Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1911, p. 2

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bokn in anton on tu mat tin hi mlllrtn mi wnwuf marnji will brm w m mkckfty mia ameltswlnn to kil k tt4it- dfcll jortaa retrm i kitaa gbutali mbm u ii ton ga wwluwdyr uaroli tail by w m umu mlsa llsehal jou nlloil oarlips 10 llhlutp hanjiuiilt j ww of til i ton utltbt hunt at ui lnro of hi lrid wsdnaaday uajati merntu abtfyl fend by ii a n j io rhl 1 nrio v iya tin thursday dmam jauti uiaih iui wtulat v f f jtna k hiww tu lomotil it wfjow nl tnaaday tl lata mih uarnl i tboa mddo 11 a at ik kllutt j ii lit 1 a tuokm sul ibuv uain ol ll tal aaieesis in msroli wnd utjowlli ai uul inn it tv liitanon id ha sotl wadoeu iduw t ii 1 in wem6iuai wi a in t nalll talad wll ft lli 1 homduitiwtii iuia koti rti ta lit a praolooa mot ilsv mirty n and daa n l suad on baa ul oltao bar ftwtala and in bar amluos fao- a aara o i v ii tut u onlftouir a4 haarta new 11 1 wi btr lors the onw l wiul patuooa to iba add hi a bow aalsap in jaaua lllim 1 r fromebloh uooasvar calm and uodulafbad rapoaa unabskae by tba last ol loss huhiund uauartkiulahituohh be ccton jm rm thukhday ailtlk ditohial notes tfie tiu legislature which exl journod two weeks ago voted tu sub mit to the people at a ipmlil election on july 2nd en imenilimnt to tba constitution providing for state wide prohibition under the ineal option system in teim 160 of tha 24c1 counties have already voted out the bar roams it will aoon b time for ontario lo fol low suit the oustome revenue of the domin ion for tha fucal year closed with ujuuh ahowa thv unpredntd rain of las80 090 or thn flcl yr vnd march lilat 1010 bor th twlv moallm andlng mrti tl lull tho toul kvnnur w w2lu3waw compared wuli 00 001oak0 for 1010 tha year jiut andltlff liilnl thti hliirmt in the hlatory of the country the nearnem pf the ttpenlnff of ocean navigation at hi fawrence porta niakee inlereallnga btalement recent ly publlahed concerning the amount of traffla which ha gono through ill iort or ht john n 11 duilng the paat winter uptodalo the value of the ok porta leatlno by lhat port hi exceeded 1h000 000 allowing a atib- atantlallncreaimi over the hnalnei for the aaine period laat year rush of immlgrante la unuaually heavy for ao early in the ewaeon in i week of the preaent month no li then sb03 linnilgranta warn on the aeaa en route from fjlaagow vjuerpttol and havre bound for the port john clcctrician snoddy engaged ija haa ban on trtal at the power houh rov uta paurk mwtb and has pho atf aotoby the llaeveund rjomiiallortt w praaenl at the regular meeting tt the gotmoll on monday evening at 7 ml ooloon the aeveiilh raport of the 1lnanre oointiiltue wm pmaonjad and pay ment of the following acconnle rrooro monded t joboatune 0o mippueaf j 717 chailty fun- rlkiiii wlla hahe w 1 aiiilerim tomtnltg ul ii htluul and ntlv ulltoml ohuium wnttnghmum utntte iulllhilo luutlllmt rn ivokliv aupplle 1 he tthkrt vviut adopunl klullura ptrlahjli k lo hu inwua nlaolrlu llglttiig ayalfiit ftrmillisl i mincll a lluin for ihn rntnauiiloc ihn a am lh uxinlli ftjr which kltnitrtclan hnnddy of hi miy ha1 inen hgd rhiana lotlay it wnw ntcru lor ihfrconnrlt lo declu on hla pr- liimltnnt nogagniiienl or othitrwlitr ttm itntive threw the matter npei for dlmiuaaloii und no all the tiiouihe1 agrewl that the tilnclrlcunj aarvlceal for ltij mhi montb hail proven enllm- ly aallafactorj it was decided to en gage mr hmxldy hi the aalary of hir month the form of agreement staling tlutlea of eculiln wn read and premtred fur mr hooddya algoa- apphcatlottahavalmienrettlvcd from aoveral parties for eleclrlo light cur rent hut conldtrllg be overload vhlch u lielng carrlfd now the ooui llyiail no alurnatlva but to refuse all ipplloatiiv tlie lleeve a la ted that he had leen approached recently by representatives of three different coal companies re- rdlntf be cormratlon contracting with one