Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1911, p. 3

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wall papers window shades and qtjbtain voijiss 8c and ioc per roll window shades colors itxtr spring roll i ate lot trimming curtain pula fixtures cunain plus everything- la ilwve una si uweat juice geo hynds harriaoh uostnssta ibsuio news iip local import county inspector pwja the oak villa ilecord in referring to i itn lliiuor cases here and the ooiifhrm real estate oacy t loan at iowa rat or lauorau lar number f rrau tar aaje dtaap dwelllns mad taer frvrtr in all part oruae tawa we have every facility for traaaetlax aur bulne to yoar eoaiplete aatufaetloa j a wiixoiicbby inttrstctptfn jbe juton jtree jrm tpvhbday uay brief local items apple blossoms everywhere study the beauties of nature now tbls is indeed tlie good old summer time flower are blooming lu profu loo tho usual crap or juiie brides will be ready a new publlo school building for milton 1 again belntf discussed many towns sre arralnglng for coronation day demonstrations the maple trea hae hit forth their leaves very rapidly during tin- week mr jeremiah hell completed out tine bis stock of logs at lhn andt rson pond yesterday bsqueelog township court of revision will be held on thursday may 26th at 10 a kit a walk out into toe country those delightful sum roar days and pleasant voolnga is refreshing guelphs new base hall team is fe- newing the old time history so long enjoyed by the maple leafs georgetown publlo school tms- teee are arranging to put in a steam beating system in the school have your friends arrange to vllt tom on dominion daythe date uf tb firemens dsmonstratlon mr laaby has done good work in sprinkling the streets during the week the dust has been well subdued i mr r wansbrounh crew sons oitrner ties sent the fiikk ittkhh si 00 u add to the china famine fund several defective section uf the new mill street pavement were re moved and relald by contractor croft xastatdaf some burlington cltlseue are pet uonlog the council to prohibit doge from running at urge fnmimay to november iltev v ilurrell il a passed bla tbeologtcal exa ml nations at mc master university last week with vary high standing membeii of guelph district of tho methodist church are cordially welcomed tn acton for their annual meeting today the court of itevlslnn nf ihe aaeeesmeot roll of acton will le held on monday 20th may no hare yet been made householder generally are put una in full urns in gardening opera tions morning end evenings now and they enjoy it too j newmarkets assessment show a mbatanual gain for the year increae- qteru000- this is another growing local option town george caswell the sanitary man la doing very satisfactory work lie leaves all premises he undertakes in a vary tidy and sanitary condition c the wre brigade is making ensr tic preparations for their big dnraln ion day demonstration acton will bo the great holiday centre for that day o a black drove to uockwood idortti tj3skhutc implement which he purchased after mr van norman discontinued the boalness there awelajm paxae has been favored bytnoma irian in meylco city with oofisevof ihe mexican papers giving particular of the rebelllqn and copies of bm presidents manifesto during be last five month thirty bylaw ha been submitted by towns in tba provlnoe lathe people and have ban carried by large majorities in favor of aiding manufacturer thar la an agitation on foot to move the grand stand and pound at tb park to some location on the north west side and sell the valuable lot they now occupy on lake avenue tha coming two months will aee boay time in church educational and national clfoles and few days will he by tba industrlnua farmer as he labors wtlh the expectation of a boon jaoaa harvest in tb6 autumn mrs d mokeown agnes street noalved a handsome pair of deers mlhor aonvilllaiiuwjlu ll t mlenal b c the young mans pastor shot the deer in tho mountains apt presented him with the antlers tba barn of robert robertson r and george foot near mimosa were truck by lightning last wednesday lt robertaqti put out the lire in his bot mr foots barn boo bushels oat and his farm implements were destroy- appeali says cpunty inspector ferrah mat ed the govern men t on the alstn of affairs in acton and through his ri ports mr ayearst was put on the case with the results above mentioned maw fwewaaewiai contractor croft has cooiplelad the mill ktrtnfc and knos street pavements and his workmen are now engaged o willow street from