Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1911, p. 2

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mawwmkb auoau kmahl mhi ob w4bm4t atwm lsl bj u aoh luaar ii a kuimtfl t an e daosbbir of al ii of hzmwj tm iloeawkwj on tbanda hi iuwlu4lniu i tfirimlri fmt tu sw ji cook a3 m yean u4 1 iuallimtmif tljublm j prll rah bar lata j slant rlea tit bmmiov balsrdajr w a 14 kablll mnm totmla iv i tmlbsk o lit f- j uutuh w4 new pavements to be laid she rton xtt rrss ti1ukhiay hay 4tli 1011 editorial notes provincial hrcrwlery harms hat cancelled it 11m nut granted to th station hotel it wimmlifiiirbtipc lb wuhe f tt leif peranc ciiny tn unity and also the license n the notorious hold at alhetly joat ott- id tlllilr iu town or orltll till miumi ttl lii ur hami ouidr- mend itmiu very strongly to ll r hest peoda of the province haikort from lltn vrfl fclxuil seed log operations vary greatly according to the districts from which paay coma 7lmmuonbubwii utr imrtlcularly in th northern districts but notwith standing tls fel l ja evident the total aciwga put to ad will aliow an un precedent ly lsrg increase or that of former years lleporta of fall wheat condition ar oultn good the varied chancier of tha report la furttwr evidence of the steady grow tit of lha battled area of th west ab u thown last year uiegreat area of country varied conditions in fereot district from lha leport of lha ulnluat of kducatlon for lha pant year it isshowi that school teachers throughout tha province are fretting higher salaries than for tit prevloua year in town achoola the average aalary for mala teacher la 1 000 an increase of i over the prevloua year and for female teacher tsxi an increase ttf via irt rural echoobi the average aalary hi increased 22 being 94hi pemale teachera in thee school arai receiving 17 more lha average bring 3300 total amount expended in public school but year 17 32120 on fi013 achoola with a total population of 401 20ft the coat par pupil increased from 17g3 to 17 8l aa compared with thla 33 cents increase in public achoola there waa an increaae in coat per pupil in high achoola of f5o7 the coat now being lfl wnlle atufrkin stalesnian conunue to debate the merit of reciprocity with canada the trk or american farmers from lha western state to tba prairie provlnceagoea marrlly 00 while ute great anglohaxon nation discus th advantage of in arblt tloo treaty to insure the aloppagn of warfare thouaanda of th brat mood of thla country are joining the in numerable car van that la marching northward in new home prosperity and canadian citlxenshlp with ao much of the industrious farming ele ment of the htste populating the doniinloo mod mttllng tuero to pro duce not only champion crttpa and llveatock but a frssh generation of loyal canadians it doe not aeem aa if tha opponent of either iteciproclty or arbitration would count for much in tha final reckoning ohlcago cana dian american the oakvllle itaoord aaya acton with a population of aay two thouaand carris an aaaeaament of only 117050 or eonatderably than half the aaaaia of oakvllle with atafut t hundred more popu latlon itaal eaute most bo a cheap commodity in acton or alas the biaor is not doing hie duty or be is doing aa be la told in ordor to keep down tha county rata it la no credit to acton to have it published broad eaat that the a value of the place la laaa than half a million dol lax thla unfair insinuation of the itaoord la unworthy of the editor and la glaring manifestation of hla utter ignormnc of local conditions the thro reason given for the invidious comparison between the assessments or acton sind oakvlllqjtre wide or tha irulh and am unjust reflections upon our town out a and our monl clpal council ileal estate la as valu able a commodity in act 00 aa in any other inland town of its tiae in on tsurto and la assessed a high aa any other town of its sjm similarly situat ed its assessor knows lha provisions of the assessment act thoroughly and tha pans tie for wrongful assessment and the members of the afunlclpal council spurn tha unworthy insinua tion that they told th assessor to keep down thn assessment in older to keep down the county rate it ban aver been i he 1 its true i ion to thi assessor to keep up the asscssmrul to the highest figure fair valuation of all properties in town would warrant actona