of them exclusively tor tba years supply of coal no advantage la gained in price by such a contract but it ensures prompt shipment and in event of a atrlke contract orders are ftnrt filled iat year the council paid v0i per touv for lie coal while tbla year it is miotad by the companies referred to at w oh 3d3 and 378 llofnia entering upon m contract it waa decided to be the better plarf to try a aample car from each of lite firms and have the electrician report nimiualltiesofeach there was a quiet little ducusslou as to the proncmed road work for the year alao regarding the new fire tunka to tte built this spring but nothing definite waa decided on the heave reported that while a complaint had been made about lhe piano in the town hall not being in first class condition he bad made en iulrls of local inualoune who declared it to be perfectly aa lis factory council adjtiurned shortly afier nine oclock omrja vahinsa riurr com- of ht attention is directed to theletter of the china famine hcllef committee in another column the committee have undertaken this pralsnwnrthy charity with entbuslaam and last hat urday mr 8 j moore the treasurer wa ahle to forward 121000 to the proery authorised authorities chins to aid in the relief movement tha prxn pimchh willingly glves its support to the efforts for relief and emphasises strongly the need for prompt action on the part or all die- posed to lend a helping band if readarsao desire we will gladly for ward their contributions to the in urer of the genera committor i w acknowledge all amounts received from week to week n our colon if any prefer to send direct to toronto the end aimed at will lie thereby ac complished prompt action la deslr able in any case the people of oakvllle are taking a very laudable interest irt beautifying the town by removing the unsightly features and enhancing the appear ance of the beauty spots a public meeting was held last week at wbloli the mayor presided and a large nuni ber attended when the subject was discussed under very favorable ploee mrs annette o mccrea of chicago an experienced landscape artist or very artlatln rtncl observant experience addressed the audience at length bhe spoke of the unsightly ash plies and garlutge littering some streets and hok yards the atrocious bill boards and the lack of color har mony in the stores antl residences she recommended a park and improve ment commission of clllsena and show ed the advantage of a municipal cleaning day to any town huoh clvlo improvement should appeal to every resident of a town acton could well afford to have a similar meeting for the discussion of clvlo betterment in general appearances whbau transport rksbrvss oorpw tha annual mobtiheattoei ef aha anton oernsj berwe oapt ball tho annual inoblllaat ion of lhe aotun avheel transport heserve corps or the western ontario army service dlv- slonwaa held at the dall hall hrre laat wednesday for noon beforefjapt 1111 of toronto who is in command ayttiv division and capt gamble in specting ufflcer the following memlwrs of acton corps mobilised each with tram and service waggon i a t mann donald maun arch motiivgor joseph lflynn nell lyndi u n ijrttwn jas mcmii- w lau a ii jiurray j tin black james aftmblevwvroiry u h wnns- braiigh peer htllr john maqregor wm mcuregor ii luttrt wsllene and w ii anderson oapt bell spoke in highly compli mentary tertns hf the character of the tcatos and equipment mo hi heed and was well sat laotd wltlj the turnout in tea may mean to you flavor or ilrontfth or fragrant richness rod oso tea is blended vlth such inlcety that it is the combination of all three poinds of merit will you try a packotfe blteaisbssssr msvsn sou ti euu your grooer w raoommsnd it si dkah mit knmm- we are writing lhe editors or our dominion asking their oo operation tea i ring help for the faiulneetricken provinces of anhtl and klangvu in china where nearly three million people are destitute and