oflje jkrian ttz rss 1ltultsiiay m auoii jlut 1111 inrminoi tb nohr hak ihi lifrim tumultous will have lrck imiiiih for eer- imm tlie lightest wr of iiiiiim c ioen li kalvndeenl widens in lli eternal elmre wo should i- wrr then uli k a myriad yet to lie and w should lake our beaiiitk carefully whrre in rn tir and fearful lerapeal kalli rr iltk lincoln and tkhpssh timm inrhlenta wrn uthl n ly 1 well known lwyr of llil rlly wln is the eon r on f lb most durinifiilh ad attorney of eiilrel illinois not rlsrsssail a onntenipertiry and ac qualntanr t mr mnmli hlmeell this lawyer wrl them llrt hand rron judge uwitc wijmon who was i tliim frind of the great joim and wan present when thn tno imhmmd hdallw durlmaf tu ely finlm when mphn a ti judge weldnu end mr urn stopping at lit old pike louse in luoomlngtnii the three distinguished lawyers were in judge lkmgu hxiiii where there whs plenty of whiskey to m had mr uncoln waseaked tn teke edrtnk he declined wlih tliiik oh mill judge lnuglis rather sarcastically you dont belong l the leraperence cause ilo yiui k n was unonln ut aedy bat i am temperate f tbe second incident took place in clinton iii judge woljon and mr uncoln war leaving the rourt hou4 alter a long weartenin eeeelnn of the court passing a tavern at judge weldon suggestion they slopped and want in the judge ordered a glass of beer lincoln wont yon imva some v he inquired no replied unooln thank you i hunt wuh any in fact i dont know wbat it looks ukr whc exclaimed judge weldon never aaw any beer well i want you to eee it and tsale it lot ho he ordered another glass ifr lincoln look it and raised it to his lip weldon he said putting down lb glass thats absolutely the vilest tuff i ever put to my up id aa soon drink lo kdgar ii witt j one joiimhv amd til wors a prominent jmut wee durnealng llm dlfferon in tdnhiu ly different h oplr on liffeienl lw- ii ukl tim matlor of iiiiawprwuns hiwe la imrh lik- th elry f m llltle itoy who- waa lold ly bu trarhrr to trad mono thing from tl- primer tlie 1oy rrad mu folhwr tia lx a wrm dotightiul hlap it why j i that dan l rlglit kahl llm ther 11 hht w yimir tbuu wini ur tlt-l- worm tkrif iblb topic kglil or in- woinrn awmufd lunchhn lluliik jiilnmnle and tiratjmr a eight or nine or imf or i wo or lly or wtxnen will 11m lalk ran ihimigh angina kttniu tot4l llfr lultr- cuiimii end kindred haiy tnpica i thought loinmnnteil lite guaait of honor that i had lntn invited in lunohrou and not to km organ iwital shilofrs cure hirly fsn w wa so bad with heart and nerves could not sleep at night many teen and women toe night alter night upon a aleeplem bed bonwt oon- utuuonal duturbance worry or diaeaae baa eo cleloiiuleil and irritated the heart and nervous ayalem that they cannot enjoy the refreshing sleep which enraea to thoee whoie heart and nerve are right mrs john gray uim lake onl write leat ummer i waa eo itail with my heart anil nerves that i couldnt aleap ai night there waa auoh a pain and heavy feeling in my cheat that i could not stoop ami at at times i would inooroo diaay end have to groap some- uungtokeap from falling i trie1 differ- ent things but never got anything to do ma any good until i tried milburns heart and nerve imla end i can now reoonunend them to all troubled a i was hilbuiv heart a nerve idl3 are m estate per imx or three ihm for si j at all dealers or rialle i dirent by tbo t uilburn co timltel toronto ont ons ron thi aouatn at a school which wai attended generally by a very rmpectahle ctaea of children uirre chanced to be a character which made an appealam there quite out of the claae of til above which naturally cauend conoid- arable disturbance amoig i ha scholar hventually oomplaluts were made to their teacher to suoli an effect that they could not kit near him because h waa not clean ami alu uist he emult after the complaint thseaclier sent tetter ufhls mother asking her to at tend to iter boy on account of the above coutplslnl next day tommy carue to echmd with the following written on paper