assessment is in reality higher according to value at which real estate- is held than oak villa acton haa aoron advantages over the ukeslde town but fori unalely for the latter its situation on lake ontario and its cotljluify to toronto have enabled tbtv residents to boot land purchased a few veara ago at 100 an acre and lea up to hi 000 an acre and more and load up toronto people at these fantiy price did il ever occur to the ileourd that oak vllle s 2800 population is scattered qvrr an area of over 1800 acrea wlie re aa actons population of 2000 la com pactly located on about icoacre the county council had better look into oak villa sss and the heeord should reuee that oakville got b tween boo0 and 3000 out of tha count- council fund last year and asked for more to aotonr s80oa does it not appear passing strange to the general public that oakvllle with lie 1800 acres three limes aa much aa aotonxof fancy priced real estate bat an a of only 1 000000 while acton with its cheaper lands and only fio aeiwa show an assessment of near- ly bjr million p ae county coun- ell had better look into oakvllles work to bbs comminoid sfoqm tttn aluniclal council had a abort mtsalun at it regular- meeting on moo day evening all lha members- weia present iteeve llynds in the chair tnssoomiuiliasron linancsi present ed their ninth report and recommend ed payment of the following account o t it coat and entry 22 3 iloldle ucciilloukh aupplle 12 00 sea caswell cleaning town hall cloaet 1 go buntwumi ianip co lampa h 04 auterl itndman work u no jo hamilton do 11 s3 it f j hntoo suppll 5 07 prv prw printing 40 ing lite petitl jtj 50 ttie rvmrt was adopted after nhort dlacoaaloo the council f ried to oontract with lb iftks krle ooal c of walkervllle ml fur the yrarv ipply nf rial llm electrician having reported this company coal to imi the beat after having tested coal supplied by several companies the moat important business coming imtfore the council that of recelv lona m ralepsyrrs for walk two pall tlona wfrn prentd one for a walk on he south side of kuux hi reel from slain hlreol to i ha park the ot her for a walk on i he west side of willow htroet from church htreet to agne htreet a imttltlon has also been in the council hand for a couple of years for walk on the north aide of ague htreet between klgln snd frederick streets as all these petl tlona were signed by a majority of the ratepayer the council accepted them and instructed the clark to have kn- gineer ilulcbeon of tiuelpb take the levels lhax varkniay ha pruododed with at once tbe walks are to be four reel wide mr croft th contractor ofouelph will repair lha defective places in the u iii hlraet pavement h laid last fall and complete his unfinished contract council adjourned before half past nine dbatil or thomas cook bueraussd on tuserlay anew about 9ix mmuu lunsass thomas 3ook of lot 20 con 0 usq ueslng died on tuesday from cancer of thestouuuili ur cook had been ail ing since last november at time ha was quite iii then his health would improve and h would be about again but there was always considerable diatraa in starch h went to th hospital at uuelph where an opera tion was performed but without suc- cesa he came to acton from quelph on the 12ih april and remained at the home of his brother- j n isw mr john jcmany uowssave but was taken home last thursday from that time he gradually failed until the end bant though h was temarkably fre from pi he was tbe son of the late george cook and wa bom on the farm where ha died fifty seven years ago thla month he was married to alargatet ann daughter of the late john nick ell of the fourth line ktquaslng thirty years ago on the hkh of decem ber 1011 mr coolr and three eons and three daughter survive the two eldest sons are in the northwest tieorge in alberta and john in sas katchewan but both arrived bom before their fathers death llaael herbert annie and harbar ar at home air cook waa attractive man and took a kaen interest in public affairs he was for five years a member of kaqueelog township council was fur soma umo a school trustee and wa on the board of the agricultural ttoelnty for several years he waa a raemlier of knox church acton the funeral will he held this after noon at two o clock interment to lake place in falrvlew cemetery it obows hair but mot aft- th h4 root u bssd a t ilrown