perishing lite condltlona there axe appalling tlie harvest waa all destroyed by the terrible flood and no food can be had from the soil until june or later many villages were entirely swept away and the people left homeless and in dire distress multitudes gather to gether in great camps those who are atrong enough wander over the bills pulling up roots of weeds for fuel cooking the pittance of rice they may receive from the relief age tlie suffering s terrible thousands tottering babies boys and girls clad in rags if clad at al are about every where old men and women hobble alio nt leaning ort atlaks for support lie by the wayside their eyes staring up in mute appeal many thousands have perished and it is estimated that over a million will die unless help la immediately sent the chinese consul general at ottawa writes that the distress is in- descrlbahle the honorary secretary or thqjlstr touting committee shanghai cables that the famine area is larger than at first believed ruhop while of honan cables an urgent appeal for help the one hundred thousand dollars asked from canada to help meet this awful situation should be easily and immediately secured one dollar and fifty cents will save a human life how many live will your readers the editors or our country can do more than any other class to assist in this work we ask you to make a strong appeal through your paper making use of this letter as you may think necessary noting that ills kxoelleitoy karl tirey ilia honor the ieut governor j m gibson and ihs lion hlrjamss whitney are glv ing this movement their hearty sup port wwbuggeal that in making the appeal ynti give ytitir reader lhe alternative nf sending contributions direct to the treasurer of the central comnltrr mr r j moore 445 king patlresl west toronto or sending to you and that in the latter case you acknowledge all such contributions through your columns and remit weekly to the treasurer mr moore trusting that in reapnitee to his cry of suffering humanity you will do all yon can ami that w may receive a reply from you ami a ropy ir ihsr paper containing your first appeal on ubatrofthe committee we are yours talncerrly w a ohakivronchalmuii j ii gundy aecreittry toomiln apr lld 1011 r hap g wash it away wlilf lhat nilld soothing liquid d d d ltellevea all kinds of ikln trouble cleansing away the in i put i ties and clearing up the eoaiplaxluu as nothing et can ye if i had any kind of skin trouble id thk d id i write lle i d d ibratorlsr dept a t 0 ool borne 8u toronto and tbay will vend you a trial botte i free i rorsshby all jjrukglat pastors and deacons confer a conrerwnoe of rsprwaalsuvm or qualoh baptlpt aaaoalatlon in tub aotoh baptist church an tntereatltig conference of pastors and deacons of the llsptlst churchns of uuelph association was held in the llsptlst church acton last friday afternoon and evening the following delegates wrrr in at tendance i guelpli iter ii goodfleld 11 a and deaeon moody georgetown luv w ic lllndson nd dr watson ilerlln hev jos janes 11 a and deacon iong ulllsburg uv a mccormlck list fountain- lie v jos yule btratford ltev u h hughson iia llespeler ltev k j ilrtdgeman 11 a uramptonltev atward ii a acton it v y g llurrell b a and deacon chapman at the artecboon session lite follow ing interesting subjects were discuss ed i our calling by ltev u a hughson ii a of stratford i some thought on the cruel lxlon ltev w k lllndson of georgetown and justification by iteir jos yul llelfonntaln the evening session opened with a song service conducted by ltev v g llurrell pastor nf the church two strong addresses followed hy ltev joe janes or itetlhi on lite christian warfare and by ltev ii goodfleld of guelpb on christian obligations there was a good attendance o members of the congregation at tli evening service mohrfllbkinfl dxaurblonbi to western canada via chicago including certain points on grand trunk pacific uatlway aprlulh llkh may 2nd