t our tommy comes to school in be learnt not to ite emelt he hiiii bloomln rttranlum m t if a ua i llaajai as tub dodo seh the dodgr congratulates itlmmlf on avoiding a reeponelblllly iraveemmiltionevia- to do the wmk be ahould hava donr or to tafl the burden heahnuld have fchooldored end g ilia way anilllng hut ida llglliirae linart ie abort iwmd ifapplneaa luae many crowna lut none for the dodgvr in avoiding the dullra which belong to un we mu the joy that might liave imii our 1ikaiuhgi udwn rainsi what woman at wtiuetlme or other does not experience theee dreadful lmarlng down peine mr k oriffllh of msln hire llrpworth onl says a heavy bearingdown pain bad set tled atroes my back and eidee i mm lalde to timp or straighten myself up many times each night i dd have u leave my bed with the irregular am frequent eecrelloaa of kidney a and elt just as done out in the morning as on retiring f was languid and would tkave to let my house work stand nothing i had trud wou benefit me l tben learned of lloolhs hhl ney iniia and concluded 1 would try them which i did and soon found the long aought mllof my back atrengtliened ami i liegan lo fiel better and stronger x now enjoy my sleep without being diblurheal nnd feel grateful to lloothe kldne imhi uvr wliat uiey did for booths kldrjey pills sre a boon to women title would know less of backache if she tmik more of these womlnrful pills they am natures groauel npeclfln for all diaease of the kidneys and bladder all druggiala coo imik or imwtpald from the it t ilnolh co 1li fort krle onl hold mid guaranteed hy a t llmwn rootis hidncia pills llicklns anti consumptive hyrup i ji unparalrllnd remedy for colds qoiigba inlluensa ami diseases of the throat end lungs tlie fame of the medicine reals upon years of success ful ue jn eradicating these sffectlons mild lit protecting mankind from the fatal ravages of consumption and as a neglected cold loads to consumption one cannot lie loo careful to nght it in its early etages hick tea hymn is the weapon use il ahlnbiepreparatioqloraa simflflllng rseroodanclhrtuh- uo tbz staauda tuxuviwcucf osbmbl promotesdlftrallonxia-trfiil- uosanlflcst contalru nrithrx opbum morphlrte norrfiiatrox not marootic apnfcct bctnedy for cormtlpjv tion sour ssonutidianti vwmjconvubions fevcnsb- tktss ond loss or sleek wacsisaet srgnatarser ww yobk gastoria forlnfiuita and children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of exact conror vmvm in use for over thirty years icastoria mo abs1stanoi nkidid as lite train tieared the rlty thn coloretl porter approarhnl the ivlat faeed gentleman fraying with a loll hhall ah brush yo off sab t no he replied i prefer to get olf in lhe urn a bad cold developed into bronchitis neglected bronchitis is wiry oftai the direct cause of consumption nnd on the 6rat symptom apeaniig ir wimhih norway ihne hyrup should le useil and the llronchltis cuiml the symptoms am tirhtiirmi arnsat the chest sharp pains and a dilhcully in breathing a sefrntion of ourk phlegm at first white ami later of a gwmuh or yellowish color coming from the bmo- cbisl tubes wbon roughing eniverislly lit first thing n the morning mrs dan j urcormsrb cleveland nh writes my htlln lxy two yous old eaught a hut cold wlurh ievoo into llronehitis he was so rhoked up ha could hsnlly irctthe iteuling sltout your wonderful medicine tor woimis norway vmn syrup i inrilrxl to try a bottle and with such good riwitlt i gx another which completely ctire1 hint without hsving a doctor i rminol any too much in its praiho i woiikl not le without it in the hmteo a i consider it a sure cure for colds and llrotichllu the price of dr woodn norway lioo hyrup is 2c it is put up in a yellow wrapper three plno trees u tlio uaile tauuk he sure and ucmpl no auhstitule for hr woods manufactured only by the 1 urihurn gov limited toronto onl hading hiwwiilc wn- molher lterogulsrd as tht tor the destruction o jraves worm kiu loiiiiulut 1 proviul a luxtn to ktilynrfng rtdldi i verywhere it tnliloiii fall ou cannot