Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1911, p. 2

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r mkn bavssih llpillnatne uimhui jaini 3rd 1a uf tnduii k ii ho n wnliwul j izvhtf oaofuwhxj 0k tlh4mtiuuui llnsli aanabtar of iba lata j llanly i ttintulav utot wamii i oakailla rtun willuua wlttil uamra lm xiaidmau on ybuiauy b1 wa i uatuptoalt lu tun u ixhili t 1buoaf n filuf iuuai ani llrb ubcmolt lonikly o kxmw n m tlbifcuy j i kiowun mllu ufo a mr auun nut llllte ajwl nwlk u4lkhmtiau rm trakahlp m uuoju ua jaaay ibiuuba msltounll jta j ubo d rus aad t tuniow i b ill lalj o bw vkutf tta u i ttbe jutoii fxtt rcss thukhhay rijiuualty li iu1i editorial notes theunhpie maf mil the uarys 111 the kingdom of urr1 llrltalii sub tcrtbtna to a coronation ift in the qun liu ihkik taken up by ivied ul4llm4l10 bmtd other fll mopoa to open aohirlplioii which html i in clude mii llte lsru in lbe klotilo for a similar h to the kbitf the praolford kxpoellor hjn it lu well to imi- in iilod that inoel or the luan who m srot to th oeotrnl lrlwwi are mti hardmird criminals but for lli moat pert flral offender at th flott rooetlnu of lbe parole board at hi gialpb farm live out of lha lx nwn who wro parounl on that occasion wr all own lo liv commit ted the chw tf whlcb they wrn non- vktwl whllst untlrr the lit ilium or liquor thai report of tha p literal uralu agent of th o 1 il olt winter wheat condition in alberta form thn flrat report to hand oo lb root hip rrap and it abowa the romlltlon r ibjt winter wheat lo he so far tpiltn hall factbry it eatlmale a total acreage foe tb province of xu000 mm whlcb u oonalderwbly larger than the etl- buuaenauleby iheilfeputy allnlstar of asjrrlcultur but october after that tha weather wa very mild and faor- ahla to tba aowlng of wimal 11 le rrport atataa plenty of rain cain after tha whaat bad lwo wiwn and lliu tha crop bad an wxmillenl tart for the flrat tltua tn tha blalitry of kngland peclal aoromodallona were proldad at tha open uk of parliament for tha reprafcvatleaof tha oueraea dominion tha innovation taavrlltrd to th king hlmaelf who it will he tacallad made almllar provuionw at tha funeral of tha lata king hdward loubtlaaw tha praaant arrangainant will h made permanent among thoaa who availed themilea of tha prlvluga war lord htrathoona hlgb cofntulaalonar for canada t tha hon ueorga iwd of autrh- and tha hon blr ulohaid solomon high cum- balaaloaar fur tha union of south africa it loolta vary muah mm if tha near future would ate acuin well auplled with rallrtkad accontodallon tlie to ronto uuhurtan itailway company haa a hill before tha 1roviiirlal i-egu- latare for rxtnumi of ta line to unalpb paaalng through acton and th canadian northrrn hallway haa aourad a eliartcr for a line from to ronto to uarlltt paaalng through aoton with autih additional railway oonnactlona aa tlieae new lima will provide actnn will be an exceptional ly one point fortha location of tmw manufactorlaa i lei tig ofaly ti lit i lea frotn ontarua ma troiwtl la toronto with fine natural advantage and a very reasonable rata of taxation manufacturer will naturally he au traotad hero hboe factohea and other leather gooda worka will find lt advantageous to be 1 tea tat at tha aourca of supply he vera i amend men ta to tin yjfpior tioenae act which tr put in effect would make tha operation of iocal option much more aucceaaful am lie fora tha provincial gitvemninnt theae include an amendment to pro vide that every nil treated for drunkenneaa in nollminan tniinkml itltm ahall w compelled to dlacloaa the natne of thn pereou from whiiin lie obtained the llipior and iii caao of re- fuaal imprlemimwul ttiat