Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1911, p. 2

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momti taqaaalaie am lulnrdk sal a joinmool jr m ifi tluwm kkiiuhib no ummof anil vmti m mr mia w li uadaitoucti mih tut sjd tuictiis luiust vllaa til llwutwood um wb ur sfaitasfil k u vuw uium of fltltlp urlsxlwai o abw t wusl ii o ai uur wfiu lajls 4 mekotlau sw in ifltmkihla tnibtt of bobwt pm vlwlmlaamihu my m ism vtioa art ro ba h taraauso jjlxss tiiuithijay may i ufa kqitorial notu acton lias bad street flushing wlttt beer wblla many dry and dusty iiiutito- ipalitles are vainly crylnr out for water favors have nvrr hern nn evenly llslrtbutitl tiwsday hi tut as h rmull of plrbtatclte vols in hamilton the license commissioners were required to meae s rjuolloo of ik hotala in lh city the eotnmls- loor met last week and beside cut uok off the number asked by thn plel- isdts they hade m further reduction of our ten in all end una shop license hamilton may wiu im mow lug toward local option a writer in the christian guardian iti taken all in all there la not in the world a cleaner or mura excellent local newspaper press than w have in canada and i can say uila frankly not being connected with it if lb cburcb la wise it will cooperate freely and systematically with the town and country prsas in order u enlist as far aa possible ita mutual support in chris tian enterprises and mural reform the ajlltora awl tha publishers of newspapers ara as rule naturally reeponslve to tba heat intaraata of tbeir respective communities and uiat spirit will ba quickened by a frank and fruodly auituda lowarda tbem tba hew act keepectlnfl tba salt and pqss of oreaxau makes ll uojaw ful for deader to offer for aala rifles abotbuaadlrkadaggarabowiaknlaa stilettos metal knock lea skullcrack ara alungabot ravohen pistols or alrguna without a written penult from tba provincial police tha aa restriction and penalties attached thereto apply to tba man making pui chase of such articles undsr previous ooodlliona it wss an aaay matter for any person even mvre boys to buy a revolver now tha possession of aueh a weapon even to rifles and shotflu ns must be sanctioned by i its police and tba aale re tawed naturally at this season of the year thoughts oome to all observant persons respecting the beautify in f hoooe the home surroundings and of what might be a accomplished in a g way throughout the town by oooeerted action lleautlfy urlllla is tha title of a booklet usued by the orillu board of trade but the advice gitrfcn therein is good fur any town one article talhihow to care fw lawns another deals with vines and wlodo decoration a third is a plea for belter protection of the trees or the highway the writer thinks it singular that arbor iay should be celebrated by tha planting of scrubby trees in sterile soil and in ulchosen localities while not far away tba telephone ami eleo- tric companies may be seen culling nut the symmetric growth of ten or twenty years of trees already become beautiful other articles explain how to plant tha home grounds and how to bolld a rookery illustrations show bow stiff formal building iron lanes and back yard can be beautified by flowers and shrub a point that might be borne in mind in movements for beautifying towns is to naa all their natural advantages and give each aa far aa possible a distinct lve appearance acton baa many features baeoeptlbla of being iwprorad and beautified if all dtlaena will in tarest themselves to accomplish im proved and beautified conditions our already extractive town will put on a much improved appearance no greater encouragement to thrift baa ever been presented by any ooun try than is offered lo the people of canada under the provision of thf canadian government annuities act which was unanimously passed by both houses of parliament in 1u0h while any resident jof oanada may purchase the act was devised cblrlly to enable wageeemere and others with limited incomes ua make ahuol utely safe provision for the closing years of lire in a way that would lie impossible to make under any other conditions available tor example a mechanic whose weakly wage is but ai little larger than hi weekly expendl ture is by paying si 00 a wiek pur chasing annuttloe fiirhlwjmye aged 1 and 7 the anmillle lo bonotmi payable at 00 vrtitw tliat tlma as