wall papers window shadjcb ai i oubtain polks sm oar new wsirtajuars sljr y scand ioc por roll window shads all colors kstra spring roller iso or trimming curtain polsiixtiiras urtaln fans evstttblngtu shorn una at lowest geo hyn1s juiuaok uoihm iflsukd ckshi prid for fowl raw furs junk abo ull 11 hod of puknltuitl 7lc snxb jtcixom real estate ibterfest large uabcr of fars fe sale diemm dwoiudcm and titer frsect la all hart ortkr town we have every larllltr tor traaaacudmt aar basinr to tour jlci mtsf action j a willoiicubv ooriciown thuithuay may 4tb 1ui1 brief local items board of kducaliou itrxl monday rvminff many of tha farmum ara about through with their soiiug stodlng savatop vwm urtkade haajrclded lu bold a demonstration on loinlulon that ralna on hunday and monday ploadldly groaned tho unm and ss ro has sold irk av to hi mr robert brick resident t jfobn batr fall wheat is looking plendd in haltoa and peel end kivhs nromlsa of a magnificent crop ifr lamm 1l andsnton ha ui the joshua korrull tromirty ml lake avenue john tifitlley liaa iteen appointed village oooslabla at wat urdow li salary 100 a year u the ooupcll of oalt v i ho in anantluk a bylaw to eetabluli a nuhllo scavan- fxtr ayetetu for tlie town well three are the day for the recounting of big flab storlss so tint of them will hear discounting it la reported that slttvtt worth lt property lias changed hands in or it xub during lie past lhraa wlta clusena who takw an lntfsl in beautifying their homo surroundings bve already early flovtsrs in bloom mr ueorgs hurler u rooting a barn on bu property on mill htruet ad eoitteniplaum other improvements sunday may the ulli will ui kotbere day write niolhr a latter and wear white flower in its honor j tlie snow storm on the morn log of iba may will form an oftrepeaukl omolnenl on ilia weather of tho iprlng lotion when no re baaing good a from any oor advertisers kindly mention i batycm read their advertisement in i 1um paper 0 a black report having ro- ilvedan order for partridge wyan- ffg all the way from nov a stills weak oak i lie board or ttducathm i- apeodlaa 930303 for shrub flu were plants for the high hchool nlvvs or local import rjtroaoda this year i 7 don flres bavebeen much in evld- aaoa the past week winter accumu lations of rubbuh have thu been largely annihilated the fall in temperature from 70 if jtaxraa on saturday to ho nn tuealay wi a severe chok on the splendid ttoaa of vegetation mr vred seeord baa remembered fan piutas with copies of the city star allowing its flne new tlbttlmlng and interior appointment wtf elmer 0 thompeon ha let i ioontraet to j is mckenale for the areotlon of eight houses on hi new collage view georgetown herald i betid the fhku ikkhh to tbv aunibera it sruuf hnjlly u jajr0i take tba place of tho lotur you irjfioftan fall to writ 00c gt it to jan jrt ibis tha remain of mr italtella ttwltb mother of mr peter j smith winnipeg arrived hern by train on rooday and were conveyed to mlmoaa for intarmaof tba st agnee guild of st aumn ljohtireh will hold a aociel at the home iaf mr joa ii 11 church stroot on ftemday evening may 0th adinla- alonuoenta vt at the raster ktamliiat1ona at 11 qorgatawn lllgh school mla dora ctorlfi daughter of mr john clurk of wfudnora a co atood t the head of ita olaaaea with honor i bar george a king of hamll- roihpv iiuprewlve leruioni in mothohlat ohurch on sunday ting also addressed the sunday ol in the afternoon xuton ratepayer have another 1 by4avr btfore theui now to guarantee rsajqqqq wo of bond to tbe kdward klfetrlcal oo who propoae to eatal- ieb an electrical motor woika tbara f tba anuual iiioollnbr of tbe wo- wjans auxiliary of the anglican 1 eharab for the dloceeo of niagara will lbbald in the school room of christ rwjtreb cathedral uamllthn oa may j itbe license