he ileton jrcc jrcas thuiihoav may lliti iu1 tub hain a milli o huh fairy t all 1 i veil ail oh ll l i i v ii hm tl whl bllllggl- lipll iirdl whn u ther 4 lit ll now u ha 1 kin says nw go t h p am i 11 lltarm lulantothel llti in feat 1 i think of 11 tltn thirsty tiling lhe quid end w ktd and how they drink ilia ralndn oh it must itrt so k tod and how th liny tui r slrvlnliliig up timi whrll th mlur it in ft whataifr k limy 1m i thlk f iimlhtr rhi rot til wmtntpolt and jmtf the water rtndiwu li ttinihta to gat nut andbowlu luxmt in lb liar snuggle down to kawp air he by hfr-ia- warm and di wy rlrie ii li tp tn nl r i hhkl y u i think or ll the puddle thr u lie out in the rln r and my brand nrw rul in v ihmiu jtiat porpoe fur ill lain and thrw 1 ii- and listen i lb- ralrlre oh don t you love t bear whan you re snuggled tip in ed p harriet cmkvr ivluy jubt lauqh or two well llanry how do you ilka your neighbor r not at ell they are so outlet thai i deren t move or at ma can i hear what they are saying there are two thing in this world nobody la ever prepared for twin yoar husband doesii t amoker no uomnl ha care for il r yea linmnwly hut ha i loo laxy to bit the ends off thn cigars never judge a man unking ability by tha else of hla tart judge at tba close of a trial ime- onr you may have the laat word prisoner turning to hla wwa ht lite audience lo you hear that old lady 1 a shoplifter who triad u hide a womans hat in liar drees waa of oourse eaaght no shoplifter ahould tackle anything bigger than a barrel of mk1d potatosi with niom oravv whtrtfw possible all vegstablee may be baked with advantage for they are beat in that form potatoes particularly many people hoter re at a loas to know how to make gravy without meat thle onion ajravy will be found mora satisfying than any moat gravy chop up vary boa two medium nnlona and browp in four tableapoonrula of olive oil pure cotton bead oil often void aa salad oil la cheaper and will do juat m wall whan onlona are brown add one level teaspoon of aalt and a full tablespoon or whole wheat flour stir ring constantly until thla u also browned and lhn add oojd water gradually stirring meanwhile until proper consistency is reached from pbysloal culture for may that will orow hair ataundatuuy thla la an age of new discoveries to grow balr after it baa fallen out to day la a reality salvia the great hair tnnla and dressing will positively create a new growth of hair if you want to have a beautiful head of hair free from dandruff use salvia oooe a day and watoh the results salvia la guaranteed to stop fall tng hair and restore the hair to lu natural color the greatest hair vlg or known salvia la compounded by expert chemists watch your hair if it is falling nut if you dont you will sooner or later be bald salvia prevents hairiness by fas tening the hair to the roots ladlaa will and salvia just the hair dressing they are looking ror it tnakse lb halif sort and uuy and is not sticky a large bottle 60c whin okjd aoib a ourbb wjicn it baa inat mir respect wit tut lite old lima not won the re- ptttt thr flonqdenra and the silntra tluo or rolatlvaa mh lliwi nvarasl o tlu in whru thny do not sisiid for any lhlnu in thnlrrnuiuiunliy wiim 11lr neighbor would not coiibldr ihrir rinparlum ny lo whan tllk i ma glu linn u foul and tha tboukbt luipui wbao hii lbs youthful or have gone out nod only truihrr ranialn wlirn tli- litlv1diihryttaa hi ltri ul by th- flr of tlllptlon whiii 11 t he raxirvm t f nrgy and r rrolmmlom rull ursly ssbumt sl ly vl ik wh lb odutdill h not uiroed llmailof hu ti uliol and patlnc wlio y hhi ixopt ton not l with ii with any comfort whan it lix ilavuipn oly vtllgai ity rouroii hihi mtlmalliy niw llagrm hl touchy nynloal critical lin harltal ir unkind wh o bop- and b r have flat win i auiblth it stid aplratl n are dad wbn tby bav hit tb t for lir- thn diwlin fir uiutfulnvss whan thny bate no aim in lir