Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1911, p. 3

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spectacles and by k j lashes in solid ooltt oold fillho and nickul frambb we can repair yitur spectacle m ijn glim wa kn in work a full line of fraoan lease and templa a tod can tlu your work neatly nj with lomptima give ub a cjuu geo hynds nmriao ucenbrb imuid rkax estate matyey laaa at iawt rninr lalerai ieara hmkrr f farm tmr sale catena jttwhllaarx u4 her lrarty la all artma fawa w feavc vriy larlllty far traamartlajc air fewa t yaar cmiileuululmklh x a willotcarbv cenrtreiavrn 77 tjije tton jro press thursday kkljuuahv si 1011 brief local ittms march open next wednesday sunder vraa en ideal winter day fit alben a mlnalreui in the iowa lull next monday evening tbe ula tawui cuiutufincee next wednesday 1t march mr tboa mccutchsou tie mild hi fioeere farm near osprlnne to mr j lenlle 1 1 doherty oouncillor krin vluejre he renlzned a new election will be bald to oil lb- ancy councillor william cleave h purchased lbe looaere farm tot ik uu eon kwiuaairuc front jam halner ttarald it ml ir a wilson toronto twenty dollar for falllne to report lbe p uua of eeertel fever in tbe bonm of mm of hie patient thw nii on tuesday of last week tbe greenock literary hociety paid a vuit to tba kverton literary hociety and gavn then a splendid programme prof shlldrlck desire every mem bar of lb chora hociety in make a rttal effort tn ttimd tbe three n- tuejalna re before tba concert aim watson and vincent ser- ranto of quvlph warn hoed j 10 and coat each for display i na ohecroe poet cardalo king kdwud hotel on hal- urday next hundny morning ua r j barrel b a will preach on tba subject ood voice in tbe garden and in tba evenln tba theme will b tbe touch of bu liraml tba uudpb mercury which baa been ry nielerially improved in tjpograhiad apnorabc and kna news of local import the social jjjlvan liy ihn r naiutl lhigu on tunwlmjr tvanlil vrry nnjuyablr ttia prohrmiuuia iwludad ocl snloa and fuajrteltaa liy uailvr jihmuli and lh iiu- qurtllr inatrunmnlut iiiiiii1mt lay mlaum atuy hpfflflhu iiule aud haul uaon jl bouhmllli iaadln by mr a t itimwn aiul aatcttona on lh innu pbond mr tyaiik lvfnnmymd an kcvluol clialvwan rant wnrvnd at llw c leafmaliuianli on ruturday tba uat of tba original braaa bandlad door locks of tor old arbool war rcmovad walng tmit tba nunibrr la union of d and woman now in tbla and otbar ouuotrlaa who bava muur tbaaa old knoba and fraaaad to or from tbalr mjkiup lalelyrtaok onnnfttieadjtyj xlkvtirttts rrtndmya thprtdy wilb an attract ui 1 badlna wloa uaxt olna u in jtaraja of tba newlyorsanlwsd obriatian xtlkaoabip eoounlttaa and will taka tba firm of a baaabail tuntcb tba ioatiooj will nu be rabitlva to canada and bar inlar- mr and mr n v uoora antrr- ulned tba cltolr at tba matbodiat ofaureb at tbalr boma on ajroaa htraet bucwadaaadayavaalna tbaooeaalon aa aajoymbw andba tnamkera ap aracutadtna kpral boapltallty du- tba parlor octal at tba boota of mr wo jobnatona tbla vraloc will ba a vary njoyabla ml tba pro- gnaim will includa aotoa quart ettaa orobaatral a and raadlngv tba funetloa ta undar tba anaploaa of tba jladlaa aid of knox cburcb daaplta tba atormy waatbar a larfja nmnbar of tba frianda of hi mnraarola uulld of si albaw fjhoreb auaodrd tba valanlloa aocul uat tocaday aranlna at tba noma of mr ilaary lunrr tba evanlng f apant in kmrnaa and maalc pihmhtltinil at maosa i ranoitnw h m man vahaabla piiiut laat saturday rvanlng 1mb inat a urea aumbar of tba maaabara of mlnwaa mot bod ut cbucb aaaemblad a tba baana of mr and mr it j karr to aprad n avenlna wltb mlaa ktbal wbo baa twdgoad bar poaluon aa draantalrwln to bar approacblna aarrus to uav mr mciod of iui- wood a papajmnima of mualc aoaga pad apaachaa waa bclna carried out and la tba mubt of it mbw karr waa called up and tba following addrcaa daaat bniax we tba membara and yoaojr peopla of tba mimoaa hatho- diat obureb bava met bera toalabt for tba parpoea of blddlua you