Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1911, p. 2

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as n ii0ui0 ttr iu4 imrgatm kalltusu ii a rmibr by mv uiiiuihi umlia itaoll wliltur kq uufhm r i hld i jola fekaild mrii ikmboy awl h4 yrp llimor- 11 iter talli t kiln na wthoiwur lovj wltaot win t lt in hla mu yau wdaa4br rbrun mu dh yet- toll cion frrc igjras tiiulthday kkiiuuauy ji 1 1 1 1 bdltoblal notes ii lnlrlueit in a kill ha- imnxi iuui r n- tliat it thall lie furnlnh tilfr ik- th iklk eighteen 11m k vljlnif lulloiiiranor ti u ilea tntiuiio oc a oilll umlrr limit 1- i rtv dr antlirr to retire at thr kaltruary ineetliiif onulal hoard of u uoilhwlut 1tula laat krlilay evening hev j coor anlllrr 1 l the 4lr amtounreil j ilia t after uw riirl i- hatl uwiiiimi to retire imm the active work r the uihulry l the rlhh of the mf lir aoulit atalml that after nearly half a renturjf iirtittllutl vnik lie wan rlitf lit inlxir of mi ai live and mitml ltry wri mniwh1 lvlly tiixwi hint aiul it therf frit it li iwratlv ulh iti the interna of the wolk aiul of iii hllh tlfl he t ijiicwl nun the litiferenr a hur oaten relation th lr ik very klmlly of the conltal vlattnnahin wlitnh tuu tween themo4iiltilolf in art ralaetl hy th hill from alvteti year it domini iuy whltn iu tba ontario hranrh alliance kl hlr j laat ttuit4ly to rap fifth duum from the i uf itiu linivlnou antl nmltlhlllv l mitmlihk lluor ttraflln aa far a it wan jnwllie iii ontariit 1bttl r lltkw ltlllini wont utietiul vocally rfud by u 1rainur hun w j hamta wh waa tn ctimpaliy with bit aiiin vlor imaly dfjl t llfdia i a forca for tiiirraliccv ut la laalnk hlrang liow thf a claaam of tliti rnillnniiliy vlw raclproclty atfrveinont lit tha two oountrl tl nlillw tmi adooatfl kayo tlia ialnma ut lliia- barulry a faruiara orfa nidation with a tnamlmtahlp ut luooum ia making a hght agalnat uie molpnxtuy igw inant with nau ttly culm tbat liy the tanoa of tlm treaty th farmr la imlng ducrliiilnatad agallwt ltiaa hiurli u ovary article 111 at huya a ntttctthl hy a tariff wlilliho la ohllipal to c4nimtn with fron tnult iricoa on wry thl ntt h haa to all a commlttm haa ten anmlilwl to oopoat thu agrmnt in washington and ut ktihih aanlltitant htfalnal it amonit uhi far mora all iir thu county alliance organized a naw organlkatlon tim llalton county tamparmncmi alliance furmrd with a vltitv to rrotlng furthftr lro rraaa along tamporanc- llntln th county wm lirought nui imiiiik at thn immiwantlon liahl mirier thn aiioplrra of um ontario llrannh of tlm ihimliihui alllatu in milton on monday or ltd weak much onthualaant wan manlfat among that rprnlallvmt from al- moatavrry tnuuklkallty who galhar- ad in tha town hall at j i in after opening e xerclaea an addreaa was glvfiti by 1u william kattlwall kiij uaortlavy if hi alliance outlining thu purpoa of county organisation km the banvftta to imi darlvtml thom- from after konis dlaniiaalon the following roaulutlon wu lirougbt forward anil emtrled uimnlmoualy thtuan organlxatloii 1m conned to ha known llalton oniinty tnmnr- anofl alliance in afnilation with the ontario uranch lof tho dominion alllanoe with um oh j act of uniting all the frlenda of leal iterance in the county of if alton in a practical effort to mcure tha graataat reacnt aiiprna- aloa and apeedl eat ultimata aupreaalon of umj liquor trafllc for beverage pur- poaea that the offlcera