Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1911, p. 3

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fv spectacles l a nj jcylfl cjjlahseh in uolio coid qold rillkd auti nickel pramb8 wa call repair your spectacle of ilya ilaumi ws beep in mo ft lull iln of i rmaa umm and temples and can tlo jiniir wuiu naallj mn w pooipieae giveubacali- lwx hynds maiinlaob jlidkhk ibsuatd kkax estatk money co loan at lowcxt rate of intrrrat large number orrornu tor hale cheap dwolhnsm and ibrr property in all porta or thr krwnjw have every facility for trmnitaeilna- our bualneatf to your complete mtturaetlon a willoijcuuv tieomctown jlje tfon yrte jjress tiiuk8day iltlluuauy 1ij 1111 bltftp local items honm bin snow hanks now kgr and aultnr are ltoth dtolliihik la price another iebrnary hllvrd on tuesday it looks as f hour ii o ilnwn a ootoh or two the milton champion look- will in its flno new dress of- type the big choral concert will h held bout the middle or march effge were down to 2tta to 2ha and butur to 22o to asc in onelph lhu chief j xv hill the mohawk rdlolae man will l in town again tuesday bllxaard mocked the da woree then ita predeceasor or t week the annual oieetlnjf of the helton aaaoolation will w hld at hut- vton tomorrow wheat bee been coming in mora mly the put few week though the 1o la down to hln euter bunday l somewhat late lie yar coming on april ithb taint 111 begin on march lhthah wed- day th bookstore did a big buelnem valentin post carda end the post gierke have been busy ell week inaequeooe i bpwortb iomhue will hold a ibt social next tuesday evening ethodlat achool room i liter- brogremtne j mckenxle heji purchaacd tkle property ootialetlng of five imery andmcnabb htreeu black will hold e clearing p e end e number of new nil lutpleiueub end soot n or about the sfith inst u leave ijingham hee pur- known as the john f 117 ecrtni tint sale j a wllloughby narlble will ep- wn hall on monday ght 27th net hongs ballads afler- end jege will ik given ute ie to conohtdm with leugtmbla itch fun in rtmuturent it le eeld thet it ukeh u rlnh men dcmw ohur e horee to drew e a pretty girt to drew attention iper to drmw e cork i free lunoh to pw a crowd eni m goml edvertlte- at in thlwnfcu 1hkhh to drew the weekly meeting of th kings dertlee illble oie will te huld to- ow evening in the methodlat- lanh perlor an eddreee will bo n by mr s mcoreokeo of knoic f school or the ideel im 1 jnen erelcome on monday morning et ten oclock thome workmen charged w anderson with using profane end raiting lengnege on tlto atreet bo- ifiette ilynde end k i moorr i ohargo wee euetalned end 4 une iiloo and coata wee impoeet b quart r i w communion orvlrtm i the method la t church were held fcinday he fjrantllff pre oh none very fitting tothe occa- fouf new memliere ware glvan i right hand of followahlp at the leptlon eervlca in the nvanlng balunitrad lbioetpleeaftnt avcnliig wee apent ftha home of mr hohu cole recent- jtrnen the inembereend ejlherentenf i praebyterlati ohurcb to the num 1 of forty or more gatlierel to qt organlet mlae ada cole ihawetlfllled puree and e c4inpll- itery uddreaa mlae coin eppre 1 very highly the kind words end ne4a tokeo end the donore felt irhad done the right thing w j b cheyne of claude ex umci pulplta with hev mr currle lbunday he le an vlotiuent rfher ih following l the school report of no 10 krln woodaldc for nary iv m vlulotu molntyre no butler b jobnnu mcleenh- xii norman uolcacbern m wateon frank hwaokhamm fph haney herhle mclcachern butler 4 i khlu mokanhoru ct ftollln mclseohern maliul m stluiitt teaoher wltt notice that we unaafy talking attout iklilty to repair