faraarvll arayonr dapartnra from our mldat we cannot let you go wllbout abow- taa in aoaae trivial way tba eateetn la blcbyonrarabam byaa ily your frank opvti baartad manocr and will- inapaaa to batp in all branebea of cfaarcb work you bava left with ua tba inpraaauhi tbat you bava alway avoorad to do yoorduty during iba faw yaara we bava apaut igatbar bnany frlandablpa bmvn baan wblcb we truac will never be langae for bava p a of tbr past wa bva leamad that yon are about to on nea loo wltb our churab i aa a nuuk of appreciation of your eervleea randered to ua aa oramniat we oak you to aecapt thla in altar yaara wberarr yourlot may b wfaan yod look upon thla token aay your mind travel back to old days and may you have plaaaaut vaonltaouona of lb peat tbough we may not be privileged to meet togetbar mm frequently aa wa bava dona we truac that wa aball all live aneh a life of purity and godlln that when our work upon earth flnlabed we aball all meat lu that one gi bona above mot enjoy a n borrow la onr deatiaad and or way 1 bat to act that eeeh tomorrow klada tuf fartbar than today bignrd on behalf of the cburcb klmttb awaucv iut ulwav robkarfllltx prmuawkkv tba affair was a- great aurprtee u jtba family but ntoat cordial welooma waaaxteodadtoalb mr kevrfeellng- ly repued to tba kddreea in behalf of yuadangbtarr tbanking all concerned for their kindly word and valuable token of ramentbrance all of which vrauld be traaaurad through klfr a drmniblic uu tjoenn kubrr will bn bivm in uvorgvlowa by utllon oeotata club tomorrow rtunliuf uodnr tlia auaplcoa of tl ijtdw aid of the matbodiat oliurch tim prin pal ouncim will b tak aa fuuou quean kalhar u- j xv hew hinjt mr 11 lurron toronto lluum mr o kh zcfml uui k loman llajr- gal mr 1l lurriaon mordvcaia ter mr inmau tbre will ba a choru of forty volceet and a cblldrena chorus and orcltatrm lui anndkya feriald ktay lilin in coonaction with inn umprrene drill day throughout lltn county mr k j uoora l a the imuvlnraa nun- mffr and eaaoclate dltor tj the lionwr toronto mkfi in um lup tlt church in llw minur and tba malbodut church u lit tvrnlng mr moon gavo rot addreaaaa arttlng forth the progreaa uf lht trmpranc movement in canada united hlatra and llraat llrluln nnd aapulnod in an innwaatlng manner the obcte of tba movement and ultimata bopee uf it upurtar wboae nurobara are rapidly increaalng of arcuriog tba loud problbltloo of bulb tba manufacture and aela of intoxicating iuuor yha chorml ataatym cua tba big concert for which acton cboral hoclety haw bren making prr- parwtlon for aaveral month will ba bold on tuaeday evening lltb march the full chorua cmnnriaea trf voicaa and tbr will ajvo bn a uduie churo- lrof k m hhildrick of nurlph tba conductor aeaka in highest term of the attain inen la of the society and aye it baa reached a hlgbrr atate of rflldency thn any prevloua cboral society be baa ever bad in charge for tba brat year a concert of high order bexpnctad in addl- cloee v t u m- ot uurlpb vlolmut will give several number i tan of hall hi now open at itrown a drug autre of the venerated names of jai llroby itobert uttl jtobu lumm and tbonuut moorv a well a- many lady a 1 tut the old order chang eth giving pbxmi ii the new it la of interest to remark that the adjuat- t noted wa aftected through tba assistance uf mr tboa kbbaxe ear- i penler wbo wltb mr kbbage are now tba aaillaat reeidant uf actoo remain- 1 ing ne kuel tum i at tba meeting of the king order- llee last friday night mr h aiccrack- 1 m gave a very interesting s in the ideal ufa he divided tba aub- jecl into throe parta the right ideal j the wrong ideal and the reward he spoke of the christian lire a therigbr ideal and a life of worldllne and ala us the wrong ideal he also made n few remark about tba reward of those who lead uvea of wortdllneee and tboec wbo lead cbriauan live tba prwuvl dent thanked mr mcoraeken on be- 1 halfortbacua mr j h leenan 111 give an address on itemlnlacenoee iveacber cbolr lead er and shoomakrr nail friday even ing