Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1911, p. 4

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fct retort jxte fycss 1iujlthiay khljitlalty hi lltll t willlruli kimm i mil you hwr vi r hear of anything nfpier am lb little flh wtin would n i ham li twlnl f lor m will i 1 wtint to lly through tha air alkve mo high ami tu u a lltlla bird upon h limit tlinn til- good mother aahl i willi tmoli notions li your head ymi hi vr l of any ue to me 1 kit yoo il livlter go away 1 prom hnni thla very dy ami tty your lurk living limtni hold iim roollh tittle fish i i him mm tlhl u 1 wish i can sing like nny hlrdvory sweet i y hut w man cam along with a li ml hook elrung ami caught tin little llliveiy iolly 1 reiicus ilnusiiinrit vatuui that nvvbr vanv lb this life of nura wo are continual y confronted with the problem f changing value wheat hrlnga certain price to day n t wnk il may ihi something very dllfnrullt kvn gold tlmt standard on which w rely u mil uniform lu vahm it in worth leas than it waa heforn tint ri milt discoveries vastly lucre and the worlds reeerve or gold and flvn dollar k niece buy- far h sa of the naneaatllea uf ufa ihan it did a com parallvcly fnw yvara ago lint wltli mii this uuntuallnii of vuliu some things do not vhangi uhay aotar will imii us uifioh next year or in a thousand year ne it dim- today courage kindness lulrlty and faith ara of uniform value in this land or another thla world or the tiavt tliy 1 era etamurd potjncuauon fit net plea klrat i whnn w undurtaka to llll your prescription wt give them our undivided attention and iwat caro tha pausm- welfaro lu our flret win aid oration hacond wn guarantno our druge to be of full ulroiiktli u wall h turti and third l our nuatomura ar mnndlnd wiuk juatwliat tiioyauk for i auulitut ing i rmvor allowed paiitab cmkiiy mmwimii if you arn a anffortr from kldiuvy dumaan iwnr ouinplalnt ij1mm1 lroulilea rbouroatlam rnuralla or iwirvinw proatratiod wo otnlldnuuy rtwuiu roand thnuaeof ialiiou onlnry com pound thut hillahlo and uiivor dig appolutlnff tnadlclnn in a tru dluoaau banubar and ay torn hulldnr wo upply tha jon ul no 1ajnea culnry oumpound at drown anton out pain in heart lor two jcaru i bad pain in my heart back and left side fou id not draw a deep breath or luvon left hide and uiy little lxcrtiou would cause palpita tion under advice i took dr milch heart ttcmedy and n i t alwnt thirteen- bnttlcu am in better lieilth tbnn i ever wan and liivc rimed 14 pouutu mrs l1lml 1humas upper sandiak ohio lor mny ycirs ir mllei ileirt ucmcdy inn been very miclch till in the trcitmcut of heart troublch because of iu tonit cftcct tijiori the heart ucrvcti and niusclcn 1 veil in lvtfe casen of loup htandin it lit frecjuriitly prolonged life for unity icirt after doctors had iivtn up all hope in proven by thouhindi of letters wc lnvc re- enved from grateful people prlca41 00 at vour druoo ha should upply you if ho tjo ot bond prloa la ua w forward prvpald dr milbo medical co trn1 i im no tit imatlatf of imvliitf th aplrlt ff your ufa la hut aa od aolip wlmthor ttiu noru lx of old or nw urowth it muat ylald tu mollowaya corn ourn tha l 111 pleat and haat oura otfurad to tha public mum fflffifbiffii jiiir t hhijiniliqm b afrfic utbjcprcpnratioii ror as mllallng thefbod nitd uatf ia ling ibx 3tamodis anddowcu of iklramiiiuiml promote s diiesllonxheeirul tiess and teslonloliis ncllher opnim morphine nor mineral notkaiicotic tmnmf0u3nunpnzma a perfect remedy for cons ups- tton sour slomachdurrhoea worms jconvulsionsreverish- wti