coonutaeloncra and m lomotor for bast yelllngton sax jhha fergus- uecord rq eeruinlv- a fasodsl bunch wt one or them use wbmoo id fioy form and are all strict rostotater mr gordon brardmore wht rode iltatbavs polo ponies at the horse f- t toronto last week was atnl in winning five prises mr idfore la an ardent and eipcrl- d hotmman q name of the new firm which wd the floral view green- iwtllbetheah moore floral eapltal q000 we undenund ltjtlmt apaclty will be douhled ibjmld ixtwn ujiui adpenrijelua mr john m warrtru wm atnlnl will ap idlrllu whll iligagrd ti 11- liuitlnrah in toronto loat wek nod wit ofxirnltid unhi the an mo ovimlog i in it nmklng vvry ahiifoiiiry r t grru he la iii larkdalo irwate hob pltal oualpb olatelot fjeeuna in acua ttir jnnuii meeting of the ouelph ulatrlol will in- held in- the mothodlat ohurch arlon on thoraday may ihih the mlouurui eion will be held at 0 ml a iiu and the gminrn aea alon will roimiern nl 11 k a in uv i w knlditr ivealdent or lbe oonftrncn will prealdi- the mulum camp the flralramp niagara will ojmii on monjlay oth june and tho ath ond on 101b junf 6n the nd corory hon iy tliu will lo a km l milt tary apeolwrln and p tatoo lu the even ing ll la prolwhle that the officer oneirwlnottnilhrtoer port niagara ijchj un river will le luvllrd to inrtlltat bannock burn bohool ml uly mcmurchy toarlixr of llatiittkikbura uohool who wul oblihvd to iravn her work almut a wiili lefori kaater owing lo an atlark of apmii- dlcitla reaumid htr work after kaalur hot suttered a further altark anil ro turnel home lat wt ok nti i ma do rldml to real until iiildamumor- mr warren ilrowu baa cliargo lit tbe arbool until lliat time tbe government annulum dr janie hainaon luclnrur lo chlof on jovnriimont annuillrv will addroaa the maldenla of acton and vicinity lo the town hall on monday evolilllg 13lh lout ou the very lmmirtant and luuir- t liiig iuhjict of governuinut auuiii ilea tll lecture will bo of atrial inturrat lo wage utrnora but will also have vahinhlnnformatlon and anggox tlon for the public gnnerally neourajrlua induatrleal rnt klore from the klore kxprea wi inarn that at a mooting of ilora liualiirau men laat wim k it waa deoldi d to plurn threti liy idw imfnro llm onn i to han the klora luroltiiro oiuutny i l6ll to orrcl a two atory addition to thrlr pruaent factory re auhioll unu to grant moury to the hlaaoll mann factoring ooniuuiy and tho third to grant flktnl aauunta for thomt far- lorie fctr ton yoara a welldeaarved promouon mr william thoiuaa who ba for a mimlwr of year inicii a moat faithful employee of the ci t it on ltn nocllon a la if haa hen promoted to im mtclion foreman al norvwl mr tliomaa tmik charge of hlu now oitlon on monday and hlu fniolly ale rvmovlug to norval atntloti thla wihiic nuring hi- teal- ilitix i llrrc mr tlinoiau 1hm lutt roatttd hlmo if lo public alfalrw und baa immii a nirmuit of the llitard of imulmiioii alnrt january 1u10 luakaapara of mel tort peel and york an apiary diioonatnillon will bo bold at iho home or j ll kvuua of lallugton on tunuday may tnl nl oun oclock thu prograuimu will lake tho form of a dimimihtralloii in hnd- llng itoea by mortxy iollll 1rovtnnlal adarui outurln agricultural 0olhk uuflph out mr pottll will bhow bow to look for koul iikmmi and how to cure it uliu the uim of itin wax pittm lu giitllng ihoawax out of old ooiuba all luhimatml aru invltid to attend new time cmmi jaonvtnunoaa acctnding to tlin new o t it time uhln hi koutbamptoii train which formprly lofi toronto at 420 p to la how leaving at a p in and la not uohodulnd to atop at acton thla will grrally inconvenience pmaacngwrs from point aouth on llirf north weeiern branch who wlllantvo in lhtrguwo hoot 5 irand ihiobllgixl to whilumio until h 08 hefurfl they enn got a train coining weal ily thn new