watohea rajapks well thnr la j have the ennfld- itlha we can do it and better then moat wateli- flret because we iur full term of apprenticeship erwerdaworkid under tlie heat n iq torvmto and 40 yenre ox- motej glvee ua eueb a groat ad van qver nioat nthere that we ootne in full confidence that it will 1m illy and quickly done irlngle fewnler guelpb news op local import otfanlalnar miami onaty in krilntiw- the lluv uatlhuw wlltum w a formerly rrolor or anion with uoik- wool and of llartou hiiollloil iimu teji promotud to tlio ihwuihii of nr- gnhelrg minlomry for th mlo ldlnburgh with huadquoruoulkdir- hiirgh a haoord ludovir lo ton- ijuii uoodey rranoon mr dai uvwin with hi- lndld limiii of hkvy draughla a huul of 1io- lock bark whlnh welghwl lt0lll iu from thn j t it ttullon lo ilia ull- uerins a tmi too iid of aiioh lillk is unuanal hot title uam huulod it with th u bold lat wk theaaluor thu llro ru ul ik con i ltu j tuning we vitwuimi at ltilpb on thurtilay through it j karr tl autlonr mr- itould mn- icfrhnrn of krln waa tint purcliuur htrlo hioludiniriil eorrtxhlri- of thrfll whtatropby mr krynr thn tenant waa ji100 oita hundred afm chuin lland mr w lowdy meuagr toionto ijtiio on purohajmrd ut wnok tlirnugh mr w ii iony thn jautna llrown property un thn ttwioml htm 1it lit ttmrfl ara a hutidrod errott hi thn pro- imrty and it has a urgn iinllly or timber aultahu for kilo w1 which will he cut and nd at the ihon klloa at thn dolly aid malson oulh in u iloapltal aid it- k nnlaoi la in thn hmrl lobplul forauolhni- alight operation tbu will u hi aarotul rixn or title kind he having barn 1101 rut ml on a year and a half ego hlnce lhal tint hf has lotd a grt- at dnal of trnuhlt wit it oiia of hu haitda ae thn rvautt of a iknti hon aid nluou haa hud r than hla aharttof uliyulrnl tronhla for a good whllo peat and hlu many frlnda will hi rly -11- harge from ihn hoapital aft it hi prvsaut treatninut rully rilond 10 stealth morcury j atluom nld 0y for aototi iraliinhtary to thn joiinty odiivin- tlon to txi hrld at milton uaxt monday the dominion allo will hold a llld day next sunday during which thn pulplta of almoat evrry nvangnllral church in llalton will lwi itcoiipleil by rvpromutltlvae of the alliance tim kiiouncenient for anton la that hv il oockburn m a reahytnrlan mlnuter tonioto will preach in knox church in th morning ami mr k j ii a in the llaptlat church at tltu tame hour in the nvunlng both thnaa apnakore will uddrvaa thn ngrrgatlonluvhe methodlat olinroh this message will bn of lntnan inter- milton idretl anton lie of thn faatoat gemee f hnckuy played here title wlntar milton tin feat- il acton for uin ancond time by the acorn of o it laat weilnnulay evonhig and imiltii lbn tic uutuulttlllilug ult waa very much in duuht the acoro being tied twice 11 ami u j y broknn by milton kltortly before bairtlmo wuu ralh lmiu the ixvglnnlng of the acoond hau mil ton were th aggressors some of the acton aeven having loat oudr glngit tito final result waa oh in favor of thn visitor the playing or clark thn acton centre waa the feature of the gauie he having the puck hilly twlri any ollmrpleyor and imvwr weakening at atiy point in lint gaunt k chmtmliy outran iat friday efta mr 1 mr kachnrua a4tu or krln found when ho went fttr hlw team t the malhndlut church shod that a pair of hla tracna hftd ixten wantonly out through an hour latir mr wm uahrrwood of omprluge aecertaiuml wlum he wont for his team that aim traco wau out half through two hew atiu or ihiu had been out through and half a doxtm bulla ware mlaalug and the check rein waa out through litis criminal work was dune in broad daylight ill u- pected to ba the