and lo s soysm vacsiaau sinal of new vohk castoria for infants and children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of txacr coaropwwajvu in use for over thirty years castoria many sinner la adapt at drawing uahlmi plataa for aalata wld and rraod and paltry palf uuuiid sordid but in aatual doing i bay pretty liuay ipialltlv castoria for inlanu and ouldnn dodoiball iolbtmll fa a tfaiiin that nti m puyad in tha ywvd or in lha aoliont room aceunllnfr lo wralltor a nw batl or hoiall light immii iimk l iicdud on tha fmrt tlio front of tlnrrooin niark ff a drcln tlirt- ft in du- tnur a ixiy uknm it in pi 1101 haru wltli una foflt in thn clroln ironi a mark almiut halfway aorosa tha room tha puplla otiii after aiiothur ut m abanoato throw at tia on in thn nlr ela iralaallowinl lohh th lill- alle but nttut alwayu kmp imn fuit in the ring krtipiiitly ohah thn tar gt if th ifamtt la playwl lo th ynl placa tha clrulo nnar a liulldlnd or fence an that tha liall or imff doa hot gt too far from tha playura ohildren dry for rietchers c astojr i a uquor rulbd out brvo1 another dally newwpr baa ruled out all lliiunr advnrtlaliiff la thla inatanoa it u uin detroit tluiea which haa become a lupmrbmia nowi papvr it will coat tha dntrolt time aftooo mora or laaa turefuaa liquor ad vrtl- uanta but the coin pan aatlou in in- oraaaed ubacrlptlona nuht to amount to ao tun thing tbe editor aay 1 to many the young napnnlally baardrlnklng a tha iwrlnnlir of owll itaaama lo lead dlraally to that bx- oaaa which jtwparduea health immuioii bapplnaaa fiforally induatrhilly winhoiiilnal ly the age la againat the lutonior- anoanf which teerdrlnklng u ottnn tha ft rat atagu many hiuiiaa into whluh thlx itfhir nllka aa tilt ahioiplaht of tint dwyw hu lory and the pmfuuatml iiiniiiiiiu ut of hr1nhioaa iwliiva uluiukly unit lunu la iilinlnat itttht tmt inutruulu uf th fainlly many have voted to iihiiihii hut unit of ipfnini tluiti nmrmiiiltmj tlmunibm iwillovrilt imu 110 moral right lu aiilmgonlam the oxiwoluntuii colwlctloilmuf lllkmm llduikii lllld iioiii- uiuultlea through what it inlnu in it advertlolng doiiiiiiom vh do not cuie to ihi tidklng livin 3 day to people who do not want theli children lo lui invltud to itrluk it hy tbalr houim phi nor to ihouo win ought not to drink it nn morw lined u aald xiiupt lha avary paper ought ilkawlith tu wxnludi liquor advert mug from itu iioluitiuu michigan olirlalun advntihio the kind you have always bought deara the hlatura of irth a lot a lllth nvory day helpd of hunilay hnllneaa lliiire laalwayw a lot of imagination in other pimple trotlhlea if jour orthodoxy doc not inke you lioinmt it had laittnr itml you had heart trouble nerves were mx unstrunc wlutraver there ia any wrakneaa of tlka heart or nnrvea llaoguig energy or phy sical breakdown the uae of mllbuma heart and nerve lllla will soon prod doe a healthy mining ajstrm mua ltmsin luiuley alkona onl wsoaa it la with tha areata t of lileitaura i write you stating the iwnodt 1 have receive hy lining your muhurna lleart and nerve 1ilu tliu aorlng i was all run down and could liartlly do any work i went lo a doctor and he to h me i imd heart trouble and that my hervea warn all unstrung- i took hfa medicine an he ordereil me to do but it hid me 110 sood i was working in a printing u ii ice ut the time and my doctor said it was tha type setting rananil thn trouble hut i thought not my fntlier advlseil mo to buy a lio of vour pllla sa he hai derived mo much hnnefjt from them llafora i had anuhad cine box i noticed a great difference