whan tba mp of llfr has go no and thn individual is kn a jlllralaas orange whnn all that is good sweat and nublo bav evsporalml and ufa is amply rowu ortiib air wlin i oidr imiullry rrnn yu again itald llni luati who tjuarrals with blu krooar i don t want you to saint inn any of llioa aeroplane ohlok what kind flo you maatir tltn sort that are all wings and otachlnnry and no niaat ths- stupid boy there wa onoe a small boy ao 1m lighted thai be never koew when hn wus alighted he want to a party and ate juat as hearty as if hed been really invited iaily amflwlrio will you allow ma to ask you question r interrupted a man tn the audience certainly slr said the lecturer you have given us a lot of figure about immigration increases wealth the growth of trust and all that said the man lot s see what you know about figure yours how do you and hie greatest nomn divisor r slowry and deliberately tbe orator took a glass of water than h pointed bis finger straight as tbe questioner llgliuilng flashed from his eyes and he replied in a voloe that made tha gasjet quiver advrtl fur it you ignoramus r the audience abeam and yelled and stamped and the wretched luan who bad asked the question crawled out of the hall a total wreck waot and ranov tha cream of society is not always the richest part ot t in norway no one la allowed to spend more than six cents two drink in any one tavern same men aerk foreign ahorse for a real and some to avoid arrest the laps average lose than five feet in height wire fence greatly increase th number or cattht slain by lightning the pasatssor of a funny bone doe not necessarily own n vain of huow france has ovr 1000000 acres it vlneyarda although thsh i three acruplna in a draaot the mnra dmrhnih one ltko tie fewer scruples one has kvstry warship carries half a dosen luallnad dlvere kbakl oomte from the peralan bak allusion to 1u color nat nvou condition reulta rxun kid nay trubia hick kidney- make you feat slok in a number of ways and it is now known lhala nervous condition often results from kidney trouble when the kid neya are slok the whole ner vous system beoo lee ivrl tated causing headache dls y spells fits of bluwneu ralglc attacks weak eyesight rheumatic pains dull tired days and a constant inclination to worry over trifles ilooths kidney tills strengthen slok kidneys cure backache regulate the urine and restore normal conditions they are guaranteed all dealers aell them wc box or postpaid from the r t uooth co ltd fort kris on if you would like to test them free rite for a trial box booths hi illicit pills he cannot defend tbe truth who is afraid or any truth he that voluntarily continues ignor ant tsgulty of all tbe crimes which ignorance produces johnson worms in children f they are not attended to cause convulsions and often death mother graves worm kxtarntlnator will protect the children front theae dlatmsslng a filiations what apoibd tub oovrib a family living in rest orange his model servant who has proved ber- salflhe beet cook they ever had bur she baa insisted upon making up all her dishes strictly aooordlng to her n recipes margaret said the mut tress one dy tbe coffee you are giving us is very good what kind is it r it no kind at all muni was thn reply ilui mixture a mixture sure mum i inske it one quarter mocha onequarter java and one quarter hlo m yes but that is only threequarters what do yoli put in for the o titer quarter why 1 put in no other quarter at all mum thatswlmiresotnsnypeopln spoil their coffee mvim by put tin in a fourth quarter mum castor i a ss kind tea itave ajvrayg honabt and xvlilrlt luui boon t 0 fbr oyer 30 yoam ln borno tlto hlirnataro of nd than boonhirwlotindrr lit nor- bonnl hnpr ihioh miik o lth litfunry allow lt ottn iodorolxn yoil til tit i all ooantorfolu imltatlona mid tihumloo1 urn but binetiiaenu tbot trtfla with mid ontinii r tlio lioulth of infisata atnd children extcrloitco imuhiht