in the pastor e vestry tbara will be sebictlone rendered by a male quar tette all own welcome the aaeembly given uat wednesday feeing by tba uentlcmen of acton la the town hell weeuulle the event of in social clrcuv oueala wero present froui toronto llamllton ltrampton uuelpb u ii um oaorge- town olenwiuum lcochrter and clovers villa the town hall waa artj tistically decora lad union jack jap- unlerna avergreena and bunting being used and a act ire surrounding be wall of tba hall waa covered with rug and generously supplied with cushion the iondoo harper aup plied mualc which the participant de clare waa euperb for the purpose mr joseph cortes harp solo were ea- pacully enjoyed oeorgo vviuum aataeaav tiuelpb earved a daluty luneb in buffet atyle tba patronesses and stewards exerted i be ruse tree to glva thr guest a pleasant time for ntucb of the aucceea of the event credit i given mr f h htorey tba honor ary eeeretary a ivattv wa on wednesday afternoon of uat week at the borne of mr tunlel wbu- wy u sb coo 4 naaaayweya a very interesting ceremony wa- iroamrd whan mia mabel daughter of franlel whitley keq and mr cameron ham- baw alao of navaagaweya ana of tba ute william fumabaw of acton were joined in holy wedlock 1u il f kalleman u a recvor of ht a bans church actoti ofnculrd the bride wa given away by be father hhe waa daintily gwnad in white allk with overuce end pearl trimming and wore lite customary bridal veil and orange bloeaoui mia u la mcllregur ooualn of the bride waa flower girl she wa dm rd in raw allk and carried a basket of pea ami lily of the valley the home waa beautifully decor led fur tba happy occasion fcatnowasd eve and flower wltb carnations and rosea predominating the tatberei gift to bride waa a h ivraun umb coat and t be grootua a muff to owucb- mr and mr itamahaw want to kin cardlne on a honeymoon lour the bride e goljg away gown waa alice blue met it cord with hat to match tba bridal prese were numerous and handaome mjmi tba cougratuuliona jeaoatcordul there wereabouleighty gueets prevent mr and mrs ram- ahaw will settle on tba tarra nmr knaiehbull social and pbonal mr j 41 mhitnkl to cl- mr auj liu vuttrd fimwt trooio th- wnk mr- au 1m1 is uilu an kj fir a ooupla of w mr jj it kronly vid ra ti in lph tbu week mieamyrtlrll umv waa boum frou tueonlo over kuoday mae uaiximl lsrae nfvoruolu m vlalingmratieo uapbru- mr orwg rrbumof 1rkakll v nulnl acton frieids laat virk mr and mr x k tbop hamilton vtulod nntda her ual work ua i a heuttb awl master fcd- ward ikf itarrw aw vkaiung anion lim marg1 lball and ffci e holasre warn uawlroa ttmuou dver hnnday mia violet hoddy of iorgmo- as a gut at lb bone of mr uf innny na sunday mr r it howard of the mdaoo i tank toronto afml lb vr end mr harry rtatbaaaa u iubu keeytb of tor to wa lb guest tbi waek of bar ausl haa moore xvaimr hcreet mrc a mclen of toronui spent day or so uat wrvk with hi frimj mrcd luardaeura uu florence cokae of iusuu- wae a gnest at i be b of tw il k holaaea during the week irjohnh moore and mlae itlu moorr of tomato sprat the weekend at the perall bo- lve mua iorotby wright and mu- ho- knur of toronto vrm- g sa t mr ttmtrence iteardeaosv usf werk mil liy canrpbru and ml w kdna hugdl j turonio have i mnj aftev vnntieg mr trto euiuall mr ijnkuter of wugbanr u spending m fw week with ber dawgb tar mr nvu ucnu ilower avmue r howard ism wbo h been in k jiaepb hopiu1 curlpb baa re lumed home reeling aoncb lanproved ubeeltb ir and ma tboa wack and dansibtar of high itlrtr altau were gneata ut weak at the borne of mr hugh waluce the friend of mr jennie uaatic and ua tuantu wul be pleased to um that tbey have rat front muare iteaale lluebmnd ueeese conn lib morton mae mj iwa holmes went to toronto na monday to attend tba ntuknery openings mr theodore kcbllluag of tba roch ester thread tk ltu tr k v- end mr th lbr rf clow vuuv n v wen goala of mr frej h ktnrry ual wk a notr- ifl the yuk ro r cray bn i at ontario il ka be aojo d the trip acnev tba conlldawl end u having a good