arrange ment anton paaaeugor will require to leavii toronto at y 40 or remain there until 7 oclock- ivr hap however tbe train may atop hrre after all allaaed horm thief on tueaday chief conutablo ouup mnn brought laaac lutlrldge from centra imaon to mlllon tt anatvor the charge of stealing a home huggy and hartieaa from hnwaid lleacohy of kwpiealug on 22 id htpu nilifr lutt iotlridge vti mint to tho 0titlral on oct molh u ao ulx moiitha for atoal log a buggy from hamilton if ao- quitted here he a to imi held nlrhe haa to nerve an unexpired aeutenre ut kingston penltuillary for hoiiii vlom offence the nature of wtiloh haa not lieen reportnl here ho wi brought imore j ii pmicock j i yoaterday morning and remanded ui til next thursday milton champion i broth srboc3 of bc andraw con roe i the western outavlo oonfercnco which the itrothcrhooti or ht andrew intend holding hi guelih on friday i saturday and hunday of thla week piomlaeatn imi tbe largest utlciidud gathering of ita kind ever held in the illatrinu the uuelph men have huon making pit mrallou for the confof huso for the pnit three montba and they ara now receiving odvlua from all over the weatern part of thn prov ince from turn ami lwya who cxhmt to aitetid and an elunuuijpe or upward of oouconfldmttly lhikttd foi ft la quite possible that several levgnlea will attend from ht alhaua obtirch ttio program mo which hint imioii nt- ranged la an unuauully wttinctlvo uim and has nutuemua helpful nod luforma tlonaladdruaaea by prominent olergy- piuitand laymen of i he church ldoal anoirht histporv inuraauna hlatorteej kvenlnc knox churoh younc peoplep ssaeurta i lie young i wi hocinly of kix tlhuiidi buhl a aomuwhat unique hul highly inatrucllveand verylntrreallog acrvlro on i imaday nviiulng hnlng a bilr prohentallon of the hlauiry or acloo in a serine of addreaaea the altendanca was good a nunber of personp ouulde tho congregation al the church idling preienr miss min nie holme had rharge after ituv mr wilaon had led in prayer be inljodncml mr ii i moore a a mmilmr of one of the oh oat sur- ivlng famillea who with the aid of the laat olllfllul map of acton traced thn dnviilopuiout of our town from a irt lu the wilderuraa settled by a friv ruriuitri down through the various ilncadea aa varloua fainlla and inlnr- ita had lirconin nbtabllalied horn tracing ou the inap the aarioua ailr- y which have in nn made in differ etitwtjlfo ii aoti ite viiftntaduin g iihmi by piiko to lla extent remark ing faroiloualy lhal tho propoaod new y the warrru he feared would dluir from the oh adam survey in that in tbe latter mites or the streets i re named after the children of the vner of tho prohirty auhdlvided mr john cameron who waa glad to i ahln lo aay he bad imnui in connr-c- tlon with icmjx ohurch under every mluulnr it had nr had gave a high ly intervallng acrouut of incident es pecially in mnlicotlon with thn early hiatoryof the church a noble trl buto waa ld to the aalntlineae and devout character tt i he early pillar of tho church amujug to the youth f today wil hla r rnrenee in tin- inngtb of the sermons two hours in knglluh and two lu jaellc aa well a the deep doctrinal inalglll or the i dty wluwfre liable to vxpreaa dlaapproval of any atrange idcaa by loud and long contlnuwd groana mlaaea kua iearaou and huby clark roltowml hy very nxhaumllve account if manufacturing inatilutlous and diicatlonal work reapaollvely al- hoiigh of a young- generation and not ptinionally acquainted with all the cl re u instances tbuir enquiries and tabulated information secthred were highly oooinieixlalile 1uexlecte4lly at f close a vial tor pronut mr w 11 itnaworth of to ronto aaked ihirmlaalon to make a few ronmrku and rotated amno interesting facta from hla recollection of coming wllh mm father ltev joseph unaworth