long as they live a yearly income of 517 to and s407 78 respectively will be paid them by the governuitnt if they die before they are ml the money paid in will be refunded to ihrir heirs with 3 u compound lulnrest so that for a total of mx to txi paid in an income combined of tl olofil or great er than the income to be derived from a an invastiuent of fso oou at g woubt ba vnceivad tile one thing la feasible for a man even with a very limited wage while the other would be guile impossible for him taking ad van tag of the low rate be obtained vvhan the clilldrnn art oung is what parents should iui at the children would carry the payments themselves j aa toon as they are able what a payment of 9ft cents or co cents a week would purehaae at any age may te aaohtalned by attending the meeting in tba town hall next monday evening when dr sampson jclurrhi4iilar on government annul tie will address tba public 1120 were imposed in fines urn oal or liquor dkarrnovku tla raid liy lrovlnnjsl inapeetor aynarst anil turee pntvlnnlal oon atablee at inhman s hotel a week aao last haturday night was only the culmination of a sarvellunca by the hcbts of i hn ivovlnclsi lovrrnioent extending over a period of two months or more tlie rllmsx waa rearhed ban uia cases were beard in court at tba town ball on haturday hrore ii w j v and ii w kennedy f uimmgelown t l uonalmn barrister toronto prosecuted for tba license ilspartnianl of tits irovlnc and james llavsrsoo k o sipearfd for the dsfendants hix cbargwa vrn prferrl sfjalnst win uwmtn bsrtttlsr and allegsd i of the bar una for kplng in toxlcallnjfliuuors and five for veiling rfhivlrtlona warn registered in each and tha flnse totalled su and lbs in gaol at bard was howsver not present at the trial ills counsel arrived the evening before and it u surmlmkl that when the avrious nature of tl cliargnt waa ascertained it was found advlsalje for iswson to uava the country it is reported that be left by the midnight train on haturday morning with chey enne wyootlng aa his destination acton is well rid of a men of bis un scrupulous principlea a bench war rant awaits lus return to canadian territory at any tlma in the future a j ebman proprietor of the hotel pleaded guilty through air llaverson his solicitor to helling liquor on two occasions for which in formations had been laid against him notwithstanding that he had previous ly been fined for first sod second of fences for keeping lluuor lor sabj upon informations laid by inspector ayearat last october the charge on haturday were necessarily regarded a first of fences ror selling in view or the previous convictions however tba ruaglatralrs imposed the maxlmi penalty vl s2uq 00 and coats or thi months in jail at bard labor in each it appears that this inconsiderate father was also guilty of getting two of his sons who ara of the tender ages of undsi is and 1 years into the work of illegal hijuor selling and it la derstood entirely against tbelr wit or inclinations charges ware fevred against both austin and nor man and their father instructed ur llaverson to also plead guilty in their behalf klnea of j00 and costs lulpoerd in each case the aggregate of the fines against lishman and his sons was sooo and costs and the ag grrgata against tha staff of the do minion hotel ftl 130 end cost after the convictions had heei rtlered the mag 1st rates gave inspector ayearst an order to confiscate and destroy the liquor that bad been seised and the casks containing it the ufflcare then rolled out the twenty kegs to the street in front of the town ball and promptly knocked in the heads and allowed the 100 gallons of lager to flow down the gutter the destruction of the liquor was wlti ed by many oltlsene end the remark was general that it was the beat dis position of intoxicating liquor that had ever been made in acton a number of cltlxaiia with cameras took snap shou of the scene and the evsnt will be held up as an object lesson for years to coins tha events of the week have shown conclusively that the ijquor ucense laws of the irovlnce of ontario wean business and that hon ur hanna and his department are determined that the claus bearing especially up on iocal option municipalities shall ba enforced mr ayearst tha lro vlncla inspector is a most intrepid and efficient officer and is never aatie- 6ed with any perfunctory