work of a couple of boys who yeoently litok up their rrai- dance here they ere under aurvojl- lance by the aulhorltles end if the neoeeeary bvldetlcv la obtained hevvro punlahmentvlll le meved out to ihnni lth oantn oflha world owing ui the bliiuard which raged a day on mondtty of laut wnok thn lecture which had been edvrrtuod for that evanlng in coimrcllnn with thu uaptlat anniversary svrvlcra waa pout- ported until le titeeilay vrnhig in the hm that more ravotable wchtlmr would pravall hut it waa indeed un fortunate that thn weather of t it week httfore waa repeated on tuesday mak ing it impossible for many to hear the hcture who ntherwuo would undoubt edly have been present those who hnard mr mcclllinuddya interfiling and initrurllvn loo in re on 1hnconlre of llm world felt however that they bad been well repaid for linvlng braved the atorm it waa not aa one might auppose on first thought a iwcjure on science goolngy or geog raphy hut rathei one in which it waa shown that every homtt tfvnry church every litdivldua waa thu centre of a world from which centrv intlueitonu aru going tint which are duuatantly vibrating either for good or evil w4fioulj ite the centrn fur thn spirit of himpltallty ami mutual truatmid c on lid on no i wn ahould have high idnau and nndeaviu u hlltlu to to them but ah mi id uut ell km ihi itowat our ideau inual un pmctlnttl that they may radiate from tie thu centre of the world wo uhoold graap opportunity 1 jtiepy kt a cull to dn home woik hut whovi they am not iuon1 to if iltivn coulldxnoe tjiut you havu tint nlulty it u our duty to 1 rady to milker to tin- null uitl 1114 1 111 the eonimlaavl flrat plan your wm k iod then wowy our plait tttt on your dignity i reach out to what yon hrllevn you can accunipluh go nflcr it and you will succeed throw your luart into your work and you wont liav any troubht getting your ltndy thum wu uhoold i hie cuutre of a world fot ommrallou a ceutm for loyalty centre for wider outlook 4 we uhoitld bear each others bardne thai n may lift othere up so that all may hav larger inutunlnonllduiim and mat and a largtr whirr outlook tliroiihonl hla address mr mounllouddy drove homn hla poluta with apt illuatralioum which were for thn moat jteit of a humorous natum and caused tunny a latigh tlte melhodjjpuidny hnhuol orciieatra rendore a ntliiil of aclrn- tlonp during the evening whinh were nttich eujoytnl mr j u warinu doolfpled be ohalr oambllna at tna fall fair til llvlltll ulltllll1 hllfllllg of tlo totllo auhodlallon of krtlr and vt- hlhidona w4ultijl in torculu uat wnk in hla iiim j iwv wll- aoo hndxilouinlfuil of lalra fipinw- rgrl tlinl yuniljlm worn ullowd by dlriiitnra toopnrato at many fairs v wtinil ptimx ull and flouvli iimi wrfiiuolly il olf on tumixndn1 uoutnncpa by local tnaglntiatna in litany itaormuuon oroualph troparty tli wwlui joo intend to lfoi thili prohirty wliin lliilr wutnr kprloga arn iocbiiki and 111 pluit lvttkri tr tlun during thn iioinlng aiiinnipr itt yr thy pill iti iiiimmt and worn forlniialn firmugh to havn itvtir i xr unit of thorn llv whll i- a goxl wing th a will aa u-for- ik i ipally aprui and am ttuliile to- ml through thn ohurlo anrlinltur- al collfga tletlfad ahtr eovmraorrrmtdanay at tin- rint annual tnntltg it tin- httttnn union fi10 luaiirenon co hhl htre mr john unuoay lh vtrrsn of naxaagwfyu who iuplnl tin ihm1- llou or iti of th conii4iiy rr nearly twiinly yt-av- tignwl thu poalllon iit bad iiimhi ao aulifanlorily ml jamie klkwohl exm 1 1 wau utrflnl to llii vaiaticy and mr ulfliauhlrhhitni of aahgrovn vru- loiilnt thf dlrootore of llm torn- puny ii try w cook htrl- vlllrt fur utll milton floorgf k llahrr