church to agnes a newpavement will also lie laid on john street from mill to church and a petition la being circulated for one from park avenue westward on lake avenue ouwrm paqr well o kverywhere tin sunday young and old male and female ware observed wearing while flowers in memory of mother tha day was mnrejsrgaly observed here than ever before feel log reference were made to mothers day and th debt to mothers and mother love in all the churches in the methodist bitfnday school every member of th kings orderllee illbla class wore a white flower ursoaar oraaa dm atosa atauawst a number of ooruplsinle have soma u the flutk phkhu that the lollsge of a doaen or more of the flm evergreen trees at falrview cemetery were badly burned whan the grass was burned off in early spring it seems the ore got ahead of tb workman several limes and wrought the havoc coin plained of tills is much to be regretted it will tie preferable to adopt some other plan in future these beautiful trees must not be jeopardised in any way the last sacramental aarvloea of the ministry of itev ir anturt who leaves for mnntcsal next month took placa in lite methodist church last hunday they were wall attended and the number of communicants was the largest of lr autllfts pastorale in acton tender words of exhorts tlon and affection were spoken and the sermons and sacramental service will long be remembered by the men bore of the congregation present tan new member were received three by letter and seven on profession of faith kneourastinst report from all de- pavtman te com pi i man tary reaoluueei to dr anuirr dv dtfltun mccarthy eldest son of jagam meoartfay county judge of gtffatfn died at bl father home at tobasgjavlu on sunday aged forty- nnrwaava dr mccarthy returned om loaaogeletouly three weskusuo lo abrluoal ooadltloiw f tba eaperimeut nf oiling our aitoataama begun hi rather a slow ipfdoaib with a watering can but when oomphted wfa bops it will be satlafao- mtf aoar raerchanu liavo suffered bgsdarahly from dust durpg th ec georgetown lleradd qwo sound ftarried three by law ooe for a 16000 loan to bitting factory another to loan r to the adam furniture cow ig fit toronto ahd the third to nwoootou s lloyd ft gompahy smonto manufacturers of bah the annua meeting of tjhe womans missionary society of the methodist church was held on thursday after noon last the treasurer reported the offerings of the year to 1m f0736 tho officers for the coming year were elected as follows i president- mr a t drown vlceprea mr n f moore treasurer mrs wm tlrqwn recording secretary mrv it g rrown corresponding secretary oils ivthel coleman sunt of hjatemaucjuwing ut tlillen snyder as lota added in osoksi survey mr adam cook lias just received from the surveyor the new map of bis recently surveyed subdivision in which thirty- new lots are made available for building the iota front the south erly extension of mill street queen street and a new street named for the owner cook street there is a probability that brook street will also be oontlnued westward mr cook informs us that he luut accepted the fiuut pkksh suggestion and reserved lot 85 the summit of cobble 1111 for an observation point and will erect rustlo seauand plant tree there and leave it open to the public the view from thl int over the town and to the countryside beyond is certainly well worth the ascent to reach this vantage point hlaas oraya rottal toronto saturday night says a piano recital was given in the mar garet baton school of expression on wednesday evening may 3rd by two of mr w b falrelougli pupil the misses lauretta m gray and mabel tolchard a programme of compos tlons hy beethoven qhopln llat leechellakyr dennee and strauss- srhutt concluding with the first movement nf beethavent concerto in cwrtnor m vrticn1 grayplayed the solo with marked abllll the or chestral accompaniment heng taken by miss tolohard was rendered in a mualclanly manner reflecting much credit on both teacher and pupils i vocal assistance wse given by miss ijelen murray one or mr blights clever pupils who sang with much charm and finish songs hy knight- logan and landon ronald oaatvluva hlatfi laval bridare the members ofthe county council were called to oakville again on tues day to inspect the bridge near the cemetery the bridge is in a bad state of repair and already an auto- moblllatelalmsdamage to the amount of 9000 for an accident sustained on night last nlonth during what hi re ported to have been a joy ride h the people of kllle and vicinity clamor