or careless service on the part of tha preventive officers under his supervision they certainly did their work well nn this assignment cltlxens generally sincerely hope that a j lehman will at but have learned bis lesson through bis ou pldlty j rool hardiness and lust fur easily made profits ha has now got himself and his two boys into a post tlon where any future ontivletlon rrg stared against tbem will mean incar ceration in gaol for at least four months at hard labor since coming to acton from oualpli six or eight years ago ibis man has been a constant menace to the peace and morels of the community ha has had no respect for the laws of god or man either under license or under local option for most of the past year undel local option he is alleged in have kept hie bar open and ibade sales of liquor tobaccik cigarette etc with impugulty on the hahhalhday in fact several of the charges preferred against him and ills assutatits at the court held lt haturday were for selling liquor on hundsy he was repeatedly before the courts for viola lion of the law when licenses were in vogue but fortunately for hlni and unfortunately for the community through tluconvlantly defect lve mem ories and the studied nt ntal reer lions of local wltnemsu and thu teabnl eel objiflloiih of his counsel he was m to avoid kmmiiis h was how ever fined gh and costs on tho ltllh octolwr taut for keeping liquor for sale lor llrsl offenre under liwyal option and 10 snd cwls on ilia suih octolttir last for second offoncu ona similar chnrgeln both cases ptrsonul ly pleading gullly before the court at thn conclusion of the stootid trial and con viol too he entered into m soutun undertaking with lliti magls trails that he would thereafter faith fully observe the provisions of the law and give the community nu further trouble but only a few days slapped hen tha announcement was made that he had leased hie bar lo lawaon the present fugitive from justice the public knew than aa wall as mr leh man that this wfs merely a subter fuge itoeae however more it was a very tacit publication ur the fact that the law would continue to be violated and subsequent events have proven that it basltern notoriously in faej so palpable and harefaced j have item his violations that hi ootin- j m told hlni verv pointedly lait batur- in tea may mean to you flavor or slronah or frogtrarvt rlchrigs3 red roao tea is blonded with suokk nicety that it is tho combination of all three point3 of merit will you try o pockarfe redrose your crocer will recomnmnd it day after court that he would refuse u defrnd hi in in any further actions and advised hltn to behave blmsrlf in future and obey the law especially as he hsd kept him nut of gaol on this occasion by the win of bis teeth there la certainly illlle sympathy flt for him in any quarter here for the trouble in which he has gotten h ur lehman will now turn ovrr a new leaf and cater to the wants and comfort of the travelling public with the same assldolty and atlsnll o to business be bsa done with his bar trade in the past be may yet do well tn acton he baa a good bouse and the ability to make it attractive comfort able and profitable and the public will support him in such an event if however the lawlessness of the past is continued the temper of the provln clal authorities and our best citizens and they are largely in the majority la such tnat further salutary lessons must then be taught him it is needlesa to say that residents of a certain class in this community are open to condem nation for having share in ur lehmans illicit traffic ti contraband liquor their patronage has encouraged his violations a con u nuance of this may mean that mini or them will also find thsmselve court for the authorities have various methods of action in thn treatment of manifest violations thi board or xs duo axiom tike monthly meeting of the hoard of kducatlon was held in the council chamber on uondsy evening at f oclock member present i u henderson chairman j a mowet 1r k 1 aultand jou williams tha committee on finance present ed their fifth report and lecommended payment of accounts aa follows oeo caswell sanitary work 10 hell telephone co phoning t t kbbagn cupboard etc i7 tha report was adopted the caretaker pld in st 00 for work done outside during the month tha chairman reported that the in flux