Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1911, p. 3

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wall papers wlnfiow sii al kh a n j ouktalft i01jjcs see our now wall 1apnr at i he and iix par rail window atmdna all colors kiln apiinr roller lir irimnilnjt curtain polo lixturoa nrtain pin uvmylmng inahjvo una m lowest price eo hynds madhiaoh uoinbb9 1ssuko cjksh f7cid po fowl t raw f ulfs junk i also m1i all kind of fijhnilukii 7c skxb kcton real estate l j mmey to loan at iwrjt rul of teres luie nnnber ofrnrmh tar aale dwelling and user proiwrty in nllpartmtrthi wm w have ervry facility for traajimruajc oar buhlnno to your eewplete latufactlon j a- wilouciubv tirontrtown qbt axtoit jfrcc tytans thursday may mil tun brief local items stratfords ux rate 1 131 mill thht jar fine b rowing vauier lin- punt area tho muilc f the lawn miiwur in heard again daily i get out the street aprlnltlur quick tha imaon i advanninu plinllrwik now your memory will be bleeaed for your forethouht good raorulnif i have you iminw- ad your fukk piuooj autm ripllnu v dmalnnoourtaluliikwlll in hold in the town timll today ul ii 1 a in mother day next monday vem a wblui flower awl write hnr a loltnr georgetown will try lltu nxhr dent of oiling the atreotu in keep the dust down khn vhuro cnunnll puya ii officer the routilflcuit wnm of ix abhfayr annum j i thtfht andrew social rhtb will uml for organisation in ht alhun veatry next monday tivunlntf mr john hallanthie will erect a now store on hi property at the station thla anumier herald the annual uiouthig of giulph awocfatluo r tho haptlat church will w bold in ttuolph on junaflth 7th unci 8th a piece of paper caroleaaly thrown on tha atreet ly aoine untidy parson w d a runaway in onelph on tbnra- day in clifford hi oniiatahte tins ikeon inatructed to proaeoute all offender lol taring on atreet corner eapeelslly oa sunday the sacrament of tint ionva snppar will be- administered in the tfathodlat tihurah next kumuy at the tollkeric mr o h hnllhla making axtno- alva improvement al her flnn roal danor valrvlaw imaco tim lolvrfor lu dfllnk much linpravml ii golark alilpiwd lhri iarload olcaltla to toronto fn tumulay omi pair of itmn walahwl lg00 ibu and coat 7o par lb ilva wairht herald thamanairadtaot of norfolk hlrat llatbodht church oualih am lio- provlng their ground g connuwahly thaj ara having the lawn lovollwl and reaoddad a molheralovn la indned tha link uuttblnda youth to afo uomomlmir jour mother noxt sunday mothers day wear a white flower to show your lor for hr qloco tha floe warm waathnr nr- rlvod thore baa itean conaldarahlo iwwtt- lagdono on fairy lakv thla form or racraation prorauaa to bo vory pomlar bar thla aumtnar hr j s deacon iuhllo knhmd la apaodlnn a ooupla of inapecting aohoola on the 0 r bfut beyond maltawa with head- quartan at north lly mr john 01 won of acton who raoently uoderwoot a doublet operation at tba oenernl hoapltal la making vary aatlafactory progrem toward ro- oovoryquaiph mercury jt la atlroaiod that to meut the domaod for tba haw king uoorga pout- apatmpl000000tampa will bavn to bo pttatod avary bour of eaoh working day throughout a whole year tb convention of tha brotherhood of bfc andrew at qualph wu a great nooaaa the attendance waa larger- than waa anticipated and the addreau oa ware moat hnlpfttl and inaplrlng a deputation from thouoorgetown womini inatllute conautlng of mm 1 kennedy mr llarley and mrx mowhlrter atked the council for pci- mlaalon to make a email park of a lot at the back of the town hall after examining j j wlaanr tho oakvllle dentlat lira it w llrurn hratlb and arthur jukoa johnaou of toronto pronounced him houelaawly lnat he baa nareala and the ohynl- dans eayho wilt fall and not llvu long plra in tha cultlngrooin of tlui pagoheraey plant at guelph at a lain bour friday night did 6000 damage tha fio man at woi k bad to got out in u hurry aa the