wall papers window hiiad1ss and cuutain poises r sae wall ipra fgll windo i t curtain pole 1 i lure jsvrfjlhla in shovelne lor irunmh price karri ao uokniis losusd real estate maaey 1 laaa mt uwttt rate f latere large aamlter ananas tor aale chaa bwelllacii aad tkr freerty la u parts rtae lawn we have every laclllty far taasaetlaff aar aaalaem la yaar eaaialota batufacue j a willoufihy leenrctowa 9bt jrion jre rj5fi tuurbda v a pit i- joth lu1 brief local items watch acton a row i spring is really hr tmw now for a iprntril clean ii thei gardening operations the kulr frv in all tli chnrchae were nail auntulr building operations hsv cum mettoad again at tli tanneries th boy hcout met in tbelr drtll bail last nlghl for rehrnerilatloi after the april shower in jlhe moraine good friday was glorious udahlny spring day an addition of ib eel is helng dalit to th picture aliow on ulll street j t kestoa la doing quite p rush log business with hie aloclrla vacuum the annual veetry ineellng of br albauit uhuroh held n monday vwnlog all the iluselan jews in towo cele brats the puaovtr beast in tbalr do wednesday evening of laal tka tiuelph llarald ranorti lhalan aoton nuui wm run in because he lin bibed eo much liquor that he became a nulaajbc at the hut meeting of the iwjuea- inff council duncan afcdongall wu voted the um of 91 for a cheep kill d by dogs tb jewuh ceremony f clrcumol loo 1 important event in the bom of mr joseph kraockel laet wednesday evening i tbshbaptlat church held the an uual oongrrgatlonal meeting on tune day evening the report submitted vfjm very satisfactory capu a c gray of llh mounted rifle wlmilprg son of dr cray acton baa been appointed una of the ofroera for the coronation contingent mil tons by law guaranteeing i4 000 bonda for williams as boo on coq dltloo or their eettllng there with their ahoa factory wu carried last week by 330 to 4 jama- vandrtck was awarded 00 damagaf against the town of ustowell uat weak for injuria auatatned by fall lufon a defective walk while hurrying to bra the death of mia auguata fatnlth took place at the klllolt uouir qualpb on baater morning miss hratth was tbaeldeataurvlvlng granddaughter of taorabeoord rtttrttv dean houston has cnluxl a meeting of the byood of niagara on jay2od at christ church cathedral hamilton to elect a aooceeeor to the latebuhop da moulin contractor j ii mokenal baa purebaaed the lavvson planing mllla at georgetown which he operated hut yaari ii will consequently not erect i mill beifn tended there at kaatertlmet we ahould nqt be proud of lite ololbca we wear theyre all second hand aa we know for aocoa thing an animal inaeat or bird baa worn them be to re long ago rllr peter bayers who retired frorabualneaa several yearn ago and to3trelph7haa gone- into bustneaa again he baa opened a aww mill in kramnuwa and is now buttling buelimm aa he did thirty year ago mr t p martin bane preaenud bin with some big rggs t beatertlde a large at measured 08 v 8 inobee 4b clrcumferenoe and weighed 4 oaooea title la the largeat egg re ported this aprlng ilhi cbriatlao guardian will aeat to th end of 1011 to new ub- eertbere for 1 00 it ahould be a week ly vlaltor to every method lt home addreea william brlgg wesley bolldloga toronto ont the niettlog forroorganlaallon of the tennla oub which waa poatponetl ou monday afternoon will be held in the town hall tomorrow evening at 815 oclock all leanla enlhualaata are requested jia be preaent couldnt the council paaa a by law requiring the boya expreea waggoi to have rubber llree and to keep to the right if the paveaeenta are to im uaed by them there la much coin plaint that they are a nuhjancev the a or oakville will thfe yer be overlthe million dollar enatk what betto evidence or the proeperltjr of the town la needed than that ita eaaeeeurtent la going upward by tbomandi year after year record the brltlah new of montreal in it scotch corner laet week in referr- as to an at home held uy the oriiqey anil bbethuf d society toron taayii la annie uoeetheclevor emoofnt of highland dancing gave a wmendltale appearance 7v8onia of tne nawaboya continue to ttepw tba wrapper of their paroela 6f 19tto paper on the atreeta tbii eartleea bablt if lwayi alovenly and tba lying papete often scare narvoua hoqtit qtflt u boya if a oonatable adfaplalni yon are liable to be fined