of primary pupils after kaaler was so great giving a registration of hj it was found necessary to change tha order of the last meeting and arrange for the younger scholars attend in the forenoon and the older ones in the afternoon and thn senior scholars of the department all day miss holmes the teacher now has about co pupils at each session general matters of interest to the school were discussed the hoard then adjourned wo industry kror wrluno according to information just re ceived from welland work la to he commenced on the mammoth plant which the john hears i low works are to construct tbere as announced in the qlobe some time ago the deere imow company of uollne 111 the largest plow con cern in the world has been amalga mated with some twenty six other con cams into a fifty milliondollar corpor ation tn compete with the interna tlon al harvester trust and the canadian plant of this immense concern will be located in welland south of the old town along the hanks of the canal this industry whan established will he it is said the largest in canada and their original usumate of 2uui employees at their welland plant wl likely le greatly exceeded already some 00 acres of land have been purchased at welland for a site and over a quarter of a million invest ed in tha haln factory now owned by tha deere company tuesdsysqloha mr q a hlaok is agent in this ds- t4ot for the almve company he has already sold a tmmbrr t oaln hay loadris thlsvprlng u cured of constipate mr amjrsjwe pratte dr morvoa indlem root pills mr oeorjfo andrews of halifax n h mitts 1 or ninny year i have been tioutlnl with chronic constipation this nil ment nevet comes sliurle luuvled snd i have been a victim m the many illnesses that couitliuillon brings in tta train medicine after modlclnc i have taken in order to fiml rcllrf but one and sit left ma la the same hopeless condition it scented that nothing would cxclroin ma the one ntlnirat that caused so much troubltyct at last i read about these indian root mils tlint was indeed u lucky day for me for i was so impressed with the state ment made that i dctertnuted to give them a fair trial they bars jrsguutsd nay stomach and bewel i am cured of coastlpatleav aa i chum they have no equal as a medi- eiit bor owsr half a century dr morses imllaa root pills have been curing con tllnatloa and clngged inactive kidneys with nil the ailments which result front tbem they cleanse the whole system and jmrlfvlhe blood bold everywhere ml scan u itstruck thing 1 bs bom observation 1aragraptilng for the pesssls imtiioi ltg quite a feature in journalum klnce observations ttecamn an kcasinnai part of the kkk llihmm is up two or llirre ulher mpois i eofhavntlieirsbutver olherv tiavn wrilem ovrr loffs rent rig natures bill ivter ucarllvur one of the brerslest of all comes right out with y day tort ir name every week in the oioim avowmlly journalist imt located on a farm eelero ontario his artlclra on ing and country life are quite ilng as coining mm in- who mlly d mn t want to f how it too uously t n aforesaid ieti r imcain ipllte satlriral ovrr a qiimtlon of burning interest lat wml and wrote i the mtry is rsrtalnly ihn right dar for tbapreseitt slyu of ladiew hats to itrgln wkli tbnav it llanly of room iii he gmat noliloori for even the rpost aihnnious hlroctrfimrir ihen it is easy too in get the necessary shapes which to build them ttvery farm i discarded tubs and salt imrrrln and uoh things that only nsed thn dmu n of a uw forkful- of garden as to make a drr ttn of a hat in the ravelling style home of the girls started things gl with cheese bosee lrlminal with w i u busk doormats itul when the sea on got under way tliese were found to lie altogether too small tbun thsy uwk lo rain itarrel ami such things and v saw one ra faction mule from an old can trimuted with chicken wire eluhit the nattiest itig 1 bad seen this spring but spent a rouple of hours in town tl otuer day ami saw something that threw it entirely tn thn shade om the country belles rams sauntering down street wearing a csmrnt silo trimmed with a few yards of picket fence my but hha wsm the proud thing all the women stopped to stare at bar and to envy the creation she waa wearing and i wlkl out iuto the middle of urn street to glvti her room to pass i understand that some of the farmers have had to cli down