and could work from morning to night with nut any srnollicriiiff feeling or luit flush en i can recommend them highly to all tiarvoua and run down eople price bo cnu per box or 3 for 91 2 at all dealcm or uislled direct on receipt of price by i he i huburn co umltad toronto ont she had consumption dr woods norway pino syrup cured her wi iu p o wlf ha i7x ura cbarlaa ucdcrmou dalaurat n1j write i thought i would write and lot you know tbebenafltl have received through the uwoldr woods norway line byrup three year ago i ha1 conaumptlon i had three dootora atlwidlng tne and they were very much alarmed about my condition i waa so weak and miserable i noud hot do my hoiuawork while looking thraugh your ii ii ii ulmaiiac i aaw that dr wooda norway llue hyrup woa gootl utr weak lunga so i got a bottle at the druir store aturafter uklng ln iwittlr- i was com pletely cured at thnt tlnla i welabml llll pound and now weigh 17 j a gain of 37 pountle in ihroo ycuni i now keep it in thn lioujwi nil the time and would not be without it for anything an i owe my life in it dr ivoodi norwnyllnn byruii coni ulna thn lung hculliip vlrtiicm of llm norway plnn tree whkli comblnwl with ntlicrkiaorhciitexiorlnruntuiduonllilng mehnjcw tnnkmi it withimt a iloubt thn lieat mgiwly for rounlw comm bronchllu and all throat nnd lung troublfh vrlco 2ft cents at nil ilcnloni llcwnra of tmltntioiim 1 1m kciiuiiic is nuinufnc tured only by thel mllbum co limited toronto ont not so pah abtiiav ihiti tnanhur hud bci 11 lulling thn ulasii ajjrjut th 0 rhluocfliouu family now miinn uonm thlogu mild she that it is very duugiiouo to go near to and bv hnrnu motor 11111 piled httlo jimuy jotiou piouiptty hl aor ninos womic hehave yonb1 mo dlhaa dear hhe yea n bisdeib tur hura yj krdlhblrlv jill of til van tha fish frh water all don hwpt tbastmpr clean aa a whlllr hut what hav ymi iwan doing all ulornhitf john r uar oh ive iiwii walling all ajornlnat fur you lu coma nut htul hrlp lite pdmp up th uiitomobita tires i vonkera htatosnian learning to ha a good neighbor la aplandld schooling fur thr land of the aalnta shfloks cure aalifcly g jils mu dot j fcla ika tkivsl u laajs bo w lunra have no real tuaiuiliiu to hiimh who lull not laugh always horvlcjuthlu mom pllla loan lluilr pro u rllcu with ago not so wilh parol ohiiid vugntahhi lllla the pill nikbu 1u no compounded that their nlroiigih nttd rrfictlviiion s prrrvml and thn plllu 1 mi imi mrrlwl unywlinre without four of loulng tludr potanoy itlu lu a plitlity that foxv pllla pouaeaw homo plllu loan thuli pnwur hut not ao with parinitliton thuy will nialntaln their fruhhuchh anil potonny for a long limit making thn world gloomy will not maknltnloancr mlunry lu thn mental nliand of tha self utntrcd nilnd ohildren ory for fletchers qooprva to mother lunrasaotatlv mat is of ntttuaaka waaun aslrtnl oar last filmy when there entered a whllehalrfml woiiihii a mian of say thlily and well divaa iyimg woman tlie t nnveraallixi mhi1 iiad ttapitarant that the yoilnu iiihii ud bu untitle were from h farm and that lhy wete visiting washing ion for the first time the young woiiihii w him sister uf lb yoi mai thn lin waa starting for home lvlug hu mother to vlll lo lhniml waa urowdeil wljen ii t toa lrnsftr hilnl llaru thf young iiihii was to hiavu til bintber and sis ter humroaw limik up hla liagj and liirmml lojcim hla molhar hlu slixtd uiand threw her srma alxiut his neck tor some lulillllee she dallverid a leal motherly mvaagr all out fo tha i nlon htatlonl ahoutml the ronduntor with hla band on the