy ami urged thai the farmer uy more at tention to ihu part or the work that greater and more aalufactory icuuww might lie attained tlm melluvdul sunday school or chestra rendered iiumeroiia aelrctlona during lite evenlug secretary nlaiui uf anhgrove re- ported on the progreas made by tha oclnllew tlikrlng the year mr w a wllim of coiwuiwii tlm prealdmt or the far mora insti tute waa chairman vouna- out whlaky in wsat too mrv a m deiiuulouu of lledwoxid fall illnu in renewing her fitgtt pkuiui aulwcrlpllon aaya i i aaw by the fiikk 1uumu that acton la slry again we alao are hertvln lud i alia the llrat lime alnce 1k7h they bad a wholesale lluuor houae laat year but at the electlonu recunlly the oily waa ridden of thla and many people are vrry thankful we have hail ulelgh- ing hlnce thejlral of january hut a thaw la now prevailing and it lu not likely lu laat we moved into our newhniimtat the city llmltu on jan uary sod and are vry comfortable auotiom aatih itituiatbn hatutday feltruary ithsala of vhluable land the weat hair of lot iii the llrat cnnraulon or fc4uonlug and the weat half or lot 3 in the aamn conoeaaloli and townablp alto- mujmr 3uu acrea more or lee at ithuiatm hotel aclon at a p m it j kgltk auctioneer yuil will notice that we are continually talking about our ability lo repair watches and clocku well that la bmuuaewe have the contld nine that we can do it anil do it lietlnr ihanuioat welch maker first becatiae wn aervetl nur lull term uf apprenticeship and afterward a worked under tbe beat makers lu toronto and 41 j ears rx- peilmire gfvea ua anoh a great sdvai lagn ttwr moat others that wn noii to yon in full conlhleiice that it will be i are hilly anil quickly done lvtngln hit jeweler cuelph shihhgure imuklv alspe f afa- cees lj social and personal mra if moore relurned borne from tiirrmtp on monday evening mr john klnnard ami family are removing titday lo their new home in uuulph mr i mndonahl of llrae- brldge vlltml alton frlenda during lb k miimlun 1 reil 11 sloiey relltrn- l f u vlalt to lhimravilla n y on momlay r ml- irene matthew of ilnillu kieot mvral da- thla week with atou nieiuu miv i c matthew aeveral daya doting the wiek with ilhokh ter and oil er mend- in toionlo mua aitiiin mcljxwi rnturmd bguin laat week aftrr apemllng a ronple of weeka with her iltr lo hamilton mr john fouter jr of hamilton and ml- vlda 1ouli of t ronto normal hi lool wein home foi the weekend mr itvl havioa ami ml u ua of wawola ha were in i wednesday vbltlug mr a w rankllnrftotitnii mrn k marshall of ilmehou waa lu town laat wednesday and fchiol the day wllh hr nrlie mra a w- fratlklln llentou luv 1 c wll ii a at rived home rrom houlou on timaiuy hla daughter j an will remain in loton ulth ber aunt for mime monlhu mr h v a gtamu who ha- uen toller in the muoolllaii hank lure for the paat kim monlba haa ikreit trauaferml to loronto mr alfred storey la in the cage tmw mr h p moore occnplixl the pulpllu or the ion labcrnaclc and kmerahl street methmlut chun h hamilton on hunday in root enllou with the iiuainnary cauipalgn in the metbmlit churchea of the city operation her only chance wascurcdbylydiaeiink- ham ijtalhay cut i think it f nit mom than rljht for too ti tlmtik mrn iiokham for u hut her kind uilvh t uiul uh vepttahlii com ihiunil lii dnm for tmi w hu i wrote to hiu home time upo i mn u iuy ck voioai not furlmrfrom fenmln troublofi i bad inilammatloii o f tlm fonuilt- organil arid nou id uai utaiul or walk any dinunro at until was coulliusl to my uiil and tlu doctor ntild i would have to go throuuh uu opi ration hut thla i in fiutcd to do a friend advlwd iylla f linklwma vegetable coinpitiitul ami nou after ualng three ihiiiii a of it i frtdllkimmwunnuui imnathcnrllly m iiuiim tul thlu meillclne to all woiimii hn hiilfor u llh ft tuule t rouhuia i inivo uluo uktui jjdlu k piukhuui a llvcr pilhi ud think tln y ir lino mint fuxnk kuu lludmiy ontario wo tuiiunt uiiditrtitttud uhyuouteu will take rhnnccn v i tit an operation or drag oitl u itlckly half hrarted exut- enco mluidtiif three foiirthu of the joy of living h itlioul llrat tr