their bank barns to keep thr grls from wearing them but that is probably an vsaggarmtiou this may indira tt thu trend of am hltlon in 1elers country neighbor hood hut tu so mo other places there are startling extremes taken especial ly as the hot weather epproachfs niaj be seen instead of the hank ttarii brim some that would remind you of tli head dress or sam in uncle tom cattln whlrh consisted of i tin crown of a straw hat with the brim torn off what a good thing that the world contain men mi that the costumes maintain some sort of halanae nuff sed here is another clipping ou a dlffor- toplc taken from another hut weeks paper one of thn denominational journals none will deny its timeli ness also there are many thing these spring days that remind one of the ail vantage and the necessity of cleanliness a little town in con meet lout thn other day hsd a spot ins town crusade that we arn told des troy m old tins and refuse than pretty nearly any inhabitant beliexetl there were in the whole state and made tba place look as cian as ksster lily dirty yards mean iii and sickness and death sometimes houseoleanlnga are hygienic neocssl ties even if we do not always greet tbem with enthusiasm cleanliness ii not only an individual but a social grace aa well we ought to be clei for our neighbor s sake as well as o own and this applies to more things than back yards and carpets l acton is getting a name ihese days fur cleaning up thr province will have read with interest the despatch in mondays papers of the doings here on haturday particularly graphic ii tlte account of rivers of beer flowing down the streets home one is report ed to have remarked what a pity such a waste cljzjtt- ttfitmevohio oittyvtelswel of ombj hunuhkp doujittii hv sash ind ef pstamhlu saaae be eared by to tnefors tta i otis eui day oldwwnbw a 1 ueajl a w oltsabom nt4ay 1veuu halls ostartb ours b taksa in una it and alassajrda tbs blood sad dtluaixhi hd lor tssumoalsis rrss xmkm hsus vsailly shil ilia tor eoosllpauoo bio roruhlb tor poor montreal may lolli a big fortune has been left by an kngllah gentleman tu be used for the benefit of thn poor of the city of montreal this was the news received by mayor lunrln on haturday from a prominent firm of london solicitor thedocumentsut ed that there recently died in lundotl a guntlenian uauiud uustave martin in his will which thn wdlhtorm i mid it is staled that i31 voo wot 1 1 of pro- perty in london is to bu dupowed of ina maiinfr that will benefit the poor or montreal in addition to this t is shown that thn deceased owned oonsld rahle property in pari and that this property is also to ita used for tha iminellt of i be poor of montreal this weeks store news atohr bonatohb vq 0 vacahb uaed d i d aik mouthaall itch- inar dona this is the actual experience of anne croinan ha tit a i loss gal with the nndsrfuj d d d prescription d d d is the proven kcsema cure the mild wash that gives instant relief in all forms of lkln trouble cleanses i hw skin or all impurities washes away blulcjiee and plmpes leaving the skin as mktb and healthy as that f a child write todaj for a free tral bottle of ihu wonderful kcsema cure to the d d d lattoratohn dept a t smcollmirne street lronlo it will glve you instant rallaf itue saltf oy tdj drugguu new arrivals of special interest- to the ladies net waists and white muslin waists i in vory iicwl t itlc ib dutch coll tri kunoni sltlvcj ltl lxccllcnt vdluci ami x luiivc styles lonf gloves silk inti hbu in 11 tck nul white td r tiic 61 colors parasols a pirticulirly tttr iclivc raiir in hi tele mrt coloru including the long mushroom handk stc the v tluc wt trc iliowm in these line i black taffallnjf underskirts with tjn ruiih of ilk tntl almost if licht very nicely made idcil summer skirt i r jo tnd i 5 taccllosc and plain usic hoscinjl k kj whit jjcy pink hcho nd grey sdk unshed it jc j5c and 50c pur ilfhi bbrrtisfmsnta lnwn mowi rn sharpened ciiokk uullilhno loth foii bale iuumni i i i ia 1 i dn l lil i ll cl olo- i nlldlps low fimotty a ca summer millinery i he favoritpwitli tha youni 1 ulic i will now be the latjcjvtike hal mitiiik deep on the held for tin mo t pirt rolled olf the falc in idc of fine ilk inohain and jpuzes md he j vinously tmnniid witli white and colored silk roses and small flower i uid liberty i mil ribbon i leive your order