p pamttt aawmpcrlenoed tonaor- 4ai atrtlat who baa jmt arrived from vbogund vta ptftobaaed the barber wroprtnitat opptmlte the dominion hul pd conjinapewd ijiaalhrea yealer- tlay under noouglng auspice mr parrett he fhutflting wamhnlala re- nhmilnv wf jlw nd ha wfu tt iw w mki t ftanialounce otclthwni news or local import dominion day damonstfauan acton fire i it iff ad e haa decided to bold a demonstration on dominion y the committee la arraogli g an attractive program mo for the day a the outburst was kipaaal art unaeemly neighborly jiuarrel coupleof hundayj agojireclpltatnd liy- an irate englishmen upon a ituaaian jaw waa vantlbtted in court laat wed neaday the aggressor waa fined si 00 and coata and sl 00 for danisgr com mltted la ail 1510 mew ipropartr burvtiys for aeton mr john m warren ii arranging to make a aubdlvlslon into hits of a portion of hla farm adjoining the nlclpallty lie intenda to open several new elreeta and will add 100 lota r more to aoton m adam cook is also having ihe halanre or his properly aurroundlng cohwe hill aur eyed into building iota qeoatsovr doeatn wmjt drunka two drunks came before the majila tratea in georgetown last vnrk and thalr inns and costs amounted to s2sqq the herald aayet it i not the intention of the cltlaana of ueorge- to put up with drunken street brawls eccooinanlnd by foul language would auggeat the doubling of the fine ahould any more occur an kv-wnlm- with loaatl history the young pettple of kiioy church are arranging an evening foathe re counting of local history for tuesday 2k1 may matters or hlatirica in nrltb refnrence of tbr church the local schools manufacturing se- tahllshments the town ilaelf and the rroundlng country will lie rehearsed the proceedings will be interesting and informational to old and young hulehurer banker a b on j walter dulhle manager or lite colon llank at illllshunc abscondrd laatwaolt it is reported that bis ao- counla are short to a cgnsldsr lo t but the shortage is covered by bonds in guarantee companies duthle is an kngllahnian a good vocalist and an actlvn utemtr of the angllean church mra duthle and their two children have gone to bmlth a kails hr fathere home a btroaur link to the old hem letter to the putfk pttuw the other day in renewing subscription mra wesley cook of ada mlcb says craud mother sends you a special message she priites the fiiku phkw an highly that aher does not know bow she would live without it it is the strongest link that binds her to aoton the old lady is in her eight ieth year but is very active and is able to ho about ail the time remaurautble abasaas of mortality ac ton haa hail a remarkable immun ity from deaths during the past five the the death of mrs kdward nlcklln on cood friday was the first death which has occurred in the town since the lblh n kvemht 110 with theeiteptlnn t the i mentahle pass ing away of llerbln c a initio at the time of the coasting accl lent in j in ary old realdenu have no rcoola lion or snob a long perl 1 or alcoc or mortality bare ami ospnolally during winter months asonlo at home- tonutht tim miioihiv r walktr ik1 a f and a kl no ittl will give an at ilooie in the town hall this evening the furtlon promise lo be a in tet ijoyable event a large number or members or the fraternity at outside points have accepted invitations an interesting toast list baa bveu arranged and this will he interspered with a programme or vocal end instrumental music by brethren from tiuelph and other cities w ijro ceo j wallsce w m will be the toast master a kindly varewetl the mloversvlllan y ieadereayei the members of dr j d vvdder a sunday school clasa or the first pree byterlan church gal bared at the home r mra charles mclem jojqiibert street last evening to bid her farewell ere ahn takes up ber retljrnco in canada there were twenty ihrwi membere present and the evening was passed iffconteets and gamua of vari ous kinds all vt which tended to make the occasion a most enj tyahlti t at lufreabtueutawaraberved and th ladles returned itotno after wishing the huateas happiness and uuccess in her now boinv hoar braunpton orows auraetlve visitors to brampton have been pro fuse in flattrhng remarks concerning the beauty of home surroundings in certain parts or the town the con aervatoi says i there is no reasor why every home should not be a bower