for a high level bridge and nothing less will satisfy them tba opes will beat least 35000 whereas a good sub stantial bridge may be built on the present grade for 10000 or 12000 horn membereof the council ubj ct to the higher expenditure whig all sad died upon ihe county and think if oakville and trafalgar stand out for the high level construction they should lie willing to meet ihe increased cost an unbalanced man tern matowal a dispatch from guslpb says i a story or rellglows mania was told to chief of polloe randall this morning by a yonns man from lwtowr he came to the polloa station shortly after 0 oclock and asked for abellsr for the night this morning be waa ques tioned by the chief and the story gleaned from him he has a wife and family of five children living in luto wei and apparently well todo he claims that some time ago the spirit of god told him that tiejim not eat steep or drink and be made a solemn vow not o do these thing jle left on monday rooralngaod wandered as far a acton aleeplng in the wood and sin barns i with nothing to eat exoepc three cake and a pleo of heee wheoflte cam to the polios station here he bad 940 on bl person ha did not want to eat this morning but lh chief sent out and bad a hearty breakfast prepared his vi fe waa fjoniroualoatad with and the unfbriunr auantbacktoluwwi- the fourth iirtarly meeting of the official uoard or the melhwiut church at which all report or th year are presented and verified for he i la trie i meeting and conference was held on tuesday evening tli reports were very satisfactory the membership reported is 255 twenty four members wsr received during the j ear and twenty five re moved by latter and one by death during th two years or pr antilles pastorate be has given slaly two letters of removal to other places there were nine baptisms four msrriages and seven burials during the year the oonnexlonal and benevolent funds raised during the year were as follow t missions 9817 72 huparanuatrd mln utara widows and orpha 91 h t kduuatlon tm tl i gsnral uonrr- ence 1h church and parsonage aid 9u temperance 98 sustenutlon 915 1 sunday school 9170 hpworth league 9100 ladle aid 9182 trustee board 9033 oilier purposes 960 ministerial support 91000 and parsonage toul 9u171 06 mr a k nioklln was reelected tsoordlng steward and mr j s coleman hlrgale to dlstrioa meeting which assemble hre today the following resolution waa carried by a standing vote of the board i resolved that inasmuch as rev j cooper antllff d d the mln later or this church hst signified bis intsntlon of retiring from th actlv work of the ministry at the coming conference thereby severing hie pastoral relall u i to us this official board desires to place on record our deep appreclmllon of him as a christian minister the methodist ministry in our country has been a mighty force for the upbuild ing nf the people in all that is best and there have beeniuaiiy able men i in its ranks man nottooly of piety and godliness but men of scholarship and power nf speech who have taught built up and led tl people out into the higher plane nf life and we are thankful that in lr ahtlllt we have for two years had a minister who poeseeeee these qualities in a high degree we feel that bl ministry has been a blessing to us and to our people ills personal plsty is every where apparent t his depth or learning shows a mind stirred with trees uree of knowledge while hi ever ready elo quent utterance baa brought to ue in a forceful yet simple and understandable ay the splendid qualities of heart and mind in the unfolding nf the word of god ah love him from old sgn to childhood in our u ngregallou wild those who know him in the ootiimiin ity share our regard for him we feel that a pathetic honor has come to us in being the charge where such a long vigoro and succes ministry comes to its close and our hearty wish and fervent prayer will be for a long and still useful eventide of life we extend to mrs antllff our kind regards and best wishes she having been a most interested helper in our work in many ways especially in the womans missionary society sunday school and aa a teacher uf children la religious knowledge and this board sincerely prays that god may keep and richly btea for time and eternity both dr and mrs antllff to hamilton aaylum a man giving bjs nsms as doole and residence as toronto was arrested in usqueslng township last week and placed in the cells here he was ex amlned by two medical men and pro- noiiootd insane and was removed to hamilton asylum