rkimct musty on a dry i trend salary avounoauen felnalplew first 1 when we undertake to 111 your prescriptions we glvn tlioui our undivided stteutlon and imsl carf thepskiehts welfare is our first mi sld oration hecolld 1 xv giuaraallloe our drugs to linof full etrength as well as porn arut fresh third i our auslomurs am eupplied wiuijiutl what uieyask for substltut ing is imvnr allowed ijlinhh ckicllv oomihtuhd if you are a sufforer frtun kidney dlbtuusihvor complaint hhmkdtrou ides rhoumatlhni miuraigla or nervous prostration wo cf tilulnutly rocoin mend uin use of 1alnes celery com tiouml this rnllahln and never tlis- apimtlntllik medicine is a true dlueaih itanlalier ami ayetnm liullder we supply thn genuitin winns ct hiry compound a t hrowu antmi out a man con he tndt- liaartntl with out titling putty headnl chesiest of all oil- considering ihecurmllvii qualilhu of or tlmmas luwlrla oil it u tint cheap hl or wll prvmralloniiorftrthl lothu public it is to m found in iivury drug slont in cansda from noaut to roaub and wll cmintiy mirohsiilu kep it for uq ho ih idk entily proriirahhi sod om tremidy moderitto hi pi iro no nun should ito without a liotthi of iu you rant hjhi ltd uny time hating mop1n if you want to go forward ohildron ory fdr fletchers casto r i a dr miles nervine completely cured our little boy of fit a family can sutler no greater affliction than to have a chud- sub ject to fits or epilepsy miny a father or mother would give their ii to restore mch a child to health i sa kearlllr glad to ull yon el mi little boy who was casipwuly cuml ul ttla he coasastrxea ha leg tbeaa el lo years of xf sad bad 4bcai or vmt years 1 tried three rincton sad eee pecialuf bet all ol ikeas sskl ha coum sot be mud bul ullr kestorallte nerrine awl hr mile nsrve sad i jsr puia aiade a ceepbtte rare he la mow hale kcartv and gay h has been taree year ataeha had lbs hu spell 1 aball give ij mikes isedidacb rsiae wbrcr i go vw are st arty to eea tku utter as ynm eee fcl and asrimhr willing iniwl will stadly aaawcr ii ibar eafloaa uiap vu iwmuk wladfsll led dr maes nervihe is uc what it u represroted to he mcduine compounded esecislly lor nervous diseases such as fits ipauns st vitus dsnrr convul sions and epilepsy i hrw- ditrars rnpacntly lesd to intauity or csute steak mnida jur miles nervine has proven most rilrctivr in iclicv ing these dreaded maladies 4 bejdtnall drwgolste imk first bou telle to bens lit your money i ratufnad mileb ubuical co teronta can- tile fruits of sacrifice itrromn the roots of love whoever baa a tnltid lo work will havra work lo mind shikhs gam mkair iaa o k la ns s laaav- attt t hom for the cbmola lys peptic tbrtiugh lack of consideration of the hodye needs many persons allow dls- nrdnrs of the digeetlve apparatus to endurn until tbay imroiit chronic till log days and nights with suffering to these a coureetof 1amieleeu vege table hills is recommended as a sure and bedy way tn regain health these ptlle are sporlally compounded to ooculist dysesla and the many ilia that follow in it train slid they sre urrti4fcful always ohulnees doe not need the robes of gaudlneas children ory for fletchers castor i a learning ike duly of happlnr lllecover tlm happiness of duty constipation coked by tme on of milburns laxaliver pllis u one of the most fre- tjuent and st the same time one of the most sa nous of the minor ailments to which msnkiud is suhjoct and should mver he allowed to continue a free motion of the bowels daily should lie the rule with every one who aspires to perleot health mrs fred hall 300 1 11 kua ltosd montreal que write hsving been troubled for years with constijiation and trying every tiling i knew ol a friend ulvisad me to use mill mm lsss liver ml x used four and s half viau and 1 am completely cured i can gladly recommend them to all who suffer from eonallpallon milburns lassliver imlt sre 25 cents per vis or vials far sum st all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of pno by the t mdhurn co limited loronto