of loveliness planting lime will be here and the thought at once looms up what are you going to plant the solution is easy join the hortlcultur al society and receive as spring dutrl hut lout i os nasturtium seed 1 oa sweet pea seed 1 hydrangea shrub 1 box asters 1 box prtunlas 1 box vr bene 1 box salvia 1 box corn flower sweet peaa and nasturtiums are always papular ihe former for their swuet perfumr- an i tbo latter or an unsur passed rlohnaas or color the fla boxes or annuals will nipply the re ulreinejttaof all ortlluary plurra civ ing a splendid variety of coloring no shrub hi more easily grown than the hydrangea panloulata and none e decorative in addition to this llboral distribution tlje society will give each member in ihe autumn a large assortment of bullw i also the canadian horticulturist a monthly journal full or valuable information re garding the production or flower fruit and vegetable al ibis for the wsjuibershlp fee ttt 91 00 mayor thauburn is the president arid takee a lively interest in this method of iteautl fylng his town could not aoton have a similar organisations if iteeve llynds would take the matter up it would be a aucceaa and acton would be more beautiful than ever hla mend tom thauburn woujd gladly give all necessary pointers thl eastek v1s1t0is who bpsat the houdsurat lat a ud othersi who waatt out i tvss mr i i i r toronto sprnt monday in town mr ivan un donald was home from ileapeler mlsa bertie hpalgbt vultad rriends spring is opening up slowly and farmers are becoming just a hit fear some under the oontlnuanoe or cokl weatlfr as compared with the general averago of spring seasons this one is somewhat late dut it is not en late a to cause any unnecessary vorry tito probability aa that when itdoeaopep upltwfil be for keep the oeneairt perm mtseuraoe uclkinald vuiled rlaod in wstnn ulse klale luur of ilarlln vultrd acton friends f uu iertrude statltam waa hctute from toronto mr t roston of wo burn visited acton fifrmln ur nslson bauer was at hla rather a hona in berlin mr harry krunkimi waa houte from krln tor kastrr ur henry awray vulted huiul in- fergus over kester mlaa una kenney of reroior was borne over sunday miss matcair or croigetown u lalung mlasturton mf kdward dowdy or buffalo was a guest at moorecn fl mr arthur firatbmok of tumnlii was with friends here ii c wallace f montreal waa home for lite holidays mra sanderson mltytity vultrd friend lh ibo ftld home mlaanfllla hynda oftorftnui spnnt in holiday al her honia mlsri mae kfoora was with frlenda lu toronto for the in lldaya uisaea belle and martha hu i f were home fnn t rt mr luy watmoti k it the h bj with friends in tor alfred ksnn i f hlcag waa here vulll g his m i her mlsa rka mel ri it 11 will was hnre for tlte holidays mr kiorrin of milton spent the holiday at his houui heto mr melyln h r hm n monday to uke a poltlon in p at n ur and mr jamre w of ham llton vulled acton irinxu an i ur- john klnoar1 f uuelph visited fih oda here ur w w ullwln of u htr marie visited arton friend itev dr and mrs scanlon or kl ira visited friends in krin t mr kj moore of toronto wa at moorecroft for cood friday mr and mrs boy brown of toron to were here for the holidays uleseeulnnleand nellie lnrier or toronto visited relatives hero mr lleber williams or the mer chants bank berlin waa home m penton or the merchants bank was at huhmna in milton mr and mr w ii denny and miss denny were at nui va f ur fwwr mr carl williams or hault hie marie visited at his rlltr x home mrs fred iawn of toronto was al her ralhevs home durh g lh wnk ml mrs n masales nrtml pant i ha holiday with rriaoda hrre misses kttu and myrtle ddk of toronto were home fi r the holdwys mla iraoa johnstone waa at her liome in lracelirldgn fi r the holidays mr j 1- warren utsa helen and mattnr fred tpenl kastar in toron l mls ijtura coleman of hespuler xiit cimid friday with friends here miss m uccowan visited at her h tne in fergus during ihe holidays mrs j w bnwaand ml- doris or m lit no were at her rather a home here mr and mr harry noble of toron to want guests at the parental home mr w k smith of uockwottd visited at his aim a 1 iiiiw here misses m fisher ml jen maiding were in toronto durbig the holidays mr and mrs chaa havens or uelpb were guests of acton frlands master harold thomas went to hwa forth on tueadsy