georgetown am he would come to preach at swankhamer congrega tional church and ab iptorvala l arlon fb kay gentleman waa paator of the f jeurgetown ohurrhlll g for nlmiit purler of a cyii- lury nud lu now over eighty yoara old living in toronto and lu very good id ta w i monro and a muiro unng an a diul the plalnthe aong twenty yoiira ago wltli flueutct topic- hf this kind ionaldertid oor nlmiit lly by our rlalug gnueratlon urn widl worth thn i tort mads and wo would bi glad if many morn uurh rau ml tow wort mndn ttnd tabulated it would imi well worth while for our young iioopln to investigate aucb uub- jrolhna the oldrat hulldlng the first uull the ulduat tree and store of tha o irly dayw ami the fiitcu piikkfl would bo glad to give countenance to audi rftortu the woroatia inautuu on vriouy the animal mooting of the woman luatiliitb will lie held ou friday after- nooiwmay kill in the council cham ber st ibioe oclock aharp a cordial invitation uextendrkl to tbe ladles of tho town mnulo and rrfreahiiicnla just like borne other ptaees tho oundaa star laat week bald tho llaunnr wants i he backyard cleaned wouldnt it lie well for the editor to call the attention of its friend the mayor lo the fact that the gutters- havent been cleaned or the public streets sorspedthla year and thai many deplote thn absence of the street aprtnkllrig oai i auslpha new annorus opened tlie new ourlph armories which have ikoii couipleleil for severnl month were tho acenc or a large gathering laat thursday when thi oniola opening took place hlr fred erick llortlan and mr hugh guthrie dfllvtrcd uildreeaca in which both ex preaued gratldcallou at the splendid building which waa now to ahelter th tjnelph garrlaon am obbidhvation when street oomniiaaloner harvey end jimmy got at tho streut with rskiia and hue tho dust until tbe i came had to fly things are tie- ginning lo look wul pity so many ti ultima allow tin ennv old glass niul wlro lo llo n front of their promises ou aldu atroctv wliorc thu rakus may not go tlieao tbltiga jnipedo very tuuali iv ing thu gras later and keeping houhivnrda iifiit and tidy social and personal itjbe naiae of your visitors does not apmar lu thla euutmii it laliecsuse you have not anppllnd die fiuck 1hkhh willi the iir your aaalat anne will imi spprectaled by thn editor mr w ii firant of toronto apenl tuesday tn town mr william hnyder of klore veil ed actori trlenda hilar weak mrs jamoa hyder of dunnvllle la spending a few weeks with acton friend mr a o heard more who has besn taking a tour in kurope arrived bonis on monday ltev it p kelbmsn 11 a attend ed the meeting of the synod at ifamll ton thla week uev ceorge king u a of hamll ton waa a gueal at mnorecrart during blsatay in town mr and mia w l tnaworth of toronto were gueata of mr john it knihly thla week mrtaininrtewatrbwtlirnorh6hrt on thursday after spending a wrrk or so with friemla at fergus mr and mr james matthews ar rived homi on monday evening aflr spending several day with friends in toronto mrs allan mann who baa spent veral years in the uorthwrat aod toronto has decide to mwkn her residence in anton again mis clara height ueorgstnwn eiitsred the uoomvelt hospital train ing school for nurses at new yorki for a course of training on monday mr wm jesua and m jean led oulliurs4lay for their home lu clovers- vllle n y arter a a mouth very pleasantly lu the old home messrs a k nlckllu and wlllhiai johnstone lefl n n tusatlay morning for saskatoon nn business they both expect lo lie absent for several months messrs geo cook of alwrta and john of saskatchewan arrived honih last week in limn to apend a few sy with their father wore hla death ou tuesday t mr 1 j smith of winnleg anil mrs smith and miss queenle who sis allll realdlng in llellevllte were hue this week in nniiuectlon with tlte