will tell you that he aalla a great many bottles of parisian sage because ll gives sat la faction he gurhtenrrtoerdiets dan draff stop falling and splitting hair and itching scalp or money back parisian sage will make hwlr grow if the hair root is nut dead i it put life and lustre into dull and faded hair and is th moat delightful hair dress ing in the world only co cants a urge bottle farislan hage i the beat hair grow er and beaullnsr dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known try it on our money back plan i orbwboms oohnbbs nol we did not hear of any won dors wrought by the disciples of ike waltoo on may 1t in this locality til quarterly services of the j lock wood methodist circuit were held in ihii church hero lull monday and worn well attended r john dennett haa rented the damper farm for thl yr mr wm murray has pjreatly 1m proved lbs appearance of ids re i dance and barn by haying i hem painted on thursday afternoon about five oclock tli bous belonging to ur ju mcmillan on lot 1 run 1 krln wa deal royed by ore the h use has i teen vacant fir the past few week ami mr il ottmstjve or acton had just moved into it that day the fire had just been started in the stove when a spark from the chimney caught in the roof and in a very short limn it was in flame nelghltors gathered and eu deavored to put lit the llsuief but twiug to the difficulty in securing water it was soon deemed impossible to save the house but all or mr com attvvs furniture waasaved tiiehouse which waa valued sit 1m tween seven and eight hundred dollar waa insurvd in the helton mutual for ssod ujf mcmillan haa been rather unfortunate on this farm by fire some four year ago the barn waa destroyed by lightning mr john maud has rented mr john duff farm it la mr duffs intention to remove with bis family to new ontario in th near future mr and m k levins wlm have resided in parry sound for the last few years returned her 01 saturday and will reside in acton where mr levins ha si situation you wulifcj tbty fine flavor of jrftd rote te it has t cu goodness that comes only from red rose quality the treason why tt holds first place tn thousands of cana dian homes will you tryll iredrose milj 15 charges of uqu0k sftung the schools roll of honor tbs popuaatuw rissssstus aa pupil arb mow rnroll1d the results of the schools examina tions for april are as follows hlollhoilooi dbu atttmkmt tux lliuiuc itcuoot hkitmn clauh class i m turnbull a maodonald a ohhrn v mulllo m oluln n williams a knney k cd claasiid folster h mulllo claaslllh hurd highest in drills history m turnbull in kng composition m turnbull in latin composition a maodonald j un toll vulhtt clasell ilnelson clas iii 0 motfat claaa 1vd drown d cook m matthew high in dritlsh history h nsl on in tcng composition it nelson tlik iawrb sciioot hkniob ulhfl ouaa ilil mcionaui it- cttla d nelaoh m drown claaehin kenney i- atkinson i macpherson claaa iv 1 watson ii mann highest in uuraturell col in art i macpherson in kng com position- it oiile in fng oraromar m macdonalj in spelling m mao donald jumoulfjuw class i l livsns i anderson class 1 1 k white k brown cus iii k qlltbens j olwn u clark j olbbsns cus 1vh warren d harvey m macpharson j chapman f smith highest in literature k kvans in art k fvans in fng compos tlon i anderson in fng orammar k kvans inhpelllngte kvans number enrolled h w ii sntwant ivincipal utk4 d hon ics v iiuurutuim assutauu lunli4i tit iiool defabtuknt siciv nslluanderem181 jeesle thompson 178 j metvyn k itch ing 101 1 dealrice oraham 150 hsael agnew 110 pauline salt lis toul jr iv alicia o uurt 100 wilms johnstone 100 olsr ilrown 1j6 albert drown 1x1 use smith 131 john smith 120 total s no on roil aa mium m ditstfkrr teacher skllicnarilemcleod937i ijoyi cooper 1131 klla campbell sos clara anderson tttt vema burt jtw harold mowat 201 oeorg abraharr 205 jr 111luy llrusa shi mar- guerila huwart 270 harold used 1fei7ury skuur aofrnpbyiiut clarke 21 uargusriu symoo 3us total 400 no on roll ix mltth d nicmox teacher sit ii ilmm surekraan 207 clara workman 2i melvin wiuuro ail henry hunter 237 myrtle thomas 220 bmvrald cooper 210 jh iioiiv mowat 332 athens carfo2in ueorge soper 107 ijoyd masalea lf desale wood i ii 174 johnny cleary 15a total 1100 no on roll 4ft mimh ksx a 1ka1uxn teacher su i mary hyrnp iflot kdilb nut- lay 1b7 