i be ant bo amended to provide uiat all hointra in luteal option dutrlru that give accommodation lo t raoulenta lie couf pellad to lake out hotel llcnara and that tha liolder of audi hcetimt v held raaponalbla for any lufraotlon of tha yjuor ucenae act that tcour imin hla promlaaa directly connectaml lltere- wltfa aw amandmant of rlectluu 72 providing that for an offence for ton illegal aale be penalty or minahlan be tatada much heavier hon mr hanna haa intimated hla wltlingneee to do anything in hla power to improve tha law to knake it mora effective jlle protaued hla kuoat careful conalder- ailoa of tha propoaed amend men la auction elalal mcaibttalr haturday pehruary 1th hale of valuable um1 lb weet half of lot h in the flrat conceaalon of kxpieali and the vreat half of lot 2u in the bum conceaahm and townahlm alio- gather 9w acrea mitre or i iahmana hotel acton at s p in 1u j kkrh auctioneer naaaaqawaya 11m ladlee aid of kbenexor uulho- 4lat church wlllmld a fcrytlo tea on monday evening next it will be unique interval ng and enjoyable the big tortn the drat nf the week eft theroada in a badly itlocked ron- dltlon mr frank v tiaycra now haa thn lumber bualneee here in hla oviu name 1 uta- father later tiayera ki of uualpb haa retired niter over thirty year connection with hla wellknown bualneaa mr prank haw grown up with tha lumber bujnea and know it from beginning to end hucouaa to him john armstrong of kaaaagaweya la alowly reooverlng from tha fleet a of a painful accident a fall on the fbe tilt bapttst anniversarv lav fai ha tliwavr toronto de- ilvara able anttlklaquant to luanun conoiiaiuatiora tor three hilnilay in ahhrnalo lwal r have tieau holding amiufiraary nervrea ilral the uolli odlala then llm ireabytnrlaua and tkat hnnday the llaptulaic iiomiinioral m1 the roniplallou of amtlbrr ytak- of loral nrl hutory all le imr1 w m favoretl with fvorahln wallt t fm ltlr r tv ut44 lal trvim ami naoh wna atteoewi by laigx riokrgnln a hplrlt of llbrltlan fnllowahlp w- manlfealml througboul and each o dm tiburc wllbdruw a mirvluj out ut rmirty uv iacb of the otbrru it holiday lit- hapllal olim li vjm r ro wl ml kt lltn morning wvlc ami in llm hvenlng the llllre wan ulialibt lo mcimiiiiixlhlh the mmiurim amimblhl tl rtuiiuw by lv 1ruf i i klallliowh ol mcmawlir uiilvisliy lironlo wr illlvrhl wltb a lu itllty uiid tlihiutnirri wblib iimnaixleil tlte alunllon of all llm fad lliaolrof mallltuwa bad ihumi no njently very proiilfirnlly imifore tlie aiilbnrltla of hla rliurch conrernliig lb orlbimloxy of bu vuiwa mi tin autlieiitlclty of lltu acrlptitraa dm rnrlkln wilnla gave an adthd intiirrhl in iiih prvwiliri bore in i itla or4loti 1 l but fair tu the profiintni- ti aay i hat be wan fully vlnuloud when liu cumi uau ufttrn the aamh iallou in nouenilter taxi llm uubjxil of lliniikimiiugdurourth wo tltn mnprntnacy if jnaim ami waa baaed titou im i 2 ui at the name of tfetia ovary kurm aball liw llie life and traiblng at jnatia are altova i be life and leanlilng nf all otbnr leailrrw of man lha ptracbur aaaertoil of all the ltadtra and lea oh or of lite world joaun cbriul la niintim i in ilia ineaaagn iiu moaaago blaltdaoilt kupromu lrrnpitclvit of whom otbrr tnacbeia wure it win luiyond the meaageu and tnaclilmlc of l propbeta they hml aplcmlid futcep- tloiia i hut in ihtdr nieuiageu they lacked the uiaatttrftll elttjillaitiaof jnaua chrul ttiren nf tin- rlilef rhararter- lllo of 11u ueaaage wnrw flrat ilia klndneaa willi hla comforting and undnrglrdlnk atranglb llmro la a great atrong and abiding klndnoaa tlecuild lllucalmnnaa there wu in hltn no hurry or lurry or worry but a calm- neaa and toufldenre ttilrd ilia