fun eral or mr smiths mother to ml moss j mr kd hyder has oomplsted hla tour or travelling for the season and is in hla place again at the bead of the shipping driartment hi tlie cansda clove works mra ityder and miss msrgaret returned from harris on monday kczkha was biniadino till d d u ourad it thla la a translation or a letter wtlt- tsu ua in fmnrh on april 111 li dok by mi liu ltahliiesii cap iuulure n ii w had ixnn aultiilng with rtxtuua for about ii montlu and had consult d several doctors who did uol do nw any good tlie dlkssse was spreading and i was most unonm for table i thought i would go craxy all my friends were lulling um i would lose my hands iiiihihs i found thn right treatment on it day i read in tho mussengtir almint your d 1 i treatmeut and asked for a sample it did me so mttoh gimml that i immediately ordered two largo bottles it took eight bottles aj together to cure turn of this terrlhle dis ease i shall uevar bo wlthoutabollls of i i i in my home tbe records of ten year of complete cures of thousands of the moat severe cases aliow that 1 u l stand lo day sa thn absolutely reliable ecxema cure write uwlay for free trial bottle to the i d 1 laboratories dept a t 40 oolborno st toronto it will gits you instant relief for sale hy all druggist olfaillknah r- wu the grand central ii u team toronto winners of the spalding 11 ii ij and leaders of our senior imsgur would like to play thn fast anton tunm on the holiday 21lh may we hope they will accept the challenge and anawor soon sam kahon manager 1uh ilatdwlu st toronto may liyl 1011 lawlsssi punlahart wt brsunpton police magutrntu crawrord laat week severely llnod armour hurrell and itcglnald hproulu for rowdyism at the grand trunk station inure on a recens sun jay night when the mid night train reached itrauipton on that ntght sprottlu got into un altoroauou with a man named joseph mociiiim who travelled to hrsmplon un the seme train a light mailed at the station burrell uxclalmhik that mo colla waa a whisky luroruivr look n hand in tho fracas and pumtnollud mc- culla another young man uatued gardner was also qopecrheri and in tho melee moculta bad bis nose broken and hi face badly cut mid bruised he laid an informatton agalnat hi three young mcu who were found guilty or assault hurrell waa fined c0 und costs nd was also ordered to py 10 toward medulla doctor hill sfiioule got 9w and cost and gardner was mtnandot for a weak -4rxjt- then hav iwcn talk of orgatiuing a lawn miwllng clith this spring hut ihlhnghss been dona so far neither iv thum any algvi of haaiibull if ihuro lto imi either ikiwtlug or hall playing it la time lo get huay milton champ ion thu rusldtmu or nasaagaweya and kqtiualng who use that auction of the good roads system loading into acton by way of tho first lino and thd mill road arc anxloua to see it macadam ised this season no loading road in thu county lu in a worse condition klght months for 4100 tho chrlullan guardian will bo sent to any address lu cuttoda to a nowatiwcrlbsi i to january lat 1012 for l 00 it was never so good as now kvery mntho- dlat in the pomlnlnn should road it weekly address wllllaui brlggs wesley ilulhllngs toronto ont thn puwasson news completed ile fourth year last week when mr j ii like left tho fitkif pldum to estab lish tho news tha venture waa some what prohlematlcah but hy hla skill hnalness tot and unlhualasm mr inke has gtvviitohls adopted tiiwn a very worthy journalists rrprcaetitallvr und his efforts have been crowned wllli a falp rncnaura of financial sticcosa the fjtltic piiichh extends ourdlal congralu latlutis malton bpr1no honsi bhow the illst or riae- awaopded fee the vine horses- a xj lotted the aprlng showtumhe helton agri cultural buolety held nt mltton was favoreil hy line weathar and the atten dance was as