ont only the uninformed end on lb agony of corns the knowing oiien apply hollnwny cnn cure snd gat relief babbath work two highland ferincm met on tlmlr way to church mn sald i wan woiideiln whil yon will lut ask in for you hit tdoep imr st join slawdln r man kepllel laujal i was thlukhv i wailwwantlnnriyshulllnw for that sheep i will tak it at thst said honsldj butoeli man dongs i am awfu surprised at you doln hilslnoss on the hewbath h 1 uu t less esalslmud l tugsl n selltn a sheep llku ttimt for flfty shulllnd u not btinlnees sl all l its just charity free to stock and poultry raisers wa will assnd absolutely free for the asking postpaid ooe of our large thrtytwopau booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses colts and mares milch cows calves and fattening steers also how to keep and feed poultry ao that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer no farmer should bo without it at a cost of only two- thirds of a east a day per antnul itoyal aurpu ttiwk m i flu makaa vacs animal worth 311 bar cant mors vivii never heard of aay other i pacific i r rluck aood doing llkaiua i loyal lurpb will parmaaently cure tbe ihila cellc woitsa tlani ulwu and tublllt and rwatorw run low i to plunuoeas and vigor it will incrwaaa the kallayuld thn to hva pounds par onw a dy imld ul from two to threa wnka it makes the anllk richer tfcau ever imiuts aad tvy and it lullda up tk health ad reatores tha f irinar plumpnaas andvlor of rvardown stock in ihtla or mo tine the vary h t lima to use this con ditio u now 11 tligwat the herd f ml wniwrly a ltd trwnt ha snttnals got- lief indlawtkm or losing flash children ory for fletchers castor i a thrift nbasdh blmphaaizino tin if l must never tie allowed to g mit of fssldnn it carries a suggestion of hard work economy small savings and little gain whltjh perhaps do uol appeal favorably to i lm average young person of today who likes the idea of going ahead by leaps ami ttouvuls hut thrift while iioltirllluni helper is a wlee one it dot not often make millionaires bit it u resionslbie for any number of plfmsaut home and growing bank aceounts in au era where extravagsnee is boundless and many are ready t4i saorlflee almost anything for the sake of keeping up appearances ibilfl is a virtue that d especial emphasis j lilt anihircw wl oil toil f wlniutl oot says ihls a to eartlty that 1 have tried your itoyal iuruu ulock llwclad lor two waaka nn nam w tk lflth 1 wlnh1 her bills aa 17 pounds t noticed a cbang after ft or 6 day a our waa an oxtr weight ol nillk on the 30th 1 carefully welshed the tails sad she gave 90 pounds i tn riving en order lor s boie a i aiosluar it tbe bast bees ever used tock food will toot do this necaus 4tuck rmhl la molhlng toorw ot um sn e rfluture of thevery thlnaa which you youisalf grew oa yoar own farm h is not more food jnar animals need they must have eoutatlilug to help their bodies gal all the nourishment frn the food they are gtlunif mo that they will fallen and stay ul all the er round they heed aomelhlna to prevent diaeaaa to our dlaeaae and to keep them la the best of health ail the time not a stock food inljl 50 e cent cheaper oe bootat pbckae ul itoyal iutpt- wlll leat on auiuiat days 1 hit oaures a ii 111 over twothirds of a cut most mlotk voode in mont 1ark laat hut 61 days ami are given three time a day hut itoyal iurpls ililfto is given onty oaaoa day and lasts co par cunt loj r a 1 tto 1ell ettnlelnlnif t nr tluies the amount of tbe aooanl leebaga 1ju jfki day ho you see it 1 only usees sary lo give itoyal lui 1 upeelfto tinr euh day juat think of tuslhu each animal worth ah par cant nwr its rout 1 i v will laatbtuenta you mr tltock owner 1 ullti wu iiuuniiau tuhlord ont har hire this is tn oertlry that i have weed two boas of your 1 i ultry mperloo for my hens they laid ml well willi feed in it to them 1 won dered if you would to led sending en word how or whom t could gel soipe this wli lr i bought it from your egeat lest winter i had h3 hens and some ieys i h