loih toth june i lib ctih july 11th 2mb atigust hili 22 ul september mb 10th winnipeg and return 3300 1 fdmonton snd return 4100 tickets g6otl for 00 days proportionate rates to principal polntw in manltolia saskatchewan and alberta ilnmeseekers excursion tickets will also bo on bale tut curtail dates via sam la wud the northern navigation company her tiro tickets and illustrated llteraturu from any grand trunk agent or address a k duff district passenger agent to ronto out limbhousb mrs it l drown is visiting ber nephew at uxbridge who was serious ly injured hy falling from a acaffold and is in a critical condition a large number of jumehous resld sntid attended the sale at mr win umwna acton last week they said it came off successfully tlie toronto lime co have closed all thslr kilns on account of the woalh er lhe builders are overstocked with lime qwlng to the backward weather bred hwaokhamer left last week for british columbia ouilph morbb show the quslph hnrse show to be held nn tuesday evening and wednesday afternoon and evening april lhth and 10th promisee to lie a great success the prise list is a tery generous end comprehensive one the d i recto re confidently trust for the tnost generous public support in this worthy enterprise as lhe outlay for prlxes and oilier expenses will be very heavy and can only b met by an effort of the whole people the g t ft and c p if have kind ly granted single fare tn all points where the one way rate does not ex oeetl 4 50 good p ni trains monday april 17th and gtmd tn retiinv up tn thursday april sm h prise lists it ml all information from wm laldluw secretary llnx 441 guelpb uookwood george k pee of kden mills while unloading a 100 lb barrel of salt from his waggon last thursday slipped and rail the barrel railing on top of hlnj fortunately no iwinee wre broken though serious ihuwwji wem sustained it was a narrow recap mrs thomas gilditins of fergus mother of mr john glblmiis nf ibis village died on monday afternoon of last week after a long illness mr and mrs gibbous attended the funeral at fergus on wednesday of last week mr and mrs jollftu olissrved the 40th anniver sary or ihelr marrlagf in the even ing rslallvea and tripods began to drop around until almut twenty bad taken possession or ilia home many or them brought handsome souvenirs of tho oooaslqn mr and mrs joliffa have two sons missionaries in china mr a ii johns principal of our schools was judge tin a thjltate at leslies school last thursday evening address and pr nt ati on an interesting kvartlnar at laat keet- of arsanook ajterary soalety on tliurwtlay evanlng march hkh greenock i lleray kkiloty to hi their nnmlhly open meeting mr j i pnaren presiding owing to several cl re u instances this met ling waa mm of unusual liitnrest and wns very largely attended a good programme waa given by men i iters of the soriety rnnsisllng of readings recitations tpuaches miiob organ duetts and inottlh organ solos lntereneuwilh avhtrllniis by green ock orchestra k tho chlf fmuuie r the progrmine was a vry inlun allng iiuimim on lhe auhjeit nf ltelrkluy 1 hal after one of thti tmhk is on thu sfllimatlvs found lliht k w uhl li imimwxiblii foi blil tuallriid t ml hasll johnsum klnoly t el as ttlttlhu thu nfllriuntkt whs kiipihiiletl hy measit w 1 n r and ilasir john stou and tin ntgxtlvn by mesars a storey and j col- of anion decis ion was glvuo in f ivor of tho negative tim judges wore messrs johns day noo4li jlamhart a huarty vote o itmnlim was isndnrml lo muosrs htortyuud cole tor their invaluable at ibu cloao of tint programme a prose n tall on was hntd for mr and mrs h milaahbiiisnd family on the itve of their depal lure for alberta the chairman called upon mr james kirk wood ex m p p who read the following addrvas to mk anii mum moijuiuani it is with feelings uf daept regret that we have learned of your intention to sever your connection with ihls unity to take up your almjde in the