lsrgu as was to have been expected seeing that the farmers went busy with ihetrsprlng seeding there was a splendid showing of heavy horsos there were fewer entries in thu lighter classes tim following la tho prion hat i draught 1st jos tulfets uen- laltli favorite i 2nd porter bros proportion urd a ij kents llvsr- est again draught ii years ohlji nsll 011- llesw hoyal prince i nd malcenxle untetma ecsklnr- terchson jut wm mccreadye lsui plate i liiul wuii mccreadys alaska hrd mokenay bros hy- dmiene thoroughbred j i mnglhlkins nimble dick the mrw biauop or nlaoara hamlton may ilrtlveu archdea con cisik hamilton was elnqted illabop of niagara last night at 10 m after five lialluta had lieen takei ffoin the lime liallollng alarled at 2 oclock in tbe afternoon lit the last ul lot was taken archdeacon clark and rev j peterson smyth of montreal were the two favored candidates and as the iay progressed archdeaion clark gradually galnnl votes until the tiallot which aecurrd hla r ire lion atmhl i rlnrgy 4h laity 15 with i7 clrrgy votes and t2 isly otr- i r sary to elect tlie vote for ltev mr hmlthvin the laat ballot waa rlergy 20 i laity 2s ltev daan houatou niagara falla prealdetl on motion of van axdidcnn for neaet and iuv annoq ahlmtc the rlretlon wm hiade uusuluimia arch 6teacvjrrrtsrrtilenitrmwas pnpuur with thn dnlrgales who warmly con grstulated him on hla elevation lli decision w4u announcei by wul ing tha catbetlra it 1 1 fix lliues uodakyour varm a suppose you are so busy r this woek that you will havs no time lo think altont any thing but seeding but later when everything is coiiimsna ing to grow and the old homestead looks lieaiillful would it it be nice to take some picture of it and your favorite animal home day you may go weal how nice it would tie to have plclurea of the old place ith you and bow pleasant for those ho have to rents in behind to rocelve uue photographs whlrh you have tkn on the way out 1 tbe above u t enough for anyone pr login sella kodaks at ail 1 up to and will show you all how to lake picture and develop your film free in ne prem harold wiles has temovod to his new premises llw slaval store in these larger and more coavmilonl premises tie will lie heller shla o supply all customers with ureal of satis isctlon choicb confbotionbhy ddbad oakg8 and pabtrv nhilbons pine chocolates harold wiles mill street whaaabiarjuauniiuaunmbibimaeai s 1911 wallpaper tub nuwkbt dlibiinb tub latist colokings pp1- trwnti iwl toll up i l also samples cuclpli toronto und u iwiuitunl lino of uiig- llsh rikrrt at brown i prmxgltt amd slmllmmf q acton ont simbarjnaadpaddubi wfe right house hamiltons ravokite shqppind place everything in cool home y furnishings for summertime 1s6c right house is espec well equipped with needffjls for summer cottages this is the fimt spring thit louiul tub uiciit iiousk rcidy with iuiniture and ifouschou utilities it wis not until our uxitorey addition wii built that we liad room for 1 lurmturo iloor md htmuint hundreds arc already ordering summer cottage furnmhiiikh juit a mere hint is given below of tlie complete furniture and summer furnishing lines in stock japanese matting vudor porch shades garden hose hammocks grass furniture pine enamelware cottage dishes sunproof curtains screen doors etc awnings all kinds oil stoves bungalow beds cot mattresses- orex bugs refrigerators furniture slips etc etc te room dainty luncheons seivej in our nnw ment tea itoom very moderate soda lountsln in llaaement slao manicurist whri lu hamilton vlail jlu msniciirlnir parlor on the new llalcony yvtt woib cliitrtffl for wnnion 35d railroad fares refunded on a liberal plan thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sta hamilton ont wall paper window shades the lion guelphs big store carpels rus oilcloths the home and