of the alllanca j hall conalat or a 1rllhnt four vie- 1 ivealdenta a secretary and traaaorar tbaexecutlv coiniiilltee ut of the offlcora togolhui with four other paraona all ndnlatard realdant within the county or part of wimwm work la within the county aha ii he corres ponding mem her of the rxmutlve oommluee the nominating comuilue- rv-cotii- tnendatlon regarding offlcera wau ac cepted and tha following will cooull tute the oftloera for thu hew organf- aatlnn 1raaldant ii 1 moore anton i lut vlceprea j i uoorcgor oakvlllei xnavlcelrw j i hampahlra i bcotch iltock i tnl vicolremurray i crawford cuniphetlvllle 4th vice lrea k ii uleaver llurllngton heoratary j i moore hmiyald trmauraio u uowae ullioo itour rrvaentmtlvei to kxecutlvi miimltteei kmitry hall atno naw- ell milton t k ltrl oeotgetown i i olrltlr jiihlph the following were uimo appointed provisional couvenore fur the mivcini uhiiilclpalllleo to aea that permanent organisation ttffwoted tliew in thu nitmiiumv to ho kiaimlmie of the uvfc utlwtv coiiiitiltth i kmjlinalng win cook aahgrove mwaiutgawiyn il uenslea campbell vllltm trafalgar t wnench uerton t jnlaon it arclntr liwvllhi anton tuv j o wllaoii 11 a i llurllngton waahy vreenimii i aonfuwii ir w 1 wnlwrn milton j 11 loock kih- ilvv i j w magwooil the evening htwaloii took thioi tulillo iiinm vliflllig alao held in tile town hall which wm wall attended by uiereprwaeiitatlveaaiid milton olllmina addreaem were given by i to v j ueo miller kleld hacrotary and itev ban ii tipance jenural tivcralary of tha dominion aliianuo outlining anil a p tlie otvyra local option uw aa tha beat nieaita uf meeting tin alt nation ami rum inlying the which uoitii from thu llcunaeil lltiuor traffic holoa were given hy howard hiiaael th young toronto lutrlton oodsidarabla inlereat haa lieon atlr- rl lip in milton thu only munlcliwllty lntbe county whluh haa not yet voted da locaf option mft a reaillt of the ooovantlon and it la aald that there a wom proapact of a bylaw being auh- lilltud in the county town next jan j uairy uk j o avxiiv u a d d lie bail never fait more happy aud comfortable aud both mra antliffaad hlineelf have appreciated vary fully tl kind treatment received at th liandaj of the church and commuolly practical evidence of hi avganl for aclou waa further luanlfeeted wbea he atatetl that although h would ojov to montreal where ha owtte a raal- denc uon hla retirement be would rein lu hi inemberahlp in ac loo church and llauilllmi conftrawae the dr alao keferrad very kindly lo hla contemplated action at tha morn ing aervlce laat kunday keen rrgret in frit by the official hoard aa well by tha congregation that xir antlllf haa deemed it kia aary intake the action referred to hla mlnutry hera haa been moat accept able and e u held u10 hlgbeal liaterul itoth aa a lulnlater of tbagtaapel ami arulturw lirh ge of will like the fine flavor of red rose tea it has the cup tfoodnass that comes bnly from rod r030 quality tho reason why it holds firsc place in thousands of cana dian homos will you try l jrartj- redrose teawe3ssp your cnxxn- will uoouminend it aectbician mackun resigns advkktib11mo atoh afplloantb council luet in regular mbiiiu at 7w oclock on monday evenlik with ll thauueiuhere preaenti tin it u i vm chair tha comuilltee on finance present d lh4r fourth report aud racomui j- d that tha following account he paid i w d andraon work i 