hall cord kmharreaeed lit- young man i bald hi- arm about bla motha waist j hurt ihi car tondurtor bald man hi a mlk ba its church lit huh the aged woman ilourvd out li admonitions why cant ulff do thla sort of thing iwfore ihcy utatl for hiirnh r the luati with the silk hat grumbled it bail uiiiih rrmmgh for mr no rls young man be said to ill farmer you juat tala all the llm yoll want lo say good bye to you mother you dont know when you will aay it to bur for tbe last til and if any of thean pjwplw ar mi v rled about their alna that they must hurry to church why they might g down on their kneaa right brrc and pray cleveland leader the atlll sin all volca la not th small ml j the putty man i apt lo he proud of hla patience many mother have reaaon lo htesm mother uravea worm kx terminator lwcaualt haa relieved tha little ones of buffering and made thorn healthy ite finer lielnpn vary stiiall piece of sunshine then a vtiy large batik or fog ohildren ory for fletchers c asto r ia it oflrn tnkea tremumlotia hammer lug u hud nut whal la in ua you never know whether a taaii 1 good until he geta into tint gainn o life boils and pimples are caused altogether by bad bloml and unlnaa you cleansq tlio aysletu of the lad blood tlw i10iu or piniplea will not die- appear et pure blood nnd knoji it pure by removing every irarn of impure morbid matter frotu lite system hy luung tlia greatest known blood medicine iluedoct blood luttekis olla cured mr a j fulmar norwood nh wnlna two joara ago i waa troubled with boils on my neck and back and could not ift nl of them a mend rennminendml mo to try llurdock llhuxl itittera and after using two liuttlea i waa plaasod to note the olla ware en tirely cone and i liave not been troubled with any since mmpua cured uiaa kva a bklnner granby que writea i am ploaimnl to recommend it unlock iu001i luttera aa it han dona ma muck good my face waa covered with piinnltw and i wing advised by a fnend to try ititrdock lllnod itittom and lian thtii removed i did an and i now ivave liol anikjt on my face lhmlock itlond itittera la manufactiimsl only hy i be 1 mdbum co limited loronto oat free to stock and poultry raisers wo will send absolutely freo for tha akln postpaid one of our urge thlrtytwopaga booklets on the common dlucnxea of etock lyid poultry telia you how to feed all kinds of heavy ami light horses colts and mares milch cown calves and fattening etcem also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay jut an well in winter us in summer no farmer should bo without it pat a eoat ol only twothlnla nl a cunt ily por animal itoyal luriu mthk lhrlfwi uiskss owh animal worth jo nx- nl more oprkinrj ron boy boouto why ma havii tha lmy hoouta dim on the fuiuiv instwad of llm pub u they could curry hoeit or hay furjiu aooordlng in lha mid ttmong thrlr dullee would bat hunting for eonaaalad figge in ua imrn uid imril- yard 1 breaking mpeueainptnunta of canada thistles and itbijr kgrloultnral enemlaa t apprehending atruy detach- menta of ohlckena doing entrench ment work along rows uf potatoes and around corn hills and stalking and bringing liome cow capaillan courier uri invuohi which mttle fouryearold hnhcrt like many other boys of hla age like in aak queetlona ho when thn flret downy chicka came hi ihi aprlng nnd hla mother saw him studying them moat intently bo knew aoidelhlng waa oomlog and it did for presently ha inroad to hla mother and asked mania are chlokeni legs hind higa or front legs f i t itoyal lunl will lints colic worm lixulllty ut rto tu nliiiiiuda and sujai