litunau i n uod anton w a uaby uookwrnau jnu wiu1111 ic1i11 colin juinitron htrk- w i 1- hm rvcrtlarytmaiturfir milton ninilu o tlyuor to auuin itifvniig lo tin- kkkic 1uiotft tiioi ramiclhig thu iumi who rtrnntly liur homo from milton with nunmn itoltlpu of llipioi l lo jltauiplun aay aboiii hxu oumi aoim- mirpru itu lh onli lmtidpu twu plitvtttf nutn to milton but limy did nrv muko thtiuiiwlvea conaplcuno wblln litn mid amrcorl- nd to intvi- gonn 1 m aolmr and to havn ukoit no itwala itoltlfa or juga with thru it u ouay to ittdlnve thai thum nrti hungt 4011 at acton who lo e condition to play hotkey or in other word- that thy are habitual dilukela luteal option acton u reported to imi whisky- llapenalug turrltory everyday in the wrnk hut milton amid no litpiora thnrn and la nut tponalha for th dlaordur of wliloh the vniiw luiuwi couiplaluu the cliuuiploii has nvl- dently imen making aome vmiuirioa almtut the night in ipiwallmi hut its informant luikud knowledge it la repotted at this end that every avail able hvory lig in town waa engagud- for milton that night hiprlg the i0114 lnoislidgi uh to acton lkng whiakydumiuahig liiriuiry every day in the wvik the coliuly mictor anil coiuinuuloncra votirdilkvltclu7tirplmtltrmilntlllo- thom the uamn or thn whthkydu ferred to not for publica tion but aa an evidence of good faith cam pa lam convantlon roi llaljan thu catipalgu commltleo of thu ontario branch or the dominion alll- aniio has adopted the policy of promot ing county convoutlona of temperaticn workvra following the humly field duya r aker informal noiiauttatlon with fiirnda hi thu county it haa been dmuniid wlun to cull a couvmtliun to motit in milton town hall on monday fhi uury jlili following he ramiuilgn kunduy of tho day imi fore a convuu- lion ihiaulou will imi huld at j p m and a public iiikmh mulling ut k p m ad- i will itu given by uov ihui h hmncf herniary dominion ahnnc and ntluirv the call aaj h tim situa tion hi the county of llallon ia full of liitnroat and minouraguouitt four of tho in un in i pal i hue are enjoying the re- sillu of well earned luteal option vie- toriea uatualy 1 naaaagawuyu trafal gar nuuuu and anton threo othtrw have prilled uiajorltlea agitlllbt lite re newal of llonnuna but havn iwmn die prvved o the legitimate fruit of victory by an arbitrary leglulatlvertfpilreiur nt inorgotown a yrar ago made aiuffnit to anpproaa the three public drinking plarua in that village hut fnlhto aucuru a majority milton alone of the llultou uiunlnlpallllee baa f tilled to demand vntn on ioral option klght years ago milton guvu u majority of fclxtythruo per cent in fuvor of thu provincial alxillllou of tho liar and in thu num fnturu will douhtleaa orgatilate to auppreaa lier barrooina bvooo vaotfl aoqut oanada the 1011 edition of this indupeiia- ahlu collection of tonorolf orirp can adian facte ndltedhy frank ye igh or toronto tho wellknown lecturer and writer eud author of thu nuw book through thn heart of canada hatt been leaned and la 111 led with fresh data of a moat interetillng and illumin ating character it le a tiiarvol of condensation presenting in small apncu alrlklng flguree relating to every phaaw and departiuenl of canadas raaohinum hade uud national life ita mptiurlty and wide ual nan eaiilly imi unilertdond in fuel it la ua huu imuii said worth itu weight in cobalt allvor or yukon gold the booklet tilay imi hud fiom tlui htiullug lltiwadduhiru oi- jo conla from the catiudlan facta luhluiiug co ik17 ypndlita avenue toriiuto two and a half houra on ogoratlna table bpeeleuecid not remevwbtone l y btaddr i mix i and socfal and personal alias mimde nelwin apont stivta laya