line in tba nrmng rancbee n real ualleg bn aaye mr and mr jaa f wright and daughuw and mr corge k wrighu hash retnrnnd borne uat week after spending a few wse at the bone of mr jama ucou keqisrung od mr c 11 itnmn entnrtalned tba tauembere of tba methodist ijunday bcbool nrcbeetra at tbrir boepltabu elllslimtm monday even ing after a programme of well- ilectrd pfaritnogrepb tanmbere dainty refresh were served a utter juat rrcwlvad from mr au arthur new warren hak aay bu brntber john underwent a critical operation in january in tba hospital at ilollenu tba operation we per formed by lr myers of itegtua sutad by dr hlnguton of ltollean iloepilal he rapidly and aspect to he discharged tba yon will notice that we are continually talking about onr ability to repair walcbee and clock weu that u bemoa wa have the coafid- enoe that we can do it and do it better than most watch maker first be we earve onr full lerm of apprentlceehlp and aflrrwarda worked under the beat anafcereln toronto and m yeaia ex perience give oe auch a great ad van leg over naoat nlhera that era mmm to yon b roll coeruenc that it will be carefully and quickly done- fringu tba jeweler tiuelpn atloomqulm maltomaa paatat many peopla are unaware of th fact that in the aujonquib national park 1mo feet abov eea level awonquiitsrk ebarmlngj hotel known aa tba highland ino u open during the winter month f receptunof gueata whodesirv totfojo tba puezuhea of outdoor life pure air and the many winter men i that can be enjoyed are just thing to recuperate a runduwn intioa and build the physieal w vrotked body adje llbihlaad inn- a i fatk hiatlon nt for further uura farmers atcirrocity the canadian oeauiry nf i ttatttetsusnrsuowssea tan deo wtoe oeen ram tt cmajnt crmtry l tba m iprocity ompct i itpeovn lite door id the canadu uutrkat to ameilcan farmer it i be vary injurious to tbouaandii 11 i ami jell transport 0nadlan farni cltea of the cnlled hlata uerican farnter have the m at irak ten u in lb- colled hialm ae iiuuu and so ten aut r ket enuanre u i be rkets ana frwuwatun r appj rauc into the mark vi of htatae that the aiccv will take advantage of thla htdoobt kai wilb sgainat them tbey bava aalung mmeae quanltlleeaf p p tin fnnada more hsp neve have barn able u fefi imtedhlala wilhrrwnill pmdncta tba lea riff j pr4ty cbiae la hu hut tbi u not all than fea baa to facn under ity compact owing nation treaties any tar k ran led by canada to the a also apply to striae i arereotlim irwhungery holwu aaru japan norway 1 heslis nerileertand aa then it u provided t roountri there u alway about farming imnwx vmm be puu what the weatber re wtay be frost i or too much rain added to all tbeen j to nature vmriat cartiitnty regardinarj ill prevail 1 how ax edv it nna crop not bee dteno what de dutoranl aji i of brvai will prevail empe u lo tn pa rat i eel v mndv tbemndlri ket but when 1 ujkuue iluwlng ile aue- will bring about free nroducte from tbtaw rra g noloole auatralu j ad in fact canadian i compel- u tbeir n with rerun product frc food producing c zlr htate jkigdm n tbi of farm leart- alll have i- snarket i the btrt e world sinll- jh s u the tin i whlph i u hrvt- ld be devltt- many to i to wod net he for the i at um what pricae un of farm stork it u he frroer to tbabomn mar- compete with believing that eteelpeoetly with h ot ows and that it would be rarntara wlahea to plaoelta vlw ef t eommunlty and ha smmrel for a f onlltleal pnrtua will be nnnllanaa rreen weea to week the urmeva of uia wurld at large t la tiiurl nitrv dltllcult uf detet mine what iw ill lire wilt he it l now prtpused lu add lu lb un certainty of canadian farming im- imiiuj fimi product from the united nuu the argun tltte lupublic deo mark norway hweuen kuamia aitstialia new zealand and a number of ol her countries coming into ceuada without payment of any dull will to a oooalderalile ealentdlapaca canadian farili produce in tin home market a reaull of the reciprocity ciiiuwi to nl up fr loaeee in ilia liome market llie canadian farmer will