building waa n frame oatv lined with oorrugatml iron and the flame anon apruad oapaaaitthlo baa juat rtrdvid word from tho authorltlea at htanlpy barrack toronto that mr harry haywood who ha inmn taking a alx moqtha ooarae at the imrraokii haa bae auoeeaaful in obtaining un a omk oertlfloate for oolorhargaant frfduittjnlton ulllua he la 7 taking aieourae to rocolvu till jdfttrljutrtietora ocrtlftoato anyone of the age of five yoara or otavwhola domiciled in canada may beln and may reoalvu w govermmmt annuity at at or any age thereafter i and any peraon now of the age of gs or iqverniay ptirahaao ait immediate an- anity full parlfuulara rea peeing mnvulea given by lr hampaoti tho atujuant leaturer of the government attbewn ball next monday evening lothinat nlws op local import your- llblp mtflnlqpaat nolloltxl a ikul liiiwhthkl in tnndii u 1 lull 1 nfl1 lthpnonlnk mliio hiioo1m and other lt-ni- lilrrrl nl tho kiticit pi imvii- h n i ln in ith i i to- kthr i lrj u d bit ju iiikui the door with papor and imncll at your tunvmu oontlat lxkwvrl about haalalhtg hi thin initortaot tunltur much co omrnllun will provu mutunlly advanlagnoiia brnaa olaek suoomfnl in buma among tlui limiirt of the anoothwifui atodent n therot osamluallooh at mnmantm- unlvorlty toronto an- nouncud in yiatordayu daltimi ppuar od the oamn or mr wuu illadk who hay tm iccofit y hi- aoflond yiar f xtuihialhmn thu la n cradilahlo lo mr lllk in vlnw of the fa l that in laiighl arhool at marilnlowu for ha flnt llf uf tho until after now yiam the iiuck ihiuii ovtnnda iiiitgratulatlona anton cluaaiua band ttonrmlad a uxtetluif of tho tnmnber f the hand waa oalled on monday night when tho following odlrera worn nltirt- ml for lhntoinlng year jlnaitorj i hill httra o 11 hrown ouuuoll i- j c hill u h llrowu n v moor auimiit ibumloo a hand of about lifttn uxou hau i mutt organlx and a vry uurnetthful aiaaoo la nmitil lhi hailor r iiiuata that all pvraona holding limtrn monta or other projwtrty ihitonglng to thw hand turn it lu lo him at womnna inautut omoarj at tho mttotlog of the womunu iimlltiitw uat krlday uftriiikhi lh tninal election of ofllrrra rultl au followa pnaldent mm n 1 mimui vicii 1rm miaa murgurit hoihi11 hiitraa mw win iilrd ilrouramni ii i mnntv mia geo luvlll mia or holmoa mra v milnloji thi prodlnga w eulwiud with h adi a rhorua hy iiuiuiihiin und althnchthi rtifriiuhmcnlu wmo uurvml whlnh the large compntiy aaaemhliht maul f witty unjoyad tha omuumd of aotona aaaambly i tint mkatimhly at the town hall luat imday ovenng la rejmirted lo have tmten oultn a renhervltn affair tho attendanre inoludrd gueata fiinn to roilto haiullton milton gnorgiitowu guelph and llratitpton tho hall waa i very prettily drcorau the loudon 1 inrptiru providd uplnndld inouln the patroiiiiaaaa wtro mm l ii htorny mra dr j m hll mra a t ihardmore mra juu holmou mra w w ituartlmore and mra it m mndonald the atewartla wort meaarb v h btoroy dr j m hell a o t hejrthoo w w deardmom ami h m mcdonald mr gordon heardmnr wau the uoorrlary aaeldant at ball saw mill attnul four oohwik on friday after uwn mr hnlmrt kultoti who ia ovor- atlng lite mrtahe aaw mill for mr jeremiah hell on the north uhore of andtiraoua pood luet with a very iminful accident ho waa dglng the himlter aa it cuuin from the hlg ttniilar aaw and aftvr running through a hoard reaohnd ovr the aaw to rnmiivn tho edging in home way the aaw caught hu right hand and laenated the indilf and the fouilh and llfth llogcra very ptiinfully the utile linger wuu loin off nt the tlrat joinu dr gray dreuu- ih the injured ineoilwru and ihlnku the other migma may i hi aaved though portlona of tamo were taken from leith dlatelaweniantf irtautute haunta tlin annual uuilea of aumiiier meel- ingx the woman- iulltul of hal- ton county are nnnoiinned thla week hy mra geo havll ueoreuryj-lreaa- urer of the dlatrleetaa follow a 1oal vllle may th palermo may ttlth