larga- neaa in hla day thn re were great narrownean and tuuiulla and bicker ing tmialihllngalmtut interpretation joaiih caiim and he treated the amall thing wa rerognlye with heart and targneaa lu them ob to brealha in the almimpbere nf jeatia obriat hlm- aelf tbeae are tbti qilallllea which lift ua up to him 2 tim tiuloi of jeaun ilia atonamonl tut onwi ifadlfd a martyra deatb after a ufa of atlfacritlce hut that lu not all tha interpretation muni ho ani in the higher ufa t llm ltvo o ood fur man more it wau a vlcarlnuiaacrlflctt nor la lliat all we will never lw able lo put into wonla adtiquauily what it meana to um 1 111 mtroii tlieae three facutra give hlni hlahiipreiuany hablnd the other elemnnla la hu great lmraoualt there ar many meaaagea for bumatilty hut in jeaila christ uoil haa revealed lllmaelf aa in none elaa in the man the tiod man la tha kingdom of jeatia kuriiie r nolwlth- atandlhg tha inffjulty rampant tha theory of tint aiipraitiany of jnaua clihxt la everywhere itillat it i man i feat in the advance of the tuui- nranon ueallnii imk i tank over firty or icty year and mark thn con train even among church mouther and at church function it 1 mani fest in the clvlllxlng influence of christian mlaaloita tbo aplht nf jeaua christ baa been miriunatlug the national social and family llm tha prlngtldu la how lliere am new imnulaea uvtry wlmrt to him every knee hball bow at the evening aervlcta 1rof mat- than preacluul u very able aeriiioti on thequont lor lod taking the wan dur ing of abraham aa an illustration anut hla teal from hull ii 10 urn aald in part lu the mltut ir all the achieve uianta nf cunturlea thn heart nf man rental it ttuaentuhy llm unit abra ham in hill wandering limy bavu borne leaaona riur ua tha ultimate inntlvo in all hla joiirnayliign north aoutb meat and naut wm rellglou iu waa aeeklrrg cod who u th only true aatlu faction to tha soul man in til immnrtul naturn baa a capacity a need which nothing of this world ad4uatly uttlaflu tin city la a aymltol nf the dlvlpu life n the aoul in ctwl alone in true noinpanloiiahlp ahuiidmiit lift and tha great redeinp- ltv dr ailtllff aatlatitd the tailor uav k o hmrtll ii a at the umrn- lug service tha choir rendiirutl very unliable iuualc and lbe mniilvurmary service were a flue spiritual and intellectual unllft owing to thu hlltvard which pre- valle4l on mnmlay the lotirv and enter la in luoiit wnre miatlmino until tuesday nvenlng 14th i rial onifjuraombi ooiinhrd thn big atortn on monday wan by all nddu the worst of the anaaoii there u considerable alnklida fiimi la grlpim and itat dolin lit this locality mr aicblectirrlc or anton had a vury harrow vwcapti white working in mr i ilnnditrmou titiah on wadne- day last a large ifmh in railing mtruck him a glancing blow nu tho forelieat initialing a uaaty wound hntl rentlerlng bluoinnohsflnuia ftir aouie time had tin limb atruck blm an inch fart iter i tank nu bin buad uwuuhl have been fatal mr ourilo la lu be oongtvtlulaletl on hlaearae mra jnbn llcown u visiting ftliuula iii aulon mr j 11 ciiim who baa been iii inco the new year u we are pluaaml to way recovering can noktuun r r rormcton lropoasmt uvwla and will rum tiirouuii aotow 11 lurlpl merrury ayai mr lliigli onlhrl ml bairmii of lbe hallway cmiimne in the house of comuninv while hnre ovr lb week end told a reporter of lbe mercury an lolerehtllg urn of railway lie ww which u of inlneal not only in oualiih bulln the whole of wriri ontario the malt r mr lulhr rrtrtd to wus the graulliig of a hart r lo thu canadian north ru railway company at meeting of the hallway commit tee no thursday morning the measure waa inorr an amendment ctta- pnvlqualy