with our millinery dcpirtment for one of these bciutiei correct utylcq and excellent values henderson co mill si aclon oni kedttonlal notkb atthaouadleu01iibyirday am bssaailor ilryrn discussing the fuulon or rare said that nations or till unit color bhmdtrd satlxfantorlly but h luest lonml if any gotxl resulted from ranee of different color marrying the hrltuh rare was a fusion of taiitiy and iihtlsb luslitutions whlrh took ciu pletn shape in the 17th reulury bad i men tranaptautnl to every oil thttgkut problem in oauuda wan railroad building but lite ins it ing or canadian toronto hlar titer uh him vi inly or inurit in ll mity unaduu mmgsalm 1orl jeorgn lit awwltiitilng by uiimhuii it walker is a dohghuul dnuntlpthi of thn ugliiiaug or onti or dm tin towns along thn oratid trunk pollm hallway oaitudaii ind n ml once by john h kwart k ti is the kind of arliiln that csiuim dlsciimsion it makes a frank plea for an ttcltn lodgement of tuuadlau lndetniideiica in view of the fact as he sets it tort that wo ara inih wiiubnt there u other articles of interest beulrius iiiuuber of first claau short storlnti itlsstaudbyo 1 it oniolahi that thn month of april just pawid has broken all records for immigration by over jl 000 peopln at the same ill the rutiu through montreal with thn opening of navigation to montreal ii alerted in at a rate that bids fair to nisko may oven exceed tho figures for april during thn mmiih juul nndml thu canadian ivoldo italkvay rarrlml from st john to moutrttul and i lienor westward no fewer than 2tt til imutl grants not counting small ohlldreif or over a thousand a day exclusive of ftmtdayu this is an increase of over 10 000 on the figures for march when 1hoo0 were brought through during the sixty days of march and april this year the 0 i u carried no 000 imml grants through to thn new lands of the west a number far in advance of any previous i in migration statistics in the land of thn moose dlrd thn story of a trip eleven hundred miles by canoe and portage from the north shore of iske superior to hudson ilay via the alltany river forms the attractive feature of the may lutia of itod and gun in canada published by w j taylor umltod woodstock the narrator is mr w j malum ou of the many visitors from the htates who finds in hie wlhls of canstia nil vantages from a holiday point of view impossible to obtain elsewhere mr mslones writing is full of ufa and vigor and his narration is brightened by accounts of incidents by no nioanu usual even in exploration trlht taken so far afield ihe roulu uken was out few men apart from hudson ilay em ployees have followed snd the story is the more interesting on that so count accounts of western hunts also good and should interest hunt era hi eastern and cimtral canada with the llrst or may no lens than twenty isttiww villages and town hips in pntarlo went out or tin uoemted liquor hnslnnss mh a result of the luteal option mutants last jnim mry no uas than sixty live licenses were thus cut off in addition lo these sixty 11 vo a tiiimlei- of 1igiii4m bays ihmii withdrawn in various nthor places by ths uceiue ooiiltnlsalnners and trovlnclal bccretury in rtiupniuiu to itlltlih and protests and luraiuu f liceiimi reduction by ihwm alto gutliwr over eighty llntniunii wim cul ihti juniirsl uttnntiiry of the ii inlmi aiiihiko hlhtes tlml thu allluncfl is to wiiaoiirsgid by thiiti hucovsses that a blggnr campaign lliuti ever has been plannud and lliut thn present prospect is that koiuu two hundred munlclpsllllem in thn iroviil will vole upon invest ftpllon nnwt january thn pin cos which dt elded for iaksi option last january w ro i towns aluxaudrla ilranobrldgii und vanleek hill vlllsg a llcavurtou ianoaster maxvllle newburg puis ley ifcxlney wadsv and wnst iirne 1wnshipsaldhoroiigh hum tard fjsmdnn kast klianlhilhliiwii lnaiulxirii kaut owlllluibury north hlnohluhrook ilowlok kenyon 1 h lei trfitightioroiigh vlyinptnn hnx ixirough thnmtd aid wolrnnh usppy is lie who la too rich in faltli tn worry over fortune ttieres so many people takln the res aura that the rest uv us ituv to kesp cured ail whiles capital paid up g s100jooo ravanve at undlvldj fronts bzbojooo total aaeetm iojooojooo ll is nil imy t slier the lishlu of i ikailma n i iiibii iiisllsi- in drula e uuvuffaiica nil i leant lo save 111 n tl pfotraiillttila call si