its furnishings an interesting bubject it is one thit is of interest to all of us wo arc nlwaynnriccdink something around the house the hoy wmtisa ruj or hin room the kitchen floor calk or new linoleum mother talk about putting matting in her roohi for tho summer no store in wcttcrn ontario can bonst of a better or more complete utock of home- furnishings for a burety nu store can give hotter quality at the price when we buy things for the home wt buy them not for a day but to last you can buy here confulent that what you pufchac in of the lasting kind mualina uurs art i couch coverings home of i ho things that may need renewing thla aprliitf are uiniilhinwl hern lacn curtain curtnla uurs art sousiw dour mala cjiriwta vlitilow shadoa riuot olklmlix ii rtsln iolss llrau ikluroa olc special saturday any ioct of 50c drs cootls in our stora on salt at inlay only at 30o ct ytril w prepay sjl express freight and postage charges on all goods regardless of also or value send ua your order by moll samples cheerfully submitted mens clot it in furnishings d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdonell streets guelpii ont dress goods millinery his old ago mads free from suffering by gin pills annak1us nft i ra ovdr 80 yrr of g ml l ln uiffcriiie willi kuucy ml judder trouble forflreeiiyr llooltdoclore ndlclnc bill ot rf miw i tliimu you for icitdlufl ruo tbe mmpln box ortim 1lmji i boukanuboxcofginrilf3 uokcthr but got relief before i bad lauil near tlwt amouol x ld to get lip mime nlrbt every fifteen mlnnte niul imtl to um an irmtxuaieut before i could minstc now i cu he in beil tour or five hour ivltliout geltluk op i cau aay tbal oin vuam luvo ucarly cured tneand xaball alway kp box lu the j io ai mr turc duvwrii uafor free imple lio of otn ttus fpt younclf jut how mneli iboy will do for you then buy tlie regulorelto borne at your dealerajocior for u 50 01 i1il3 are lil jrllh pjaw giurantee ol mopey liack 11 tbey fall to slveprolupt relief nabooal uroffaod clieinlcal co dejt a toronto hi s mens collar coinfort st m at boms mon nil on day nfiar day lugging anil tussling with collars slhst simply rsluu tp bo butlonod its a wsats ol time and energy whan you cn get collars lika llw aico srwl olimax wllh slip over button halo that buttons n s sec and no tsarlng or cracking g youll liks tha stylo of these collars 1 1 wry artrtha smart oat doss 5 fronts ever shown and hsvo tho 1stenlod lock ttisl locks tha front fast m sa it can t abroad come in todsy and soa tha leading styles of 5 mon oomjutb 3 for 30c oldest brand in amsdca x e in qusrter alxui on saavanaac tsjior msnsi rumuhar wyndhavm busst q oublph ont si dp you use paint most of tjir vorld docs and most of the world uses j the snerwinwllujuis pasim its made to paint buildings with 1 inside and outside its made ready for the brush its made forborne ute and for practical painters too its i pure lead pure zinc and pure unseed 1 oil mixed by specially ma4c machin- cry operated vylexperts its made for you bssj bsss ajss ssss syas ssss syrs ssss ssss tkm stmrwinaillumt fialnlm crr r f johnstchnev sounaqesx acton conscieisitiovs plumbing heating is iscot tt jlrtvth inilth us to the contrary wo make it the most important factor so ifyoli favor u with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorue uh fret smith plninbor quebec st guelpii phono j37 the merchants bank oi chnkdk choosing your bank vimlk conservative management and strong financial condition of litis bank are very essential features which should influence you in selecting a depository for vur havings this bank wishch to serve a large number of depositors with wlim it can have close personal relations call and allow us to explain our new system of treating joint accounts 7iw005874 total assets acton branch f a maeleah manager a