1 flo municipal world aupplua 4 ml j c hill aoal uw adunoeaaral klectrlcuy imalkaeutoco tmnaloriu- w ptandavaon uamlngcoal hm kru coat on coal irmwltmmk hallway freight and dnty n p molaun work h wordeo labor thb tilrmavripthb clauan kinnut knku ilttuut 1 dkui hiuln your uup or 1 lni ary ultli temperance aa4rla n the threw nrtha iniquity la a root pluhlng jot whal it waa inleinhul to in by tho who fiamml it kow thla datiac waa advocattid ami aiip- nrtrd hy many temmirauoeatmlwarti mayor iin of llatullloii waa ainmlu tta alipmirlara when it waa frainrd waa he actuated hy a llealrr ftlcnlly lo the munr tranlo y 1 utlithl mtnlli illmm wlnt mini and uotfd work iwtrv known in all tin 1 hnrohim mix f lnuhraii n aaahmlial lona who ajiniov ed of the 11 if mm five yuan ago ii limy wr mutakt n and i it ive they we u ihal any h aaio for rail lug 111 mtuicr 1 rmll ay lr in all f unlit m ihal i it ihtve thr grrulcht hlml raiint to llrn limttl ft lhui ulmokimo clatnte ie the imputing of inotlvea a ihuiklug ttwll uf fhoae who aupioil it ah ihn imio amlmw mlm amptttll tlhrcl loaay in hie tuhrttrm uemeiii wit mil rmlrll more tllea with 0iir than with vim gar hlnln auotium salb llactilateii prove psychine iflomoumcicd si kickn with a 50c bottle free from your druggist i h ruimitiuhtl of ill htoiklwmil utlli i go xi ins m u0 7ft llm counuuolly itev dr ant iff comuienced inulry in llm immlllve method ut ohurrli in kngland in imtl and in ie uf lie prtuot year will have citmmooced the flftutth year of inlatry he came ut canada in 1k83 ami waa tho official repreental ive of hla church in the negotiation by which the union of tho four methodlat tmmliee in canada waa conaummated in 1khi during hi- tnlnlatry in canada the dr ha been paudor of carlton htrtmt toronut itrant avenue llrant ford lonilnloi hajuare and lhiugua street montreal dundaahlreel ioo- don queen strret kingston celt and acton vor aoveu yeara lm waa profoeaor of lie brew and atohigettea in wealeya theological college hoot ii wad president of montread confarvnoe in iftoi waa a delegate front canada to the kcuntenlcal cttriferenra at waalilngton ihatryear lie haa been a member of every general confetanee alnce tha union na three yeare ago waa the fraternal repreaenlatlve of tha ceneral onfennca tn the waaleyan ml irlah methodlat conference um la a graduate of the university of hdlnhurgh the dvgre of m a being iferred in lttti ami that or 11 d in 1h71 in tm vlcutrla unlvereity hnnorml hint with thedegreeof loctor of divinity ioctor anlllff will not complete tnlnlatry in acton until the hut week in june of the preaeait year 3lo 63 toe report waa adopted tha ntoat important matter coming before tha council waa the reelg nation of electrician uacklln who dealrud to b rellaved of hla dutlea one month from data to enable bltu to take the poaltlon of electrician and engineer ror w ii htorey hon itd r a motion waa pa accepting tho realgnatlon and inatructlng the eleo- trielanrtn wtm thatnlnirpowr hnnaor la wall kupllad and ovefy hlng in flr-t- claaa condition when he inavre that clerk waalnatvucted toadvaatlae atone for applicant a for the h million uf electrician for th corpikratlou municipal officer harvey presented the collect or a roll and waa coiupll ntawitad by tha council upon the h bow ing inaile tlie taxea collected for the year laid amounted to u77100 and only s3j2d remain uncollected which i lded very