lxporluiout what is castor i a datstoria la m hartnlnas ubatltnto for cantor oh par- gorlc ropi mid hoothlng hjrup it trt 11 iwumt ft opliritt morpli lito ttof o hor n mibntanoo ll njo i its inianvititlyrtwor md ajlnyh yovoruhncaa it euros lnrrhu iv un 1 wind colic itr-llo-e- tooutlng- tronblom itrch conmtlmtloii aad flsttulency it naalnilhitoa tlio 1 ool n ifulouin tlio stoauseh and iruwola lvl iff hnuuliy and tiuturnl hloop the children- i-iuuwmmv- o slothoruv 1 rlond genuine castoria always i boara tho slgnaturo of the kind you haye always bought in use for over 30 years he who has nothing to do always loaa worse than nothing it takes adversity to show wbutber ra have any teal prosperity ohildreuory for fletchers o as t or a a qdod opinion or himself two negroes fame up to the out skirls of a crowd where hanatfir jialley making a campaign aflh after liatenldg to the speeeh for attout ten minutes one of them turned tnhls oompanlnn and asked whos dat man sambo ah dont know hla nainn hemlto replied but he certainly do rocom men hlseeir moe highly she had consumption dr woods norway pine syrup cured her weelcttawj 135 p how wlhs 172- sfrs charles ucdermott ilalliurbt ns writes i thought i would writ and let you know tha benefit i have received through the use of dr woods norway iie syrup three years ago i bad consumption i bad three doctors attending mo and they were very much alarmed about my comltuon i was bo weak and miserable i could not do my houseworv while looking through your hub almanac 1 saw that dr woods norway ime byrup was good lor weak lungs so i rot a bottle at the drug store and after taking ten itotues i wsa rom- pletely cured at that time i welahed 15 pounds ami now weigh 17- a gsin of 37 pounds in three years i now keep it in the bouse all the time am would not be wlthoat it for anything as i owe my hfe to it v dr woods norway fine hyrup con tine the lung healing virium of the norway ptne tree which combined with other slorbent expectorant and soothing medimoes makes u without a doubt the best remedy for roughs eoliln broiicbltis and all throat and lung troubles jricn 23dtii at jlllflalfipi itewarw of imitations the renuinels mtrao- tureil only by thet uilburn co limited toronto out trying to k 1 1 vi 11 with an fit my u a imrw wsy f ulnklng 1 low hlin rim worst 1 f all fulluiua li llioao who ran imvoi fail lucauno tbi y imvur try they hoolno lxcltiri nerves nir voiih ultitnllmii afe mrtially altrlbuubln to dnfdollvollluntliort itu lb 11 stomach dominate lllti m rvii rent mm a noiuso of iatmib n vtgitlitblo pills will still ull illalurbhlitku or this liar sntsr and by r storing tbu tlonmi b lo tioruiml hollou rtrllnvn the 111 rvnu fr m irritation thorn is no h datives like tbeiit and in correction of irrtguur- ltlea of tbe dlgnsllvo procisuns no pro pa ration has done wo 1 ffi ntlvti work as can he testified to by iboiisatids orjniou- kibsino oubtom newcastle on tynn llko maldenbuail and lluiignrford has u curious clvlci kissing custom osnrvd annually on jlarge day tho mayor and enrpor atlon sail up the river in gaily decked barges to claim dominion over the tyne the great event is the dlaem harkatloii when frotu thn rrnwd aaaoiublod on thn landing stm the mayor has tho right to htthct any young lady lis pbiases hnd glvo hnr a kiss lu return bo pit souls a uovertilgu an ironic tniinb lu glvnti to tho pro oeedlng by tliu msyoruhu who what nvnr may bnlir rnnllnu bus to pre imnt somn uti fill gift to tho lady her husband had klwsml or hpralrib and ilrnlstu llaro is nothing lu tlnrfot sprains and nontu slons than dr thornus 1 electric oil it will troii en tho swollliig thut follows a sprain will cool tbe inmsmod lb alt and draw tliu pain an if by magic it will tsko f4e ache out or tho bruise and pruvtmt tint llitsb from discoloring it seems as if tbvro was inngla in it so ateelly iloes tho injury dlsapiiear under treatment iburtisllttlfl