irihtitetl what ter lbs w iteiv our it rovera the building of a staaul mad by lbe canadian north n hall wky ooiipuny fioto linonio lo irllt taking lu lhampton aclno hihi jrili lit hplcallon nf llm mm pauy fm llilrf amendment lti their foi unu tibait uhowu iheir inteiillou li ibatkf tlmli iii ronl whbb wasfioni loiinilo to llamlllon iiu ion wliulkor ami urk to ibi lln a 1 from lurun ttark lo hamilton ami t run direnl iron toronto lo herb paaulng throtigli jimloli actons civic parliament tliat countyfl hkalrjtkatlon urftr mumbar ot ijaeci mortr ajalaraet ku healatarl tkatn ueual i he following llgurth an taken from the rum of ih registrar nf the county nf hallnu for 1uiii prll ui llwrmmty rnunrll total number of imdrtlmenl rr 17jj1 feea tbertifor vhwri unmux- of leu 7 ib i mortgage and alignments of mortgageu ill ilurhwrge of nutrt- gagea t7 wllla 7 umk it -lt- bltacu biamd tjp keat bi ivjh mechanlra lieux l all nlber bibtril in ttu i a orttsuhtnouutiif fr miimmi during lite ynar ucf7 ci amount rir ivm in cah xa72650 groaa amount prevlnna year r17r ihtputy hgiatrara salary tm j clerk alary lft amount of mil plus of gria income paltl to county trnaaurer tinder iud titleant l falj miridua prevloua year kill anrplua nf net liiconni paid treaaurnr v m l aurplua prevlnna year k not amount rerelvcil by heglatrar uli wt numlmir of mortgagee iiglalornd consideration nominal or not apeclfled 1 where comilderalion wa 11 wo or under 1h1 uver ikm and not over jkmi lt7 over vaihi and not over k0 h5 nver 5wt 1h aggregate t of mortgage uo7h114o ti piaoi nivkft mottqiot thu cjraml trunk parilla cnera paaauuger onpartment haa ikaen ad vlwul by the detriment or the in- urlor at ottawa that them are approximately 10hh nuartor sectlnna ktirvnyml in lb urande prairie iami klvcr olatrlct which are now open for honiratead entry in addition to this it la the intention to aulallvlde 27 more townihlia neatly 1001 ijuarter aactlon during the present season making lu all altout istmmf tpiarur accllona for frea homnatead entry in 1011 in thn farfamed peace hlver rou u try a new wagon road haa hweii con structed partly by tha government and partly by lbe merchant of kdsou alia through lo the oraudn prairie country u dlatancu nf ittt ml lea from 1don whlcb la all pracllcahy com pleted and i ramrlel to lie rmark ably level with no heavy hills and over which heavy loads may be drawn with ease hnad hmiao tlave also imhiii rstabllsed along this wagon road and thrt arttlcr will lie able to travel in comparative ease and at alight ex- pnnse from kdaun on the grand trunk pacific thla year in thn course of a week where tint former rou ten via kdmonton and 1 eater hlava iakv occupied several montha and very great c sat lite wtiolenl lata lice to he traversed wing over four time aa long aa the liw route it la rtijwtrlfd that there are thousand of proamhtlva home leader especially in thu liorthwetern hnltnl htatea who have been waiting eagerly for the otnlig of thn leac itlvar country to homestead i ng and wltei tha anitouncemenl reanbea them there will imj the greatest land rush into the peace hlver and grande pralrtn noun- try that ima ever taken place in any action of canada tho grand trunk pacific a accordingly taking meana to have adfipiata transportation fanlllluu itelwaeu wliinlieg lcdmouuiu and kdaon to provldo foi the vry urge traffic ttxpcled al1l wkllinqton movinq oatahkh cannot bb ourjbd ttl utoab api uiationm as ilr oannot imill irta seal of ui dlaam oatarli la a laon or mhiatllutlonal dbwa aad lit r4r to ua i ran muai lk luufusl ramaaua lull s lalarrl our i laaan islaruallir and seta rllrwiuy on uta blood sad tuuooua urfaaaa llsllaoaiarrli