uurllngton may itlat nohjon june lat j kllhrldo june 2nd georgetown june ird i norval june olh lulllua- fad june olh and aaton june 7th the aolon meeting will 1m hidd on the lawn of mr j u warren mill hlroot at2k p 111 dr jennie hmlllle of toronto will ihi the innturer and dem- onatrntor tie dlatrhil annual maul ing will be held ut hiirllugimi on june ith ilaft arm krauituracl jaa i iotitett a young loan em ployed hy mr d a henderuon at hla aaw mill on main rllruet luut with u aarloua accident on matmday a week ago he waa loading lumber at the u t it atatlon and when reaching over the far wheel the villa of the rack broke and the weight of the load came upon hla left arm cruahlng it luully and fracturing onijil the lioiiea iwtwfen the wrut and elltow h re- required a do en men and u oouplu of crowbara to lllwratu tho imprihoned arm from the load renting upon it the young fellow hau anffured a good deal from the injury during the week hut the injured arm la now progroua- llig favorably a wonderful new- olova herculea i the trade name of a very auperlor now rip proof glove that la now luting in a nu featured hy mummih w h htoroy ft hon ltd ut the canada glove worka thl- glove la produrodjn on outanaiu make in id the populni and hliiplo llnvuof leatheih for atmet driving and automohllu uurf it la producod on u newly- pauullwi mauhlno conliolled fou cunudu hy thla unterpimng llrm the teat rip proof la aneuied through the apeulal machine which lnteihxik and uvecy atltch cauulng lbmealranda of allk to enlur and louk lu eaeh und every alltuh perforation niitkillg ti forwiirtl mid taak ojhtrtilion three timue to every alltuh und tialng extra grade of allk that pulla over tweutyflvo ilia alrength it la an actual faut thit wluto two plucea of leather are aewu toguthet hy thla machine it la impoaalhle for human hand to rip the ktltnhlng tile leutlirr luelf glvhjg way ttefuro the htlltihea wilt aeparnlb the glow when iniah- od look a very much llku the hand made ijlovea ltnnvbled from kurope only they arc peifuotly unirorm n tltohltig and give afulng of greatj frewdoiu end comfort to the imnda aa they havo no inner aoaula tocktlto auuoynou thla new make of glove la finding gratlavor with ihe trade it nan ulaav droit ilia le herald ya ja hayfork ropo at luweat poaaiblo y in goigtwii siliiiur nvttlig tin rl wx im and mr clxaven left 1 g lru j ist whovn tho knur llw daiight und ami wh weiivllh mm wi re hot hurl dr bamtmoni laatum itr hanion of windoi will ad dreu tliu cllliflix of anton wud vljiilly on monday night thuufleiilh ilnht oo the auhjert of ijoveimnerlt ajonul tin the imtject i tin or national intireal thla gnnlleniai haa the rp lltatfron of luting one of tha luuat popu lar ateakera lu oanaila a mint to tha bmulmutor if the laadcra of the hoy hrouba movement will encourage the l0yl enlfated to plrk op the waate arr dropjied on the alruuta hy the euljiat ly rrlen they will arcompluhlng iry pratlcal and uanful worlt and allllng materlnlly lu ket- ping the etreflta ulthu j tidy ami attreetlvf why mot porm towli i aaaua ijnkti aomdl1nlteatlou la uken jon the ihalirea am that anloo will not have a huaelmll team thin an miner surely there la material enough here to form a good one could tint town liague almllar to the one we hail two yearx ago lx organiuxl to provide in atort for the ynling fellow i mlnia of tlie faua get huny aihin lid ane what ran he done can tow mr wor i in the mhoot rmii of duhlln htreet met hmllut church hunday afternoon an addroua and preaentatlon vraa tnatla to mr j k more who haa rralgnetl the auimtrliitnudrnoy of tha monday hhool whleh he haa held for the laat nine yrara mr morn waa preeentrd with a handwimn ralle the addrra waa ulgurd by itftv it h hell milor i m hhlldrlil aierlnlrudnnl and h healher ukrrtary mercury ar tlnwajim doln lllaaal trxlav uiemelnaivrtor lowlier ami chief held aelked lhreo kegn inillnved lo con tain hoer