two dnaon eggs a day is tvlruary and march while feeding tbeuj the hplrk itoyal lsiriile 1oultry tliwrllbi prevents om1s losing tluh el moulting time and liermani ntly cure every poultry dleeeee it undo- thnlr iuuisg bright atul keep them always in prima fundltloa it makes your ioullry worlb mere tlsn they could wit he wilhosl h vet on tuveent iackag will last 3 liens to days or a t oo iall will do 3 11 ns jho days this is four times more malarial at only urn lime uu tqyal parple allb stock ard poultry specifics itoyal rorpl 1 i tot a htock rool it u a jondllloner it do not contain flraln nor term products npr doe it oontaln dope or any other injurious injrreduat itoyal lurpls do not merely temporarily bloat or inspire the atilmat it fattens sod strengthena it peimanseiuy no other bpenlfto known adds flesh o quickly as itoyal lurpl it wake oweekeold calve aa large aa ordi- naryjed calves r at to weeks iteyal iurple create as snnetll for food and help nature to digest asd tarn it into flesh and tuuetil as a hog tattaawr itoal flupl has bm equal never off feed nan mnkwen the horseman ay t i ha uewi itoyal lurpt htoow rpeclae iwreutenlly femllng the kel 3 oj uiut wlun o any perer on irahd t livull in 11hmi and 1u0u anil henry wlnieis a ii brother ol allen id ttjjthhi in trolling 1 oiai hum huntns hav hover imen oil their feed since i started using lloyaj lupl h l ll alwujs have it in my slnlw our uuugh lewder works ilk magle mala thbtot beery ounce of lloyal lurpu hleck and soultry mpeojfto le guaranteed to prove that ituyel iurpl baa bo susl ws want you in make this tt 1 veed lloyal i urple to any on of your animal for four weeks and at tbe earn llm reed any liter pre iteration to any other animal iu the aawe condition ifltnya i urpl does ant pro to you by actual results i lint it is the bast you owr used we ii return your atlnu cnaa ho i liidipi not us t isn tilt we centralis net rb 7 10 tew a deakias ulg o iindoa tint t untuawy a have been using itoyal lurtd loultry and rtlock tlperlac for the last thn week and must say that iv aults ar ramarkahl am seeding the tuok fipwlue l twr milking eowa an i they have increased so pw cent in their toillk tb isiultry reaulla are even more marked than this we have about so bena laying age when w eoaameeeed feeding we were gettiag ave and six eggs a day sad in the last bv day the saute flock of hm w lau eggs nlmoat an aver ear of 81 each day and thoa ave days have been th boldest this winter vu can see yuiu plainly in two or tare day alter tb us of uoral pur ple and tk poultry hav th him huull sad apikeatanoe aow as in th suoi- mrr tlms with cow and poultry am uiilag esaclly the arune feed and car if a before starting to tood itoyal i urpl mba faroter and stockmen gat fu qualnted with iloyl iurple it will have a greater demand than all other to ire and aloek food on th market eomhlaed your truly aeluutuw hlotcs aug as loin wi a jenkins utg co london ont1 siluniemlsat kail we had in our stable a young mere belonging to llles clouton ol montreal we could sot teed her any bran on areouol of raualng 1 violenl kouiiiiu consuintly raunltig lir to librwmo wiak end thin vn am awernl usiuif your itoyal iltrpln hlovk iperlfle and tbe results were wonderful alur using it three week we found wa rould ssed the animal bran or any other butt feed without scour la her and the aetually took on u this tire tweatyflve pimnds of oeeh w working her at the seine time through the hunt i can heartily recommend your hlock hpeelfio tom muirif trejaer fee the hon adam lleck bom ohm look up to u8 ttie one who help us most some lluifs is th one who looks lip to lie i never gavh immti tlionghl lo lhe mailer astd a certain older brother referring to a tpiastlon of mnrsls till j tick began to coum to me to ask me foe advice then i had t do mime thinking tlio thought illt some oneelse isrrsdy to ite guldrd hy our uitsel is walling to follow our steps le sure lo render us tsteful altoitt th path we choose hut we tnuai not wait for someone tucome to us