lug lydla k iitikhitmit vercluhlo comimiiiiid for thirty ynurn it hau imii tlm ntiituliird rcmeily for femaln ilia uiul iiuh curwl thouiutndh of woniiii ubo have ihii troubled with nnrh uilmenla ohilhipluriuiienlh tmiammalfon ulcer- a hon llhniltl tutuom irn riilarltltvn porlotllc pihni imrkmhn luillttcauon and tinrvouii prohtmllon try a 50c bottle free from your druggist psychine the great vitalitybuilder prqnounckd sikeen fan know what it would mean to ua wsre pajrhlne a preparation without av rteflnlle heneflrtal adlon- atlrr the llrat bottle wqhh we pulu beynt more anold be purchased and willi id n out of biialtiea uat were dot going tut of buslnemt and our rontblenrr that we re not u based upon our third or a renlury a experlenrn with 1aynhlne ten yeara alter onfideratlon we commenced rompoundlna payeblc since that tlnta we have aod many mlllloua oteeatu we have cured many hunilrmla of thauaanda of vlrttlent and ollentllof fatal caaea pf dlftaaa we have in our fllra many hundrr l of thonuauda of linaollrlled leall mnnlila j and we havn groan irom a amall beglnuiiig to be ouo of tltn largi pro prietary maniiforlurrru hi i 111 roun try here ihen la iiioof that we have in payrblnn a preiiaraltnn with abundant anil di monatrated efforts riff uioreuo than any other preparation we or any one elae evi r heard nf- here then in ilia rraon of our nnal terahle ronfldenre in lyrhlne that it la lu fart tlm kreatant iraratlon of its kind in the world hers then la why r liae inaugu rated a policy nf actually buying hun drrdn of rhouaamla ut imlltra of pay chine to give lo ihoae who ahould uu to thoue who are blindly groping in the dark for rlaf from thrlr mlncry who may perhaps be utlnf wrong tnelhoda li recover thalr health aad their atreugtb jjlouhpk the great eat and moat rffvctlva unt for the bodily hraltb ars lb white corpuaclna bhagocylca est any garm an entrance to tha theaa while mrpu of dtaaaae hat galna body wht ll ury re in larg enough nuuibcru and auitlrii nlly utrong whm thoy re nnl aufflrlently alronp the dlaeaae sermu davour them add dlaeaae hold the body por fntiirun ahnoal herb nature a own rrmrillr have in- en he moat ef- nrlitnt to to dueaae we have not known very until my juiit huv itul now wlrnre iu ti that certain of llie hrrba tnrrvaa ih h limber of he vtliitu turpuacle and i ralrviiglli thrae rertaln herb ur incorporated in payrln mpw wa dont aak yon to take our word ror the trninrndoualy benoflcut effrrl of pmyohlne pill out the cou pon wlow mall ll to ua and well glw your druggist an order tor wfiifh we liay him the regular rent 11 price for a cogent bottle uf payrhlne to beglven vou tree or roat wo will undoubtedly buy and duth- butn in dili manner hundreda of thoo- sanda of thean 0cent bottleg of pay- tlm nderful hreparx we go to tha eid heaw hi rhd lo arahh ca to bins and lo j a pundrtr that haa been baaed on nr yvara aaperunca wllli tbla ablandld prvparntloo wllli a full know ledge ot l he hundred uf ihouaatidi of rum it ha made tally i roniioiinlrd in the moat a appllatxe in thucoun iry and th- rraiill i payrhlno for a third of u onlury the moat effective vitality hiillibr thi world hu known tha one preparation thai haa cured many thousand of the following jl ftrewtilal ouh w 1 un wk v karly paoliae catarrhal anwtlon raurra ot kuiim b nlattgwat a ottlaats comba hlwpl aa4 laryoaltl tn1 servnu trouble ilyapapala aturoftecia of llaarlay psauaaosia sad taurlpee iiorlfpa vaetau wiaha lllaetloe ivwir api4lts chill a mt revere coupon no 8b te ih r t a mocum4u lvl ivs spadtft ave toednlo i iiwpl offr try a be t4ua if ijilihi lihnnuuihinl hi a van at jhir o haws not awl a feun ulll f trrt i lmtr ihl pl kuhiii hiivim i if diuagut tu dallvr tldj lerfpalutue hlrl nunw lly iwubgllak bireataad nuaibav thte tbe fin- buttle of iyeblaa ran vauv drusiiltantltlrwt blet ueller u u you thu orlwr kuey be wusdrave a aaf time wluwut aellea gaad ess peat txooooowxxxoocooooi an opportunity for careful buyers to make big savings in staple and standard lines ot drv qoods uring stocktaking which will occupy the balance of the month of january wc will