creditable to the col lector he alao atatad that aaaeaaing for tlm preaent year haa immii attar ted the wutiwnv inatltiiu auked por- mlaalon to place an organ in the com mittee room in the i ear of the council chamber for lien at their meeting thla waa granted with a provlao that if that council ever needed uao of tho room for other purpoeea the organ would be promtly removed uvrral otlier minor matter worn dealt with by the council in abort order and adjournment waa uuulo at nine oclock filling lllhl lub t aud hiiga llm ptoirrty of paul h keuurdy lolj fomth hit iu jog hu at j ivlork ltiuv ulna monlliu jiksj lin 11 alirtlomir 1 111 umi v m 1tt11 in i hwln of rutin hloik and linpli meiitw llir lirup rty of w ii ilarth lot i u 7 il aim i half oil- from lulliuufud hale all uvhuk tirmx ini miiutliu 1 ii in ovar ten dolura four wr nl off for ia ah no rataerve au farm aold illsj pure 11 aurtlonrnr kiitniv mltu 11 loriikalw of fmui atiwk lrttln4itttt hik fiirnlturr itlo proiertyofa j iliooiaw lot 2 fourth line kiln hah ut om ovlork terina ten iiuuitlm jauioi m do ai 11 auolloiioer tuicuntv m mu ii 1 till sale of farm atock and lmplu it i proji arty of w j darrah hit 17 con i naaaagaweya al nnu oclock ahurp tarnia nine month m vttuuu jon auctioneer settlers trains to manitoba alberta saskatchewan tk only llroa unm low colonist rates weil 11 r i to t hurt a fold an hi 1 lhki our l mlullvi ml l liul ll jiraarlirtl filii lillll tllbl i ilmirnlblf for the hundred we will undoubtful i y liny and ttia- tiiaiayi hlne lima nureil butn in tbla iiianmn lnilulrml of i 10 iiu aalida of tlii fj uohjtj oj u that tn alio our in- thli wouilnrful urviiatav vrn 11111 lint know it t im jlldl na luerfii tlv luig prtiadmi anil ur iwtldnu lialiriniuu uf llxae in la that u rnina ralltrro liavo r lived hunilrnill of thpiuanla and wt conflilittil hod mi uul uf inimiiioiilalu amnatliii to wondifflll ciirm thai iuyi liluo haa ninil li day ami ii n birauan of tlioto vitiy aim- 111 iii ml luirlia that me will liny wllhln fi a ooiindi luvd niiict lunlvo month hundred of tbou- ouf 311 y t knotv nnila of nniiit bolfjua of layclilnn anlnndld pi anil ulvi 1 hom away fn tt to whoniao udlftl uf til uvnr umidu uj thu loifiiun in thl an mm- u lm iiili of roriifncm in tha umi if for nnw if ynu wuh v ut any of llm ju tlm t irjim wrmt jt tu ami urn not uumhi ntl ilronic l driitroy th nnu of illufaan urn illmuni control thu ixxly tliatu hit cnuie of ulaunum www vrar ago cerlaln herbii t fouilil iiimiiuhm aixl rhpy illiini know hnw or why hi am ilayu uiy do today aftxr li 0 ltui wlv id hptlnf woaklm luxlv iwilua ljrhl ahwiiih tarrl if uutntui nlutilh oullnaucvualw laryamlua o4 itta illl ly in llmu 11 iterauite tl coriuucloi 1 hcrbuhullil m wow o don t auk you tn tako n r ird far ihn trmncniloiimly uirimriilal net of phychlna fill out tha con dun hi low mall it to u and wa 11 auo a tiarlia are contained in 1iiy your d rugglat nn order for wlitrh wa theyre raaiwuiallilit for oie tcrttl nay him ihn rncillar rntall price for a rumiur olilulnud from laychhio a third flwitit botlln of ipyjlilnrie lva uf a cuntury o you fruo q coat ami it 1 the whitn rhlne- nra that haa turn i1aw1l lira omruln wllh iparatlon with u fn i kuu humlrnla of tlutiuuniln 1 mads coupon no as to lha dr t a uocjk if3- iff 5u av t i aend yevr offar lt iry kiui i of tohliia tprnwuuut til iiu yur hdm hy i utll jr lrrlln fwlrf kliutly