in the puli of john hnghen of worth orlllla yeatenlay i itfteiuoon vlufutmailnua will he laid agotnat 1 i illnda for the aalof lle llipior thnatea hk likely tow nf mieeul hiuouvl ua thuy are uxmrtid 10 teat tile rlghlh ot hgcnt ot ouulde wmha to deliver hiptor lu iooal oplluu lerrltorja orlllla ivnket ilav rt j dryaclal cllmhlna up uev uj drymlale m a b i woclale pautor of the thlnl ireahy- trrlan chiiruii houioator baa accept ml a lull to the paatoraln of mount llor trvahyturlan church in tho aatna city the rhiitch la a growing one in residential dutrlnt and waa or- ghnlad a fnw yrara ago it baa a mnmheruldpof ihll the hllpmd in cluding hou rent u v21imi a y-mt- gaorgelownlleiuld ihv mr diya dale waa taator of comohui congre gational church fnraevoral yeara tha maw o t h ti ma- tab i on monday of thla week wavera ehangea lu the time utile of the g t were put in force formerly all tralnu aloppid at acton hut under the new rcgulatlnna one eaathoond train in the morning and one weatboutid in the afternoon ur not anhediiled- to atop hurw the afternoon watliouild train whlah waa aiieh a eonvnlencn lo anton toalduiit during the abort time it wna in eoinmualon a mtupla of mn hgn haa lten put on again and la dun hete at uk p in following la the time at whluh tralnu are arhtlnltil to atop here kaatlmuod fl su a in i 0 01 i l a m i is in tf2 p 11 ih p weatlhmml 12 27 a in 1 h 17 m i 10 lit u in j liis p m i ti 14 p m i and h 1 p in tha parmer bank double liability thuro have lieen no dew develop- uinu in the liquidation of the farm- ra hank hut the curator atatea that in arconhtnoe with the announcement uhd omo umsjugo lliiudoiiblr llabllj ity will lie exacud from the ah a re- hold era the preaent hat abowa that there are uhoub 700 aharehnlder who will cdiuu under ihe double liability provlalon and the amount that they will havo to make good will approxi mate half a million dollar not a few of the aro llultou farmers ttie curator mr g t clarkwon intimated that some little lime would lapao ihiforo collnotloh would lie proceeded with mr clarbaon explained the priceaa of liquidation aa follow the rooeedlnga in inch caaea aa the winding up of the rarmrr hank take the form of flrat arranging a ljet uf all partlca whom we eonaldetj ugally bound under the double liability clauae thla hat ia mhdo known to all ooncoruud and if any peraon doe not ron aid or blniaelf legally liable be baa the privilege of appearing before a court and alutlng hla caae at the end uf audi hearing the- hat la oon- alderoil complete and the curator pro cuuda to collect the amount due social and personal if the name of your villora dot- not ipiwar hi thl column i u leraiimi ynu wvii intl aiiiplled thr rltkk iltkhm villi the information your uul wnre will mi appreclalml by the editor mr will mrnahh wa lu toronto on monday miahiphl i colnnou la vuliug rrlmlalnnirvah mr win tucker and family hav removed logmdph mr a n olavnl waa home from toronto ovr hunday mm j w ilewa f milton apent monday with bar parenu mr john m warren u dally im proving in 1arkdale hopt ul xlra wm carrol haa tean very ill willi pneumonia the paal wk mr john cole anant hunday and monday with friend in toronto mr a g matthew mail friend- in toronto a vllt thla weak vultlng rrienda in toronto on friday mra hoht mcgaw of gait vltd at her father home during the weak mr a m hmllh ha liean home from hoohealer n y during the week mra amy taylor who la now re-ld- ing lu tortnto wva in town laat thurwlay mr john antliff or derby kngund wa a gueat during the week of i ev dr antliff ml- aiua maclharaon and dor harvey were lufluelph vultlng fileiid during the wek mr j ij warren win lu toronto ovnr hunday vialllng hla hntther who la in tha hoapltal there mr and mm joe m moor and mlaa moor of georgetown vllt ed anton friend laat wnok mr hugh maun who haa ln uf for aeveral wevka wa able to drlvr into town on thursday cduuty treasurer