car la hoi a quark rnadlolna ilwaapramulbaa b eeaof ihs lta tthnlnlaua id tula oobbut tor rtan and la a raaular w nlpllonr ii is oontkmsj of ilis imsi lonlaa hnovn eemtlnad wttft uta tiaat lilaod purlairs as mb dlraallv on lb a trtuood anrnieaa tea pmlaeaoh of lha wo inaraduata ptolnae auh wondiru retails in oaiina caianti hand r r twiliamtal fraa j chvbvaoorrwtoladr o taa hall vafill niu lor oooatlpatluu the various municipalities of wel lington county were well represented nl thu convention held in hvrgua a wvek ngo atxuit one hundrtl and fifty delegates gathered from all tart a of the ountytwlth a view tit pminot- tng orgalilfatliui which would i nail to further temperance pingreas a slgnlllcant reaolullou wau carried uiianlnumaly to tho rltect lhnl hi very municipality not now under lnoal option nor datiarml by thu threeyear prohibitory clause a laical option ranialgii im tnaiiguratiml on bpeodlly ku postlhlr wltb a vlow to submitting by lawa in january 1ui2 you wit nollrn that wii are nuntlnually talking alxmit oikr ability to repair watches and clocks well that is imhmuaewe have tho rmilld- ence tbal wa can do it and du it hntl av than moat wat iih- niakura llrat liecaiiaa we served our full term nf apprenticeship and afterward worked under the beat maker in toronto and 40 year ex perience give ii such a great ulvan lago over moat other that w oolhe to you in full confidence that it will he carefully and quickly donrprlngle the jeweler ouelph i ii a huuk will bold a clearing sale of 17 horse and a nurnber of new and 2nd hand implement and aoitia i wire fence on or about tha 26th kuhrov ary all ha member in thalc rlotwiutatanttlnat monday bllbaalad hmalt dockxt of dubinkbi iiioll met on monday evening in rrgwlar aesklou mamlx ra all present haeva llymla lu the oltajr ilia commit tre on klnaor- present ed their third rewirt recommending payment of account aa follows i andrew hurt work alrnnteiery i ti a jmackluinu irgulrmllntl and poalage 2t id c rhght lent or polling ixhlb etc 12 iii anton iree prrs printing etr jh iu j w iciiiott fees re easement la u canadian westlngbouae co mel- 11 ui jl crawfmdlirlu light pole 12 m nu ni 1 be ijiuti t wtu adilili t a half hum wu tbml a ill in grn eral ennveraa lou relative in rlvln matter lbe heve r f l mrld uient to i he ul hluli- governing tbr a aaeithiiii l of hga iahaed at last milnn 1 lie tux rale lu 2o0 fir malr- and hi for fmal assessor ilarvuy will find all the dogs lu town a new tungattn lamp haw iteeu lu- vunled an will i- stkm at the powr huuaat in a week or an it iw claimed vo la much mom durable iletu abbrrliatmrnta tha i tint iigl lllum after a general penual of llio newly prlntth roplfw of the auditor hetort the tint for niljouruuient was called tub ilfdmralls or haltom tliure wa a lrge1yttmled urst- lug or the hwllnu lurorm asaoclallon in milt on wednesday of last weak when wtery pitrtnf ilia uitimly waa rep resented it wua drcldrl to call a unnvantlt tuirly lo noinlnalu uaitdldaloa for both the commona and lint lvglslalur it wa tliought wise t i hoi oolldataa ill tha held soma tlmu iwfor auctlon htrong resolution weie paaaed ex pressing coufldeuo in lb isurlar g4ivurumeut a well a n lha uadr nf the oiurlo oinlalllon lo a u mckay kvwry effort will im made to elect a supporter of vach ut tit next elecllnil the officer elected are i irealdant w v w puhri 1st vice president h p karl j 2nd vo president h cunningham i secdnlnrylroasurer j 11 peacock thn following were elect ed aa vie prealdauta for lhn township and towns artou a j moklntton i getigetown j j oiblton i hurling- ton j c caniplhlli milton 1 ltolairtsou oakvllle j n mcgregor l icwiuealng j n