barmouy in tho bomn if thn wuc dh s all ill- burping no lift is hnpobtsb so long as it glvna ntbnrs bapplm ay castoria for xliiiuit and ghudr the kind you h alwanjongm he rs the blgnaturo of ilrne to akatchewan the golden the land that pays for itself in a single season prof thomas shaw upasssjssssass want to quit thui rant ass kava a flu- farm of your onl cnn rbahmchvwanl haul s faraa aa artlu isal tb ant r your lal d asia in tutkitrnawnl want haaau abtnlal il ii at iy ati m wardt loiaa ta h atw anl want la t- ehan hraltk ni aubn- u ctl ins a i man katnaawanl wanl a snam aakraunilw ay snod nalttibark ariinfal ibureho and tallroadal com is kaahalfkaeabl want to i ul bl a rul lu maka a w r dad had fbm ili hiiihi 1 as fci llalr u t welnl 1 i a jl rf tv ms wm as bs a unl phiula4 rlaada th alayl at ua- aarlmral artl on alart lo lla whtia readlllona ara ll y in tnaha taonay aa d a t anra i uio lo uakhalcsawanl 106 farms orow 40 uahsls of 0000 homaaaakars comlrtfll whsat par acre l swmr nooikn si nnwlaa raa to 1h avaraya taan lhl wnuld aacaa lo wmiitm uanads tha prmi t ar laaimmlbla but it i job f far mara la bcvorsiux in lnualiratltil aulb rlllra lha laht alolntlln auiv u ooljn raakalrbamf- bo d- t a kai irlanda tabo alayad at ihs balhab asrl th avatar rroj is ibla fallla valuy urla iod prlw ar goimtt wat u awul bu luahau ar mrtr tha aral day thaa h buy a- will l lha atr a viy luara iba laadl than a if baaatt of lha adan yl laauaaada of arra la thla wnndef oor pvioes lowaat oqr terms w u that haa navar u put ndar vs ha q it wts arrra o tl raluvstlss tbay cwlt at ik lok b jib- w f ih plasib js arias fartb laaaaaa ww b u j t bafvali of trown sraln lb us u vallay w kaa a osldsn katohwanl later jfa ba v tit lh boldl with ami la rain sbaalalab las lotn1 aj w 3l fall 11 i 11 jouw sluyla alaad ss lssy xa jdll k a vmv land lltsratural vii ul anl a n i lb hi 1 hw ii r au y u ti iii i a- ai i i till y 1 i hi y or all f ll ik htata t u man hilt umi and i tlio 11 w nta pill i i na lu llu ul url f ll rhl i t in lliulv a ii arliuula 1 1 it i ra i wia 1 rlrra i man our a pari ul la 1 will t i will jdlrra a i co uteaalo9trm 1 q vnanam r r v lay b 111 unldaa uaa itlui a htuli bv baallh auoandaa rllmata thai bulldi vitality llnaary dlaaaa daatln of any kind an uabi wn i li tnoraioua iraels hallrea qssre rlalci n yon job 1 bt u v y tt ijt we wowhara altbr or al dr lo ll w hjw u2 l- lllasla u rallraad a i a j uk utwh7l w smjts utls a irkt il tallod bsll wasls si w bi ibtla i analklrd of baa h wldaly ki r 7 1isr a ronatrsrttaa wa qsssds hnsled and 1 n- f anallan nrlharn la saw llnltae malta aa iba l r h 1 r r lla lha harl a whaal rawn dltr i r i 1 m lain alfry 1 ksaw ll wfajn u town wit hlt ha l take one pain pill thera tsvkw ll knay x to get the beet of laoksvqhe oet st hex of dr miles antlpaln pills otherwise kcha may get the heal of you n llng jiilul the human yatcni more than pain whether ll be in the form of headache 1 aprinrtari1pa5tofii3cbaziicf r0ic pains peculiar o wmiirii or mllra anil 1 aui villa ar 1 atandard rnncdy for pain an i arc raueri by a great army of nirii mid wi men who have tixnl ilicm or yrara a frlrnd waa dnwti with t-ftlpj- at lnaaitc with awful utkcle i uavo her t ne antl i atn 1 ill an i icll o take ibry 1 el i r linl i awy an i aha taya al a ivrruwith uttl cm b0bid llatd 11 wsss aunlnuob o hn dons not know wltat forglvniir is who is limi laity to resent a wrong the man who hs nothing bul r- lltktllou liulsbta batlllgbt on tho itoose onoimtlutlon to do tbe rlglll lllfog lu witrlli a doxaii rt solutions not to do wrong thltiga jouutlnau have been thn rurps wor ml by ilolloway corn our- it it a powt r of its own not found lu other pre ps rat ion u i o pralae a gixtd action is to prtl tilpatn in its renltnion 1 he nynln is one who has ft uitd ul 11 ill fi ults not so iweet ibtt vhiks iromlkmeplytr was re turolufi ihrotikb the irlu on a v ry iimil night