by township clerk j a trayeorgjstaaiauerald onelph m amayor aotaar so coronation mayor thorp of guslph has defln italy decided that if be council will grant the necessary leave of absence lie will represent the city at the cor onation he will be accompanied by mrs thorp guslpb msroury well nowl why shouldnt reeve hynds and mm hynds go to it i barely possible however that george would rather stay home and spend the time in hiwrrbowrmg tfcre brampton hetala ofosm three botelkeepers of the towu have agreed to do what they el way do in a local option town close up their houses shed and barns to the publlo all four would have been in the agree ment but the landlady of the revere waa able to sail out to the landlord or the temperance wellington house j potter and that gentleman took pos session of the revere today mr potter is said to be backed tip by a temperance syndicate tb object in ctoslog the hotels is said to be to force government to grant jloense this closing of the hotels doesnt seem to havvvmoh sense in it banner social and personal ir the name of your- vultors dms not sppear in ibis column it is itecauae you have not supplied the kit kit piliwh wlltitlin infill iiisthm will be apprnolsted by the editor mrs d henderson has arrived home from ottawa mr maurice pan ion was at his limn in milton yesterday mr it i warren of georgetown was in town on saturday mr fred williamson of toronto v is red acton friends this week mr kruest norruh of toronto was in town on saturday and sunday mlas plank of crlmshy was the guest uf aoton relative this week mlas annie turton la home from qlo vers villa n y for a rw weeks mrs pstsr olhbons who has been- 111 for several weeks is now recovering mrs j mcleanhern and ml mo kachsrn removed to toronto last wek mr p j gibbons spent a few dayi in towu before leaving for oxihiw sask on friday mr wm j johnstone and his son william left last week for their faun near new lukeard miss irene snyder returned home last week afier visiting krln friends for m couple of weeks mr wm noble ur loronlo waa in town on monday he sapect to go to british columbia shortly mr norman masalee toronto has purchased a luiilne for hlmlf and may now be fountljt 010 collegu ht rev j c wilson ii a and mi alex waldle attended a meeting of guelph presbytery at giiulpu on tuea dy mr rudolph of thu ttwl indies a student of the veterinary collage to ronto is spending the summer wtli dr cox mr john m warren left thu boa pital last week and is rapidly con valeeclng he hopes to visit acton again in a few days mr geo cmpbl mr and mr j edgar gamble and miss thslma weie at balllnafad on sunday attending thv funeral or mr joseph shortlll of i list place mrs william jsans and ml kva arrived in town last week from gloveravllle n y to visit her mother who was very iii hut la now con valeeclng mr fred smith son of mr welling ton smith passed examinations for entrance to the metro poll la n ilatik at toronto last week and has lieen added to the staff here a fenee vlawer a case growing out or a suit over a a lip fence in the court here last thursday called for legal definition of a fence viewer mr p bayers was prosecutor and in bis anxiety f r a correct definition interrogated liumer ouscltlxens the man wlioan answer was most humorous went to the die tlonary and found n fanco viewer to be one who sat on tlin fence to view the surrounding scenery acton has no official fence viewers the dutlua of this office are almost always rural and the fence viewers ant generally appointee of townships councils hay fork rope at lowest possible price a a black bernard f carney a hoy of thlr teen waa killed by a kick from m horse in pllklngton lowitshlp on monday ask a favor of an mriny mil you will probably make a friend ak i f a friend you may make an enemy ma rut ado ke halton vaipefalrn will rmlarr paynient of th fanner banks double liability claim ballon county shareholder of the farmer hank will hold a meeting at mtlrontnii tuesday may 23rd tu cnn aider tliolr line of defence against the euuacllon of the double liability mr wm lmuw k 1 of tornn to says that ihs sum f 2lw00 in double liabilities was demanded frtmi helton county farmers hy the liquid ttr or the farmers hank will tho far mora offer general re- utanca to the call mr laldlaw was aaked their casea will im dridtd bn anuweied 1 he purpoi of lh lullon vl thus is to contest the ingallty or th dt mend made hy he creditors of the bnk on tlin bold asasrtlon that th farmer dank never legally exlaled and that the curator has