to spend a fow days ur klwln g maddock ami mra anna maddock were hero from toron to mr and mrs ii brown and master allwivmted friends in toron to uuskfflumcuiii of toronto was a rueat at the home of mr w it kr nay uum myrtle matthewa of llteti mn 10 teaching staff la bonus for the boll days mr frank and mlsa kva craig of toronto spent hiimlay with rrienda here mr an 1 mrs james dohhle jr and mlsa aggie were with friends at ham 1 1 ton mr wm ucnehh and mlsa jessie visited friend at creemore during the week mr harold h ncklln of tilbury spent several days at his fatliers home mr john ritchie and babe and master willie visited in toronto ttr m week the misses stewart or klfrlda were guests of their grandfather mr i snyder mlsa alia jiiiim or london was the guest or her sister mr dr holmes mrs david hkehlon or call visited her rrlend mis thomas scott ike avenue mrs ii ji hall nt berlin spent a few dy at the home or mr pnler mcnabb mr and mr henry ianr conlnge- by visited at ken more cottage pn tueeday mr and mrs itobt othbone spent the holldaywlth their daughter lo toronto mrs john uowal and daughter spent the holiday with friend in w ingham mlsa myrtle super spent the holiday in detroit with her sister mr ii mckechnle mr kd kydar wa home from uarrle for th holidays hut relumed on tueeday mra c b dynes aud mis dynes of burlington spent lb holiday with mends here mrs wellington smith who has been critloally 111 lately waa wnw bet ter yesterday mlea muriel and owns small or kilbride spent the holiday with rrlend here mr a m brown toronto ins pec tor or metropolitan bank spent the holiday here mr jennie smith visited frlud lo toronto jut week she wa aooom panted by ura will jane and mis jano mr and mrs imm uoore and mr and mr r uouaw of ualt vlalud acton friends misees lena ami kiu aljri of urantford were guests of mr and mrs j a me hytnoo ur jamaabnyder who haa beeo in toronto for several monqis nplurned hoiue last week mr a tlplfng o winnipeg waa a guest at lb home i t hr brother mr prank kennedy sir ionad jlann wa iter for uood friday to wee bis flhr who waa very iii for a few days ur and mra wm qk t llmll ln were guest or mr k k couk falrvlew avenue mra m campbell or banco spent the holiday at lh home nf mr hugh wallace knox street mis clad j mclaughlin of nasaag- aweya waa lh guesa nl her grand rather during lit wk ur and mrs john mcdowell and labr ol dundalk visited will aeton friends over the holiday ur john h unora and mis lyttl or toronto spent cood friday and kastrr with acton friend mra john abern returned bom last thursday altar spending several months with friends at jlenooe th uisae kuanor and martha htmw ttronlo were guest over sun uy of ur and ura itobt hhaw ur harry coldham who haa been c midnad to the house for a month with umnnu is altle to ihi about again ur and ura 11 it davis and daughter of mitchell warn gu bis at the bom of mr jnp- u hne b vw ur jhph w irrwu o ii a in apsclnr f public hcho is f r clan garryanlson were go uorur j w lasby lh wer a aid and mr- 11 k nu and mis nehain of uonlph and ur 1 fr-ru-l- toronto attended the funeral of ur kdward nlcklln on saturday messrs j meph and thomas mc lure ilia mlese ucclur and mr kd camhl alien led the funeral of the late n f hnrsl at toronto lal to tra- dy ur ttiottacm k returned in aeli i rrum uuelph lli- 1u1 isst thurday ll has since been staying at the h me of bis brother in its mr john ken nay bow ave end la very poor- mra ii coldham la laat tliursdav for a visit to her old home in kogland during her stay hsr brother will bo home from india juad south africa and there will be ut a family re wa- sd last la cslanfa oaimlmmlvmluhmnbmiwnui uw toisdlasl fnuvsltr osukrrli hasfl s iinihl- uoasldli nsslna a s ilittal mt mbi hslisi ouik cis u tahae imlmaallf mtls dlnmly apsa um btooj so whi asr fjma si ts nmhi uuaby aasutkrlsa uta kwuiholuhdlmu- 4ktsurubt irsoatfa by bsoslsa ap lb- unimlhwlo aad imis nstsis i aolsa lu w mi ta pr k lirltavs so tasvb hlut la ita carsu aai- ibsl owv s0m omm llswlrd llallsrs lo aa ssas uwt ultstmi to hj lav lut of amrna r i oilklv jl o tauao o hm bv all iwsnl ts bll a vssillr hits lo mhwupsuo shilofrs cure tialcuv s cans tj fc sla rcuv ssses mj tli s3 j immi boy scouts you can secure rcfiulation boy scout suits here all hues m pants tunics hats c ill and try on a suit pricctas