eflur hu uiimageiiicol al nil noting ai all away wlier thr tiluk hl 1 roved loo l uiphug lor him i t ling rather illakyai ii only to oil i tl hliiia if willi a k xj ijal h bla bilriinenl to ki p 11 ut- win u by waa undthl vry comb lmaliil blf anr anawi ltd tiy what llk a rival ml the liter end of the lldd hit blew hgalll ilitlhi balder ad lliaiw was a acond iaauuihi this tliinaulitlli hla ear it i lhtrarmirslull wli in i- i k liallan xti a lurlber r nlel pi inplly t d tbi lhallaiir in the air wtiou bt had rirovtrrd fr m the abhik tb lrhium juyr a hi u twl deiatilly into tbe darku i tba great r iward i liit ti nit llltbe one thing my ld tha may arry strong i1u11 hut tia m iu irian was tawrlw- aflucud with lmm bevck could mot ssp -i- floor it a hard lo do house work with a eak and aching i tack ltnekscihe conios from sldcjlldneys and what a lot of trouble aick kldrteys cause hut tltey can l help it if more work is put on hem titan they can stand it is nut to lie wondered that tltey get out of aioan a kidney imis are b spncloe for lame weak or aching back and for all kidney troulues us napoleon lrmour rmitb s falls onl writes i take pleasure in writ ing you slating tlto ixitteftt i have received by using loans kidney ill about a year ago i was ternhty affllotai with lame tack and waa ao bad i could not even mweep my own floor 1 was sdvtaed lo try uoan kidney 1 ills which i did and with tha ureal lent itnnndt i only used three itoxr stid i am as well as ever i highly rofloimntind these pills to any aiiiterer from lame back and kidney trouble duitin kidney fills are so cents iter box or 1 for si j5 st all dealers or mailed direct ou roccllit ofpib by tbe t kill- hum co umllod toronto ont wbenordtitiniuireatspeaify aita a oohlositvtoofonath manager where la jonuu p oniro hoyrhe isnt 111 ills wife sent htm word that tbe baby was auluep and ho a gone home to sen what it looks like a llll for all beasona winter and an nutter in any latitude whether lu torrid voue or arotlo temperature ivrmelee s vegetable pill- call h di pended upon to do their work thn dyapeptlc will find them a friend al waya and should carry them with him everywhere they are made tii with stand any climate and are warranted to keep their freshness and strength 1 hey do not grow stale a quality not ivohmttuued in many pills now on thn m irkot not ikv to travellnr 1 this ootuupreee b aves this station doosn t itp intrter it has done so for a hunt imr of ynard and i dnnt uxtccl it will ukt it awuy tolay it takes more than a fow wo hi a to wash lit win id ihn limn who iwlks lit pbaw bluibi if no n iihu an uiulbtiiro wlt plrued with uat if ohildren ory for fletchers castot ia j bohbtllimq dub tburu i was an imjiociinloux youth eiimuiornd with a young girl he went 10 nail on her nitu evening and brought wllb him it imiw of mowers htm open td tbe ihi mid tttol out ilif itoiittiet t imliiihig 1 my bow ittautlfnl ajld bow ficsb lllro is 11 itttlu ditw on thorn ab yi n hiiswurtd tba youth just a lltlbti but i expect lo pay up tttmorrow boils and pimples are caused altogntber by bad blood and unless you rleatifco the system of tbe itad blood the bolls or pimples will not dis appear let pure blood i nd keep t pure by moving every trace of impure morbid alter from the sj nlem by using the removing every trace of impure morbid mailer from thesjnlam by greatest known blood modioli du1hcc blood -itter- w ibolui cured mr a j baulnler norwood nh writes two years ago i watrouhled with ttoila on my nea and back and could not get rid of bem a friend geqomnwndftd me to try uunjock illood nl tiers nnd niter unng two bjtlles i was ileasttl lo note the bolls were en 1 1 rely gone and i have not been troubled with any since pimples cured miss tva a rklnner oranby que writes i am pleased to fee otnn tend burdock lllootl llltteni aa it htu done me much good my fabo was covered with cimplna snd itelng advised by a