far west during the years which you in lived amongst us you bav- by y walk and conversation won the spect and esteem of all with whom you came in contact and our asaocli lions with you whrlher in business or in the social circle have born of tha moat pleasant nature yon were ever ready to lend a helping hand lo nvary good work and tbu mj cointenus- ness but intensifies lhe loss which we hall sustain by your removal from our midst as you bo to your new home we pray thai gods richest blessings may accompany you and that he may rrant yon prosperity and make your nfluenoe a strong factor in moulding and developing that community into what lie would have ic to lie we trust that yon may ere many years have alapeed return to visit your old neigh hurhood ami we assure you that yoti shall always and an open door and a hearty welcome ihtfore going from us we aik you to accept this puree not for any intrinsic value it may possess hut for the kind ly feellnfra which prompted its bestow al we hope that in future days it may re in i ml you of your old rriends in ofoenock anil surrounding community and prompt kindly recollections of the donors signed on hehair of your old friends and nelghlxirs w 1 nkau juki w lkhiik fuk wkht wii uah k n kar- ai kx thouisuim jamku kutkvtooi hvt aui iiauiikht tito iresentatlon was made by mrj joel w leslie mr mclachlan mailq a very sultalde and feeling reply onliehalf of himself ami mrs molanhtan warmly thank ing bis friends for thslr gift and for the kindly sentiments expressed tlin course of bis remark he said he hoped to belter hla circumstances by his change of location but that he could never hope to find a lirlter coin mnnlty in which to live than that which he was altont to leavo and as sured his friends that bo would never cherish other then the imut kindly feelings toward them mrs j k pnaren wan then failed upon and read an address to miss oecthj and moure harold and frank mclaughlin at the proper time miss margaret a k nenrand mr fred west pre sented them willi volumes of byrons brownings and llcmans poems on behalf of the ittetaiy mtclety mr harold replied on behalf of himself snd bis slater and brother cordially thanking the literary uoclaly for their gifts and kind sentiments mr mclmtgblln and son 11- rot leavo tuxt week for castor allxirta wuhavebeen busy rthls past week fixing efjk up a lot of second- bsnd watches which fc are perfectly good v limekeepers but a f utile old fashioned tliey are fsr bet ter than that dollar and two dollar trash because they were well made in the first place and are good for twenty or thirty years yet we have tested the ui thoroughly and proved them to e in good order the price are u ft a60 and 8 and are warranted for a year vv ibbsw lhe same as new w i ones r prlngle the j oriwhona oormihs thus far april has a strong desire to cling to february weather up to thu present the maple sugar industry has not proved a great suc cess tlie public weigh scales have ai rived and will shortly lie installed ur j wilson of icln village and mrs w y grey of kverton spent a day last week at mr w ltiiibs used in canada lor over half- a century used in every corner of the world where people suffer from constipation and its resulting troubles dr morses indian root pills stand higher in public estuiuttiop than any others and their ever- increasing sales prove their merit physicians prescribe them i 25c a box easter activity in ladies sbctionvcry fully slocked lor the requirements ol the easter trade kid glovks new shadcs pcrrins mako lisik gloves silk gloves lon or lion new parasols new collars new dress mai erials newwaishngs new su1 1 ings new i rimmings overlaces etc new hosiery all thd leading shades tvew seasons lines of fine shoes patent leather slipper 1ss pair patent leather oxfords 1 m pair patent leather high lace shoes 20s per pair specials in millinery vox ten days a special for easter trade wc are showing a large range of