horace nelson ifts nell gibbons 1h1 hugh williams 180 stuart morton 171 jit i duff wilson 1hi luy agnew loht kaniielh henderson 101 j able salts 10 herb dell 147 1 matle hell 142 toulwo no on roll 41 mluhrtutiyc clakic teacher sit iulmku nellie cffo charlie mann grace stewart willie ball rddle oldham jele udwil hit lnillknlt4tle alger jltumle hose oladyi klson willie nutley dora tli tints iens ooslello no on roll hi mlhh m it houlkh teacher utill rb tribo on batunoay irovluclal ueens inspect r ay carat of toronto with three constables arrived in town saturday evening and raided the dominion hotel the beer on tap in lbs bar wa tested and believed by t in lo be stronger thsn lhs2l per esnl allowed and which tha labels of ths keg indl cslad and twenty kegs were conhs- catad placed in the custody of clilsf lawwtii and conveyed tfewka cell in the town hall for bai keeping a imicii of auiitmonsea wrr auue- queovly iskurd charging violation of the uqnir ucrnae act haven of thrse vim sarvi 1 on will lawsnn tiartenilrr f ur upon a j lehman proprietor and four upon b two eon charging 111 ifal alllitg at differ rolllsl w j hlusrt 1 william hortop the lime for tbtlrial r llievarles charges wa fix 1 for nine o climsk yesterday inomltig mr lehman p- peaied al that h ur lief re h 1 mooie j 1 and luevn ilyittl and askd that the hearing of ttie cases imi enlarged lo wro it him lo awmr dounwl lite nulatkemiml wa grant ed and the time f r hearing oxed for 111 o clock on saturday morning next thi oinqus bnubibratorb th asaai who win aat ut many qussuoa roa- eaumsrsuon tlte following ar the name or the enumerator for the county of haltooi acton leorge havlll and hoy uti lntosh burllngt csorgeui john moo mlllono ii rutl f larn aim w j iewar oakvliu d ltoltertwin i moier- motl and j oulledge rsiuealng1 wm j 11 m p hire scotch dhtck 2 h cloijnghu norval j oett wriggleaworth ash grove 4 josrpli a flynn acton j k john htalkrr acton l a owen oeorg town nasssgaweya 1 m beallie ctnp bsllvlll 2 dr j mctsggarl nsssa gaweya 3 v j akin acton nelson- 1 w j hlinson b trllogton 2 it cray freman l jaa mcniven ccllbrlde4 w colling lnwvillei c peter hume milton a f 1 cotter intrt nelson trafalgar 1 jame jsrvlw jr boynb 2 ll k hall aertoil j l c ltyan trafsjgar 4 j orth trafal gar c j h vanslckle akh l w cudnyrv bronte tlte remuneration will lie one cent per name and 112i to each enumerator hxai ov on fliw os- to4u 1 diuli j otwiwy mk iwlb ut hm u smilav milhrnrtlaannoir j fltmamf oa dutus ivnilaa la uta ttv o totwla ooaoly and mala bomaa uimam rrcn will tar tba anm v uns1 iiindmhi ikujsiui loa uh td ut ws of hall uauurrb car 1 rrankj ihmnky ilwara tn twfoc so sad satsoflbed la uv bribnb ihuluiiludldhwbwa 0 ussl hsal a w ouismom hauv caisrrb km la taid lauraaur d awturacmjsats wood sad ntxhhm nrlkqal of uta ajatam mt lov t tlroonuila hw it j ciikmkv voj tolads o tlou by all nraaxusa no tk ualts vaaolly hiu tor aoasu tub kntranok bxaminationb bbut of june at 11a p a tlie tlmetaue f lha high school kdranoe kxandnallon for 1011 has been issued and the examination will begin on monday aiuh june at 1 lp m the tlmtabla has inmiii arrangel for the various subject follows monday juno juli 1 ltt1 tohvadliir inatruc lions 1 m 10 a j0- com posl 1 1 on 3401 2sspeihug tuesday jim 27th a m 01011 ttarllutit ur i m lj0 luoltoadlng rtxamln atlon pa pert xwetlneaday june 2rtih a m 011011 ookogluh cram a m 11 10100 writing i m 1 ho 3j0coarphy bpooooooooocxkw this weeks store news fltia abrrtiainunts new arrivals of special interest to the ladies net walsls and while muslin waists i he vory newest ideas dutch collar kitnona slctvcs etc excellent values and exclusive styles lonj gloves silk and lisle in olick and white and range of colors parasols a particularly utr ictivc rtngc 111 black and colors including the long mushroom hindlc sea the values we arc showing in these lines black taffatinjr underskirts wit the rustic of silk and almost as light very nicely made ideal summer skirts r 50 and 1 75 lace hose imd plain l h ithihckrhttppdcyinlcph sihr- fiiu hed at 25c 35c ind 50c pair summer millinery i lie fivmitt with thr young hdics will iow be the llffe while hat hitting d t p on the iiead for the most part rolled off the face made of fine bilk moh airs ind giuzes ind lacc variously trimmed with white and colored vi ik roses and smill