friend t try uurdonk illood itltlers and have thorn removed 1 did so and i now liave not a apot on my face duruoek blood hitters is rrtanurtoturotl only by the t muburn co limited toronto oat hisname a fious lalrtl alvrti f r a man to do odd j d and an old fab loned urottlah w rtliy applbd lite lalld inlervlnwrd blul mimonally was pirated with his aroultuiimt and promlard blm tliu sltitallom and what la your natm my man 1 aakl my iisiiieulaiumsujeems tltton dlght air oil hut lhals too long a nami 1 ii juat rail you old tom wrll will air fall ta as 1 hut fat t hey ra yerael noo y oh my name lx nli htdas duft f jor don ogllvy imb inn i vi c iitldua tito me to mind sin ait awful latig name as tliut 1 11 juat ca ye aull nick 1 eunauom brlneinle mrat whin wo undertake to fill your prescriptions wo give tlmm our untlivldod atl ntlon and ltout cant tlu patient 4 welfare is our find coti ul rauon heoonri wn guaranttto our drugs to ihi or full stmngtli as wtl an pure antl fresh third i our fiuhftnlnr- ant supplind with juat what tltnyask for snltatltut iltg lw llevi r altowed a1nkh cktkltv m1mwiuni if you are a sufferer irom ki lny 1iimumi llvercomp tint hloodtnt idea rhniimatimtii neuralgia or pntatratlon wo onfldnnlly utend uio umo of 1 inn onbiry ootu tound tills mil lile and never dot appointing modlclnn is a trtie din ease liaiilsbnr and hyutem tm hilar ave supply thn rentilitn lysines cbiry oomimtuml a t lhmwn acton out after 7 years suffering i was care by lydu e plnk- lunig vcgcublc compnnd waurika okie ii 1 tl u hh s for sav ri years wual run d wi rouhl not do thing thrttl rt ra trust- rr f r ilif fen nt thing ul ill inn no rim i got ao bad that 1 roulriiu t shpoay ornl while in lhiarmbtiniraal of lylar i ok vjtrtww ifa v tomroutir ui legnn its uan u i wrote to mrs ilnkl am for tulvir- i a short time i bail gained my av mga wejsht sod am ms sin ikf and w 11 mrs hu ir stfvenm h k i no 3 llo- 11 waurika okl anolbcr rstlelstl w-ia- iwwlon on ii feel as if i a uld not tall otlivrs enough about tho gfk1 i yl is r- i mkhsm vegetal u com ikkind has uvtm for me i was so weak ami tirwl that i could hot r at nights a friend rewmrmndtd your compound an i i soon ainud health ami strength and roiim not wlah to sleep ixiltnr i know oilier womtn who havo taken itfor tint same purmaa awl they j4in mo in pralaliig il mkm wat a burrv tk dam bt london on irdia r- iinkham s vegetable com pound has surely cured many cm s of female ills sorb as inflammation ulcer ation displacement fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pain back ache that beanngdown fooling and tw rvous prostratin mih frittv coubin tliat waa an intentional ml miliar- ktandlng said senator i tank head in a imilllical arrutsiit in kayo tie ll was as hi lent lot ial as the young otia dlanv a young canadian you know rme lt washington last month lo enri the holidays with a pretty cousin ami her family as be was motoring with his pretty roualti one f t a moon she said to blm io you have any reindeer in cans 11 no darling be answered very pttqkly at this season it always letting wim at tbe world is a reajy way of faming yourself in tbe race its a waste of time to fix up your statistics for tbe benefit of the reconl i rig atigt ilirougb indiscretion in eating gren fruit in summer many children become aubject to rhohtra morbus caused by irritating acids that act violently on tbe lining of the intestines pains end dangerous purging ensue and tbe dnllratw system or thq rhild mlyir under tbe drain in such cases the ssfest and surest mmlicina is ir x 1 kelbtggs dysentery cordial it will check the in ham malum and save the child s life aaacrv an irishman while itoardlng in london got a had rgg for breakfast and asked the waller for an exploits hon the waller seemed to enjoy the guests misfortune and said well what is a fresh egg the irishman arm wo red hint thus a fresh fgg to lie vggssct u an eggr hoot