andrew and hla nephew mr g andrew of toronto were in town on monday mr david hnydnr of hramptoo waa in town ovt r hunday vultlng hu father who hi aerloualy lib mimu jeule harvey uk on monday for aliernethyrhaak u make an ax- tndd vulwllb friend tliare mr arthur j iarker inatrontor of 1rlnllug at the mlmlco induatrlal hhhool aient monday in town wa regret to report mr wm hhort- 111 hallinarad aofterml a alight atroke of paralyala laat week herald mr arch mcnabhwentu hmllha kalta with her daughter mra jonea ami will upend a month or uo there uev j c wllaou ilf a attended the meeting of tha hynod of toronto ami klngatnn at toronto thla week mra hubert kulton and mlaa fulton of naaaagawrya ware guutu at the homo of mr john kltnhlng over hun day mr ami mi j cheler mwlthewa and maater jamea amint aevtiral day during the week with friend in to ronto mr j a tracy clerk icrpuwiug uouncll waa in town on thuraday attending the funeral or the lata kx- councillor cook mr ii 1 mi wire attended the annual mealing of the hook and tlibllahhig committee of ihe methndlat church at toronto thl week mr and mra j ltuddy and mlaa violet of georgetown and mr 1 j held or texaa vlulted at mr j h denny laat week mra a i hmllh airlveil bontn from gloveiavllle k y 14 l wek mhii waa m room pun iejl hy mr and mr frank arnold mr arnold la hi very poor health itov k f kellemaii h a uud meaara wm glmaon and fred klklng- ton were delegate to tho convention or the ilrotherbtuml of hl andrew guelpli uiu weak lwttevwmn meaara john cameron anil uobert campbell went to toronto on hatmr- day to attend the funeral of their nephew the late uobert campbell the funeral wax bold to milton thegloveravllle k y herald an nounce the engagement of mlaa ieora mae greene eldest daughter of mr and mr william c gmm lo mr george hlldenbrand aon of mi con rad ulldunbrand or aclonr and the llrm m traveller aiv aeiidlng in large order fur thorn from the ouato- mer or tbia oldcat glovo-uiamntaolur- lug firta la uaiuuln mo mori dandruff fu order lo rid your aoalp of filthy daiidrnlf you tnuat kill tho germ thure lu a hair dreaalng called harlalan aago which la now aold ht every town in canada it i guaranteed by a t hi own to eratllcale dandruff atop rail ing hair apllltlng hair lu two weak or money liaok h you have dandruff get a large fio cent hottla to day and rid yourself of it hemoiubor that if dandruff genua are not destroyed u time the hair will mindy fall out and halduea will fol low bgaktilrr pnvnn at buwoo an icnura family btrlekant four dead and firth dylrut helwixul out may uth lhe hyuf path lea of the nplo of thla palt or wuuington county have been alrongly llrrud toward a faintly named quarrlr living ulx uille aoutbweat of here two week ago the family comprlaad father und mother and tovon children four of tho uhildreu have uluce died nf acarlet fever and a fifth qhlld la upon her death imhi the old nut of tho dead children waa tun year of ge mr jnrrlo la down with the dli euae uailtnffly hi and the mother la rt the home of a nelghhir in a delicate condition a uobaorlptiun hat waa xtartetl f the oiirohi of defraying the exjien of the funeral and within a day or two noon had been aubaoilbed the utiert aprlnkler ahould gut dawn tu bualuussrat onox 00000 ik pr1kb9 the prlxe hat of the canadian national lexhlhltlon tprontii auguat iwth to saptemliev htb which i being dlatrlhuted ahuwa that the prlxe have have been incroaued hi nearly every department till the grand total reanhoa ffloooo aa no prlan are given for manufao- turea the whole or thla amount goea uf live block dairy product horticul ture woman work educational blhlu and almllar line or canadian industry the prlao hat can be bad by writing manager j 0 orr city hall tor to that tha management fully expect to reach the million mark thla year la evidenced hy the aiiounoeuient that the ipoataauimr attraction will le the festival of kmplrv a