laat week with frlenda in oimlpli mlaa oura jmhlrvn r toronto ijlurtl acton frinuda during thn wek mr hoherthootl of aetou was n man on tuaudnv uoorgiitowu liar- iid i ha mud- ira hoit wi ing 11 wmk or so with her daoghtar at ml mavya ml anh mnlaii of ooulirana vulled hla hrollur mr n a mclean tblvk mi ktta and myrtle dhl and mlj jnealn halilahaw or toronto hhot holiday in town uuamtomyaud mlaa mkhilre of btuiuuu apnnt thwwatikend at lit 11 lloui ir mr iemy llrown wlwa uuby ourk and mlldrl stanley wttdi the ionrt glvvn by xhr ltoyal wfilh ohoir in vleorgotowu uat wfilonaday nvrolng mr 11 i moore attended the an nual dinner or tlto prluur hounl of thi of toronto last lrhlay miuodmra walter flood lfl uii motmly for a atx wnnka vlail with frunl in thn oh hoiln in kiunl mr wm o douglas rot ur tied home from ht jttsepba hoapltal onelpli on haturday utlidh lmrovl hi hrallh mr colin vmrm of uockwood who huu immiii nmrly for untie tlmn owing lo a severe attack of ik grlpht llu lug auotion bald nkuiarran fltluav ullh fkiiuimuvhuln of llralrlasa farm atouk hotj rattle and ho llm rhrty of iol n knonrdy lot 2t fourth luto fus ing hals at i oelook terms nlno uionlha ihcnj tmrvii aunllomirr you timer know whether a marl la good mil ii h gnla into the gaum of llfr brain workers who get llllle exercise feel belter all round or an occasional dose at nadruco laxatives they one up the liver move the bowels gently bul freely tlcanse the syitom and clear the brain a lie pleasant and reliable laxative prepared by a reliable firm and worthy vt the nadrtlco trade mark 25c 0 box if your druggist has not yet ilockod them send 25c and we will mall them national oduq ev chemical company or canada limited montncalf 21 bank of hamilton head office hamilton cpiul pu up 2760oo0 reer and unliided profiu 3zsu000 6000000 total audi over j40000000 saving bank department at all branches geokoktowm branch v n ukay ur annual meeting wellington mutual fire insurance co hald in the companys office atqueilpk on wcdnvuday rbiuary blh 1911 the seven tyvlrut annual meeting of the wellington muliul lire iiuurancc cnntiuny waa lickl nccordlig lo advert itu moot in the olflca of the company the htb day of iebruary iqh at two oclock in the afternoon the ivetidcnt having taken the chair the mecuiiu wub tailed to order and the secretary reud tlie notice calling lite mcclimr- the miitutca of lat genera annual meeting were in motion of ii gtmmier iccofuled by j kennedy taken aa read carried i he secretary then rcod the following report seventy- first annual report glintihmkn your- director beg leave to present lite ut auihmi keimirt of the wellington mutual klre lumrante company for llio year ciuling j 1st day of december loiu tea aatetiat af liuham la imi jiat liacmbr 10 fijs pollcic on the mutual syatem amounting lo 5559 lollclci on tho caili system amounting to um7w6 nlm the 3r4mmv the linancial statement und auditors report oroiubmittod herewith tho financial statenicnta arc prciutroil in accordance vltli the rculrcmcnu of the ontario insurance act tho retiring directors are jnmca goldie tltot gowdy aiul g ii uyan all of whom are eligible for roclcctiou your directum have declaml a dlvidaiwl of 7 per cent oil lltu pa id up capital stock of the oimnany for tlie year ending 3 lit dec cm iter i9iu all of which u rcipcctuiuy mihmltted sl guokgu slkeman rrelont oiciuith iui1iiuubiimints linra hnuln jwjlud- cuniinialu ami llen4io abciii trtaticmr vdkiatt lanca allillti 1 111 ktuw ailllntmcntntclatltu matumrrralxl aiimmuiuu ftmlnlllu1il hululuiy aamuuitnl ami ikwwt unit cimicll a ail uinlflwl tatien halatlia ulileib ami aiitlltuia lcta 4m li au hi jij11 m ill