egg one that doe not egg splode and rggshale eggstremtdy eggs mbperallng hlors and eggaclte egg bpresalvn eggscls illations when tbe in tnrior is fggstoiml for eggsam i nation and iggatraallotl by an egftaalalou of theeggsturlor hut tho waiter bad eg him if children ory for fletchers o a sto r i a the prloa of nteat appears to have no trouble hen planing in any old kind of weather it is virtue that should determine us iii the choice of our friends l itnt yern we have no business whatever with the end of things but only with tboir beings husk 1 11 the grand trunk railway j pasknoatr trains loitaaa sate a bupaa sat 1 ra ttcton xji u xx jl bus likj esrne had heart trouble mtye wei u1 u wherever there is any weakness of tlte heart or nervr uaggu ig energy or phy steal breakdown the use of mllbuma heart and nerve itlls wdl soon produ e a healthy ktrong sj stem mus itnmue kinsley arkona ont writes it is wilh the greatest f plnasure i write you stating the iknofit f have ret ivml by uamg your ull bum a t and nerve itlls this spring i was all run flown end could hardly di sivy work j i went to a doctor and be lou mo i had lart trouble and that my nerves were all unatrutig i took bis medirme as lie ordered rte to do but it did me no good i was working in a ttrlnttug office at tbe time and my doctor said it was the type setting rati i tbe trouble but i thought not my father advised me to buy a bo of your pills as he hat derived so much iienefit from litem itfore i had finuhed one boa i noticed a great difference and coulil work from morning to nixht with hit any smothering feeling or liot flushes 1 ran recomin ltd them highly to all nervous end run down people lvtoe go cents per itox or for 1 j5 at all dealers or mailed tllrect on receipt of trice by tlte 1 mil bunt co limited toronto ont ln7eu blade good fittings that wc know how to nui riovci tint wilt pas1 with honors the 1110 t criti c il lmimiiwtton us rxiturd t jiitihty of ilnii phnbilit mul titiitii litutnt- ot ttitcb- iiif mitl ull round wriction mi cm prove yoiirlf hyaisklui for storey nt your dntrh thut hty will outwtur jour most tuuiguinc expectations u our firm lnlltf itiibt ou ftt6rcji it nil store w h sory son limited acton ontaria we are here tq do your printing wc have a lara- assortment of type ready to serve you we print what you want the way you want t and when you want it the acton fe press s a liclla tha patiunaaa il ha pob- llr sad inl xmi ihcrn thai well kquippsm- and biylleib mist- iii always oa tuml si tils lal lea a ci ft fur 1j1b hua tets all irli a hatean lowitn sod c 10 i 11 ca ratal atismtoa given lo vary ur tits wsnla ol com menlil travellers full rrt john niiuiyts mooairflbrsf the berlin steam gratte am marble worts cabpir dhaum ie and lluildars of rialoes maatt- iwuni moounwnl uaikers and head bitnes and all utoda of artistic cemiteiy work wm hemstreet agfnt acton paper makers oxojtoxto wn ont hook nkwh and ooumtkd iaikiis ino uttaluleit evertun eden mills the bit qnalityof manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed i or bale cash for wheat and oat henry uortop w0ieravin4 dhotoedravincj halftones itamhucsmtwhq fit c vjljnncsenoi 0o vstuui- oosemmurraj va hsiiiliiiiiaivjiuaujb ltwmmrlaumai il haroon m tras owaa4 aaanrr fof aacjue rms scknillicjti nirt patents lpromptly 5ecuredi wills tor oar atercallng boeka aatlale an4 way yen are as banrt ua a raea sfcsfc- or sssasl el jyear janllnn erlniproveniant snd wawllltalt mt and wawllltlttem vtbrttwr ttuereew5 salsvteeftoa msrs epl paubtat la rwlscta4 tieen aaurrcaafully proitc conluct wily equipped offlrva la nil waahln ihlaqnallbh ly iltvteh work a art quickly eteere yai all aalwoadsi ibslnvsnllua hqtvat rctatas t 1 nlhad l 1 tanta tucttf thmugh alartee ay aaa rlun rsoalrsapaclal astao ltlutcsamb stn n 3ka bf c rtty lpslent imblaeas el maaalae tuiara and hnirliera k marion ac rar10n x patent knpsrta nd tllolti irtssssa