lonru the cities g j wallace men and boys outfitter mia si acton skin burruirr tiiiid kvbrv- linotmn o d u oubid tld4 was the e aperientm of mrs joo newman of ontngevlllr out she wr 1 jan 1u10 1 waa terriuy tc uhlml with eriitms on my face neck and hands ft r f ur years i tried everything i had i card tell f then saer ypur advrrtlheoinnt in lb paper sent for a trial ikiuisjl d d dusedlton my fas and got well it la now iwo yeara and no r turn or file ecaenia 1 conbi ler i am cured and it certainly was a hlrsalng 14 me no mailer b w trrrihly ymi suffer from ecaema aalt rbauin rh g rn or any other skin disratr j4 n hiii lil instantly booiimhi sod lh itch rvllaved at one whan a inw in hj f this c m rhmind or oh of wntergreen lltymo clyrvrrine etc is applied the cure ails i lo it f rfit ul ih ulod d d wlt tle ii d l i l in- lrp a 1 tucollxin st tmnl f mainly all lriigul wnhavi loen b lay zs this past week fixing jl f up a lot or snrond h w hand walchra wldch t t are imfrtectly roki et tlmejhrrpvra imt a i v ih i la weh this past week txlng up a lot or anrnnd hand walchia wlilch are imfrtectly roki tlmejhrrpvra imt lltlla imi rashl rno1 ter titan that d lis trash iwcausn ibny ware wall msdii in the first place an 1 are good ft r twunly or thirty year yet we haviv tettd ihnm tlnr ughly and rovnd ihniu to imi in good rtlnr tli price- are a ft gtol and and are ifw l warranted fur a year vbf vawaem thf same as w w s onplngle lite j jeweler cuelpb planning now surely at the home willi the long winter pat lnd the brht spring days hand 9 very utly i planning to hrihtfn in hr adding a new carpet squnrc here new curtain orapcrici there or tin or tint little change ill over th hour only the jalic appreciate the need for these chingcs and additions but the men the imys and girls and all apprrculcth cftct when the btrcnuous efforts of house doming season hive transformed the home we offer to the lidics at this importint timr 1 iirge carefully and fully is ortcd stock of hou efurmshings from which to elect the line they wih to add tonllic furnishing of their hotpe tapestry squares all iliu in lwnt sieens reiu and imiiwiu otoitjo usains nnd ci i m only rood kui1d imlltun tmk ml ml prka which an as low as lha umlliy iniilain union ouarea lotsin t aipal 1 isanti kujr fmmry usui wnyrn lihjr aji ia atiibls e xxl hit jjf unv 1k lyc- window draperies n velly koda hie vsy m ell i i lis 1 m in vie w nsw urtali xluuao kwf rlsln rl lunllwul nd uruln flerls mlsin uusllnv i c per yar i up i mtiillm h m r mt yr i o mudlns joity tlii l natierna t c jcanj lit- mpls u hu uj earh all ru a- f u i- r ttela i t1i1i c i uln cm wimlnw itllnli llrsu i ilenvli l tlaln lul ii household staples ihii qiltlu malmiilusqullli i unnnlrtl tmmml hi w t aitt 1 eetlnffs till of wo 1 aw injur i ilia nnwolkj lli all widths kliua lllslr clll ii tsjlollrimhs btrir carpet- tat la r vds 1 sptalry a iwailu i aimhlry rlalns chsnllla cunalos an mutlii mslrasnallarn t c and itn 1 rrrl uy u n a inl i i vuw ol jy v rl uu i ii a i- inl i tew tl ink nl 1 imm uy vllub henderson co mill si acton ont ftoiwcb sitbs icota vaxoo mt cath oi imif in red deer busingss s1tos corou- lot aixuxi i too cash tsoo tet mudlh the city of present opportunity for the careful investor college zlesrtt rld dllr iht ccntnl city of albert lub more rulway contricls it llcr door tlian any city in canada tlircc limes it mkc canadian jacific riilroadi wcotcrn it will be tbc tlivriqnal point for the alberta central the canadian northern and the mhht dos this 3vckn new arrivals at blacks thu wk include wringing machines rolling machines sewing machines sowing machines hco tli adjustable land rbllcr seasoned um lumber cedar posts and wood for sale buggies the barber baggies are slylith btigf les t call and see what wc can d6 for you before buying else where prices are right single harness we are very buty in this inc jtlst now call in and cave your order and have licm made to suit you w j gordon hanuta ud traalt mmi acton ont reember we oxpeot those college view lots to double their present value in one year our ftqmicb to you secure t once somli of this proper 1 y and hnvc practical mtereht in tlio bes1 city in the best locality in the best province in the las v and bes wosl w6e red deer development company phone main 7218 40 victoria st toronto jno m wrrren