and formally k dvo in order u real is our rptilhlllt j if miss lukerdors 1 guns i i an one shop girl said to another mis haker was hi daughter of the owner of the rarlory when the bwaker work d the wealthy girl bad not the l fhl rat idea that another wajwnttlii ing her mnkikg her a model following her uuronsrlnas gmdencr hut her ig rsiire did not diminish her rrtjhinsl ullly hipuelmtdy is looking up lo you homebody u following you the thought ehoujd inspire you to ite worthy jf that confldnnrn after doctors failed lydta i plnkhams vegeta ble compound cured tier mldgie station n ii on ran hanlly itelleve this gs it la not natural hut it was my esse for tn moiitli i btlffcreil from s 1 had lor torn uo voii ostcu tiiib7 vnry small negro lxy waa s regular attendant at a lioys resdlng cluh and slway called for lhe same lunik nnd always turmd to tlio same placvnt whltih he hftkeil eagerly and ibeu laughnliieartlly the attendants curiosity was arousnd hy a h rformam many i loins reltealrtd mt lii followed thn tilth ful low one night nnd looking iivrr hl sliouhler saw that ho opened llm itook i picture of a hull chasing a terrifi ed negro srrots a fin id hn was just sltout to ask what lhe joke was for the la ugh bad again com rippling up lo him when the toy looked around grinning colly lm rnnl ho alii l kotclitnl in ylt r file pleas nee tileep lathe grist int mtonr and to bndnprlvtml of it le vital iom whalnvrr may be the cause of it indigestion nervous derangnnieiil or mental worry try a course of lar- melee vegeuhle idu hy regulst ing the action of the stomach where the trouble 11 they will restore nor mal conditions end healthful sleep will follow they exert a sedatlvo force upon the nerves and where there le u u rest they bring teat when a man la hintf mi nowardleo he la sure to try to pass it olf on con borne mnii think lliey imvo pcaio of heart because limy have ooltwehs in thn brain castor i a for infants and children ite kind yin han mnnbwgtt hears the lugnatajto of sx tnod dlftnrent hrhies but itoilo hl m my trie wis told me i wnum go into a dtirllne oiio day a ledyrlend tohlmo what your modi cine luuldon tht her ao i wroti ymi for advlrn s rlviml your ply with pleasure vegetalil compouml and st tlio secoiid iwtllejrlnwetl lniirov mi ut mow 1 ini tegular and iiuvur win so well in my life thanks to mrs linkhama rnnllclne li as tluh my lull r for tlio benefit of tjllirs muh joillall w hlckk uklgie huuen n h i ii lira ksl lylia k link hm vegetal i t comltouitil u llldi a boon to women who eiiffor from female ills my liesllh is belli r tuiw than it has 1h n in my flv y nrs of mnrrled llft sixl i tliunk yiu for th- good your advice ami mthlirm have done m 1 hsd hjmnt hundrixu of dollars on doctors without rori iving any ih in flthh t hank mi ku ilox uh likllan ied haskatrluiwuu the most successful rjnowly lii this country for tlm cure of ull forms of femsl ronmuiut is i ydia l iliikham s vugoublu cumhtuiui it is miserable to be dyspeptic ykeiwua is no of the moat pre stent trouble of civilised life and tluhuand ruffnr unutld sgony sfter evnry inesl nearly everything that enters a weak dyspeplio auunscli acts ss sn irrilsnl hence hie great difficulty of effecting a cure h i ho long train of distressing symptoms nlilrh render lifti a burden to the victim o dysrflls msv it nroniptly rellevwl hy the use of llurdoek hlood hitters mrs john hhsrratt rovtler msn writes i was trouhled with dysaepsia for years a frlniid of mine told me sltout llurdock hlood hitters so i got a bottle to try sod before i was half finulmil i could est any tllng without suffenng and when 1 had used tv itottles i was sound and well now feel jiut line iudeed 1 can t say too much in favor of your inedicme hurdonk llhwkl ititters is mamifsi tuted only hy 1 he t kill bum co ijuiit- ed 1 oroulo oat pliable yet tough you miifht ijcc your nctniojiilunct with stony j y hy nut liuu inn pair of the j honhulc mitt theyre cxctlltiit lxmupli i oflmw touch mid jili tlilt 1lllt latlc hy our chronic prkc