misses and young ladies trimmed hat at iw to 3 which are cxcccdipgly good value bfc baptist churph p cl obnltbll d a pastor i aanl inu hrlr hoi day hahnol 11a in llr ajuv in klnn tl tl inu 1 a i w hid fu haodar the i hikp on tub grobb o- great faith la exceptional results jlths saviours promise atrhata luualn turnlaliail ttf lbs sliott vwulim ki iui italljr naloootsd henderson co mill street acton ontario a free start on the road to health a five story brassed brick qulldlnf filled with roatly aptaratua equipped with electrical machinery and appa ratus a splsndld building in evory respect situated on bpadlna avenue toronto is sloyui lit tsstlmonlal to puychlne for psych ins in a tblrd of a ren ttiry a uxtraordlnarlly successful use built lhat bulldlng lf you are troubled with or tear any please fill in and send the coupon lo ua today you ii never regret your de cision it cured hundreds of thousands of people sutfsrlng from illsaase and made the most remarkable rn cord for efficient curing power of any preparation known to medical science paychrne la a tonic it builds up the body by strength en in the while corpuscles of the blood or phagocytett which by devouring the germs of disease keep the body lu con dltl6n to cure or resist sickness llslow is a list of disease that pay chlun will cure iadhpus inomuim lnmrrhaw hum tnroal nwawtlls 1hllu and psrars klaaptw and nrrirti tenomas artsrsnvflta ec list j uhppe ilinnohul hkhs waak imcx vk volo kkrlyllscun utanhal aowilon uunbool klahthwesu thiauaau ouk ijarynellla sod lfp tuv a confidence that has been based on our thirty yesrs experience with this splendid preps rst ion with a full knoa ledge of the hundreds of thou sands of cures it has madvi mow wo don t ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneflclal effect of iaychlae fill out the coupon below mall it to us and well glyn your drugglat an order for which we pay hltn the regular retail price for a co cent bottle of psychlne lo be given you free or cost we will undoubtedly buy and dis tribute in this manner hundreds of thousands of these t0cent bottles of psichlno and we do that to show our entire cnnodence in this wonderful prepare iloa coupon no 83 to ih dr t a 5locum lid ivj l5 spedlna ave teecmo i eotpt year oaw lo try a ate boule e imrfikias tproeoaseed hi kaa at year espts i aavsr not sad a mo luto of isvehlsa aadsr l s plan klasly a4ts say dmavut l dsllvsr tfau bouu to tee mrn utrectattdsamber uyuracalatsma ktrset sad hambm- th is w pee u net seed for a mo bottle of layitalsa it miwt b tha mtu bo urunut sad you this nfiwr nuyb wlthdnv aay lla without aotloa hsnd ooapoe udsy in ladies suits lr vanet our eeputation has been built on-bemark- able values like these we want this advertisement to bring to tho notice of economical women our spring arrivals in ladies suits included in our regular stock is a most tempting line ol stylish beautifully tailored suits at 91sm the wide range of designs at this price alone is a revelation eor those who can and will pay more wc have provided an extensive assortment of exclusive models tho charming new empire waist line and tunic ikirt effects predominate a detailed description of all the stunning jaunty suits displayed in our store would bo eridlcss come and look them over you are always welcome and our salespeople take a dvlight in exhibiting these new attractive gracefully built garments prices raofe from 11275 up ip 1000 we prepay all wnpreu height and portage obargea on all goods regardiew or else or value sand u your order by mall bamplea cheerfully ubmittad thb lion d e macdonald bros cor wyndlum and macdonell streets guelph 0nt thb lion the merchants bank op cknkdh r choosing your bank the conservative management and strong fitinncial condition of this bank arc very essential features which should infiuenco you in selecting a depository for your havings this bank wishes to servo a large number of depositors with whom