advu my uiu uy kama il a wh it 1u0 dill- klrat rl slnaur my lru hlrtamlnuniur tthi- utknuniahatxtnrmvhi 1m iiu f ih iiim prwsuil ui ua ilruuhll- u littwl be al uw will 1k iy ttt- tmll- of kohl limn vr tlruugll ht kiwi him t 1lh r ii in iroaj thli nltr nuy w wlilxlmwn any ulna wluuuii nutlne bih ouuihmi today illflu vbbfrtisrpifnla kiln v01 wantkii illj fcla tluawlhaa lots wily u cuwk luiildino i oil mai i rositotycfc o j w 1 l illactc jiousk and lm fotl balk im kluotea lnl aad ofa hirwt aataa fakm kolt sale oh to hunt i ut i n tv- uli to rw wow amllw special trains wal leave aade each tuesday hich eaal ittll iolio rh coloont can on all trains no ckaura for itawllie ttfdtjfjb trains toroolo to wtnniptg and west i aw cf jl a lmmj awalari tmj- 1 ourkd nauaqalv 1ya ollurt june ami harry wlmunark two aectlonmen on tho main line nf the c p 11 who realde in fmdon met dralb in a auddan anannar at campullvllle junction hy u anow plow roll lion on toetday of laat week lie myatlc tea in khenriuir itnirch conducted hy the ijadke aid o mon- day evening of laat week waa aa auo- ceaaiful a it wax unkpie the coin- pany wa called to order hy the paatnr uev a n omiper when a rood pro gramme runalatlng of inualo vnal and inatrnmenlal reatdlnga kllallooa and kpolina wa given to tha amuae- uentof all preaent at the cloae of the programme the lad ira dutilbuted the myatlc mrmi card which rtltrd much merriment mm they drew upon llui ktrangit irmlnrthmm of home tnd romlgulml lha m mi rounlel i 1 1 lh dlaroey or hmdeu t- ie ihram derp ia prllt ir the vine ic what homim innipla dont know lie an knoigrtln old age lr 1 to ton oveithrow 2n whip tlw 2r myatlc oirrlelir staff or iuf iti voihlddt krult in korvat iuury in a houlh- eru lleauty tic chip off tha old llhtck in hmlngotfringir juki a hit or hlang lr unkhoubb john knnurvlle who wu a native uf ijmvhonae die very kuddeidy at jhjjlhnllm glliimuicranauimvtily 11 h luat lh c4 aaeal wa an eateeined luuuatrlnua umti hn ran a planing mll tn milton for aeveral yeare he wa a lifelong ulmral and wa pru ne u i at thu annual meeting of the helton itrform- aaaoclatlon at m 1 1 ton two or thru weeka agp ilia puother who la in tier hoth year and a brother david i realdeat jeorgetown shiofis gun cctilr atotm iiaattia e vj4 heta uwe4 eaaal laaaaja m e afji olikmkyaitxl itoim toledo o fake aiallahaaify 1111a tat eoaupatuo grand trunk m winter tours -to- mcxico colorado california and pacific coast points the grand trunk railway kyatcnl in the pomilar routo from all pnlata cant tlirough canada via chicago features douhlo track pat hcrvlco plnoil koamtxhl modern kqiilpment uxrxcel led dinliib car service all kkniotit of safety and comfort to the sunny south mo mitre ilehlrahle routo than vii rami 1 runk ami connecting lliicd very low rates pull 1 1 formation tlckvlu etc from hsholmes agent acion ontakio the lion guephs big departmental sioce a stir in wall papers uri jtio jpiiuk to uroiim the iooilo if tii in vkhilty lo thn fuel tliut o uru in tho wall aar hit loo on n itugnr mulo than uny ollior btnra in wtkutu ontario no rolull firm in iiiih action cuu buy wall 1ujwr am nnu u than mucdonatdu huylne direct fmiu dm mauufacl tnudwiiich w1c inricnlilobllaltli with vou uilluivo money 1 mouldiiiku lu largrr quantities nr at lowrr rat joiilwi uvery linitoi prlioii rnuullii in a nl lor who 1uyn tlnur impor he our wall lakir klockx have jtuit