no legal right to call tioo any i teer fur a solitary dollar the an f air ihnuaaml lullr will be rauwl in the county to u fliods for the defenco uh malr rjrows thin if your lulr is growing thinner snd thinner and causing you aitxlaly go to a 1 brown to day and get a large t bottle of pu rials n hsge ur only co cents it i suck a delightful and r freshing dressing that yon will like to ue it regularly parietal sage is guaranteed lo-tm- falllng hair and itching acalp loaradl cate dandruff snd make tho hair inst rous and rullnt or money hack there is nothing just sa good as parisian sage see you get the mck age which contains thu girl with lb auburn hair i hsy mister whsn you tunio oul of tile pnit offloo with a pamir that has a wrapper on it don t teat it off when you grt outside and throw lb on the street it iim its liad very had and moreover lb la apt to frighten horses and it is a violation of our municipal by laws albert weaver aged eleven yesrw aaotiof mr albert weaver of cay uk accideully shot and killed himself with a 22catlbre rifle in his father barn on saturday morning he had been abootlng sparrows and it was whllu climbing in the jiiow that the gun caiittht in something and was tils charged he was kllhd almntt in stantly ciiielipation u the root of many forms of icknesa and of an enumeaa amount of human miaery- dr- morsea indian root pills thoroughly tested hy over fifty years of use have jceh proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles try them 4 25c a box children often need y u saaa s avou carou v elve tfiern harsh porfauvoa injura the bowels and pavajberwayior lifelong trouble the turn vacuanttn does the work most effectively without irritating ihs bowel or causing any dlcoomfort the children tlko them for they huts ilka candy one of the most popular of ihe na dru co preparation sbsaakea uveur drurzui tuanet vst atocksd tuni sand 3boandwwlnnulllbaai 3t rt l dree aj c r c uumd ths promoter of tba jiew uarrlston shoe factory baa departed for part tinknown it ts said the total belong ings nf the institution la a horee and typewriter this party went to her rlston abofit a year ago and nduoed the town to give him the use of a fac tory building to oieral in tliere was a great flourish joy rldlogftn an nutoaaobtle feasting etc a leading cltlwan advanced 91000 and the hum waa sure to come to harrlston ihe automobile waa burned while out on a trip last summer bow or why is merely conjecture now ths bjrd ha down and the bailiff is in possession of what utile assets remain guelph mercury ths depart store patron a newspaper editor in one of the manltblta villages had the j ike on a citlaen of hi burg not long since ttri eltlxen and hi fatally who are great admirer of the departmental store bought all their goods n wlnnl peg a few weeks ago a daughter nf the olllaen gotmarriedann the entire wadding paraphernalia including the invitation was purchased in the clly the day after the wedding tba brides father brought to th newspaper office a long account of the event but when the paper appeared it contained nothing about tba wedding but an announcement of thjee or our line next dy the otlavn oalladtav tba newspaper office to demand an explan ation why the report of the wedding haft not been printed ob tbaw nil right aald the editor you will likely and it in mi of the olty dpertnienlart tore catalugu 1 i 15 fte metropolitan bank absoluts security cpltal lulil u 1000 000 luro luriil l avium undlvljl lrudl oor 10u 000 totl auu ovr 1000ij wo somilink llllllll to tliu publlo hy mora tlihii 2000 000 tptal assets oeoieiaoosd bmlnai u 111 1m1i 9a40n0ia2n at end of loai 010o817 2 ltmm mms037 0a 1006 7 0034700 1000 7 758752 01 1007 7 00974010 louti ooiio 10i381175 itll tho policy of the metropolitan bank combine strict adherence to ihe safe lines of legitimate banltlnif libers and courteous i rest men i of ita ctlttomar progresalve methods providlns up to dale fsclliilea in all departments of dtaltlng the figures given above are evidence ol the sallalaciory rouls of this policy droveiv ohequss and qroam ohequs oaahod rnee or charge acton branch r e griggs manager e right house hamilton s ravokitc silappino place return railroad tares refunded on a liberal plan iste have a message for young ma couples and others htho are furnishing homes i how to buy furniture sewing machines carpels curtains si ice boxes etc ihrouifh ihe new right house club plan tn the first place it ts rfjrf o bo confuted wth any instalment plan it is a dignified sytrin of motulily