it can hnvc close personal relations call and allow us to explain our new system of treating joint accounts total assets 7i0w8t4 acton branch 1 f a maelean manager chsh phid tob fowl raw furs junk l nil 11 im ol puhniturb jtcton wc srxb flrla jutyrliatnunt 8ta1iik j0h hale i wilbur huhu rodihasars i 1 hum apply lo 11 luiullmbu laialsr ch0ick jujiiilllntl lots foii bale vl psuas vl0 will unduba 11 araol dwll x i s i ouhi n will aall nlmloo imllrllna lots ah low lhleaa oti uy lain nt miriaol 7 u iiuakouohu a co euusiuilhaicmng log nl la t lyitioutb lluokr kip bu pullata lis i u li li u aln uuoiuu wlujh ml waldttuast scion notice to farmers and others notwlthstand the misleading assertions of another dealer in ihls district i have the sole agency for peter hamilton implements blssetls rollers and disc harrows and sinter sewing machines anl sbvhrau oti1ek links i have learned 61 ihls same dealer having taken orders lor my lines whtjre lhe people would not be put oil with lojnrlor makes but needle to say the orders have never been filled lwvo me your orden when you need them i and have the roods luicus uk iii win proctor anihdaui old btamd mill street acton ont eooa eokjiatciiing 1suihvllrici ltariad hoalt lba trtru hasvy wlnlarfaylds trejn oui with liaa auo luiohrwl rl tl wlilla irffiboids brad i llodeil vailn tluslpta llalunf 1j tor u uvi0nam jbaltm to kent pon thiim or yuar9 rpiiat wall knows rt loll m haaas jl ue vitlt antas sood booaa apod wauandj liult baro and stabla tlina tulle irool ac ton 1 naaaawtou ilvaa inxbadlataly wag tatma and naruoalua kuplr to sstf 1iuii mel a uu ii mm ue- ilos is walllbgloo aotoo ilniton cream and batter co milton ontario mr arab thompson aoton wbe ktlwnd inin laf uar fuumy lo aome una it tall all ouatluua ihla smvios bs mob aa ws uiaaw our toatiy rjtiatomar for ibtr pest patronsa an 1 uuat for a ooiiun saltan sad will jwaj atulaairor to lull aauafy ont pawoas john invlnomajr t k u milton ont banilauv wofik fllllk uqdanlsoa la inaparad la nlsas el bes a- and vsults to uie aauafastlon of all oon- i lis iha auuioitly uf ui oooiwll to 1 take this wnrrf ordara laft at w ssk uc lliiouli til a mat i rnoa itox m or wltk aar tlaxbr llanltuy luaeator wul twoelve proejps the rubwo health n by tba brat day of jjay nasi oo wlilali day ihs baaltary inspsolaar will boatnaeea saaarsl luaimtaltoii sad nruer taka not laa uiat ula haetloo of lbs paous llasltb vet nrobiblilns tbo kssptna ot taosa ayadeis7oinr citizens ark rbqukotbid to comply with thb public health act ot1cb fa haraliv slse lhat all residents of aokmi bits m4ulrd foruiwitb toolaaa tbslv oallarv dialoa yards lg styas t toiast trom asj apt trss irom dwslllos tiruaa and bo faa ian wltli liuois hept irss trosa any sta vrateur and iraiiulsrly olaauaj will be strlouy aloraad all altlaan bis uroaally lqsssud to seep uialr pntnuas oopstalllly olasa and tbortklstaly dujataotbd ubo hyndfl vfl llaa at uia uualolpallty aolort uajraltlutl loll in ne prem harold wiles has removed to his new premises the btovel store id these larger and more convenient premises he will tie belter able lo supply all customers wlih greater satls- licllon choiob confbctionbrv brbao cakes and pastry lok good lriday ic cream brickct 35 cartte i tavurs strawberry and vanilla nsilsons pine ohqcolatbs harold wile mill stret the issl snd ileal of the last great west your last chance buy now valuations made ht all parts of al111 ui a j c leslie i calxlattv canadian p f c i p k c homeseekers excursions to histtti sukitdnra ntnd mil 111 wri na junln julv n a un n un a n mutaml low roundtrip rates tourists leepinocars early sppllcjtlon mutt be made ash miwtstt oaivdinuai mnuwiofoui the beilln sjaam graaltb ail maitle worts cabprr bbau n ptssuica issuenianr i ulldera ol statues mans iceums monume its milkers and head- stnnea and allklwli o artistic qsmetait work a wm hemstreti aobnt aoton

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