licvn moved into tlmlr new ium lion on llio third lloor which in thu lrici t ilnmitituoiit out nf tijroiito dnvoltiil uutjmly to thu dujiliiy of hoimj lc oratioiiu sloctia lucluda only tiiiuiru that no durable in color ami o have proviilrd u wide rano of cholera foniieii unddosuuittli htaplem umi unvrltinil lillll nit prinliu linmi that nupmui thn itekt tin id aad limi t qniilitleti iu ilrrtorntlvu cfieuu nuwluiro will ynu final mi mucli luiaiity uud rlii llnctlvcacul and howbore t mi you grt itattcr vulu for your money mr a t brown of acton liai our full urt nf i nniptt a ami iu m rarly ilato un ho will tulto rt at plu onrtimiiiullvo in thin diklrlct vou will do well lo call on liim itt i la in thawing you our una for uprlag lor i wo prurmy all exproa frolght and poataga ohargaa on all gooda rojfardlotui or ax orvojuo send ub your order by mall t3ampl i wall paper wholesale and retail d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoncll slreets guclpii ont wall paper wlfolesale and rctaf- let the the dominion life assurance co head office wateuloo 22nd annual report 1910 ticyearofgnslgrowihpronifitopollcyhnllorsliiicxcllcd poucies iolklea itaaad and revived ti ayjtyrtj halnj an 1 uc ma no uver looo o 2 total business in force lolal lluilneaa in force ioo7o not increase for ilia year iwlnif im44 mlhelargeat rain la the company a hlatory 3 inc6me and expend1tuhe caah htcom from premium net sjjovij h from interest u3 5 lolal s463 74soq an incre over inxi ol 40 hjil jh out of i hi income toj alls 90 waa paid to policy holder a and a balance of m 347 03 loft in te carried forward after paying all eipenae of lliaiummqiil 4 death losses only 40 per cent of dial enpoctcxl accntilliiji to tha government talite fs eahn1ng power 4 hate of intereai turned on inveifrd fiuiilu during igio ailvancthip 7 i 6 assets total 111740051 an iiurekae over loioof ijoll 63 3 13 7 wesehvcs if araervra amount to i 7ji300 ig hated on a innre airitiuenl liaila that lhai reijulrod hy the government eu surplus snrjtlu earnlnfi for the year were 1ji 600 j anil aller provlillnu for tlm dividend toaharehuldera and payintf nut imuhim nilrylnililofb account in cast a nl urn umi he aunt of lif j ij it t ll uliirh lm ruaveil tlie not mrpjuwhy tl wr crlt maulntf tlie loial imi mirpliin now jhjon actual mull paid inn tor uialpred mjlle duilei the year wm 111 1 celled growth i he mult o ilia mj three year are iliowli ad lollowu inoh i kh lyio aaaurance laalmml sm other fellow js experiments hnd n1a pkk6s while you buy the old reliable welltested kinds t willi kubllii ii aiul h tum4 itiai u u alaa a s hslilitf turn mj a tmiar rajllat aud iiuueulua iily u ju ke- ii i v noticliniw thiillkd loul tl jlmlaib 1 iu hatiuiln llallwar cucumny tot notice tib will lu 1 aiuwml iu llaa inn bona bojol i 11m iltha t i iimihm 1 uloa unub or na u uonfaa1 i a m i vbiud lallwaaoduaaat of uii luu aid uouty of ualbta utul iu line inn ajotaae eeial at av wdiiufbo aa a couulf ol wawtwjaahti ifevetl j county ol w rsz o ii la llui a of jtaun nt u twavele kabart llazjoi auction sale -ir- 1ihstcxaas 1akm btook tiuihilj will aall by ula aaetlea rrf mr iaul tl kartnody vl la a a ara twuy ml utlolw uowa i iaua nnw yra du in manti 1 luw 5vi aoala ll iramleaw ft yaa riihwduf almll iibuwi yaa alaaa aawl e ratio ri iw mall calvaa a lull pun til ba an 1 vdaad wllla- jmoirt doe to lunw la akill taaaa ttijvln