i ivl ull v vi yi w hit all ikthutll4culifl canada iai kln itctwiiluiv llulilt aii1 ontatlii ihvhihuii ct on ltilt viaua hank ci1 ut laiil at tlrat oftlc liiiltiiiu imic ty annua fmiililtil murtlrmmtailiiul hill ill- catllal blmk i14 ji ku iwll itu altaota co milulllb4 rukclft jszz v4mv liablutitle aulhtokft ruponr i or tiih war mhiitmn mutual w6e right house hamiltons ravoklte shopping place the new basement where acton housewives love to shop 97- piece dinner sets as low as 450 patent oil cans savory roasters sclfbastine roast pans lnamclwarc tinware brooms lanterns etc etc no better utensils and home utilities in ontario tvythrk ligures ordinprbnsionh tpver kivc t clear idci of tlie hiict nl u store ucction jjo wc will merely stitc that the new uiucnurtt il tin khuit tioubk is one of the largest lijjlitest kest arranged department in llie dominion every feature that could possiibly tend to further your comfort the lijhtui heat inn ventilating and urranyimjiof itock has heen done by expertu the stock measures squarely up to our miii standard the aitlrj arc wide the ceiling hiyh the tables and stands convenient and the tnu incs in stock are juthcied by our own buyers from th best producers in the world regardless of the distance from canada many prices arc special now to inlroikcc these new lines j7 1muck dinnhk bhti lit ln wnrl- porcelain nreiiy decorailoim i430 j vlkcil dinnhh hhtli in lugll ml oicauin rreno or bhin ixirdera and old dgsa vin jo fa iwwjui at yte viif and it 15 wiurii jaiannim iiouiinom uicts t llthir tin i oaimo1 tin 1 iluftar i in 1 l4 1 in jul 1 collofi i in npia at i 30 jaiannki wlilta ilouk cans tluil pnciul ai 00 i1j3 and liyi jalamnio dust ians ajwclal at lie i and 34c jaiannlid kniik uoxhs m at 33c jalamnhd cuslidoks cperial al ilct iy 3r itc nc jaiannhlj cash lloxiib kpclau it ooendfuj wash hoauos very twia 1 lcmlljc lomunfi ikon i nt iioaltdiikpocll at i j washing macihnis wiji at 6oo 6 o tl v and ita 75 wkingiiu aitecul l 54 y lo vi fto diihahm iikooms atrclal 4 4 jjc 60c wash i luis peclal al 7c i and 1113 1iakk iioakds nwculal jjr 50c j and 05c kitciikn knlvltr ilni1 knivsa kmry tlicka carving fork very cll at ijc wash itoilkku ifu at fi 4 in lion coal oh cans apart at jjcioiwjc- you can get a light lunch ice cream or cool rcfreshinf drinks in the basement butuitn railroad iapis ultundld on a very liberal plan thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sts hamilton ont spring displa v of laces and embroideries maver before have the paopla ul acton and vicinity mi anch an immense aainrlinnl ot tlilrililnaiid miely worked lacs ami eiuluolderlea aa wo hava for llilu aoahon in si call nottingham and calala wonders of dainty lun and emhroiiry work ara achuvl ioiplo who ara arlutlc irnm hlrih uhoae every activity camera oimiui tlte production of boaullfnl awl mill more iwautlful ijcc ait1 ijnilirtililorui audi lworilo inula 1i10 tlalnty itcoa and duiluoldcrlos imported dlrecily by ua ami whlcli are now on diaplay in our wlndowa embroldorlos rfanglng in prloo from 80 a yard to 275 por yard iloaulilul drau itmifltha of mbroldcred mull at 16 n we could u into minute dalall of how carolul wo wei hut what inlercila you is ihn row i a and llie prlcnit id toyj with inacrlion and fttini lo milch i in malliij muciinna of lualllics and uaufi vlli llibdepiihi vnry apncla prlceu on kitvera ixkl unw we propay all exprosd frohht mid postaffe oharfloo on all gooda rojiajfdloafl of bjo or valuo bend ub your order by ttftul sunples oheerlujuy nubmlttod the lion d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdonell streets guelpii ont thb lion jajhirs regular from 15c to 125 