moplintaon jo plynm nsaaagiweya w j akln lr mctaggart m lualy kelson c luiulhead wm ghent t trafalgar wm cndmore j orlb h jarvl to learn la not tho main llilng but to practice kvery fallnrn ivarhc 11 woiuelhlng if wn will only learn artinclaldimxi like artificial flower give forth nu perfume au nvtrry thread of gold i valuable so u every moiint nf tlmis to lesson llie- sorrow nf oilier la the hasl way to aaaiiago our nwn it i well for women to laaru iudf- onrnpiest hi urn school of suffering whioh of xhcsae pioiureti itehf ilprvhiiilh your stikblfj if tour blah inlarlnr la of wtml youll do ll to loar down those ol unsightly i all t la tails an1 i of concrete tola la lhn molsrn htarlta or suhlllnvaa an ami t aanltary ra sad 1 1 1 id tiihhll and t rial it l iiooyk and xm pom balk iat uiturtall iiduh t au nooi will h tunuix hllala vnib uta ua u ifaisd tor aalv hard snd mi wsisr aothi a on mill hi slae rhmau unau talttila a uiutn for part ka- thn far mar hlalf ran ty ha uu mtk ay hltle irnorovamerita that with any odiei i lha am ploy m t o i i more alerlal wouhl altllla lauor ih yon wnull know snmtriln of th i ii i haa ttt cone rata till out tha oau wnd it n y iiy ralurri mall w t yen aiynpy of our rra 100 pa book wkmi th fmrm4t cn dm w4 favar li ilila bunk yni ii find nnm plata inslrue- tlona r-r- lha rnnntrucllon of almost -vary- 111 ik u rn think nf in tho way nf farm liilldliikw ttuora vata lrou sle ate nohalaya for a farmar not a ltaw hiew tu ml it slut iia rone rata a to oonfaaa btmsaif ny itfhlmt lbe tlmaa lli- ii lrmtsc ju wilk cru wlu not only inrnrm you it will also inuraet you wlnl the farmer can 1 with concrete tails yu ihw la ub tdmrvl in canvtructlnl the final finish of our sale of winter goods we have planned a isal ami final tldm to sail every scrap of wlolrr cojmi in our blot if you have lad lo purchase your coal until how youre lucky for yu fan ltuy coal for iiaiji llwlr former sailing mice wa srs tie tar ml ml lo cloa out nor winter siocka wt we rrtaao lie wke enllclng ladles coats half price all thla season coals in tkmushlo fabric on kale now al iiai v tlunr uvular aelling pfke for llulanoa an laoo or fia oo coal can now 1m houahl fort ouurlfiua purs greatly reduced ami ibay are not lha chesn iruhy blrul elltier lul hljdt ikuhi raludtbj fur llm kind you would like lo have at price ibsi make it worth your lille to boy now mens and boys overcoats wa at oflarlrul way cost in i colick utlera srul neat tha la n need of a new overcoat wekhjoiwrlrut aaycoat in thla lirlmnl al onltiiiud oh tlw rcuur nice coraforlslo college lltalera srul neat tlraaay cliaalmoeld aiyum at prico lluil woulil b an truluoomanl to anvona wlto w propxy avll oitproa lvoiflht uid postage oliariiea on avll tfood lrogardlobb of aiao orvoluo- 8nd n your order by mail tumplnai ohoorlully qabmltud tthtlb lion d e macdonald bros cor wyadham and macdooctt streets guclpii ont tub lion bank of hamilton head ofrce hamilton capital paid up 2750000 rnon and undrrided prafiu 32110000 6000000 toljil aueta om 40000000 saving bank department at all branchea oeoioetown skanci1 w m uckay mi 3 full dress requisites 3 3 m ouks1 blllltlb in nil sires duhhs clovku in all line tt n dullsil vusl tt in choke roodi dlthss thu in all xlylea h b dlilibbcoliaub alulaaa hi hut hi uds for every wear s c ou ft links in ll style s lvery una is hlilctly new and uo to data and otxelunl 0 not fail to come bare for your nosda for evnlnk wear r e nelsoist de metropolitan bank cotsisciersitious plumbing a heating is mot k juvvth snith us to thu contrary we make it the mobt important factor so if you favor us with your patronage jou will enthusiastically endorse ub fred