clear out at very special prices all lines in which w are overstocked albo all lines in which the range is broken every day new lots of the above will be put on the counters at clearing prices no alicllworn or aldbtyle good but the best selling lines of the season here arc a few lines which indicate the character of the goods and the value offered womens i hack catlwtrrn llom all aiio reguur ajc per ialr for pjc wutnena mullura while only rtpiur joe for yjc 50 place print good pal tern and color regubir nc per yd for 10c o plscea fsncy 1 lanneuttencrayhand pink regular lac par yd for 10c mllllnerylilmowl hal all half lvlc millinery- ill bhjpe all half frlci t jul lea jacket a rerf 111751091400 for each 9 7 j i ill lea jacueu reg r exch 7 no iadles jacket reg 300 and i000 for each j 90 remnants remnants remnants of all lines of piece dry good special tables all through stocktakiri henderson co mill street ioooxooxxxxx acton ontario free to stock and poultry raisers vve will sond absolutely free for tho kskru postpaid one of our urge thlrtytwopage booklet on ule common diseases of stock tttul poultry tells you how to feed nil kinds of heavy and light h ore as colts unj inaren milch cqwh calveu and fattening ateera also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay jtut as well in winter us in hummer no farmer ghoultl bo without it at a eoat rl ony twnthlnla il a rnt a day per anhnat ttoyal 1urpui tllork hlhloe utakaa aacb animal worth u pu- cent utoca vou never heard el any other flwrlao r htock food dohm hkembi itoyal lurpu will pnrmanmlly mrv tha llota collo mnnu tlkta l and itebllity and raators rundown aauaala tu plunipnaa and vigor it will inemae tu rellkyull thr to nve ptiumhi per cow a day hmlde trmo two to ihrea wwka it taakm it milk richer ibau avor lietora ull anihtlw wi nitloii 11i walnlutu onl aaya t ttilu tu lo rertkly lbat 1 bave trud your itoyal vurpla fttock iicln- for two weeka on one row on th ltlh i wliiktd br uillk aa 17 pound i tiotuutl a cbmitto after a or day as there waa an eklre w labl nf milk n tha auth i narufulty wium1 the tullk and aha gava 13 pound 1 ant hiving an onur rr ft imihb aa conaltlar it the heal i have avr uel tiloek vwd will not do thl itscaum fltoik rni i ttollitng tuorv ov loe than a mixture of tha vary tttlav whka you yomaall grow tn your uwx i it la ail tonrv lil ynur anlmala nd they kttual hava aoiuelbhik to tulp tllr immlloa gnl all the hourulinient front tha food they mra getllng ho that tby will fatten and alay fl all ihn mr roitdi toey uentl aouwitblnlf to prsvi ill illmiaaa to cure dlaaaae and to ki uwu la lbs beat of health all tha tuns- not stock food it doe not contain drain nor una product noa do it eonlaln om or any other lnuiiouu inanxtuiit itoyal 1uipte dim not in inly leeiporailly tibial or innplin tbn aiumul tit tatlenn and and heavy and it hullda up th bllh kiwi ialora4 tti furowir pluinpowui andvlaor of runilowa atiwk in utile or no tho tha vary t hm to ue ihu no dltlonm- la hftn iiiubmih tha hrl tuil propatty ami prvnta tha aalmala at- llng lndbialloa or lust a rlaah 50 5 cent cheaper om mveeat iackaa of ltnya fwijiu will laat one anlliml to tlaya i bin futurva a utile ovr lwothlu of a cot lr day uial mlork vimmu in rocet tark- rkw laat but fu da and ar- klvo tbrht tlua a day tlul itoyal purple hivlao i kivmi only one a day atul laalu mf pr 011 1 loo a l 0 lell eonlalhlntf our tluiaa tha amount of the turcaal lackatf iu um dayei mo you aaa ll t only neroaaary to h itoyal 1urpu mpoclaa ohm aiuli day juet think of matins each animal worth a per exit vr it mil 1 vent will otalbtoealo jou mr httk owiwr i 4uau fla u1ih wm limtnllau flanfortl ont oi31 lt furht1ua la to tdlty thet i hav uuad two bo of your imillry fwalfki for tny h- they laid 10 wrll vi1iu reelln it i ihoui i woo- iterpil if you would tat i lid mnillitf uia wind tmw or whr i eouhl al aoma thl whiter i bought it irom your aavnt lukt wlnlm- i had a3 bow and aotaa dul i not two iiium a day in vbruary antl uarch wlilla toodina uteot the tlpuclfu itoyal lurpla 1oullry fliwlno pravaals vou la loaiiia rlnh at btoulllii