deferred payments through which the purchaser gets the use of the article while paying fojr it i he priciis you pay in this club arc cxictly the same as those charged everyone the price marked pi mily on each ticket 1 details of the new club plan hvcry 25um worth purchased or for any fraction of 2500 worth purchased our monthly payment will be 00 i hbs if you buy 18 oo hj 00 20 00 or 25 00 worth you may pay ub 4 00 as jour first months club fee it will ipply 011 the price as will the other 00 monthly payments if you buy o 00 worth or any amount up to 50 00 your monthly payment will be 8 00 and on up the scale ii1k fcxiknmon oi- creon in tin way is nothing more than an application ofthe credit system that exists between banks and the business houses of the world no need to fed that you will luflcr any loss of dignity or that collectors will bother you sewing machines m doivn 4m per month through ourmonhily dei erred paymenj plan it m possible to purchase the celebrated standard sewing machines at tub right house for 2 00 down and 00 per month i thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sts hamilton ont sale of fine carpets rugs bought at a large discount splendid blr assemblage at prices much below the regular a large quantity of new good in our carpet and ttiip oepsitment now otw sn eiceplloasl opportunity to acquire these floor coveting very much ixutartxlca a ursa tnaa u act urea hohl ua this bio uock of uew carpels and run at a remarkalily low price tbu en us to give you the benefit of very noticeable lualon mi the entire lloa added to this plead id new collection sre many broitin line from our regular uocb the immense selections covered by this price cutllok ofers every home maler the wiliest ch4ce to chooae from tbla sala ahon id lt of partlculsr interest to sveryone coming sa it 1mi si a fcoaajwi of the yer when old homes are being refnrnlsbed and new ooss compleiely outfitted you will find li sn exceptional tnonny asvlng aant and l ol will tnapeci the fine ahowletf we teal confident you will daclde that li la sn opportune lime to purchase new caipt or vugs that you thought you could not afford special prices on broken unes of wall paper this week w prepay all expreaa freight and poetago ahargeo on all gooda ragardlaaa of aiaa or value band uayonr order by mail baxnplea ohaerfully aubmiuad mens clothlnj rurnishinfs d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdondl streets guelph ont dress goods millinery consci0ntious plumbing hea in ne prem harold wiles has removed to bis new premises tho slovel store in these urger ami mono convenient premises he will be better sble to supply all cbttomere with greater sails let loo choic8 confkqtic1jibrv bread cakes and pastry nbilbons vine ohooolatbb harold wjlaa when we tfet your wireless call for help we will come co the rescue with hood old printers ink n good advertising has saved many business men from financial shipwreck the acton free press 1911 wallpaper is not h myth sltflth us to thu contrary wo rngifce it tho most important factor so it you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse ps red smithy plumber qoeuecst puejuph plibno 337 k tub nkwkst iiublons s tilk baticst coi ohtngs s ftinwpa inu 0a m mil uo also samples frem guelph toronto and a beautiful line of hog ilsa 1apors a t brown i acton ont men marry fpr better halves women for belter quarters mon will mako their 1 witter lialp more happy by in- stalling 1 melorrrc separator and will also have enough money romthe extra cream secured by the melotte to pay for amatite- hoofing for the house and barn in three years even if you have only five cows mr hmllh nelles tiled three dlfterenl bepavslora then lb new allionit ami on s 14 day trial with mla cows ho had ifisj more money than in the name lenotli of time by the old method this more than paid fur bis fiou lh mll ottk in ooe sr wo give ou a free trial without an order the mejoltcj will ay for itself twentyfivq time before it is iorn oat then why not buy now do not be fooled by the just-as- good kind dain great dane oneman dain hay leaders unequalled in america t 191 1 improved success manure spreader for tw or three horscs washing machines wringing machines sew ing machines hay fork rope barn door hangers and track leslie brothers and leslie perrin sav the wilkinson adjustable roller is unequalled any to alto of implement you want at lowest possible price ststatsitrannibnqpisimsisw o a black acton onu

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