smith plumber quchcc st gtlelpii phone 337 hmmmmmmmmwmhmmmmhmhmmmmmasi a s something new at m g under the sun s inlplcmcnls and machines for the farmer from any manufacturer in canada or the united states at the lowest possible price head office paid ui cavital uiist 13r8w6 toronto out kveky dkpartmiht or banking conduclwj will lullliy accuncy ml mully tabmbrs bdamaas gfvan irllculr allnllaii salb notbb dikodrimj or reclvtl tat oltwhon bavinob department 3 do will opit kn uxouni intera iuiwimi fitmt i of oopoul no unlay in wlilitlrawal joint accounts may in opantl ii ilalnil ao thai rllli tit iwo raonf may withdraw untla kcton brhnch 1 bc to announce that 1 am now prepared to supply tnacliiucb of every make without ex ception and that i will not in the future confine myself to any particular manufacturers line believing as 1 no that no single concern has a monopoly of all the good things i am going after the best in each let mo know your preference and i will endeavor to supply it 1 hjtve made a careful examination and am pre pared to recommend thi kindd most suitable for this district in addition to implements machines and vehicles i will give attention to roofing mater ials wire fence machine and coal oil also the celebrated white bronze monuments american coal oil 18c per gallon s mill si g a black auctioneer acton a m brown s two leaders malotte separators dam hay loaders manager m4mmnm k1in w001 wantkd w mma u jjml hoick iiuimung lots pom l k io 1aitih wliu mill i to deall hu li ma a will a11 loia lulldla lots i low prlasa ou w nt ljmwl li iucavdmouk no w i- utiinitaix ibot ut kaupaoa laitu of thanks ik aadabltaaj lt4a l tataulmt u4allaa bl tlw a ad aaaa4 aaa um iwaa dsadaar klmwa m4wia lua ua illnisa aa sllaa tba aaaai 4 rl um 4m iaabaa4 aad taieaa tt pa ssaa rtww aa4 aaaabuita hm aot tare tsaai hi4 saa utair laiarmt aaa o wamui faum for hale om to hint tlw wi baffia m hi 44 part ol lot la lb saa al ika taaatlp al h-qaaa- laaaaai efi baaarjaa daaulual iaa aa a sastf iailu aajurlifet vslaf r laa aaa ktarllauur apply to joba ms- iras aa lus iuim or c j uaaalaaoa uanlaiaa aataa km aa aa ataaaaa a truia bare 0 u labuaa saaaraaaih tov stt ad a h lba k auo sea notice not1cu la uauy au that sppllaauoa will j ta tus4alabalgulaauraufliarrottaa i dfuutulosi iu haa i sawle by ua t kaburltau hailwav cooiady lor an jililiot lalda umceatuf i a toaalandlulloslnmi ptaaaai aauiolaa lualdb o ut uj lookallu lu tus towbablp lo a polol id u uaa ilia tmb o m uoauiy of tlalton aaaiii ibroagbl townaiilpa ot toianlii irmjajarl loa bsb imtbaly in a pots a ail vlllaaaol voioa la lha said uoaaial couoiy nl w slaw loo a hhi tuialy of waoia lluouut or baair tlia tnwnabl walatmi uuraliaa ruallooh li tolnuaaaalltacaj lha laaua nf boada lor ilia uouipani a railway l wauvwava and blctiaaaa and aafl lo uta imsohihi and oor oompanja railwaj talaji al toronto ttil mil da lltvok iiknunthfl 01 trtvdsra haas had riullallors luf turoolo ruborbt rowl raw i urn soli all kinds b grand trun winter -to- mexico colorado antl pacific 1 ho grand trunk ruih tho poonliir roulo from throiikb caontla via chiei features g nnublo irutl pau raj koallmd mmlafii kipjpnj lod dinini cur scrvitu aj sifoty and contfoil to the sunny j no morn tlntl ruble r gruntl 1 mnl untl cannet very low 1 full infornmtioii tlckejj h s holmes take nc spring is coif i onu ii your old harw iimmi rtijuuliw and hrln w j gor lis can he i or new hit irlcoi blvlo lorihowwloli have a icn llpix cumim mul hans v liw rollls dukmk llkffb loft logo atc wjgordonj qu wsiisli and cbt somi l real lener t cood lett hen are good bualn m wt ibbh win v

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