reproduction of the glorleu of the coronation caramort- lea in which lfioo performer will take part while the famoua coldatream guarda hand mualclana to tha uoyal houaelnold will be the mualeal feature archbishop mdlvay dead naarhut cautolle otiurah in ontario loaw an omtataunrilajr fijeura toronto may 10th in the death of arohhlah mckvay which occurred at ial oelock thla morning after a brave fight an outstanding figure lh the catholic church in ontario and patucularly in the dtikear or tonnto haw been removed ithe late arch- hlahop mekvay waa a man r wide outlook hnd naaeaaril a lovable hir- onalky tte uu aichhminp waa in no aenae militant and while endeavor ing to promote the welfare of tha gtftnlla church he ever evinced ft deaire u live in peace aut amity with the vfttloua other rellglnua ixwlirv archbiahop mccvay ihe lhirl hiahop of iomon to km exalted lu boccoulon to the archleplaoopal hoe uftoronlo waa bwn atjundy out in ihi and rduealeil at hi mlrha colletreand the unueralty or toronto ha wa ordxltnd a prlnat at trenton f afc rw iton later going to hu falera tutled- terboro heuten went to ham- i iton t as rector of the oathedral and lary to the itluhop aiiueuantly becoming douiealio pn late and vlcai- ganeralorth dlocaw he wa alto apolntl pi ivate rhamherlaln to 1mi leo xiii id in 1h0o became illahop f tendon on may 2j iooh the an- lounrement waa mail- ut hla iraliafer to the pot of arehhiahnp of toronto and hlalnatallatlon a month later waa atln the ocnaalou for a v ry luipma- vn ceremony kodak youn paktm a huppoac you are ao huay rthlaweik that you will have no limn to think at out any thing hot seeding but uur wheo everything la rot o in e no lo g lo grow and the old homestead look imiallllful would it not be nice lo take uouie picture of it and your favorite anlmala home day yon may go wmt how niie it would le to have plelur a of the old place wllhyouaml how pleaaatit for ihoae who have niftmuhl mdnd to lerelvn monte photngraplimwlilotryoilhaa taken on tho way out i the alwive la hint enough for anyouik lrlngln aella ko1aka at j w p to ami will khnw yon all bow to take picture and dveiop your film free there wouldnt miough worma lo go round if all the hirda were yarly tho noldht work often ilea nearest nothing la aaved that in withheld in ilflahmaa a puupauaua ii wallpaper pt i hu nkwkbt dkmgns this latest coiou1ngh rabm from be a roll up also samples w from gotdph toronto anil u lniaiillrvd lino of kug hub lnpcra i a t brown drmmxht s nanntinnnnnnat w6e right house hamiltons ravorite fthoppino place june brides everything here for june liridc to wcarand for friends who will send oifls ujithk brides store every spring tint right uoumc cstabliahcu its ownership to that title through the special efforts ub buyers make to sec that everything that a bride will wear or need on the honeymoon is here in a plea si nn assortment and this tticni iiousk hccs to it too that the groom can secure the newest and most becoming shirt- tics etc here ior the home the nest that thoy will return to we arc ready with the finest of furniture carpcth rugs etc gifts for the bride we have juat nm i a naw bllvafwarn becilun in the new lliumenl in illa new loiariiiminl are lha tnoal laiuutlhil tnrii lola caaaorelea spoona knlvea anil ititkt candel bra etc lhal ve coulil find after kourln i lie marbeia of the vihole cintinont all are iliorihialily up lo lux kiiht houhk standard and are fully guarsnlood lor the bride to wear in our dm gooda illk lam veiling lilmmlng fluvfl and hhoe heel lot i on die iii fllf llielxiu elect will fml everylhlitf lhal aha could puulhly vitnl for ihe formal cation liul l the honey moon our ltatdy lowior terllona fairly ijurt with now tulta itreanea elc our hala are gorgnoun ii the bride wants a muntailorednilklinedsuit made to order at deduced prices she can be accommodated in the ladics tailor ing section on the th door mr doudi in charge