xjjjh tht uddttl mill faction of knrmliik they will pot become stiff whiii lecorchctl orscaldtsl dont forget to inij stortj and the j 11 ixiiieinlmr ou hy wcunnj lonijc t at ull stores w h storey son limited acton ont tt o y i parpl for poultry itoyal purpje poultry npeclfto i other hjaiae it is for loultry tor stock v i if you are set aatlafled adter testing it you doa t 1 anyiiilmg do yuu 1 we also tuanufaeturs i lloyal iupl ijos kiuer b8e lloyal lur4a uau cur 4 31 itoyal fwtile aanat jul men hoa itoyal iund tough cur bos our luugh cure will cure any ordinary enneb jm lour dsys ami will break up nnd cur distemper in ten lo twelve days if your dealer osanot supply with our itoyal lurpls llranda we will busily yum uun receipt ol iiui pwi pre- pald for either- poultry or stork or ii you wsat eny 14 a intent tjall cure or cjouge lowder we will aend it by mall postpaid upon receipt of price a jtemwiekbas mpg co0any j lvonoi oktr ahio royal purple slock aid poullry spedllcs and free booklets can be obtained from 0 a buck harness acton onl education ron profit lite successful experience a hundreds of brlghl young men end wnnwin who sre now securely holding enviable positions in the rest world of huslness snd fins tic liegsn iu s thorough course of iralnlng st him afasoale block vppr wymdttmu si omelpb oaf it would tlcllotil anil aslonl li you in lesrn tlie story ol lhe ilia and progrotr of s large number of thegraduslesof llils fsninus intitllutlon here sud how liters llarwu wldoopfln lor you who hsveyouili hesltli dlscernmenl snd ami 111 in the same door of honorable succeas on i prorraallnilo j seise opportunity tin it now como dlrrcl tn the col lege oft i ce 137 uiker wyndlisui ftlreet or sdilress malcolm maccormaok ba i principal slushy weather coming pretty soon the bbssoii for wot walking vol oof snd pneumonia lljsi is if you are not pro vlded wllh slushy weather fool u car he lse snd secure s pair of our water and we1at11er- piioor shoes tltey ere not lhe dig snj clumay kind you have ttcfn ummi in seeing 1 hey sre snug wsrm snd watertight sntl yet sre smart enough in spposrsnce lo wesr in sny kind of s stlier w wiijliams mill street aolon georgetown fborab go uud gxokoktown cut i lowlh gkowtrs tuncral and wcddliijf orders a specialty paper makers oxohoxt0 wn ont hook ni1w8 ani oorimen iaihuh jno ltllahlmcn the berlin stiun 6ranita and marbls works cabp1er ahaun prop ru tor deslgiiefa and hinltltirn ol mlslues msus leeums monument markers snd head stones nill kinds of artistic cemelbiy work wm hemstreet apbnt acton till grand trunk railway alllreiiusuo llaue no ib sttrt ni w sw b the excelsior bakerv hrsl qualily hrtod cakes weddnjr cakes ite meat of wheat ptelciniiiny pancake i lour m iplr sjiup and honey holbrooks iavoriic pimicii snuce hcins picklt 5 var- icti oy ter and iisli ue t line- of confection- cry 7 siathamson main st- acion everton l edeh mills lhe beit quality of manitoba family and pastry flour ior sjic it lowest pncut our own mibc chopii done and oaf rolled thily 1 etd i sale cash for wheat and oals henry h0rt0p 1st gimson pakntkii iafkr iianoer lmeruiim riiamkn ere bejs to inform the ladies ol acton and surrounding vicin ity that lie has been appointed akciii for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired shop m111 suiiiit acton woodermoravinct photoengraving halftones or afiv culks of uawnnn6 purfsiatal0authrak2mi3 flrc jljonesenpc bxpsrunos sckniincjiii u llwfojt patents iprdmptly secubedt ills f r iiiir inlermin b rs itetf end rtw yeei 1 rend us a raaujh eketfti or eassal ol yoa i irrnluirt tr 1 ninrovsmrnt snit wewtlltctlet sre our nplnlneeato whrlhrr i tsdloeavw psleulahl ihrrslepidkssleealmeeeassq helj suiirssliillr tieerculcd b as vsl ctji lert fully illl ntnrrs la afoatrsaal anavrenriliurtooi ikuiiusllnrsualonronii ly dlapatch woik sud iikkly sreute inajs asraoadsr tbntnyentuin llncstrcfcna rurnlahnt loo ncwusri um dondvtl il aetle will 7rcsta rrs illnltlbulrd throeslaml marion marion ftn ksports und soflaltosa i