nancntly rure tlta tin ltiuss and it tliiwn aulmala aulsll ttvs icuiiits jur row a day lunula of ruin two to ihrm wiwha it mskna tlia milk rlctisr tliuki uvsr imftirn wit animmv ul oltlotl nl watnilstt out ssys 1 ijila lu to rrllfy that 1 iiavn trluil your ltnyst iurjilo htiick hjkllc for twn wiwks nn citn row on tlio kllli i w int mi imr milk h 17 nonnds i not lend a rltanuu altar ft or 0 tluya aa tliern was an sstra wnlslit nl tutlk on tha uuth t eanlulty wi thii milk slid shti save 113 tiiiii i am ulvlnir en order lor ft bona as 1 consider it tlia lust i have avsr ummi mtock kodil will hot do his necause mtorl vm js notlilittf more or kss thsrl mtklure of the vnry tklnua whleh you yoiiraolf urow on younwn farm ii is not more loot ymir animals nd llisy must hova aomntlilliu to hulp thsir timliaa ust all tlio nourlsl nt from tha fond thsy am lettiiiif tlo hist itioy will faltuii and stuy rut all tin r round liieyrumi miuinthlntf in irnv ul itlwisss to euro illwiusti and to ksap ttnuo in uia best uf haalui all tha time not stock pood itoyal innde la not a htnck pood nor a taedlolne it is a cdnihtonr ii dupa not oontaln drain nnr farm vroiltuits nnr diha tt contain imjwt or any othsr injurious inriwdlsntilleyat 1urpla doss tint nn rsly tnintnirarlly tilosl inspire thn a u 1ms i it fattopa and and haavy and it hullils up h and rstitoraa tiu orini r ilunimss ami v of rundown alocli in llllli or no thus i1is y tint hum in uss this i dlllnnsr la now it itluls thn hsnl i iroiwity and irnvntu ths animals ting lntluation ur lonlna hash 50 per cent cheapef osj04ent laau-on- 1 a ullls mil 1 1 fha ckaua nl iloyal lurpln animal vil myi vnwolllrds ti at hilu par day unit hock 1 oniu lu norunt 1srk anus last li l fill dnys and an slvoii tlir t lines a dsy llut itoyal imtriilu fljwillln is lv n mil oncn a day and unlh rio p r ci ut liiiiu ir a 1 til intl colli sliilur fur tllius lha amount of lha mo ut iucluuo unlit ullo ilaym ho you son it s only iiornuanry to jjlvo itoyal lurpln how 111 n mill ilsy j out vililnk of lu iliiik nanlt aliluad worth un por ei ut ovi r us rout i wli it will that tnuan in you ul tiumk owiwi i mhtl wl lllttniiaxrflanford ont unjsi iur hlrs ihls is lo crliy 1 thiil t hav uwl two tiosaa of your i imltry luhirui fir my imns thay laid so wll wllli fmlln it to thm i won dnrnd ii you would mind ndinf lo wi rd how or whsra x could gat soma thla win tor i bouuhl ii trout your atfont hod winter i hud m lina and soin itnj s i got tun loiuin fis a day in liliriiury und mured whlhi luudlng thsm thn tlpocltlc llnyal iurpla ioultry h1wi1u1 pravanta litulii liming intilw st tiioiilllnu lloia and ii un vr polllry mu k h 111 illr lmu wilhl w- ih 0 with cows and poultry am tn trails ont lli 7 10 tkw a janklusufif tin iindon ont i llaettumnv wa hava luhtn using itoyal 1uriita ioullry and tttnok hinwlflo for tint last ihraa woslis and must say that k aulls era rwnarkalila am faedlnfl alia ultima liiacllu to two mtlklntf cows anil thay have increaawl d4 par cant in thalr aillk tba ioultry rwtulls araavaamora knarkad ikan this toa hsva about ito kmts laying b4a wtwjn wo commsecad laadlaif wa wn nailing 11 and six iili a day sail la tha last nv days th aauia dock of buna laid 100 eiiua almost an avsrao of 111 each day and those flva days hava limn tha eoldasl this winter ou can aoe fohulta plainly in twn or hroa days a iur tha use of itoyal 1 th mullry hav olltu thorn alwojti in prli it mskau your poultry worth mora than th y no old nvor ho ulthoul it ol one tiltfinl vackake will last 3tt linos 70 daya or a h m