time and paintaufbtly nuiaa avry luiullry dleaaea ft hiklv tluilr pluiuata brlifhi and kepa llmu alwaya la prima condition it tnekaa your poultry worth mcre than ibey boulil ever ha wllhuul ll vat nro tloeet fackaaw will laat ah luna to dv or 1 to 1si1 will do at llnu jlo days thl i tiur tluie tr malarial at only thra tuna tha itoyal purple asske m stock kd pbuttry specifics alranitthena ll mo other i new dri i ukyy a other fimvlnji llltm lbh wit iurf4e rtwkt old oalvr su ian aa ordi nary fpiwalvdm aim at lu wintku llpyal 1urpu ulaka naturally thla anbuala tat itoyal rerpta erssua an appatlu for fuej sad balps astuio to dlssat and turn it lata ash sad fctuaola r aa a uoa telteeer uoyal perfde baa no aquab nevtr ofl feed ttaa ucfian tha hoi asm as aaya i i hut a uml ttbyal lurpla i lock futlaa wr in leodln tha k uuj laiuiul wlim r of any puw on lrund tluult in 11hki and ivou anil llcniy wlure u 1t hrothar of allm vlolr- win r of sllthmi irottln ataka lu llll ib- hirma hnvi nirr tmn nff their fowl alncv i aluil1 iiabuf itoyal juna tlpxllls i vll alwua hkvh it in my ta1ila our jouah lowdar woik moat thfa test ifcvery euaoa of hvykl lurpla block sod tout try tlpacifia ta auaraoteed to prov that lloyal iurpw ban so equal wa waal you to tnak lb la laat t vtl itoyal 1urpu to aay ona of your animal for four wwots and at tha akoi irm ml any ulhr iirparatlon to any oiih r animal n tho mrae condition if ttnyal 1iiadn dooa hot wove to yon by aitual iisoiiim that it la tlw hut you avwr uawl tat return jour anil wa ll aek no quf llntur wak no vou will tia lli luilux tint ua cnlralla ont lh 7 10 tkew a iarjbnuf co loudon nl t lantkwmn wa hava hn ualns itoyal runbt 1oultry ami htock hpwlfia fur llw laul thraa woka ami tituat aay that ra aulta ere rauiarkahla alft lua ilia tltok ilmlilo lo two mllklna mwa end they have wrsaiml oil hr rnl in tbvlr tnllk iln poultry taaull are avart mora totarkad than hit va hav about u ho laylna ait wbti wa coutmencwl latllntf wa wre bslllntf tlva and el etftf leal nv r itlo aaii alutoat an averaa of 111 oh day and thuee llva day liava boon tba coldeat thl winter ou can a result plainly in two r thriw daya alter tha uea ot itoyal lur- pbi and tlie poultry hav tbe mum huulla and apiwaranca now a in tha uaf kni- time with cowa and poultry am uln- nuaotly the hum fi and car a bafor atarllnif to ted itoyal 1urole uhaa trmera and aloebuutn t ao qualnted with lloyal furpla l will bavr a greater ilaiueiud than all other loaloe and hlihik food on lh market amhlaaa vour truly aniiukw ulomul au 38 10t0 w a jeevlna wa uo 1ondon ont i 1 nantuuien ijibi lall wa had in out tabua a younu mare balomilmr to uim clnulonnf uonltxal wa noutd nnt lead bur any bran on amount ot raualna vlount arourln f eonnousntly caualna hr to liacouw w ak and tbln wa oout- ksencad ualnff your itoyal vurpla hlitek iimiui ahd the roulla wara w 11 nderful attar lining it thra woeka we found m rnuld ll the anlulal hrat or any other oft lhki wllbout acourlnir her and aha actually took on in ihl lima twonlytve pound nf nai we woiklntf bar at tha miiui time throiiuh the hunt i can bear illy raoounuaud your utock hpectlki tou kunil trshwr for the lion adam ibwa like matlo for poultry sof ia 1 u ik lit wa know twat ondltloi it la for 1oullry not ynu are mot aatlafteil alter tmtlmr it you dont lotfa anytbtna do you r wn aln tnanufanluts i itoual imipu 1 ka killer afte 1 unyal lurpla jall uunl uo itnyal turpla tuiat flnluumt 5lw lloyal lurpla ouuh curs v oce our ou t urv will oura any ordinary rmiiih in four dya and will break up and cuf dutuir in ten lo twolvo daya ii jmir ilur cannot aupply you vlth our ulll loipla lliumu wa will aupply you npiot rwwlpl of l tin a pall pr phiii lr llbr pouiry or atock or u you wjlit any i ibhnent oall cu or oiiuh 1owdr w will avnd ll by knall t kiel paid upon rwokl of price itaea r aedfca aaaallaass vai jibciwwciivs ivifto oobkiievitk tonton onctalwlfo royal purple slock and poultry spcdllcs and itcc booklets can be pbtalncd from 0 a black harness acton ont- kzismr httaasha 1 v j4w y

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