have to very wealy inrreaee his export to hie colled hlatra in sowing veed in raising stock in growing vegetables and fruit be will alway have to con bider what u most likely to aatlaf f the americxm ilriuanda and after he ha mav 111- arrandvintenta while bis rrope ikl ill ungamered and tlvw live stock which lie la raising specially for lb american markel u half rrown lhe united htalrv congrea may sua ilanly decide to ehul out tanadun primlocl of all kind icamaculmr the ltaclproctty compact la ma a treaty it may i- ended at will by um cnlud htatae congreea or im canadian par liament it i well- we are not lied down to a panrtnanenl arrangement kmi the free trade farcwre cmven lion in ottawa m iecemler 15th and ifkh 1u1q recommerulad that a per manent treaty should not he made but that any understanding arrived at ehnnld he put into effect liy noncurrenl legislation all r or the com munity were of the same opinion in thl regard and the covrrnment cuw not have dened the unanimous sentl ment of lbs community ho when we point out that liber the colled htate congreea or the canadian ferllament uat liberty to end the a at short nolicn we are not blaming the coeammenl for thu we bf lleea i thai canaduna in general including both farmer and rlty people will find lhe arrangement o uoaatls factory that they will he thankful far lament has the power to terminate it but if thl- fimcalt simmim prove wrong there will always overhang th ioimi uf un- laiitv rreartlut the aultude of the i clinl hlle cookree- tltere will alwaya lie slron in fluwew l work in lb united htate i that mav muse ngre u alter lb i tariff american farmer may lie dhv i aatbtfled or american marmfacturerv i may think tbey are not getting enou i tt of the agreement end demand letter trern mr taft ha mad mi ecl of hi eiaelauon that the coltrd htate u to rt pneur rvneee- eion- later on if the united htate fioobeae endoree the compact ll will lie hnjiim of ihleekpertalltm ijmur urli cjodlllon with what feeling of unnertaliity wll the funadlan farmer year ahead n hie wrk foi f hamilton head office hamilton ipwuup jz75oooo udunjiridodprokb 3soooo 6000000 onr 40000000 bank dcputment at jlttrnche otlowk imhch w h ukay u conscrentious pjambing a heating is mot kyth sniltrt us to the contrary wc make it the most important factor so il you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber tibccst guelph ihonc 337 goodhats or the other kind 1 rrst box cured his lame mi hkb mb r gin mr kmk i aa nw teat- ixs wl aa4 a avra af am taat h many men think it makes no luftarenoe vbera they buy hat 2 other man have met wltb lots of dlaappalalmeoj ivlng to tied a kniokhrdockbr 1 of prlag hhammi in llil weak is your choice stoppy7caky wooden troughs or clean durable concrete wooden drinking iroufthi arc alxmit aa reliable as the weather tuey are- ihoillivej anu terjuirr re- itlaonk every fcw yeair not to menlion continual rmttcrun to kre litem in ictair thr lcst of wood cannot witlulancl for long constant rjumpncss and toalung lit tendency to rapid decay soon shows luelf in leaks and stagnant pools of water around trough contrail with irut thr duraluhly cleanliness and wrilwdncd appcaxajlcc of concrete tke dampness jwhicli destroys lumber only inlenunes the siren gilt and hardness of cone etc you can impair a wooden iroufill willi cooiixaralivcly little use but it takes a powerful explosive to put a concrete water tank out of business which is your chrncr expense- producing wood or moneysaving concrete wed he glad to send a copy of our book whrjht pbrhict con do with concrete free if youll ask for tl it tells the many uses of concrete in plain simple language tells how lu make bnw hens neat clokue clalerea mceto pe alalia dilln mere ulecka fttalla tmpetno tanba heueee at pa feuhallma poultfy moueea tanas rente leata hoot callara treuatia wall cures canada cement co kloo nalleatal llak halldln ua i 1 w6e right house hamiltons ravoritx shorrino rlacc 3j g what have you done madam a bout our new spring clothes b si i