awwlha eradlt oa aa ww jienj iitttar among tlicsu latter arc tlie improved rokerbeadn success manure spreader tho dain hay loader for oijc man inbtoad of two the melotte crcani separator tho champion disc drill which paya ior it tie 1 1 in three years in inluuasud ymu or ghain and the baker windmill with 36 instead of 18 fany skk our local tiiarimonlala ioit thksu macuiniw g a blak auctioneer actofl oflt auction sale of horses implements and wire fence saturday march oh at ijo p m auction sale ok vjlum stock and m- pjlismmnts itoii w ii mudowall to aall by patriae whonesday march lak klloblosk tbafollowluat i tloraaa ulmaaaaa t iori b lirab 1 lobi sss caulatltttavbieilalanlaaa lnmjlfa vaxna now ut yra doa in tl al bay vikuo lirad aurtmnl now veil um pair twuaana ylldi iimitmt llhvmkjiue bnxxt aririt voraaalra bntod llarnoaa havoajjlda harwiaa am pun itutum 4 bo taada i kluala ttarntm luanuiy nai nay an baa lrnllmita- fjaadsa uacfar miui abeam bxu uvmlotf tilovar lluetji ateal rollar 5 hihi1 dun vloury irou liannm lb no ii al a4 wii tela tar ft mil nalilvaler laratim teriaastis twlpar oluobam buudaa aaiu arub ltaaan liauj truob ww taaa aoalaanraar bow waaliln anaablaa atoiaa ohaiawi abotebi i sola fowl aad r eredlt ua atnxsno julnl lioteau tlv mr aani hknj lktotf uxhuut i ix nab amount la 1 orce itea t caah income ayoveala lo lollcybojdet avarajrehaleof inlereal surfdua l mi7i 11 lio 3 144 sj ckj7 7 oafc i jio i0 u uj i tuwiuit 5i3c 4jh 35 lo 7 ji jijiui i j aoh fi in 7ao 700 j u7haj 4j41 ooiho 7 v j4 71 1 the merchants bank of chnhdh officers l lmlilent ul maniink uln6clor sims ii lihickillt ml ik uulii1k vic lwljml i ii rotkh icnltnlmmm j i- lanustall a i a il a i actuary vuko iialstiiai suclnlmului ol apuln ion jas mu choosing your bank jiiiie conbervativo management hud tronfi rinanciil condition of ihiu hank ar vcry cssuntial fcalurcti which slinuld inllucuc you in selecting u depository for jour iavitigf thia hank wmhuu to serve a hrge number of depnsitorti with whom it tan have close personal relation call and allow us to explain our icw system of treating joint accounts total assets mmwcgishti acton bkancii f a maclean manager whips u regular from 15c to 125 to clean out at from ucto 76c buy quick i we abe now manufacturing harness lor people 20 miles distant from actoji leave l your order now for spring w j gordon haraaaw and trunk man mill street acton tli utiuitj abollihi ll ulilmalaiu1 tu iwm 1 jamhrf iiainrii itliml a lot r boa 5 hvjt cltjatllno auction sale 1aum stock an1- rjniiianonth lmcih4 laiataweuaaa ll to aall by raftlle icaiuoltiav ob wlidntbdav march ath el mia o sluok im i llnaiual huraawlhtiilrnol whhloa bone baavy tuly wll j vm wil ufkmm y lonj bootv 1 aitim4 vwl liy ttl cattlo- 4v kdj a il i blfr tul a year mluhec a ihii lit uatf tiltl 00 w 4 year bauataajl 1 fat bti i iluif a vai aiaar rialaa 1 mm r blfr ualt w 1 i calf a tnoatba eaw i by tinl heou tutr utw4 uutbaataew lul r blble 11 about aixlf loaaliklfrrl avaari iii vu children oxy for fletchers caqtorja ul u i wssjsh oittaaw ijihikaliuti twvtuima um tiluaa iii euluait tail ors7va3 u liual a au auw blaxaus- uluuilly low lian wlilrhutr kill 1 tun tllth dtbdll utta i t7 now apnea 1 lwmtzaaoati aaj ihutntraua dumwt iadjiuitaeai mo ualnj futoh chsh phid pop i owl- r fu junk i awu tell all klmia of iurniturb w sxb hctn

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