i all will da jl 11 ns uia dsys this lu four lims morn niutirliil at only thru tuiwu tba royal purple stock and poultry specifics raniftlmtim it imumanantly no other flpeclfto known atliu it i ao quickly as hoy si iunda it luakuu ewaakaatd uslvwl as larir aa ordl nry4fdtalvoa ara at 10 wka it o y a 1 iurph makaa naturally thin animal fat itoyal imrpla craatas an appetite for food and helpa natuni to dlssst and turn it into flash and inuacla aa a ting fattenor itoyal purpla haa tie eaual never ob feed dan mr r wo n lh tilirsonisn maya i i ijjjivn uwid itoyal lurpln itlnck hlmxlno pnialslimtly tu fxnlluif llm 11 u iij isiiput wlnh r nr any psrnr on or 11 ml linlll in 1d0ii nnd itllll ami i i miry wloturu j iu hriilliar of allm wlnlitu whin 1 if bllil out in irottluu ulakm lu 1u01 ihowi hirsts i nvi iv r ihh off irnilr food slnco 1 utnitud ualuu koyal iurpla himilna i will slwiis liavii u in my stahha our doub lowdar works ilka mauic stock and poultry specifics make this test 12 v ory nuncafst itoyal 1 unite utock and lllry inaclflo la mmianlwml for poultry vd iloyal i ilrphl lo any one lot your animals ror four wikj and at lha saui limn fd iitn ollior rmruflno to any otlir anlmul lu tin uaimi vondltlun if itoyal i urphi dos not pi ova to you by actual r ult that ii la tke heat you uvwr usoil wo i rsturn your uiiihay ami wo ii ssk nt t w ihmhubo wa kn 11 heal olid tt ion lids i 1 royal purple slock and j itoyal lurpln loultty hnilno u 01 th r hnilflo it tu fur ioultry at stock buhry specifics andrec bqt ht tt f it l thiil itojsl i urplu is thi on b uiurbut u you ara not sattsnod attar taatlnff it yo y loau anything do jiuu f uwlntf nuaotly th usiita toml auil twlom atarllng to ihhi iloyal torpl lun fsnimra and stockman sat av qnsliilml with itojal lurnlri it will tsvf a rlaslt tuoinnd than all othsr lotdra anil miihii fomlu on tlui luuikot cohihlnwl voura truly amiiukw lucktl aug uf 1ui0 w a janklnu ufrf tlo lumdoit ont 1 clanluman iast pall wa had in our alehus a ymna mar monaln lo ulila eiouhton uf uontntal we could not faad har any liran on arcounl ol rsushiu vlolant arourluir coeamul ly causing hor to iwcouie w ak and thin wa nom wanted ualnjf your itoyal lurpln tltook riicirw sad the molts ware wondarful attar using it three wnaks wa found wa could fosd tha anliusl tiran or any ulhxr aotf fd without acotirlns har and slis actually took on in this time iwnnly flvn um nils of nosh wirrklnif tmr at tha eamtma throunh thq hunt i eaa bo ait lly ncomidiihl your tttock hrflfto tluilll talrwr for tho lion adam llik wa also in a no factum i itoyal lurpla i ice klllar 3tc itoyal iunla uall tlprv uc jtoyal ilirpt hnt unlnmnt lioc itoyal i unu cou cure 1 j k0 our vouah urn will cum any ordinary r uub lb four duys and will lirak up aid ouiw lsloiihir in inn lo twnlvn days if joiirdmlir oannol supply you with our llnyal 1 und llanda w will supply y 11 upi n moilit of 11 till a pall n puld fir allhnr poultry or blink or ii you want mny 1 inlmant uall cur or jou iowikir w will sand it bi inall postpaid umuatulpi f price y iv03fulwt ontario from g a black harness actonont the best remedy forwomcn lyditi i ink- hams vckclablc couildiind il it v 111 llll i whs hi w b iii i until 1 ill riiu 11 i ur i thitt i loiuhlld to iry i yllu v ilnk hums vklt if i omiiuid i u oi mvinl i hi it mid i gl bin with in rapidly ihllt it mtllml to uoiki ui v mmhuii of 11 i nn lo itu hoi mluy m hork us i v r did i slmir ly hi aa thi lay thiil i mud up my mind lo itk volrwumlhlim for fiuuh w akmss mid i aim xnvdlnulyurati fill to you for