ilia hank i lluiiiiltitu on i tpfii an sccouitl okojttiktown jueanuii w m moksy manacar head officej hamilton fhis mans store is crowded because we do his printing we can crowd your store in the same way catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty cah ai t5his office for jobbuork the acton free press the merchants bank op chnkdh ttnii htcadily increasing biane gives a feeling of contcnt- mont and satisfaction with the present and assurance that the luturc is sife lhe knowledge that the merchants bank or canada is strong and secure with the experience of- almost half a luitury and is carefully managed gives cer tainty that all moiuj intrusted to ltd euro will be safely guarded and cm be had when required depositors in this bank receive every courtesy your account ijj invited toial asshis ws p a maclean manager ac ion branch u1kd of iookjaw ntrrd roy witoai llbiid wi oruahad uu uhtbm llimiirini muy llllh- hill y wll niii ti jurtttt mkii tlltil of ii1jj4w 1n tlli littltml yuunrtlhy uftt t u at will iiik urctintly wlilli wurklok ill hllikliy wihiiimi mill ik iiiiii ii- limil oruiitiuil lii h niuililil liuujiiiv iln voliikil bluntly nfu i tin in a nun if wllllmu wllu i wnlljiinwu l woodeincjravind prl9t0eafcravin4 r tomes 0h afiy class of dammomm jttalooutrwowlhey at c juonpseiwc buggies the barber buggies re stylish buggies call and see what we can do for you heforo buying elso- whoro prices are right single harness wo aro vory liuay in this hiio just now call in and leave your order and have them made to suit ou w j gordon hiram sad trunk mu acton ont i101jsk i0 kent in nabuioawbyv will iumii ihu olfnbaril oa i jt u nmubh i 1 io m i ii mill lh iiiwvoj btj i p ulsall ikaaiin0 iiuhlnhh f w l anowsaa 1l itrtisrs far olbwniipiirtituddd 1 fsnos ilaltou orcam and jtuttor co milton ontahiu mr arab ttvoninsan aaton tw tail i tu ouf awiumy lor suum lio ialfall will ouulluua iu la ihtih u kw u wb ii ii ii nu qisn fe taton wn to thslc pat iwiiudsihi i irualt m eoailiiuailow sod ll issys sudaavoi- to tally istufy oaw piroos joiiiuvino m moittgrage sale m ulh mill b mudue4 l ll llu tj aaoa u mn will tw ohr- d tu mim tif iiulilid suaajua m monday hth dav of may iut ll bour ul dm naloth id ifaw stlsasaoa st umiinhi iiiud uolula tbm tllmcm at asum by willluu lluulrwl sbatlaiar uts fotloels ifuvmttf dauhlyl thaweallmlfdlu no ss in the bed a i of uaa township of sta- tmt fral t4 u f urabsaa iuo4 lo t mm towu si it um ut tli bsuiwa lo thldliwmyiur vf luitl wuulu jwj oaadluoos of ult a j uti illtkott iii kuiiy i y h- voodor utlkl uloa iluljitj tyulah it lb ne prem harold wiles llsi itmvcj l m new premises l be stovcl alurr in ihcte laarar sad more convenient prenjit be will lis bells- able lo aopfuj all coijoib with greater sails taction choice cowfbctionbrv bread cakes and pabthv heilbon8 fine chocolates haroij wilei hair sviitclnes and pufis jiaijt to okdkr if lalie will save tliclf lotnblus i will mal up lltetr i i sir will 1 uy itmlua or supply now liair orders w mail will receive prompt utlentiou i nces utxlerate mits w c waller church htmcl acton oils melottc cream separator oil rayntnnd sewlit machine ou gasoline engine oil balctr wind mill oil machine and cylinder oil floor oil paint 0u usranteeil belief than canadian uumkmi at ti oo per gal turpentine gasoline all of high ktsde quality at almost law kcade prices vinra wathlng iacblnes llttwima iumps uonfinx uster- uu gas imm si nam ttllarssad lnjlnr4 itrsu cowls etc at do so prlooi g a black manufacturers asent mill st acton canadian paci pi homeseekers excursions mbito1 skutcalswt jtett ssou tu uw tta 100 pjm ws amul 4 ii auy 1 la at jiml h n julv it m aub xi wft t it s om utik oslstua rsbsil tow roundtrip rates whwbmjmi faiwlw asjjasats h tourist sleeping cars sfllaumws c wuhliuuig ii i hi 1 1 i karly application must bs mass ask co a ftomtcskckrasj amimlkt iubuuu lwt sk lull uimmstm oalvdiitegtuie ho chame of caw i a i l w y system grand trunk the popular tourist ftoute to mushoha 1 akks i aki ol i1avs i ikmaami i akonouin lallh mainhlawan niviill 1 hunch hivkk i ciiougian i1ay 1 ukk coilchlclling kawau1iia lakhs i tc uound1h11 hotneseekers exourslons lo thh west at low rates vi sunk or uilcnjo uuruura ud cull irifotnkilon iron onum tumk ajmi or xldnu a b dal nslrlcr

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