this offer of reduced prices on suits and eong c01t is only a temporary one v tor the groom to wear 1ium ihenaveat hoyl lllue need ilea tn lha ibim1 ihlnk lu london italncoat luitluin llooaa can furuuh tlie room avoryllilii practically eifopi hla auli an aliura wa have llie fine i alock of blilrla llnlerwear heeu neeklla cwi callus tc to u found xnywlmtre in lllu anrllon lor their home die fiimwl l multure i loor canada tha lual atork of ku ami carpata within mluni ol hauilllihi and lit imisi mulppeil uatnnnint full of hnumihnld nooda aie ul llie aervtc of he bride anil ktnom who convn hera curtalna loo at hare hi kh profuuon thla ia kuroly ihe place in hey home l both of you come down together and have your hares refunded thomas c watkins limited king and hughson 5ta hamilton ont wall paper window shades the lion guelphs big store carpels rujs oilcloths heres the secret you will frequently hear of how well the 20th century brand garments hold their shape no matter how hard usage they arc given the secret of their uhape retaining qualities is no secret at all it is simply a matter of hand tailoring costly canvas highpriced hair cloth silk thread fine linings careful inspection a complete mastery oi the dctailti of line tailoring and a determination to see that they arc incorporated in every garment that bears the 20th century brand label suits are priced from 1650 up to 2800 carpets and rugs at unheardof prices vcut lb oaat twowaak iiw lnleoiloiletinkbanoinenal vnlwajn ihja depart mnt pi in our hulory quality conaldored the luweat in thla vicinity 1 very iarpo or rug jiurchaaai this luue will ho- a bargain ilea will im the loweat ii in thla aiore ditrlnir w prepay all exprou freight nxidl pontaga ohortfaa on all goods reordlaea of leo or value bnd ub your order by mall sample cheerfully submitted mens clothing furnishings d e macdonald br0s i cor wyndham and macdoncll slreels giulpii ont mlulnery g hats for spring a tlllcdlnlhnk itohsallna ha in the trade al v350 ule id italy the heat mt 111 hnickkr hock llt an american allfl hal a leading alyle d nadvetllaed lj 00 value for ft3 oo- tlllt v hates hat a ipleadld unglhh hlyle the heat cpialltyre eury lmcejftao0 our apeclal ulacv stiff enaluh hat u a leader al 9300 r e nelson two and a half hours on opn rating tablo am pills passicd it duihit aiiriiat laat i went to liioo- treal to conxult a aperjallat aa i bail been buffering ttrrlhly with blone bt thh he ooilcdto operate but aahl lha ilonti wit too larve to remove and too jmnl to rniah i returned home and waa recommended y friend to try tlicy relieved the pain i teqld taro- imivch and went lwck to iheapectalut ilo wild tie atone waa smaller but he could not remove it although h tried fnrtwit home and a half i returned homo and continued to hike cin tima and to my jrcat aurimbm and joy i pavtedlthe atone g1n1 1ibxs are ihe best medicine in the world end ttecauae they did me ao iiiucll good x will recommend them all the rest of my life 46 j albntt lbsujtd 500 a box 6 for lijo t all dealers and money bock if tly fall to trlva relief sample ik jr free national iiraff audcbemlfilooicpta toronto harehsat tallon mtaaaj itvtmtalia wyadhain btraai qumlph ont conscientjpys plumbing heating is mot k jutvthi mith xs to the contrary wo make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st guelph plionc 337 wfje metropolitan bank r jf john5tone daqint acton paid u cxvital rliskrve lunu undividho pllolitg laam i2ftaa 1469638 head office r toronto ont ivkry department of bkhriho loniltictml vllh facility acciircy knl swurliy 1farmerb business civon i sale notk8 dikounlotl at irclvl for collection 8avinqb dkbartmbnt 1 ti 00 r orwo mcouitl lliomlt lc intnrutt illawnl from daisy tn vflitxlrmwal joint aooount8 may bo ortenai if derotl ao thai either of two mnon my vfuhdniw funtu hcton r ex griggs brhnch manager

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