your kind hitttru ti i mrltilnlypmlllid hy tlmm i ulv you riulsklon to publish this- nuy tlum ymi wish mra aim 111 uiurrr ihdhivllln ouurlo alnuln wumiuiiivi ryilu rn should romnnilm r thutthno is no ollmr rmikly kuovwi to midlcluo that will uri t umb m 11k uoha und no hiiii hhfully lurry uiimiik throiiuh tho i11111k1 of i ifn iui lydlu k llllkltisuih vt iculiibli t 01111011111 iimdn from nntivo rootj and in rim lor hi yurh it hiu uon nirlng v muni from tin t orst forms of fmmilu illn llullullllllltldu nlinrutiiui lllk liuiuiuunts llluoiil tumors lrregulurl tl m porihllo uilim biirkacbo und in rvoits prontmtloti if on wfafit mm flnladvbn wrltn forltfnmrwlliikliuiiilyitiilliu4m itlsj froumiil uluua holiiful mm uantuttr vh- iu j l tt 1- i w m vcllt i it ltki tllik u in- i r wjh ultlrs it tmt au tij is tft at f f fill fab mr tftjltt to 4li- ikiiio i t h t urn tf imstw ijrnalios vttm i ftilmmti tm fjrd aa lo liwu kr tjbl uhl fns iutuum t uil tjiu an tnko fb wvi 1 f iua hvnltu thai flbw ih ul g w iidlnary tiii ibis is reason for tb mu trlty of lb lalaualed pills hut tha main reason i llu high loobal niallty uiadhine for tba stomach i wuimi tutb usually doubles laik shilohfo gum hlrlly alaas raaa imi ija haala ib iara aaxi las aa lake your accidents of life hy llut handle and thuy lieiomn nlonvcru axca for now ways an ull 1 bat la ivixed livery whom dr jjimua llectrla oil was put upon the market wlthonl any hourlsb ovm thirty yeara ago ii was put up to anaat tha wanu of a uniall suction hut aa soon aa its merits lwmun known it had a whole coullmml for a flrlil and it la now known and praucd throughout thla hemisphere llnro is nothing rpwl to it ths wav to kimd him my wlfo ml i are going to aiend a fiv niontba with her poopluat htrouga oornnra said thn nioak iltllo 11 an ami i wmit you to mall your paper to ine yea said thn rlnrk wjiats your nattui f wtill nr to make sure i guess youd utter addn salt mary htronga huulmiid htrongs comers calif olla ntundnnl and hum if you am a sufferer from eolda get a imltlo of illnklea anil ciuaumptlva hyrup and test its ipialltles it will he found that no pralsa hnatowed on it la tooblgh it docs all that la claimed for it und does it thoroughly do not ukn any sulwlltutn for lllcklea hyrup because it u tha liast having atood the irat of yeara all tha heat dealer sell it ibn folly or casting pcarla lafore mrk lieu in that wa ought to wgln alth pumpkins virtue la the joy of the upward way you easily hide thn dlyluo hy dullu- i i lllons was tarrlbly afflicted wltli urn back could hot swoop tho floor it ia hard to do house work with a weak and aching back llabkache cojnnu from smk kldimiyn nnd wlial a lot of troublssmik kidnays dbum hut they cant help it jf more work la inlt on them than they nan auml it la not to ire wondered that they get out of order doen a kidney fills am a hviic or lame weak or aching baoka and for all kidney troubles mrs napleourmour hmllha i alls ont writes 1 ukn tdrasum in wnt- inxyou stating ttieliefirlit i have received by using 1 joans kidney hlls almut a y uir ago i waa terribly afllicuj with lalno iaok ami was ao tied i could not even snonti my own floor i wau biimmmi to try lwia kidney lllla bleh 1 did nnd ulth the kreataal lieuefir 1 nuly lltad three ltokca and i am aa ell aa ever i hijrhly renanmend th pills to any sufferer from tame hadk slid ktduny trouble doana kidney imia ana ao cents par box or 1 for si at ell deajera or mailed direct on receipt of price hy the t mil- bum co i liuiled loronto out when ordenng direct laiecdy doaus moves