flower 1 ind liberty satin ribbons leave your order with our millinery depirtment for 0110 of these beauties correct styles and excellent values henderson co mill si acton oat oils mclotte cream separator 0u raymond sewinr machine oil gasoline engine oil baker wind mill oil machine and cylinder oil tloor oil paint oil guaranteed heller than cans llsrt unwed st l 00 pef r turpentine gasoline sll of high srada quality at sm tat low rrsde prices wringers waahlna machine brooms pumps ltoouns mater lata caa i ipe steam pltlsih and kaaineers i ira is couds etc at close prices manufacturers aronl mill st acton hair switches and puffs 11 atm to okdill it hucitst will kavo tlmlr lomlnil i will tuult up lltelr own linlr will imy c mmnah uf hiipply now imlr mrs w c waller church strn1 actort children ory for fletchers casto ria the old folks find advancing years bring an increasing tendency to constipation tho corrective they need is bs nadruc0 laxatives entirely different from common laxatives pleasant to take mild and painless a tablet or less at bod time regulates tho bovels perfectly increasing doses never needed compounded liko all tho 125 nadruco pro- parallons by expert chemists money back if not satisfactory bv 25c a box if yeur drunut has not yet stocked thorn tb sencf 2sc and we will msil them h national drug a chemical com pan v or canada limited montreal 22 use in canada for half a ctft of the world where people suffer from constipation and its resulting trouble dr morses indian root phls tend higher in public estimation than any othen and their ercr- increaaing aalea pram their merit phyuciank preacribe them 25c a box warmest kind for cold weather tougher ijorachidr will nevei be found because the best is used for storeys gloves arid gauntlets and yet the skin i e bc carefully tanned by the chrome process ir matlc pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and sbbj fireproof the best working gloves on the jbnspfi market sold at all stores insist on storeys finest western wheat farms dirt cheap i have 17t 000 sere of the hneat wheat land 1 th worl i am acinar to sett a part ot it quirk at lw prices t advertise the dlatrlce and lo ths tlral homesenkers or investor who writ m 1 am coins to maks uw watsat msnarkablcj isawj kmrnposluoci trvet known the price is so low that the first yar 1 wheat crop will in all probability pay hack th en tire rost of th landand payments so easy that you will acsrcsly miss tbe money the farms ar riant in th hasrt or the western canada wheat country iocs ll in j i the famous last mountain valley saskatchewan the golden und hiirurry homssaekers ar rushing into this fertile vslley hy hi usarhls keven rail roads rirh this district knllr town ship are i roken up snd put undsr cultivation every day during i win anna n new towns and cltus sprlna up omr nlahl ttta iffpulstlon of this valley will inrress four rolil in five yrar l4v ins in i sat mountain valley is like llvlpv in your own home it uti try thesa new stiller have all the r imforti and luxuries 1 r ths hi mo they left and r orttino ix i ii iibhiiuch orasp ooav this xrent opportunity to secure choicest wheat land cheap i our prices lowest our terms most liberal we hnvo a hat of land ha ran ins such as war ttover before kit wn our price are sltanlutely the lnweat nd wa sell on mull easy payments no t ibor colonisation company ran hop i 1 mtiflt thrsn farms and trices tecausa none can buy lsndtow in such on trrnou trscts send for free library of information nbout th iat m nm in hi vslley i ooks pictures of rrma crops 1 iclure o peoi le who will 1 your neighbors their own lories of iirnuta our spnclsl i w rim and lllral lurmi and all about ss tirslon trains rats duu of startlns in address your lttr to wm pearson 0 lta ta toronto onl wm pearson wwbwuem it lb truh tliut 1 am ahle lo su any implement made in canada or th united states on the shottettt possible notlco aad at tho lowest possibla prici notwllhstandlnflf any thin l tho contrary that ma he mud by a voomg ananlss r a sennit monger i char that th statamaat that x have uken owlera far itti lf t sold hy any other person in this district a tilled in bistolutely and i believe delllwrately f idhavefftllext to hav tlictil v i 11111 liaudllt the fruit wood line at well as many other good hnex have never been obliged to take any of these