the right house can fit you out complete w ready low ear garments in sttilttigs and dress goods and with an expert lathes tailor or ivomari dressmaker i i t ike a weathercock thic ruiit flour11 is ready for any wind of i womans whim ready-to- wear suit and coals dresses skirts waistictchbic o expert woman dressmaker within our own buildiar 1 follow the lead of actons licsl dressed women gel suited at the right house ol particular interest just now are the new readytowear spring suits these arc being shown in a great variety at tint right housh they were bought from the best american and canadian tailors they were bought in large quantities it it important to re me mix r this because the more a btorc can bay the lower the wholesale price in buying here you gel trie benefit of the largest buying power in hamilton kinally these suits were bought by an expert who knows styles materials shades etc like a book and who remembers that all women cant afford to spend 30 for a new easter suit here is a brief idea of our spring suit prices a ll fresh lines panamas and serges in navy black brown green and grey 1hj lancy sergei in navy black brown green and grey tm fancy worsteds jn tlic newest mannish effects fancy worsteds etc new materials and trimmings others at 7jyf and all these show lhe new short jaclel if lo o inches i ho straight narrow suit thai i mils narrow but vhksj alio perfect fresduo la walking the new plain sleeve etc j tun uicur ileus ladles tailoring and llreenuaala 1 a dors are on the nub door mr ikouda and mini o connor are rperls in their tespsctive llnaa ftkos vev reason al m t1q uvcry pd in stock rmleohl a s tier i tf0 cent lluv lor nert winter now our lre good awl bulling seclloo ere ahoahur all lhe new htaclt and colored fatmlc or smin wear itlealuiy s and admiralty vteavea are speciallles main moor r iikisix in pretty tea room in lusemaot retuun ra1u0ad paces keindcd on a vutv ubfral pun thomas c watkias limited kirwi and hughson sts hamilton ont r e nelson merenant tsuep v6fi metropolitan bank paid up capital rnst slmtmfctw ihemd olfice toronto ont- cinrlmabsvec caaas of ksdncy ten rrardedaabopreta wa dnat ask yon to b it vrbat tbey i sunptr vmto na paper and we vrill ae box free then if von tba repdar ause bones j write vv and we will i rdaq prkasnc a cih rflxs ar made tbeltfvvrlmfeale bntkhltaipire rlioaal urea drjita toronto igwrluls l that iwuslatorh ndeale yon at the lor juso trdby in the kvault dkpabtmatmt ob bankino coed acted with facility accoracy and secnrily i ivfimkbs bbsin ksb given vanictdar aa sai hotks obkooated or reojv inr collection bav1hob dspabttknt tl oo will open an accoent interest allowed from date of dapoall no delay la withdrawal joint a0ootjntb may be opened u desired so thai either f i parsoni may withdraw fend coooooooooooooockxxxe an opportunity for careful buyers 16 make iiig savings in staple and standard lines ot drv goods uring stocktaking which will occupy the balance of the month of january we will clear out at very special pricey all lines in which we are overstocked also nil lines in which the range is broken t every day new lots of the above will be put on the counters at clearing prices no shellworn or oldstyle goods but the best helling lines of the season here are a few lines which indicate the character of the goods and the values offered womens luack cashmere llou all alkea lejour 3jc per ir lot ijc wotneo a mufflers while ooly trrular socloc yjc yi pieces prints rood paiiern and colon raruur iac per yd for toe io piece rancy lunnetetles rrey and pinks regular isc per yd for tor mlulnnry titmmsd hals all hall imce millinery rvlt bluveaall iuk pike ijuius jscketa re u j 1011400 oreach u7s ladies jaclali rce ntoo for each 7 on litllca jsckisc v500 and i000 remnants remnants remnants of all lilies of piece dry goods special tabic all through stocktakini kcton brknch ambrown manager henderson co strl actntt o mill sireel acton ontario jooqoooooow 4

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