to clcaiiout at from 10c to 75c buv quick i- wd are now man u fact uriiff- iiarntss tor people 20 miles distant t from acton leave your order now for spring w j gordon if n and ivunk matn mill street acton trnl to couau1 aulfcrlilg ten illmlder du divided aloiio was too hitnl to cruih wuu r com f tic ml 1 oimiiiui they relieved til passed it j6tiitrrb po a i went to mou- f allst as i had been btottp in the j biljonjio rvintive and too mil home and friend to try nd lle atone ionltl nut iuinnve lt for two hoitih mid n loiuduiidootitluiui to mid to my tjriitt anr piwmd thn atouu 1 gin 1lixhnre thn tile vqrld and bcqtnue tlrfy did ute so uiurh utmml i will recommend tbetn rill ulerrelofiiiy life 46 jf atmtbv ikhhaud yw itox 6 for 150 nt nil dealer ami money back if lltey full to pi ye ndif l ttmnplaliox free nutlounl iruf uud cliiiiiict 1 cvdepu a toronto wtt tu lorlllv hi- 1 w iini jrr mllku lltiiir y hin lulullcfl llllfll ulllhllm iiiuml allhoulnauiol f1icu ily ilmi moved by george sleeman mid adopted carried ri lim tamt vtiiicnaru auil luhiku er hir i iiiunt iik tiily tcilkv llm i lite aiciiiiiuniyiiiu cj1i xinkoirnl a tiililiuiiit maumciit nt llie ahalit ut tta cuind hi cmilllom suit all ilckhxi lufonilvii lu l fully a c hltll c a tlutttlal acraiinlaul 1 tllclmabw uaunimbr i i by j goldie that the report lie i nt anl is vi- rrf eiitctioisr or directors tuj secretary read a hit of sluircliuiuers who had aent proxies the umoimt of slock reprcncnlwfwwsoa ji ballot having been taken tho following were tlocluiod elucted jamee goldie tho gdwity c u ryan moved by iw moore kconded by ii mil r ton that a c kcff and ttiqmo- w juundere le reinointcl auditor at thu aainn remuneration ua last year carried moved by hgummer accoruled by ht w ilurr that the tlunka of tlm-klmru- holdur bo uxlendeil to the president and director for llm rftldcnt maimer in which hoy have lookud after tlte interests of llie company durlnil the year loia- carritxl moved by j kennedy accnmlefl by 11 cu miner hut thu thnnka of thu share holder ira alvcu the secretary and oiulu staff for their service during tho year cairhnl i the meotltik i licit ntlkuinied at a aulmouucnt muclinu of the lloatd the serrutury actlnu u c nit incur n ballot wnacaat for iroldaiit aiwl vlrelreildcnt when gcoruc sloe man waa declared elected ioidcnt und jameiiuollpviccircawciit 1400000 deposited with tho ontario oovcrnmcnt jfov the sttrity 6t pitey htydcrs idrand trunk wrlat wiitcr tours to v mexico colorado california and pacific coast points the grand trunk kullwuy syum l thu pomdar routa from ult polnfa uaitt tlmviirh canada via chicago features duubu track ltntl korvlce lliut kouillkid mmlern honipnipiit uitrkcol- ind dinlne car service all klemaiita ol siifutyand comfort to the sunny south no mom dctdrnhle route than vu flruiid trunk end iaiinoctinf linen very low jrates uull information tickets etc frein hsholmes agerit atron ontario conscientious plumbing a heating is not k mtyth sjtflth us to tho contrary wo make it tho most important fsetur 3 l y fu u wlt you will ortthuuiattically ondorsu us fred smith plumber quebec st guelpii phono 3 j7 wde metropolitan bank paiii up cai1iai 100000000 kisst i8et8a hchd office toronto ont 15vbry dkpahtmknt or banking ciuiiluclwl willi rclllty accuracy utlil mmuirlly jaluajcbb business ctfcn imilculr anenllmi saib motes i i lluuunliid or tkkrl for collodion savings kepaiitmknt 11 no willihnftncouiil liiii nllowoil iroto ul ol lrhthli no lulay in wlihilhw1 joint accounts my in openctl ii illrl fanaar my llhirw uoit tlil clllior of lun i cton brpcnchi a m brown manager 1

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