implements batik or tc rectify any overcharge la price i liave marly splendid tetuimon 1 wis from my ctistmru for tlieso machiaea aad several unsolicited oftdicu hookli thotollowlng u akaroplocase joseph alun gavo tno his order two years u o for prost wood 6 hinder which his hoi joseph ii allan has driven and although canvassed hy nearly nil of my competitor ha came in and pucedhu order this week for mi exact duplicate of tlio machine ki1 to his lather two yearn ago when 1 udvoitked that i could supply any canadian matlo mpe- iliuiit i took it for granted that all well informed farmers would want to buy from teittthhslied strong concerns and la my judgment th following list amnracm nil of this class namely masskv harris 1rost k wood imin ufo co cockbllutt fl ow co in1krnationa1 harvlhtkr co us i j wkury a sons mor apoti if ttoccfiary now in the time to use royal lurple toore your stock goes out to iatituru now in the time to think about the luker windmill with 30 tans have you o n the monaboat harrow jolt metal roofing anistlleblonocovefed roofing lumiw raymond sowing machine melilt cream beiutratars one almost new premier and uu second hand km pi re cheap throo klnla of twpurnw ilows also auto hpray maclilnen ton improved curriitich wild from cntaloguo at factory price any good make iu wluh wlilto hronso uonumeiiti nr muro duraltlo mid more itoiuitllul tl nu rratilto unit not any mora oxpeiiklvo g a black acton wos malu m tiiouak kiliiat i stable k0u 8alb a banoain jtf ch0ick buimhng lots qm sals tf ru s wth aswisiif i jll- 1 is aiiwaia wlli hj atrtse cauui less i41w iwu a af immi 4 w u mitamltmomm oo tkahinu itubinkss ih arals lw a u- uaaalaw i esisiw w v asderaoesad ma4lf4al alas mv7 iw aemlattakeetplf l imsir hsi4 orr m4m 1 s aae wde metropolitan bank paid up capital undivideu pltolits head office slssmmse ismmtm 1s68 toronto oat svkry department of bahkino condu w trciliiy aocurac luui suilly farmbkb bdsinsss clvwi ltllculu- anoalkut sals motss xmacounlml or ncelvwl tor colkclkmi bavihqb dkpartmknt f 1 00 will opftn n mxooiii inlul allowed from ills of deposit no duy in wlibdrawl j j6int aoootants uy bo opeowl if dwlnad bo that either ol i imraoo mjty withdraw fund rcton e griggs brhnch 1 manager caki 0kthank8 ruu ua 441 la mpnn taetv iwsvtfam ur law aitmrf m rrrnft sf aaitty as aay be ta ulaaae isatrtaliy baaa sa t wsuxiaoton alarm au nmn ualtou cream and batter co milton ontario mr aran thompson aoton ba plb tnan faf om immtory i or aaaii tiane last fail wtlt oatluaai loia aau aa- aoo a we uuusk aaaar mit lav utatv pawt urease aas tnt4 to a aoaunaalloai aatfl iu ajwaya awaaavotr tally auar om flfaaa juumimviho kb uutoai oat mortgage sale undkusadbf lrtatum powan eoetala certain ntoruptf wateh lil tw se rov sal er pablm b4immitmi a monday bthdav op may ioii sstbaaoar of oat oolotk the sftaraooa sj uw uwulnian i total in uw vlluaa of flimn by ute feuowtaa twuatw pavatnt of lha pnrahsaa tn lo paid dma al uw urn of aw bslaa u ha ipald id iwaoly rui 0 iiullialparuealara sod twculltioa of sl spplrto i a j afailcinnom 3 h0u0i0 tat lb vaaaov iavtdsl lou ibla uth oar f april 111 take notice f imi at the uualaleal oonoall of ihstevnurilp j of bqtmaln will itr ut ssplisiioa of 00 uioeui tram ui data of poauaw this i nil lis and it tna aaton fsss rsssa od dlapeaa of the folio part of a road within um eorponoo aad andsv cloaa up aad dlapc of a road within itrol at ih oonasll 3ssl portltm of tna ioad betwsasi lot tsvantyaavan and tvsmljrirnt it ui third oomossailno of um sslrl towraahlpirfsqitsalnaejidsuaovswa 0ssiiftrtm lha vlllagw f atas bsvtsyr st lb lourstfluon ot alvatpsl and qud atraaod adjolaln tbe trty boundary oauald vuisure ot aoton bum whleb 1st hmaaaij low u eoaistruottoa of th spur fto ba j co sod um coattflu of uih daanlalpallty will at lha up ratio of onatuonui haar i patso oar by aotaihkbl or aolieltiw any one whose laad mlsttl ba ptvjudleully asaetad tberahy sad who peduon ft ba hauil ily urlr of um 41otiiall j a th nv wm tllourflok ialj tl u lnui ibr of apll tall 11 4 noryajj flour price reduced on all gradca lay in your stock for tie summer m large tocks of flour feed and ccds in store here r noble proprietor n f moore manager canadian homeseekers excursions to athh stshtdiiv llhrti wjtwk iw 4 ii aw tt a jiiu n 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