well mado good fitting till rani thi nt railway pabmfanouh rilaino tli ii wli hi that wc know how to ntakc riovci tbutwil pnltwith lionorttbe moid criti cal tixaiuititttlou ns regard tpiullty of 1l111 plmbihty mitt sttxnitli uentiieit of rditch iih mid nil round perfection you cuu jirovo yotinuir by uslliiu for storeys nt joiir dcakrs thul tltey will imtucnr yottr most jhiuiiic oqicctutiutit ih ottr firm ixlitf insist on storeys ut all idorri w h storey son limited acton ontario education for profit lha successful eitperioucenf liundretls ol hri young men and vmjn who are noi aecurcly holding enviable positions hi ill great world of business and nniuce bean in a ibaroii course of training at the oublph tjtislncss ollcjic afaaoufeiffoca- upper wyudhmut hi omvlph ont il would lullnhl and silonub you to learn the story of the rise and pmior uf a lame number ol the stailuaieanf 11 is tamoiia imililution i lore and now llioia itnndii wide open lor you who have youth hoallh discern men i and amtiltlmi the mmin door ut honorable biicccrh dont rocrailnlo lie nntiormnllv do it now lome direct the lollcueolllce ij uiisr wymlliam street or address malcolm maccormaok ba principal slushy weather coming pkctty soon 1 itn c jisoii for wol walklntti wei feet ami naiinonla lal is if you ate not pro vhled wllh slushy weather oolvmar he ise and secure a pair of our water and weather proof shoes ttioy are not the big an 1 clumsy kind you have been used to kmihk 1 hey am anur warm and watertight and yei are smart enough in apposrsnoo lo wear in any kind of weather w witjliams mill street acton woodermctravinfj photoengraving r tones jljonpstnol tha berlin stsam granite and martye works l cabpeil braun froprletor- 1 and all kinda of artistic cametuy work wra hemstreet acunt acton evertom eden mills x ho beat quality of manitoba family andpaatry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat and oats the excelsior bakejrv llrsl oiillly llrcad cakei wcddlnjf cakes rc mlji of wllcit pickiniiiny kincakt i mapk sjrupind honey nolbraoki fvonic piincli s iucc ikmys picklt 57 varj ictw oy tcr ind lili hi si iii of confcliunl try t statham main st acton hcton m- bus li hie 11 mr finned re hojklls the pjlronsoo of lie and informs ihein ll ktiuliud and atylls can hlwaya im lee u red uabtes a com for tibia bus meals sllj trains lieiwoeii loiwiw and fi to in careful atleniion nlven to evury order the w of coin j uiorcbl rravdlars fully met john sbmilihju henry hortop pape okquaktow notx tl jl hook njtvvh ano coloilkn ialkiia jno icllaiuuslt 1st gimsoi ipa1ntkh fapatrl mano ilottinb viiaatirn atrc begs to inform the ladies ada from pap 1500 samples to choi price uight also that he is prepared repair ill granite yvlumin dnd enameled ware km and scissors ground fut ture romirtd shop milt si uvvrar i- patent daawirta 1 ootwiucurra a assateh and daaorimkm t nut nptnuw tnm waataa aatftal nrtltx wllhwsstwaia tfi scientific krtkrkari st uluslnuaa wmslr lwaasi i a vtw liuauca btaaatd oaa paten secure wlls p a iws an i hew ya are awlast ut ul a re ahsich or bmoii at 11ii011 m li tl romniciil and we will ianir fhtliitt aatn wtvelbcr u lsp i it nlsllt racts4saaahaban ihh uiitnlly prosttiiicdfiv asv mutkt ullv situliimd nfflcss in wa nl wsliliiklon mhs ly llapalcll vok and outcaly aettl l illlhs hshivhon lluhiratrcfvt falnl pecu tlinniah a iturwjtfspaculbtka will fw i inlon tarout bpartally i lalrnl huslnasa of ua luiaia and hiiatursia mawotj marion paftiit rh4 und sllcltj bsjsnfeswalf

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